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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230803 Ver 1_More Info Received_20231013 (2)Baker, Caroline D
Jim Mason <>
Friday, October 13, 2023 3:50 PM
Mcdaniel, Chonticha; Homewood, Sue
RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential
Development - Rockingham County - DWR#20230803
Jacobs Creek SWP response letter.pdf, Jacobs Creek -Storm water management plan
rev 10 12_REDUCED.pdf
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Chonticha —
Attached are the updated SMP and response letter for the subject project. Please let me know if you have any questions
or require any additional information.
Thanks and have a great weekend,
From: Mcdaniel, Chonticha <>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 10:49 AM
To: Jim Mason <james. mason>; Homewood, Sue <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
Hi Jim,
Here are my additional comments on the revised SMP for Phase I:
1. The Supplemental EZ form is missing an engineer's seal, signature, and date.
2. Supp EZ form, item # 18; The percent BUA should reflect the number that is used in the design calculation.
3. Supp EZ form, item # 49; The answer to this question needs to be reviewed/revised.
4. The orifice sizing for pond 2 need to fall between 2 - 5 day drawdown. Please review and revise as needed.
5. Please provide calculations of forebay volume vs. main -pool volume that meet the 15-20% requirement. Also,
amend this information on the Supp EZ form and drawings as needed.
6. Orifice size in the calculations and on the drawings should be the same. Please review and make sure that these
numbers are consistent on all documents.
7. Plan Sheet EC-4; Pond's top view still being identified as a dry pond. Please amend as needed.
8. We are still missing the signed/notarized O&M agreement to cover both wet ponds.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Chonticha McDaniel (she/her/hers)
401 Stormwater Engineer, Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919) 707-3634
chonticha. mcdaniel @deg.
D7,-. E Q
Department of Environmental Quality
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From: Jim Mason <*ames. mason>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 11:48 AM
To: Homewood, Sue <>; Mcdaniel, Chonticha <>
Subject: Re: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
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Sue - sorry for missing your call earlier. Thank you very much for the update on the permit application and the desire to
have the phase 1 stormwater completed and approved before issuing. I will let summit know, and we will work towards
getting what is required for the project. Thanks to both of you and have a great weekend, Jim
James Mason
Three Oaks Engineering, Inc.
From: Homewood, Sue <>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2023 11:13:15 AM
To: Mcdaniel, Chonticha <>
Cc: Jim Mason <6ames. mason>
Subject: FW: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
Will you please forward your comments on this to Jim Mason at Three Oaks so that he can pass them onto the
Jim, it may be easiest if the engineers contact Chonticha directly to talk through the last items she needs to finalize the
Phase 1 SMP.
Sue Homewood (she/her/hers)
401 & Buffer Permitting Branch
Division of Water Resources please note my new email address
336 813 1863 mobile
919-707-3679 office
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North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Jim Mason <james. mason>
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 4:59 PM
To: Homewood, Sue <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
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Sue -
Attached is a revised version of the SMP with the information you requested. The document shows the overall concept
for the development, with specific design for Phase 1. The ponds in phase 1 have been designed as wetponds to meet
water quality standards for 1" storm runoff. The outfalls of the ponds are designed to have non -erosive flows at a 10
year storm event. The pre / post for the 1 year storm have been met for both ponds. The EZ supplement tool and
design calculations for the wetponds are part of the document.
For item 4, we have a proposal in place to have a soil scientist measure the SHWT. We hope to have them under
contract soon so that we can provide you with that information.
From: Homewood, Sue <>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 8:30 AM
To: Jim Mason <james. mason>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
In accordance with 15A NCAC 02H .0506(b), a 401 certification may only be issued when certain criteria has been met:
listed as items (1) — (6). (2) and (3) state that the project may not cause or contribute to a violation of water quality
standards or result in secondary or cumulative impacts that would cause or contribute to .... This has been a criteria of the
401 review process for the last 15 years.
As you know, high density developments contribute to stream degradation and pollution and that's why we have federal
and state stormwater programs.
As indicated in my addinfo request (attached), in order to document there will not be downstream degradation, the
applicant may provide either a complete stormwater management plan that meets the post construction stormwater
design standards for water quality treatment, OR calculations and documentation that otherwise shows the project will
not cause downstream degradation.
As I am extremely limited on time with this project, if they prefer to opt for the latter documentation, I will need to deny
the application as incomplete, and you can reapply with the stormwater calculations and documentation which we will
review in depth.
Sue Homewood (she/her/hers)
401 & Buffer Permitting Branch
Division of Water Resources please note my new email address
336 813 1863 mobile
919-707-3679 office
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Jim Mason <*ames. mason>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 9:22 PM
To: Homewood, Sue <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
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Sue -
I wanted to let you know that Summit is working on your requests. They did have one question:
Why would an official SCM pond be required to be built when these ponds are only being used to meet pre /
post flows?
Please let me know if you require any additional details regarding this question.
From: Homewood, Sue <>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2023 3:13 PM
To: Jim Mason <james. mason>
Subject: FW: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information for Jacobs Creek Residential Development - Rockingham
County - DWR#20230803
In order to complete our stormwater review we require the following information:
1. Application form SWU-101 (application fee and last two signature pages are not required). In particular, we need
more information on the BUA within each drainage area (DA-1 and DA-2).
2. Supplement EZ form for each pond
3. O&M agreement to cover both ponds
4. Information on SHWT Elevation to ensure that the pond bottom is at least 6 inches higher than the SHWT where
the ponds will be located.
DWR understands that #3 and #4 may take some time for field investigation. Is it possible for you to provide items 1-3
by COB Wed 9/27 so that we can finish the technical review?
Sue Homewood (she/her/hers)
401 & Buffer Permitting Branch
Division of Water Resources please note my new email address
336 813 1863 mobile
919-707-3679 office
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