HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0072575_Report_19941201Comprehensive Study Plan Deep River, NC Prepared for: Golden Poultry Company PO Box 2210 Atlanta, GA 3 03 01 NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 Prepared by: Smart & Associates, Inc. Cary, NC November 1994 MM TABLE OF CONTENTS MR M► INTRODUCTION................................................................I STUDYPLAN TASKS........................................................... 4 TASK A. Examination of the quality of the discharge through the permitted outfall. ....... 5 A.1. Establish a data base . ............................................. 5 �+ A.2. Evaluate data quality in the data base . ................................ 7 A.3. From the data, calculate effluent load in the discharge for each constituent..... 7 A.4. Compare results of effluent constituents to permit limits. ................. 8 TASK B. Investigation of water quality in the segment of the Deep River from Carbonton Dam through Hwy 1, downstream ............................... 9 B.1. Compile historical water quality data for the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to Hwy l ...................................... 10 B.2 Conduct a water quality study of the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to FMHwy ...................................................... 10 B.2.1 Sample Station Locations .................................. 11 B.2.2 Sample Frequency . ........................................ 12 rm B.2.3. Sample Analytes......................................... 17 B.2.4 Field Methods ........................................... 21 B.2.5 Laboratory Methods ...................................... 24 �' B.2.6 Data Storage ............................................ 24 B.2.7 Data Analysis ........................................... 25 Reports ................................................ 26 rmB.2.8 B.2.9 Field Quality Control and General Water and Sediment Sampling Considerations .......................................... 26 B.3. Determine watershed land uses and land covers 30 M14 ........................ TASK C. Comparison of feasible and effective treatment options for the Company's ,r, facility to determine the extent to which oxygen -demanding constituents can be reduced............................................................31 F, TASK D. Examine historical flow records for the Deep River to confirm a meaningful and reliable 7Q 10 flow for the segment to which the Company discharges. ....... 31 D.1. Obtain USGS discharge measurements at existing gaging stations at M, Moncure (Station Number 02102000) and Ramseur (Station Number 02100500)..................................................32 D.2. Establish a staff gauge in the discharge reach of the Deep River............ 33 F, D.3. Develop a rating curve for the discharge reach of the Deep River. ........ 33 D.4. Use the stage -flow information to calculate a meaningful 7Q 10 for the FW ii F" MR 04 discharge reach of the Deep River ................................. 35 M, TASK E. Assessment of the parameter and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations for NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 in light of the findings of MR the study as they represent the condition the segment of the Deep River to which the Company discharges ............................................... 36 MM E.1. Identify parameters and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations . ............................................ 36 E.2. Determine appropriateness of the parameters and mechanics of the stream RM model used to derive effluent limitations . ........................... 37 E.3. Document the results of the analyses ................................. 37 MR TASK F. Examination of constituent loading (e.g., BODS and NH3-N) to the Deep River from the overland terraces to determine whether a method can be devised for separately accounting for these loadings contributed by natural and non -manmade fm (background) sources during storm events and to assess the impact of the loadings on maintenance of the uses in the Deep River .............................. 38 MR) F.1. Assess constituent loading from a reference terrace ...................... 39 F.2. Assess constituent loading from a reference location ..................... 40 F.3. Based on data from the control terrace and reference location calculate MR background concentrations of BODS, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids. Document results to DEM................................. 42 M, REFERENCES................................................................. 43 APPENDIX I `a' FIELD SAMPLING SHEETS ................................................ 45 APPENDIX II raq North Carolina Water Quality Standards ........................................ 48 ran K- rM ran MR iii MR FIM am rAn FER ORA LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Monitoring requirements for the effluent at GPC, Permit Number NC0072575 .......... 6 Table 2. Variables to be Analyzed (x) on a monthly basis, analytical method, detection limit and reference for water and sediment at stations on the Deep River, North Carolina. ........ 18 Table 3. Variables to be Analyzed (x) on a quarterly basis, analytical method, detection limit and reference for water and sediment at stations on the Deep River, North Carolina ...... 19 Table 4. Variables, container type, preservation, and holding times for monthly samples.......... 20 W Table 5. Variables, container type, preservation, and holding times for quarterly samples. ....... 21 MR Table 6. Number and types of samples taken for field quality control ........................ 29 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 a Map of the Deep River from Carbonton Dam to Hwy 421 showing the Surface Water �► and River Sediment sample stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample locations). Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000............................................ 13 Figure lb. Map of the Deep River from Hwy 421 to Hwy 15/501 showing the Surface Water r-M and River Sediment sample stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample locations). Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR The match line designates the river location on Figure 1 c. From USGS Topographic Maps, scale MR 1:24,000.................................................................14 Figure 1 c. Map of the Deep River from the match line on Figure lb to approximately 1.5 miles downstream from the confluence of the Rocky River showing the Surface Water and River Sediment sample stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample locations). Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR The beginning of the river on this figure corresponds to the match line on Figure lb. From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000............................................ 15 Figure 1 d. Map of the Deep River from approximately 1.5 miles downstream from the confluence of the Rocky River to the confluence of the Haw River showing the Surface Water and River Sediment sample stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample a+ locations). Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000.................................. 16 MR iv P" M Deep River Study Plan Page 1 Min INTRODUCTION M, fan Golden Poultry Company (GPQ uses an overland flow treatment system to treat its wastewater. The system consists of a number of terraces planted with a cover crop designed to remove constituents from effluent (e.g., BODS, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) and to maximize treatment of "M the effluent. The terraces are pitched at a slope to regulate the rate of flow of effluent across the 00 terrace surfaces. Effluent is sprayed on the terraces through a series of spray heads located throughout the terraces. The treated effluent drains from the terraces and flows through a series ," of ditches to a chlorinator, and then is discharged into the Deep River, a class C stream. on The Deep River originates in eastern Forysth County and flows 116 miles through Guilford, M" Randolph, Moore, Chatham and Lee Counties in the piedmont North Carolina, where it joins the M" Haw River to form the Cape Fear River in Chatham County. The Deep River has a drainage area of 15434 mil and an average flow of 1447 cfs for water years 1930 to 1992 at Moncure (USGS Sm 1992). A 1983 study of the upper Deep River identified 41 NPDES permitted point source MR discharges from the source to Worthville Dam, as well as "... degraded water quality caused by depressed dissolved oxygen concentrations, elevated levels of metals, ammonia and nutrients a" and elevated residual chlorine concentrations along most of the mile study reach.." (DEM 1985). About 19-25 river miles were found to be severely degraded by point source dischargers and an MR additional 13-26 river miles were moderately degraded (DEM 1988a). MR fflo Additional surveys were conducted in August 1986 and 1987; the 1987 studies included OR am "14 am FOR Deep River Study Plan Page 2 biological analyses of river reaches above and below the Sanford WWTP. Results of the biological survey indicated that the taxa richness declined between stations above and below the ,m 5.0 mgd (design) Sanford VVWTP plant (DEM 1988a). M" Water quality studies of the Deep River in Chatham and Lee Counties were conducted in 1992 MR and 1993 (DEM 1992, 1993) and indicated low dissolved oxygen concentrations from the am Carbonton Dam to above the Sanford WWTP. According to the reports, the causes for the low dissolved oxygen concentrations have not been determined. Sanford WWTP instream F" monitoring data also indicated extended time periods in the summer when the dissolved oxygen standard is violated upstream and downstream (DEM 1988b). am "' The Golden Poultry Company discharges treated effluent into the Deep River under conditions fm specified in NPDES permit number NC0072575. The mass loading limitations in the GPC permit reflect the stressed conditions observed in the Deep River. A Special Order by Consent M" (SOC) between GPC and DEM, concerning mass loadings of BOD5 and NH3-N, requires that Am GPC conduct a comprehensive study of the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to the outfall of the Town of Sanford's POTW. The comprehensive study is detailed in this study plan. M „R The results of this comprehensive study will be used to define parameters and mechanics of the model used to derive effluent limitations for the GPC NPDES permit; to establish a meaningful and reliable 7Q10 flow for the segment to which GPC discharges; to establish background ,M concentrations and loadings of effluent constituents (e.g., BODS and NH3 N) to the Deep River am mM OM Deep River Study Plan Page 3 MM which can be subtracted from the loadings from the overland flow treatment system; to establish the quality of the effluent being discharged; and to determine the water quality in the segment of O, the Deep River from Carbonton Dam through Hwy 1, downstream. Based on the results of this study, a proposal for the reissuance of NPDES permit No. NCO072575 will be formulated and SM submitted to DEM. P" am M4 40 P" MR MR W MR M OW OR M" Deep River Study Plan Page 4 M, M STUDY PLAN TASKS MM A comprehensive study plan of the Deep River is required under terms of the Special Order by M, Consent. The study plan is to have the following elements: M" MM A. Examination of the quality of the discharge through the permitted outfall. MM B. Investigation of water quality in the segment of the Deep River from Carbonton Dam through 00 Hwy 1, downstream. C. comparison of feasible and effective treatment options for the Company's facility to �*► determine the extent to which oxygen -demanding constituents can be further reduced. D. Examine historical flow records for the Deep River to confirm a meaningful and reliable 7Q10 flow for the segment to which the Company discharges. 0" E. Assessment of the parameter and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations for NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 in light of the findings of the study as they represent the condition the segment of the Deep River to which the Company discharges. 00 F. Examination of constituent loading (e.g., BODS and NH3-N) to the Deep River from the Ma OR em Deep River Study Plan Page 5 MR overland terraces to determine whether a method can be devised for separately accounting for these loadings contributed by natural and non -manmade sources (background) during storm am events and to assess the impact of the loadings on maintenance of the uses in the Deep River. M" TASK A. Examination of the quality of the discharge through the permitted outfall. fm Objective. The objective of Task A is to evaluate effluent characteristics (as given in Table 1) over the duration of the permit to determine the quality of the effluent that is discharged to the Deep River. This objective will be met through completion of each of the steps listed below: A.1. Establish a data base A.2. Evaluate the data in the data base A.3. From the data, calculate effluent load in the discharge for each constituent. AA Compare results of effluent constituents to permit limits. P" Methodology. The methods used to meet the objective of Task A are given in this section. M om A.1. Establish a data base. Data collected as a condition of Permit No. NC0072575 will be used to establish the data base. Permit No. NC0072575 allows the Golden Poultry Company (GPC) facility to discharge treated 00 am M +•n MR am MR mm 0" am L-1 r= AM P" 0" M me me Deep River Study Plan Page 6 effluent to the Deep River. According to the permit, GPC must monitor the effluent for the constituents and frequency as given in the permit and in Table 1. Table 1. Monitoring requirements for the effluent at GPC, Permit Number NC0072575. Effluent: Charact ensttc Measurement Frequency : Sample Type .: Flow Continuous Recorder BOD, 5 day, 20° C Weekly Composite NH3 as N Weekly Composite Dissolved Oxygen Weekly Grab Total Suspended Solids Weekly Composite Oil and Grease Weekly Grab Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Weekly Grab Total Residual Chlorine Daily Grab Temperature Weekly Grab Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Monthly Composite Total Phosphorus Monthly Composite All of the data that has been collected in response to the permit and is listed in Table 1 will be entered into a database. Data will be entered into a data base to facilitate storage, updating and analyses. The primary database will be the spreadsheet EXCEL, and the primary analytical tool will be PC -SAS. Several other standard graphics or statistical analyses packages may also be used. These include software packages of SigmaPlot, SigmaStat, and EXCEL. an Deep River Study Plan Page 7 rAq A.2. Evaluate data quality in the database. MR 0" Data in the data base will be examined to ensure that transcription, or other types of clerical am errors, have not occurred. Data will then be subjected to screening for exploratory descriptive purposes. The purpose of the screening is to determine the appropriateness of the data set to MR assess quality of the effluent discharge. Screening will be accomplished with simple descriptive statistics and graphical presentations. It will include, for example, analyses for normal MR distribution, skewness, kurtosis, variance, frequency and quartile distribution, and for MR hypothesis testing, an examination for serious violations of assumptions such as correlated errors MA and heterogeneity of error variation. Heterogeneity of variances may be caused by aberrant values resulting from gross errors or from extremely atypical samples. Each datum that the MR screening has identified as suspect will be examined by reviewing field and sampling notes and MR procedures, and analytical quality assurance and quality control. Each datum that is removed from the data set will be documented. „R A.3. From the data, calculate effluent load in the discharge for each constituent. 00 The data in the data base will be used to calculate effluent load in the discharge for each M, constituent. Calculations are made for each constituent following simple flow weighted discharges according to the following equation: am C (mg/1) x Q (cfs) x CF = lb/day M Paq IMP MM Deep River Study Plan Page 8 Where: Mn C = Constituent in mg/l. am Q = Discharge in cubic feet per second. CF = Conversion Factor to lb/day. M, �► Calculations are made for each time a sample contains both a measure of the constituent of interest and flow. Data are analyzed by day and month, and summary statistics are derived that detail characteristics of the effluent. Graphical presentations of the data will be made. M AA Compare results of effluent constituents to permit limits. 0" The flow weighted loadings are compared to the discharge limitations in the permit on a daily and monthly time basis. Loadings above the limitations are noted. For each load above the limitation, field notes and laboratory quality control data are examined to determine conditions on the day of sampling, equipment calibration data, laboratory accuracy and precision, and any general information that will assist in determining causes for the exceedance. P" A report containing the data and results from Steps 1, 2, and 3 will be prepared. M" M am am mm Deep River Study Plan Page 9 mm TASK B. Investigation of water quality in the segment of the Deep River from Carbonton am Dam through Hwy 1, downstream. am The objective of this task is to assess water quality in the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam through Hwy 1, downstream. Water quality, as measured by dissolved oxygen, is often below "o' standards for Class C streams (< 4 mg/l dissolved oxygen) above the outfall from the GPC. Water quality studies of the Deep River in Chatham and Lee Counties were conducted in 1992 and 1993 by DEM (DEM 1992, 1993) and indicated low dissolved oxygen concentrations through the study reach. am This objective will be met through completion of each of the steps listed below: M" am B. 1. Compile historical water quality data for the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to US Hwy 1. B.2. Conduct a water quality study of the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to Hwy 1. FM B.3. Determine watershed land uses and land covers. Methodology. The methods used to meet the objective of Task B are given in this section. MR Pq go Ow (M MR M" MR Deep River Study Plan Page 10 B.1. Compile historical water quality data for the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to HM 1. Historical water quality data will be obtained and entered into the data base. The data will be obtained from the Deep River from Carbonton Dam to Hwy 1 from various sources. The sources fen that will be examined include state and federal agencies (e.g., DEM, USGS), universities (e.g., M" water resources center at NCSU), Carolina Power & Light Co. (apparent owners of the Carbonton Dam), and NPDES permit holders (e.g., GPC, City of Sanford). As the investigation rim into available data sources proceeds, additional resources may be discovered. These additional resources will be examined for appropriate data. M" M' Data of interest includes general water chemistry information (e.g., pH, alkalinity, dissolved rtws�l oxygen, conductance), nutrients (e.g., phosphorus, nitrogen), demands (e.g., BODS, COD) and primary production (e.g., Chlorophyll a , biomass). Stream geometry and flow data, and watershed data (e.g., land use, land cover, animal units) will also be entered into the data base. W Ground water data may be examined and where appropriate to define surface waters, applicable data will be entered into the data base. Data will be examined for appropriateness and efficacy as indicated in Task A.2. Appropriate data will be entered into the data base. B.2 Conduct a water quality study of the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to Hwv 1. 014 -MR A water quality study of the Deep River from the Carbonton Dam to Hwy 1 will be conducted. MM rR r� Deep River Study Plan Page 11 ram The study will be conducted over a one year period and has as the primary goal to establish the fm oxygen demand in the river and the sources of the demands. The study will include analyses of MWI surface water and sediments. The plan for the study is outlined below in the following headings: Sample Station Locations, Sample Frequency, Sample Analytes, Field Methods, Laboratory Methods, Data Storage, Data Analysis, Reports and Field Quality Assurance. own F" B.2.1 Sample Station Locations M" Surface Water. Surface water will be sampled at eight locations that are described below and shown on Figure 1 (SW means surface water): Sample Station SW 1. The Deep River 150 ft above the Carbonton Dam, the Hwy 42 bridge. ffim Sample Station SW 2. The Deep River 100 ft below the Carbonton Dam MR Sample Station SW 3. The Deep River at SR 1007, 6 mi downstream of the Carbonton Dam. Sample Station SW 4. The Deep River at Hwy 421. Sample Station SW 5. The Deep River at SR 1400 (Cumnock Bridge), 11 miles downstream from the Carbonton Dam and the background location of the GPC and City of Sanford Sample Station SW 6. The Deep River downstream of the GPC effluent discharge and above _rim Big Buffalo Creek, approximately 500 ft downstream. rim fnq tMM rAM W Deep River Study Plan Page 12 Sample Station SW 7. The Deep River at Hwy 15/501, approximately 19 miles downstream from the Carbonton Dam. r-M Sample Station SW 8. The Deep River at Hwy 1. on Obtaining water samples from the same location is imperative. Temporal changes in water MR quality can be interpreted with confidence only if the same location is consistently sampled. Sample stations will be located and permanently marked in the field, identified on maps, and photographed so that stations are easily located during subsequent sampling efforts. Sediment. Sediment will be samPon pled at eight locations that are described above, under surface water, and shown on Figure 1. Sample locations will be photographed and marked on maps. am am B.2.2 Sample Frequency. Surface water. Surface water samples will be collected monthly from the eight stations MR identified in the section `Sample Station Locations' above and shown on Figure 1. Sample FZR stations SW 5 and SW 6 are upstream/downstream sample locations listed in the NPDES permit. These stations are sampled weekly for BODS, dissolved oxygen, temperature and fecal coliform. Data collected as a requirement for the NPDES permit will be used in this study. Surface water will be analyzed for Ultimate BOD on a quarterly basis at stations SW 2, 3, 4, 52 0M 6,7&8. FM Thompsons ~ 2 , 293 Cem • Chapel 378 f I f - . :lam `• -� `/1,I 271 -N .`.. - r Clay —ph .2140 OL Cem Gulf tvr R \ o n Bethagy Ch -- �.' "` y IFs _- --- _ .21 /. rfG - -5 •ii, SOUTHERN ' Quarry - �- CJJF V. rdir . -:ahe �', i' pit TR-4 = -� - � II / 255 •-; , rid— 1 \, '____ `` ./}. z6a, ' u � / v i INN 241 TR-3 A 1 ;, Bethlehem _ —�— \� ✓ : Ch�:r'Cem II TR-6' 77 p- _em 1 di '1 \ / I -- TR-1 7 J -' `� TR-5 j —� • FO�°� � - SW-2 4 Canton M CO G C-r;' ,/� 'ems {--- •---t :.l `r," /� n /\ ��L1 i-/ / .f Oi—�.% _( n�i /I) %/1� I �;%' = Figure la. Map of the Deep River from Carbonton Dam to 13wy 421 showing the Surface Water and River r.f/ Boat Ramp • . _ _ - Sediment sample stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample locations). Tributaries to the Deep ' River that will be sampled are identified b TR. From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000. P Y G �250 _ _ \• �\'-p�1 ` i; _\`51�ZSv�1_ • • -- _ f 111. _ ✓ I \�._!f • ` I - 3CK1/ ..\\ I \\� 1_\ ,�_ i_' t - ��% i�.�r'r il;t; ��1` ��� VVV _ �� '✓/ — +' \ � 2`'Ob - \ Q , \\ � •. �I.J `J 111'�%�~ // , �'���.`L-. ,1i j��� 1�/I1�J �r=\� S�1T'n`�� --'-" /�- / 37c �L l/�--., �.10 � 'J v�J / 1 ! � � _� �._, i� �I ,^'' ,1�� i/ — , r'�• �_"-'- _ - �� � 250 ;� �..\ '� - \ 2i �.;`. �: SW-1 //%/ =>- /%��C�- 11>t ^�',\ - ��_'" �i•• .`_ 250 J - - _ _ .-�\�`_ .I� :. \, r'1 .6M23 �_ "-L!4 1-�=� ��-.�,;: ;.� �•�Ii I• ii•�'� '; _�� �� /-i' v •.\. �! -� j.' ice%! 1�:-7� �l�l�L^��� �. �l i'`�1 i111 '� III -- �\ �' - 0 O 250. 224 ! I ,b°'�,-,i-'I'�\^\, ^�:a �(/!� 'C i.'`"I• •�� .' _�,- 'v i/ \l ./ .i 1_ ���_ �� �� � �C �`� � :/�� ``�`� - "' .. I� r ,� y J!`C i1r ,;_ ; .\�i�1 __- ___� �Y\ ,'. - 1 O •.!` 50 (\�-`J. , �. '�,'� . ,: \ __ .'j �, _-_�- i 1. !I! l , i-- ' \♦ ` i� � — �� ,\ 9 � �:'j � / . it . � __ --. �. i � '�� •��- ISO` -{ r � _ ~_- o \ � •� 11�iL' '/ -^\ ��.. 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Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR. The match line designates the river location on Figure lc �` �` —�✓ From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000. 1S6 3501 O�yr 11 - %' v 3A. 50/ -- --_=�\ i� _ ','.O 1\ _ t' ��. �" - ti\� �, f •oo .�y0 `` j�/ ;dbQ .�-- - `�V' • _ . -- _ -", N = �':'� - / _ L�; VTR-13 ICb �����``.� 3815 79 - - _ _ _ _ -� �5p.. _ ✓ - 1 y i ��1 I / -` • . ' // i __'� � �0 .. �7 �- (19�.- _ - - �` - j i `' 'I \ �.� ,G�'� J _11 �. /� �, --_ ��/ � � - i::ll� ` �i � ter-.. ,� • J - - 380 f,. --350 386 400 - 379 1 ASbllI'f." _ r \..,' /, i•• 1 _ ..! r: I \ • �;36 �. \^ - -466 . 4 IF 384 r''1 r`-- �.. �o � . `' • a _ _=i - r' � .. 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Map of the Deep River from the match line on Figure l b to approximately 1.5 miles , downstream from the confluence of the Rocky River showing the Surface Water and River Sediment s`'' sample stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample locations). Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR. The beginning of the river on this figure corresponds to the match P line on Figure lb. From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000. � r. r Of \I'^ %J �- i� I 1 -'''� ``" lr •:1 G•• ' \ l ' 1 I • • it o�� 19 12 \\- • ! I. `',-Mbncure •.• / •?t— �i. '' SW-8 \% ..�.�.. ' :�u� ; ;� ,aywoo H MHz 1 io rn Creech l - �_% BMIwd`k ' J'/�� r. l �". Rose Hill JJ \ i �r-f�l � •!'ls6 i� �, ; �/ ,'/ ! :1 "Sewage r .Ik 1 \ \ �.. Cem 'o u 1 Disposal �-'' " _ •ss9 B1aCl . 1966 Mifgc_ ltneI •i`, ) agln I 'J `� .II'!Y"'�..CAm / to 8• ( �` ��.�\``\1!•. T-i\.�\.LZiotrCh ;� --em1i -� \� •�• -__� ;' Sf4eQ 1916),88 - - "z�3 GO M. �tj[ jan 1/�✓ -=r==- \� �,'r\ t Water -'193 - }:`�/ •• __. Memorial Tank*,,' Y _ i \ f it if .� )e it - rl WI -A. 11 �'.. / '�\� v '�t' Ire• ,.,�. / ' _ - - Wpm �`• _ \\/ �` ,,, � � �`� �v''''� � 1 hle•s 1�M i7a i V � 1...1 \ `----�1 �; - � {i � 11 ,a:::� � R•erPlanF �, v `!� ' c ._ i 1 /7 Iy pia U ori• F'. +: ✓-� 1 'r •1"�.7 Su DSCdtlan:,co J ,i 191 191 \ J pt �`25 ` ° - — •i9• Littler, Shaddoz IIi - r \� \ N 2< �O`\ O Figure 1 d. Map of the Deep River from approximately 1.5 miles downstream from the confluence of the '- ��✓f 1) �P gem-=,z� Roc River to the confluence of the Haw River showing the Surface Water and River Sediment sample - : 11 � � � g p -- stations on the Deep River (SW designates sample locations). Tributaries to the Deep River that will be sampled are identified by TR. From USGS Topographic Maps, scale 1:24,000. f" as faq A, an Deep River Study Plan Page 17 Sediment. Surficial sediment samples will be collected quarterly from the eight stations identified in the section `Sample Station Locations' above and shown on Figure 1. Tributaries. Twice per year, in spring and in late summer, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, specific conductance and water discharge will be measured in 13 tributaries shown on rM Figure 1. In the Deep River, approximately 100 ft. above and 300 ft. below the confluence of r" each of these tributaries water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and specific conductance will be measured. During these sample times BODS water samples will also be obtained in the five W largest tributaries. Water samples will be obtained approximately 100 ft above the confluence W with the Deep River. Based on available data, the five largest tributaries are Cedar Creek, Indian Creek, Smiths Creek, Big Buffalo Creek, and Patterson Creek. If additional data indicate `" that a different tributary is larger than one of those listed, then samples will be obtained from the larger tributary. This twice per year tributary sampling will be conducted in conjunction with the quarterly monitoring as discussed above. This data will provide an assessment of the affect ran of the tributaries on the Deep River. B.2.3. Sample Analytes ru r-P1 Surface water and river sediments will be analyzed for the variables listed in Table 2 on a MR monthly basis and for those listed in Table 3 on a quarterly basis. Variables, container type, preservation and holding times for monthly water samples are given in Table 4, and for quarterly (SR samples in Table 5. rom MR wi on MM fan FMn MR ran ran Deep River Study Plan Page 18 Table 2. Variables to be Analyzed (x) on a monthly basis, analytical method, detection limit and reference for water and sediment at stations on the Deep River, North Carolina.. Variables <: Sample Method SPA Unless hfoted).. Detecfon Limit Type Test Alkalinity Water 310.1 1 mg/L Potentiometric BOD3 Water 405.1 1 mg/L 5-day incubation Chlorophyll a Water 1 0.1 mghn2 Fluorometry Conductance Water YSI meter NA° - Dissolved Oxygen Water YSI meter NA - Ammonia -Nitrogen Water 350.1 0.01 mg/L Colorimetric - Automated Phenate, Auto Analyzer Nitrate -nitrogen Water 353.2 0.01 mg/L Colorimetric- Automated Cadmium Reduction, Auto Analyzer Total Nitrogen Water 2 0.05 mg/L Colorimetric persulfate oxidation Total Phosphorus Water 3 0.002 mg/L Colorimetric persulfate oxidation, ascorbic acid pH Water Corning meter NA Electrometric Temperature Water YSI meter NA - TOC/TIC Water 415.1 1 mg/L TOCMC Autoanalyzer oxidation/combustion Turbidity Water 180.1 0.02 NTU Nephelometric 'A.P.H.A., 1989; Knowlton, M.F. 1984. Flow -through microcavette for fluorometric determination of chlorophyll. Water Res Bull. 20:795-799; and Sartory, D.P. and J.U. Grobbelaar. 1986: Extraction of chlorophyll a from freshwater h o lankton for a hotometric analysis. drobiolo ia. 114117-187. P Yt P sP �'P Y� H3' 8 2Crumpton, W.G., Isenhart, T.M. and Mitchell, P.D. 1992. Nitrate and organic nitrogen analyses using second fun derivative spectroscopy Limnol. Oceanogr. 37: 907-913. 3A.P.H.A., 1989; Prepas, E. and F.H. Rigler. 1982. Improvements in quantifying the phosphorus concentration in lake water. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39:822-829. NA means not applicable MR IM am fm am M M Wn F" Deep River Study Plan Page 19 Table 3. Variables to be Analyzed (x) on a quarterly basis, analytical method, detection limit and reference for water and sediment at stations on the Deep River, North Carolina. l Sam .le VethodDe _.:... , ecVariab Ies EPA :finless Limit :.. l`toted Calcium Water 215.1 0.1 mg/L Atomic Absorption (AA) COD Sediment 1 5 ppm Oxidation Chloride Water 325.3 0.2 mg/L Titrimetric Magnesium Water 242.1 0.5 mg/L AA Potassium Water 258.1 0.1 mg/L AA Sodium Water 273.1 0.2 mg/L AA UBOD Water 2 1 mg/L Incubation 'A.P.H.A., 1989; USGS 1979, Methods for determination of inorganic substances in water and am fluvial sediments. Book 5, Chapter Al, Techniques of Water Resources Investigations of the USGS. MR 2 A.P.H.A. 1992. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastes. 18th edition supplement. F" M MR FM rR am MR ma 010 Mq MR MR �� Imo, M" Deep River Study Plan Page 20 Table 4. Variables, container type, preservation, and holding times for monthly samples. :unable Contawer Type: Preservation:` Hoiduig Tune pH not applicable not applicable not applicable Water Temperature not applicable not applicable not applicable Dissolved Oxygen not applicable not applicable not applicable Specific Conductance not applicable not applicable not applicable Akalinity P,G Cool, 4° C 14 d BOD5 P,G Cool, 4° C 6 Y Chlorophyll a P,G Cool, 4° C Field Filtered Ammonia Nitrogen P,G Cool, 40C H2SO4 to pH <2 28 d Nitrate- Nitrogen P,G Cool, 4° C 48 h Total Nitrogen P,G Cool, 4° C 28 d Total Phosphorus P.G Cool, 4° C, H2SO4 to pH <2 28 d Organic Carbon P,G Cool, 4° C, H2SO4 to pH <2 28 d Turbidity P,G Cool, 4 ° C 48 h May be held for 24 h at 4° C (see Standard Methods,1994) From: USEPA, Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA-600/4-79-020, updated 1983. USEPA, Analytical Support Branch, Operations and Quality Control Manual, June 1985. USEPA, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, 1986, updated in 1987. USGS. Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis. 40 CFR Part 136 Table II: Required Containers, Preservation Techniques and Holding Times (Water/Wastewater Samples), 1988. am am r dM am Deep River Study Plan Page 21 $m Table 5. Variables, container type, preservation, and holding times for quarterly samples. am E� MM unableantamer Type ; Preseah�n Holding Time COD PIG Cool, 4° C 28 d Calcium P,G HNO3 to pH <2 6 months Chloride PIG None required 28 d Magnesium P,G HNO3 to pH <2 6 months Potassium PIG HNO3 to pH <2 6 months Sodium PIG HNO3 to pH <2 6 months UBOD P,G Cool, 4° C 6 he a May be held for 24 h at 4° C (see Standard Methods,1994) MR From: USEPA, Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA-600/4-79-020, updated 1983. M' USEPA, Analytical Support Branch, Operations and Quality Control Manual, June 1985. USEPA, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, 1986, updated in 1987. USGS. Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis. on40 CFR Part 136 Table II: Required Containers, Preservation Techniques and Holding Times Water/Wastewater Samples), 1988. MR MR B.2.4 Field Methods op Surface Water. A number of variables will be measured on -site, including pH, water ow temperature, dissolved oxygen, and specific conductance. pH will be measured with a pH probe ffim that has been calibrated just prior to use, and specific conductance will be measured with a calibrated specific conductance meter. Water temperature will be measured with a temperature am sm P" 40 Deep River Study Plan Page 22 M4 probe attached to the dissolved oxygen meter or with a hand held thermometer. Dissolved MR oxygen (DO) will be measured with a portable DO meter that is calibrated at least every 3 hours. Vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen, conductance, temperature and pH will be obtained from Deep River sample stations. The vertical profiles will be obtained from the center of the river MR and at 1 foot intervals from the surface to the bottom. MR Additionally, at the Deep River sample stations, dissolved oxygen will be measured at the MR surface, mid -depth, and bottom in the early morning (5 am to 7:30 am) and late afternoon (3 pm am to 5 :3 0 pm). This sampling will provide an estimate of the diurnal variation in dissolved oxygen an in the river water. These times were chosen based on diurnal profiles of the Deep River which M am MR indicated that these times corresponded to the least (morning) and greatest (afternoon) dissolved oxygen concentrations in the river (DEM 1993). Water discharge in the Deep River will be measured as described under Task D.3. Discharge in the tributary streams will be measured by standard USGS techniques that involve measuring 0, flow with a current meter and calculating cross -sectional areas of each sample area. P" The river water will be sampled by obtaining 'discrete' grab samples of water. Discrete grab am samples are taken at a selected location, depth and time, and then analyzed for the constituents of interest. River water will be obtained from the approximate center of flow at approximately 12 inches below the surface, and tributary stream water will be obtained from the approximate center of flow at mid -depth and analyzed for the variables listed in Table 2 and 3. Water will be am rM LE Deep River Study Plan Page 23 Fop collected in sample bottles that face upstream, and water is transferred to sample containers that min include proper preservatives and labels. The sample containers are immediately placed in a cooler with ice and are taken to a laboratory for analysis. fm A chain -of -custody program is followed to assure that proper transportation and storage practices F " are documented and that the appropriate analyses are being conducted. M" A field sampling log of surface water sampling and observations will be maintained. The log Pq book documents site conditions, including stream water depth, observations, weather FM conditions, and in situ measurements. An example of a page from a field log is given in Appendix I. „" Sediment. River sediment will be collected with a gravity type sediment coring device, a petite no ponar dredge, or by hand. Three cores or grab samples will be taken and composited to yield one sample upon which analyses will be performed. The three samples will be collected in a MR triangular pattern around the center of the river. The approximate top 10-cm of the sediment will retained and analyzed for the variables listed in Table 3. OM so A chain -of -custody program is followed to assure that proper transportation and storage practices are documented and that the appropriate analyses are being conducted. MA (M A field sampling log on sediment sampling and observations will be maintained. The log book FM FM OP Deep River Study Plan Page 24 FM documents site conditions, including water depth, sediment texture, observations, and weather conditions. An example of a page from a field log is given in Appendix I. MP B.2.5 Laboratory Methods MR MR Laboratories used for sample analysis must have received certification by the Environmental fam Protection Agency (EPA) or its designated State Agency to conduct chemical anlayses on surface water and drinking water. Sample analyses will follow accepted, standard methods. Alternatively, a laboratory not certified by the state, but that consistently demonstrates accuracy and precision of methods will be allowed to perform analyses. If requested, the laboratory will supply results of accuracy and precision testing to the State. Such demonstrations may include a 5-point standard curve, sample spikes, and duplicate analyses. Sample analyses will follow accepted, standard methods. ,I, Sample containers, properly cleaned and containing the proper preservative, will be supplied by the analytical laboratory. 4M Om B.2.6 Data Storage am Data generated in the field sampling and from laboratory analyses will be entered into the data "* base as described in Task A. The data will also be placed in a computer spreadsheet (e.g., am Mq am IM Pq Deep River Study Plan Page 25 EXCEL, Lotus 1,2,3). Data analyses will be performed with this data set using PC SAS or other similar analytical software. The data set will be printed after each update and the printed data RM will be stored in a notebook. A backup of the computer spreadsheet data will be maintained. Field data sheets will be maintained in a notebook. rM B.2.7 Data Analysis M" Data generated in the field sampling and from laboratory analyses will be assessed by statistical MM analyses and graphical presentations. Initially data will be examined with descriptive statistics M" and graphically to determine data distributional characteristics. A software program such as PC SAS Univariate will be used. Appropriate data transformations will be applied so that normality M assumptions of parametric statistical procedures are satisfied. IM The data will be analyzed to determine spatial and temporal relationships of water chemistry and sediment chemistry variables; e.g., dissolved oxygen concentrations in the Deep River with W depth and with river distance downstream. Data at each water and sediment station will also be MR analyzed to determine trends over time. Relations between water chemistry, sediment chemistry, river physical characteristics, and watershed attributes (see Task B.3) will be M" assessed with analysis of variance, linear regression analysis, chi square, cluster analysis, and multiple discriminate function analysis (SAS 1993). Differences will be considered statistically MR significant at p s 0.05. OW OM P" OM Deep River Study Plan Page 26 ran Much of the information collected will be associated with a particular spatial location, and the spatial relationship of the points will be important in interpreting the data. Scatter plots, bar a, charts and pie charts, both two- and three-dimensional, are examples of graphic presentations that may be useful in interpreting data. M" MM Data will also be compared with state water quality criteria for Class C waters (Appendix I). MM B.2.8 Reports FM no Data transmittal will be accomplished through written reports. A final report will be written. The final report will be submitted to the DEM 180 days after the final sample event. The report MR will include an analysis of the water quality of the Deep River over the sampled reach. All laboratory data sheets, chain -of -custody forms, field notes, and results of statistical anlayses will Ow be included in the report. MM MM B.2.9 Field Quality Control and General Water and Sediment Sampling Considerations. The field quality assurance program is a systematic process which, together with the laboratory quality assurance programs, ensures a specified degree of confidence in the data collected for an environmental survey. The field quality assurance program involves a series of steps, am procedures and practices which are described below. OM on rip asp Deep River Study Plan Page 27 Mn General Measures. The following general measures apply to all field efforts: fm a. All equipment, apparatus and instruments should be kept clean and in good working (MA condition. b. Records should be kept of all repairs to the instruments and apparatus and of any irregular incidents or experiences which may affect the measures taken. c. It is essential that standardized and approved methodologies be used by field personnel. M F " Prevention of Sample Contamination. The quality of data generated in a laboratory depends primarily on the integrity of the samples that arrive at the laboratory, Consequently, the field personnel must take appropriate measures to protect samples from deterioration and M contamination. a. Field measurements should always be made on a separate sub -sample, which is then discarded once the measurements have been made. They should never be made on the fAq same water sample which is returned to the analytical laboratory for chemical analysis. „M b. Sample bottles, new or used, must be cleaned according to recommended procedures. c. Only the recommended type of sample bottle for each analyte should be used. Ow d. Water sample bottles should be employed for water samples only. am e. Recommended preservation methods must be used. All preservatives must be of an aM analytical grade. f. Solvent -rinsed Teflon liners can be used to prevent contamination from the bottle caps on of water samples which are to be analyzed for organic compounds. an MM AM Deep River Study Plan Page 28 MR g. The inner portion of sample bottles and caps should not be touched with bare hands, MWI gloves, mitts, etc. MR h. Sample bottles must be kept in a clean environment, away from dust, dirt, fumes, and grime. Vehicle cleanliness is important. Mn i. All foreign and especially metal objects must be kept out of contact with acids and 'R water samples. Petroleum products and exhaust fumes should be kept away from samples. j. Specific conductance should never be measured in sample water that was first used for H measurements. Potassium chloride diffusing from the H Probe alters the P g P MR conductivity of the sample. k. Samples must never be permitted to stand in the sun; they should be stored in an ice MR chest immediately upon collection. MM 1. Samples must be shipped to the laboratory without delay. m. The sample collector should keep their hands clean and refrain from smoking while rain working with water samples. Imo, Field Quality Control. Quality control is an essential element of a field quality assurance em program. In addition to standardized field procedures, field quality control requires the an submission of blank and duplicate samples to check contamination, sample containers, or any equipment that is used in sample collection or handling, and to detect other systematic and OW random errors occurring from the time of sampling to the time of analysis. Replicate samples MR must also be collected to check the reproducability of the sampling. The timing and the fm MM Deep River Study Plan Page 29 MM frequency of blank, duplicate, and replicate samples are listed in Table 6. Field Blanks. A daily "field blank" is prepared in the field at the end of each day's �+ sampling. One blank is prepared for every 10 water samples. A field blank is prepared by filling appropriate sample bottles with ultrapure distilled water, adding preservative in the same manner F, as it was added to the water samples, capping the bottles tightly, and transporting them to the MR laboratory in the same manner as the water samples. Mn Duplicates. Duplicate samples (splits) are obtained by dividing one sample into two sub - samples. One sample in every ten water samples is split. Splits are done periodically to obtain the magnitude of errors owing to contamination, random and systematic errors, and any other variabilities which are introduced from the time of sampling until the samples arrive at the laboratory. Replicates. Two samples are taken simultaneously in a given location. The samples are taken to measure the cross -sectional variations in the concentration of the parameters of interest in the system. One water sample per quarter will be replicated. MR Table 6. Number and types of samples taken for field quality control. Field Blank: 1 per 10 samples M, Duplicates: 1 per 10 samples em Replicate: 1 per quarter per medium IM MR V MM MR M Deep River Study Plan Page 30 B.3. Determine watershed land uses and land covers. P, An essential component of Deep River water quality and discharge is the watershed. The link M between the watershed and river characteristics is well established; e.g., phosphorus inputs, organic matter and runoff directly proportional to impervious surface areas (Smart et al. 1981, M Jones et al, 1984, Smart et al. 1985). Watershed land use and land cover will be determined M from existing land use -land cover maps, ecological attribute maps and wetland maps. The existing maps will be entered into a Geographical Information System (GIS), and land use -land M cover areas will be calculated. Information will be used in the assessment of water quality in fAn the Deep River as described in B.2, above. PM Historical land use -land cover will be determined, assuming appropriate older photography, or M imagery is available. Using older photography to fix events and circumstances at a specific point M in time will allow determinations of how the watershed has changed, and in turn how the 7Q 10 for the Deep River has changed over time. Rates and patterns of development or activities can ,-, be used to project future impact patterns. S Because the GIS software packages are designed to store and manipulate mapped data with a r, relational data base, they allow a rapid, precise method to update, change, and model FM characteristics that are mapped. For instance, once the different land use -land cover areas in the watershed are mapped, the input of organic material X along a given reach can be mapped. If Mn organic material X affects river water quality, these affects are charted, monitored, and modelled. rM MR MR Mq M M9 rAq rM rM FM M Deep River Study Plan Page 31 Also, because all of the data in a GIS is represented in a numerical format, tabular data such as percentages of area of a given land use and land cover are readily obtainable. TASK C. Comparison of feasible and effective treatment options for the Company's facility to determine the extent to which oxygen -demanding constituents can be reduced. This task is addressed by other activities listed in the SOC, and includes 3.(b)1), 3.(b)3), and 3.(b)4). Please see responses to these activities for a detailed response. TASK D. Examine historical flow records for the Deep River to confirm a meaningful and reliable 7Q10 flow for the segment to which the Company discharges. Objective. The objective of this task is to determine a 7Q10 for the Deep River reach where the Company discharges. This objective will be met through completion of each of the steps listed below: D.1. Obtain USGS discharge measurements at existing gaging stations at Moncure (Station Number 02102000) and Ramseur (Station Number 02100500). D.2. Establish a staff gauge in the discharge reach of the Deep River. M" D.3. Develop a rating curve for the discharge reach of the Deep River. MR DA Use the stage -flow information to calculate a meaningful 7Q10 for the discharge reach of FM rLE Deep River Study Plan Page 32 rAq the Deep River. fop fop Methodology. The methods used to meet the objective of Task D are given in this section. V" 1. Obtain USGS discharge measurements at existing ganging stations at Moncure (Station M Number 02102000) and Ramseur, (Station Number 02100500). Son Discharge measurements will be obtained for the Deep River at the Moncure and Ramseur Mn gaging stations. Measurements will be obtained on computer diskette and software will ran determine annual flow (both by calendar months and water year months) over the period of record for each station. The 7Q10 will be determined for 10 year periods in blocks of time (e.g, 'a' from 1931 to 1940, 1940 to 1949, etc), and for 10 year periods by adding successive years, 1 year at a time (e.g., 1931 to 1940, 1932 to 1941, 1933 to 1942, etc.). The period of record for the Moncure station begins in July 1930, and the period of record for the Ramseur station begins in M" October 1928. The computer software that will be used to analyze flow is DURFREQ, a PER program published by Earthinfo, Inc. P" Discharge in the river reach where the Company discharges will be estimated by a f, proportionalized drainage area method. This method provides an estimate of flow based on the OR relative difference area of the drainage areas above the measurement points. Results of this analysis will be compared with the results from step D.3 below to determine the accuracy of the W current method of estimating 7Q10 in the river reach. MM MR cw Deep River Study Plan Page 33 D.2. Establish a staff gauge in the discharge reach of the Deep River. raq A staff gauge will be established in the discharge reach of the Deep River. The gauge will be permanently installed. The staff gauge location will be photographed, permanently marked on maps, and it's location and elevation established by survey. The maps, photographs, and survey W will be provided to the state. pq Water depth data from the staff gauge will be read and recorded twice weekly for one year. This `on information will be used to establish the rating curves that are needed to determine flow in the rM discharge reach of the river; see step D.3, below. D 3 Develop a ratingcurve urve for the discharge reach of the Deep River. M River discharge, Q, is defined as the volume of water passing through a given cross section of MM the stream in a given unit of time. Discharge is obtained by taking the mean velocity, V, and rM multiplying it by cross -sectional area, A. This relationship is stated by the equation, Q = AV. To measure river flow, the cross -sectional area of the river at the location of the staff gauge will be determined. River velocity through the defined cross-section will be determined with a Price current meter, or similar model, at five locations across the river. At each of the five locations, velocity will be measured at one foot increments from the surface to the bottom of the river. go Velocity measurements follow the standard practices of the USGS (1968 a,b). Ow OR P" am MM P" Deep River Study Plan Page 34 Eighteen cross -sectional area and discharge measurements at the staff gauge location will be made over the 12-month river study period. One discharge measurement will be made during M each month and 3 additional measurements will be made in spring during high water and 3 (AM additional measurements will be made in late summer during low water. High and low water are defined as the upper and lower discharge quartiles, respectively, of the last 10 years of records ffin of the USGS gaging station at Ramseur and Moncure. MM From the eighteen measurements of cross -sectional area and velocity, a rating curve (also called MR a stage -discharge curve) is constructed. This allows river discharge to be estimated directly from MM the rating curve based on stage records alone. The twice weekly staff gauge readings (see step D.2, above) will provide the needed input data for estimating discharges from the rating curve. Onq Discharge data will be entered into the data base and summaries of the discharge data will be presented graphically and in tables. The estimated river discharges (from the rating curve) and the river discharge from the 18 cross - OW sectional area and velocity measurements will be compared to USGS river discharges at Ramseur and Moncure (as defined in step D.1, above). An attempt will be made to describe P" mathematically the relationship between the estimated and measured river discharges at the PM gauging station, and the river discharges as measured at the USGS gaging stations. Such a relationship would allow an estimate of river flows at the GPC discharge point over the period of am record for the Ramseur and Moncure gaging stations. OW rm am on Deep River Study Plan Page 3 5 Even though the relationship can be described over the period of discharge record at the USGS MWI gaging stations, the relationship will be valid over a finite period. This is because the Pq relationship assumes a static river channel form (e.g., slope, depth, bottom material) and a static watershed (e.g., population, impervious surfaces, land uses) over time. The watershed analysis conducted in Task B.3 will provide the basis for determining the time period over which the (M relationship is valid. DA Use the stage -flow information to calculate a meaningful 7010 for the discharge reach of �, the Deep River. fm The relationship established between the estimated and measured river discharges at the gauging MR station located in the GPC discharge reach of the river, and the USGS gaging stations at F" Ramseur and Moncure will be used to estimate river flows at the GPC discharge reach of the river. The time frame over which the relationship is valid, hence the time frame in which a look `" backward in time is valid, will be based on a watershed analysis as described in Task B, and referenced in Step D.3, above. MVI M" During the time frame over which the relationship is valid, the 7Q10 in the river reach where fm GPC discharges will be determined. The 7Q10 will be determined as described in Step 1, of this Task. Results of the analyses will be presented in the text of the final report and with graphs OW and tables. 7Q10 data will be incorporated into the data base. am rM rLal am Deep River Study Plan Page 36 Mm TASK E. Assessment of the parameter and mechanics of the stream model used to derive M" effluent limitations for NPDES Permit No. NC0072575 in light of the findings of the study ,m, as they represent the condition the segment of the Deep River to which the Company discharges. Pq Objective. The objective of this task is to determine, based on the results of Tasks A, B, and D, the appropriateness of the parameters and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent FM limitations. This objective will be met through completion of each of the steps listed below: Sm RM' E.1. Identify parameters and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations. E.2. Determine appropriateness of the parameters and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations. 034 E.3. Document the results of the analyses. Methodology. The methods used to meet the objective of Task E are given in this section. „R E 1 Identify parameters and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations. Determinations of model parameters and mechanics are detailed in the NCDEM publication f, `NCDEM Wasteload Allocation Standard Operating Procedures Manual'. We will meet with MA as W M Deep River Study Plan Page 37 DEM modelers to identify specific parameters, model mechanics and any specific methodologies that were used in determining effluent limitations for the GPC. Model parameters and f, mechanics will then be assessed. Pin Some of the parameters that may be examined include: 7Q10, discharge of the river at the GPC r, effluent discharge point, upstream sources of carbonaceous BOD and nitrogenous BOD rwn run MM Im components of the BOD load, sediment oxygen demand, UBOD, reaeration, river hydraulics (discharge, velocity, channel width and depth, and stream bed gradient) and runoff. E.2. Determine appropriateness of the parameters and mechanics of the stream model used to derive effluent limitations. The model parameters and mechanics used to derive effluent limitations will be compared to the results of this study for the purposes of evaluating the appropriateness of the model. Task A, B, am and D results will be used to identify parameters that require change to reflect the actual Wn conditions in the Deep River in the segment of the Deep River to which the Company discharges. These results will also determine if the correct mechanics of the stream model have I' been used. rm E.3. Document the results of the analyses_ O, A written report will document the results of these analyses on the specific parameters and FW MM OM Deep River Study Plan Page 38 Pq mechanics of the model applied in determining GPC effluent limitations. The report will be forwarded to DEM so that appropriate modifications can be made to the model parameters and mechanics. We will meet with DEM modelers to implement the documented changes in the model. M" TASK F. Examination of constituent loading (e.g., BOD5 and N113-N) to the Deep River from the overland terraces to determine whether a method can be devised for separately fMI accounting for these loadings contributed by natural and non -manmade (background) M sources during storm events and to assess the impact of the loadings on maintenance of the uses in the Deep River rM am Objective. Task F has a two -fold objective. The first is to assess the constituent loading from r" the terraces during storm events and separate that load from naturally occurring runoff. The second is to assess the impact of the loadings on the maintenance of the uses in the Deep River. The second part of this objective is addressed in the study of the Deep River in Task B. The objective of this task will be met through completion of steps F.1 or F.2, and F.3 listed Mq below: PM F.1. Assess constituent loading from a reference terrace. MR F.2. Assess constituent loading from a reference location. M F.3. Based on data from a reference terrace and reference location calculate background 00 am MM Deep River Study an Page 39 concentrations of BODS, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids. Document results to Mq DEM. pq Methodology. The methods used to meet the objective of Task F are given in this section. M r I F.1. Assess constituent loadina from a reference terrace. M A "reference terrace" will be evaluated to separate background concentrations of materials Sm leaving the watershed from those associated with the effluent sprayed on the terraces. This OR follows the much used approach in field ecology of establishing a field reference site to allow comparisons with experimental plots. The reference terrace will be an existing terrace that will r." be physically isolated from the other terraces (i.e., it will not receive any effluent) but in aU other am regards it will be treated as the other terraces. A fertilizer and irrigation program will be established for the reference terrace because it does not receive nutrients nor water from the MR effluent. This program is needed to ensure a healthy crop cover similar to the other terraces, and it will be established by a Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg). The reference terrace will be cropped and allowed to stand idle for a one month time period. After this time period, fm samples of surface water runoff will be collected under various rainfall scenarios. The design PER and slope of the terrace facilitates this assessment methodology. PM Sample design: One sample of surface water will be collected at time 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr and 3 hr after a rain event has begun. Every reasonable attempt will be made to collect runoff from pq MM MM MR MM Deep River Study Plan Page 40 nine rain events; three in spring, three in summer and three in autumn. A rain event is defined as in the Stormwater regulations. Samples will be analyzed for BOD5, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N MR and suspended solids. Calculations of the concentration and load in the surface water will be M RM RM determined. The results yield an analysis of runoff associated with a small grain crop agricultural system that occupied this land prior to purchase by GPC. Results of the data analyses will be compared to measured concentrations of BODS, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids in the treated effluent that drains from the terraces. This M+ treated effluent will be collected and analyzed after it flows through a series of ditches but before F, the effluent reaches the chlorinator. Comparisons will be made of the concentration and load of B OD5, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids between surface water runoff from terraces MR with no effluent and surface water runoff from terraces that received effluent. The difference in runoff load between the "reference terrace" and the terraces that received effluent represents rip background. M, F 2 Assess constituent loading from a reference location. Pq 0' A second approach to the determination of background runoff is to assess a watershed that is similar to the terraced watershed OM prior to its' being terraced. This requires the analysis of a watershed with similar topographic characteristics, size, aspect, land use and land cover, etc. M The USGS land use and land cover mapping that will be completed as part of Task B will provide the initial basis of the search for a similar watershed. Topographic maps, am OR am OW am Deep River Study Plan Page 41 orthophotoquads, and ecological inventory maps will also be used to find an appropriate watershed. Candidate sites will be "ground-truthed" to verify similarities. Photographs and fm video will be used to document the reference watershed. MM Once determined, the reference watershed will be sampled as in F.l above. That is, three M" samples of surface water will be collected at time 30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr and 3 hr after a rain event has begun. Runoff will be collected for six rain events; two in spring, two in summer and two in autumn. Samples will be analyzed for BODS, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids. �+ Calculations of the concentration and load in the surface water will be determined. The results yield an analysis of runoff associated with the watershed without the treatment system. rL.4] "A Results of the data analyses will be compared to measured concentrations of BOD,, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids in the treated effluent that drains from the terraces. This OW treated effluent will be collected and analyzed after it flows through a series of ditches but before a' the effluent reaches the chlorinator (the same data as in F.1, above). Comparisons will be made of the concentration and load of BODS, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3 N and suspended solids between fm surface water runoff from the reference watershed and surface water runoff from terraces that Mq received effluent. am SM MR OM a.n MM Deep River Study Plan Page 42 F.3. Based on data from the control terrace and reference location calculate background concentrations of BODs, NH3 -N. TKN, NOS N and suspended solids. Document results to DEM. SM Results of the data from the reference terrace and the reference watershed will be compared. The Mq data should be similar provided the watersheds are similar. Reasons for differences will be determined, and the background concentrations of BODS, NH3 -N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended rM solids determined. 'I' A report documenting the findings will be completed and forwarded to DEM. The completed work should provide the necessary data to determine background concentrations of BOD5, NH3 - N, TKN, NO3-N and suspended solids in surface water runoff. Data, methods, assumptions, "' chain -of -custody forms, field notes, and photos and video tapes will be supplied with the report. fm r fm OW am am =a oo FM ran Sm M+ MR Deep River Study Plan Page 43 REFERENCES 40 CFR Part 136 Table II: Required Containers, Preservation Techniques and Holding Times (Water/Wastewater Samples), 1988. A.P.H.A., 1989. Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 18th edition. A.P.H.A., 1992. Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 18th edition, supplement. Crumpton, W.G., Isenhart, T.M. and Mitchell, P.D. 1992: Nitrate and organic nitrogen analyses using second derivative spectroscopy. Limnol Oceanogr 37:907-913. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section. 1985. Water Quality MR Evaluations Upper Deep River, Cape Fear Basin. 1983. Report number 84-05. 175 pages. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section. 1988a. Chemical and PR Biological Assessment of the Deep River: 1983-1987. 48 pages. Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section. 1988b. Memorandum from om Carla Sanderson and Trevor Clements to File, July 1,1988. Subject: City of Sanford WWTP - Deep River. NPDES NO. NC0024147, Lee County. 12 pages plus appendices. MR Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section. 1992. Surface Water quality Investigation. Carbonton Dam. No other information. mr, Division of Environmental Management, Water Quality Section. 1993. Memorandum from Debra Owen to Steve Bevington. October 22, 1993. Subject: Deep River/Carbonton Impoundment Data. fm Jones, J.R., M.M. Smart, and J.N. Burrough. 1984. Factors related to algal biomass in Missouri Ozark streams. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 22:1867-1875. ow Knowlton, M.F. 1984. Flow -through microcuvette for fluorometric determination of chlorophyll. Water Res Bull. 20:795-799 am Prepas, E. and F.H. Rigler. 1982: Improvements in quantifying the phosphorus concentration in lake water. Can J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 39:822-829. rfm em FM Deep River Study Plan Page 44 Sartory, D.P. and J.U. Grobbelaar. 1986. Extraction of chlorophyll a from freshwater PAI phytoplankton for spectrophotometric analysis. Hydrobiologia 114:117-187. Smart, M.M., T.W. Barney and J.R. Jones. 1981. Regional assessment of watershed impact rAq on stream water quality. J. Soil and Water Conser. 35:297-300. Smart, M.M., J.R. Jones and J.L. Sebaugh. 1985. Stream -watershed relations in the Missouri Ozark Plateau Province. J. Environ. Qual. 14:77-82. USEPA. 1983. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, EPA-60014-79-020, F, updated. Pq USEPA. 1985. Analytical Support Branch, Operations and Quality Control Manual. USEPA. 1987. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846,1986, updated in 1987. Rq USGS. 1969. Laboratory Theory and Methods for Sediment Analysis. Book 5, Chapter C1, SIR USGS. 1968a. General Procedure for Gaging Streams, Book 3, Chapter A8. 1968. USGS. 1968b. Discharge Measurements at Gaging Stations. Book 3, Chapter A10. 1968 M USGS. 1992. Discharge records for the Deep River at Moncure and Ramseur. Rn Min FM MR n Deep River Study Plan Page 45 APPENDIX I FIELD SAMPLING SHEETS n a.n 9W 7� Min .;� �� fan Pq ram M Fnq MR Deep River Study Plan Page 46 SURFACE WATER FIELD SAMPLING SHEET Station Number: Samplers: n acrrinti nn - Date of Sampling: Time of Sampling: Weather: Field Measurements: Water Temp (° C) Air Temp (° C) pH Specific Cond(yS) Depth of Water (m) Depth at which Sample taken (m) Wetted Area (m) Water Flow (m/sec) Calibration of Instruments Specific Conductance: Meter Reading in KCl sole pH Meter Model: Calibration Buffers used: Sample Apparatus: Mode of Transport: et,;,,.,;rn nn+o• OR .ram.. j..1—tl - - Remarks: ran am ma an am Deep River Study Plan Page 47 M, SEDIMENT FIELD SAMPLING SHEET M, Station Number: Samplers: Description: f, M W faq �� MR FM FM Date of Sampling: Day Month ..- Year Time of Sampling: Hour Minute Field Measurements: Water Temp (° Q Air Temp (° C) pH Specific Cond(yS) Depth of Water at which sample taken(m) Calibration of Instruments: see Surface Water Sample Field Sheet for this date. Sample Apparatus: Mode of Transport: ram► �u.rr�--b .., ��.,. Remarks: me t� OR n Deep River Study Plan Page 48 APPENDIX II North Carolina Water Quality Standards r, aaF WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR FRESHWATER CLASSES More Stringent Standards For All Standards To Support Parameters Freshwater Additional Uses ---------- ----------------- -------------------- Aquatic Human Life Health wS Classes Trout ---------- ------- arsenic (ug/1) ------- SO ------- MIR Barium (mg/1) Benzene (ug/1) 71.4 1.0 1.19 Beryllium (ng/1) 117 6.8 0.4 Cadmium (ug/1) 2.0 Carbon tetrachloride (ug/1) 4.42 0.254 Chloride (mg/I1 230 (AL) 250 rN Chlorinated benzenes (ug/1) 488 17 Chlorine, total residual tug/1) 17 (AL) 15 (N) Chlorophyll a, cotrected (ug/1) 40 (N) Chromium, total (ug/1) 50 50 (N)(2) Coliform, total (HFTCC/100ml) Pm Coliform, fecal (HFTCC/100ml) 200 (N) Copper (ug/1) 7 (AL) Cyanide (ug/1) Dioxin (nq/1) 5.0 0.000014 0.000013 Dissolved gases Dissolved oxygen (mg/1) (N) 5.0 (Sw)(1) 6.0 Pal Fluoride (mg/1) 1.8 Hardness, total (mg/1) 100 Hexachlorobutadiene (ug/1) 49.7 0.445 Iron (mg/1) 1.0 (AL) Lead (ug/1) 25 (N) FOn Manganese (ug/1) 200: MBAS (ug/1) 500 (methylene -Slue -Active Substances) mercury (ug/1) 0.012 25 Nickel (ug/1) 88 rar1 Nitrate nitrogen (mg/1) 10 Pesticides Aldrin (ng/1) 2.0 0.136 0.127 Chlordane (ng/1) 4.0 0.588 0.575 DDT (ng/1) 1.0 0.591 0.588 FW Demeton (ng/1) Dieldrin (ng/1) 100 2.0 0.144 0.135 Endosulfan (ng/I) 50 Endrin (ng/1) 2.0 Guthion (ng/1) 10 Heptachlor (ng/1) 4.0 0.214 0.208 f=q Lindane (ng/1) 10 Methoxychlor (ng/1) 30 Mirex (ng/1) 1.0 Parathion (ng/1) 13 Toxaphene (ng/1) 0.2 I 2.4-D (ug/1) 100 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (ug/1) 30 PH (snits) 6.0-9.0 (Sw) Phenolic compounds (ug/1) (N) 1.0 (N) Polychlorinated biphenyls (ng/1) 1.0 0.079 Polynuclear aromatic tat hydrocarbons (ng/1) 31.1 2.8 Radioactive substances (N) Selenium (ug/1) 5 Silver (ug/1) 0.06 (AL) Solids, total dissolved (mg/1) 500 ran Solids, suspended (N) Sulfates (mg/1) 250 Temperature (N) Tetrachloroethane (1,1,2,2) (ug/1) 10.8 0.172 Tetrachloroethylene (ug/1) 0.8 Toluene (ug/1) 11 0.36 r Toxic Substances (N) Trialkyltiz► (ug/1) 0.008 Trichloroethylene (ug/1) 92.4 3.08 Turbidity (NTU) 50; 25 (N) 10 (N) Vinyl chloride (ug/1) 525 2 MM Zinc (uq/1) 50 (AL) Note: (N) See 2B .0211 (b), (c), (d), or (e) for narrative description of limits. (AL) Values represent action levels as specified in .0211 (b)(4)• (Sw) Designated swamp waters may have a pH as low as 4.3 and dissolved oxygen less than 5.0 mg/l if due to natural conditions. (1) An instantaneous reading may be as low as 4.0 ug/1 but the daily average must be 5.0 uq/1 or more. am (2) Applies only to unfiltered water supplies. PAGE 34