HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05883_Well Construction - GW1_20230918 • �p�,� lfrifit 6'otm "° nneua:i:iiik` (C®'".in(GW-]i4 For Internal Use Only. i . • I1.Well Contuns for lntortnatioa: Cameron Bazin • 14.WATERZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION.. I WO ContractorNemo Stg< IL R. Zo ^ 7 • 4518-A 1 n. IL (TltY,, NC Well ContxactorCesdficalionNumber is.OUTER CASING(for multi-eased wells)OR LINER(E it limble) Aqua Drill,Inc. FROM TO DIAMETER + TRIMNESS MATE/AL _s �y ID B' iOS ft Cp iw � — CompName t 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(Qeathermnldesed-loop) 2.Well Construction Permit At `. f 1�Y FROM TO DIAMETER , TRIMNESS MATERIAL I . List al appllcebfe mil cue RREEongemurs(r a UIC,CeW State:Variance.eta) -It. R. 3.Well Use(cbeckwell use): ft. ft In. Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN . FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL , ''cultural OMmicipal/Public ft. R. In. I!Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ;y`esidential Water Supply(single) it. ft. Ia Industrial/Commercial *Residential Water Supply(shared) ID. - �lrri On _ FROM ODTO • MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METIROD&AMOUNT Nor-Water Supply Well: it 2, tt. 4 45' It Monitoring f Recovcry ft. ft. Injection Well: • *Aquifer Recharge °GroundwaterRemediation a. StorageNI19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK Of applicable) and Recovery �SaliniiyRanier FROM .TO MATERIAL EMPL.ACEMENTMETROD +Aquifer Test OstoseramerDtaioage iL ft. 1 •Experimental Technology OSubsidenceControl • ft. fr. , illi Geothermal(Closed Loop) °Tracer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach addGUoeol s is if nrsi Er°) VI Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) Other(explain under#21 Remarks) FROM . TO _DESCRIPTION(color,ttmanev.wut.«xtvice ets dell O ft* I th 1 ; 4.Date Wallis)Completed: 9//z 5 WellMit `to R' Sv5 nc.. Se.Well l ocelion: q ft'. IL 1 • alk Faclity/Owners Name Fac1htyIDA(if opplicalile) ' IL IL t._t„,"f.,.•I. \' 5....... ,...s. �,-r��.vi�,. 0( . P sv� �` R. e D I B 2023 PbydegAdotessicity aa0.4 tr. tL p • .i_7( e 21.REMARKS ...........c:..� Pfr-" ( -0 UII COaaty Parcel IdemlficationNo.(PIN) ixVJvj a • 5b.Latitude and/ongibide in degrees/nrinuteslseconde or decimal degrees: . .Orwell fie%cne'lat/lang is eofficiat) 22.Certif'Tcation: 3 6,37.95- N e, 35 c2 c, w i Signnwo a cects�traesor' D / - 2 6.1s(are)the well(s) Permuneut or Temporary r this arm.I By signing Ihereby age that Oa we (r)um(suers)coresduaed in aarardanoe 7.Jr,tins a repair to on c de:og cven: jai Yes or "7o with 154 NCAC 02C.0100 or ISANCAC'B2C.020019eit Cans:motion Standards and that a Ifihisrsa►epaB;fi l and yawn well canstrua on Info:maY eaglarit the narme(like eopyoJthta record hue 42enProw1dediOlhOWollawner, wok wider P21 remarks section.oron thebackofrldejann 23.Site diagram or addlttonal well details: Yon may use'the back of thito. S.For ipaohal a or®osed A.aap Geothermal Welts having the same page'tm,progide additional well site details or well ' can onlyl rGW-lisneeded Indicate TOTA?;NiIMBERofwells constructiondetails.Youmayalsoattachadditionalpagesifnecessary. straetion, drilled:- //�+ sUslVIIT 411.IQN UC1TQNS �alew taTtd sotface% �0 7 (ft) 24a.For All Wells: Submit this{fog within 30 days 9 1.°61 w4 depfih ,. , construction to rise following: of completion of well Parmultlgletvillslrsttstt l ( plc-3e2_,an ,@I 0) • (ft) Division of Water Reaou I' Ynformiition ProcessiD 10.Btr�tfe water level lieYe0 faPoicasing: 1637 Mail Servlce i.dal g Orlin - ftvatarWellsirbavasasiag; etgh,NC27G991G1T CIO go.ForJntection Welts: In addition to sending the fang to the ad U.Borehole tiErsmEtea% - above,also submit one copy of this lorm within 30 days.of dress 1a 24a 12.'Well �ellag*gad: r° / cm:Sanctionto the followin 1completion of well (i.e.auge<,IOfS3Y cams,daeettneb,°L) Division' of Water SU � °°d b)ection Cotrfl1G35taQary C 1Dteie6,NC Z769gm63o Pr a - ONLY: SUP ✓q4 r 24c.For Water Small/8c3alectiont Wells: �(etttad diva: In mddititm to sending the fnrm to 13p.Meld(gniD /� the address(es) above, also submit,bar,con (� Atha nt" le 1 colnpletios ru well construction to .''O cotmtY eal "ithin3�da Yo thisf whtao constructed. h �Pa a county Y31F.gDisillfeeC on tall?: j worth CamliaaDepaltmeotofEnvuonme Ind Quality-Division ofWaterR RIM 66V--1 Rtv!sed 2 23 2016. •