HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140957 Ver 1_DENR Mtg Presentation_20150720Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Meeting July 20, 2015 Abundant Supply of Natural Gas Marcellus Basin Utica Basin Dominion Transmission Pipeline 4W s' Dominion Underground Storage Pools "' • • • Atlantic Coast Pipeline ,AY NC CTF Marcellus /Utica production has been called the "Saudi Arabia" of natural gas Production exceeds average regional demand 1 billion cubic feet (Bcf) is enough gas to heat IS million homes for a day! Gas Production Forecast for Key Northeast Shales 35 30 Bcf /d By 2025 30 25 20 °— 15 E 10 5 0 .yOpp Sance WOOd MOCken2a lop ti� ^O -ON" 11P 1�2� ■ Marcellus Northeast ■Marcellus Southwest ■Ohio Utica Growing Market for Power Generation Duke Energy Carolinas -1.2 GW J Public Service North lCarolina 00 a Power 3GW j Virginia Natural Gas J "'N& V elPiedmont Natural Gas Duke Energy Progress 1 -2.7 GW J ■ From 2008-2018,13 GW of new natural gas fired generation will be in- service or under construction in the region - Adds -2 Bcf /d of peak -day gas demand ■ Planned development of additional -6 GW* of new gas -fired generation - Creates potential for incremental peak -day gas demand of 1 Bcf /d by 2025 Transcontinental Pipeline • Operating or planned NG -fired plants * Source: Utility integrated resource plans 0 (D Coal -fired plants — Atlantic Coast Pipeline Virginia &North Carolina Natural Gas Demand Electric Power Generation — Natural Gas Demand MILLION CUBIC FEET ® North Carolina Virginia From 2008 to 2013, North Carolina gas -fired generation grew by 459 percent. In Virginia, gas -fired generation grew by 123 percent. SOURCE' EPA 2074 ANNUAL ENERGYOUTLOOK By 2025, the U.S. Census Bureau predicts a population increase of : — 2.1 Min North Carolina — 1.8M in Virginia 1� Ownership Structure Dominion Resources* 45% Duke Energy , ,,E'NER'GY 40% Piedmont Natural Gas (�Na�lalGas 10% AGL Resources n 5% Length: Approximately 556 miles Pipe: 42 -inch diameter in West Virginia and Virginia; 20- inch lateral to Hampton Roads; 36 -inch diameter in North Carolina Three compressor station locations: 1. Lewis County, West Virginia 2. Buckingham County, Virginia 3. Northampton County, North Carolina Capacity 11.5 Bcf /day Estimated Cost $4.5 - $5.0 billion* *Excludes financing costs PL l / West Virginia tb )1 D rro Virginia North Carolina N! N moy cpt ni utxa iv oomwm tramq P"V- Atlantic Coast Pipeline General Location Map Regulatory Process and Expected Timeline Activity Timing �C Survey /route planning I May 2014 — June 2015 V Hosted Open Houses September 2014 FERC Pre - Filing Request October 2014 _C Prepare & Submit draft Resource Reports Fail 2014 — Spring 2015 ___C Hosted Open Houses January & March 2015 FERC held Scoping Meetings March 2015 __C Respond to Comments submitted during Scoping May 2015 File FERC Application Summer 2015 FERC draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Winter 2016 FERC Comment Period /Host public meetings on draft EIS FERC Final EIS Spring 2016 FERC Certificate Summer 2016 Construction 2016 -2018 In- service Late 2018 FERC = Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the lead agency responsible for environmental review and approval of the project. FERC Process /Considerations • Purpose and Need • Water Use and Quality • Fish, Wildlife and Vegetation • Cultural Resources • Socioeconomics • Geological Resources • Route Alternatives • Soils • Land Use, Recreation and Aesthetics • Air and Noise Quality • Reliability and Safety Environmental Perm its/Authorizations: Federal • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Act • Certificate under Section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Gas under NEPA, • Preparing a full Environmental Impact Statement, • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lk and Wilmington Districts • Huntington, Pittsburgh, No • Clean Water Act Section 404 • Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Permit • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Consultation /Approval • Endangered Species Act Section 7 • Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Right -of -Way Grant National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — National Marine Fisheries Service • Section 305 of the Magnuson- Stevens Act Consultation Environmental Permits /Authorizations: Federal • U.S. Forest Service • Monongahela National Forest Right -of -Way Grant • George Washington National Forest Right -of -Way Grant • Bureau of Land Management • Monongahela National Forest Right -of -Way Grant • George Washington National Forest Right -of -Way Grant • Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Right-of-Way Grant ant • National Park Service • Blue Ridge Parkway Right -of -Way Grant • Appalachian Trail Right -of -Way Grant (On National Park Service Land) Environmental Permits /Authorizations: State • Compressor Station Air Permits • Water Withdrawal for Construction, Hydrostatic Testing Hydrostatic Test Water Discharge Permits • Construction Stormwater Permits • Local Authorizations as needed North Carolina Mileages for ACP • Current proposed route crosses 193.7 miles and five counties in NC: • Northampton County 21.4 miles (0.1 miles AP -1, 9.2 miles AP -2, & 12.1 miles AP- 3) • Halifax County 24.0 miles • Nash County 31.8 miles • Wilson County 11.8 miles • Johnston County 36.9 miles • Sampson County 7.9 miles • Cumberland County 37.6 miles • Robeson County 22.3 miles • No government lands crossed in NC Dominion Contacts Bob Bisha Project Director — ACP Environmental 804 273 -3010 Robert. m.bisha@dom.com Bill Scarpinato Manager — ACP Environmental 804 273 -3019 William.a.scaroinato(@dom.com Molly Plautz External Affairs Manger — Federal Affairs 804 771 -3282 mollv.p.plautz @dom.com Agency Contacts Kevin Bowman Environmental Project Manager Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Energy Projects 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 202 - 502 -6287 Kevin. bowman Pferc.gov ofoo\ (b 6Nl r COO c L /Uw -f 2 We A4 U1) V� ( vi'MOT � r1l e size 3( lit WV NC usoc YS wrt Pln burg BUllx state P College - tainsvYle Federal Proclamation Bdy. i TL-636 di:na '- Fru,Hln Pik `, t- � National Park , flat yd,00na ` O National Forest II 8p rr ! �;1a Pittsburgh 4 JB Tonkin o National Wildlife Refuge e"rerwille Brentwo Greensburg O Harris Federal Ownership slwm o :a^oraia ^a ,,f Carl'_ Natlonal Park S-1- -•-�„ W shnxgon a • z r'' 9.. �\ USDA Forest Service U.S Fish & W MI Re Service esvtYr. - Wrfblr l-g , Jog n' Dept. of Defensel llitary Cray— ",'I W.- In � U.S. Any Corps of Engineers Hock eamM1 Riag- Pennsylvania ® Other Federal Land Ill Wayne Morgaoiaun��. Ham I National Foreat 34 TL-635 Gran y, MoagmrERnr Marti p.11nl le rkshar¢rxno ,�UUndalk r aaae _y, West Virginia ,,; . ':xnt ly � 0 Rmcneloe MaR sta9pn erns - C°mprea ,. '111 Roy,91 Was Arlington r Long R�,u�'M8R'Station r_ _ klanassas . 50 a Dale City x. 'Pnn r ' Shenandoa h NP Culpeper a, Monongahel g ` �' fJ ati° al $r„ Fore rt V_ 4yni— �5 ": ?, rr ,•",N Frsdenrksbu 1r. AP-11 r: G -ge washrngton I NaHonaliFor t CharlotlesF>tilk is c, d62 - /, 15 i 279 r �kic BecYJey r _ [-- W.—C...' MaR SmB °n McJ,aniczviYe Qcompre_are °r / Highland 5pnngs Jeners f.., 200 /°'^ ^ Richmon P Na lonal Hgyhls i Forest 1 Chest er H nr P sburg l etield 9 ea.r.m ef P on e Spring ng Il ord ChBlue'Rldg9 1^W t mptoe. Parkway, 250 ' l Bran -111., Bea G &RSwtgn. AP -3 e a e _ 5 S Bru —k MSR Slatl °n B w, v I f:e e••M• ,1,e 9u ELZabetM1 Rlve \ Faartinsvipe AP -4 "' , MSR Statlen oherok n:Itt:. p 9! - .DafVirginiae 'Natq a , a Compreas°r SMti°n a Fnreet • Ede"' North Carolina � AP-5 30o Great J i83 m f xo „nw, Dismal Q ReidsVtfie / R „n Swam, NWR �, Henderson n .. ", `n '3 m -,o n. - Winston-Sal m Kanas•rY2 Hi Graham Psgah G eFel sboro '' '�`e - National Clemmons snoir Dur a Forest A AP -2 arbora .Foret ,\ Chipel � x 350 Le,<inglon. Hill Cary .Raleigh r ickory Statesville Newton 1 Salisbury O Asheboro - Garner Clayton _ Mooresville O - n� Fuquay =Varna Greenville Limolnion Kmmpoll' G l'Jwhay'I. a' ^e a 6mllhfeld M &R Station 4 National Sanford HU11ef5v1112 P Forest old boro Shelby Abeniarle ± Dunn G ,• Southern 400 Kinston is'ng� Charlotte ! � Pine rann 3 Flatthav 5 Fa, =,ayetlavilla M8R 3 v Bern ord I Groat'an F.kmroa - ^`y National Io Gk ' .. at Forest Lau nburg / 450 Y \ Riger a Pemb ke MBR Bar. v' Lum ion Sumter National 0 20 40 Irrr�l,r-r' Mlles - At;IC — ACP Mainline 0 Proposed Compressor ACP Lateral Station Coast Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Proposed M &R PIpEUitE ,„ —S P Loop © Station Supply Header Project Existing Compressor Project Overview Map Dominion` • Station FILE: M: NGl— t, \D,- 0M\SRPPt_ArtG1SlGeneral_L oefi,nl_ Geneml_L,catlon_ACP_SHPTeb.mkd. REVISED: 04Q,1=15, SCALE: 1:2,GDD,OM DRAWN BY: McGregor