HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05017_Well Construction - GW1_20230807 ' k d YYl`! � z dw;71; 1d5 r # .. -. x �! r kR-.(-�`., ,4„,1. .*,,r. 4_ .y t" W- � k C' + f t:+�i. -t ,T. . t Print For,_ 'WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Inrorrnatlon: } i :. Cameron Bann I&WA1t?RZONES .. I Well Corae taerNaraa - FROM TO mammas 4518-A 'jao It' ft. 2 ,,, D. tr. NC Well entracte CmtiGntionN�laas IS.canna CASING(for mold-cased wens)ORMSR le �) Aqua Drill,Inc. FROM TO DIAMETER Tmr�avess �L �G � ,. c N - 0B. Go ' f 'a 1 _— 16.INNE m R CASING ORTUBING(geoferd dased400P) ' 2.Wen GnashacHaa Berndt f✓r -(`)-- FROM To Dtnt�ltsc T ICIlNiss MATERIAL ; Liaratta flcableedlconstructtnapasa}er(i.e.UiGCmmtty.State Variance eta) R. ft 1 3.Well Use(elteetrwell me): ft. ft in Water Supply Well: 17.SCREWl _••CnitII[alFROM TO DETFR SLOTS[ TRIt�CNESS MATERIAL , �. aliricipal/Public g $ rYAM _ ailGeothemsel(Heating/Cooling Supply) dential Water Supply(angle) ft, It ta_ 1.Indushial/Commereial dential Watrr Supply(abated) is.GRODT IttipatlnIl MXIEPIAI. RO A(3:a1a0u MEZ1aOD&AMODN[ iZtObi TO Non-Water Supply Well: o ft- -S ft G l i f�C al Monitoring pRecovery IL a ,'ection Well: 9• , rt. * • eriecherge QCaouadararerRemedation 19.NI • `5 �� 0°aY r��allnity Benier FRoesAi�ID/GRvEL PACK TO tie) �t•AC&Martr METHOD - .'. I -"Tat DStamvraterDrainage ft * •• .•.tabalTechnology DSebsidweeCoanol It. It. t• 11 Geothermal(Closed Loop) ElfTlaca 20.DRQ.LLNG LOG(attach additional sheets if itelaary) —Geothermal(Heasmy/CaolmgReGm) �thher(e><plainundaf{21 Remarks) FROM To t)FSt rilDH(mt�hardness,rawroet tIP c�•lu ee�t 2 th 0 ft' a n rieM 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 47(1A/2.5 Weli g So ft' �2S ft IL, �l. ', 5a.WlLocation: ft ft ��yQ ,,�,Gy ,L r>" Fee�I 1 Jo gm�aYme l FJany IDS(ifaappltarble) ft.. n j 1.' t I1Z +or/1 50n f,1.' J\ros- � R D l" '2.' (�± l i r' J 1` PhysicalAddretis,Cliy. ndZip EL R "L.s 11 4 5� 21.REMARICS h Li r _ _ xy1 414( y t1vu e LUL:i County Fatal ld .t "r S oa Na.(PIN) _ 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwvf&ld,ono latlaagisaoSeieat) 22.Certification: r,t• 3 y•� '3e,. 36•125 IS .g9•4CFI-It w l�- �. i.Ts(are)the well(s) ermaneat or °Temporary SgauuceofCrm'sedwetlCantrador Sy.tigntng this fanny I hereby crrtifr that the eeif t)sear(wrier)evartruded ih am:adance 7.I5 this a repair to �sttng welt yes or I o with ISA NCACDSC_0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Welt ceemv ttan Stee rerer • 4,r- �y and Net a ljthis te a►epafr,Jlif eta bwwn well aourtra�vn information explain the nature of the mpyajthtr record bus been providul to t5e x ell owner. repaUmtderWI moist iarec8on or on Ilxbackrftldrfem. iy(, 23.Sitediagramoradditionalwelldebas: 8.For Geaprobe/BPT or Clnced 3 oop Geot3rumal Wells having rho same You may use the hack of this page to provide additional well site details or well e nsshnetion,only 1 GW-I is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells eonstmetion detail You may also attach additionalpages ifatxpsory, drilled SUBMfTrM NNSrRUCTIO1VS 11 For txarrtpicwlls asks& &fray map( e-3 ' �009 ( , co construction to thea.yor Ali Welk: Su bmit this faro within 30 days of completion of well 10.Static water level below1»[�tsabo� ng: li tapof 0 (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, rr'y, 1617 Mill Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 g' 11.1iorrLck diameter: / (10-) 24h.)'tgrlydestlpp Welly In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.WeB construction meshed: (C / above,also submit one copy of this foam within 30 days of completion of well 1.` t ncdoa totle followinEg Cat ear rotary,able,&mar as%ate) Division of Water Resources,Underground FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Miii Service Center, Injection Conhrol Program , ae>gife NC 27d49-1636 13s.Yield m) Method ales!: l 1^� 24c o W $tlDoly do medics) on WeW, theaddresses)above, Also talbmit one addition tD sending the foma to 7 13h Disinfection type: Amountt 1 bli complatittn of well construction to rho c0PY he this faro within 30 drays of • where eoastrtret� county health depmtmett of the copoty FomiGW.l math CcDlina Department oPEnvim�nasalQuality-Division of Wear Resources Revised2-22-2016 '1