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SW4230601_Property Deed_20230911
Book 3576 Page 2409 2020059522 00294 FORSYTH CO. NC FEE$26.00 STATE OF NC REAL ESTATE EXTX $600.00 PRESENTED&RECORDED 12/29/2020 12:37:28 PM LYNNE JOHNSON REGISTER OF DEEDS BY:TIMOTHY R WILLIAMS ASST BK: RE 3576 PG: 2409 -2412 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax:$600 Parcel Identifier Nos. 6829-79-5276.000;6920-80-2358.000;6829-88-8773.000;6829-89-1641.000;6829-89-2985.000 By: Mail/Box to: Grantee(address below) This instrument was prepared by: Jonathan S.Raymer,Esq..Law Firm Carolinas Title Insurance Co.: Investors Title Insurance Company Brief description for the Index: Various Tracts,Metes&Bounds,Brentwood Park S/D THIS DEED made this 28th day of December 2020 by and between: GRANTOR GRANTEE Robert Lovill,III and wife, Brentwood RH,LLC Elizabeth Lovill a North Carolina limited liability company MAILING ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 1247 3705-A W.MARKET STREET MOUNT AIRY,NC 27030 GREENSBORO,NC 27403 WITNESSETH,that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,Grantor hereby gives, grants,bargains,sells and conveys unto Grantee in fee simple, subject to the Exceptions and Reservations hereinafter provided, if any, the following described parcel of land situated in Forsyth County,North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT"A"ATTACHED FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 2147,Page 2779. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. No map showing the property is yet of record. submitted electronically by "Black, slaughter & Black, PA" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Forsyth County Register of Deeds. Book 3576 Page 2410 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee,that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple,that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,other than the following exceptions: THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD, IF ANY, AND AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CURRENT YEAR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. / / (SEAL) :. 1f ._ � % rig(SEAL) iobert Lov jl,III ElizabethiLovi11 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF GUILFORD I,the undersigned Notary Public,do hereby certify that Robert Lovill,III and Elizabeth Lovill personally came before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes stated therein. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal,this 2814 day of December 2020. (NOTARY SEAL) Jonathan S.Ra mer « Ar Notary Public Notary Puntic i` /T' Guilford County My Commission Expires: . North Carolina �hr rtist 'res NC Bar Association Form No.3©1976,Revised©111/2010 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association Book 3576 Page 2411 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description BEGINNING at a set iron pin,said iron pin being located in the eastern right-of-way of Stanleyville Drive,NCSR 1920, and being the northeast corner of the property of John T. Ogburn(Deed Book 585, Page 152)thence along the eastern right-of-way of Stanleyville Drive,NCSR 1920,North 39°27' 51" East 93.66 feet to a set iron pin;thence continuing with said right-of-way and running North 34°24' 02"East 204. 71 feet to a set iron pin,the southwest corner of Tract 2 of the A. W. Stoltz property; thence leaving said right-of-way and running with the common lines of Tract 2 of the A. W.Stoltz property the following courses and distances:South 55°35' 58"East 241.60 feet to a set iron pin;thence North 34° 24' 02"East 150.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence North 13° 51' 01"East 118.50 feet to a set iron pin,the common corner of Tract 2 of the A. W. Stoltz property with the Carolyn Dahbour property (Deed Book 1365, Page 1301 and Deed Book 1246,Page 486);thence with the common line of Dahbour,and running North 34° 11' 30"East 150.00 feet to an existing iron pin;thence continuing with the common line of Dahbour,and running North 34° 28' 40"East 49.90 feet to an existing iron pin, a common corner with the property of Harvey E. Smith(Deed Book 1527, Page 983 and Deed Book 1397, Page 1690) thence with the common line of Smith the following courses: North 34° 28' 40" East 140.23 feet to an existing iron pin; thence North 55° 45' 38" West 201.23 feet to an existing iron pin located in the eastern right-of-way line of Stanleyville Drive,NCSR 1920;thence along said right-of-way and running North 34° 15' 24"East 399.97 feet to an existing iron pin,the southwestern corner of the property of Jim M. Garris(Deed Book 1492, Page 1223)thence leaving said road right-of-way and running with the common line of Garris the following courses: South 55°44' 59"East 200.79 feet to an existing iron pin;thence North 34° 02' 52"East 210.20 feet to an existing iron pin; thence North 55° 52' 18" West 199.97 feet to an existing iron pin located on the eastern right-of-way line of Stanleyville Drive, NCSR 1920; thence along said right-of-way and running North 34° 34' 48" East 60.28 feet to an existing iron pin,the southwestern corner of the property of Robert A.Stoltz(Deed Book 744,Page 418);thence leaving said road right-of-way and running with the common line of Stoltz the following courses: South 54°44' 00"East 180.42 feet to an existing iron pin;thence running North 48°01' 17"East 81.35 feet to an existing iron pin,the common corner of Stoltz with the property of Jon T. Johnson(Deed Book 1399,Page 1518)thence along the common line of Johnson and running North 89°23' 58"East,passing an existing iron pin at a distance of 154.05 feet,for a total of 328.60 feet to an existing iron pin,the common corner of Johnson with the property of Merwin L.Lackey and Wesley A.Lackey(Deed Book 904,Page 136);thence along the common line with Lackey the following courses: South 85° 58' 18"East 627.07 feet to an existing iron pin;thence running South 05° 20' 25"West 134.65 feet to a marked pine tree; thence running South 85°30' 00"East 220.17 feet to an existing iron pin;thence North 81°21' 15"East 983.29 feet to an existing iron pin; thence North 81° 21' 15" East 16.89 feet to a point in the center of Little Fork Creek; thence running along the center of Little Fork Creek,and adjoining the properties of Beulah V.Evans heirs(Deed Book 112,Page 24),Linda H. McGunigal(Deed Book 1816,Page 1513),Guillermo G.Mendoza(Deed Book 4951,Page 188),Beulah V.Evans(Deed Book 678,Page 351)and John Frank Weaver(Deed Book 130,Page 169)the following courses: South 02°41' 56"West 81.35 feet;thence running South 04°22'42"West 140.16 feet;thence running South 22°44' 10"East 40.95 feet;thence running South 00°38' 30"West 95.65 feet ; thence running South 43° 00' 30"West 57.23 feet; thence running South 41° 22' 26" West 148.31 feet; thence running South 48° 52' 09"West 133.65 feet; thence running South 42° 38' 25" West 91.90 feet;thence running South 26° 32' 01"West 79.63 feet;thence running South 06° 56' 53"East 64.76 feet; thence running South 10° 58' 05"West 71.56 feet; thence running South 05° 48' 42" East 62.77 feet; thence running South 40° 36' 40"West 36.70 feet; thence running South 01°43' 37"East 108.39 feet; thence running South 04° 35' 24"West 125.93 feet; thence running South 03° 14' 55"West 82 feet; thence running South 09° 50' 31"West 157.00 feet; thence running South 09° 54' 36" West 95.71 feet; thence running South 01° 50' 57" West 44.10 feet; thence running South 39°27' 04"West 41.48 feet;thence South 09°48' 47"East 82.66 feet;thence running South 28°48' 11" West 61.93 feet; thence running South 03° 02' 35" East 35.02 feet to a point; thence running South 08° 25' 19"West 56.27 feet;thence running South 21°48' 19"East 30.12 feet;thence running South 20° 53' 19"West 63.54 feet;thence running South 01°33' 12"East 57.79 feet;thence running South 08°09' 53"West 86.48 feet;thence running South 13° 00'26"West 53.44 feet;thence running South 21°02'33"East 50.54 feet;thence running South 36°39'04"West 47.13 feet;thence running South 11°56'34"East 34.79 feet;thence running South 85°30'00"West 48.45 feet;thence running South 54°59' 42"East 54.90 feet;thence running South 02°37' 33"West 69.64 feet to a point in Little fork Creek,said point being located North 84°40' 53"West 8.71 feet from an existing iron pin;thence running North 84°40' 53"West 44.00 feet to a set iron pin,the common corner of Lots 84 and 84,as shown on the map of Pinebrook Valley Subdivision, Book 3576 Page 2412 Section 2,recorded in Plat Book 26, at Page 31;thence along the northern boundary line of Lots 85, 86, 87, and 88, of the Pinebrook Valley Subdivision, Section 2,the northern right-of-way of Spruce Pine Drive, and the northern line of lots 89-93,inclusive on the map of Pinebrook Valley Subdivision,Section 2,and running with said lines,North 84°40' 53"West 1,419.73 feet to a set iron pin;thence running along the western boundary line of Lot 93, and a portion of Lot 94, South 03°02' 03"West 305.87 feet to an existing iron pin,the common corner of the property of George Law(Deed Book 1964,Page 2821) in the line of Pinebrook Valley, Section 2, recorded in Plat Bok 26, at Page 31;thence with the common line of Law and running North 88°03' 23"West 474.39 feet to a set iron pin,the common corner of Milton G. Kiger, et al (Deed Book 1224, Page 1077) in the property line of Law;thence along the common line with Kiger, the following courses:North 05°04'38"East 923.33 feet to a set iron pin;thence running South 84°51' 18"East 66/00 feet to a set iron pin; thence running North 05° 08' 42"East 304.44 feet to a marked 24"Oak tree; thence along the line of Kiger and then Ogburn,North 84° 14' 48"West 817.83 feet to an existing iron pin,the corner of the Ogburn property; thence continuing with the Ogburn property line the following courses; South 28°23' 05"West 87.70 feet to an existing iron pin; thence running North 61° 36' 55"West 136.44 feet to a set iron pin in the eastern in the eastern right-of-way line of Stanleyville Drive,the point and place of BEGINNING, and containing 117.17 acres,more or less,according to a survey by R. Steve Hiatt,surveyor,Mt.Airy,NC,dated November 20,2000,and being the major portion of the A. W. and Betty Stoltz farm tracts as described in the deeds recorded in Deed Book 593,Page 345,and Deed Book 766,Page 72,Forsyth County Register of Deeds. LESS AND EXCEPT all of the lots and tracts of land in the Brentwood Park Subdivision which are delineated and made a part of those plats recorded as follows: 1. Plat Book 45,Page 160,revised in Plat Book 56,Page 169; 2. Plat Book 45,Page 161,revised in Plat Book 56,Page 170; 3. Plat Book 45,Page 162,revised in Plat Book 56,Page 166; 4. Plat Book 55,Page 174,revised in Plat Book 56,Page 167; 5. Plat Book 55,Page 173,revised in Plat Book 56,Page 168; and 6. Plat Book 55,Page 172,revised in Plat Book 56,Page 169.