HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6140505_Calculations_20140529Stormwater and Erosion Control Calculations for: Fort Bragg Regional Training Institute Motor Pool Expansion (Pratt Road) Fort Bragg, NC SCO FILE # 110921701 ms consultants project #: 64-26528-00 May 2014 Prepared by: FED 1 0 2015 Irk — SEAL 039941 ms consultants, Inc. engineers, architects, planners 500 Jackson Street Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina 27870 Phone: (252)519.2135 Fax: (252) 519-2137 www.msconsultants.com (r/LL/W ms consultants, Inc. engineers, architects, planners 500 Jackson Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252)519-2135 FAX: (252) 519-2137 www.msconsultants.com DITCH CALCULATIONS I = 0.2 Project Name: RTI Motor Pool SCO FILE # : 110921701 Project Number: 64-26528 Project Location : Fort Bragg, NC Designed by: CAB Date : May-14 Inletiditch s% n C A (Ac) cfs total M BW D(ft) V (fps) SHEAR TD1 1.00 0.022 0.40 1.17 0.11 0.11 2.0 0.0 0.20 1.3 0.12 SWALE 0.30 0.022 0.95 1.17 0.25 0.25 5.0 0.0 0.24 0.9 0.04 DITCH 1.00 0.022 0.95 1.33 0.29 0.29 4.0 0.0 0.22 1.5 0.14 SWALE* 0.30 0,022 0.95 1.00 0.22 0.22 5.0 0.0 0.23 0-9 0.04 'Using 10yr-24 hr storm Summary of Calculations s% = slope of ditch In = roughness coefficient C = runoff coefficient i = average intensity of rainfall in inches per hour based on a ten year storm A(sf) =.drainage area in square feet A(Ac) = drainage area in acres Q(cfs) = flow in the channel (from channel section runoff only) in cubic feet per second Qtotal = flow in the channel (from channel section runoff and upstream channel sections) in cubic feet per second M = horizontal component of sideslope BW= bottom width of a trapezoidal channel (triangular if BW = 0) D(ft) = normal flow depth in feet V (fps) = average velocity in the channel in feet per second SHEAR = Shear stress at normal depth in pounds per square foot n = per table 8.05b of the design manual c = weighted average from table 8.03a of the design manual A(Ac) = A(sf) / 43560 Q(cfs) = C ' j ` A(Ac) Qtotal = Q(cfs) + Q(cfs) of all upstream sections Depth = (( Q(cfs) ` ((2 . sgrt(1 + ( MA2)))A(2/3)) / ( 1.49' agrt(s)' (MA(5/3))))A(3/8) V(fps) = Qtotal / (( DEPTH , (DEPTH * M)) + ( DEPTH ` BW) SHEAR = 62.4 ` DEPTH ` a% 'values for depth in trapezoidal channels (BW > 0) are determined using the trapezoidal channel calculator (AutoCa( ms consultants, Inc. engineers, architects, planners 500 Jackson Street ®Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 FAX: ( 52) 515 FAX:(252)519-2137 www.msconsultants.com Project Name: RTI Motor Pool SCO FILE # : 110921701 Project Number : 64-26528 Project Location : Fort Bragg, NC Designed by: CAB Date : May-14 PIPE CALCULATIONS n = 0.013 # of Upstream S C I A g Q total Pipes Req. Pro. Size Velocity DRY POND 1 From Ditch Calm => 0.3 2 3.6 15 2.6 Summary of Calculations s = slope n = roughness coefficient Q = flowrate - from ditch calculations or Q=CiA Req. Size =16'(((Q'n)/(sgrt(s/1Do)))A(3/8)) ms consultants, Inc. engineers, architects, planners 500 Jackson Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252)519-2135 FAX: (252) 519-2137 www.msconsultants.com DISSIPATOR PAD CALCULATIONS Type A = no defined Channel Type B = into defined channel Project Name : KI,Motor Pool SCO FILE # : 110921701 Project Number: 64-26528 Project Location : Fort Bragg, NC Designed by: CAB Date : May-14 Type B Type B .Type A Type B Outlet Dia. Velocity Zone Type sideslope B.W.. Width Death Length Thickness Stone Type DRY POND 15 2.61 1 B 4 0 3.75 0.4688 5 1 A Summary of Calculations Zone = per figure 8.06.b.1 in the Design Manual Length = per figure 8.06.b.2 in the Design Manual B.W. = Bottom Width of downstream ditch Width = 3' pipe diameter Depth = ( ( width - bottom width) / 2) / sideslope Thickness = per table on bottom of page 8.06.6 of the Manual Stone Type = per figure 8.06.b.2 in the Design Manual r� ms consultants, Inc. engineers, architects, planners 500 Jackson Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252)519-2135 FAX: (252) 519-2137 www.msconsultants.com SEDIMENT TRAP CALCULATIONS i-10 = 8.0 Project NamP''`RTI Motor Pool SCO FILE t# : 110921701 Project Number: 64-26528 Project Location : Fort Bragg, NC Designed by: CAB Date May-14 At c A (sf) Alec) O (10) SA req L W SA pro V rep D V pro WL 1 0.5 52272 1.20 4.80 2091 65 33 2145 4320 3.0 5607 5 5ummarV of Calculations C = runoff coefficient i(10) = average intensity of rainfall in inches per hour based on a ten year storm A(sf) = drainage area in square feet A(ac) = drainage area in acres Q(10) = flow into the trap in cubic feet per second based on a ten year storm SA req = surface area required at design flow in square feel L = proposed length of trap in feet W = proposed width of trap in feet SA pro = surface area provided in square feet V req = volume required in cubic feet D = Depth of the sediment trap from bottom of trap to top of weir in feet v pro = proposed volume of the trap in cubic feet WL = Length of weir in feet c = weighted average from table 8.03a of the design manual A(ac) = A(sf) 143560 Q(10) = C - i(10) - A(Ac) SA req = 0.01 . Q(10) SA pro =L`W V req = 3600' A(ac) V pro = (((L'W)+((L-20)'(W-2D)))/2)'D WL = per table 6.60a of the design manual BOTTOM EL. 226 r. . ms consultants, Inc. engineers, architects, planners ': ;E• 500 Jackson Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252)519-2135 FAX: (252) 519-2137 www-msconsultants. com DRY DETENTION POND CALCULATIONS Runoff Volume using Simple Method (Section 3.3) Rainfall Depth Drainage Area = 50891 SF Drainage Area = 1.17 Ac Impervious Area = 35302 SF Impervious Fraction (IA) = 0.69 Runoff Coefficient (Rv) = 0.67 Rainfall Depth to control = 1 " Volume = 2859.696 cf Pre/Post Development Differece lyr 24 hr Rainfall Depth = 3.06 " Predev Drainage Area = 50891 sf. . Predev Impervious Area = 8712 Impervious Fraction = 0.171189 Predev Rv = 0.2 Volume = 6155.228 cf Outlet Structure Project Name : RTI Motor Pool SCO FILE #: 110921701 Project Number: 64-26528 Project Location : Fort Bragg, NC Designed by: CAB Date : May-14 = Drainage Area / Impervious Area = 0.05 + ( 0.9 * IA) = 3630 * Depth * Rv * Area = Drainage Area / Impervious Area = 0.05 + ( 0.9 * IA ) = 3630 * Depth * ( Rv post - Rv pre) * Area Release Rate Predevelopment C = 0.2 1 yr 24 hr Intensity = 0.128 "/hr Predevelopment Flowrate = 0.03 cfs = C * I * A Drawdown Time Control Volume (per depth) = 6155.2 cf Target drawdown time = 3.5 days Flowrate = 0.02 cfs = Volume / Time Circular Orifice Target Flowrate Q = 0.03 cfs Discharge Coeff. Cd = 0.6 Storage Depth = 3 ft Orifice X-sect. Area = 0.006 sf = ( Q / ( Cd * ( SQRT (2 * 322 * ( Depth / 3 ))))) # of orifices = 1 Calculated Orifice Diameter = 1.07 in. = 2 * SQRT (( Area / # of orifices) * Pi )) ms consultants, Inc. eng i nee rs,-arch itects,,,pla n n ers 500 Jackson Street Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 (252) 519-2135 FAX: (252) 519-2137 www.msconsultants.com DRY DETENTION POND CALCULATIONS Check Proposed Orifice Diameter = 1.07 in. Calculated Flowrate = 0.03 cfs Calculated Drawdown Time = 2.37 days Project Name: RTI Motor Pool SCO FILE # : 110921701 Project Number: 64-26528 Project Location : Fort Bragg, NC Designed by; CAB Date : May-14 Anti -Floatation Calculations cf pcf pounds Weight of Water Displaced = 2.5' x 4' x 4' = 40 x 62.4 = 2496 Weight of Concrete Box=(3x(0.5'x3.5'x3.5'))+(4'x4'x0.5')= 21.125 x150= 3168