HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150807 Ver 1_Application_20150810SfnT/ �, f \(� . �4 r L \ � � i� S�- � y oi' �5-� � ` i? � � — STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRAI�TSPORTAT`IOI�1 � SOI MAIL SF,RVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, N.C. Z%E�9-� JOI PAT MCCRORY NICNOLAS 1. TENNYSON GOVERNOR SECRE'PARY AUgUSt 1 O, 2,O 1 S Tracey Wheeler US Army Corp of Engineers 2407 West St�' Street Washington, NC 27889 Subject: Request for a NW 3& 12 permit for the replacement of Bridge # 12 over Beaver Dam Branch on SR 1301 (Cross Road), Washington County. WBS # 17BP.1.R.61 Dear Ms. Wheeler, The North Carolina Department of Transpor-tation is requesting the issuance of a NW 3& 12 permit, along with the corresponding 401 certification for the replacement of Bridge # 12 over Beaver Dam Branch an SR 1301, in Washington County. The bridge is located about 0.7 miles north of the intersection with NC 32 in Roper. Beaver Dam Branch is within the Pasquotank River Basin, and drains to Kendrick Creek, 0.10 miles to the east. Beaver Dam Bra�ich is listed by llWQ, as class "C, SW" waters. The N.C. Marine Fisheries and the NCWRC reviewed this site and deiermined an in-water work moratoriuin will be required frorn Februaiy 15 — June 30th. Bridge # 12 was built in 1971, and consists c�f 1-span with a wood deck (asphalt wearing surface), supported by steel joist on wood caps and timber° piles. The existing structure is 30 ft. long by 28 ft. wide. This structure will be entirely removed using NCDOT's BMP's and guidelines for bridge removal. The proposed bridge wi11 be replaced along its existing alignment. The new bridge will be a single span structure to�aling, 55' in length by 28' wide. It will be comprised of a precast conerete deck and substructure. Jurisdictional wetland and surface water impacts have been avoided and minimized �o the maximum extent practicable. The resulting permanent impacts associated with roadway fill are 0.0009 acres (411 sq. ft.) of 404 wetlands. There will be 0.002 acres (70 sq. ft.) of permanent hand clearing, established for long term inaintenance around the bridge end bents. This will allow for revegetation of wetland species, but will be periodically mowed by maintenance forces. There is 0.034 acres (1488 sq. ft.) of pt�oposed temporary hand clearing, which will provide a elear work/maintenanee area for erosion control devices. Tlus area will be allowed to revert back to fully vegetated status, once the project is completed. T'here is a 0.002 acres (12$ sq. ft.) of temporary wetland 1 13 Airport Dr., Suite 100, Edenton, NC 27932 — Phone: (252) 482-1850 Fax: (252) 482-8722 impact associated with excavation for a utility bore pit (8'X4'X4') for a power line splice. This will be back filled to the wetland elevation and allowed to revegetate. The wetland impact areas are located and detailed on the provided permit drawings. There will be no deck drains located on the bridge. Storm water has been routed to an outlet located on the northwes� quadrant of the bridge. This outlet has been placed at a feasible location that would allow for vegetated buffer conveyance, prior to entering surface waters. Traffic will be maintained offsite by the use of a detour route. Included with this letter are the location map, pei�mit drawings, and Low Impact Data Sheet. If you have questions please call me at (252) 482-1876 ot• 252-312-3692. The permit fee can be charged to W�S # 17BPo1.R.61. Sincerely, Jer�y Jennings Division One Engineer Clay Willis �-- d' �� `" a Division One Environmental Officer Cc: Garcy Ward, NCDWR Kristi Carpenter, NCDWR 113 Airport Dr., Suite 100, Edenton, NC 27932 — Phone: (252) 482-1850 Fax: (252) 482-8722 Bridge Replacement # 12 on SR 1301 Beaver Dam Branch Washington County Quad Name Westover 0.5 1 2 Miles I Bridge Replacement # 12 on SR 1301 Beaver Dam Branch Washington County Quad Name Westover 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 Miles I i i i I i i i I I 1 TIP NO SF-930012 2 WBS Element 17B1'.1.R.61 No. 3 Count VNashin ton 4 Brid e Number � 2 5 Description Bridge is 30 feet long by 28 feet wide and has steel joists with a timber deck and asphaif wearing surface, timber piles, caps, and vertical abutments. 6 �asin Pasquotank Basin 8 digit HUC 03010205 ___ _._.....__ _ _..__ _ . ......... _ .._ ... 7 Classificat�on Class "C, SW" Stream _ _ 8 SIN 30-9-3 Beaver Dam Branch _ __ _ _ _ __. _ 9 1 ype lnland/Warm _ _....... _..... __ _ _ ......... _ _ _ _. _ _ .....__ _ 10 Size Approximately 30' wide x 4' deep 11 Type Steel joists with a fiimber deck and asphalt wearing surface, timber Existing piies, caps, and vertical abutments __ _ . 12 Size 30 feet long by 28 feet wide (spans are 1@30 ) Structure _ 13 Suff. lRating Bridge has a sufficiency rating of 48.2 out of 100, Structurally Deficient 14 Proposed ��pe Core slab bridge __ _ ......... _ g 15 Structure Size (width o�t- 55' lon X 28' wide to-out) 16 USACE Impacts Stream (�_F) _. _ __ _ _ __ 17 NCDVIIQ Impacts (LF) 18 lJSACE lmpacis Permanent Fill 0.009 acres (411 sq. ft.) �q�) Permanent Hand Clearing 0.002 acres (70 sq. ft.) —bridge maint. Temp. Hand Clearing 0.034 acres (1488 sq. ft.) Temp. wetland excavation — utility bore pit 0.002 acres (128 sq.ft) _ __ _._ _ � g Wetlands �°� �04 Im�acts None �A�� __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20 CAMA Impacts (SF) None 21 NC DWQ Buffers Impacfs (SFj Project is within the Pasquotank River Basin; No Buffer rules 22 Buffer Application Required (>40 ft) guffer Application/Notification (attachment L) No Buffer Impacts (Y/N) _ 23 State Stormwater Permifi Required No (Y/N) 24 Fiabitaf (y/n) No Suitable habitat present for Washington County Species 25 T&E 5pecies Present None _ __ _ _ _ _ 26 Bio Conclussan No Effect 27 . Type Moratorium required February 15` — June 30th 28 Moratoreum �ates _ .. _ __ _ . N/A 2g Native/Hatchery N/A _...... _ _. N/A 30 iro�i Species Trout Waters �'resent . _ __ . _. N/A _ _ _ .. _. 31 Trouf C�nditions BY�_N) _ __ _ _... 32 WRC Reviewer �/A 33 CAMA AECs Public Trusf Waters ; CAMA permit required 34 Essential Fish Nabitai (Y/N) No 35 Nav. Operting Exi�ting (20 x?_.27') Proposed (30' X 2.37') 36 11SCG Permit None 1 2 � � � m .� m m m .. m ., m .; .. m m Archaeological Tribal 6(f) [LWCF Wild and Federal TV�! FEMA FEMA USTs Location TtP NO VI/BS EBement �O• County Bridge Numb�r Resources Lands Resources Resources Scenic River Lands Area �3uyout Flaod Study Ha� Mat� Relocatees LA1' _ LONG Project Comments Completed by: Enginee� SF-930012 • R � � Washington 12 R!o Further Survey Required None None None None None None None _ Limited f�one Observed None 35°.8852.41 N _. __ _ _ ... -76°.625114 W Anticipate telephone line relocation with a new pole. Anticipate water line relocation/PUE. Utility relocations are shown on plans. ��� ���� ivision �nvironmental Officer ��te: �afe �o%s' b' �o $�"