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GW1--06265_Well Construction - GW1_20230926
i . ""0tiZ 1 fi .t t t „ ___. , 4., Print Farm t) Print Form • �--r 'WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-11 It For Internal Use Only: 1 L Well Contractor information: i Cameron Bazin IQ.wATER VATS { Well Coaaacim'Namc - PROM TO rCIttP'rtOd 4518-A �6d R. , S NCWellConhtetasCefifialiaaNumber - R. it. Aqua Drill,Inc. isOUTER CASING(for mnut trile)oR aaauawTsFROM tuAL CName TO I �✓. a R• Ii25 � 6 16.1NNER CASING ORT OBfNC Cocothermalotmedlooa) mA aarAL 2.W penult#: 3.`T 1 3 —I—ROMTO DtAtitE1Y8�. TBlt9QtP8S Vigicable well aa+tlrtaAangmNtr(ix.Utt«Comm Stara rarfmrcq eta) ft. ft. 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. ft. • Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN 0Agricultund y FROM TO DiAMR Ein sums= TiDcKlass MATERIAL iJ�t1�Ds1(Beating/Cooling ©MmtteiPalrPttblie � � la. SuPPIy) al WaterSupp(y(single) &I R I In. OIndustial(Commaeial / ResidentialWater&WPPly(sbmed) OLgua,� I&GHUDT _ r.Nr�.,bOII-W`a'`°Y`tQ FROM TO • MATERLtL Ea7PLACCEER7'6fE[l[OD dcAMO1II�R' Supply , 1 2z- C1405 QMonittniog °Recovery ft. Ig lleee loon Well: ft U. DA IUIferReratarre DGtoundwaterRemediatian DAgoi£erStomgeaml 19.SAND,GRAVEL PACK r able) • �y QSetinityBeQier FROM TO MATERIAL ,rmiLAcime rrocraon quifQT DStomtwaterDraiaage U. It crimeatalTechnology oSobsideace Conaol N. N. - GeOthumm1(Closed Loop) Cimicer 20 DRILLEaG LOG(attach ad3dlambehedsifnecessity) l(i g1CooliogRetom) Other(wrpbtinuodet#21 Remarks) FROM TD nFseRm[toNtmtm nanmmenPtwedwchce e+�ttm del a R 115 ft. SGytei 4.DatnWell(s)Complcted: 7/1/i?j WeIID)# +,(S R Sas " Rorik n Sa.we/nLocaflon: t�—• �'41 a' � ft. ft. Faality/l)wna FseiWymucrappGeable) ft. U. IW/74; :�. /�,t/,t,i •rs t it 6/,�f.�.e-, ft. SEP r 6' 202� la PhgstalAddtcss,ctly,mtdTsp � m �:�zr lh A 1(��ti�M jt 21.1tEMAB1cs it .. s,r. _ . ,�D0 Colmty FatcelIdemtficatio do-(PIN) 5b.Latitude end lengt :deb degreedminuteslseeoads or decimal degrees: 1 (ifwcr field,onalatMng is ane�t) 22.Certification: 1 3 szer 5Y3 N .go, <'3' & 6.Is(are)the wea(a) etnsmettt or QTemparasy SigutamofCemfied Well Contractor Date By stgnlag thtrjomr.I hereby cert0 that the aelf(s)iins(seem)eaastraaed fa accordance 7.Ts this a to an existing well: DI Yes or No with ISA NCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well ConstracHoa Standards and that a Ifthfuarepa/r,jiBurdlaonnwelleoatructionfrfoomott apla nthendareofthe MO'Ofth(rreoonthea been provided to Octal!omen repair wafer ff21 remmLr section aron the back offhfja 23.Site diagram or additional well dehslls: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may usethe back of this page to provide additional well site details or well coast Radon,only IGW-llsneeded btdieatoTOTALNThgBERofwells constnutiondetails.You may also attach additionalpages ifnecessaty. SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9 Total well depth below land surface: CO Aartrode!pleriel/rllrtafldepthefJdr�rmt(ewmylt-3Q20D•aadz®1oa) (ft) 24a.For All W Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: 1Q.Staticwaterlevelbelawt pofeasing: <O (ft) DlvislonoiwaterResour "weer feedirabereearieg are+" cessloformatlon Prot e4singUplt, 1617 Mail Servlen Ceutea,Raleigh,NC M699=1617 I1.Boreboledhtmeleav (Id) 246 ForinlectLnn W n• f — . Ta addition to sending the form to the 12.Well construction method: 6� r� me.also submrt one copy eels form witlim 30 in 24a (Le.o rotary,cable,extort push,eta-) cottsMuctiu,t zo tbofollowhtg i of completion of well FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Divmi�"Water Resources,lilndergttio J S 1at6 sNC2u99 13a.Yield(Rpm) t a Method of tetk 24G For water S S Ca Imo,NC Z769g.11 program. Lsubmitn u n t 1 addition to s 136.Diatnfeetdon a the addrers(es)abo type: �LV Amottnk completon of well� ��mu aOPy�of tLiy form �g�form to where constructed. CO chon t0 the eonoly h U days the comitytyty Farm GW-1 NorthGmlinaDepatnuntofEoviminneamlQtality'-DivisionofWaterRrsoutces 1 1 Revised 222-2016 •' fe s< .-` ,:le" ,r . 0Nr F_-ri x , 1.'y�g 3Sc .. ..i :.,' ,: 2....... .-4- -, �`^ _ -