HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5231001_Property Deed_20231008 (3) B 001754PG00551 &ood 54 PAGE TMs deed drawn by
NORTH CAROLINA—Wake JCQhrounty.LJ . C ,berts
THIS DEED,made this_ 2.8th day of ________ ebrua rye_ 1967 _ _
LAURETTA TAYLORI1 widow of W. F. Taylor) of Durham County," _-
-- -__NQr l._Cax.ol1 _ _ Grantors,
COUNTY OF DURHAM -`—"W — ---'----
, Grantoes, tiiiKX
39KDOCKulfeN3DSafa.)0141DE Witnesseth: That the Grantors, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration to them paid by the Grantees, the
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hive bargained and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantees, their heirs,
or successors, and assigns, the parcels) of land in Wake County, North Carolina, in "Cedar Fork Township,
adjoining the lands of Thelma K. Warren, Jam R. Fowler_ E. N. Richards
and others, end more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point, formerly Markham and Sorrell ' s corner, runs thence
north 3 deg. east 117 poles to W. D. Scott' s corner; thence south 87 deg.
east with his line (now the line of J. R. Fowler) 961 poles to a sour wood
in J. Q. Adams, Jr. ' s line; thence south 2 deg. east with said Adams and
Sorrell's line 125 poles to pointers; thence north 87 deg. west 77 poles to
a stake in Markham' s line; thence north 3 deg. east 91 poles to M. Markham' s
corner; thence north 87 deg. west 341 poles to the place of beginning,
containing 80 acres, 2 rods, and 19 poles more or less. Being the property
conveyed to W. R. Taylor and wife, Lauretta Taylor by deed dated October 23,
1936 and recorded in Book 730, page 19 in the office of the Wake County
Register of Deeds.
SUBJECT to taxes for 1967.
The Grantor reserves the right tore-enter the premises at any time within .
60 days of the execution of 'this instrument and remove any merchantable
timber thereon.
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This property was conveyed to Grantors by deed dated ...9ct,23-[_1. 936....- recorded in Book 730 Page 19 _ Wake County Registry.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid parcel(s) of land and all privileges and appurts 'hereunto belonging to the said Grantees, their heirs, or successors,
and assigns forever.
Lauretta Taylor, widow And the said — - X
Grantor(s), for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators; covenant with the Grantees, their heirs, or successors, and assigns that they are seized of said premises In fee and have the right to convey the same in fee simple; that the same are free from encumbrances except as herein set forth; and that they
will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
• The plural number as used herein shall equally include the singular. The masculine or feminine gender as used herein shall equally include the neuter.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
(SEAL) ZQ.c.c -4ii-- .._._.(SEAL)
under h Lauretta Taylo -----
signature)1::,, . !.;-- _.. —_— _ _ ---- — __ — .(SEAL) --.(SEAL)
DURAM%' .'••'_,/. NORTH CAROLINA— (If acknowledgment not taken in Wake County, N. C., show county and state where taken) ,
.. ,`3 A(i t. _ -Edna,_-p...-.Ma gum—_� __
• —, ■ Notary Public, do hereby certify that
L,.ii ' • ;c ilauretta T lOr, WldOW I and his wife, —
,: + oath personallya day }. g --- ------ — -- _ -, Grantors,
( �l�t , appeared before me this and ackn wled ed the due execution of the foregoing deed'of cony ante.
Witness my hand and notarial seal,this 8t.1 -.day of_-...March_:__, 107... My commission expire. L eb•_-20 r 19
,�"I. �if i ;I`. (Seel must be Impressed sufficiently
f,,,�, t Ill j5•?}>. .'.' for Notary's name to be readable) �. .— es., __— Notary Public. ,
The foregoing certifi ate(,) of / C 11 d 1. a h t 1Iu1�'l^^ _
— - ., Notar(y)(j_Public of Welty County, North Carolina,
-- -- —-- --- Q is (s••)adjudged to be correct.
Let the said deed and cartificate(a) be registet-ed. Witness my hand this the _- O�— day of _._-_---_-- 7 t
Probate fee 25c paid - -'�- _ _ __ _-
11 "<
j //// De uty Clerk Superior Court.
Filed for registration on the_......_._ - day of _, 1f_,.:._,at S-c 2i.'clerk - iM., and duly re• • • . office of the
Register of DDresis sf Woks County,N.C..In Melt 7. Pa.*�[`; J. A. RO .
Fee $� id. / ✓ �� �� ' STIR OF DUN.
Form No. 1-151 Rev. 5-51 rl t 1954 Deputy Register • - a.
dopy ghby Wake County Bar Association--Mitchell Printing Co_, Raleigh, N. C.