HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090870 Ver 1_Other Documents_20090811,�;�'.
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August 7, 2009
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Wilmington Reg atory Field Office
69 Darlington Av nue ,
Wilmington, No,vth Carolina 28403
ATTENTION: Mr. Brad Shaver
, NCDOT Coordinator
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SUBJECT: i Nationwide 14 Permit Application and JD forms for Secondary Road
Construction on SR 1940 (Mail Route Rd.), Duplin County Project Number:
3C.031057 (DWQ Permit Fee: $240)
Please find enclosed two submittals: 1) a PCN application for a Nationwide 14 permit from the
Army Corps of Engineers for the secondary road improvement project on SR 1940 (Mail Route
Rd.) in Duplin County and 2) the forms for the jurisdictional determination of resources within
the project limits. The scope of the project will be to widen, grade, drain and base the 2.19
miles of existing unpaved road to current NCDOT secondary road standards of 20 ft of travel
lanes and 6 ft of earthen shoulders to improve roadway safety and stability.
This project is located in the Cape Fear River Basin within USGS hydrologic unit 03030007
(subbasin 030622). The proposed project will permanently impact 5 ft of a perennial stream
(UT Rock Fish Creek - C Sw) associated with a pipe replacement at Sta. 76+41.53 (Pipe K). In
addition; the proposed project will impact. 0.11 acre of wetlands at Wetland Sites WA, WB and
WC and 0.004 acre of impacts at Tributaries B and D. There will also be some temporary
impacts associated with BMPs that may be needed for dewatering activities at the jurisdictional
cross lines depending on flow conditions at the time of the replacement. There are no
permanent or temporary utility impacts proposed .with this project. A field meeting was held on-
siteron May 14, 2009 with you and Ken Averitte (DWQ) to review the project and to verify the
juri! dictional determinations.
The Department has avoided and minimized impacts to jurisdictional resources to the greatest
extent possible. Based upon our field meeting and ensuing conversations, compensatory
mitigation for the 5 feet of perennial stream impacts at Pipe K, and 0.11 acre of impacts to
"waters of the US" at Sites WA, WB, WC and Pipes B and D will be provided with onsite
mitigation. The Department is proposing to restore 22 ft of a perennial waters associated with a
�tributary located at Sta. 102+07.60 (Pipe N). Currently 22 ft of 48" CMP exist outside of the
PHONE: (910) 251-5724 Fax: (910) 251-5727
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-, `�•_:.�� '•-' NCDOT Right of,Way (R/W) and proposed impact area, on the outlet end of Pipe N. We.;a're��:
'':t�;`�'� proposing ;..tor;remove the pipe and install a new 54" pipe within the recorded R/W. F`�Thei�rt�•
•� � � ,•,�:
�'`'� `y;'disturbed;�22 ft of channel on the outlet end of the new pipe will then be restored using the,��;`
downst�eam section as a reference reach. The restored channel will then be matted and':.��
�-�seeded with a wetland mixture. This section of channel will be outside of the R/W therefore tiie` ;:; :
.::"� Department will not have a mechanism available to preserve this area however due to its rural. �
location, future impacts are unlikely. The site will be monitored for one year using photos to
document its success and stability. •�
Federally Protected Species
Species with the federal classification of Endangered, Threatened, Proposed Endangered and
Proposed ; Threatened _ are protected under, provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the
Endangered Species Act 'of 1973 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The United States
Fish and Wildlife Service lists eleven federally protected species for Duplin County which
include American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides
borealis), and American chaffseed (Schwalbea Americana). A GIS and field review has been
conducted for these species and their habitat for this project and a determination of "No EffecY'
for the listed species is recommended.
Historical Resources
Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservations Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 296 CFR Part
800, this project has been reviewed and cleared for effects on historical and archeological
resources. However, a cemetery was noted on the south side of SR 1940 in the vicinity of Sta.
6+69. The State Historic Preservation Office has asked that any widening or straightening of
the road in the cemetery's vicinity take place on the opposite side of the road and also that
there is no staging of equipment in this vicinity (see attached table and letter).
Section 404 Permit: The Department of Transportation is requesting to proceed under
Nationwide 14 in accordance with 72 FR 11092, March 12, 2007.
Section 401 Permit: We are also requesting by copy of this letter issuance of the 401 Water
Quality Certification 3704 from the DWQ. We have provided a method of debiting $240 fo be
submitted to the D1IVQ for processing the WQC permit request, as noted in the subject line of
this application. �
If you have any questions or need additional information please contact feel free to contact me
at (910) 251-5724.
Mason Herndon
Division 3 DEO
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7�iic�ici F. E�s�cr. C�iare:r�
t4'i�':iam G. Rsxs lr., S�..rei:��
?dor:''i i.sn:iir.a Dt�ncnt of �.�it�,n�nt snd tiaivad R�oesc�
From: Pc�liy l.sspir�.��se, D�vision of V1Pa�er 4uai��#y, Mao!-esvilRe �,�io!3�l C}f�Gc
�1� l�'. i�!irrx's:. P_E. �;�;',Tat
'.Tti�sron uf C1'� :tiY �s±I:ti
February 23, 2(}�7
Su�r�ec�: � C�c�rt�enis Qn the Envi.ronrr�entai Assessrnent Reta#�d ta the 1�C 24127 Troy Sypas� from
N� 24f�7 J�st West ot SR 1�38 �Dairy Roadj ta,�us� East of the Little f�iver, Montgor�er��
Cc�.unt�}. Feti�ral Arcf Praject Na. Si"P-24(fr.�, State 'Rrc�ject h�o. 8.T�a�tQG1, i'fP R-623, DENR
Prajec�t Number 47-0��67, Due E�ate �31Q212�07 •
This of�,�� has review�` tsi.e re,`e:rerc�ci da.:�r�e�t da�;cd paeerrL�er, 20�. Th° UFVisco� of'Nater C�u�al€�y
(�3WQ) is res��ns��(e #a; i��� iss�:��;e ai th� SeCfi(0� 407 lfil�tef Q�t�TEfil CeRfiic2tion far activities th�t i�oac;
�t�t� ers c� if�� U.S,, in�iuding �;retlands. It is �ur �r�ders:ar��in.g thGZ tI`�e �roject as presa ��Ed wili ,es��� in
impac,s to j!.irisciictia��ai �vaff�ncs, Sf.rQams, ar:d o:h�r surface waters. �Th� D1��.►� �rers the follcwing comrr:ents
�asecl cn rev;e�rv os t�e �forementcened �oc�ment. .
Pra�ect S��eci�ic CoEnm�ts:
A) `�"his eroiec: is beit�ta pEartn�d as pa� of t��t� �04iNEPA Ma�g�.: P;ocess. As a parfici�ating ��a,^z
mem�Er, �he N�DV`�4 wi1( �cntin�� ta wcrk v�itF� #h�e te�r-�.
Genet�a€ Cort�rrtents:
6) Th? envi�art�rie�►tai d�cur�ent sc�au�tf prc�rce a de�aiied a�� iter�2ad pr�sertation af i�te orcposed
im�a� fc'weii?.n�s an� straa�ns �•rii� co�:eSpCC;din� ma�h^,:�g. ,� rr;itiez2ticri is necessa:-y as r��i�ed by
'!5A NG,+�C Z�.O�p6�h}, it is prefErat�'e :o �sent � ccncept�al (ir notfir�a[ized} mifigation pl�n ��vith the
er�vir�n�ental doc,um�nta�ic�n. Appropriate mi}it�2�ion elans wili be required prior to issuance af .a 4C1
V`,fster Quafit-r Cer'���icr�.
C} �n�+iranm4r"ta� �ssess�r,ent aftema:i�es shouEd cor�sid�r des9gn criteria ihat reduc� :he irnpacts t�
Si:'E2fi'�$ 2,i1."E 1A!?L�2ft�S ifvii3 $L�� �ti2�.('f 7'E,EiiOi`. i he5e c�{8�8;(V$S Si�O:llt] :�SC�UCiE (OeC� CtES1s(eS Ii"i3L
2[l.dw for ��2:st�e:e'! C� the stomn �:ater r�ncff ;hro�.��h bes: r��n�gem�nt Rrctiwes cs �etaiEeci in the
most r�s�� �ersio� oi NC DV�lQ Storr.�}�vate�r Bes� �'�4ana�erreni �'ractices, such zs grass�d swates,
�uf�er area�s, �refiorrned s���r hal�s, re#�n�ie� �rasins, e#c.
Dl h�Er it�e s�I�cfia� �f "�he pretErred ��#�rtt�ti�re and prFor to an "ss�u�nce isf the 4�� W�teE Qua1:�y
�eftifeatior�, �he N�Da � is ��s�ec�u�fy rerninded t�a•t they Nf:t3 r.eer� ta der�:or.�t��t� �ne avoidanc� ar:d
, ninir�izaticn of 'tmpacts to wettar�ds (an� s:reamsj fo ti^,� max�rrt� �m ext��f pra�tical. !n accordar�cE
���h tfne Cnvitonment2{ h�tanccemeni Commissia�'s RufeS {�.SA NCptG 2H,C�Q6�h}j, mr�ig�iia� 4vitE be
r�fluite� `�or ��pacis of g;eaier fh�n "l acr� to :•�a�E2t�d5_ 1i� ih@ E-ue�tt th2: mi,�a�on is r�G�ared, E�e
mi.��gsfia� ��a;n �hauid `ae �esi�rr�d io 9�plac� a{��ropri�t� 1c�t ivnctions a�d values. Th� �!C
Ecos fs2�m EnhanGemer;# Pmgrar� rnay �e at�aila�le f�cr us� Gs 4vpt�and rriitication.
I��:nk Cazrrirna C}hisinr� nf �Sctrr C?ua'.i�v f'16 �su Can;cr aa•rnLC. Sr�itc 3s I
fr,t�[r,�t h2o.enr.stte.:.�i,s �laaresrilic. �'L:28d15
nfl �C:J'�i �i",�ni3�iE11Y8 'r.�.l7f1 �( 5' �F -1 !1^
" t =%�0�7Y4 - 5�, e. CJ� c4� v'Ln r�GS? CCt�5L17iEf P i�Y3t
(�Ce�e y?Cs i l�a�-f �99
13,1' ( iS�-i) �.`��Qe�
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E� �r� aGCardance w'�: the Ertviranmsntal [�tanagemerst C�mmiss€on's Rules {t5fi NCAC 2H.Ga�r�(E�}�.
�rtit�gation trrili be ;�qt�ired for i�npacts o� greater �han � 5fl linear feei to any sing;e perenntai st�earn, ln
fh� svent �nat mitagation is req�ieed, the mrtigatian plen shauid be. designecE �o r�place appr�gr;ate i:,st
fur�c�ons and va��es. �� NC Ec�system Eni�anceme�t Program may be avaiia��e for use as str�am
:-�� Futur� �ecu�en�a�ien, inclGC�in� t�;e 4�1 VJafer Q�aEity Cp�ifi�ati�n Ap�(ic�tio�t, sh�ulc c�n�r�cre tfl
inc6ud� ar� i:emi2�d E�st�ng oY the ��opdse�i w�i3and �r,d strearn impacts v,�i�h c�rrespond;ng r:�a{��ing.
G} D1�VQ �s :r��'y �trnx��ed 3vii�h s�a�Errerit �nd, arosion irnpac:s thaE could resul+, from if tis projeci. UGD�T
� si�eufd a�'c�rass t��s� c�ncerns b� describing ihe �actentfaE irr�pac;s tE,at may� e�cur #a ihe �c�ua ic
�nvir�r��r�e� E,� �; ;� ���+ �;#�g��ng �2ctors �hat v�rould r�duce the ir�pacis.
H; �,t� �naiyv��s o� cu:n�lat�.�e an� seccndary imp��ts anticipafed as ��esu�t oi this pro':�ct is re-�uired. The
, fi�pe �r:g ��fai; of �rta!;�rsis s�e�ld :�nsor� id the NC Division of uV�ter Qu�fity Policy ar, t^e �
.assessrrsen� o� secondary and cumulat:v� impac:s datEd A�ril i�, 20�4.
t� I�CDOT is ��,�c'E'�t;y rcmir�det{ >t��at al! �mM?c`s, inc�E:dir.� �vt nct ::r�itcd to, �: r'�GiCtG. fii, 8XL'rl'l�la^
a�td cl2a�irg, ;t� jcsrfs�'ic:icnaf ��etlGr��, s�;eanzs, and �ip�^an 6u� ers rieed to be incfude� �� the finai
im�2ct ca��ul�;i�r�s. T�ESe imp2cts, i� addifior� to an;��canst; uction ir:-tipacts, temperary or o'he�rise,
� a�$G ib�a� ie �e i,'�c�uded as Fat of ±i�� �C� �1l�ter Quaiity Cer#:fcatEOn App[ication.
.f} �N��re s�.re�ms �-ct�s� be �rossec, fhe �W�fQ �re`ers bridges �e use� in iie� oF cuh�erts. Hov��e.ver_ �;e
re2iize that ecorar�'s� c€�nsidarations ofterr re�ui« the use ci cul��erts. �rEease �e 2dvised #hat ��(v�rts
sho�ld b� co�;n=Qrs�r?R Eo a°Iiaw u� u'mpe�'atf passage by �ish a�cf o;her aq�.�atic orga�:�isr:rs. P�lor�over, Gn
aFeas z�vf't�:� hi�i� ��a'ry t�?Jands nr str�.a�s ar� impacted, a�ri��e �ay prove �,referabte. Vuhen
applicai�te. �O ��houlcf r�ot i�s`alt t�F� bri�gp �er,ts in i�� c:Eek ia the ,��ax�rr��� ex`ent practicabre.
D�t1�Q rec��rtrrtends thaf br�dging lacaiiarts 6� as agreed upvn irt #he NEPA140�4 IVlerger Te�m
M�e�ir�r� (Cct�ct�rr�rtce Foirrt 2A1 hetd oa f4'�arch 2Z, �Qt}5. fn �c�dit��n, D�IQ wauid afso
�ecommend the �se. of a doub€e t�ao-ret c�c�rert (irt lieu a� a si�gle farger cutvert) at str�a;n
cr'ossin� B5� C�, �5, artd �5 to accomr.;adate �lood flov�s and rnaintain natu�al st�eam
K� ��imerY and �3csign �a�jrol rneasures should nai I�e placer� in we`lar�ds or sire2ms.
L} $o�rowl+ra�as�e ar'ea� shoufd avoicf vr��.rands t� xhe max;rrtum extent practi�aE_ im�acts to weti�nds in
�t3�'t��r�lvras�� �r2as ���[I neeu L� V? preser,ted ir� �ie 4�1 `�fatar �uality CeetiScatior� and cc��(d
�rre�3pi�t�fe cc�n`��r�at�ry mi�igatian:
�.'�) Ti�e 4(�1 �'Vaf�r C1��uGlity Cert�:,atio� a��rr�catan v�i!€ nec--� to �pe�ifi�aliy ad�r�ss the proposed meth�ds
fvr stormwater ma��gemen#. Mcre speci�ically, s`arrr�L�ater shou(d not �� perr;ii��� Co d�sch�rge
d�r�c#ly in#� strea�s t�= �crxace �rra�ars..
N1 Bas�:d o�'�i�e i^;~tr:�t�asi�n present�E in ti�E �oc�rrrent, tr� magritu�= of :r,tpac"ts �� �yeiiancis a�d
stre�rns �!-�ay c�e��ire an [ndiwidu�.f Perr�it (['.PX epp;�e�tion to t,�e Co�ps of En�ineers an�
co�'e��ondiRg 4Q�'� +ttlT�ter Qc��li:y G4�if�catio:n. Paease ���v6s�d ti-��t 2 401 '.'Vater �ua!�s C�rifi��iUn
requires saFi�farE�rf ��o��ci9an of v��at�e; quali#y t� �n��re ��� wa��r quati�y sta�da� �s are mec art� �a
we`:iarid �r ��rean� uses a�e I�st. �iral� p�rr,it a�.ri�rer�zation �vil� req��re the submi�a� tr� a 2�mal
2ppiicatfon �y ;he N��COT ar�d wrf�t�n co���rr�n:� from `he NC�V,iC�. Please t�e a:vare that ary
appr4vai snfsil be cor►�i:�aer,t o� a�prop�i�te a�4idance �an� rrinimi?.atio� of wE.tl2nd an�d stream irrtpa�is
�a �� rr�ax�mu� ext��rt ps'a�c;€cal, �hE �3evRlapment. of an �cce�t���e storm��.�a:�r rranagement plan, an�
th� frc���icr o� apprv�,*iafie m�tigation pi$f15'�rfl�r� a��TOpi�3f�.
O; Bri��e sup�parts cGer#s} s�ould not ha �isc�d in the s:ream when oossibfe.
Date: April 5, 2007
Dr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D.
Manager, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch
North Carolina Department of Transportation
1548 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548
SUBJECT: EPA Review Comments of the Federal Environmental Assessment for
R-0623, NC 24/27, Troy Bypass, Montgomery County
Dear Dr. Thorpe:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4(EPA) has reviewed the
subject document and is commenting in accordance with Section 309 of the Clean Air
Ac,t a'�d_�ction 102(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The
North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) are proposing to construct a new four-lane, divided highway
south of downtown Troy, in Montgomery County for an approximate distance of 6.0
The proposed project has been in the Section 404/NEPA Merger Ol process and
EPA notes the following concurrence point (CP) milestones: CP 1 Purpose and Need
signed 3/8/O1, CP 2 Alternatives to be Carried Forward for Detailed Study signed
8/19/04, and CP 2A Bridging and Alignment Review signed 3/22/O5.
There are four new location alternatives that are under consideration, including
Alternatives B, C, D and E. All of the alignments share a common western and eastern
terminus with existing NC 24/27.
Alternatives B, C, D and E share a similar magnitude of impacts to the human and
natural environment. EPA has reviewed the potential impacts to the key environmental
indicators, including jurisdiction waters of the U.S. and offers the following specific
comments for some of these indicators:
Wetlands and Streams
Alternatives B, C, D and E have relatively very small and negligible impacts to
wetlands and the impacts range between 0.5 and 0.8 acres. These impacts were
calculated using the construction limits plus 10 feet. However, jurisdictional stream
impacts are substantial including 3,092 linear feet for Alternative B, 4,021 linear feet for
Alternative C, 3,9201inear feet for Alternative D, and 3,948 linear feet for Alternative E.
These impacts were calculated based upon construction limits. EPA supports North
Carolina's Division of Water Quality (DWQ) recommendation that NCDOT consider the
use of a double barrel culvert in lieu of a single larger culvert at stream crossing B5, C5,
DS and E5, in order to accommodate flood flows and maintain natural stream
dimensions. The primary stream systems within the project area that are impacted
include the Little River, Warner Creek and Turkey Creek. The DWQ classification for
these streams is Class C waters.
Residential and Business Relocations
Total relocations for all categories (residential, business and non-profit) range
between 20 and 24 for the four new location Alternatives, with Alternative B with 24,
Alternative C with 23 and Alternatives D and E with 20 each.
Noise Receptors
Receptors impacted by noise include 29 each for Alternatives B and C, and 18
and 17 receptors for Alternatives D and E, respectively. It should be noted that 16 of the
29 impacted receptors for Alternatives B and C would experience a substantial noise
increase compared to existing noise levels and 4 and 3 receptors would experience a
substantial noise increase for Alternatives D and E. NCDOT evaluated the use of noise
walls at two locations, including one for Alternative B by Roslyn Road and one for
Alternative C by Roslyn Road. Neither of these locations and the 8 impacted receptors
met the NCDOT Noise Abatement Criteria for cost effectiveness of a noise wall barrier.
However, EPA believes that the possible use of earthen berms to minimize potential
noise increases from the project were prematurely dismissed (Page 4-53), and where cost-
effective, they can be possibly worked into the final grading and roadway design without
diminishing property access. Also, proper landscaping and vegetative screening along
the riglit of way can have a profound psychological effect on impacted receptors and their
perception of increased highway noise. Considering the very rural setting of this project,
EPA recommends that NCDOT consider more `context-sensitive, yet practicable'
minimization measures for noise abatement. NCDOT has recognized the general nature
of perceived truck traffic noise increases in its discussion on Environmental Justice and
its efforts to minimize impacts to the communities in and around Troy (Sections 2.8.3 and
4.3.4 and Pages 4-26 and 4-27).
Prime Farmlands
EPA has reviewed the information presented in Section 4.2 of the EA regarding
Prime, Unique and Statewide Important Farmlands ("Prime Farmlands"). The total
Prime Farmland soil acres for Alternatives B, C, D and E are 79, 78, 92 and 94 acres,
respectively. The Farmland Conversion Impact Rating Forms were completed for the
different Alternative impacts and none of the sites received a score above 160 points
(Scores of 113 to 119). The avoidance and minimization requirements under the
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