HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0066249_Authorization to Construct_19880526/O*1 State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary May 26, 1988 Ms. Carolyn Edmilndson, Owner Country Acres Mobile Home Park Rt. 1, Box 402 Arden, N.C. 28704 R. Paul Wilms Director Subject: Amendment to Permit No. AC0066249 Country Acres Mobile Homes Park Wastewater 'Treatment Plant Henderson Gone-ity Dear. Ms. Edmundson: In accordance with a letter dated May 4, 1988, we are amending Permit No. t AC0066249 to change the hypochlorinator to a tablet chlorinator and to change the size of the sludge holding tank from 2,618 gallons to 1,000 gallons. This permit amendment does not alter any other -conditions or limitations specified in permit No. AC0066249. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mrs. Babette McKemi.e, telephone number 91.9/733-5083. 0 -0'4 cc: Henderson County Health Depar merit W. G. Lapsley Asheville Rnglonal. Office Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms ;e7 Pollulion Prevention PaYs P.Q. Box 27W Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7697 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Emnicrver Ouw State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary October 1.3, 1987 Director Ms. Carolyn Edmundson, Owner Country Acres Mobile Home Park Rt 1, Box 402 Arden, N. C. 28704 SUBJECT: Permit; No. NCO066249 Authorization to Construct, Country Acres Mobile Home Park Wastewater Treatment: Plant Henderson County Dear Ms. Edmundson: A letter of request for an Authorization to Construct- was received September 3, 1987, by the Division and final plans -and specifications for the subject facilities have been reviewed and found to be satisfactory. Authorization .is hereby granted .for the construction of a 0.006 MGD wastewater treatment facility consisting of a bar screen, a 6000 gallon aeration tank, two (2) 36 CFM blowers, a 1000 gallon clarifier, a 2,618 gallon sludge holding tank, a lnr:)ochlorinator, a 125 gallon chlorine contact tank, an effluent weir, a 50 GPK effluent pumping tank with duplex submersible pumps and high water alarms and 350.linear feet of 2-ir.•ch force main. This Authorization to Construct is issued in accordance with Part III paragraph B of the NPDES Permit No. NCO066249 issued September 3, 1987, and shall be subject to revocation unless the wastewater treatment facilities are constriicted in accordance with the conditions and limitations specified in Permit No. NC0066249. The sludge wastes generated £rose these treatment facilities must be disposed of in accordance with G.S. 143-215. 1 and in a manner approvabl e. by the, North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. This permit shall become voidable unless the f.-aci.l.i.ta.es 111-e constructed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and other supporting data. 1lie'-PermYttee shall provide for the pump station and force main the following items: a. --A minimum of three (3) -feet. of cover must be maintained over the force /04� main. Ferrous material must be user_ where three (3) feet cannot be maintained. b. Sufficient devices which will protect the pump station from vandals. Pollution Nevention Pays P.O Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919.733 7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer The permi.ttee must employ a cortified wnst.ewnt:er opo.ral m ill ac-cordance wi Lli Part T11 paragraph D of the referenced perm.i.t. The sludge generated from these treatment. fac i 1 i t. i ns mils t t)v disposed of in Accordance with G.S. 143-215. 1 and in mann(,r' ap1wovnblo by t lw Nf,rt Ii Cnrol inn Division of. Environmental Management. Tn event the facilities fail. to perform snt.isfact.or-ily in mool'ing its NF'DES permit effluent limits, the Pe.r.mittee shall tnkn such iinrlif"dinti,corrective action as may be required by this Division, including the c:onst:ri.retAmi additional wastownt'or treatment and disposal facilities. Upon completion of construction and prior to opernt. ion ()C this perm.i.t.ted facility, a certification must be received from n profoss.ional (�nginocer certifying that the permitted facility has been i.nsta l l od in acr_ordnnc.c► ur i t h w i l.h the approved plans and specifications. One (1) set of approved plans and specifications is hPing forwarded to you. If you have any questions or need in f-ormnt ion, pl ense c oiil ac:l- Pls. Babette Mckemie, telephone number 919/733-5083. Sincerely yonrs, I� R. Paid Wilms cc: Henderson County Health Department The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. Asheville Regional Supervisor Dennis Ramsey Engineer's Certification j as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, hereby certify that construction of these permitted facilities has been completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Signature Registration Number____. _ Date