HomeMy WebLinkAbout20021785 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20150706WELLS CREEK #2 -- DMS #92688 Alamance County NC – Cape Fear River HUC# 03030002-050050 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources Division of Mitigation Services (DENR-DMS) -- Contract # 5714 Data Collected: October 2014 Report Submitted: April 2015 NC Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Manager: Lindsay Crocker Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 1 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Table of Contents 1.0. Project Summary ........................................................................................................................3 1.1. Project Setting & Pre-Restoration Conditions ..................................................................................3 1.2. Project Goals & Objectives ...............................................................................................................3 1.3. Project Approach, Components, and Mitigation Assets ...................................................................4 1.4. Project Success Criteria ....................................................................................................................4 2.0. Monitoring Results: 2014 ...........................................................................................................5 2.1. Stream Conditions .............................................................................................................................5 2.2. Vegetation Conditions ......................................................................................................................5 2.3. Conservation Easement Conditions ..................................................................................................6 3.0. References ....................................................................................................................................7 Figure 1. Project Vicinity Map and Directions Appendix A. Project Background Tables Table 1. Project Mitigation Components Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table Table 4. Project Attributes Table Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2. Current Conditions Plan View (CCPV) Table 5. Vegetation Condition Visual Assessment Figure 3. Permanent Photo-points Figure 4. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Monitoring Data Table 6. CVS Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 7. CVS Plot Stem Counts, Total and Planted by Species and Year e-Tables. CVS Plot Vegetation Raw Data Sheets Scanned Robert J. Goldstein & Associates, Inc. 1221 Corporation Parkway, suite 100 Raleigh NC 27610 --- 919-872-1174 Project Manager: Gerald Pottern gpottern@RJGAcarolina.com Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 2 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants 1.0. Project Summary 1.1. Project Setting & Pre-Restoration Conditions Wells Creek #2 ('06 Project # 92688) is a stream mitigation project located near Snow Camp in southwestern Alamance County, NC, in the Carolina Slate Belt region (Figure 1.0). The project consists of two separate parcels: 1) The Northern Reach (stream enhancement) is located along Wells Creek upstream and downstream of Carl Noah Road and along tributary UT3. The Southern Reach (stream preservation) is located along Wells Creek tributaries UT1 and UT2 downstream of Longest Acres Road, 4000 feet southwest of the Northern Reach. The stream segments immediately downstream of each project reach along Wells Creek and UT1 were previously restored (NCEEP project #414, Wells Creek). Tributary UT1 flows into Wells Creek approximately 2,000 feet downstream of the Southern Reach, just north of Beale Road. From there, Wells Creek flows southeast into Cane Creek, which in turn flows eastward into the Haw River upstream of Jordan Lake. Wells Creek on the Northern Reach parcel is an 8- to 15-foot wide perennial stream with a mixed substratum of bedrock, cobble, gravel, sand, and silt, and low to moderate channel incision. Its tributary UT3 is intermittent, with a substratum of cobble, sand, and silt/mud, and is moderately incised toward the lower end. The banks along both streams are mostly forested with large hardwood trees, but the riparian areas were trampled and heavily grazed by cattle and hogs, with little understory or groundcover vegetation between the canopy trees prior to project implementation in 2009-2010. Rooting activity by hogs in and adjacent to UT3 has destabilized the stream banks and bed, causing frequent high turbidity and sediment load in this stream and in the Wells Creek segment downstream of UT3. Unnamed tributary UT1 on the Southern Reach parcel is a 6- to 12-foot wide perennial stream with a rocky substratum, meandering pattern, and minimal channel incision. UT2 is a 5-foot wide intermittent stream with a cobble and clay dominated bed, moderately incised. Only the lowermost 50-ft segment of this stream is within the project easement. Like the Northern Reach, both streams in this area have mature hardwood forest along most of their banks. Minor understory damage and bank trampling by cattle or hogs was present prior to project implementation. 1.2. Project Goals & Objectives The Wells Creek #2 project is in Cape Fear River Basin HUC #03030002-050050, designated as a Targeted Local Watershed in the 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority report. The goals of the project are to improve and protect stream bank stability, water quality and riparian habitat. To achieve these goals, the project has the following objectives: • Reduce direct nutrient loading and fecal coliform inputs into the streams by fencing out cattle and hogs and providing an alternative livestock water system; • Reduce excess sedimentation into the streams by eliminating livestock impacts from hoof shear to forest floor and stream banks; Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 3 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants • Reestablish and enhance native forested buffers by planting native plants, removing invasive exotic vegetation, and preventing future negative impacts within the buffer; • Increase surface runoff infiltration and non-point pollutant removal through the buffer, and preserve existing well-established riparian plant communities. 1.3. Project Approach, Components, and Mitigation Assets Mitigation components for the project include 1,897 feet of stream enhancement (EII) and 1,616 feet of stream preservation, providing 1,082 stream mitigation units (SMU) assets. Total conservation easement area is 12.14 acres. Farm BMPs installed in December 2009 at the Northern Reach include 2,610 feet of cattle exclusion fencing, 1,958 feet of hog exclusion fencing, two troughs and water lines for cattle and two troughs and water lines for pigs. Farm BMPs at the Southern Reach consist of 683 feet of cattle exclusion fencing. Patches of invasive exotic weeds (mainly Ligustrum sinense and Rosa multiflora) along both reaches received herbicide treatments in August 2010 and again in May 2011. The Northern Reach (enhancement areas) received tree and shrub plantings in non-forested (former pasture) areas along Wells Creek south of Carl Noah Rd, and understory shrubs were planted beneath the forest canopy along UT3 where livestock had destroyed nearly all of the understory. Planting was done between Nov 2010 and Apr 2011, using existing plant communities along UT1 (Piedmont Alluvial Forest, Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest, and Dry-Mesic Oak-Hickory Forest) as a reference for tree and shrub species selection (Schafale and Weakley 1990). Non-forested areas were planted at a density of 436 stems/acre with containerized stock. Areas with mature canopy were planted with understory shrubs to achieve 436 stems/acre total density of existing and planted vegetation. Stream banks alon UT3 were planted at a density of 681 stems/acre within 10 feet of the channel. Additional wetland shrubs and herbs were planted in a muddy hog-wallow area along UT3. 1.4. Project Success Criteria Wells Creek #2 success criteria are based on vegetation survival, success of livestock exclusion, and invasive treatment success as evidenced by a visual assessment, and documented through permanent photo points. Quantitative survival and growth data for planted woody stems are collected from two CVS monitoring plots established along Wells Creek in the Northern Reach (Figure 1.1). Following the 2003 USACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, vegetation success in the riparian buffer will be based upon an average density of 320 stems per acre at the end of three years of monitoring. A tolerance of 10% mortality rate will be acceptable for year four (288 stems/acre) and year five (260 stems/acre) (USACE 2003). Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 4 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants 2.0. Monitoring Results: 2014 2.1. Stream Conditions No stream-bank instability problem or significant loss of riparian vegetation was observed along Wells Creek, UT1 or UT2 during the Apr and Oct 2014 site visits. These stream segments appeared unchanged from last year’s observations. Several trees had blown down along the upper portion of UT3 during a storm sometime between Oct 2013 and Apr 2014, causing minor pattern adjustments to the upper stream channel in this area. The lower end of UT3 near its confluence with Wells Creek remains incised with steep and sparsely wooded banks, similar to its pre-project condition (as reported in previous years), but does not appear to have eroded further since the 2011 baseline report. The livestock exclusion fence in this area is close to the stream bank, which limits the potential for woody vegetation recovery along this bank segment. 2.2. Vegetation Conditions CVS Plots: Both vegetation monitoring plots met the project success criteria for year 4, with an average density of 486 planted stems per acre. Native volunteer woody seedlings are abundant in both plots, and average density of planted plus native volunteer stems was 2084 stems per acre in 2014. Invasive Lespedeza cuneata is becoming abundant along the western edge of plot 2 and some adjacent enhancement areas, but is not widespread in the project area. Enhancement Areas Beyond CVS Plots: Based on visual assessment of the former pasture areas along Wells Creek outside of the CVS plots, planted woody stem survival and native volunteer recruitment appears to be good throughout the enhancement area, despite dense growth of tall grasses and herbaceous weeds. Visual assessment of the understory enhancement area along UT3 revealed good to fair survival of the planted shrubs. Dense forest canopy may be limiting shrub growth rates. Some shrubs were presumably buried or crushed under fallen trees in late 2013 or early 2014, but the canopy gaps created may increase growth rates of the remaining shrubs (mainly buckeye, pawpaw, and spicebush). Invasive Microstegium grass is abundant along much of UT3 and near the confluence with Wells Creek. Volunteer tree seedlings are numerous in this area, especially green ash and sweetgum. Preservation Areas: Portions of the Northern Reach along Wells Creek, including the segment north of Carl Noah Rd, have patches of multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense), and Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), despite herbicide treatments in 2010-2011. These species are abundant beyond the conservation easement, especially along adjacent roadsides and powerlines. The Southern Reach also has patches of invasive Ligustrum and Rosa both within and adjacent to the conservation easement, mainly at the upper and lower ends where these weeds are common along roadsides and pasture edges. Invasive species patches are mapped in the CCPV figures, and are unchanged since last year. Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 5 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants 2.3. Conservation Easement Conditions Wells Creek Main Stem (Northern Reach): At the two cattle crossings on Wells Creek south of Carl Noah Rd, the fencing wire remains disengaged from the fence posts in some areas, as noted in previous years reports. However, the crossing ends are blocked with electric wires so that cattle do not have access to the crossings except under controlled conditions. The downstream cattle crossing has a gap below the lower fence wire where Wells Creek flows under it (accessible only when an end wire is detatched), but there was no evidence of livestock taking advantage of this gap to access the conservation area. No livestock encroachment or damage inside the conservation areas along Wells Creek was evident. The Wells Creek preservation segment north of Carl Noah Rd is not fenced, but no livestock are kept adjacent to this area. Wells Creek UT3 (Northern Reach): A storm during the winter of 2013-2014 knocked down numerous trees onto the easement fence, mainly along the upper portion of UT3 in the Northern Reach. All of the fence breaks had been repaired at the time of the Apr 2014 field visit, and no new fence damage was noted in Oct 2014. In Apr and Oct 2013 there was no further evidence of livestock encroachment in this area. The landowner has removed the hogs and now uses the adjacent pastures for cattle only. Wells Creek UT1 & UT2 (Southern Reach): Livestock exclusion fencing along the northeast and southeast boundaries of the Southern Reach appeared to be intact in Apr and Oct 2014, and no livestock encroachment or damage inside the conservation area was evident. A gap under the fence is present where it crosses UT-2, but the existing fence appears adequate to exclude cattle. The fence segment previously broken by a fallen tree in 2013 was repaired in 2014. There is no fence along the roadside (Longest Acres Rd) or along the southwest easement boundary, which is bordered by forest. Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 6 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants 3.0. References Griffith, G.E., Omernik, J.M., Comstock, J.A., Schafale, M.P., McNab, W.H., Lenat, D.R., and MacPherson, T.F. 2002. Ecoregions of North Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Corvallis, OR. Lee, Michael T., Peet, Robert K., Roberts, Steven D., Wentworth, Thomas R. (2008). CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation version 4.2, October 2008. Retrieved September 2011, from: http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm NC Division of Land Resources, 1985. Geologic map of North Carolina. North Carolina Geological Survey. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Raleigh, NC. NC Division of Water Quality, 2005. Cape Fear River Basinwide Assessment Report, June 2005. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Water Quality Planning Section, Raleigh, NC. NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 2009. Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priorities 2009. N.C. DENR-EEP, Raleigh, NC. Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell (1968). Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill, NC. Schafale, M.P., and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. N.C. Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, NC. Weakley, Alan (2011). Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas. downloaded December 2011 from: http://www.herbarium.unc.edu/flora.htm. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, 2007. Web Soil Survey—Alamance County. Available at: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/HomePage.htm. US Army Corps of Engineers (2003) Stream Mitigation Guidelines. US Army Corps of Engineers, US Environmental Protection Agenmcy Region 4, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and NC Dept. Environment & Natural Resources. Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 7 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 8 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Project Reach ID Existing Length (ft) Approach Level Mitigation Length (ft)Stationing+Mitigat Ratio Stream Mitigat Units BMP Elements1 Comment Wells Creek - Preservation 438 P 438 00+00 to 04+38 5:1 87 CF, WS Invasive vegetation treatment, riparian Wells Creek - Enhancement 1321 E2 1253*04+98 to 18+19 2.5:1 501 CF, WS Invasive vegetation treatment, riparian UT 3 - Enhancement 644 E2 644 00+00 to 06+44 2.5:1 258 CF, WS Invasive vegetation treatment, riparian UT1 - Preservation 1130 P 1130 00+00 to 11+30 5:1 226 CF Invasive vegetation treatment UT2 - Preservation 48 P 48 00+00 to 00+48 5:1 10 CF Invasive vegetation treatment Restoration Level Stream Length (ft) Mitigation Length (ft)Station+ Buffer (acres)BMP's Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II 1897 Creation Preservation 1616 HQ Preservat 3513 MU Totals 1082 Table 1A. Project Components: Wells Creek #2 (EEP #92688) 1 = BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; O = Other; CF = Cattle Fencing; WS = Watering System; CH = Livestock Housing + Stationing is based on stream length measurements in ArcGIS, upstream to downstream for each reach. * Wells Creek enhancement reach mitigation excludes two cattle crossings and Carl Noah Road crossing. DDP = Dry Detention Pond; FS = Filter Strip; Grassed Swale = S; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area, Table 1B. Component Summations: Wells Creek #2 (EEP #92688) Riparian Wetland (ac) Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 9 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Elapsed Time Since Grading Complete: n/a Elapsed Time Since Planting Complete: 4 years, 2 mo Number of Reporting Years1: 4 Activity or Deliverable Data Collection Complete Completion or Delivery Permanent Conservation Easement Executed & Recorded n/a December 31, 2008 Cattle Exclusion Fencing & Livestock Watering System n/a December 2009 Final Design – Construction Plans January 2010 April 2010 Planting n/a November 2010 Invasive Exotic Vegetation Treatments January 2010 December 2010 MY0 As-built Survey & Baseline Report May 2011 June 2011 Monitoring Year 1 Report September 2011 September 2011 Monitoring Year 2 Report September 2012 March 2013 Monitoring Year 3 Report October 2013 November 2013 Monitoring Year 4 Report October 2014 March 2015 * Saururus cernuus and Lobelia cardinalis planted within UT3 wetland seep in May 2011. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Wells Creek #2 (#92688) - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 10 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Designer Robert J. Goldstein & Associates 1221 Corporation Parkway, suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27610 Design POC - Gerald Pottern, Sean Doig, (919) 872-1174 Farm BMPs Design Alamance County SWCD Burlington NC POC - Phil Ross, (336) 228-1753 Planting / Invasives Contractor Habitat Assessment and Restoration Program 301 McCullough Drive, 4th Floor Charlotte, NC 28262 POC - Karri Blackmon, (704) 841-2841 Nursery Stock Suppliers Cure Nursery, 919-542-6186 Parks Seed, 800-845-3369 Coastal Plain Conservation Nursery, 252-482-5707 Habitat And Restoration Plants (HARP), 704-841-2841 Monitoring Firm Robert J. Goldstein & Associates 1221 Corporation Parkway, suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27610 Monitoring POC - Gerald Pottern, (919) 872-1174 Table 3. Project Contacts Wells Creek #2 (#92688) - Monitoring Year 3 (2013) Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 11 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Project County Physiographic Region Ecoregion Project River Basin USGS HUC for Project (14 digit) NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project Within extent of EEP Watershed Plan? WRC Hab Class (Warm, Cool, Cold) % of project easement fenced or demarcated Beaver activity observed during design phase? Preservation Enhancement Drainage area 377 acres 958 acres Stream order 1 1 Restored length (feet)n/a n/a Perennial or Intermittent Perennial Intermittent/Perennial Watershed type (Rural, Urban, Developing etc.)Rural Rural Watershed LULC Distribution (e.g.) Residential 4 4 Ag-Row Crop 2 0 Ag-Livestock 57 21 Forested 28 73 Etc.9 2 Watershed impervious cover (%)2 2 NCDWQ AU/Index number 16-28-1 16-28-1 NCDWQ classification C-NSW C-NSW 303d listed?No No Upstream of a 303d listed segment?No No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor n'a n/a Total acreage of easement 4.62 7.52 Total vegetated acreage within the easement 4.62 6.07 Total planted acreage as part of the restoration 0 2.99 (including areas with existing overstory) Rosgen classification of pre-existing n/a n/a Rosgen classification of As-built n/a n/a Valley type n/a n/a Valley slope n/a n'a Valley side slope range (e.g. 2-3.%)n/a n/a Valley toe slope range (e.g. 2-3.%)n/a n/a Cowardin classification n/a n/a Trout waters designation n/a n/a Species of concern, endangered etc.? (Y/N)N N Dominant soil series and characteristics Series Colfax Colfax Depth 65 65 Clay%19 19 K 0.17 0.17 T 4 4 Use N/A for items that may not apply. Use “-“ for items that are unavailable and “U” for items that are unknown 3030002-050050 Cape Fear 03-06-04 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority Report No Table 4. Project Attributes Wells Creek #2 -- EEP#92688 Restoration Component Attribute Table Warm 100% Alamance Piedmont Carolina Slate Belt Cape Fear Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 12 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Appendix B. Visual Assessment Data Figure 2.1.-2.2 Current Conditions Plan View Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Figure 3.1-3.8 Permanent Stream Photopoints Figure 4. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 13 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 14 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 15 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Planted Acreage1 3.04 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material.0.1 acres Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3, 4, or 5 stem count criteria.0.1 acres Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% 0 0.00 0.0% 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody stems of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year.0.25 acres Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% 0 0.00 0.0% Easement Acreage2 12.14 4. Invasive Areas of Concern4 Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale). "RL" on ccpv 1000 SF Pattern and Color ~30 clumps 0.02 0.2% 5. Easement Encroachment Areas3 Areas or points (if too small to render as polygons at map scale).none Pattern and Color 0 0.00 0.0% Mapping Threshold Combined Acreage Table 5. Vegetation Visual Assessment - Wells Creek #2 (#92688) - Monitoring Year 4 CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons % of Easement AcreageVegetation Category Definitions % of Planted Acreage Total Cumulative Total Vegetation Category Definitions Number of Polygons Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Combined Acreage Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 16 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #1 – Looking S from Carl Noah Rd, E of Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #1 – Looking S from Carl Noah Rd, E of Wells Cr (10/28/14) PP #2 – Looking S along easement, W of Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #2 – Looking S along easement, W of Wells Cr (10/28/14) Figure 3.1. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 17 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #3 – Looking SW along easement, W of Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #3 – Looking SW along easement, W of Wells Cr (10/28/14) PP #4 – Looking East from easement toward Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #4 – Looking East from easement toward Wells Cr (10/28/14) Figure 3.2. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 18 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #5 – Looking south along easement, E of Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #5 – Looking south along easement, E of Wells Cr (10/28/14) PP #6 – Looking south from easement toward Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #6 – Looking south from easement toward Wells Cr (10/28/14) Figure 3.3. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 19 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #7 – Looking South beside RBK Wells Cr (09/16/09)PP #7 – Looking South beside RBK Wells Cr (10/28/14) PP #8 – Looking up UT3 from lower end (09/16/09)PP #8 – Looking up UT3 from lower end (10/28/14) Figure 3.4. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 20 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #9 – Looking downstream (east) along UT3 (09/16/09)PP #9 – Looking downstream (east) along UT3 (10/28/14) PP #10 – Looking across trampled banks, upper UT3 (09/16/09)PP #10 – Looking across trampled banks, upper UT3 (10/28/14) Figure 3.5. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 21 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #11 – Looking downstream from UT3 Head (09/16/09)PP #11 – Looking downstream from UT3 Head (10/28/14) PP #12 – Wells Cr north of Carl Noah Rd, looking upstr (01/03/10)PP #12 – Wells Cr north of Carl Noah Rd, looking upstr (10/28/14) Figure 3.6. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 22 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #13 – Wells Creek South of Carl Noah Road (01/03/10)PP #13 – Wells Creek South of Carl Noah Road (10/28/14) PP #14 – Confluence of Wells Creek and UT3 (09/16/09)PP #14 – Confluence of Wells Creek and UT3 (10/28/14) Figure 3.7. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 23 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants PP #15 – UT#1 Preservation Reach (01/03/10)PP #15 – UT#1 Preservation Reach (10/12/14) PP #16 – UT1 Preservation Reach (01/03/10)PP #16 – UT1 Preservation Reach (10/12/14) Figure 3.8. Permanent Photo Points - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 24 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants VegPlot-1 (27 April 2011)VegPlot-1 (28 October 2014) VegPlot-2 (27 April 2011)VegPlot-2 (28 October 2014) Figure 4.0. Vegetation Plot Photos - Wells Creek #2 - Monitoring Year 4 (2014) - Project #92688 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 25 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Appendix C. Vegetation Plot Data Table 6. CVS Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table 7. CVS Stem Counts, Total and Planted by Species, Plot and Year e-Tables Raw CVS Vegetation Data Sheets Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 26 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Table 6. CVS Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary, Wells Cr #2 - MY4 Plot # Riparian Buffer Stems1 Stream/ Wetland Stems2 Live Stakes Invasives Volunteers3 Total4 Unknown Growth Form 0001 n/a 15 0 0 38 53 0 0002 n/a 9 0 0 41 50 0 Plot # Stream/ Wetland Stems2 Volunteers3 Total4 Success Criteria Met? 0001 607 1538 2145 Yes 0002 364 1659 2023 Yes Project Avg 486 1599 2084 Yes Plot # Riparian Buffer Stems1 Success Criteria Met? 0001 n/a n/a 0002 n/a n/a Project Avg n/a n/a Stem Class characteristics 1Buffer Stems = Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT include pines, shrubs, or vines. 2Stream/Wetland Stems = Native planted trees and shrubs. Does NOT include live stakes or vines. 3Volunteers = Native volunteer trees and shrubs. Does NOT include vines or planted stems. 4Total = Planted + volunteer native woody stems, including live stakes. Excludes exotics & vines. Color Key for Density Success Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (per acre) Wells Creek #2 (#92688) -- Year 4 (Oct 2014) Vegetation Plot Summary Information (per acre) Wetland/Stream Vegetation Totals (per acre) Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 27 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Table 7. CVS Vegetation Plot Stem Density by Species and Year, Wells Cr #2 - MY4 PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 1 Alnus serrulata hazel alder Shrub 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub 2 2 1 1 Carpinus caroliniana American hornbeam Tree 1 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 6 1 1 6 7 Carya hickory Tree 4 4 Carya alba mockernut hickory Tree 5 5 Carya cordiformis bitternut hickory Tree 5 6 Celtis laevigata sugarberry Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud Tree 1 1 Diospyros virginiana common persimmon Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica green ash Tree 5 4 9 1 1 8 1 1 8 1 1 3 2 2 4 Juglans nigra black walnut Tree 4 4 2 2 3 1 Juniperus virginiana eastern redcedar Tree 5 5 Lindera benzoin northern spicebush Shrub 2 2 4 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Liquidambar styraciflua sweetgum Tree 12 12 12 12 4 2 Liriodendron tulipifera tuliptree Tree 24 3 3 9 3 3 33 3 3 25 3 3 25 3 3 15 3 3 3 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 Platanus occidentalis American sycamore Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Prunus serotina black cherry Tree 1 1 1 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 Quercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 Quercus stellata post oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus velutina black oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rhus copallinum flameleaf sumac shrub 4 4 2 2 1 Ulmus americana American elm Tree 2 2 2 2 1 Viburnum dentatum southern arrowwood Shrub 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 15 53 9 9 50 24 24 103 27 27 87 29 29 89 29 29 58 30 30 52 8 8 13 6 6 12 12 12 20 13 13 20 13 13 20 11 11 17 11 11 18 607 607 2145 364 364 2023 486 486 2084 546 546 1760 587 587 1801 587 587 1174 607 607 1052 Exceeds requirements by 10% Exceeds requirements, but by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements, by less than 10% Fails to meet requirements by more than 10% Scientific Name Common Name Growth Form E92688-SD-0001 E92688-SD-0002 1.00 0.0247 Annual Means 2011 to 2014 MY4 (2014)MY3 (2013)MY2 (2012)MY1 (2011)MY0 (2011) Current Plot Data (MY4 2014) Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 1.00 0.0247 2.00 0.0494 2.00 0.0494 2.00 0.0494 2.00 0.0494 2.00 0.0494 Wells Creek #2 Stream Mitigation Site #92688 Alamance County -- Cape Fear HUC 03030002 28 MY-4 (2014) Annual Monitoring Report RJG&A Environmental Consultants Plot (continued): 1;92688-51)-0001 1,11s1 Year's Ila o I l ns YI:nR'S 17A IA ap s�,ur r X Y (ldh 110b,1tl 171111 ddh Ileif;lt) HIM I. - Vit or* 1);u1l:rtic* Nrrrc°s 1D Species clr;u (1111 (m) (nun) (Cru) (ent) (num) (em) I<rn1 sl,u,ut Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Dalasbeet Please till in any missing data and correct any errors. I Plot 1;92688 -SU -()001 VMD Year (1-5): 4 Dale: 2$ / OCT-/ IL / / Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or UTM-N: 791407.026 Datum: NAD8,i111' (dec.deg. or nt) Longitude or UTM 1:: 1867889 853 ( FFM Zone: 17 Coordinate Accuracy (m): X -Axis bearing (deg): 301 Dale last planted: New slanting dale m/yy?L1J Check box il'plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below I Plot Dimensions: X: 201 Y. 5 Plot has reverse orientation Rx X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right ol�X Last Year's Data 7 ! T] IIS Y I. Ali'S DATA 0I Map Source* X Y IIcight DBI( X IIcight D1311 Re- Vigor* Damage* (Votes ID Species Name char 0.I111 0.1111 Icm* I cin Icm* I cat spl ut 11nems: 15 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBI -I Species Name Source* (111) (1») 1 cnt* I cm Vigor* Damagc* Notes *Notes by ID: I3-yrl: top broken off l yr3: lead dead 1;9 -top broken off 'I I I0 -lead dead 1113 -leader broken 115 -top broken off *SOURCE: Tr -Transplant, L=Live stake, B - Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically U Unknown_ p, 1 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2 fair, I *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if >4m, Primed in the CVS-LEl' hiary Tool ,ger. 2.3.1 Viburnum dentatum (a) P 1.4 4 0 56.0 2 Alnus scrrulata (k) 1' 4.1 3.3 50,0 3 Quercus rubra i) P 3.4 0.1 47.0 4 Nyssa sylvatica ll) 1' 7.1 1.9 100.0 5 Nyssa sylvatica 6W P 7.9 0.2 73.0 6 Platanus occidentalis (11) P 9.8 1.1 205.0 07 7 Viburnum dentatum (ro) P 99 4.3 57.0 8 Lindero benzoin (b) P 120 2.0 100.0 9 Alnus scrrulata (c) P 12.8 4.3 95.0 10 Quercus ntichauxii (d) P 14.4 2.0 91.0 II Lindera benzoin (c) P 15.6 0.5 94.0 13 Alnus serrulata (h) P 17.1 4.0 45.0 14 Nyssa sylvatica (g) P 18.0 0.2 98.0 15 Viburnum dentatum (i) P 18.9 2.8 40.0 ,Of 16 Carpinus caroliniana (lt) P 18.7 4.8 81.0 11nems: 15 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBI -I Species Name Source* (111) (1») 1 cnt* I cm Vigor* Damagc* Notes *Notes by ID: I3-yrl: top broken off l yr3: lead dead 1;9 -top broken off 'I I I0 -lead dead 1113 -leader broken 115 -top broken off *SOURCE: Tr -Transplant, L=Live stake, B - Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically U Unknown_ p, 1 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2 fair, I *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if >4m, Primed in the CVS-LEl' hiary Tool ,ger. 2.3.1 �0-1 11nems: 15 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form: X Y Height DBI -I Species Name Source* (111) (1») 1 cnt* I cm Vigor* Damagc* Notes *Notes by ID: I3-yrl: top broken off l yr3: lead dead 1;9 -top broken off 'I I I0 -lead dead 1113 -leader broken 115 -top broken off *SOURCE: Tr -Transplant, L=Live stake, B - Ball and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling, R=bare Root, M=Mechanically U Unknown_ p, 1 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2 fair, I *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to 10cm if>2.5m and 50cm if >4m, Primed in the CVS-LEl' hiary Tool ,ger. 2.3.1 Plot (continued): x92688 -SD -0001 Last vcar's Data z rt ns vt;ntt s un rn 2-0Iq ID Spccics map source X Y char (m) (m) ddh Ileight DBII (nun) (cm) (cm) * ddh (nun) Ileighl D1311 Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes (cm) (cm) sprout 50 cin- 100 cm 100 cin- 137 cm Sub- saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 of nrt rl_hi t-,ff Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & Su bnnyf� Hel,y111 C11 sl(7ns shorter than lhisarc ignored, 11'>IOcm, explain %% v% to the rtghi 1: IOc in n 5 O in I l I 00 In n 1;371 to Species Name Z e SEEDLINGS — 1-1ElGIIT CLASSES SAPLINGS — D1311 TREK — D13I1 Sub- Seed 10 cin- 50 em 50 cin- 100 cm 100 cin- 137 cm Sub- saps 0-1 cm 1-2.5 2.5- 5- =10 (write D1311) F�xl, Pem 3 2 — trt ,T 140s n+g [►n its aviet- a — i vid epi hen:z **Re qui red ifcd-o 11'>1Ocm or subsamp le ? 100% 101 •2 •3 •• #*4 00 lf:; •• r, • 7 S l id Form WS2.ver91 Map of stems on plot E92688 -SD -0001 X-axis: 30" Il steins. 15 N nraP sre: LARGE Y:5111 r Gt4 n.vi� e Mh f Carp /} In Ain (i) b d 4hi C� V 1b L.IV+ci ;rr plat (0,0) X:5m X:IOm X:15m dery ym;os , sokway0, eupahr)uw Mee *SOURCE.: Tr—Transplant, I.=Live stake, 13=13all and burlap, P=Pottcd, Tu=Tubling, R =t}arc Rout, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 2 *VIGOR: 4=excellenl, 3=gaud.2=11air. *DAMA61-_ RE.Moval. Cllr. MOWing. BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, D1Seased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to l Ocm if>2.5m and 50cm if>4m. Printed in the CVS-EFP Enny Tool ver. 2.3 1 Vegetation Monitoring Data (VMD) Datasheet Plot r92688-Sn-0002 VMD Year (1-5): 4 Date: ag 1KF / % Taxonomic Standard: Taxonomic Standard DATE: Latitude or U'I'M-N: (dec,deg. or in) Longitude or UTM-I:: Coordinate Accuracy (m): plot Dimensions: X: 790858.058 Datum: NAD83/W 1867733.181 1 JTM /.one: I � 17 X -Axis hearing (dcg): ; l5. Please fill in any missing data and correct any errors. V: Role. Datc last planted; 6P.TTERI� New planting dulu m/yy? Check box if plot was not Notes: sampled, specify reason below Y: 5 plot has reverse orientation lin• X and Y axis (Y is 90 degrees to the right of X Last Year's Data zTIIIS YFAR'S DATA �'t j o lI Map Source* X Y Height DSII * Height DI31-1 Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes ID Species Name char 0.1111 0,1111 1 cm* I cnt I cm* I cm Sproul 18 Quercus michauxii (t) P 02 1.5 260.0 1.31 20 Qucrcus vclutina (1) P 72 4 2 153.0 0.4 ISI 21 Lindera benzoin (k) 1' 7.2 2.4 30.0 (rj 22 Quercus michauxii (tri) 1' 9.5 1 4 56.0 23 Liriodendron lulipilera (i) P 2.5 1.1 112.0 DBH? 24 Lindera benzoin (c) P 11.9 1 5 57.0 25 Liriodendron tulipil'era (d) P 13.4 1.9 142.0 0,51 1 26 Liriodendron lulipifera (g) P 170 1 0 255.0 1.61 1 27 Quercus stellata (t) P 18.6 1.9 230,0 1.8 28 Lindera benzoin (e) p 16.7 2.3 44.0 29 Praxinus pennsylvanica (r) P 16.9 4.7 56.0 30 Lindera benzoin (h) P 10,8 4 5 AAissing �1 119 Diospyros virginiana P 6.7 3.9 70.0 �mmm_� m® .■m©_ It sleets: /3 New Stems, not included last year, but are obviously planted. If more space needed, use blank PWS (Planted Woody Stems) Form. X Y Ilcighl DBI -I Species Name Source* (m) (m) I cm* I cm Vigor* Damage* Notes *Notes by ID: 20 -confirm species may be vol? 121-yr0: confirm yr2: resproul 122-yrl: top dead yr3: lead dead 124-yr0: confirm yr2: resprout 1 127 -galls 1128-yr0: confirm yrl: herbaceous are oulcompeting plant I yr2: leader died yr3: lead dead 1129-yr2: leader died yr3: lead dead 1130-yr2: leader died yr3: missing *SOURCE,_; Tr -Transplant, L=Live stake, B=Ball_and_burlap, P=Potted, T_ u=Tupling, R=bare. Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown p. 3 *VIGOR. 4=excellent, 3 -good, 7 fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing. BEAVer, DEER. RODenls, meets, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown I=unlikely to survive year, 0 -dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY. FLOOD. DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DlSeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I0cm if >2,5m and 50cm if>4m. Priniedin the CVS-SLnEnby Tool ver. 23.1 Plot (continued): E92688 -SD -0002 map source X Y ID Species char (m) (m) I,asl 5'r ri's l,tr, o TI IIS YEAR'S DATA OCT 20fq ddh Ileight D1311 * ddh Ileight Di111 Re- Vigor* Damage* Notes (nun) (cnl) (cm) (nun) (cm) (cm) sprout , , — . - . ..-r r • — . — r Map of stems on plot E92688 -SD -0002 X-axis: 345' Y:5n (1) QV (Ljv1d Cr,,ryl 'DIOS W (VDL).% y W L)hd (MIS) a �miG ; (i) (0,0) X:5m 50kday o, 6u 4r Co fi/,, r bbl ���� QYrtl% �c�l•;11N CMuI �) X: l Om !i stems: 13 maq) size: -- L11RGE rta *SOURCE_ Tr Trans _= , k,x1 and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling. 13=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown _ _ _ p. 4 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-E6P Entry Tool ver. 1.3.1 Explanation of cut-off Natural Woody Stems - tallied by species & sulMmmplinc"" Ilei l31Cut-0}T(Allstems shorter than this are ignored If>10cm,uxpltin%8iiytothe right.):CIIOCrn II50cn1 I)1t0cm 11.70131 Species Name f� C SEEDLINGS — HEIGIIT CLASSES SAPLINGS — DIM 0- I cm 1-2.5 2.5- TREES — DBH 5- (write 1)1311) Sub- Seed 10 cm- 50 cm 50 cm- 100 cm 100 cm- 137 cin m Sub -=10 S< Cd pnas cafol 2 1 2- 3 3 1 �G�aGlavls L(. Uid S i I Z4.ko -{u t 2 2 j z u -5 cv al 2 1 �• .�Y7AY Di--91AI f'71 ri7-t,7Y. i�1 �7i-tlJPi +il Neyuired il'cL1-o11'>I Ocm or suhsample'. I(H)/n. 3 •• • 0 N5 •• *i, • :, R 7 10 Fonn WS2, vcr) I , , — . - . ..-r r • — . — r Map of stems on plot E92688 -SD -0002 X-axis: 345' Y:5n (1) QV (Ljv1d Cr,,ryl 'DIOS W (VDL).% y W L)hd (MIS) a �miG ; (i) (0,0) X:5m 50kday o, 6u 4r Co fi/,, r bbl ���� QYrtl% �c�l•;11N CMuI �) X: l Om !i stems: 13 maq) size: -- L11RGE rta *SOURCE_ Tr Trans _= , k,x1 and burlap, P=Potted, Tu=Tubling. 13=bare Root, M=Mechanically, U=Unknown _ _ _ p. 4 *VIGOR: 4=excellent, 3=good, 2=fair, *DAMAGE: REMoval, CUT, MOWing, BEAVer, DEER, RODents, INSects, GAME, LIVESTock, Other/Unknown 1=unlikely to survive year, 0=dead, ANIMal, Human TRAMpled, Site Too WET, Site Too DRY, FLOOD, DROUght, STORM, HURRicane, DISeased, VINE M=missing. Strangulation, UNKNown, specify other. *HEIGHT PRECISION drops to I Ocm if >2.5m and 50cm if >4m. Printed in the CVS-E6P Entry Tool ver. 1.3.1