HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000460_(Signed) MS4 Audit_20231009 MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4)
Town of Knightdale, NORTH CAROLINA
950 Steeple Square Ct, Knightdale, NC 27545
Audit Date: 08/23/2023
Report Date: 10/09/2023
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral & Land Resources Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street, 9th floor
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
AuditDetails_...... ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Listof Supporting Documents............................................................................................................I......... 3
Program Implementation, Documenkatiun & Assessment.......................................................................... 4
Public Education and Outreach.............................. ................... ...... .................................................. ... S
Public Involvement and Participation ............................................................Error!Bookmark not defined.
Illicit Discharge Detec#ion and Elimination (IDDE)..................................................................................... 11
Construction Site Runoff Controls..................................................................Error! BookrnaA not defined.
Post-ConstruKtion Site Runoff Controls..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Pollution Prevention and Wod Housekeeping for Municipal Operations............................................. ... 15
Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMfts}.... .. . . . . . ....... .. .. . . .. ..Error! Bookmark not defined.
Site Visit Evaluation* Municipal Facility No. 1 ............................................................................................ 1
Site Visit Evaluation; Municipal Facility No.2 ... ... ..... ..... . ..... ..... ..... .....Errorl Bookmark not defi ned.
Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfali No. 1 ..................................................................................................... 20
Site Visit Evaluation, M54 0utfa11 No. 2 ........................... .............................Errort Bookmark not defi ned.
Site Visit Evaluation: Construction Site fro. 1.................................................Errort Bookmark not defined.
Site Visit Evaluation: Construction Site No. 2.................................................Erroet Bookmark not defined.
Site Visit Evaluation. Post-Construction Starm water Control Measure No. 1........................................... 22
Site Visit Evaluation: post-Construction Stormwater Control Measure No.2Errorl Bookmark not deftried.
Appendix A.Supporting Documents
Appendix B' Photograph frog
This audit consists of an evaluation of program compliance with the issued permit and implementation of
the approved Stormwater Management Plan. This audit report does not include a review of all program
components, and program deficiencies in addition to those noted may be present. The permittee is
required to assess program progress and permit compliance, and to implement the approved Stormwater
Management Plan in accordance with the issued permit.
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NCS000485 Nashville M54 Audit 20230719 III
Audit Details
Audit ID Number: Audit Date(s):
NC5000460—Knightdale MS4 Audit_20230823 08/23/2023
Minimum Control Measures Evaluated:
® Program Implementation, Documentation&Assessment
® Public Education &Outreach
❑ Public Involvement&Participation
® Illicit Discharge Detection&Elimination
❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls—No delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program
❑ Construction Site Runoff Controls—Delegated Sediment and Erosion Control Program
❑ Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls
® Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
❑ Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs)
Field Site Visits:
® Municipal Facilities. Number visited: 1
® MS4 Outfalls. Number visited: 1
❑ Construction Sites. Number visited:Choose an item.
® Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff Controls. Number visited: 1
❑ Other: Number visited:Choose an item.
❑ Other: Number visited:Choose an item.
Inspector(s)Conducting Audit
Name.Title Organization
Thad Valentine—Senior Environmental Specialist NCDEQ
Celina Amaya—Senior Environmental Specialist NCDEQ
Audit Report Author: Date:
Signature l l// � �� V
Audit Report Au hor: y Date q
Signature I D l ! /L a
■.rn r:. -PC
Permittee Information
MS4 Permittee Name: Permit Effective pate: Permit Expiration Date:
Town of Knightdale
Mailing Address: Date of Last MS4 Inspection/Audit:
950 Steeple Square Ct, Knightdale, NC 27545
Co-permittee(s),if applicable:
Permit Owner of Record:
Primary MS4 Representatives Participating in Audit
Name,Title Organization
Dustin Tripp—Assistant Town Manager(OP) Town of Knightdale
Phillip Bunton-Public Works Director Town of Knightdale
Ike Archer—Stormwater Program Manager Town of Knightdale
Dylan Kirk—Stormwater Technician Town of Knightdale
Domingo Orpilla- Town of Knightdale
John Stover-
MS4 Receiving Waters
Waterbodv Classification Impairments
NCS000460_Knightdale MS4 Audit_20190823 Page 2 of 25
List of Supporting Documents
Item Document Title When Provided
Number (Prior to/During/After)
1 Town Position Organizational Chart
2 Town Chart of Responsibilities
3 2022 Annual Report
4 CWEP Agreement
5 Foater Lake& Pond Management Inc(SCM) Management
6 G2 Design(SCM) Management
7 Incident Report
8 M54 O&M Plan
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Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment
Staff Interviewed: Ike Archer—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Manager
(Name,Title,Role) Dylan Kirk—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Technician
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
II.A.1 The permittee maintained adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage
Staffing and Partial ---
the provisions of the Stormwater Plan and meet all requirements of the permit.
The Stormwater Plan identifies a specific position(s)responsible for the overall Yes 1
coordination,implementation, and revision to the Plan.
Responsibilities for all components of the Stormwater Plan are documented and Yes 2
position(s)assignments provided.
The permittee is current on payment of invoiced administering and compliance
Yes ---
monitoring fees(see Stormwater a payments on DEMCR MS4 web page).
Funded fully by the stormwater fee which is$6.75 per Equivalent Residential unit(ERU).
Fiscal Year 2024:Total 1.6 million allocated(see breakdown below).
$713,000 dedicated to administration.
$365,000 dedicated to implementation.
$600,000 dedicated to CIP.
The Town of Knightdale believes the funding that is currently allocated is adequate to supply the needs of the stormwater program.
Two positions fully dedicated to stormwater(Stormwater Manager and the Stormwater Technician). 1.5 positions partially
dedicated to stormwater(see org chart and Table 8 Summary of Responsible parties).
Thad: Ensure all staff(including Dylan Kirk)are included on the Table 8:Summary of Responsible Parties.
II.A.2 Stormwater The permittee evaluated the performance and effectiveness of the program
Plan Yes 3
components at least annually.
and Evaluation If yes,the permittee used the results of the evaluation to modify the program
components as necessary to accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program.
Did the permitted MS4 discharges cause or contribute to non-attainment of an
applicable water quality standard?
If yes,did the permittee expand or better tailor its BMPs accordingly to address Not
the non-attainment? Applicable ---
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Program Implementation, Documentation &Assessment
The Town of Knightdale indicated they use the annual reports for their yearly self-evaluation to improve the program, but adequate
documentation is currently not provided and needs to be improved upon.
Town of Knightdale must properly document their own internal evaluation/audit after submitting the annual BIMS report.This
document should evaluate where the Town is with the program and specify how they plan to improve the program highlighting all
parts of the program that the annual report states, has not been fully implemented.This evaluation should include current
projections for the implementation of any portions of the program that are not properly funded or staffed as indicated on the
annual report
Keeping the The permittee kept the Stormwater Plan up to date. Yes 4
Stormwater Plan
Up to Date
The permittee notified DEMLR of any updates to the Stormwater Plan. No ---
The annual reports are available on the Town of Knightdale Stormwater webpage(up to the current 2022 report).
II.A.4 Availability The permittee kept an up-to-date version of its Stormwater Plan available to the Yes Town
of the Stormwater Division and the public online. Website
The online materials included ordinances,or other regulatory mechanisms, or a list
identifying the ordinances,or other regulatory mechanisms, providing the legal Yes Town
authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permit.
The SWMP is available on the Town of Knightdale webpage for public viewing.
All ordinances are available on the Town of Knightdale webpage for public viewing including the ordinance that provides the legal
authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the program(Chapter 9.4 Stormwater Management:Section A.3
Stormwater Plan Did DEMLR require a modification to the Stormwater Plan? No ---
If yes,did the permittee complete the modifications in accordance with the Not
established deadline? Applicable ---
Prior to 2020,Wake County conducted routine inspections.Since then the Town of Knightdale has local jurisdiction for the
sediment and erosion control program .
II.A.6 Sharing
Responsibility Are any control measures implemented by an entity other than the permittee? Yes ---
If yes,is there a written agreement in place? Yes 5,6&7
The Town has agreements with G2 Design&Foster Lake and Pond far SCM maintenance and with the Clean Water Education
Partnership(CWEP)for public education& Outreach and Public involvement and Participation
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Program Implementation, Documentation &Assessment
II.A.7 The permittee maintained written procedures for implementing the six minimum
Written control measures. Yes
Written procedures identified specific action steps,schedules,resources and
responsibilities for implementing the six minimum measures.
Written procedures for the(6)minimum measures were reviewed and adequate.We would recommend including who is
responsible for the implementation of the program within the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program(IDDE).Although
other supplementary documents include the responsible parties, it is recommended that the responsible parties be included
throughout the document for clarity.
Ill.A The permittee-maintained documentation of all program components including,but
Program not limited to, inspections,maintenance activities, educational programs, Yes
Documentation implementation of BMPs, enforcement actions etc.,on file for a period of five years.
The Town uses CBI Systems software(MS4Web)which includes facilities, outfalls,SCMS and records all investigations and
inspections.The example complaint that was reviewed showed it was received and logged into the system that was followed by the
investigation process,documentation,and remediation.The report documentation was thorough and includes photos,pertinent
information,remediation details,recission letter,and contact information.There is also an excel spreadsheet that documents all of
the inspections and the results.The Town of Knightdale staff believe the program is working very effectively.
111.E The permittee submitted annual reports to the Department within twelve months
Annual Report from the effective date of the permit(See Section 111.B.for the annual reporting Yes
Submittal period specific to this MS4).
The permittee submitted subsequent annual reports every twelve months from the
scheduled date of the first annual report submittal.
The Annual Reports included appropriate information to accurately describe the progress,status,and results
of the permittee's Stormwater Plan, including,but not limited the following:
1. A detailed description of the status of implementation of the Stormwater Plan
as a whole.This will include information on development and implementation
of each major component of the Stormwater Plan for the past year and
schedules and plans for the year following each report.
2. An adequate description and justification of any proposed changes to the
Stormwater Plan.This will include descriptions and supporting information for
the proposed changes and how these changes will impact the Stormwater
Plan(results,effectiveness,implementation schedule,etc.).
3. Documentation of any necessary changes to programs or practices for
assessment of management measures implemented through the Stormwater Partial
4. A summary of data accumulated as part of the Stormwater Plan throughout
the year along with an assessment of what the data indicates in light of the Partial
Stormwater Plan.
5. An assessment of compliance with the permit, information on the
establishment of appropriate legal authorities,inspections,and enforcement Yes
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Program Implementation, Documentation & Assessment
Target pollutants and audiences should be identified in the SWMP and a follow up with the proposed changes and implementation
in the Annual report
Annual Reporting The Annual Reports document the following:
1. A summary of past year activities, including where applicable,specific
quantities achieved and summaries of enforcement actions.
2. A description of the effectiveness of each program component. No
3. Planned activities and changes for the next reporting period,for each
program component or activity.
4. Fiscal analysis. Partial
The effectiveness of each program should be summarized for future improvements for each program and any parts of a program in
the annual report that state future development should be more specific with timelines listed in annual reports
Comments: Any components of the program that have been listed as not fully implemented in that annual report should
be the focus of the yearly self-evaluation with detailed recommendations and time projections too fully
comply with all those elements
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Public Education and Outreach
Staff Interviewed. Ike Archer—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Manager
(Name,Title,Role) Dylan Kirk—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Technician
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status supporting
Doc No.
II.B.2.a The permittee defined goals and objectives of the Local Public Education and
Goals and Yes
Objectives Outreach Program based on community wide issues.
The goals are defined and listed in the Education and outreach Plan.The overall goals are defined followed by the methods,target
pollutants,and target audiences.
II.B.2.b The permittee maintained a description of the target pollutants and/or stressors and
Target Pollutants likely sources.
The following pollutants and likely sources are listed in the Town of Knightdale Public Education and Outreach document(internal
Copper and PCB's—Industrial, Municipal Staff
Mercury Statewide TMDL—Atmospheric Deposition
Nitrogen Neuse TMDL—Failing septic systems,urbanization,residential,commercial,schools.
Feval Coliform—Residential,Commercial,schools
Nutrients—Fertilizer/pesticides,failing septic systems, urbanization, residential,commercial,schools.
Sediment-Industrial, Municipal,Construction
Yard Waste-Residential,Commercial, municipal staff
None noted as missing or inappropriate.
II.8.2.c The permittee identified,assessed annually and updated the description of the target
Partial -
Target Audiences audiences likely to have significant storm water impacts and why they were selected.
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Public Education and Outreach
Focusing on target audiences and mode of distribution of educational material is a priority for this program in the future.Work on
identifying which communities(Residential, Business& Industry)have pollutants that are most critical to improving water quality
and community health and identify which mode of educational material would be best served to inform the community of those
II.B.2.d Residential The permittee described issues, such as pollutants,the likely sources of those
and Industrial/ pollutants,potential impacts,and the physical attributes of stormwater runoff in Yes
Commercial Issues their education/outreach program.
The information is publicly available on the website and explicitly stated in internal documents.There is an internal record for every
public outreach event with pertinent information including number of attendees,number of materials distributed,partners,and
topics covered with the public.
II.13.2.e The permittee promoted and maintained an internet web site designed to convey the
Informational Yes
Web Site program's message.
There is a TOK Stormwater webpage,and a specific page dedicated to education and outreach.This clearly conveys the programs
message and educational information to the public to access as needed.
The permittee distributed stormwater educational material to appropriate target
Public Education Yes
Materials groups.
The TOK provides guidance for specific commercial facilities with targeted information related to stormwater and illicit discharge
concerning that specific business. Educational pamphlets from CWEP and refrigerator magnets produced by the TOK with the
stormwater hotline are provided at an informational booth that is run by the TOK. UNC and CWEP produced a poster for common
pollutants targeted to restaurants that are provided online to be posted in restaurants for training purposes.
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Public Education and Outreach
II.8.2.g The permittee promoted and maintained a stormwater hotline/helpline for the Town
Hotline/Help Line purpose of public education and outreach. Yes Website
There is an online form that is filled out to report a problem. If there are erosion control or stormwater complaints,they are
immediately sent to the appropriate stormwater staff so they can be investigated as soon as possible.The TOK Stormwater
Program's internal goal is to investigate these complaints within 24 hours. It is recommended that the IICO explicitly state the goal
timeframes for responding and addressing complaints for clear reference.
11.8'2.h The permittee's outreach program, including those elements implemented locally or
Public Education through a cooperative agreement, included a combination of approaches designed to Yes ---
and Outreach reach the target audiences.
For each media,event or activity,including those elements implemented locally or
through a cooperative agreement the permittee estimated and recorded the extent Yes ---
of exposure.
There is an internal record for every public outreach event with pertinent information including number of attendees, number of
materials distributed,partners,and topics covered with the public. Engagement metrics for the annual Creek Week event are
recorded in Appendix 8 of the Public Education and Outreach section of the internal TOK document
Comments: CWEP provides much of the needed educational materials and with that and other,self-developed materials
and resources,the town should focus on how best to distribute those resources to the different communities
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Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
Staff Interviewed: Ike Archer—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Manager
(Name,Title, Dylan Kirk—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Technician
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
IDDE Program The permittee maintained a written IDDE Program. Ye..
If yes,the written program includes provisions for program assessment and
evaluation and integrating program.
IDOE Program Summary of Key Components includes Section 4: Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program.This section includes a
yearly audit to evaluate the IDDE program. Provide an internal program assessment,separate from the BIMS annual report,to
evaluate and implement all components of the Illicit Discharge program in a standalone document.
The permittee maintained an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism(s)that
II.D.2.b provides the legal authority to prohibit illicit connections and discharges to the MS4.
Legal Authorities If yes,the ordinance applies throughout the corporate limits of the permittee.
[Permit Part 1.D]
This document exists within the overall UDO which covers all planning jurisdictions including corporate and ETJ limits.
The permittee maintained a current map showing major outfalls* and receiving
Storm Sewer Yes
System Map
GIS mapping was first conducted in 2017 and a GIS intern contributed to the data entry for the stormwater GIS.All the stormwater
inlets,piping,and major outfalls are mapped in ArcGIS for reference during inspections and planning(corporate limits only—not
ETJ).All major outfalls were confirmed to meet the size requirements.Any areas that are missing data or new development are
added when as-builts are received.
Provide an internal annual assessment,separate from the BIMS annual report, to evaluate and implement all components of the
Illicit Discharge program in a standalone document.
*Major outfalls are discharges from>36"diameter pipes or drainage areas of:?50 acres. in areas zoned for industrial activity,major outfalls
are>12"or drainage area>2 acres.
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Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
Dry Weather Flow The permittee maintained a program for conducting dry weather flow field Yes General
observations in accordance with written procedures. Pfogram
Program Supplement
Page 12 of the IDDE General Program Supplement details spill response follow up activities.The Town of Knightdale staff also use
Chapter 7 of the EPA Guidance Technical Assessment Manual as a frequent reference for conducting the investigation.
100E General
II.D.2.e Program
Investigation The permittee maintained written procedures for conducting investigations of Part a Supplement
identified illicit discharges. and EPa16UE
Procedures Guidance
Page 12 of the IDDE General Program Supplement details spill response follow up activities.These procedures include:
Issuing a Notice of Violation
Schedule a site re-visit to determine is corrective actions are complete.
Contact the responsible party frequently and indicate contact events in the complaint file.
Contact supporting agencies frequently and indicate contact events in the complaint file.
- Schedule inspections through other programs for monitoring purposes.
Coordinate with state agencies outside of the Town's MS4 authority.
Provide mailings to problem areas.
Develop a long-term monitoring program.
Sent a letter to file summarizing the findings.
The Town of Knightdale staff also use Chapter 7 of the EPA IDDE Guidance Technical Assessment Manual as a frequent reference for
conducting the investigation.While the EPA document is a helpful reference,it appears to be too general.We recommend that
written procedures for an illicit discharge investigation be included in TOK documents for staff to reference as standard operating
II.D.2.f For each case of an illicit discharge or potential illicit discharge,the permittee documented and tracked the
Track and following:
Investigations 1. The date(s)the illicit discharge was observed Yes
2. The results of the investigation Yes
3. Any follow-up of the investigation Yes
4. The date the investigation was closed Yes
A standardized inspection report is generated using the MS4Web that includes all the required information.
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Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
II.D.2.g Employee The permittee implemented and documented a training program for appropriate
Training municipal staff who,as part of their normal job responsibilities, may come into Yes
contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection.
They are working to implement online training to assign training annually for staff to complete. New staff are trained and audited to
ensure they are following the standard operating procedures.Storm Watch program is used for training.Currently,the training is
conducted as often as possible,but with the online form of training,they hope to target the training to all relevant staff annually.
All training modules and sign in sheets are documented on the Town's SharePoint and the information will be used to generate a
II.D.2.h The permittee informed public employees of hazards associated with illegal
Public Education discharges and improper disposal of waste. Yes
The permittee informed businesses of hazards associated with illegal discharges and
improper disposal of waste.
The permittee informed the general public of hazards associated with illegal
discharges and improper disposal of waste.
The TOK provides targeted educational materials to the appropriate parties and guidance through inspection reports and Notices of
Violations.The documents are not currently available to the public online but that is a goal for the TOK.
II.D.2.1 The permittee promoted,publicized,and facilitated a reporting mechanism for the
Public Reporting Yes
public to report illicit discharges.
The permittee promoted,publicized,and facilitated a reporting mechanism for staff
to report illicit discharges.
The permittee established and implemented response procedures for citizen
Pamphlets, posters, refrigerator magnets that are distributed at events.Additionally,the TOK website has all of the educational
material available and social media posts.Targeted mail handouts are sent to residents regarding how to avoid causing illicit
discharges and report illicit discharges.The hotline number used to be displayed on the town trucks and it available on all
educational materials both online and physical.
There is an option when reporting illicit discharges,they can contact the hotline and the public works email.There is a section
where the report is marked indicating that it was submitted by staff members.
There is an SOP for responding to hotline complaints and the internal goal is to respond within 24 hours and on average they are
inspected within one hour of being received.There is a tracking spreadsheet for recording the receipt and response to all hotline
reports(IDDE Program Document).
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Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
II.D.2.1 The permittee implemented a mechanism to track the issuance of notices of violation
Enforcement Yes 7
and enforcement actions administered by the permittee.
If yes,the mechanism includes the ability to identify chronic violators for
Yes ---
initiation of actions to reduce noncompliance.
The Town maintains a incident Hotline and there is a tracking spreadsheet on the Town's SharePoint for all IDDE investigations
which includes:
Violator name
Tracking ID
NOV/Enforcement date
- NOV/Enforcement Action Summary
Previous Violator(Y/N)
Location of Documentation
Comments: A process for reporting illicit discharges should be developed to outline the step-by-step procedures for
reporting illicit discharges.The sequence for reporting should be established not only for Town employees,
but for citizens and businesses and should include step-by-step method of reporting, recording,maintaining,
and sharing information with the general public
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Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Staff Interviewed: Ilse Archer—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Manager
(Name,Title, Role) Dylan Kirk—Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Technician
Permit Citation Program Requirement Status Supporting
Doc No.
II.G.2.a The permittee maintained a current inventory of facilities and operations owned
Facility Inventory and operated by the permittee with the potential for generating polluted Yes
stormwater runoff.
Town owned and maintained facilities are tracked on a municipal facilities inventory, in addition to a map in MS4Web that tracks all
II.G.2.b The permittee maintained and implemented an O&M program for municipally
Operation and owned and operated facilities with the potential for generating polluted Partial
Maintenance(O&M) stormwater runoff.
for Facilities
If yes,the O&M program specifies the frequency of inspections. No
if yes,the 0&M program specifies the frequency of routine maintenance
if yes,the permittee evaluated the O&M program annually and updated it as
The Town maintains a general O&M plan for municipally owned facilities.This O&M plan does not provide site specific O&M
guidance for each facility and the 0&M plans are not kept at each facility for that specific facility.
The frequency of inspections is currently on a "as needed"basis and after any spill or incident is reported.
Spill Response The permittee had written spill response procedures for municipal operations. Partiai
All staff are trained annually for spill response.Spill response procedures were not available at each municipality
II.G.2.d Streets, The permittee evaluated existing and new BMPs that reduce polluted stormwater
Roads,and Public runoff from municipally-owned streets,roads,and public parking lots within its Yes
Parking Lots corporate limits annually.
Maintenance If yes,the permittee evaluated the effectiveness of existing and new BMPs
based on cost and the estimated quantity of pollutants removed.
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Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
The Town is funded and staffed well enough to have sufficient time and resources to provide for street maintenance that doesn't
require an evaluation of 8MP's. Leaf pickup begins in November and continues through February with every street being swept
each month.Additional sweeping is conducted after special town events and if a resident complaint is received,additional
sweeping is performed in those cases.
II.G.2.f The permittee maintained and implemented an O&M program for the stormwater
O&M for Catch
sewer system including catch basins and conveyance systems that it owns and Yes 8
Basins and
Conveyance Systems
The document provided "Municipal Separate Storm Sewer(MS4)Operation and Maintenance Plan"outlines storm drain cleaning,
street sweeping,inspections,and storm drainage outfall maintenance.
II.G.2.g The permittee maintained a current inventory of municipally-owned or operated
Structural structural stormwater controls installed for compliance with the permittee's post- Yes ---
Stormwater Controls construction ordinance.
Nine municipally owned SCMs are tracked on a spreadsheet provided in the"Municipal Owned Stormwater Control Measures
Operation and Maintenance Plan".All SCM facilities are mapped in GIS and the Town's CBI Inspection Software.This database is
updated as new SCMs are certified and brought online.
II.G.2.1h The permittee maintained and implemented an 0&M program for municipally-
O&M for Structural owned or maintained structural stormwater controls installed for compliance with Yes
Stormwater Controls the permittee's post-construction ordinance. If yes,then:
The O&M program specified the frequency of inspections and routine
Yes ---
maintenance requirements.
The permittee documented inspections of all municipally-owned or maintained
Yes --_
structural Stormwater controls.
The permittee inspected all municipally-owned or maintained structural
Yes ---
stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee.
The permittee maintained all municipally-owned or maintained structural
Yes ---
stormwater controls in accordance with the schedule developed by permittee.
The permittee documented maintenance of all municipally-owned or
Yes ---
maintained structural stormwater controls.
Maintenance is conducted as needed when observed during monthly routine inspections(conducted by Foster Lake and Pond
Management).The annual inspection is conducted by a third-party inspector
II.G.2.1 The permittee ensured municipal employees are properly trained in pesticide,
herbicide and fertilizer application management. Yes
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Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Pesticide, Herbicide The permittee ensured contractors are property trained in pesticide,herbicide and
and Fertilizer fertilizer application management. Yes
Management The permittee ensured all permits,certifications,and other measures for
applicators are followed.
Contractors that apply herbicide and pesticides are licensed as required by their contract.Their licensing numbers are included in
the submitted reports. Expiration dates are verified and kept up to date.Town employees are certified and are updated as they
near expiration.All proposed work goes through an approval process and monthly reports are reviewed
II.G.2.i The permittee implemented an employee training program for employees involved
Staff Training *�
in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices.
All operations and grounds maintenance staff are trained annually in pollution prevention and good housekeeping.
II.G.2.1k The permittee described and implemented measures that prevent or minimize
Vehicle and contamination of stormwater runoff from all areas used for vehicle and equipment Yes
Equipment Cleaning cleaning.
All fleet vehicles are washed at a commercial facility that discharges to sanitary sewer.There are no town owned vehicle washing
stations, but they have an SOP that states that all vehicle washing must be discharged into a sanitary sewer system and includes
procedures for where to wash vehicles that are too large to fit in commercial car washes.There is a standard operating procedure
for Vehicle and Equipment Washing under the Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan,Section G.
Comments: The inspection frequency of Town municipalities should be established and provided for each of the municipal
facility O&M plans. Each 0&M plan should provide a schedule of maintenance requirements expected to be
accomplished in these inspections. (ex.oil leaks,Structurally Sound Containment with no cracks or leaking,
vehicle/equipment wash bays"if applicable" maintained properly,oil water separator maintenance,etc...}
Spill response procedures should be located at all municipal owned facilities
Spill response procedures should be located at each municipal facility and should be posted in areas with a
likelihood for spills,such as fueling stations,storage tanks transfer points.
Municipally owned and operated SCM's should have a site specific O&M plan that includes items specific to
that SCM to inspect.(ex.Type of SCM "Wet or Dry",Vegetation type both trees and grass,subsoil media type
and inspection frequency, etc..). Each SCM is unique,with plantings and characteristics distinctive to the
pollutant being controlled,therefore each SCM should have it's own O&M plan.
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Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 1
Facility Name: Date and Time of Site Visit:
Public Works#1 August 23, 2023, 1:00 pm—2:10 pm
Facility Address: Facility Type(Vehicle Maintenance,Landscaping,etc.):
1102 Great Falls Court Vehicle Maintenance and materials storage.
Knightdale, NC 27545
Name of MS4 inspector(s)evaluated: Most Recent MS4 Inspection(List date and name of inspector):
Ike Archer August 2, 2023
Name(s)and Title(s)of Facility Representative(s)Present During the Site Visit:
Name Title
Ike Archer Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Manager
Dylan Kirk Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Technician
Facility Documentation/Training
Does the facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)or similar document?Is it facility-specific?
There is not a SWPPP document,there is an Operations and Maintenance plan that is referenced.The plan is not site specific.
What type of stormwater training do facility employees receive?How often?
Only spill prevention training is provided to the employees of this facility
Inspector Training/Knowledge
What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive?How often?
North Carolina State University Stormwater SCM Inspection&Maintenance Certification.
Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about Permit requirements for pollution prevention and good housekeeping?
Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about Stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping?
Inspection Procedures
Does the MS4 inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form?
Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos?
Does the MS4 inspector's process include reviewing the facility's SWPPP(or similar document)?
No.There is not a SWPPP on site, but there is an Operations and Maintenance plan that is referenced.
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Site Visit Evaluation: Municipal Facility No. 1
Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire facility and inspecting all points of discharge?
The inspector stated that the typical inspection was conducted outside and excluded areas thatwere indoors or under cover or in a
containment area.
Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious areas of concern?If so,explain:
The inspector stated that the typical inspection was conducted outside and excluded areas that were indoors or under coverage
which misses several areas of concern.The inside areas were inspected once NCDEQ staff informed the inspector of those areas
that were overlooked and will continue to be completed as required.
Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the facility contact?
Yes,the inspector sends the inspection report and photos to the public works director for their review and to complete any
corrective actions.
Inspection Results
Did the facility inspection result in any corrective actions to be implemented?If so,for what issue(s)?
Yes, minor maintenance and clean up items were identified during the inspection including the following:
- Spray paint cans stored in an open trailer with no cover.
- Slope stabilization issues along the boundary of the parking lot which is causing slight sediment deposition.
- One dumpster is missing a plug.
- Unlabeled grease drum.
- Minor debris and loose waste in the dumpster area.
- Minor oil leaks from staff and fleet vehicles onto the parking lot pavement.
- Hydraulic hoses on equipment were leaking and needed a drip pan to capture any leaks and a schedule for repair.
If compliance corrective actions were identified,what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided?
No timeline was noted during the inspection
A site specific SWPPP should be kept on site and should be available on request. If the SWPPP is digital,shop personnel should be
able to readily access that document without assistance and should be familiar with all aspects of that document.All inspections
required by the MS4 permit should be provided to the Maintenance shop supervisor as well as the public works director for their
review and any corrective actions such as missing drain plugs,cover lids, leaks and cleanup.Any corrective actions should be
documented in the SWPPP with a schedule for completion.
The inspector walked the entire parameter of the site and viewed all the outside areas.All areas of the municipality should be
included in the M54 inspection.This includes areas inside buildings to ensure there are no improperly stored chemicals or chemical
leaks that can reach the stormwater. Inspect under the equipment shed to ensure that no equipment is leaking and need
maintenance and that no containers are leaking or improperly stored. Inside the maintenance shop should be inspected to be sure
there are no spills on the floor that can be tracked outside and there are no leaks that have not been properly cleaned up or
repaired. Inside the dumpster containment area should be included in this inspection to ensure the dumpsters are properly closed
and the drain hole is plugged and that no excess trash is stored around dumpsters
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Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No. 1
Outfall ID Number: Date and Time of Site Visit:
OTLT-0204 8/23/2023 3:05 pm—3:45 pm
Outfall Location: Outfall Description(Pipe Material/Diameter,Culvert,etc.):
104 Indian Spring Drive 36-inch RCP
Receiving Water: Is Flow Present?If So,Describe(Color,Approximate Flow Rate,
Mingo Creek Sheen,Odor,Floatables/Debris,etc.):
Most Recent Outfall Inspection/Screening(Date): No active flow.
Days Since Last Rainfall: Inches:
24 hours
Name of MS4 Inspector(s)evaluated:
Dylan Kirk
Inspector Training/Knowledge
What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive?How often?
North Carolina State University Stormwater SCM Inspection&Maintenance Certification
Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about illicit discharge indicators and investigations?
Inspection Procedures
Does the inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form?
Does the inspector's process include taking photos?
Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious potential illicit discharge indicators or maintenance issues?If so,what were they?
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Site Visit Evaluation: MS4 Outfall No. 1
Inspection Results
Did the outfall inspection result in any work orders or maintenance requests?If so,for what issue(s)?
Will a follow-up outfall inspection be conducted?If so,for what reason?
All site information was recorded in a digital inspection report form and the material,measurements,and condition of the outfall
was all assessed.
Inspector's observations/notes:
- Slight undermining of the pipe.
- Slight cracking above the pipe.
- Brush growing on top of the pipe.
- Slight joint separation—need to monitor changes during future inspections.
- Exposed geotextile and tarp material/
- Slight erosion in the channel banks,but overall stable.
We recommended that any repair areas or preventative maintenance requirements be documented(ex.Cutting trees that are
growing on or around the outfall)These issues should be documented regardless of whether there is time and manpower for the
task. Documenting outlet conditions should be required for outlet condition awareness and categorization for future improvements
and repairs.
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Site Visit Evaluation: Post-Construction Stormwater Control Measure No. 1
Site Name: Date and Time of Site Visit:
Public Works Facility SCM 8/23/2023 2:15 pm—2:55 pm
Site Address: SCM Type:
1102 Great Falls Court Wet detention basin
Knightdale, NC 27545
Most Recent MS4 Inspection(Include Date and Entity):
Name of M54 Inspector(s)evaluated: Most Recent MS4 Enforcement Activity(Include Date):
Dylan Kirk N/A
Name(s)and Titles)of Site Representative(s)Present During the Site Visit:
!Name Title
Dylan Kirk Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Technician
Ike Archer Town of Knightdale,Stormwater Manager
Site Documentation
Does the site have an operation and maintenance plan?
Currently,there is a general operations and maintenance agreement that applies to all SCM's. However,SCM's need site specific
Operation and Maintenance plans to take into account specific plantings,vegetation and conditions depending on what type of
SCM is being inspected
Does the site have records of annual inspections?Are they performed by a qualified individual?
Yes.There is one annual inspection by an engineer and monthly inspections by the subcontractor with addition MS4 inspections by
the Town of Knightdale.
Inspector Training/Knowledge
What type of stormwater training does the MS4 inspector receive?How often?
North Carolina State University Stormwater SCM Inspection&Maintenance Certification
Did the MS4 inspector appear knowledgeable about MS4 requirements for post-construction site runoff controls?
Did the M54 inspector appear knowledgeable about post-construction BMPS(general purpose/function,components,O&M
Inspection Procedures
Does the M54 inspector's process include the use of a checklist or other standardized form?What format?
Does the MS4 inspector's process include taking photos?
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Site Visit Evaluation: Post-Construction Stormwater Control Measure No. 1
Does the MS4 inspector's process include reviewing the site's operation and maintenance plan and records of annual inspections?
Does the MS4 inspector's process include walking the entire site and inspecting all points of discharge?
Did the MS4 inspector miss any obvious operation and maintenance deficiencies?If so,explain:
Does the MS4 inspector's process include presenting the inspection findings to the site contact in writing?
What,if any,enforcement actions(verbal warnings, NOV, etc.)did the inspection result in?
If compliance issues were identified,what timeline for correction/follow-up was provided?
None for this inspection.Only routine maintenance and ground cover improvements were noted for corrective actions.
Provide maintenance schedules for any SCM's with newly discovered and ongoing issues
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