HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150811 Ver 1_Application_20150811���;,;�...� . �� / " • `�, � y "il/ F� • " +'"���f 4� ,, ,/ '�� � � �� i �=�'�„ . ti , . r. t -�'�`�,�'' * �' l. �l % � � A w i� ��� t". 4� ...`� Yk l * '� .: �Y� :... ..v titi�::w.a�.e st'i:'v-�. « STATE (JF NCJRTIE� CARULINA I�EPA�TMENT OF TRANSPC}RTATI�N PAT McCR(JRY P. O. Box 252C11, Raleigh, NC 27611-5202 NI�H(�L�� 1. �'E��N�S(�I� .�''.rC�VERNC�R PH(JNE: 919-'733�2520 SE��;.E'�".��.Y August 11, 2� � 5 Mr. Steve Kich�fski t}. S. Ar�my Corps af En�ine�rs A�hevil�e F�.egulatar� Field (Jffice 151 Patton Av�nue, Room 208 Asheville, N+C 288Q 1-SQ06 Subj ect: Natianwide Per�nit # 14 SR 13 b9 (I��Iulber�y Creek Road) Caldwell County, North Carolin�. Projeet Number: 11iC.014088 {D�R Permit Fee: $�?0 Dear �1/Ir. K.ichefski: The NC Department of Transportat�c�n is scheduled to grad�, drain, base �nd pave �12. 1369, Mulbe�rr� Creek Road �n Caldwell County. To�al project length �� 2.43 il'1.1��'� 'V4i1��1 �. �����t�. section runnin� between stations 1�7�-50 — 133+15. Impervious surface area �vv�ll �n�rease b� about �.7 acres. W e are not proposing to replace a�y c�f the bridges as part �f �his se�+�ndary road improvement. This proj ect will requir� the replacerne�.t c�f twelve we� pi�es as sh���: b�lc��: Stream Im acts: Station Existing Proposed Ripr�.p 'T�empora�y Total Ympacts I�lumber Pi e Size Pi e Size Im �cts ft. I�ewaterin f�. a� th.is Si�.tioa� 17-+-90� 24" x 4�' 24" x 55' 10 4� 65 31�17� 18" x 86' 1$" x 4$' 0 20 20 3 7�952 �4" x 4�' 3�" x 5 S' 10 40 �5 42-�-?02 24" x 25' 24" x 40' 14 4� �S 51 ��3 18" x 30' 24'' x Sa' 10 4U %� ��+�a z4�� �. 2�� z4�� � s�►� lo �o �i 8�-�-65 18" x 34' 18" x 4�' 1�► 4U � 1 109-�-C�O 48" x 48' 48" x. 75' 10 4C� i� 11�-�-112 18"x34' 18"xi3' 14 40 �9 126-�--8� �4" x 4?' 24" x 5�' 1 Q 4� 56 13��-172 18" x 19' 18" x 2�' l0 4(� 5'7 13 5-}-5 8 18" x� 9' 1 S" x 40' 10 40 � 1 P. Q. $OX 2S(�, I�1. WILKESBORO,1`�C 28659 Pxo�E (33G) 6b7-91 � 1 �� (336) 667-4549 Mr. Steve Kichefski SR 13 69, Mulberry Creek Road, Caldwell F'a�,e � August l l, 201 S Permanent FilllRiprap Impacts = 317 feet Temporary Dewatering Impacts - 440 feet Total ro'ect Im acts = i�'7 fe�� 1 There wi11 be no net ch�.nge in piping impacts at this 1�►catio�.. .1�. pri��i� �rc���rty� ��v��� has tied onta our pipe to bring the creek water to �iis small pand. VVe �:re �imp� y�e�laci�g a��r part�on of pipe under the road ar�d adding a box to separate our pipe from ���. � If buried, all of these pipe slopes wc�uld �xc��d �°°/a �rade. As a result, �v� ar� �ot p�opos�n� �tc� bury these pipes since an� fish passage would be v�ry unlikel� and h�ad cuts �vo�.ld b� pr�babl�e A riprap pad will be placed in the streambed at the �utlet �f these pip�s �tc� �reduc� �c�ux°o The replacem�nt of the above noted wet pipes will requir� temporary de�v�tering. .�4.r� ir.��e���o�.� �andbag dike will be �onstructecl upstream c�f the existing pip�s tc� create a small pool. �lear� water wi11 temporarily be pumped around the cor�structic�n areas and �vvil� b� dlsc�ar��d downstream. Any dirty water loc�.ted inside of the co�struction areas wi.11 b� p�.mped i�to a s11t bag if necessary. Once the new pipes are in plac�, the imperv�ous dik�� �vill be remca�-ed �.�.d preconstruction streambed elevations will be r�stc�r�d. The wet pipe at station 1�9�00 carries Ca�e Branch {Class: C�, �-IQW). The �°ez�.�.�nin� �e�t p�p�� all car�y different UTs to Mulber�y Creek (Class. �; `Trout, �IC,�W) i� the ��.tawba �.���r ��.��r�. This proj ect was reviewed for the presence o�' threatened and �nda�gered spe�ies. �'1�er� �rill be several acres of tree cutting at the project locatic�n due ta cut work needed t�► ava�d �illing iov��rd. l��Iulber�� Creek. The NLEB is listed as a protect�d speci�s �n this cou�ty sc� �ve �.re requ�st��:� that the �arps of Engineers coordinate �vith the U�FW� to deter��in� the �mpa��t to th�s spe�ies. We would recommend a NLTAA call on this proj ect. �� dc� not �.�.t�cip�t� an�y �n�.�act �c� ar�y other federally listed species. Cultural resource compliance work has been completede I`�To �.rchaealog�ca� r�st��rc�s c�� h�s�or�� properties will be affected by this proj e�t (see attached�. �'he praj ect impacts are not significant in nature and should not remo�e or d:egrade �xisti�.g vv�.t�� quality uses. Stor�nwater vvill be rauted tl�.roug�. �rass or rock lined ditcl�es, d�pend��:� ��. �h� dit�h line slope. Pipe sizes used wi11 be the minimum necessary tc� �re�.�� a sa�� �aad�v�.�r. �� utilizing the eroszon control measures autlin�d in t�.e attachments to this appl�cat�on, dc�v��str��.n�. water quality standards v�ill be protected. (�verall water quality in t�.e �.re�. vvill be im�r��r�d by paving the ABC travel lanes. All appropriate B1VIPs �vill be us�d during �onstruciio�. Attached is a Preconstruction Notification �ar. m, plan sheets v�ith prc��c�sed e�c�sio� cc��tr�� mea�ures, a n�arked county map and a marked topo�raph� ma�. B� copy of` this electronic letter, it is requested that l��Irs. i��arla �hambcrs ��th the 1Vc�rth Garalina Wildlife Resources �ammission ccam�n:e�t dire�tly� �c� y�ou ��nc�rr�in,g th� 4C�4 Nationwide P�rmit applica�ior� with a copy sent tc� me. Mr. �teve �.ichefski SR 1369, Mulberry �reek Road, Caldu�ell Page 3 August 1 l, 2C} 1 S By cc�py of this electronic letter, it is requested ihat the �ivision c�f W�ter �s�aur��s� 401 /Wetl�.nds Unit, issue the appropri�.te permi� fc�r construction of this proj ect. It is �°�qu�st�d that an� comments related to the 401 certification be electron�c�.11y forward�d di��ct�y t� m� �vi�h a copy sent tc� the U� Ar�ny Corps of Engineers. We would like to begin construction as soon as possibl�. If further i�.for�na�lon is r�quir� , �lease let me know. �.'our early review and consid�ration will be appreciated. Sincerely, ,� � �eath �l�.ughter �ilV1S1{J�'l. E�'1V1�'t�rt:il�:��'lta� f�'icer Encl�sures cc: l��Iarla �hambers, NCWRC Amy �hapman, Dfvision of Water Resources I�ave Wanucha, Division of Water R��ources l��arella Buncick, LTSFWS l��Iike Pett�j ohn, PE, D1V1S10r1 Er1�111��r I�aug Eller, I)istrict Engineer I�enny. I-�eavner, PE, Count� 11/Iaintenar�ce Engine�r Zack South�r, Roadside Environmer�tal Fie1d Operatians Techni�ia� ��'������'� Office tJse Oniy: � �� ��. . � c� '` �` �; c. � � � � �;�- Corps action 1D na. ,.+'1 '�� tx'�.�3i°"�J%v+'rx''.�r�'�illrl� �t:�:^' �"� � Di%�/� piC}��?C� 110. � � � � �"' t {;,:��,�,s��'�,'r�„�y'f�� k� ,; `� . / }`'�'��%'a�;.�%�r'"���' � Form Versior� 1.3 C�ec '10 2405 Pre--C�'onstruction Not%�icatian PC�N For A. A licant Informatio� '1. Processing 1a. Type(s) �f approval sought from the � Section 4O4 Perr�it � Sectic�n 14 Permit Corps: 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: 14 or General Permit (GP) r�umber: 'I c. Has the NWF� ar GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Y�s ��i� 1d. Type(s) af approval saught from the DWQ (check all that apply). � 401 Water Quality Certification — Regular � Nc�n-4U4 Jurisdictional �ener�l Permit ❑: 401 Water Quality Certification — Express � Ripari�n Buffer Authorizatic�� 1 e. Is this notificati�n sc�lely for the record For the record or�ly f�r DWQ 4Q1 For the recard ar�ly f�r ��rps F'ermit. because written approvai is nat required? Certification: C] �es � �v� Q �e� � n�c� 1 f, Is payment into a mitigatian bank or in-Iieu fee program proposed for mitig�tior� ���� �� of impacts? If sa, attach the acceptance letter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ��es ��i� below. 1 h. Is the praject located within a NC DGM Area of Environmentai �oncern (AEC)'? [[] Yes ��Jo 2. Project Information 2a. Name of proj�ct: SR 1369, Mulberry Creek I�oad 2b. Caunty: Caldwell 2c. �learest municipality / town: South of Blawing Rock 2d. Subdivision name: 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state 11C.0�4�88 praject na: 3. C"�wner 1 nfarmatio n 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: �JCDOT 3b. Deed Boak ar�d Page No. �c. Responsible Parky (for L.L.0 i f applicable): 3d. Street address: 801 �tatesville Road 3e. City, state, zip: North Wilkesboro, NC 28�59 3f. Telephane no.: 336-903-92�2 3g. Fax na.: 336-667-4549 3h. Email address: hslaughter�C�ncdat.gav P�ge 1 0� 10 �'C�I 1Farm -- Version 1.3 L�ecember 1�, 2�U8 Ver�i�n 4. Applicant Information (if different firam owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent [� CJther, specify: 4b. Name: 4c. Busines s name (if applicable): 4d. Street address: 4e. City, state, zip: �4�F. Telephone no.: 4g. Fax no.: 4h. Emaii address: 5. AgentlConsultant information (if applicable) 5a. Name: 5b. Business name (if applicable}. 5c. Streefi address: 5d. City, state, zip: 5e. Telephor�e na.: 5f. Fax na.: 5g. Email address: Page 2 o�f 10 PC�I F�rm — Version 1.3 December 1 U, 2t�U8 �lersi�r� B. Project Information and Prior Rroject History 1. Property Identification 1�. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): 1 b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees). L�titude: 36.0�4�1 �0 Longitude. - 81.�4�301 (DD.DDDDDD} (-DC�.DC�C�DQ[�) 1c. Pr�perty size; 15.5 acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body af water (stream, river, etc.) to ��ne Branch and 11Ts to iVlulber �r�ek proposed project: � 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: �, HQW and C; Trout, HQV1/ 2c. River ba�sin: Catawba 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing conditions an the site and the general lar�d use in the vicini#y of the projec� �t the �ime c�f thi� applicatian: Unpaved raad in a rural area. 3b. List fihe total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 �c. List the tofial estimated linear feet of all existing s�reams (interr�itter�t and perennial) on the prop�rty: 400 linear feet 3d. Explain the purpc�se of the proposed project: Upgrade roadway. 3e. Describe the overail projec# in detail, including the type of equipment to b� used: See attached caver letter. 4. Jurisdicti�onal C�eterminations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or Stafie been requested or obtained for this property / project (including all prior phases} in the past? ❑ Yes � IVa 0 Unkna�n Comments: 4b. If the Corps made the jurisdictic�nal determination, what fiype of determination was made? � Preliminary ❑ Fin�l 4c. If yes, wha delineated the juri�dictic�nal areas? Agency/Consultant Comp�ny: Name (if known): O�her: 4dn If yes, list #he dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinatians �r ��ate determinations �nd attach d�cument��ior�. 5. Project Histc►ry 5a. Have permi#s or certi�ications been requested or �btained for � Y�� ��Q ��n����,n this project (including all priar phases} in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according �o "help file" instructions. �. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project� ❑ Yes � f�� �b. Ifi yes, explair�. Page 3 o�f 1 � PC�1 Farr� -- Version 1.3 December 1�, �408 \/'�rsiar� C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your proje�t (check all th�t apply): 0 Wetiands � Streams - tributaries � Buifers ❑ C7p�n Waters ❑ Pand Construction 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete tl�is question for each wetland area imp�c�ed. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2�. Wetland impact Type af jurisdictior� number -- Type c�f impact Type of wetland Forested (Carps - 4�4, 1 Q �Are� �� impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWt� -- n�n-4�q4, c��her) (�cres) Tem ora T ❑ ��s ❑ �orps �1 ❑ P ❑ T Nc� DW 0 ❑ C� � Yes ❑ Corps �� � P � T Nc� DW 0 ❑ � ❑ Yes ❑ Carps W� � P❑ T Nc� D1N ❑ 0 {� ❑ Yes ❑ Cc�rps W4 C] P[� T N� CiW 0 ❑ � ❑ Yes � Corps W5 [� P❑ T Nt� DW ❑ ❑ �t ❑ Yes [� Corps W6 [� P❑ T Nc� DW � c� �] c� 2g. Tatal wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent sfiream impacts (ir�cluding tempor�ry impacts) proposed on the si�e, then comple�e this question for all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3k�. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3f. 3g. Stream impact Type of impact Stream name �erennial Type of jurisdiction Averag� ,mp��� number - (PE�) ar {Corps - 4��, 1� stream ler�g�h Permanent (P} ar intermittent p�,� _ n�n..q,pq,, v�ridth (line�r Temparary (T} (INT)? c�ther) (�eet) feet} Piping, Riprap & UT #1 t� Mulberry ❑ P�R � Corps S1 � P� T Dewaterin Creek INT DWQ � �� � � � Piping & UT #2 to Mulberry � P�R �) Corps S2 � P� T Dewaterin Creek INi DWQ � 2� g ❑ � Piping, Riprap & UT #3 to Mulberry � P�R � Corps S3 �I P I� T Dewaterin Creek [� INi' � DWC� � �5 g Piping, Riprap & UT #4 to Mulberry � P�R � Corps S 4 � P� T pewaterin Creek INT DWQ � �� � Q � Piping, Riprap & UT #5 to Mulberry � P�R � Corps S5 � P� T Dewaterin Creek INT DWQ 1 7� 9 Q � Piping, Riprap & lJT #6 to Mulberry ❑ P�R � Corps S6 � P� T Dewaterin Creek I NT DV1iQ 1 � 1 g � � 3h. Tatal stream and tributary impacts 3i. Camments: Page 4 of 14 PCf� F�rm -- Version 1.3 December 'I �, 2�U8 �iersior� � t� �t _ � �.,. �. Propc�se� Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts �ummary � 1a. 1Nhich s�ctions were completed below for your prc�ject (che�ck ali that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ BufFer� �] Open Waters ❑ Pond Constructian 2. V1/etiand Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the si#e, then complete this question for e�ch wetland area impacfied. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impact Type of jurisdictic�r� number -- Type of impact Type of wetland For�sted (Corps -�40�4, 1� �rea �f impact Permanent (P} or (if knc�wn) C�W� -- r��n-40�, other) (acres} Tem ora T ❑ Y�s ❑ Corps W1 [� P❑ T Nc� DW ❑ c� 0 Q ❑ Y�s 0 �orps W2 [� P❑ T N� DWQ ❑ ❑ ❑ Y�s � Corps W3 ❑ P❑ T Nc� DWQ 0 � ❑ Y�s ❑ Corps W4 ❑ P ❑ T No �W� 0 ❑ ❑ Y�s � Corps W5 ❑ P❑ T Nt� DW � t� � C� (,� Yes [.� �orps W6 �P�T Nc� LW � ❑ � 2g. Total wetland impacts 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts} prc�posed on the site, then complete this question fior all stream sites impacted. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d. 3e. 3�. 3g. Stream impact Type of irnpact Stream name F'er�nnial Type of jurisdic�ion ,Average �m►p�G� r�umber - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stre�m length Permanent (P} ar infiermittent p�� _ nan_�.pq,, v�ridth (��n���' Temporar`Y iT) (II�T)'? other} (fe�t} feet� I'iping, Riprap & UT #7 to Mulberry ❑ P�R � Corps � P� T Dewaterin Creek INi DWQ � �� 9 � � Piping, Riprap & � P�R � Corps �'�'� � P� T Dewaterin �ane Branch INi D1I�lQ ��� �7 9 ❑ � Piping, Riprap & UT #8 to Mulberry � PER � Corps P� T Dewaterin Creek ❑ INi" � C�WC� 2 �� � Piping, Riprap & UT #9 to Mulberry � P�R �j Corps �,�`�' � P� T D�waterin Creek INT DWf� � �� g ❑ � Piping, Riprap & UT #1� to � PER � Gorps � P� T p�waterin Mulber Creek INT DWQ � � 7 9 rY Q � Piping, Riprap & UT #11 ta � P�R � Carps � P� T Dewaterin Mulberr Creek INT DWQ � 7� � Y ❑ � 3h. Total stream and tributary impacts ?5? 3i. Comments: 207 Pipe, 110 Riprap, 440 Dewatering Page4of1� PCN F�rm -- Versian 1.3 Decer�ber 1C�, ��C�B �lersian 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to Iakes, ponds, estuaries, tributarie�, sounds, the Atlantic C�cean, or ar�y other open vvafier of the U.S. then individually list ali open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4�ee C�pen water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) �'ype of impa�t Vl/afierbody type �rea of impact (acres} Permanent (P} or Tem arar T (J 1 ❑ P C�] T C)2 [� P ❑ T 03 {�P[�T 04 0 P0T 4f. Total open water impacts 4g. Comments: 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake construction ro ased, then com Iete the chart belc�w, 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. �e. 1Netland Impacts (�cre�} Str�am Impac�� (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpase (�cres} number of pond Flooded Filled �xc�vated Floc�ded Filled Excavated F6�ad�d P� P2 5f. Total 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes � No I€ ye�, permit 1D no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): 5k. Method of construction: 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ} If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individu�ll� list all buffer impact� below. If an im acts re uire miti atian, then ou MUST fill aut Section D of this form. 6a. [� N�use ❑ Tar-Parnlicc� 0 Oth�r: Project is in which protected basin? C] C�tawba � Randlemar� 6b. 6c. 6d. G�. �f. 6g. Buffer impact number -- Reason B�ffer �one 1 impa�t �ar�� 2 impact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (squ�re feet} (sq�aare feet} Tem orar T im act re uired? � Yes g � ❑ � C� T �v� d � Yes B2 ❑P[�T N� ❑ C] Yes 63 ❑ P ❑ T �� � 6h. Total buffer impacts �i. Comments: F'age 5 o�F 14 P�IV Form -� Versior� 1.3 December 10, 24�8 Versi�r� D. Impact Justification and Mitigation '1. Avoidance and Minimization 1 a. Speci�cally describe measures taken to avoid or minimiz� the proposed impacts in designing project. The pipe lengths are the minimum needed to improve roadway. Ernbankment construction will be v�ry limited when s�reams are adjacent. 1 b. �pecifically describe measures taken to avc�id or minimi�� the propc�sed impacts through canstruction techniques. All apprapriate BMPs wiil be used during construction Z, Compensatory Mitigation far Impacts to Waters of the U.�. or Waters of the Stat�e 2ae Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for � Y�s ❑ Na impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the 5tate'? 2b. If xes, miti�ation is required by (check all that apply). � DWQ � Carps ❑ Mitigation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigat ian option will be used for this ra"e�t? � P�ymer�t to ir�-Iieu fee pr�gr�m p 1 ❑ Permittee Responsible Niitigatiar� 3. Complete if Using a Mitigatian Bar�k 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank. 3b. Credits Purchased (attach receipt and letter) Type Quantity 3c. Camments: 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Prograr� 4a. Approval Ietfier from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Ye� 4b. �tream mitigation requested: 207 Iinear feet 4c. If using stream mitigatian, stream temperature: [�] warm ❑ caol �cold 4d. Buffer mitigation requested (DWQ only): square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigation requested: acres 4h. Comments: 5. Gomplete if Using a Permittee Responsible Mitigation Plar� 5a. If using a permittee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigation pl�r�. Page � c�f 10 PCN F�rm -- Versic�n 1.3 December 1 Qp 20�8 i/ersian 6. Buffer Mitigatian (State Regula#ed Riparian Buffer Rules� -� required by DWC� 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian b�rffer that requires Q Ye� j� I�r� b�ffer mitigation? 6b. if yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer th�t require� rnitigati�n. �alculat� the amour�t af mitigatian required. 6c. 6d. 6�. �o�� Reasan for impact Total impact IViultiplier Required mitigatir�n (square feet} (�qu�re feefi� zone 1 3 (2 �Far Catawba) Zone 2 1.5 6f. Tota1 buffer mitigation required: 6g. If buffer mitigatian is required, discuss what type of mitigation is prapased (e.g., paymer�t tc� priv�te mitigation bank, permittee responsible riparian buffer restoratior�, payment ir�to an �pproved in-lieu fee fund). 6h. Comments: P�ge 7 o�f 1 � F'C�I F�rm — Version 1.3 December 1�, 2QQ8 Versiar� E. Starmwater Management and Diffuse Ftow Plan (required by DWt�) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Daes the project ir�clude c�r is it adjacent to protected riparian buff�rs identified ��,�� ��� wrth�n one af th� NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flaw plan included'? If no, explain why. � �e� � a Comments: 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is the overail percent imperviousness of this project? °l� 2b. Does this project require a Stormwater Managernent Plan? ��'es Q o 2c. If this project DCJES NCJT require a Stormwater Management F'lan, explain why: 2d. If this prc�ject D+�ES require a Starmwater Management Plan, ther� pravide a brief, narr�tive des�ripti�n �f the pl�r�: Falis under DC�T NPQES Permit ❑ �ertifi�d l�oc�l �overnment 2e. Who will be responsible for the review af the Stormwater Management Plan? Q C�WQ Storm�rater �'rQgram ❑ L�WQ 4�0'1 lJnit 3. Certified Local �overnment Stormwater Review 3a. !n which lacal government's jurisdictian is this project? ❑ Phas� II � �1 aV� 3b. Which of the following iocally-implemented stormwater managem�nt programs 0���� app�Y (check all that applY): 0 Vliater Supply W�tershe� ❑ �tf��r: 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with praof of �pproval been [� °�es � c� attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review Q +Coastal �ountie� ❑ �I C�W 4a. Which of the follawing stafie-implemented starmwater management programs apply 0��� (check all that apply): [�] Sessiort Lavv 20�6-24� ❑ (�th�r: 4be Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with procaf of approval been attached? ❑ Yes � � 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Starmwater Management Plan meet the appropriate req�irements? 0��� ��� 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submittal requirernents been met? ���� ��� P�ge $ o� 10 P��l �orm —1/ersian 1.3 December � Q, 2U�8 �lersior� F. �upplementary Informatian 1. Enviranmental Dacumentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. �oes the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local} funds or the ���� ��� use of publ�c (federal/state} land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the abave, does the project require prep�ration of an environmentai document pursuant to the requirements of the �1ati�nal ar State [� �'e� � o (North Carolina) Envirc�nmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the dc�cument review beer� �nalized by th� State �learing House? (If sa, attach a copy of the NEPA or �EPA final approva! letter.� ❑ �'es � o Comments: 2. Vialatit�ns (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .�500}, Isoiated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .130�), DWQ Surface Water c�r W�tland �tandards, ❑ Yes ��Ic� ar Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B .02�a)'? 2b. Is this an after-the-fact permit applicatian? � Yes � Rlo 2c. if you answered "yes" to one or both af the above questions, provide �n explanation of the violati�n�s)e 3. Cumutative ImpaCts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project {based on past and reasanably anticipated future �mpacts� result in ���� ��� add�tional development, which could �mpact nearby dawnstre�m v�rater quality? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accord�r�c� with fihe most recent DWQ policy. If yau answered "no," provide a shc�rt narrative description. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (r�on�discharge ar discharge} ��f wastewater� generafied frc�m the proposed project, or available capacity of the subj�ct facility. N/A F'age 9 of 1 � PC�I Form -- Version 1.3 December 1�, 2�08 Versior� 5. Endangered $pecies and Designated Critical Habitat �Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or r�ear an area with federally protect�d species or ��� �� habitat? � � 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered �pe�ies Ac� ��,�� ��� i m pacts? ❑ R�leigh 5c. if yes, ind icate the USFWS Field �Jffice you have contacted. [� Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whether your sit� woufd impact Enda�gered Species �r C�e�ignated �ritic�l Habitat'? GIS and visual observatian. Requesting that the Carps coordinate with USFWS regarding the �ILE�. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this prajeet occur in c�r near an area designated as essentiai fi�h habitat? �] Yes ��10 6b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Essenti�l Fish Nabitafi'? WRC will comment ?. Historic ar Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requir�eme�t) ?a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation .��s �� status e. ., National Historic Trust desi nation or ra erties �i ni�cant in � � { � g p p � North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use ta determine whether your sit� would impact historic or archeological r+�sc�urces? Project submitted to CJHE. 8. Fload Zane Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodpl�in? 0 Yes � Nc� 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determinati�n� ncfloodmap� J. �Ieath Slaughter �. �/11 i15 � � Applicant/Agent's i'rinted Name ' pplican�JAgent's �ig ure I���e (Agent s signature is valid only if an authari,z ' n letter from �he applicant is rovided.) F'ag� l� af 10 F'CN F�rm -- Version 1.3 December 10, 24�8 �Iersi�n � � O CI` � O V � � • � � V � O � � f VICINITY MAP Porous BafFle Spacing *Baffles in $ilt Basins at drainage turnouts and all other temporary rock sediment dams-Type B: -If basin Iength=l0' or less;l baffle -If basin length =11' to 20';2 baffles -If basin Iength=20' or more;3 bafFles equally spaced in basin NOTE: PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED DURING CLEARING AND GRUBBING PHASE. Level III Cert # 3474 GRAPHIC SCALE � 51�8� PLANS 5� PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) u0 SI� PROFILE (VERTICAL) ROADSIDE EN�IRONMENTAL UNIT DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ST.9TE OF NORTH CAROLlNA �' I � �� " I � I : (�) I � \ (�) I'� " I � I-I � � .�� I'� (�) I .1 \ -� II�I��I�I(�)\ (�>I� 1-II�;I-1�`" ��l"� I" I�� .� I�(�� I'; I'' I'; (�� I'' (�� � I�. I1� �-� � � � �-� � � '� � � �. 1�� ��) � � ��) � � ��) � � � ��� ��) � . CALD WELL C� U1�TY LOCATI0111: SR 1369 MULBERRY CREEK RD FROM SR 1368 TO E11ID OF MAi11lT. STA 0+ 00 TO 127 + S0, AND l33 + 15 TO E.O.P. l41 + 36 TYPE OF WORK: GRADING, DRAINAGE, BASE AND PA VING - 2. 43 MILES THESE EROS/ON AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS COMPLY WITH THE REG(ILATIONS SET FORTH BY THE NCG-010000 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT EFFECTlVE AUG(JST 3, 2011 ISSUED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY. Prepored In the pfflce of; DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DIVISION /l, D7STRICT 2 BOONE P.O. BOX 1460, BOONE, N.C. 28607 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATI0111S ST�TB STATB PROI6CT RBP8R6NC8 Nq Sxee s ���0 11C.01�088 EC-1 �� SfAtB P0.W.NQ P.APRW.Mp 088c0.1PT1oN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SEd_ A J� S.A6el 1630.03 °1Cero�,ae�e� �Slc ➢9�e�h ,e i�so.os �°e��o�nry �;�ePSeaw - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - ibos.oi °�e�,�orar, s.�t Fen�e i�.oi ��aa;a� �e�a,�e�� �onErmu �a��a _ _ _ 162Y.01 1Te�pm�aPy �eP�,a and S9oPe ➢RPas�s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T� «- 1630.OY 5��� �aa,n °ll°��e �--- --- --- --- � � 1633.01 °Jf'e�u�m.ary Vbm�lk �;Vt Che�V� 7Cyne-� � °ICe��orary �m�� ��Vt �he�V� °Il°yne-� w6�h 0^d��is�g �n� ]�mlya�rylla�[de (ff��Ng� - - - - - - O 1633.02 °li°�mParaP� IBo�k �sl� �hPCk °Px�e°� _ _ _ _ _' Wa��De//Coir ll�'�be: Wa��De � wd���e//em;r �;be. wa���e � w�E� �a����ey�a�;ae e�.��a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 163�(.ot °�e��oraay �8a�lk �e�;o,.e�� ID�� °Il°9�e-.�- - - 163�.04 °1[°e,�Pa��P� IBmck �ed;�en� Il9a�, °1C�Pe°]�-- � 1635.01 �80�� Il�t�e �o➢ec 5e�t�eo� 7Cra� '�rwe �_ _ _ _ _ _ � 1635.02 �30�9� �t�e llnuae �e�t�en� �°ra� �'YPe-l�_ _ _� 1�.� �Ei��irvgl$asin_..._..._..._..._________.._..._....� 1630.06 ��er,a� �E>>ds�g ��ssm - - - - - - - � �oc� dnfle� �e���en� �aa�: i�s.oi �'r�e .�--- --- --- - - - q� 163z.os '�'y�e ]�. ------- -------------.... �� 1634.03 °lC'r�e C------------------ - C� 51k;a��meP ]Bas,� � 'Il°erPed �lk;mmee ]B�s,�--- ---- � I�f�Vte�m.e� ]�as6� _ _ � THIS PROJECT CONTAINS EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR CLI+,ARING AND GRUBBING PHASE OF CO\'STRUCTION. H[GH Qt;AI.CIl' WA'PER(S) F.XIS'1' ON THIS PROJLCT High Quaiity Water Zone(s) Ezis[ From S[a. 0+00 to Sta. 741+36 Refer To E. C. Special Provisions jor Special Consvderaaions. Roadway Stundard Drawiiigs The fo0owing roadway english standarde as appear in "Roadway Srandard Drawings"- Roadway Design Unit - N. C. Department of 1'raneportation - Ruleigh, v. C., dated January 2012 and the latest revison therero are applieable to this project and by reference hereby are coneidered a part of theae plans. 1604.01 Reilroad Erosion Control Uetail 1632A1 Rock Inlet SeJiment Trap Type A 1605.U7 Tempora�y Silt Pence 1632.02 Rock Inlet Sediment Trap 'Cype B 1606.01 Speciel Sedimeuc Coutrol Cence 1632.03 Rock Iulet SeJiment Trap Type C 1607.01 Gruvel Construction Entrance 1633.01 Temporary Ruck Silt Checic "Cype A 1622.01 Temporary Berms and Slope Urains 1633.02 Temporary Rocl< Silt Check Type R 1630.01 ffiser Ba�in 1634.01 Temporary Roek Sediment Dam Tpre A 1630.02 Silr Basin 'fype B 1634.02 'Cemporary Rock Sedimen[ Dam 'Cype B 1630.03 Tempornry Siit Ditch 1635.01 Rock Pipe Inlet 5edimeni Trap 'fype A 1630.04 S[illing Basin 1635.02 Rock Pipe Inlet Sediment Trap Type B 1630.05 '1'emporury Diversion 1640.01 Coir Fiber ftvftle 1630.06 Special Stilling Basin 1645.01 "femporary Stream Crossing 7637A1 �latting Installarinn EROSION CONTROL & PIPE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE Erosion Control Schedule and Notes 1. Generally, the order of installation of the erosion control measures will be as follows: A. Temporary silt basins shall be installed before clearing and grubbing begins. B. Silt fences and temp orary silt ditches shall be installed after clearing and before grading. C. Temporary stone diich checks with PAM or wattles with PAM shall be installed in all disturbed areas as soon as the disturbance begins. D. Final stone ditch checks or wattles shall be installed as soon as ditch line is established. E. Pipe outlet and inlet protection will be done as soon as the pipe is installed. F. Other permanent erosion control measures are to be implemented as soon as practical. 2. Temporary rock silt checks, type B will be spaced by percent grade as shown in the erosion control plan. 3. No. 5 stone, or equivalent, will be used in conjunction with the tem�orary rock silt checks in locations where water is leaving ihe project or entering a pipe. 4. All devices are to be cleaned out when half full. 5. Establish permanent vegetation per ground stabilization chart. TROUT BUFFER ZONE SEQUENCE GENERAL E&SC NOTES GROUND STABILIZATION CHART Wet Pipe Installation Schedule and Notes 1. Prior to installing any E&SC measures identify permit conditions and impact area limits. 2. Install erosion control devices. 3. Manage the water course. The pipe must be placed in the dry. Install dewatering measures. 4. Remove material and existing pipe while limiting, material and sediment from entenng stream and escaping the project. 5. Excavation of stream channel shall not exceed 10' on either side of new pipe or culvert unless indicated on permit. 6. Per permit conditions for Corps of Engineers and the Wildlife Resources Commission, all pipes in streams 48"or greater must be buried 12" below streambed elevation. Pipes less than 48"must be buried with 20% of the diameter below streambed elevation. 7. Place the new pipe and compact backfill. 8. Instiall slope protection on the outlet and inlet ends of the pipe. Also complete installation of erosion control measures and perform maintenance as needed on existing measures. 9. Establish permanent vegetation per ground stabilization chart. Notes: 10. More information on wet pipe installation can be found For silt basin size see the attached erosion control plans. in the BMP manual section 4.2 "Pipe & Culvert installation" PAM is to be placed on all Type A checks and wattles in the erosion control chain except for the final device in HWQ and Trout projects. GROUND STABILIZATION CHART Site Area Description Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes High Quality Water Zones Slopes steeper than 3:1 Slopes 3:1 or flatter All other areas flatter than 4:1 Stabilization Time Frame 7 days 7 days 7 days 14 days 14 days Stabilization Time Frame Exceptions None None If slopes are 10 ft. or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed 7 days for slopes greater than 50' in lengh None ' (except for perimeters and HQW zones) General Erosion Control Sequence & Notes for NC DOT Projects in Trout Buffer Zones l. Prior to installing any E&SC measures identify permit conditions and impact area limits. Review trout buffer variance approval conditions for any special provisions. 2. All materials should be on the hand before work is commenced. 3. Install EC devices 4. Work within the buffer zone should be sequenced to minimize the length of time that disturbed areas are exposed. Stream bank stabilization, which includes the area from the edge of water to the top of bank, should be phased so that each day's work is a completed work, including provision of adequate ground cover. 5. Graded slopes and fills within the trout buffer zone will within 7 calendar days of completion of any phase of grading be planted or otherwise �rovided with temporary or permanent ground cover, devices, or structures sufficient to restrain erosion. 6. Graded slopes and fills within the trout buffer zone (excluding road shoulders) shall be protected with rolled erosion control product, bonded fiber matrix, or flexible growth medium after seeding. Notes: Silt fence backed by woven wire, with a post spacing of 6 feet, shall be used instead of standard silt fence m trout buffer zone. Special sediment control fence shall be used in areas where bedrock is encountered which prohibits the proper anchoring of fabric, and in low points of the silt fence in 3-foot sections to allow for concentrated flows. The disturbed areas within the stream buffer shall be restored to native vegetation characteristic of an undisturbed buffer to the extent practical upon completion of construction. Flyrock �rotection such as blast mats should be provided for blasting in close proximity to streams. PAM is to be placed on all Type A checks and wattles in the erosion control chain except for the final device in HWQ and Trout projects. �IVISI�N �]F ]HIG]HWAYS S�A�C]E �]F N�I��°]H CAI��]LINA SOIL STABILIZA TI01� S UMMAR Y SHEET MATTI11lG FOR EROSI0111 C011lTROL CONST LINE FROM TO SIDE ESTIMATE fSYJ SHEET N0. STATION STATION 6 -I.- I 5+35 I 7+90 I.T I 90 10 -I.- 37+00 38+00 I.t 75 10 -I.- 38+00 39+65 I.t 120 10 -I.- 39+65 42+70 I.T 225 I I -I.- 42+70 47+ I 3 I.t 325 12 -I.- 50+27 52+00 l.t 130 I 2 - I. - 55+ 00 66 + 75 I.T 855 15 -I.- 67+00 69+62 I.t 195 15 -I.- 70+50 71 +82 I.T 100 I 6 -I.- 74+42 75+ I 3 I.t 55 17 -I.- 82+00 83+00 Rt 75 18 -I.- 89+70 91 +00 RT 95 20 -I.- 105+00 107+00 KT 150 21 -I.- I 07+00 I 08+ I 5 RT 85 21 -I.- 109+00 I10+50 Rt I10 22 -I.- I I 6+ I 3 I 21 +50 Rt 395 23 - I. - I 25+ 50 I 27 + 00 K T I I 0 25 -I.- 138+42 140+50 I.T 155 26 -I.- I 40+71 I 41 +36 I.t 50 26 -I.- I 40+ I 3 I 40+50 I.t 30 5U tOtAl. 3525 M I SGEI.I.ANE U5 MAf f I NG 10 6E I N51A I.EO Ay 0 I RE tE0 0Y f NE N(a I NEER tOtAl. 3525 5AY 3525 PERMA11lE1�T SOIL REII�FOR CEMEI�T MA T CONST LINE FROM TO SIDE ESTIMATE fSYI SHEET N0. STATION STATION 9 -I.- 33+50 37+00 I,t 255 22 -I.- I I 4+00 I I 6+ I 3 Rt I 55 23 - I. - I 2 I+ 50 I 25+ 50 R T 295 5U TOTAI. 705 A0� I t I ONAI• 5RM f0 6E I NStAI•I,EO tOtAl. 705 5AY 705 �IVISI�N �]F ]HIG]HWAYS S�A�C]E �]F N�I��°]H CAI��]LINA S OIL S TABILIZA T101�1 TIMEFRAMES SlT E DESCRIPT lON ST ABILIZAT lON T lME T IMEFRAME EXCEPT l0/V S PERIMETER DIKES, SWALES, DITCHES AND SLOPES 7 DAYS NONE HIGH CIUALITY WATER (HQW) ZONES 7 DAYS NONE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:i 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10' OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED. SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50' IN LENGTH. ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES FLATTER THAN 4:1 14 DAYS NONE, EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AN� HQW ZONES. � • • � � � • � ... . . � � � ' , i i � , , i i i � i i � � : � ■ . . �. , . • . � • _ � ��������■ ��� ' . �� • - ' ' . • � ..-----_- ■■------ ' " ' ' �: ����������������������� ��� '�' ����-�������������� ��������-���� ''����� '�' ���� - • ,- � : ��������-�������������� ��� '�' ����-�������������� ����������������������� - • �- �� '�' �����-�� '�' ������ '�' ���� •-�. - � - •,- ��������-���� ''����� '�' ���� - • ,- ' ' ���� ''����-�������������� - • ,- ��� '�' ����-�������������� ' ��� '�' ����-�������������� ���� '���������' ������' ���� - • �- ���� '����-����������00�� - • �- � • . . ��� '�' ����-�������������� ��� '�' ����-����' ������' ���� ��������-��������� '����� ��� � - • �- �� ����������������������� -- . - � - •,- :� . ��������-�� '�' ������ '�' ���0 • : • .:� , , '' ' ��� '�' ����-��������� '����� �„ • �- ��������-�������������� - • ,- � �������-� ������������� �: . ����������������������� �� �� ����������������������� - •,- ��������-�������������� - • ,- ���' �����-��������� '����� �„ � - • �- . .' ��� '�' ����-��������� '����� �„ • �- ����������������������� - • �- ' '' ��� '�' ����-�������������� �. ��������-��������� '����� �„ � - • �- ��������-��������� '����� ��� � - � �- ��������-�������������� - • ,- �� ��'S'�������� ��������5'����� ��� '�' ������������������� - • ,- ��� '�' ���������' ������' ���� '' ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� ������������������ '����� • � �a���a�a��e���aaa��■■■■ Z 0 W � � U'i a CJ yl / C G O � � L � N � � � � � � � 3 � � � � � ° +90 / ` , . . , , , . , i , / ,' ,' � SNYDER.JOSEPH H & CAROLYN DB 749 PG 103 +20 V r"'1 SNYDER.JOSEPH H & CAROLYN DB 985 PG 690 +28 � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 7 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER �A M + � � * * W Z J _ U H � � � -i- M N � * W Z J _ U 2 „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „� „ , � � � � /� � �� ��3 �P� SNYDER,JOSEPH H & CAROLYN DB 749 PG 103 �Jo SNYDER�JOSEPH H & CAROLYN DB 985 PG 690 / SNYDER.JOSEPH H & CAROLYN DB 867 PG 645 +30 � ` / � V +43 `+50 / ` v O C7� 4 O y� C8/o4 /350 � � 1480/ Z N �-- — o / � MONTALTO, PAT C�1A ESTES � DB 1600 1087 p / -� / � / / / No Embankment ConStruction � � � Sta 2/f00 to 2��OOLta � X� � � 2 ft3weir �/ � S + � � X X cP X M 15" SP p. ��ar 2 ft.weir +24 �� N -- — — — ---- -- R x 18,0 � io ROCK 10.4 * W — — — — — _ / +22 MAIL BO *�� Z -0.66% — — � — / 10.6 �� �' -- '� ti� 2 4 S � — -- -- i +0 83 / , � � _ — — — � GATE � � � +0.78% �, �� — — — a _ — — � q X�X�_X EIF � � -0.56% _ � / � - � � U � �� �� .�� i X / / � � � - / � -�- � � 9.3 �3 9 10.4 10.6 F3ol 10.8 — — X�X � - `� ,� `� � 2308 2202 12.9 F3�6 13.5 � — 4PR _ X UG X- N�, PP _ ��� ��A� Fl 6 � x X � �°2 2606 1 .4� � — — � � � � �� � W �_, � s 2 ft.weir 25.0 '�� 16.2 F5o5 17.6 12.0 +67 15.1 F3a2 +46 � C� i �� ��9 � i� .i X X `+33_ 2700 / 13.6 � � � i + �j o� " 25.0 +00 2�04 23.7 � , � � s 2 ft. weir �Q /+48 19.9 % x � �� m x x � x 2 ft. weir 13.4 9 x 3 x 3 / �/ �t% � � p 2 ft. weir / � 1�b- o / � � m � � ,�C1 � � � / \ � � � I � �� 3 � ' i � d� � Q � � i � p4 � �� � �� ��� o ��� � � SNYDER, JOSEPH H& CAROLYN MONTALTO, PATRICIA ESTES � \� RRY �REEK DB 867 PG 645 DB 1600 PG 1087 /\\ �\ U�B� �� N� �o °a / /" � \ ---� � z� �� � �: �� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 8 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 9 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER BOLICK, DANIEL L& WANDA P O DB 1303 PG 1145 X� �� �\\\\�� TROUT STREAM gR�ANo � 33� � t]�Ll..l STA 3�1+F26-32ON04 LT PROPOSED D TCH iNe. 8� �gK�3�`' c X x 2 fi. weir � � �,�� � C2� � � � � 3503 + � ���� � � _ — — — SNYDER, JOSEPH & CAROLYN E No Embankment Construction ��� -- -- + DB 1593 PG 837 \ l24 � Sto 3/ � 50 to 33 +50Lto � / k�� ��� j 6 � � \ FOoO � �� ����------�� IS„C - \\ � \ � � � � � � � / �� '`53 Pa�ed o � � \ 3z_o3�s �/ '�� �� � � � \ f� .�,q E � N 26.99 z � \ � � �� \ � ��E � -i� '' � 3 6I�// __--- � \ � \ \ � � \ Tie cut i �y � �� X / � F4o4 � � � � � �� � \ � \ C15a0 � p =' . im ac , � i 2�a8 � \ 4005 , -3,.6� a, � / � � � � 303 � � �� � � p � 2206 � � � � 3,,=55a � � IX +43 +92 � � � � '�°° � � � � � + 95 46.4 54.5 FlloB � � A � � � � � � � 45.1 � 3906 � � �V � + � � � � � F3o/ + 45 + 56 � \ � hh M �� - � � `,� � � 2202 43.2 10-Camper 68.4 � � � �� �, �j � i � � Hook-ups � X �__ _ � - S � �± 91 i x � x ,� b 0 i Z/ / � + 5_� � � �� 42.5 79 4 4 ft. weir F9o8 / \ * � � � / � � 13.0 `�° � 3506 � � �� � / �lab Lid � � � � �� U --�� � +24 �� � +95i � �� � Q 10 6 II 2000 43.5 �� �D � 77.2 � � � � ± 65 � � � i,� 9 x 3 x ��.� � � 1 � 2 ft. weir �� I ° io � � � Replace Cross Line � ° k � � then Tie to Existing Pipe +38/ � / �SHE i I�I �i with Junction Box 74�1 � Pond � _ � �� J i , � I � I � �-'� � 1 � I � I � � I � I � I I T' � � �� I � I � I � Ap 83 � , �� -_ ,� ESTES, WALTER N& VICTORIA C N` MULBERRY CREEK i � DB 1392 PG 372 � �� � �\ � Na� -� , � O � � o� � w � 0 a w � 5 � m � � � � � � 3 a � ,� � � � � U � � �- �O M * * W Z J _ U <Q < SNYDER�JOSEPH & CAROLYN E DB 1593 PG 837 +00 +00 / ` V � INSTALL MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. �-----� IISFD I ERO IONL CONT OL NO THE � �� ---- � PROPOSED DITCH LINE. / O a3 P GREENE, RONNIE&TERRY DB 1535 PG 207 +65 / ` CLARK,THOMAS W & DALE A DB 1629 PG 1406 � � � � 2 ff. weir i � X BOLICK. BRIAN DELL & TAMMY G DB 1512 PG 959 � � / � INSTALL MATTING FOR / � EROSION CONTROL IN THE / 74.9 ISFD BURKE, LINDA S DB 1639 PG 990 PROIECT REFERENCE NO. 11 C.014088 R/W $HEET NO. OADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER � O� + N � * * W Z J _ U Q< G / � SHEET NO. ENGINEER 0 W � � �, a N �� ,� � � 0 � � L � � � � � � � 3 � � � � 0 � � � � �/ // k INSTALL MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. C64v0 C27o6 ` 114,0 59a'� �— _—'_— ------- , g� � m , IB" Watt�es � j /' i 9 x x I � // 2 ft. weir / � �A� �� // � � / / � � i i � � , � , % � ����� � � i C,� i ��� � � X � �a� / � /6,0 ,' ,' +55 � � � EDMISTEN, FRED MORRIS & BETTY DB 505 PG 87 !905 - —_ -- � �__ 2400 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 12 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER � _� � � � �. � � � / _ — � � O / �^ � ` _ _ � ' ` ' X COaO -� 41 ,' �e,� � � �� �_._ _. i ,� � 9 x3 x3 �� �/�300 25.4 � �o, o � ��� � 2 ft. weir � PED , ��� o ` � � � i ----_-� �x � II � � 11= � ' �+2.53% � V i � � ���c Tie into `D� �� �S,�� �� -���� +95 R � \ O/ O 71.5 � � COoO --I� T _ � = � _ _ � 18a0 + 52 , � � 78.5 m \ F7a5 — — _ � � +19 3/00 — � i '�' � � 24.3 � � F12a8 � � i � � � x x 2808 T � � � � � �(i 2 ft. weir I C� � \ �\ \ � /� i � � / � -�' 20.4 � ,' i�� � x � � + � � � � n-� � \�S9y \ h � , y� � � F4o2 • * i i 2404 \ � \ 2 \ _ U�--- \ i� � �--- ���5 Rfi - M��BE�'RY i i � �� � E � X �"� � � ��-��' ��_, CR E� � i �X �C r �bQ� � �� � � �� � � ISEBW � �CJ No Q q5�� �' �� � +52 S� � \ � , 2 3.9 � , � � +15 \ \ �--- �,,' 65.3 ..� "�,_, - ' - � E ,,,— `- „�, �--, � STpN•S qMF � \_----�__-�__, �-� °Q c S & M � �, \, i qRY � \� \ ZQ � �. � EDMISTEN, FRED MORRIS & BETTY DB 505 PG 87 Z 0 � > � � �, � �: ,� � � � 0 � � L � N � Q � (� � � ti � � � T � 0 � � � � + � �O * * w Z J _ V � Q � EDMISTEN. JAMES E & MARY DB 626 PG 802 +62 V EDMISTEN CEMETERY EDMISTEN, JAMES E & MARY DB 504 PG 511 f00 � / \ � � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 15 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER ♦ \ � O�. 3 EDMISTEN, JAMES E & MARY DB 504 PG 511 Z 0 � � �� � �s � �,� � � � w � � � ,�, � � � � � � � T �� � m � � 0 � � � �' o,.. � y. � E�Mis TEN Og' �AMES S�4 E P� S�& MaR y FROS� �qc� ,� No ��b� ° Nc �R�� ����� �� t H rtiE � 3S 25 ��4' 64 � 75f�5� °e 8� � r�sf F. 6 .Op �O X � � �0 x 24� 6 ? � h'e'r \� �\� X� w \ � � X� � � �..--- - -- - - � -- _..._..._....._... . � - � GMP � � � ---- --- -. -._.........._._ .. ..._. _. _. _ �x �� �,�CK ��- • � ' � SrEpS \ -2.72% �0� , �-- s� CF' � � `S --... � ` / . � `/ � % ��FS G Ue " "H MFS Sp9 pG S/& MQRY EL + l8**3NIlHJlb'W �SS S� ���� /}O � �`s ��.o \ S �� +� 6U�eFR � s RY Bqp \ � 1RCH � 3 T � + �\ pc �Rcy TR \ 4S 9 z\ �S�� �7 c� 4� I - � 8' � �o � � II \ � I � I ,E<< 00 Nor � I � p�pESS rU e \ R J � � \ �GN II ✓ I � �� , 3S� �. / x � � z � � � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 16 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER � � � � � � � � � T � � 0 � E�M�S TEN �e, 504 Ep� 51& MQRY � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 17 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER O W z T a � �: �, � c 0 � L � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 � � M + � 00 * W J 2 � � / .� 1 I / ., /, � � ' I _'"" / ,, � � R, G �� EDMISTEN, JAMES E & MARY �""—� �� / DB 504 PG 511 EE/K � �Z - �-'U �g�R I `" D .����M �--,�� N � � � � � � _m O � �'s� rn �� � �I � � � � / X � �X -� I I 9 x 3 x 3 I I 2 ft. weir -�—'--� -I- I I ID 1 .2 � / �I � � + 9 x 3 x 3 � X I� IX C�}� F9°� \ - 2 ft. weir �0a6 � j � � � � ID 1.1 � m �� � m L � ---�0,0 \ + 87 � � � F6o7 + 00 � R Saa -� oo '� F4o5 z5.o � � g� PP 2ao4 , � � 14.3 r\ 2400 +83 i+ i TP +11 � '' � — �— 15.3� i �� . � �� / — _� � ��X ISE � _� � - +�.�6% _ —� � — �� � �Q� iaio9 � i i i i i / / � / — — NAD 83 1 Xy � �^�X� � — l8" INatfle @ 65' .�� — i�' ������.---- ClaO 18,5 /700 x x INSTALL MATTING FOR 2 ft. weir EROSION CONTROL IN THE � PROPOSED DITCH LINE. i�i � PED —� X�X � -----_ _ +26 +15 6.7 5.2 EDMISTEN. JAMES E & MARY DB 504 PG 511 — � f86 � F9ol� + 00 + 83 5 � n No Embankment Conslruction Sto 9/ lDO to 10.5 /-00 Rta PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 11 C.014088 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER --�L �� M _ _ _ � PP � o� -1.58� W J — — 2 H � SHEET NO. 18 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER N Z � N � � �' �� � �,� � � � ° w � � �;' � � � � � � m 0 r i m � � 0 � � � �� � y. �1 i \ � �� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 21 RNJ SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER BOLLINGER. CLAY B& JANETTE P DB 1189 PG 1393 x x 5 fT. weir ID F33o7 � `� +00 8204 � \ t � FOoO _ _ —� i ' 2000 _ — — i �� FOoO � — � � ' 2000 �— ,� � i � ♦ \ � � � � \ � � %� / �� � / \ ' ' / \� O /� � � �� / � �35�% �\ / � / � isXsXs � , / // \ c,� O 4 ft. weir ��02 / / � + ID 21. � � ��2oJ� � � � t� ��� � � � f�� 40,0 � / � * ^ � � � CEMETERY � * �. i � +Ol +12,� � � � +� � � � / � v � \ � 16.0 12 . � j � ��y� CZ � � \ � FOoO 2 � We.� �303 '°� �/ `� / �� No Embankment Constructlon � � �� � ID 21.4 +$2 2�07 � �� � O� �f0 ��� f0� f0 �� 3 fJ�� �(fe 14.6 ' // � � � p +Ol +40 / J � � 9� �4,7 � 22.5 � � � + Paved Dltch Sectlon \ �� � �` �,� /,, _ � °4 _ � � � � �� Sto l09 f�50 to ll3 � 50 Rto � ���` �r�i � — C17o0 i� 2s � � �COoO 4205 � � � e�'C�X � � 13,0 � / � / qT� , \ _ 8g'/ / / -07� +14 � � � A A � � +2• % 20.1 16.7 � ��� � 'a�.o � �� P �L8 +17 � � o' � �+88 28.2 � �� �+47 F/,2j � 26.3 X x � �o i 21•3 /7a � � +50 2 ft. weir � 7' 1 9 x 3 x 3 + o0 I 1 1 � I 2 ft. weir X X INSTALL MATTING FOR � �9.� 2 ft. weir EROSION CONTROL IN THE WSTALL MATTING �FOR � ID 27 PROPOSED DITCH LINE. EROSION CONTROL IN jHE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � ; �^' n w= i� w � oi � Nq�� � $3 �� BOLLINGER, CLAY B& JANETTE P ` � � DB 1189 PG 1393 ��. � GREENE.CLARENCE EUGENE & MILD DB 963 PG 146 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 11C.014088 22 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER O I O � +00 N � � / .� _ V BOLLINGER, CLAY B& JANETTE P DB 1189 PG 1393 isXsXs 4 N. weir F23o4 / F� �_. �/.� F13o7 � 57`� 4300 0 � — — — — — — — > � � � �_����r �'� F//,� � � ,� �7J �� � — F0.4 + �c Flol Oo0 �� 29 8 F�o7 F0,4 _�—' 0,0 O ,�� Oo0 R F5 T - 32�9 O° FOa3 _ — — � *� w ��� FOo4 2700 FOo7 Oo — * ?�c, A�T' �_ / �,\_____ __---__ R Z � � 71' -q.os � � � � w �� �— 18" W attl es @ � — o � Z � � - _�_ R---�� � +2.3ai � ��_ � � — -- a � __� -o--� -- �� _ � w � � 4 — 18" Wattles � 107' � � — � C3o9 � � � �—� � � C2o0 C1�6 — — — � — �� 2000 _ � �— ��— 2208 /9,3 �� —`—: _ — — ° — — � � 02 C17.� C3o9 � 1807 �2e�{ 9 x 3 x 3 22og �� X��� � �CCo� C�oJ� � 2 ft. weir � �� �S� � ��=-3 �90 � Oj � � INSTALL PSRM IN THE ID .1 �% � N PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � � � � �; 9 x x 3 � � � � � i� 2 ft.weir � `—--—'———� � � � o � � _ _ � o _ _ '1 � `% INSTALL MATTING FOR � � � � s EROSION CONTROL IN THE � � y PROPOSED DITCH LINE. � � � \ � N ` � � \ �� � � l�q� , � �� , � 8 � . � 3 � � - � . . , � � . � � . � , . � BOLLINGER, CLAY B& JANETTE P �� �� o DB 1189 PG 1393 �. �. � � . . ; . . . . �� GREENE� CLARENCE EUGENE & MILD `� ` `�� DB 963 PG 146 � oa N� z ° �� � �: m� Z 0 � > � � N �� �, � � � 0 w � � � � � � i 3 � T � � 0 � +50 / ` GREENE.CLARENCE EUGENE & MILD DB 963 PG 146 ► INSTALL PSRM IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. GREENE,CLARENCE EUGENE & DB 963 PG 146 �_ \ \ \ \� �___ \ �, ���\ � .,_\ ._,� O O + � N \ \ \�� �� 2Sf � � o��fjd, �� � CELLAR � �\i� U� � \ \�� � \\��� � � � � AAII n � Prop Owner Poles +50 V PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 11 C.014088 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER I ITVJ / � "" b.l 2 ft. weir / ID 2 .4 +35 +�2 0° 82.6 � 80.4 /aQ � PP � � / ,��F PE�Q\/ ��O � � /� WSTALL MATTI EROSION CONT � / / PROPOSED DI' �L � / T� � HED � / I� -�� _ � \ �� SHEET NO. 23 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER z 0 � > � � �, N �� ,� � � � 0 � � L � � � � � � � � � T � � 0 � M `' O� + N M r * �t W Z J _ U � GREENE, CLARENCE EUGENE & MILD DB 963 PG 146 CLARK� BILL MACK & MARY DB 1525 PG 659 GREENE, BUSTER H& JUDY M DB 151I PG 1320 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. 11 C.014088 RM' SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER INSTALL MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROI IN THE PROPOSED DITCH LINE. M M % O� M '► * � W Z J 2 U � 2 SHEET NO. 25 HYDRAULICS ENGINEER � PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. llC.O14088 SHEET ll OF u SR �.�69 MU�berry CCeek Rdo STREAM NAMEe Un—named tributary to Mulberry Creek (INDEX U-38 -32�U a,W s�EEr No. 25 RAT/NGo CIOSS C9 TRy HQW ROA�NGINDRSIGN ENGINEERS DATE: 6-17-15 W ET PIPE SURV EY ST Ao l35 �58 ExisriN� PiPE si���a i9� X i8° RcP NEW P/PE S/ZEo 40' x l8° CSP X PIPr TO BE LAID ON A 85°SKEW W/TH 3e7% FALL �� S � � . O � . �j . R �, 15Y� .CS�R, �s ' � - ; � � o � �� + w o o �� �� r o 4SBW o �-�-� � �-� _ — - — — — _ =� � 4_ _ - --- _ , _ -- - -- -- � � �— __ � � _ � � � cn _ � � ----- --- �, �� ____ -------- - _�---- --- --------- ---------- - — - lft Stream --- _'� --- z-- � --- --- o --- > � --- Survey Dateo 11-05 -08 - - - - - - - _ _ Conducted bye GK, HR I I IIII I i i I I i� I � I I I � ' T ' a ��I I ' `�' _- - - --- -- --- __ ' - - - -- - - --- ` 1395 � , "� ' �1 � ; /39 � E i� � � � � ��� �T - - -_ ______ - � �� 1390 =_ _ __ - _ - - - -- � � � . - `� � �_�� � � �� _ _ _=_ _ _ 1390 ti � � - - - ��--� ��� - � _ r� _ _ � �������_ _ � -- - i�� � - Y � I I I I � — t I I — III o 1385 -=- = = -- -- - - ,_ _ � __ ; - - = 1385 n- - - - _ -- - --- - - - - - -__ � --- - - - -- - - - ---- - - - - � -- - ----- ---- - - - - - - _ -- -- - - � _ _ - -_ _ � 1380 --_ - - _ _ ____ _ _ . _- - _ 1380 N :- -- _ _ _ _ - __ __ -- � /375 � � � , , /375 9 � � � _� ; -__ _ � , - - - -- - n� a �� I I I � � I I I � o _ __ i - __ _ . - --- _ __ . . __ ; I I ---- i -- - -_ _ _ _ i i . �, -_ - -_ _ .-- _- , �--� i i _i_ _ __- --- : = i i i_ � _ _ _.. i = i i ! - �, � -- - - - -- --- - - �, � �o � � �a _ _ _. 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