HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05770_Well Construction - GW1_20230901 WELL_CONSTRUCTION RECORD For faunal Else ONLY:. . .a '171is.fanncan be used fer.single or multiple wells* ➢.WO1.1.Contractor Information: , • :LJzWATERZONES 6 Stefan Smith FROM'. TO DESCRIPTION Weil Cor taWor Name. ft. ft. f 3576A ft, ff. NCnrcllConimclorCcrii@®lionNunbcr ',t5;'O11TER-CASING'(fbr®idti-ra~edssetis1VRL[NER(ifinli ileybk)` ..- FRoM ' TO ' DIASfETRn - THICKNESS ' MATERIAL SAEDACCO • 0 it. 10 ft' 2 ht. SCH-40 PVC Comp;uq-tr'autr • 16.iNNERCASING'OR>TUHING:k8ailuimatckasil.168,0-'-- - FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construetinn Penult#: 2023-20-05—MW-5—RWO ft. ft. '� . Li till applica61e list!pCniditz(P:¢.Colrnn,,Mimi,t,irianer.Ireecdr4 cr J. •• ft.. . •• ft, :' . 3:Wc11 Use(chi?elcwebuse),: . :•f7:SCREEN . • Water Supply1,14cll: FROM I TO 1 DIAMETER St.OTSi7.E THICKNESS I MATERIAL . o1Agticultttal Dtiiiu►icipalll'uhiic 10 ft. 25 fr. 2 in O10 SCH-40 PVC INetititemtat(Heating/Cooling-Supply') DRcsiidential-Water Supply(single) fi. .ft:. .in, Dlndsl triaUCoulnuercial ®Residential Water.Supply(skated) '1 8 GR1UT: .._ „ .;_ ;'_.. . . , .• FROM . TO. MATERIAL EMPLACEMLNT METHOD&.L\OUNT Cl lrripltinn• . . 0 ft. 6 fr. . Portland Pour Non=Water Supply WON: f • (t. . t. • ElMaltitoring pitccnsi sty [n]edlon Weil: ft. . It. ' Cl Aquifer Rectintge Clci[ontid rucr Rcnlcdlation =[9YSANI11GRAVEL'PACK7ifuiiplipbkr'-'== - —- . • "TeliO\I • 10 •MATERIAL ' tiMPI.;tCr\li:V7'Mt.-luau • - Dr>,gniferStorugc-at l Record)', DSalinity Harrier 8 R. 25 ft. sand 2 D Aquifer Test DStontici;rtecl}nriitagC It ft. . . OEapctinrcntal Toclrnoto .. OSttbsidcncc,Cwiimt - 2obRILLtNG'LOG7nttacli-hultinnalshectsif'ncccsszfe.6- DGeot ennal(Closed Loop) DTraeer FROM TO DEScRIPTlON itutsr.trnnlntn,Wei;'nkti nor:cndn s3 a sir l CiGeotliesinal(Heating/Cooling Return)- DOilter.(espIninuluter.#21-Retuarks) 0 ' .ft. 12 fi.1 Clayey' silt - 12 ft. 25• ft. Silt' s e c � ` ; r\/F.. '!'d:Dat WeE(s)Coytpleted: 8-4-23We1E D#MW-4R �• _o i_,, !_r -at ft. I 54.Well Location: .f.. - rt. • ' S E P 0 ' 2023 Jimmy's:Daytona fL' ft infe.or,a5cm PinUfede..9 E)fl9i - -FacilitylOis!nerNante Facility ll)k Cfappiiublc) R.-- - ft. J 0(3 2001 W.-Vandalia Rd., Greensboro; NC, 27407 fA ft.. ' C - • Plnfsi",ad Address,Cit}'_and Zip 12 I::REMA1tKs. Guilford Two foot bentonite seal from 6-8' • County' • Parcel kl.ntificallon No;(PIN) �, .rill..Latititdc•andl.ongit de in dcgttes?mluutes&sceondsas decitratlddegre 234Certitication: (if uell ftid,utx 13•00 iS•Sid i.ktd) 36.020487 N 79.839836 'y � 8/10/2023. giguST Z161.,lied Well Caiuimctar; Date 6.IS(ore)the rvell(s):'x Pennancnt or DTentporur}' si5nirr.,his fain!,,.I hereby cerlr v Oar Mg wets.)Pats,(t+rre,)edd,id referl lnstrordance with 1 M WAG'OTC.0100 or 254 NC4C72C;0300 We Consmictiror Slum tads and ulna a 7.is this a repair:to an ci istingivt:ll: DYe iir No 'tsriOofdris rrrroiyllrns'lees limvidcd in ii"r.sir!!limier, If thls:It a rip*.All 4W kr;inrda Hill c orutrar(1tora hVororol)on miff r tp{aht the aware of the reOairrariler 021-remarks srcii in or on the bark of this form. 23:Site dilagram or adititiona1w.pl/tletails: You mv use the back of this page to:provide•additionat well site.details.or Well S:finmherof il'el(s cottifrueted: 1 consinictlml details: You.inay also attach additional pines if necessary" For nrult!lxrc lrrfe lulu e r um-miter supply is lts ONLY frith rhe.sane corrstru Lion,you evgrr sabnritmie form. - SUBINCPCAL iNST1JCTJONS i' 9.Totat well depth hetoiv land stirftice: 25 ((i.) 21a..For All Weil,:" Suhtiiit this form within 30 days of compktiou of•well For Judd*ii:tls'EsrafldrpthsIfellffwoalexrurlyte-.3@2ftrarui.2@10,p) consfnictior_itolltefollowiugg: I' ' - 10.Static water lei'el heluw lop of easiimi IN Division of WaterRi sourtcs,[nfircntatiun Piticessing Unit, if ttsilvr ki°ci is rthove eas(ay,suit"t" 1617 hUtil.Sin'ice;Cciitcr,Raleigh,NC•27699-I617 • 8..25" II.Durellotc diameter. (in.) tab:For bliccillyn W cll�ONLY: 'in addition to sending:itte farm to the address in 24a aboie,also ssibntit a•.copy of this fonts trithis 30•dabs of completion of Welt 12.Well'construction method:'USA • collstilieliau to the following:- {i c.3u ,eerily,cable,direct posts.etc.} Dtvlsion of Water-Resources,;Uodet'g and[tijection Control Program, FOR WA ITRSit'PPLY WELLS ONLY:' -1636 Mail Service'Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ' 13a,V(cld( {m) Method of test: '-lc-For Water Supply.&Inlect[oa.,Welts: ' Also submit one'copy of this'fault Within.6`day's of cotupletion.of 1311.Disinfection¢Apo: Amount: well.constmetion to the county health department of'the county where. constructed. Fond GW-1 Ninth Comilla i epanatenrof Fuviromucm aid Natural Resources—Division of Water R'.uttte: Rcviscd.Augtnt 21113 i 1