HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05701_Well Construction - GW1_20230905 . - WELL.CONSTRUCTION.RECORD Fes'friend tke.pNLY:'. '-11i.form call:411.mi for:singTour multiple wills. - • . . . . . 1.WiiI1COotOtetoir Informatioti:. • , . . -4 4:-.WAVTER ZONES • , t' ',• ' , . • • . . • ' Stefan Smith ' FROAI. TO •DESCHIRTION ' Well CoiltrdelorName. ft: ft. if. .. . . . . . . . 3576-A 15."OUTER.CASINGtaritifillkiiiitMetlsVOR LINEKtIfla tlOiblat -,-. ' __. • WWI Contractor Cot ificitionNturher MOM TO - . DEAttlETElt - .TRICKNESS - MATERIAL SAHDACCO . . • ' .fit .it. • I, l• III; - • '•. . Company Norte. • .16'ANNER C.ASING ORTUBING 4gei)illeritiaretuki14060);,•:.' ... -. . ' FROM ,.,.TO DIAMETER 'RUMNESS MATERIAL ,2.1Arc.litottstrtiction Fat*f;: . 0 ft, 10 ft. 1 I, .;1316 SCH-40 PVC Lir:i Oft applicable ssill puitris 04.7.-Cpunry.;Sloth,Variant:J.,fled*oro ,. . -ft, . •ft. ; •in. .. , . . 3.'W.cil..Usr.(0416ridll ascii ' -1?.SCREEN- WaigESDIllay Well:' .FROM• , TO ' •DIAMETER , SLOTSIZT, 1 IIIICKNESS- I 5IATERIA L 10 " ft,- 20 'ft: 1 '111. ' .010 SCH-40 PVC ElAgricuititral. Cihhinielpal/Flibite ., N. ' • • Metithennal(Heating/CoolinESUpplY). 13Residetitiai.Watet%Supiit.'(single) . • ' 're'' in'' .- . • . . . • , -• 0 indusitiai/Comaterciel. CiResidentiai Water OF GROUT Supplj:(shared) _ ''en.0„ '-- MATERIAL 1 EMPLACEMEiT NIMROD s.AMOUNT El lerleation' . . . . . ..ft..' ft.- . . • . 1: • -No U;Water Supply Wen: • . . . ' -.•- . .. . . . ,. . . . . . __ • . • 1112MatiiIcjeug IDRecovety . • . . . Injection Well: • ft. • ClAirnifet R, liarga . . . EGOu nd-w•atcr Rc ificdation t92SANDIGRAV EL.PACKtit a•ppli'ea he , . .. ._. . . • ,... Ba - -FROM TO' MATRIA " -•E-M.,P.:-L'A-C.-: E NT,-M-:E-TRE=W Amifr.Snage and Recotty CiSalinity Harrier ft ft ' ' f---- - • . 0 fytniter Test ClSloinittiteit5nlionv . • " • . . It. . Ji. itiEVerimciital Teclmolog .• 13SnitSidencc.eotenti I. • -14;18RILLINGLOGInftaitt4dtfltioikil'ik,etiif necastini - dcieeithent41 Closed Loup) bl'ilicer• FROM I TO '- DESCRIPTION embr.hardneounietiotmiwn ore.dm . . OGeothennal(lleatinglCoolitig Return). • Diller(explain under.#2 1 Retualks) , ' ,f, ft, , . . . . it. • ft. 4.Date Well(s)Co pipletedt.8/16/23 Wen ID#136 . ft. ' ft. • - 54;Well LOcatton't . ft. ft. !, -C"';',, .i•- . ‘ r.-6 ......,-;1 ii.:c-'1 ' N,-,....*1-; k 1..., Forest Oaks Circle K ft.. ft. . . , ,. . . FacilityMivmr,.Nann FaCpiw ipN(lt.oppiiF-tibte) ' . ft '--- ---:--------SEP-0-'5102-j .- 5324 Liberty Rd., Greensboro, NC, 27406 ft.• ft: ,; 4.. :G ••• • INI.riaztcn Pr-v.1.04o uji "''• - •4 •. 016-tiod'Aoi..s ss,-.cay_-..apii*ip'• ,2 t:REMARKS' •, ,, . DVVOA'0474 • '- Guilford Temporary well for grab sample '.- ecomity Parcel fikilliftealloti No,(PIN) . . . • • I, $6,:.LiotitisOciiii.t4neictite in degrces—tOitutestssec.tiOs orcleciti4 degrees; 22.cmitiikati,,,,m.Omar:eta,uric imiloti is•-iliffkiee1) •i .8 N • w' ..-I 4; likvais,lv :: 8/24/2023. Si '.flt of Ee..lied Ilia Catfiractail' ' Date . . 6.18(are)the'well(8): CIPernioeut al' Xifenquirpq *xlgning this ftr.imi.1 hereby erectly ilia ila wellfsl war(vere.)eiinyinictril lir.qqeolOrner with.15A.NC4C 02C,0190 or 111:NcriC.Q2C,p20 Well Cousliticritur Storafkrtis ond Mar el 7,I.this a repair to an existhagwellit EIVini- or No reirry•.of this iroinf hiii&en provider,fit.the srai On7iir, If 1hfs'.1%-o rtip(slr.fill Or bolsi'Wrll osIssuiradoli livisnriationiteirl jsp(o)n the riarore of the repair ru ,021:rernarki,...4ega On u5 n at c,bark of thisfornr.". .13:40 de e illAgr ant or adttltiopitli.w11,t!ettiiiits: You play use the.back of this page toiproVide"additiOnai well Site details or Well IL Nuntherof Wells Constructed: 1 eousuuetion details. You inay itlsO.atta'elt itddillottal pages if necessary. For JUAN&kfailon or oonqrarer supply let'lI*ONLY midithe.srung-coostrodion,you curl sufzulir osie form. strmarrakr,NsTucTioNA ,. 0.Tot41wat dCpg;below iand stirfueit 20' . - (ft) 24a. Far AU Welk:: Submit this:fomt within 30 days-of•completiOn'of welt For ioulalple irells Ho all rfeprizt irdefferent(excarripfe.,3@.200'44112@l00) 'constmetion to the following: - ;; . '. P . . fa;Static water turdbeloW top of casing: (I'..) Misfit!'uf Water Resauree8,fnforniutina Fineessing Unit, *yaw teed lv above Cos*.itse."+" 1(17 Ataitservice icr!ntcr,lialkigh,NC-27699-1617. .l• 1 it.Borehide diameter:2,25" •'On.) 24b.For To reetion Viklls.ONLY: hi addition tosending.the Than to the address in. ' 240 above,also submit a.copy Of this faint within 30-'days'of completion-of Well 12..Well coustmetion method:DPT - . constnielimi Co the following:: 1 , (Lc.putei;ialary,cOlet'dirr_cl.litstt.d0 • 1 , • . - . DiviSioit of Water Resources,Underground r on Control.Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY' 1636 Milt Service tit'alter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 i. • 24e.For Water Supply eft hie jecthwil Welts:. 113a,lficld WO AlTeihoti pi test: Also submit'one'copy of this form within 30,dayS of completitt.of 13b.Disinteetiontniet Amount:' ,well constriction-to the county heahh department pf thes county where . . . constructed. FbrntGW-I North Cotolina Disperimentof Et:Mamma's a0 Natural Resources-DIvis too o'f Waiek Ri.nrces Revised Augtot1013 1 .