HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120868 Ver 2_USACE Correspondence_20150728FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 July 17, 2015 Tyler Crunibley, Project Manager Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of'Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Subject: Towns of Emerald Isle, Topsail Beach, Holden Beach, Ocean Isle Beach, and New Hanover County; SDI-5 Maintenance Dredging Project Action 11) Numbers SAW-2014-02004,,,,SAW-2014-02005, SAW-2014-02006, SAW- 2014-02007. and SAW-2014-02009 - - Dear Mr. Crurribley: This letter is in response to your June 24, 2015 electronic public notice (e-PN), requesting comments on the proposed SDI-5 Maintenance Dredging Pro' Dredging Project, proposed by the Town of Emerald Isle, Town of Topsail Beach, Town of I lolden Beach, Town of Ocean Isle Beach, and New Hanover County. These local stakeholders for five inlets on the southeast North Carolina coast are requesting CAMA Major Permits to conduct maintenance dredging for navigation with associated beneficial placement of dredged material. The inlets include: Bogue Inlet -------------------- Town of Emerald Isle New Topsail Inlet ------------- Town of "Topsail Beach Carolina Beach Inlet ---------- New Hanover County Lockwoods Folly Inlet - - - - -- -]'own of Holden Beach Shallotte River Inlet --------- Town of Ocean Isle Beach The Wilmington District Corps of Engineers (Corps) is processing these permit applications separately. In the e-PN, the Corps indicates that the applicants have proposed to 111111lic the depths and dimensions of the federally-authorized navigation projects, with the exception of'Shallotte Inlet (because Shallotte Inlet is a Coastal Storm Damage Reduction project rather than a navigation project). The applicants have proposed to utilize existin., nental Studies and assessments J o envirom from previous Corps projects and from authorized private or local government projects. The Table on page 23 of the permit application indicates that the authorized final project depth for each inlet will be used, including a -4-2 foot allowable over-depth. The Service understands that at least one ofthe four navigation projects, Lockwoods Folly, has not been dredged to the authorized final project depth, but has instead been maintained to a maximum depth of-8 feet at MLW (4-2 11. over-depth). Any discrepancies between authorized final project depth and actual depths ofprevious dredging efforts should be clarified. In addition, it is unclear whether all of the inlets have been subjected to stringent sedirrient analysis at the authorized final project depth. L� J In several ofthe inlets and particularly in and near the AIWW crossings, pockets of incompatible material have been identified. The permit application lacks detail concerning how compatibility of material will be determined and ensured prior to placement on the beach, or how incompatible material will be identified and handled after dredging has begun on a project. Federally Protected Species The Service has reviewed a\ allable information on federally - threatened or endangered species knoxvii to Occur in the respective counties of each proposed project (Carteret, Onslow, Fender, New I lanover, and Brunswick counties). Several species may occur in the project area, including the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manams), piping plover (Charmlrimy melodus nielodus), red knot ((,'ttfidris camaus rqfii), seabeach amaranth (AmaranthusImmilus), and the Kemp"s ridley (LepOochelys kemj)i), hawksbill (Erelmochelys imbricalct), leatlici•back (Dcrmochelys corhlcm), loggerhead (C(irella caretia), and green (Chelonia rnyd(is) sea turtles. Of the five sea turtle species, the loggerhead, green, leatherback, and Kerrip's ridley sea turtle may nest in the project areas. In addition, designated critical habitat for loggerhead sea turtles and piping plover are found within or adjacent to every proposed no project area. Nesting C� critical habitat for the Northern Recover Unit (NRU) of the Northwest Atlantic Distinct Population Segment (DIIS) of the loggerhead sea turtle is found adjacent to Rogue Inlet (LOGG-T-NC-01 and -02), New Topsail Inlet (LOGE-T-NC-03 ) and -04), Carolina Beach Inlet (I-OGG-T -NC-05), Lockwoods Folly Inlet (1,0G,G-T-NC-07 and -08). and Shallotte Inlet (LOGG-T-NC-08). Critical habitat for overwinterino piping plovers is found adjacent to Rogue Inlet (Unit NC-I 0), New Topsail Inlet (Unit NC -11), Carolina Beach Inlet (Unit NC-14), Lockwoods Folly Inlet (Unit NC -I6), and Shaltotte Inlet (Unit NC' - 17). Whales, sliortnose sturgeon (Acij)enscr brevisrostrum), Atlantic Sturgeon (.,Icipenser oxy1rinchus), and sea turtles in the water are under the jurisdiction ofNOAA Fisheries' Protected Species Division. The Corps has niade a determination of May Affect, l-ikely to Adversely Affect for scabeach amaranth, red knot, piping plover., and piping plover critical habitat. The Corps has made a determination of'May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect for all species of nesting sea turtles and the West Indian manatee. Service Concerns and Recommendations Any discrepancies between authorized final project depth and actual depths of previous dredging efforts Should be clarified. In addition, it is unclear whether all of the inlets have been subjected to stringent sediment analysis at the authorized final project depth, If the applicants propose to dredge deeper than previous Navigation Program or other dred-ino , efforts, sediment analyses should be conducted to ensure that the material above t� Z� and at the proposed depth is compatible with the proposed disposal area(s). The applicants should clarify the methods for ensuring that only compatible material is placed on the beach and in nearshore disposal areas. Because sand placement activities, even those conducted during the winter, may adversely affect sea turtles, the Service cannot concur with the Corps' determination of May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect for the Kenap's Ridley, loggerhead, leatherback, and green sea turtle. In addition, it is Unclear to the Service whether work may be conducted during the sea turtle nesting season. The Service concurs with the (..'orps* determination of Not Likely to Adversely Affect the West Indian manatee. We understand that the Corps intends to initiate formal consultation pursuant to ESA Section 7(a)(2), and we recommend that the consultation include all. of the species listed above, with the exception of the West Indian manatee. The Service appreciates the opportunity to Comment on this project, We look forward to working with the Corps during formal Consultation. If You have questions regarding these I -- "n lese comments, please contact Kathy Matthews at 919-856-4520, ext. 27 or by e -mail at <k Lit h ry n_rriatthe \N s fw s. o ov >, etc tc Ben1jamin Field Office SUPCI-ViSOr mf S, Beaufort, NC Rhode, N -1 sc cc= v's cliarlesol Wilbur, NN vacc s Atlanta, GA 11 I's � I -NC ,y odd Owc " -V3SCG,Allz'T"'e. Beacll, NC Scott NicAloOl", NCDCM, W ikmingtoll, NC w'llsoll, Morehead Oty, Debbie N CY)CM, M )h, NC, 1>3w, I-luggett, v , zn t� . -is, NCI)wl.>" Valeig- 'ayel', jAi"gil D' J tJ L 2 8 2015 DENR - WATER RESOURCES 401 & BUFFER PERMff'TIN,G