HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05882_Well Construction - GW1_20230918 • ti '.Print Form tafrig ti ialR RECORD(GW l) For Internal Use Only: t- tII 1.FO•el Contractor Information: 14.WATER ZONES I ' # J Cameron Bo2iR FRDat DESCRI TION i Weil ComraecnrNamo •3 f. R ZS _2 : ' i 4516--A R, ft. ft . NCweitcoa4unorCenificationNomber 15.0[)7�RCASING(formaDllf �we11s7OR (if ll to AL : Aqua Drill,Inc. FROMTO I ;,; � �I iron � 1 � P�� i:. CompaayName ,, 16IIV[QERCASEtGORTf3SIIBTTG(tm�e�c �Iooa) t` / / $D 7 FROM 20 DI mErgRG : YffiC c") 'wMA.T.AL 2.Wen Contraction Permit# Ltst all appttcable well eonrtauetion pemstu(je.UIC,County.State,Varlemee,eta) ` .' in. .#, 3.Weil Use(checkwell use): Water SupplyWell: 17.SCREEAi' DIAMETER •SLF7rsrze , 1 R MATERIAL x;. FROM To 'cultural OMlmieipallPablic ft 1 ft. 1°' ' 1, Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ' •eshtential Water Supply(single) ft. i ft Ix. IndustriaUCommercial I'Residential Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT ' MITPLACEMENT MITMOD rr AMOUNT Irrigation To • MATERIAL Non-Water Sap11y Well: 0 ft i2Z- ft. C,477, S Monitoring DRecovery ft i ft. t InjectfonWell: R ; ft • IL gulf' Rem erRecharge DGronadwaterediation • t .•19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK(If opnli able) gnifer Storage and Recovery �Sa►inityBanter MUM :TO MATERIAL1?nlrtACEeIPdrinEcrlon AgaifotTest DSto�wata•Drainage R' ! ftcrimentalTechnology oSabsidenceControl ft ft. r' Geothermal(Closed Loop) E3Tnicer 3o.DRILLING LOG(attach additfeml Cheats Unac ) Geothetaml(liea6ngfCoolingRetum) Other(wrplatnunder#21Remazks) FROM T/�O °�cRlvtroNlmtort+ordaec,ma/eoeur�r.taera�iZr.eeat 0 1t '9 a ft- 42z—Gi • 4.DateWell(s)Completed: b(7, 3/72WeUID# Teo R' ,;v s ft. /20 G✓' ft. I it Se.Well l ocation:t. • a Pm'Ilty/OwaaxNamc rvfiniV4MCifepplicaloli) li 't Physical Addatss,City ansZrp .. A56 21.REMARKS : :.:r:.^2 Lira c lam" P _10G County • Parcel ld%mincatioallo.(PIN) �. •d:i . 1 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeslmlauteslseconds or decimal degrees: _ l' (ifweu and,one Lenore issuffieIr)' / 22.Certification: - ' 74 6473 /1„-- -- e . 6.Hs(are)the weII(a) YermaDent or oTemporatry Slsuanua afCertified Well Caa4aamr D !!�— By signing!his farm,I hereby aer*Oat the uII1(s)nm (wxrv)abash-acted la bem►dance #.. 7 Is this a repair to an existing well: [JYes or o h ISA o this C 02C-0100 orISANCACOIC.O200 W�ConsbucionStardords and the a jfihtaIsang41r MentgownwellcontractionInf and captain the nalareofthe COPY f recordhesheriamadatotketlEUowner. Li repair,Pun.#2liannraseat=0r on the both oflldsforni Y2onSnhdluag¢IIm sethe obrakd d[ht of thiioa lWdeals additional R � iataalsorwe11 i LE L For Geoprobe/D/iTorClosedLoopGeohermaW?lisaing the same conshnettea,only1 GW-1 is needed.lndicateTOTALRitedBlattofwells cousttucaondaa7s YaumaYa]so e tadditionalpagesifiue, 1f% dolled S[T�!}�l$�QII.AIl36fRIICi7(oR79 9 Total well depth below land surface: 3" ( ) 24a.For ill.We1Es: Submit this form within 30 days of coDi letio>s • Fbrmulgple wells list al1deplhsrgifermtt( ple-goo*mrdzagaa1 coialtuictiontothefollowing: P of Nell •` 1®.Stark waterlevel belowtop of ofthtg: (ft) Division of-Water Resources,Yflformatlotl t, Ifioterkvetftabovecmt?guse+" 1617MallServiceCenter, �aoccsshagl)lllk, ,DIC 27699-1617 It Borehole dfamefer: Cot) 241t. Dr InlecGon We1ta: .III addition to sending the form to the : ,(a. '? an0,4*n tote i lle cinY of this form-within 0 days of c°mpl of well g�We® Dstruddon tDe>botl: 3 Cie.auk,m % d°� ,ere.) I. Divisiote of Water m�Unfi FC18 V'dA SUPPLY WELLS ONLY!: 1 fi S d la9ed3o4 Coffit)oq_i°ro ervi�Cenhr;ItaldP,b,NC:E7r1 f,3t g�tm, BletitDd oftes� ,It r &3d.Yield(gp:°) Z �, 'ectl® ells: e. Zq the above,also.sahurit D° sending Amount: o9 comPl �well construction to.theoy°cop f this the fforol Y4 ;:136.131shAffe .°Q where constructed. ' -dainty health der 30 Sys of North Carolina Department ofPnvitonmenml Quality-DivivionofWaterR �t county � ;i Farm s(1pJ-P itetnsod 2-2Z Z916