HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04858_Well Construction - GW1_20230728 I.w I Caatracta InforrmJJ alto t✓ C67 (- / I • • WellConaattnrName MUM TO DESCRIPTION die? t,: &c 7 ( - NC Well Coatmc or Cectifcetlon Number °:'f3.0f1TERVASDA (felrmidlitpltd:4eII9:URTINERBfit"lil5bli+>L..,:,,:wili:0.:;` FROM JI O 2a:; j THiCRFS3 IItAL - oirc iL(:« 1G,c� _ cSei ut.'e. �(L K R. s. R-a. Y R. �i / 1bcINNER.AASIN OI TOMNOTtebtberiiria dailatit ti).,- :E� V g7 2.Well Construction Permit#: (/ • FROM TO orabrcre(t •TWCra arATearu List al applicable well coimnicdonpennhs(t e.iRC.Colony,Stare,Variance,aicJ- R erop—tr. In. 3.Well Use(check well use): R, n M. Water Sapply Well: �1ti8t;REEN9`, x=,. ='= -,:.-:::• ::•--- FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SUE TLIERNEE MATERIAL OAgricuIt ual QMunicipal/Public O R. tr. io, a" MGeM6n,mal(Nenting/Cooling Supply) deatial Water Supply(single) R. m in. . r}hrduahial/Cammereial _ ❑Residentlal Water Supply(shared) Im lion -78ONOUt-'r-==;� �.���;����.�p�s--:�•=:---�x,�.�.:::.�W • ge FROM TO MATERIAL =PLACEMEN[METHOD&AAIOUNr iYoa•Water Supply Well: © R f,),-2 re% E` �iry tit. �1Monitorin Recov� N : �' `� Injection Well: R• R• __ • gAquiferRechargo [�GmundwaterRemediattion fr., - Aquifer$ and3R:SANDIGitivinfiPAerti MATERIAL ; • '•'z NT Skimp Recovery OSalini(yBarrier FROM TO EMPLACEMENT METHOD AquiferTest 4OStarmwater Drainage ft. n Experimental Technology Subsidence Control tt. R. Geothermal(ClosedLaop),- Dlraeer '10_ARTtIINGI'bG(liraiiiiidhiotuirelieetriRiticBiiiiifI .... h Geothermal(Heating/Caoli4Return) JOther(explain under 021Remarks) 1mm co DfscalvrtOv(nlar,tu,aanr,�Ivmctct�.j,R.msQe,elra ..1---)� 0 n la .��P G/�f d.Date Well(s)Completed; ,0)2 Well IDS.. /'v fc .w.. fr. 6 '"a^14,1//71t 5a Well Locations It r/'G�.ft. "47. P//�� l k4 /o/"I�a W.5-/i' /7.W 91 is R. FacilitylOwaecMame Peeks,IDti(if ippticnbln) fa rt. (P/h/y/s'kdidi Addtass,City,add Tip •' (/' /' 1////���� �v':��-{ �rL�(yy,� rt. 1- ...L,I: `^'I.v t id .� County Peieal tdemifieetida No.(PIN) `JUL- 2 tI l J 5b,Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: >3a:.- : h,••.: • __ ,,...x Orwell field.one tet/leng is sufficient) a 22.Certification: �,tj g�" �• DaeCdr'J::►a • S. dt)2i /7 N /9/2X1 ' W &®.fit- lI dAvi d/ ? 6.Is(are)theweli(s) Permanent or )Teroporacy 9it��or�emfied Well Conaacror Date By siring du:forni.I hereby carafe thin the tra/I(s)Ira!(Isere)constructed ill accordoace a 7.Is ibis a repair to an existing mil: Oyes or ONo with 15d NC4C 02C.0100 or list NCAC 02C.0200 Well Coannnuion Swadox(r and that a pis is a repair,JIB as/nowu wdi conatrucriar hJarmaiion and replan the netting,the copy ofrhis teeohf his beenprotgded he the well orlett • repair underlt2l remark section 01'on the back of this-form. 23_Site diagram or additional well details: • 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed•Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional wrll site details or well construction,only 1 GW 1 is needed. Indicate TOTeU.NUMBER of antis construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary, drilled: _ SUBMITTAiiNSTRUCTIQf • 9.Total well depth below land surface: (n•) 24a. For MI Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For mnlapk vets listal/depthsite&fferciu(esmaple.30200•and VVIGO') constriction to the following: 10.Static water lave[below top of casing: ? (ft.) Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit If weir lag lr above caring we+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 r 11,Borehole diameter. 42 'kJ (In,) 24b.For inlecllon(Yells: In addition to sending the Turn ro the address in 24a 12.Well construction method: g04-r Y( - above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (ia auger,rotary.cable,dual pulls,elo.) construction to the following: FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division at Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636 . c 130.Yield UPI*) do Method of test: It-'4llr Zde,y For Water Swink,&Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to • l Li the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this Tams within 30 days of • type:13b.Disinfection / rf Amount:, C-6- completion of wall construction to tho county health depernnent of the county J where constructed. FORAGW-1 North CamilaDepvtdieat afFavima secret Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22 2016'