HomeMy WebLinkAboutUSACE 09202023 Email Responses From: Amschler, Crystal C CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Crystal.C.Amschler@usace.army.mil> Sent: September 20, 2023 4:09 PM To: Breedlove, Patrick J <pjbreedlove@ncdot.gov> Cc: Mitchell, Robert K <kevin.mitchell@deq.nc.gov>; McHenry, David G <david.mchenry@ncwildlife.org>; Chris Rivenbark <crivenbark@rkk.com> Subject: RE: R-5861 - Cherokee County - Additional Information & Email Responses 7.21.2023 & 8.1.2023 Hi Patrick, I’ve reviewed the additional information provided on 8/22/2023. Below are some subsequent questions regarding this information. As we discussed on the phone and suggested below, setting up a meeting to discuss some of these questions might be a quicker way to get these issues resolved. Comments/responses to the 8/1/2023 email Regarding the permit type and relocation revisions: Thank you for the additional information. With the revisions and in consideration of this information, we concur that this project qualifies for GP 50. Thank you for confirming. Regarding proposed mitigation for the stream relocations segments: The revised stream relocation design for stream impact 1C now meets GP50s definitions and requirements for stream relocation. However, the additional information provided on 8/22/2023 indicated the stream for 1C is 2’ wide but detail F, referenced for the stream relocation plan shows a 4’ wide bed. Please address the discrepancy in the reported stream width and the relocation design width. To meet hydraulic conveyance in this channel change, our ditch calculation spreadsheet requires a 4’ base to meet criteria, detail F is correct. This revised channel change enters a 66” pipe before outleting into SA on the other side of DR1 which shows a 3’ wide channel (riprap pad on the outlet of 66” will be benched property and coordinated to install riprap in a manner to not over widen the channel). You’ve proposed mitigating for the permanent impacts at Sites 1C & 23C at 1.5:1. Based on these impacts involving stream relocation that includes some degree of uplift, we concur that mitigation for stream relocation impacts at 1.5:1 is adequate at these locations. However, it appears that the new stream length would be shorter than the existing stream length. Any loss of linear footage should still be mitigated at a 2:1 ration. A footnote has been added to wetland summary impact table at the end of permit drawings to reference stream (sinuosity) length loss in these two channels. See table and notes below for impact & mitigation details at these two sites. Site Original length w/ rip rap w/o rip rap Stream Loss 1C 403 225 162 16 23C 353 -- 253 100 The May 25, 2023 DMS Acceptance Letter provided mitigation for 3,013’ of stream impacts. Assuming up to a 2:1 results in 6,026’ of credit provided by DMS. Site 1C 403’ @ 2:1= 806’, though @ 1.5:1 only 580.5’ and stream loss @ 2:1 only 32’ is needed Site 23C 353’ @ 2:1= 706’, though @ 1.5:1 only 379.5’ and stream loss @ 2:1 only 200’ is needed 3,013’-(225’+162’+253’)=2,373’ @2:1= 4,746’ 225’+162’+253’=640’ @1.5:1= 960’ The revised mitigation required from DMS is 4,746’+960’=5,706’ which is still covered by the current DMS Acceptance Letter. The Stream Impact table from the permit application has been updated to reflect the revised mitigation totals and is included with this response. Comments/responses to the 7/21/2023 email Thank you for the additional information which satisfied the majority of my questions/concerns outlined in this email. Below are some subsequent and/or remaining questions/concerns: 2) I cross-referenced the stream widths you provided with the proposed pipes at each location. Below are three crossings that I had questions about as the pipe size doesn’t seem to match the widths of these streams. Please indicated how stream widths will be maintained at the below crossings: Site 23A: 2' wide outfall channel: 72” culvert for a 2’ wide channel Site 23D: 2' wide infall channel: 60” culvert for a 2’ channel Site 24: 5’ wide outfall channel: 30” culvert for a 5’ wide stream The contractor will bench/riprap construct as to not over-widen channel and backfill with native material. Currently coordinating a possible sill option with “weir cut out” at 72” crossing into 2’ wide channel as to not over-widen channel inside the pipe. Other locations discussed during the 9/25/23 meeting and found acceptable as currently designed. Comments/responses to plan comments submitted with the 7/21/2023 email • Regarding detours: I think it would be more straight forward just to have a separate plan showing the detours and impacts associated with detours. That will facilitate the review of the impacts and provide necessary information to confirm that impacts associated with detours have been avoided and minimized to the extent possible. As mentioned during the 9/25/23 meeting, detour sheets (with colored jurisdictional resources) showing proposed impacts only due to the detours are attached for reference. Also, it appears wetland impacts resulting from the detours have been identified on the impact tables as permanent: Site 3-WA, Site 5-WA. All temporary impacts to wetlands resulting from the detour should be restored to preconstruction condition once the detour is removed. Please address this and revise the wetland impact as necessary. These sites will remain as total takes due to wetland size as discussed at the 9/25/23 meeting. • Permit Drawing Sheet 16/17 of 50: I still have questions regarding this design. I suggest we set up a meeting to discuss. Discussed during the 9/25/23 meeting. • Permit Drawing Sheet 23 of 50 and Permit Drawing Sheet 36 of 50: CSRs for this project were not provided with the PCN. I have the CSR for Site 11 because dave had previously provided one back in 2020. Please provide an updated CSR for site 11 and the CSR for Site 20 and any other CSRs that were created for culverts on this project if any. Previously provided. Also, there still seems to be confusion on what I’m asking for regarding riprap and backfill in the low flow culvert. We are asking that the details be revised to indicate that supplemental riprap should be used as needed in the low flow channel, along with native material, where there isn’t enough native material to ensure complete backfill. I’m also wondering if the CSRs will be provided to the contractor during construction for reference? If not, then the main plan set should also include this information to ensure that the contractor is fully aware of how the backfill and the culverts should be constructed. A note has been added to the plan view and detail sheet. • Permit Drawing Sheet 39 of 50: I still have questions regarding this design. I suggest we set up a meeting to discuss. Discussed during the 9/25/23 meeting. • Permit Drawing Sheet 41 of 50 Permit Drawing: Why don’t you want to change the existing channel at the pipe invert? It might be better for the system to step the upstream segment of the stream down a bit to tie into the culvert at a lower elevation to flatten the pipe out a bit. This may result in additional impacts to the stream but these impacts may be outweighed by the benefit from flattening out the culvert. This is another one that might be good to discuss via a meeting. Revised drainage design to straighten pipe under DR19 and revised grade on proposed channel from outlet of 60” to entrance of 72”. 60” pipe is now at 2.3% instead of 8% as previously shown – no additional impacts are needed for this revision. • Permit Drawing Sheet 44 of 50: I still have questions regarding this design. I suggest we set up a meeting to discuss. Discussed during the 9/25/23 meeting. • Utility Permit Drawing Sheet 2 of 6 and Utility Permit Drawing Sheet 4 of 6: Please revise the plans to remove the guy wire from the stream. Its fine to show a temporary impact in case construction requires it, however, the guy wire should not be shown in the stream as we wouldn’t expect the guy wire itself would impact or need to be in the stream and so the plans should be clear that the impact is not from the guy wire but potentially from construction to install. The guy wire was shifted out of stream to ensure it is constructed correctly. Sincerely, Crystal C. Amschler Project Manager Crystal Amschler WRDA-Transportation Permitting Branch 828-526-6013