HomeMy WebLinkAbout20000942 Ver 1_Complete File_20000720.}�� : ��� �. � : -> ES B. HUNT-. ?.,:.,.. <��i,s..,.: �.°`'.,;-:�'iS'...a:��.Yil..'�P:,�.�: ����� �:.. C��G� �cz NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF' ENYIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY April l, 1999 Mr. Steve Lund Asheville Regulatory Field Office . '� US Army Corps of Engineers � � 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 - Asheville, NC 28801-5006 Dear Mr. Lund: Subject: NCDOT Project #R-2596 A McDowell County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWR,P) is willing to accept payment from the North Carolina Department of Tran'sportatiori (NCDOT). for stream impacts associated.with the subject project in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the NCWRP and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Based on information supplied by the NCDOT in a memorandum dated March 26, 1999, the impacts associated with the subject project are as follows: 2,611 of streams and 0.77 acres of wetlands. Assuming a 2:1 ratio for compensatory mitigation, the NCWR,P will provide the amount and type of required mitigation in Cataloging ZTnit 03050101 of the Catawba River. If you have any questions or need additional information I can be reached at 919-733-5219. . Sincerely, ��l� � Ronald . Ferrell Program Manager, Wetlands Restoration Program cc: John Dorney � David Robinson ' P.O. BOX 29535� RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 PNONE 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 AN EpUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - SOq RECYCLED/1 Oq� POST-CONSUMER PAPER �� � � ��' y �� fs�".,. STAR°'°�,,� ���r.�� n���� �������� .��W�� ST'ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPART[v�ENT OF TRANSPORTATION �c �����d � __�AMES_B._HUNT J_R.___ P.O. BOX2520L RALEIGH. N.C. 27G11-5201 _ E._NORRIS_TQLSON__._____.__ GOVERNOR SECRETARY March 20,1998 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 ATTN: Dear Sir: Subject Mr. Steve Lund NCDOT Coordinator � �� � j � �� _ � McDowell County, Widening of U.S. 221 from NC 226 to north of SR 1573; TIP No. R-2596A; State Project No: 8.T87i 101. �_��. ��' . ,�p;���, �+, �r=-.� u � � ,� � E , i. The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to widen US 221 in McDowell County from NC 226 near Woodlawn to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) near North Cove. The project calls for upgrading the existing two-lane roadway to a multi-lane facility. The project will be approximately 3.8 miles in length and will consist of combinations of four-lane and five-lane typical sections with some new alignment to improve roadway curvature. US 221 from the southern project limit t� 0.4 mile north of NC 226 (0.3 mile) will be widened to a five-lane section with shoulders. From 0.4 mile north of NC 226 to 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 (0.7 mile) NC 221 will be widened to a four-lane divided facility with a 22 foot median barrier. The remaining 2.8 miles, from 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573, will be a four-lane divided facility with a 46 foot grass median. US 221 is classified as a principle north-south corridor, providing access betweeri the foothills of the state and the northwest mountains. The Transportation Improvement Program project R-2596 is divided into three segments for planning and construction purposes. Section A has independent utility from parts B and C. Section A is the most heavily traveled portion of the R-2596 corridor. Just north of Section A, as shown in figure 5 of the Environmental Assessment (EA), the traffic volumes decrease by 45% since much of the traffic is generated by the Baxter Healthcare plant along SR 1573. The project is also of sufficient length to address environmental concerns on a broad scope without restricting the consideration of alternatives for Sections B and C. A project breakdown map (Figure 1) is included for reference. Impacts associated with other sections will be evaluated in separate documents if improvements to these sections are funded in the future. The environmental impacts, including the alternative selection process, of Section A were evaluated in a State Environmental Assessment (EA) dated Apri125, 1995 and a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) dated Julv 2�_ ' �`��. _ . ._,_ t:- c^r` :;- �'�°^ `hat z.�a �5 2 � M� �- investigated impacts to natural systems and protected species. No Threatened or Endangered Species will be impacted by the proposed project. Construction of the proposed project will require impacts to waters of the United States, _ _including both jurisdictional wetlands and surface waters. Wetland delineations were performed using delineation criteria prescribed in the "Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual" (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). Wetlands will be impacted by the placement of fill as well as clearing. Surface waters will primarily be impacted by the construction of new pipes and culverts at stream crossings as well as channel relocation. The department has prepared permit drawings which depict the impact areas. The enclosed permit drawings include a summary of the project impacts in metric units. Tables 1 and 2 summarize impacts to waters of the United States by site number, wetland impacts, and surface water impacts in English units. Table 1. Wetland Impact Summary Site Number Station Number II III V VI VII VIII Total 1+680 LREV 1+880 to LREV 2+240 LREV 2+890 LREV to 2+990 LREV 3+530 LREV to 3+720 LREV 4+970 LREV 5+160 LREV to 5+220 LREV Fill in Wetlands ha (acres) 0.008 (0.019) 0.002 (0.005) Clearing in Wetlands ha (acres) 0.003 (0.007) 0.0 0.042 (0.104) 0.0 0.129 (0.319) 0.025 (0.062) 0.045 (0.116) ------------------------ 0.251 (0.625) 0.05 (0.124) 0.006 (0.015) 0.002 (0.005) 0.061 (0.151) Table 2. Surface Water Impacts Site Station Number Fill in Surface Impacted Channel Waters (acres) Length (feet) I 1+200 LREV to 0.114 � +3.2 1+560 LREV II 1+680 LREV 0.005 -82 III 1+880 to LREV 0.0 -1590.8 2+240 LREV . IV 2+620 LREV to 0.0 -328.0 2+730 LREV V 2+890 LREV to 0.042 -150.9 2+990 LREV VI 3+530 LREV to 0.0 -154.2 3+720 LREV VII 4+970 LREV 0.0 -147.6 IX 5+680 LREV 0.029 � -160.7 Total ---------------------- 0.190 -2611 note: (+) denotes a positive differential in relocated and existing stream channel (-) denotes a negative differential in relocated and existing stream channel j� As stated in tables 1 and 2, sites I, III, V, VI, VII, and VIII involve impacts to wetlands and sites I through VII and IX involve impacts to surface waters. A vicinity map depicting the location of each site is included for reference. S everaLmitigation_op.tions_aze_c.urrentl.y_being_consider.e.d_to_offset_unavoidable_unp.acls_to jurisdictional surface waters and wetlands. Potential on-site restoration, creation and enhancement opportunities are being investigated. Additionally, a search for suitable mitigation sites in the Catawba River basin for both surface water and wetland mitigation is currently being conducted. NCDOT has identified several sites containing possible mitigation opportunities. Entry permits have been obtained and feasibility studies aze currently underway. In summary, impacts to waters of the United States tota10.78 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 2,611 linear feet of surface waters due to roadway fill, pipes and culverts. Enclosed is a completed notification form and drawings that depict impacts to waters of the United States. Based on the discussed impacts to waters of the United States, the department requests authorization under a Section 404 Individual Permit to construct the project. By copy of this letter and application, the department also requests that the DWQ review this project for 401 Water Quality Certification. Thank you for you assistance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Lindsey Riddick at (919) 733-7844, extension 315. Sincerely, � H. Franklin Vick, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Attachments cc: Mr. John Dorney, DWQ Mr. Whit Webb, P. E., Program Development Branch Mr. R. L. Hill, P.E., State Highway Engineer - Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. William J. Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Unit Mr. Tom Shearin, P. E., State Roadway Design Engineer Mr. W. D. Smart, P. E., Division 13 Engineer Mr. Mark Davis, Western Mt. Region Coordinator Mr. David.Cox, NCWRC Ms. Kathy Matthews, EPA , 0 { / � j APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT l33 CFR 3251 OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 Expires October 1996 Pu61ic reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructio�s, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collectian of information. Send : �mments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of InformationOperations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-OQ031, Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NO RETURN your form to either of thoee addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of ths proposed aetivity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT •--°•-••-�• -- --- ---• ------- --• -• ----- _ � . . . __- - _ - - -- -----_ _... _ - - - - -.. navigable wetera of the Unitsd States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into weters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged materiel for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Disclosure: Disclosu�e of requested information is voluntary. If information is not provided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can e permit be issued. One set of original drawings o� good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this apptication (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be retumed. 1. APPLICATION N0. � 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE � 3. DATE RECEIVED 5. APPLICANT'S NAME NCDOT - Planning and Environmental Branch 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS P. 0. B ox 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 a. Residenca b. Business (919) 733-3141 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED 8. AUTHORIZEO AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE Isn eeen�ia not repuired! H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS a. Residence b. Business � � STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 1 hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE Isae instructionsl R-2596A > > 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN !il epp/icab/el See Drawings 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT McDowell � - ' ` � NC COUNTY STATE 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS rrI evvl;camel US221 ,�� ., . . a 16..OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS,.IF KNOWN, Isaeinstructionsl , US 221 from NC 226 to North of SR 1573 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE , cQA at�a�ch�d vic�.nitv m�� . . . , . ^. i 8. iVature o� i+CilViiy (Description c,' nr'^•r�c;, +r:r.:naa :i, -_r�n�rs; Upgrade the existing two-lane roadway to a multi-lane roadway partially on new location. 19. P�OjeCt PUfpOSB /Deuribs ths rosson or purpose ol the projeet, aee �,unuersns� To improve traffic flow along US 221 and to improve safety through improvements in -th�hnriznntaLand-vertical_alignme�ts-of-the-r-oadwa.y- - USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) for Discharge The project. is a linear project. Topographic and safety restrictions severly limit avoidance alternatives. 21. Type(s1 of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards See drawings and summary sheet. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled rsee insnuerrons� 0.78 acre 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No �_ IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental Iist1. See attached list. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL• IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED 'Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits 26. Application is hereby made for a ermit o per s to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the intormation in this application i o plete an c rate. I rt r certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly ut or' d gent of plica - . � - 3 . _- __._.:.___ __. ---StGNATCIRE OF APPL�CANT ----- ---- --- - --D TE - -- : _ :_ _�:___._ V_,; SIGNATURE OF AGENT - -----••- - - —DATE ----- ---- The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 1 1 has been filled out and signed. � , 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States "' knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent sLaL°m�nts �r en?r•� II hP £�� n• rti c�n n,nu �o n,.. �:, sha �n_._. r, mr,r� , ar . , _ „ ir.;r•isC d .. ^�r,r., th?r , .., vn,.,._ .. � s�--t�;. � i _ �. � . ;, L �= W;�� `. �Q� s �W � � •• L� - � W �� � � � O U , � . � � � � i— 'x N W N � c/') J � a W / � .. � � N � U � � � � 0 . o� r ,� �., yi� v � v_.. u ` ., .��_ \ 1 - - -�r - ' _I—�_ ��� I �- ;.,_ {-I-� : � - , _ a � j. ; � > P u -� I I I i c �� a � i N � Q� . � � I iLL �� n j � m� � E � o� o�, �� o� ' • �om �o oo, - u � �r°'+ ^ \ � S � a a � �' , N m r Z 5 � , / �a G� a 3 , � � � r F" � ' _ � � � Z G t C O � / \ . 3 O � ` I Z ' orc \ � \ • � Q / � I ,� � �, - Z , � � i � /. i ; �� ' O ; �J U % , I I J � I � J = ^_ E \ > `'1� i Y I O -. . \ 6 N � f , 0 G� �. m � m O� p O Q � � 'G - � � O' y � Op' � W I ar- y G a �OI , " (' . . . 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' MCDOWELL COUNTY ' PROJECT:8.T871101 (R-2596.�) �� US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTH - OF SR 1566 ----- -------...--- ---- � _...o ....... .. __....... . . . ,. ,�d �*ST _ .., p_ - i � FRON STA Is}60 i0 �ta g_ Z�-�3m �, K�� � �•570 -IREV- Ri. 3 �tl1n lCTI �"�.01 ���,,� � .i2'e° �c. E ; _E 9/a» i 4 - �,/,� / � ��*� i -� � i i � /� ' � "� �� ��' __-- � �. . �, _--- �� _..�--- - " � � � --- , , ----�---- , R2�5�$q RGa3� . � � .. .. / � ---------------- Q / ' ,. �"- `��''/4YS _ �d 1516 _ _TC_—�- . C�� YqEy_�.�WOS a � rq� ��^� �{ -- ----�--�— --- '----'--'^ � � � '�_� / �_' ! , -r--- � � � �_��— �_----- `�� — �J`- ��--�-t� � ti � ' ' � � • •'��'�__--------_� 1= � _- _' ������ : � � � � �� .. .. .. .. .. �• "� �� \� � � � � � � - - - - - - - � � .. .. „ � - � �.�__ . . ' .• ..`,� � � � � CRACE C, SWTH et. W � 299 P� 151 � il � � : . 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DI,P:�f2T"1��T OF 1'R:�`:SPORT.aTIO� DI��7:SI0� 01' HIGHS�a1'S � �1cDOh'GLL COU\T5r - . - . $.T871101 R-2596.a US 221 FRO�I �C 226 TU_ :�GRTH.,� Ol' SR 1566 sFt�ET C.o oF 30 . ! i � z x o �- � �" � o i F � � � z O , a, x � c� E� .o � z� � o c��i � O � x � � -- - - H o �—�—z-v�i--�y _ W H �;,, O a � � ° � A � � � � �w j � '' �' E-� � — � � � W � Q a, � cxn z � ,°,� - - ------.. � �,� � � � �, � � n- � o . � ' N � � � � � � \ � i i ' � Ii � 11� — � I O � � N �� W. � ; o � z . _J � � ,— � W � � �. � , � � o m � ' ' �� � � _ a_ � � o_ . ,' W — m � � � i z w o � / � UJ . � J o _ ,.� z Q , �-- � Q ' � O 0 U ', N � � � JQ � � � ��� � ' O � � � � . W 'i X I � > � �Q � � � � � � — . O � � Z � �i i Q , � W �� � / � � � E , � (� O — � • � CV , . .. � . .. . _ � �. O O I ; I , I_; _ I I. 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DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS � MCDOWELL COUNTY � PROJECT:8.T871101 (R-2596A) i' US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTH I; OF SR 1566 �: � � � ` � h� \ � _ _---- -_ -'=-�_! -� _ __ __� \ � � ` _ � � _ \ � r0oU5 Z^: .�- r— f� .� i � /, ' �i 'j ` � 1 � � / � I ' � _'- i-� �� �. �� ��_ -- i / � �I�r / � � �.. � �� � � _ � � �' �a �' .. �� - .. ��'�' .. / i -' - ' i ' / .' ' r� � �o �n 7J � . � � lRl1 ��� I � I_ _ /'. GR� 29g , PG 4Z . ------------------- __-- - -�% , --------- - ---i'"" " ! , , �Ah� ----- / � ,__, "- . /� � � (Li1 i_ --'"". ' � � ,� IE1Z � "jzfLj�xrARieD % � y / - y rror`n-T3rzt��cJJ.._�l— �� / _— — / l 1J�ctco� 'So i � � ''� , � , � / dAl DITCtI � + � � • � � ��,A`� RAP CRASS �p . .i � •' � C�?pE���L M �EE OEiA< /�y� � O LATERAL 'V' 0(TCH � `- �-- �. CLA55 'B'RIP RAP � / /V�� SEE DETAL E � ---- ��� �♦� i � � '.. .. . � «� �4, � �► �� i �50� M000s �y 50 �� �p r��� i .. � .. .. .. , _r � ��� .. ; � �� '� - .c-= � � a� _ � � �- � — � � : � ` —I �-. �� �z —z -� -� -� —r --z �. � —" — - — ' - _ - ' _ f J 3p,Q (�� � � . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. � _ - � - - � ' : �__� .. . - — - - — - -� hG78 �� STA/�6T9 • .. . .. .. . . � - - � - - � - ' — - - — - - � 3/-kb !R!1 �On � � �� f1tf1 � .' " .. .. . �� RxP.�p . .. .. .. .. . t?JA - .. . � ASS 'B' RW RAP . -11 �� ��►55 'B' feP RAP y iw _.,t_.-- _� �___..... .. _.. _-...... . _ 0 SCA�E OM 10�, 20� 40�, S �TE IL • ... ..e.rf. G. � � � �51; fl�N �T ES F 1 LL I hl W ET LA N D� " ,'- ' OFNOTES FILL• IN SURFAC,� I WATERS. � � , \ . C . DL•'P?.h`I'"fE�T OP TRa�SPORT�TIO� DIVISIO\ OF HIGHl4'a1S �lcDO��'ELL COU�TI` � ii.T$i1101 R-2596� L'S �21 FRO�[ �C 226 TO \ORTN OF SR 15F6 SHEET I ( OF � v � �--- ' :i �-' � ' � F 1 4� n T � �v � ' f ' /. � :\ / . � � � '� �� f� 1 1 . �` � �1 I � I 1 � _......*. ��.---- - ---- I' '/ ��� �' �� � ��, � ' . `s . �� �'��a, ,, �'' �� '�r : � � � G-y�'eG �PC� ti°A � - _� i � T � :� _ "�l , y— '�.__„—.— ' ,`O / ' � , .�-..�-..'� . � / / � /� .• � . +-� � �' �., ' � ' /� v- •�,� + I / / � �' /� . ;, , ��i i .. ,� •'�..••' U � >� � r �;r��;,� � .,�.r' � .. .. . �� �� � ��� s / \� tiE � r � ` � g?,F ��Q�. ✓ ` ��� T pt: � • � �.l RG R,S a�� v � , �,` ' 1 $ am ���'C� , � �� O� �NEti �tLP,�c� f � '! ,, cK�- �°��m ,, �a �Ko�.y > -A , � � . � � 4 �� � /� f� - ---- --------- -- - ; , ' � / •- ,c�V i / � /� / •/ � �---- `� r_ `— . � � � / g �� �� �_ �� . / •. � `N C� � // �'� �` 0t� i ��/ � j� "�' ��� _ ��oc�.� � ti�� . � , �, `�'�a , ra' � �O c�''c� ,�/ a��"°'� ,�Q � � , :;:,f � /�, '� `� � �e� c"� � �. / : � ' � ,�j". ,/ �cr�' \ � i ` e�����` � � � r`�5 � \ � �j;�,��°A, '�j ���'`,�' � / 1 �'' / /; / �,' �,� �S `.t . i . I � �'/•' � O�N�TES F�LL Ih1 WE-fLAND; �� ,�,� ����J _ -__ : • , - . ' OF_NOTES FILL• IN SURFAC� I ;, ` .• ,�4��, ���ss�,t � W n.7 ERS. , , , . � , !� �6� , �_._.. _. . 1Qi.:._'.'--___'__T.___.....' ._. _ .... .. .. .. . .� . _"_..__._. _....__....___. -, _."____—_.__'__ .'__.__—'_'. SCA�E 0� . 10�, 20�, 40� i , _ SITE IIL ;� . C . Dl'Pah1'�;��'C OF 1'Ra�S°O�.TaTIO� Di�tl'SIO� OF HIGH1vAYS >1cD01�'ELL COU�TI` 8.T871101 R-2�96.� l5 221 FROM NC 226 TO \ORTH OF SR 1�66 SHEET�_ OF 30 0 i. rn -__ �-� -��- , �y��� \ �� � • "°a'os Mp� S �a — _ _------.. _ .. .... ._._ _._ . _ . _.. .. : �.r o ',� �`� � •.c�.� 9 � i �'fl`).9� , , , ; ; / , ; i ; �� , ' � - i I �e£�SMIT � �99 p� er, ��`� ��� ,_ . T ��� - \ Q� �orfcr 4 �� � �ET�° Rq� � K� � \\ � \ #oq�s \ y. \ � �y \ \ \ ��� � x \��� \ . . .. � � � Tai6wrae� ro \ \� Y' \ \\ �Y YR :�, u��,�ey a�o�. y � � e.�„ ���, g�'� . � �AS � CSP '�RR/JCN '• �� \ � \ �Vg U/ i • \ �\�ei\ \ ♦� «� � � � �'�. � �� � i \ \ � � �� 2'�Q7 i � � \ � � C J \� � � ' � \ �� � � �� '� .,\\\ �\ - � � �� 2'c+ 'P /� � �\ � _ ,� '�, i � j � � / `' � ; Y,q�cy ST � / �' i� T� �'/'JI / i � / ` �' w� s �q� ,c � �c � � S4/ 299 p� et /� �.. ----�--__ __. .._ __ , - ' • . '.�_ DFNOTES FiLL• IiJ SURFAC.F ' -- Wa1ER5. � SCA�E . . . . , . � . „�,P;�hT`IL�T OF TRa�SPORT�TIO� �� -�. DIVTSIO� OF HIGH���a1'S �IcD01�ELL COU�TY �r� ��M 2�r-� '. , .�r� , ...,.. ._, _::�a --� b-T871101 R-'?596.a � . " US 221,FROM \C 2�6 TO �ORTH " . , ., Ol' SR 1566 SITE � SHEE'I' I3 Or' 30 / �. / / � / , � �`.. � �i i i. i � � '. _\� ��.. �6. , y-� � �� 2P •' �' , � � � \�\ � \\ 1� �C xr C� � � /\ ��?� ��� _! ._\__.------ ��.\ � � �� \ . � �RF4i' . '�. . e� �� ` \ � ! / � �� / �_ /�: �. ----�.... � � ; ; , � � � _—_� .._:+.._+_ ;_ _�� - �_ . � � f - -- ---,--�---' - I � � � � �-1 _ _�. . -- � � r-- , r ;-� ' --' -�- --��- -� -- - . !_ �_�.y ...t �_.� _� I 2 ,� � �� � , �� : II • I � :�� _ . � . G � qj��i I ��i;�i�J�� � � ..,,r .,, ^:.e h�� �h:! �.�r��i� � � � LOW F�OW CHAN�IE� DET/�l� -LREV- 1+915 1.8 x 2.1 RCBC � S �TE �L i .^�_.. � � __i..._.�� •. I I 1 I � � �. ' -- .� I _ � i . :...: .. ; ��.._�� �. �--t ��_ .._ ; ---���_ � J _�_�� j �I � -i--�- -�---a � �..i__ �...._� \ . C . 1�1'P�Ii7'�fL•'�T OI' 1'F.a\SPOnTaTIO� ntvsszo� OP HIGHS�'�1'S `IcDOtdELL COU\TY • b . `C871101 R-2596.� � US 221 FROr; �C 2�6 TO �ORTH 01' SR 1566 _. SI-IEET I� 0��� , . �o� v F R2596A R?S96A � MODEL -------�� - ---- – --- � �A2�51 _-'-'"" "---"-C-- _ � � � �pm (LT) - _ __- '"" . _ — � • yS.75' _ _ - � � al � / rn � _ � / ao • � � � � � ---g�- �_'`��'' — / --"— o ROBERT-E: McCALL. JR. �� "\ / � ODB 336 PG 188 . �N' \� �/ �i d \ / � � \/ . F � � � —► ALSE SUMP �. SEE �ETAi� U Wo005 O � GI 75 2-CI , _�—+- «� — F.-�� — — — N � . / / �2-GI. ED / � 400 CSP � i li� ,L i/ / % F . '1I/ / / � / BDO r 375 S75 .. � .. .. .. .. . �. . , f 14.3m _ � .. • —� � ��� �►.. 2-GI. ED � �— �2-p � � � . � � �� � G �� �1_ •-_ \:SjS C?1.P , _ -� � .. 450 S / -� -�`� �. � = � • EV- STAa•� � � ��_� ?5vb56�fRT1 \\ �isi . ' . , , � _�Z L / � . / �� � . �-� / / ,. �.. .. (/�'� p .. .. .. .. . .. � .. ,. .. .. .. .. �-o� � NREM � CLASS 'B' RiP RAP ��t � '¢ .. . .� � QO CSP .. • � •' N/3 c t5 ELBOWS ib GAGE Z��� � ' 2$'x0.5' CORR. O600 CSP � \ ` - �q • CLASS '9' RIP RA . Q�� � BERM OITCH ' �� F -l.REV- S7'A27 49Um fRr1 -LREV- STA2�6i0 I608' �T4�(iuYAQy To 460m fRfl TOE PROTECTiON /� �,�q CLASS 8' R�P RPP � woopS IJoRrF1 FoPJ� R�vE4 . SEE DETAIL F, / � SCA�E _ _ . [– _ ' • . -"� DFNOTES FFLL I1J SURFAC� � � � WATERS, ; oM �o,� 20�, 40�,; SiTE � \.C. �EPal2"P�fE�T Of� 1'R.a�SPOPTATIO\ DIVTSIO\ O1' HIGH��'.a1'S `IcDOh'ELL COUNTY b.T8i1101 �R-2596.-`. US 221 FROM �C 226 TO \ORTN Ol' SR 1�66 SFIEET iS OF 30 ��n `V • --___ tttG/N CONST _.:,,.,�, � . . +.. �A,;,-�--- ---- � i 0�1—.- --: --- -- , I ��s RUCT/p�+ � �'; x W -D/-PCSto./�Upg6/2 + .L-r� ,J� + ' ��q � sN �'. ��s'°R I �'� . � `J' I �� o,} ns� �+ � � � � �" 363 +/ ��2� iHf � /�'/ ,&� UI� �� � ') �' � I � � � i5� � u'+ �s . � � \ ti2,g� + �,'� � G S� / � / S�t1A 3� � � tJ� y �` ` f � �+ �SwN � � .�: azcw �Ea.g° X/'`" � zoE e�BE�,e-R''P ±- 0 — :LS.�� S e�AM csv_ - �— -.� . - x - — � . \ 5 E OEZ p\' f+/ ' SEE �`p55 'B � R�O ��� �'�� 1 x/ � �/ `� f c : 9 � � }� ta �'� 3 x� � ��''� d� � -- =ra�o�+'A¢y To _PT I j / i \ � � '''�ORTH Gol.iG'Y�vER '_ I ,�{{Std• � �' �' I �/ '' � �N� � ' I _--� T� s�r+� � �- x/ � a �, � a_ _- I • x SEE oEt'p' K�x/ i �_ �' I /: _ o _%_ . � � ��,,, , , . , S�E E� %�X � �� /� �► � � �� /�' + C, � 43 � .��� � � j� � � r � -�� j, ��-; � .�oo� .. ,,, , , � EO j, i r-f � � � � / � � y �� / � / +/+' � $3'x . 1 � . .� — � � / ��i/ / / � x +/ 3 t�/ / / ' r 033.$ /` � . .• �� + 1 — — — j � �� .�� • ,:. . �x� o� c" � + y�, � � / � / � � � �se '� • BPFf� � 'l � S��p�1�.� � / 1�iC ,c �� �� � �'� �5 ,��* �• • � `���/ � - / �' S�+•o ��-r�V 1 / � `r �/� M��gO/ ` p � y+ �- _ / . �/}/ � �, � / � TAPER � j. .� .. i �+j* � Q• i i r �� ' +-� ,T, •• i+� � � A�.oeo� �i �'Fi* e wP R'� � �� / X�R�- J� � U.►SS- —� � 4r 2�� � . , . , _ � �e1' / �� � � ' :.-. � � � i+ �- — / -�" ��r, , / +� � � �,A,o�` �; �m � �� �,o ��s��v- � / : � ,i�r�' � F �,��0� Se��.09� � /�' �� ��r�� �� . ��+ — — - �o�. , - �. � � �.� �--�%. i-'��� � + , `� S,�tz.L�'S ME�T / / � x� �� � j � � i � � // � � %"i , // ` _--1 7.5 1AE�T ��� '"% .�� ae s�-� ��� \� --�J 'i�- /� , _ .- . � ----.`r'e° - ---.. .------ r _ _ ., .. `- �-- . O�N�TE.S FILL Ih1 WE�'LANDi � ' , -�• - DF_NOTE.S FILL• tiJ SURFA<_F_ - W AT ERS, SCA�E X.C. D�I�aRT�fE�T OI' 1'Ra�SPORT.aTIO� DiVISIO\ OF HIGH�t`.a1-S OM 10�, 20� 40rn `1cD0��'GLL cou�.�T�r � . . 8.T871101 R-2596.� _ ... . _... -- .. __-- -- . ' US 221 FRO?�l NC 226 TO \ORTH SITE � ot: S� �,�6 � � SHEET�_ OF 30 il . . '•_"^�_-.- ._ . . ` 1 i i ' ' ; ' � � • I _��_ _.-•---' -�--�--'----.t._ --.- � � . ; � . . ' : ( i � ; ,, i ,; , � ,: -:--; -- .._ _ _. ._ : . --- __ � . � +_ ±_� i _ � I ;_ ._l _�. _ ; � r�-�-- � --� f '-- -� - -; �---- - . �� I ���:1 : —� __ o� _ _� _-� ; - �.--►� �� __� �._ 'Fa � __ �- �-�—� ___ � t_.S -- ; � --I- � ) 1 . � � I i i � I I J I - �_ �_�..- ,� _ : ��.r... ,`�1 �i� --� � � . _ � I . T i j-1__. ' ; _�_� � , ,. , ; i � -- -��___;----!--' � ' i-'_� � ; _ �i �--! � I 1�; �—� ► --��-� i-, _1—� _. �.1______. - � . .. . a..�._ ' . . . .. . .. .. . . . . _ . �OW F�OW CN�N(�E� DEYAI � � �- � �,, —i_ �__ --... __:.�I—� __;^; ;.... _; ; -��- i�- --•-�--. � � ... . �. � �• � L_._� _ I I--_ � l�l...._.. I � � i �--- I I - .-�--, �-,I�--�-i _�I_. � i, _. __._. i ; i +.� _ �....-: I - LREV- 2+985 2.44 x l .83 RCBC \ . C . DL•:P�RT�,E\T OP' 1'n:�\Si?OR.T.�TIO\ . DIVISIO� O1 HIGHI�'a1"S '(cDOh'ELL COU�TY" SI�E � b.T8i1101 R-2596.a �S 'L21 FROM uC 226 'I'O �ORTH .. . OF.5R 15.66. _ . SHEET� OF 30 / � � o � W � O � � ! � Q�� ��/ Q � Z� / � � , � � / W � � , �. � � �. � \ I � - �� � \ � _ � � _ � � �� � _ �. I I I � £ � � � O v v I £ � � �" I � � O E"y �� � V' `O � I E, � �, Q, z ; — + � � .� , z a N � ;o `�'` °� z� F i Q z � � .��i � � U o �' '~ � � ' U ' d' r+ c�-� �' O i_� c:. �_i U�•' � J — F—p � oo z� c�, ' W � � W H � O �� I pz a � �� � o � �; o Q H o ,� � � � , � U U � � i a" ,._, W f�„ i W —�; A, � � c�i W i LY N� U Q f� c� Ll � a � � � i z � i�I........_.._... -----� ---�----- � I; i, � � O � N i � � — -F - � N � � � � W �r > ii i � � � � 8� � o � o � m. � Q m , � `v W m ' T Q � �-- �. � � �� � �� � ° �- � ' — � '', � � � X J, I� � ` � � J W � N O � � N �— i O � � �i = � � £ � N � i I � � O ' � I� � i — + O N � I :I � £ £ � O � O � � _. . : ._.-. ,. . . �..._ :' `. . _ .. _ . ' 1 "" . _..... � . ._.s..i�. __"... .�.. . .. . . � % -...._ i....�_._ .. �.�'"_ . � ��i ��.�... ��~• ._. j „._'�:,� �,i .'__(/��_�--'-- v� \.�✓�.:\l...l �_L.... _ ) ._...__�: :�i. l.�.r�l i'�'\ . _v i ���L.�i�.11rT... 1 ti`,-'� . 1.`._.`_ - i.i �L; � . _ . ...,,i ._.._. ���:: .�_..... 1 i_. .+ . _ . . lilj �.� � i � I�'� Til ,_rli; .1��,i,`.il� .lu�i. \.i . �.,.�t\'^'_..i. . � - �, - g _ _ . . i'�_'.�._.� •—ft7 .1 � � . � � ._ . �% i�i �� � � �: _ . . � �It/ " ��i . _� �il --- ,e_,; --.�, ::- _ . .. _ . 1 . �..!._. .. i.� _ .....r �1�'�� -.''", , : i i'; T ti' ;'„ , �, . ,.'i;': _ . �.� ,� , . .. . . _..._ . .. . .`..i..�•�_:_: ...,.� �. � . .. . . ,.';:i`:., � ., . - ^ i i`,`.' [�,\: i . ,-.. . . _ .._�J�:...._ ..._. .1 �...'\.��... . i N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS . MCDOWELL COUNTY PROJECT:8.T871101 <R-2596A) � � I � ' US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTH ' OF SR 1566 SHEET 1� OT 3 C� _ �r----------- -------- � - i -�---------- -------------------- , . ----------�-- � . . , ------------------ � ---- � ------------c-- tn N� JUSTICE GOOD. HEIRS OB 8T PG 3900 sPEGn� on cn GRA$$ LINED SEE DETAiL D • � � • � �l�ii�i:r�� '��' = � •����� _ s � Ce,��EY '6an.+cLL / ROCK ,� - • i i - i i i i i i p i ��i � •� � � � �� � 1 5 F D / / / / � / � , � � GRASSALINE � � SEE DETAIt i � � � �I Q GP / �' , dREY- STA3� � I $ � fCTI l I , A C� ' Q � ��+ ��� / / kJii� — — — — _ _ uil', 3 - ' •. .� � � -� 3•G�'" ' �� ' '_ � _ . / � �?� 1�T ' w;�•�=--T _ _ -��+� - � � -r �_.--� ��. - � � � - - E ' - - - 3o5�m rar, � �, . 1003' . - _ � _ ` � _4.• L . . 3.� STeEAm IZEtoGarwwl� r� � - _ - . - � � " � w0oD5 r� 3�623. � . ' ' / ,. . �IDm (A'T1 -(R£V-S7A3-6�p /. TDE. j,� I.YvS' ZBlkr � 7•52302.T llAn (RT) A'3 . . � �lOm lRTI 1512 � " . • . Q �• - � -------------------------- -------------ai ----- � ----- a ---- �q - - --- N --. - ---------------------- --- - _ �_ e---------------- ' v . 4 PI S� � � . B s- 2 23' l4.4' �'' r .._- _. i � - t�7UD00-- --�-� OF.NOTES FIL� Ihl WEYl�NO; _-" •,- -. __ . DFNOTES FILL 11J S�JR�ALF W AT �RS. _ . SCA�E � - : \ . C.....DLPahT^fE�T OF 1'R.a�SPORT�TIO\ OM lOM 20r, �M DIVT5I0� OF HIGH1,'al'S � �I D01'�LL COUNTI� SITE � : c � • ti.Tti71101 R-?596.-'. [iS 221 FRO�1 \C 226 TO \O�TH Ol� SR 1:i66 S{-IEET av OF 30 � � � � � �� � � 0 c9 � � r� �I � �� ; z _ �o � j' � U O w � ;o � o — �- Q � � M � I i ' ' � I ; Q � , I � ' � — �� ° z° � � ° o � � � , �-, z x o � F � � � o � �, z a � �. -� 0 a x � x F-� � � � o � � .���., O � � —� o—�—� z � � W F-' O � 3 � �" 0 c�.F. O . U � , � O � Q � � p -� W V Q a � x z � � �' CL � ' ' — + � � � � — z � � ' � � Q � ; m � � / i ; W >- �� , � z � o �o � ; � U � ' — �' ' M � ' � � � I� �� � � — � � 1 w, . n � , � i � i _ � i � • � � � � � � � /, .. � . f--= � i I `� � ' — . X � ' w � . � � 1 . � � ._ � _ , ,.�. .. _. . .. : _ I . . I I ��l . z � E � N-. � m � r� ^� r� ! �! J Q J z Q o � N � _ � � O - � N � � £ O •N � £ 0 0 ......,_....., ._..:._. _._,. . ... -.-�:� ... -_. ^�.- ;�-,.r•. .: .-;;:'`., : . .-.. . �..',_� :.;"i I::�� i'I'�OP:��i D _ .... - , - _ , �_.:.�.�:._. :_�iti; 10; iti _ . ;i.. ,. _. .':'J i iu;';li . �;i;'. :;;%.�� _ . ... . �.,:�i . :_.L .:.Ll. .. . T�1 ! . �' . i� . . i . �i.l t.,../' ... _ ,�..... -, i_�:�i..i. �.,..: �.i'i ✓ii�i �,.�� _ . ��:.:�.\:�.��_ :)�L�ifi _I�: _�,. _ ) ':1T'r_.. D��PT,. . '.;�; . Y,;, i � �u11�1 �.): _�� .)ii..,. .�._',i� ..:�)il; _ .. �.. ..�!ft ��vli�i �(.' � .. ,�, � _ 1 L�. ��iLl'. i. _ . 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DEPT.OF TR.�NSPORTA'I'ION j DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS � MCDOWELL COUNTY � PROJECT:8.T871101 (R-2596A) , US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTH OF SR 1566 ' -----------------mOder39 m r2s96o aQ , "�O'r,_ o�e�904/ � // ` ' JUSTIC HEIRS /,% d OB 8T PG 3 , n _ ` �`� �� = L� oN4� Y —' — — --- -- -------- � k � � / OITCH J,t��¢/+MG�-I � ..�5 \ \ ` �i- � � �rl � , l� \ \ � ,'. � � . `.J �'� �EN�T�^"' � BERU GUi7Eft STA 3*640 �-LREV- ' • 80.662 � Pl Sta 3•9l f8� O � ta 3•9 � 00' (RTJ 3Q' 4� 25"3� �R�a, ��� � ���Q2278 JUSTICE G000. HEIR �_ _ : l03.632 wo�o 5;��5._ �__52• n R-�r8Z2 _S DB 87 PG 390 IOEN�TES FIL� Ihi WEiLJa+Jp! I, - - ' • . -�. . _ OFNOTES Fi�L iN SURFHC� _ " W AT ERS. � � � SCALE Or+� IOm `o/'� 40 M I. . Se�E � D J•7� / / / / / / C / N . C . !�L•"i'Ay��''1[:�'�' O?� '1'n:�\SPOn1':\`�IOf1 1)I��7:SI0� Ol� i1IGlild.al'S '!cDOh'L•'LL COU�'r1` �.T371101 h-2�96.� US 221 FRO�I \C .'_�o TO �0;:?�f! Ol' SR 1 �6u ' SHc:.'r �3 n� 3`J ! � ... ....—.-.^'__---.-_�_ � : � ' � � i ' i i � ' i � ..�_--- � , __�_....---�- - - � � � ' - --, -- � � � � i. ; --- ' -i-�- �--=-- � `. -- -- _,._ ...:.--T-- � � � , : �;-.� � -- -;--;-- . : ._��._ _. � - - , , i � ' I --,---,---- i I ' , � +; � � -- � -�--- -- --.�.�_... _ - � �---r ; , ; _.�_._�._.� ,— i a---i---- -=- - - - ' - - _i -- _ �_�-�- - � - '�-.. _� ,- � � t-- � --1I -?- I- --1--I_-i—I-....�.�---L �—{—�.... I , .. ..I � ._i . i . I ' i � � --.a--. . � i ; —�----- ; - . . f� �✓o �E ' � � � � _ �_ .-T_ _ '_� J—�-� �-���— �-�- � - - '� � - _. � �) �vr;!�. �a.��o1�•�' - -�;-- '� !� , ---� - , , I I 1� -'. l._LLL��?- � TO. Tc!/� A7�- .. i%/ / i: . %s..�Z� "Oyir7C.J9 . 'k�- ,�- _!._�/NUp L � Gd7.%., _ .. � CN NNEG ��1� � L - . : �-' �--�- � ' �LG�./ LS. �E�T,'cWi`%- --T=--� -- � -i- - i� _� -}'— i -�-� ' + � i' L 1: T..I ,.-�r.--t ✓1//�,. _I r.l,- .ti� iQ - - -1---�--- � V � .__.��.�5�c.�� �.._! . . _. !��. ). l_/_(��i...G. _ � ._�NO �.9T� -� .__ .. .. . . ; � � � , -�- � �--� --- - i.- �_.. ; _ , � �---i �-- ;- � � � ; , , L� -: --- - ---, � _ � � ; � i , ; -- - �--�---: � -- � � r�--,- , - - -I---a-- - - -�--�---L- �---I �, i �—�-- � � � � -. -.i- .� --I ' F��51,N� ��ri . I i ! � i � I � � , .� —i - _ ' I — --►-�_-;_---� - __-►__�- .-- � I �—r--- i --;=-- =i...-1 -- � --� � 1 _ _... i I . _ .... ---►-- L� � �,83�—...-5i4,--�i�, �._ .--- i i � �. 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I I i .. ; : �-- i � , i i�-1 . i_ � _�--�---�-.--` _� ;- ;—; -- --;-- -��._�...;. . � �- - -��-- t-� - � ; : � - �--. �. -�; -�---;�- ' ' i i i f+' I� -f__ --{ � _ . i �--r__�_;__I{- � �..--�—�'—�-- � - ` ---� -�--- - --�- � _.. i � I _. .� i � ( .. � � � I I � I i � I T --� ' ._i.....1 �OW F��OU�I CHANNE� DETnL —LREV— 3+642 1.83 x 2.13 RCBC S1TE �L \ . C . l�l.?P.a!2I'�1L•'�'I 01- Z'R:\\SP7RT.�TION DIVI:SIO� 01� HIGH��°.a1-s �1c�011rI�L COU\'P}' 8.'T'871101 R-2��6.`, (!S 221 FRO�f Nr ?�6 '?'O \OR"rF! OF SR .1_:i66 S FI r. F�: c� `Y �� 3 � , -----. motle14445 � mode14546 -----------------------------------T--------------------------------------------------------------,�r"• ---------------------- AP�LACK9 N PG 892 C0. '/ I I� ". O / % \ r , 5 s' �� - ` . � CIASS �r RIP RAP . � // � � � EST. �6 TOtK �•� � _ ���t• BEGW SNOUIDER ' ' �- - ��/ n BERM GUTTER � � STA 4.%3 -IREV- � I . f♦ ' 0 - ---�-- --- ---- — ' -----� o� { o R— — �•- — � �\ -fREY-STA�IO 0.6m BASE D�TCH ' ' � _ \ \�' /•�r .• MAR7i� �VERLY .T�Sm (LT1 CL�SS '8' RtP ��.�g5 . r/ . ' BQA,.iCN � � � ��-T� SEE DETAL}f' J5m i, • `•- . .5ao oe 2s2 \ 'LR£V- SfAFst�s 1H8' : `' JSM OB 36t \(� 19An ! j •.� IH9' SPfCwL MEDI�N �. DI7CH CRADE \ [ e SEE PROFKES � END SHOUIDER �SPECUI NEWAN q' � 29LM BERN q1TTER ; DITCH CRADE � 9S/ STA 5�000 -LREV- � SEE PROf4ES �� � � � �� — — —SPECUI � � i� r. �- P _ _��- � TCM GA; CAT-I A�ELT . � �� rpOpS I F w� E%TEdO I.83XL83 RCBC ry ~� BOTH ENOS ^ � � SEE CULVERT REPORT , �_� . . N 'X,' - — E a.9tt �► — — — ..-- � ' ��� 375 — l — —�� — � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � ' —,' — —F� O -----� -----CAT-I --- �---- �� F — '�; /ELBORS • 2 CLASS 'I' RiP RAP � � � � ,� • EST. T. TONS .. .. � �".�' , � — .. • � ,. . _ —� _ .. . .. . . •• � F .. � .. , `._ i . _ � _� -iREV- - " ' - ulbr fRrl .. �`� TLSE.�TDf. y�y�� - ' _ _ .. „ {REY•STAS-0R1 � � , ' B3P BECIN SNdJLDElt _ BiRS . � \ • ?9Aw tRTI ' � ' � BER4 GUTTER , � � " . _ EW-SMOULAE .. . .. . 9$% _ � � STA � ;940--C v ' • � - BERN CUTTER � � - -� _ � _ � � �.qsg , nle JOAs .. .. \ STA 4a990 -LREV- - - � � � - - -'\ ` \ . � ��� r�ooOS ` � , ` � • �S � I _�' __ •� .. �I"' � \ -. ..' ., .. .. .. ` � _ —� CLASS 'B' R� RA�' - _ ' ' � I . � - - ^ - - � _ _ - � � �oRrN F"oRY_ ��vE2 ` ' •• ,. '�.� --- I ' .. ' t _ _ � - - — - - — - - — - - � - ' APPAIACWAN HOl01NG C0. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. - - — - - — - .. .. .. .. .. .. I� 4293`S,PG 892 .. ---------" . , ' MOODS � S 2c'O6'OS �.. / " .. .. .. .. .. .. � .. .. .. .. . 5 �--- � ... ; r j �s.,,s � �x �c°~ �, JOFlJ H. LONOr � j��� , OB t23 PG ! � , ------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------------- / i .r � _ DENDTES F�LL 17�1 WEYLANDI - - ' • . .�. DF_NOTES FILL IIJ SURFAC� " -- " W AT �RS. SCA�E . . . OM �Or, 2�r. ��n• I �.'C . DI?P 11iT�7L�'P OF 1'h.a\'SPORT:?TIO\ ---------- . DIVI5ION OF �IGH�va1S I� �� SITE � . �IcDOI�'ELL COUNTY 8.T871101 R-2596.-`, [:S 221 FRO�I uC 22o TO \OR?H OF SR 1566 SHEET oZ� OF �'� �2596� m�VO--------------------- �/9 •Y3REY- STA /OJi mode�45q6 ,_r-�"� � x � nv .-' ■000s _ � // _- "� /� _- . -r7REV-STtir(�50 ' _ i /• - -" �CLSm lRT1 / 3�T � � BEVERLY L.FOSTER �/ � � f� OB 282 PG 743 — -- — -`�- -DB-368—PC-52 — f� —_ �/ / - --. - �/ / � % /1�IARTr� Buqr�cN � �� / ..'I. .y / � l� : �� _ .. . _ �. � JREY-STA�495 � II / I/ . %'----_'�_ ��(R71 �' 1� � /I / f — _ ` � / �;;\ / •. .. , -�; .. _ . � ��cu� aTCH , / � : � � . \�s5 ��o _ -�.�i r _ \ SEE DET�d C � ' � OA: yHO �j r � � ' �` ' iREY' STA' � KOODS ., ` � �� ' " S� ,�''Rrt' RAP ! o V . . SI.Sr� ![T1 � SPECUL DIiCH ' u32 GRA$$ lwEO -tREV' 9ZT/ -[REY' STA9D�5 ' • � o �➢ l SEE DETAIL C 9J 1 �'11° (�1 & M '� � U i � .. ' F lAT �L ' R i j-�� \ ��1� � �'� GRASS + � � '— � - SEE i � � — � — _ �, /� '� '��� F F l I . .. � i � i j� ♦� UNOER ORAIN R OIAi�ED E �� � � I • i� � = � � ,�� i �! FROM STA SN00 TO ST� ^ ,. � � .. , N \ �� /I _ i � � . .. _+ 5. i . �i - �7� �` WF i i _ - � � � — — — .. � .. � s� _ ���'—o�� 75O : I � � i .. .. . � �y . � � � 0 .�► � 6� � S i � . • (� � • � � — — — _ _ _ �� _� — 'I LT ClASS '8' RiP RAP � -�- .L.��I _ _ _ _ �. % /;� � f — — — p — — — F —'waoT � , � , . .. .. .. .. .. .. . , . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. - - - - - — - - — - — - - — - _ � '� T � — - - -T�v- srws 100m LL � n8 . _ _ i ' -$TA5�16� ,, ZJ1b1.(RT) E�NP'7fH FORS !dV£R . . ' � .IOAn [Rf) 7S5' 9iBA . . . � � - - - _ - —.: :� - - —,�; I I ' f��N�TES FIL� I1�1 WEYLJaND � I_.....-- ----._.. ._.__ .. .._ _ S� ��E 0�� 10�, 20�. 40� SITE \. C. 1)1'PaPT"fE�T OF 1'R.a�SP0i2T.aTIO� � DIVISIO� 01� }fIGH1va1`S ?IcD01�'�LL COU;�TT � b.T$i11O1 R-'?�96.� LS 221. FRO�I �C 226 TO �ORTN OF SE2 1566 SFIe.i:,T �i�o 0�= JO ' . . .. .. /.f P S, / -� ----- � Q � � ,/�'•� \\ � . ^ �/ � "�. � `n '� � / 5`�/�~F �i � o .000s ti' / tn � � r�i � �000s � � / � ) �, • • � � ' ' , W i i. �/ � � � s � 5 �� ' ��! � � �� �r w.�rn+r ;'/ . l/�,�� yros ' �\ DB t23 P' 4:� '� i , _�a� � Jo�9 �� 3,oSx.2•��} �C(� � --- -- Q � � ` a �xtv- sras�nn — � -'�1 — - r - /, . — --- — ! / i ` ,`„/ r . 7W -IREY' STA�r782 � ��/ �1i.am (�Tl 5�677 � "M7T �9m 2SAn rcr, `��° �� 1 5 � �'I��S?ECEAL 1111'G; � � ��,y �. � , 915'ERAL 'v DITCH SPEC� DiTCH � � ' �� GRA55 I;,ti.0 � � r CRA55 UtEO GRAS$ LINED � � � F��� SEE DETr:0.. C ' SEE DETA0. u 5FE DETS4. C 4 � � � 1 � � LT� — 'e /— � �-. � .__ _ — _ � II' ' Fusi. uen M��R CAT-! s uELT �� � � I 5 F BUS h • 1 � � �rco'2 `Y 1 «� n `�GCo1s��G 17.B7m 1 N a. � c�r Nz. z-G� — — — — �- - =� � — coHC z coNC ■w _ r 17.a_ 7m � soo ��► E -- -----• -- 375 --- -------` �, �► � -- -- wn -- ------- -- ---------- - — — — — — — — — — — — - � :z.�ca+c � z�coHC'� • ------- -- _ _ � �— �_ � ..�_ � � LY.IST. (3ED AT � � •IREY- STA'r60D i : E . � CLASS '8' RtP RnP ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2JAn lRfJ � .. . e�� .. 75S' . �ff/ry {jtEy' f,TA-.A5�55 D a ' UTERAL 'V' DITCH � , , - - ` � •. � (RT1 •0005 � !RT) �s�' '(REV' STA5�G86 GRA55 LlED �. �% � 3� �/7f/ SEE DETAt M GUY N. LONON _ �S� .� • lOB3' � L. . �C 1099' I/( _ os- �u - r�s �o �� ' � � / �.�% � c. F. �or�oa � ,. .. .� . . � zJ\ �� .;,� , .. i P�, �°�" � ° OB 97 PG 231 i' � ` • � J9j � S _ -.a�•b' ��� •' � \ , �� '� !„- . BED MATERInI Q i30 Tb�K � - � C}IANrEL EXCAVATION Q HO+� n�.,!�,�^.� � ' � CUIVERT EXCAV�T� d �' NOOD$ . � - ' ' �. -�• �- - ' ., �F_NOTCS (i�L ��r s�RFA�� � NOTE : EXTF�A BARREL ADDED - __ " ^ wA-rcas, _____. ! FOR QEAR CROSSING SCA�E � � � O�� lO�, LO� 40M ; 1 i i � SITE � �• C. DI.�P:�RT`I��T OF 1'R.a�SI?ORT.�TIO� DIV7:SI0\ 01� iiIGH��:�1S �Icl)Oh'ELL COU\TY S.T871101 R-2596.; US 221 FRO�I �C 22o TO �ORT�: OF SR 1�6f SF[EET �� OF �v Naturci Ground d DETAI� � STREAM RELOCATION ( Not to Scale ) b Proposed �— Fili Natural Slope Ground Z\ 4',/ Filter Fabric� I L� I Min, D= 1.25 m Maxa d = 0•5 m � Type o-f Liner = NAT. BED MATERIAL - L REV- ST/�. 1+200 TO 1+280 - L RE U- STA. 1+360 TO 1�-560 - L REV- STA. 2+890 TO 2�-990 Naturai Ground ��`�,°°/ �� Exista Stream � b-VAR m i B= 2.0 m � � DETAI� STREAM RE�OCATION ( Not to Scale ) b Proposed � Fill Natural � Slope Ground � � 2� 4'./ `: Filter Fabric� I I� I Min. D= �•2 m � Max. d= 0•5 m b= 3-6 m ; Type oi Liner =NAT. BED M.ATERIAL B= 3 m - L f�EV- STA. 3+520 TO 3+620 Existo Stream �. c. n�-�� �i� �>�j�_�-r or i�:�.a;<s�o�T_a��zoN i�tvrszo� �r f�ict���°.a��s `(cl)01�'EI�L COli\T1' S .'C8 i 1101 R-2�9Ci.� iiS 227 FRO'I V.r ?�o 'i'O \ORTN O�� Skt 1:i66 sF{Fe-r a� r;� 30 : . PARCEL N0. PROPERTY O�NERS 1 ROBERT E. McCALL,�.D. 400 AVINGER LN. APT, 127 DAV[DSON, N.C, 280)6 7 d.L. GOOD, HEIRS � REED GOOD,JR. RT.2, BOX 431 AEBO, N.C. 28161. - 4Z GRACE G. SM[TH � L,J. GREENLEE RT.3 �ARION, N.C. 28152 S .1PPALACHIAN HOLDING C0. X ROGER ANDREWS RT.J, 80X 262 MARION, N.C. 28152 Ph�CEL N0. 1 8 12 14 PROPERTY OWNERS JOHN H, LONON P.O. BOX S11 ST. PAUL; VA. 24283 BEVERLY L. FOSrER RT.J, BOx 36� NAAION, N.C, 281SZ W.G, LONON RT.3, 80X 48S NARION, N.C. 28152 C,F. LONON RT.1, 80X 481 MARION, N.C, 28152 �---- -- . _ . ---. _.. � i , . i �: . c . »t:�.a�tr�iL�1- or-� �i��;.a�.,NO�1�.�Tzo� � DIVISIO\ O1? HIGHtd.a1'S � ?1cD01�'I;Li: COU�T1' � ' . . 8.T37110]. P-'?�96.� , � �'S 'Z21 i-RO?f \C 220 "I`O :`:O;'.1�F� i OF SR.1�66 I si-ieF_ a�� o� 30 r � . SUMMARY SHEET i ' i i . ' � SITE STAT[ON CLEARING IN FILL [N FILL IN _ LENGTH OF _L_ENGTH OF_EX.I.STING_L — � --- � WETLANDS WE1'LANDS SURFACE EXISTING RELOCATED IN CULVERT I (ha� (ha� WATERS STREAM STREhM � (ha► (ml (ml (m1 � I 1+200-LREV- ; TO 1+S60-LREV- 0 0 .046 303.0 304.0 34.5 � ; II 1+680-LREV- .001 ,008 .002 25.0 0 28.0 i li[ 1+880-LREV- ' � TO 2+240-LREV- 0 .002 0 485,0 160.0. 14,0 i ' IV 2+620-LREV- � TO 2+7J0-LREV- 0 0 0 100.0 0 0 I ' v 2+a9a-�REV- � TO 2+990-LREV- 0 .042 ,011 110.0 124.0 21.0 i V[ 3+S30-LREV- � TO 3+120-LREV- .OS ,129 0 154.0 101,0 1J,0 i ! VII 4+910-LREU- ,006 .025 0 4i.0 0 1J.0 � � VIfI 5+160-LREV- � TO 5+220-LREV- .002 .045 0 0 0 0 ; . i[X 5+680-LREV- 0 0 ,012 0 0 9.0 � ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ � TOTALS Ofil ,251 .011 1282.0 695.0 132.5 NOTE; ALL SITES ARE AdOVE HEADWATERS EXCEPT FOR SITE IX �• . 100.0 T3.0 60.5 56.0 0 18.0 1S6.S0 \ . C . 1�!:-Pa}h'!'�1L•'�"1' 01�� 1'I;.;:;SP�;,T:1TIG(�S DI','I51:0\ OP H.'•.GHId:\1`S `tc?)OIdELL CCU�'1'1' 8. T'8 i 1101 P-2�9Ci.� i-•`S `L?1 FRO?! \!' ?�U �1�1 \Ok:?'j� OF Sii 1�6ci � sF;� �-; 3v n�_; � , I_. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Ja mes & Hunt, Jr., G ove mor � Jonathan B� Howes� Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director. MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee /•• � �EHN� September 26, 1996 ; , From: Eric Galamb� ; Subject: FONSI for US 221 from NC 226 to SR 1573 McDowell County State Project DOT No. 8.T871101, TI P#R-2596A EHNR # 97-0140 � The subject document has been reviewed by this office. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is responsible for the issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities which impact waters of the state including wetlands. The document states that 0.53 acres of waters including wetlands will be impacted: DOT is reminded that endorsement of a FONSI by DWQ would ,not preclude the denial of a 401 Certification upon application if wetland impacts have not been avoided and minim'ized . to the rnaximum extent practicable. , � ; Questions regarding the 401 Certification should be directed to Eric Galamb (733- 1786) in DWQ's Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch. cc: Michelle Suverkrubbe � us221.fon ; � , ; ; ;. . � ;). s�p2�1996� Environmental Sciences Branch • 4401 Reedy Creek Road • Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919-733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunity �rmative Action Empbyer 509'a recyCled/10�e post consumer paper 0 ., I ;j �> Department of Environment, liealth, and Natural Resour�es = Ofiice of Legislative and Iniergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number. County: � - I� l �� l/�.��(. �d1�5� � �S 2?il This project is being reviewed as indicated below: Date: ❑ Project located in 7th floor library Oate Response Due (firm deadline): 9 � ��l �� Regional OtficelPhone Regional Office Area In-House Review ❑ Asheville ❑ All R/O Areas ❑ Soil and Water ❑ Marine Fisheries ❑ Fayetteville ❑ Air ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Water Planning ❑ Water ❑ Water Resources ❑ Environmental Health ❑ Mooresville ❑Groundwater �Wildlife ❑Solid Waste Management ❑ Raleigh ❑ Land Quality Engineer �Forest Fiesources ❑ Radiation Protection ❑ Washington ❑ Recreational Consultant ❑ Land Resources ❑ David Foster ❑ Coastal Management Consultant �Parks and Recreation ❑ Other (specify) ❑ Wilmington ❑ Others �i Environmental Management ❑ Winston-Salem pWg Monica Swihart i Manager Sign•Off/Region: Date: In-House Reviewer/Agency: Response (check all applicable) Regional Office response to be compiled and completed by Regional Manager ❑ No objection to project as proposed ' � No Comment ❑ Insufficient information to complete review ❑ Approve ❑ Permit(s) needed (permit files have been checked) ❑ Recommended for further development with recommendations for strengthening (comments attached) ❑ Recommended for further development if specific 8 substantive changes incorporated by funding agency (comments attached/authority(ies) cited) RETURN T0: Melba McGee �s.,o� In-House Reviewer complete individual response: u Not recommended for further development for reasons stated in attached comments (authority(ies) cited) ❑ Appiicant has been contacted ❑Applicant has not been contacted ❑ Project Controversial (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement needed (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement not needed ❑ Full EIS must be required under the provisions of NEPA and SEPA t_� Other (specify and attach comments) � Ofiice of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs .. ;� US 221 From NC 226 to North of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) McDowell County Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) State Project No. 8.T871101 R-2596A ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IlVIPACT U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and N. C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways Submitted Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C) �-- - � � � . - ' �9� . ranklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch d ��� � Date �1ich �s L. Graf, P. E. � �ivision Administrator, FHWA � US 221 From NC 226 to North of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) McDowell County Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) State Project No. 8.T871101 R-2596A ADNIlNISTRATIVE ACTION FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IlVIPACT Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch by: Ma k L. ep, P. E. Project Plamung Engineer ,e���H�ollfll►�� .. Q,.•• �� CARp� ''•.. &a 0. o,e.....o� �j�,�°sa ea �'�sO�ES��QA<'.� �°e � a �P ° � G� � ' °s 7/2G/�'� ;E � 1 g8A g � � � . e . s � °a� � � s �T pQ �� �c ,�,� � �E� �� � o,. �fe' .�r,�• eoe��e���✓�+'�q.'�a t�` �r/� L (�. seF �,,����Illll�t\��, • Linwood Stone, CPM Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SPECIAL PROJECT COMMITMENTS A. �Stream-chyrel.o:cation will_be-required-alorig-H�ickor-y Botbom-Br-anch, Conley Branch, and its tributary (refer to Section VII.G for further discussion). The relocated channel will be designed according to the NC Wildlife Resources Commission '�Guidel�ines-for-Mountain-Stream Relocation in_N.or.th Carolina:i Strict adherence to Best 1Vlariagement-Practices and�Sedimentation Control�g idelines-for-High_Q.uality� ,vVaters will-he-imnYernerited alon� Hickorv Bottom_Branch�(refer to discussion in Secti IV.D.2.c B. All waters=within=NlcDowel�l�Gounty are Mountain Trout Waters as designated by the �U:S. Army Corps of Enginee s�`�jThis designation requires that applicants obtain a letter of c.ornment:and-recommenda"tion'from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and a letter of concurrence from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers before discharging any dredged or fill material into waters of the United States that occur within any of the 25 designated counties. The letter of comment and recommendation from the NCWRC will be obtained during the permit application process (refer to Section II.A for further discussion). The proposed culverts will be designed in coordination with the NCWRC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. C. No instream construction activities will be performed during the trout spawning period of November 1 to April 15 to protect the egg and fry stages from sedimentation (refer to discussion in Section IV.D.2.c of the EA). D. Special attention will be given to installing and maintaining the appropriate erosion control and sedimentation control devices. During construction, the following measures will be implemented to minimize disturbance to existing trout streams (refer to discussion in Section IV.D.2.c of the EA): Any material excavated for footings in or near water will be removed from the immediate vicinity to prevent it from eroding back into the water. 2. All runoff crossing the construction azea will be directed to temporary silt basins via lateral ditches with rock check dams to slow and filter the runoff prior to discharging into the river. 3. Approach roadway fill slopes shall be provided at the toe of the fill. Berms along the top of the fill slope will be used to convey runoff laterally to temporary slope drains, which empty into temporary sediment basins. E. NCDOT is examining appropriate measures to allow black bears and other wildlife to safely cross the project. (refer to discussion in Section V.B of this document). These design measures are being coordinated with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. If determined to be feasible, wildlife crossing measures will be incorporated into the final design of the project. . TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECONIlvIENDED ACTION ................................. 1 II. ACTIONS REQUIRED BY OTHER AGENCIES ......................................... 1 A. Permits Required ................................................................................. 1 B. Stream Rechannelization ..................................................................... 2 III. NEED FOR ACTION .................................................................................... 2 IV. CIRCULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ........................... 2 V. CONIMENTS RECEIVED ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .......... 3 � A. Environmental Protection Agency ...................................................... B. N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission ................................................. C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources - Division of Environmental Management ............................................. COIVIlVIENTS RECEIVED DURING AND SUBSEQUENT TO TI� PUBLICHEARING ................................................................................... VII. REVISIONS TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ...................... A. Cost Estimates .................................................................................... B. Cross Sections .................................................................................... C. Median Openings ................................................................................ D. Retaining Wall .................................................................................... E. Drainage Structures ............................................................................. F. Relocation Impacts .............................................................................. G. Archaeological Resources ................................................................... H. Stream Rechannelization ..................................................................... I. Wetland Findings ...........................................................:.................... J. Hazardous Materials ........................................................................... VIII. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGIVIFICANT IMPACT .............................. Fi�ures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Vicinity Map Proposed Typical Sections Proposed Median Openings Proposed Stream Rechannelization and Wetland Impacts Apnendix Appendix A - Agency Comments Appendix B- Relocation Assistance Report 3 5 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 US 221 From NC 226 to North of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road} McDowell County Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) State Project No. 8.T871101 R-2596A � I. DESCRIPTION OF RECONIlVIENDED ACTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen US 221 in McDowell County from NC 226 near Woodlawn to just north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) near North Cove. The project calls for upgrading the e�stmg two-lane roadway to a multilane facility, a length of approximately 5.7 kilometers (3.6 miles) involving some new alignment to straighten the roadway curvature (refer to Figure 1 for project location). �Fiv_e=lane-and-four=lane-divided_t.y.pic la sections are recommended along the project. A five-lane shoulder section is proposed from NC 226 to 0.4 kilometer (0.2 mile) north of SR 1562 (Johnson Hollow Road). A four-lane divided section with a 14-meter (46-foot) median is proposed from 0.4 kilometer (0.2 mile) north of SR 1562 to 0.7 kilometer (0.4 mile) north of SR 1556 (Amencan Thread Road). A four- lane divided section with a 9-meter (30-foot) median is proposed from 0.7 kilometer (0.4 mile) north of SR 1556 to 0.7 kilometer (0.4 mile) north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) (refer to recommended typical sections in Figure 2). The project is included in the 1997-2003 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The estimated project cost in the TIP is $ 17,620,000, which includes $2,220,000 for nght of way and $15,400,000 for construction. The current estimated cost is $14,920,000, which includes $2,220,000 for right of way and $12,700,000 for construction. The project is scheduled for right of way acquisition and construction in fiscal years 1997 and 1998, respectively. II. ACTIONS REQUIRED BY OTHER AGENCIES A. Permits Required In accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344), a permit will be required from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the United States". Based upon site location and estimated acreage involved, it is anticipated that impacts will be authorized by Nationwide Permit 33 CFR 330.5 (a) (-�)�This permit generally authorizes discharges of dredge or fill material in wetlands located above the headwaters [flow less than 1.5 cubic meters (5 cubic feet) per second] of non-tidal rivers, streams and their lakes and impoundments including adjacent wetlands. All waters within McDowell County are Mountain Trout Waters as designated by the Corps of Engineers. This designation requires that applicants obtain a letter of comment and recommendation from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) and a letter of concurrence from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers before discharging any dredged or fill material into waters of the United States that occur within any of the 25 designated counttes. The EA stated (Page 25) that the comment letter from NCWRC would be obtained pnor to completing the final document. However, in coordination with the NCWRC, it was determined that this letter is usually prepared prior to permit authorization. For this reason, the letter of comment and recommendation will be obta�ned during the permit application process. The proposed culverts will be designed in coordination with the NCWRC and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. -�A 40�1:-Wat re Quality Certification (WQC) administered through the N.C. Department of Environme Health and Natural Resources will be required. This certificate is issued for any activity which may result in a discharge into waters for which a federal permit is required. WQC number 2671 is anticipated for discharge into headwaters and isolated waters. B. Stream Rechannelization -�trib�ary�(refer to Section VII.G for further-discu'ssion). These stream relocations will be minimized and ' des�gned according to the NCWRC "Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocation in North Carolina." NCDOT will coordinate these stream relocation activities with the NCWRC and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 USC 661 et seq.). III. NEED FOR ACTION The project is located along the US 221 / NC 105 segment of the National Highway System that provides access between the foothills of the state and the northwest mountains. The subject portion of US 221 is characterized by a narrow, sinuous alignment with poor sight distance, few passing zones, and a low design speed. Tfiis_tw, o-lane facility-currentl.y_oper.ates-at level�of ser_vice E(LQS-E) and has an accident rate that is above the statewide avera�e-for-stmilar�facilities. To increase the traf�ic flow and safety along this section of roadway, multilane improvements are needed. The project will straighten the sinuous alignment to increase the sight distance and design speed. The straightened alignment and wider travel lanes will also reduce the potential for vehicles to run off the road. The additional travel lanes will improve the traffic carrying capacity of the roadway and provide an acceptable level of service through the design year. The subject project will complete a continuous multilane facility between Marion and North Cove for improved travel and safety. IV. CIRCULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT -. . . . . ., f; . . ; �... : ' ' _ .. . .. '. '�:: . -. . ...t.., �� ... ' '.�ji��:. ..� . . , ' .. ... - ... ._ � �?� . . _ ; The environmental assessment was circulated among the�following federal, state; and local agencies. Written comments were received from agencies noted with an asterisk (*). , *Army Corps of Engineers LT. S. Fish and Wildlife Service U. S. Forestry Service *Environmental Protection Agency Region C& D Planning Agencies * State Clearinghouse Department of Cultural Resources .... *Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Department of Human Resources *Department of Public Instruction *N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission McDowell County Commissioners These comments and issues, included in Appendix A, have been addressed in this document. V. COMIVIENTS RECEIVED ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A. Environmental Protection Agency Comment: Segmentation of Parts B and C from Part A could limit alternatives for Parts B and C. Additionally, some evaluation of the anticipated impacts on Parts B and C should be conducted to get an idea of the cumulative impacts with the entire project. Response: The subject project (Part A) has independent utility from Parts B and C. Part A is the most heavily traveled portion of the R-2596 corridor. Just north of Part A, as shown on Figure 5 of the EA, the traffic volumes decrease by 45 percent since much of the traffic is generated by the Ba�er Healthcare plant along SR 1573. For these reasons the project provides logical termini. The project limits are of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope without restrictmg the consideration of alternatives for parts B and C. Comment: Of the alternatives evaluated in the vicinity of Hickory Bottom Branch, EPA prefers Alternative 1 since it requires less stream rechannelization (600 feet) than Alternative 2(1375 feet) or Alternative 3 (1825 feet). Res�onse: The EA (Page 25) stated that Alternative 2 will impact two portions of Hickory Bottom Branch requiring a total of 775 feet of stream rechannelization, not 1375 feet. Although this alternative does require more stream rechannelization, the affected stream segment has already been disturbed. The recommended alignment will minimize utility conflicts with a telephone switching st! ation. Based on more _.._. _.,. . �.--------- -, - •- ---- -----------------�-----,------ --- - --- 'for further-discussion of the_pr.oposed-stream-rechannelizatior�}. Comment: The final document should verify whether the environmental impacts are for the preferred alternative or all alternatives. Response: The environmental impacts presented in the EA are for the .recommended-alternati�e_(Alternative,� f2�? Comment: The final document should address whether a carbon monoxide (CO) problem is anticipated at stop-sign controlled intersections and what measures are proposed to reduce queuing. 4 Response: Based on NCDOT's past experience with projects in attainment and non-attainment areas, CO levels at stop-sign controlled intersections have not been found to exceed the ma�cimum NAAQS levels. For this reason, the FHWA does not require air-quality analyses at intersections. Comment: EPA encourages compensation for wetland losses under any wetland permit and has requested such mitigation for Nationwide Permits in the past. Wetland mitigation should consider any additional wetlands that could be cumulatively lost In Parts B and C. Response: The EPA's recommendations concerning wetland mitigation have been noted. Applicable permits will be obtained from the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to the project's construction. Comment: Since all waters in McDowell County are designated as Mountain Trout Waters, EPA recommends that such crossings be feasibly avoided and that strict Best Management Practices for erosion control be implemented where unavoidable. Stream relocations should be designed using the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission [NCWRC] guidelines. In addition, the stream relocations should be coordinated with the NCWRC and the U:S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Res�onse: impacts have been minimized to the extent practicable: D and stringent sedimentation and erosion control measures and erosion in the area of these streams. id'ing retaining wall"s. Unavoidable stream construction, Best Management Practices �e implemented to control sedimentation Stream relocations will be designed using the NCWRC "Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocation in North Carolina." Prior to obtaining the required permits, concurrence from the NCWRC will be required. During the permit application process, NCDOT will consult with a NCWRC fisheries biologist in the area regarding the channel changes. Comment: EPA believes that all noise increases are impacts and that increases of 10 dB or more are substantive impacts. This differs from FHWA guidelines. Also, the EPA believes that individuals tend to "tolerate", not "accept" the noises which intrude into their lives. Mitigation should also be considered for the eight residences with predicted noise levels approaching or exceeding 67 dB. Response: The project will be designed and constructed according to FHWA noise abatement guidelines contained in Part 772 of Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations. NCDOT, in consultation with the FHWA, has considered all prudent mitigation measures for the impacted areas. The statement suggesting that individuals tend to "tolerate" intruding noises has been noted. �- , . Comment: The final document should clarify if the project will in any way disproportionately af%ct minorities or low income groups. � Response: The project relocates two residences and two businesses between SR 1564 (Martin Branch Road) and SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road). The residential relocatees are non-minority, moderate income families with estimated annual incomes ranging from $15,000 to $35,000 (refer to Relocation Report in Appendix B and discussion in Section VII:F). North of SR 1556 (American Thread Road), the project widens the existing roadway on the east side, away from a mobile home park containing 17 residences. However, the proposed right of way impacts the park's septic fields located on the east side of US 221. During the right of way acquisition stage of the project, this property will be reviewed in detail to determine if the septic fields can be moved to another part of the property so the mobile homes may remain. If adequate septic facilities cannot be constructed at another location on the existing property, the residents will be relocated. All but one of these residents are moderate-income families with estimated annual incomes ranging from $15,000 to over $50,000. One is a low-income family with an estimated annual income less than $15,000. None are minorities. Based upon this information, it can be concluded that no minority or low income group will be disproportionately affected by the project. Comment: NCDOT proposes to relocate Cove Antiques; a business with potential underground storage tanks (UST's) to exist on the property. If UST's are relocated, coordination should occur with the N.C. Division of Environmental Management with EPA oversight. Res.ponse: Based upon an investigation of the Cove Antiques property, no UST's will be relocated from this property (refer to discussion in Section VII.I). Comment: We recommend continued coordination with the SHPO regarding archaeological resources. Should any new sites be unearthed during construction, the SHPO should be contacted and , at the discretion of the SHPO, construction stopped until further notified by the SHPO. Response: The project will be completed in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations regarding cultural resources. B. N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Comment: The presence of culverts along the roadway does not automatically mean that black bears and other mammals will use them to get to the other side of the road. NCDOT should examine the feasibility 6 of including measures that would increase the probability of animals using the culverts, such as installing oversized culverts or providing fencing to help lead an animal to the culvert. Response: NCDOT is examining appropriate measures to allow black bears and other wildlife to safely cross the project. Fencing is not a desirable option for guiding these animals toward crossing locations because of the numerous openings required at driveways and intersecting roads. However, oversized stream crossing culverts or a new wildlife crossing culvert may be feasible in areas where animals are likely to cross the road. These design measures are being coordinated with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. If determined to be feasible, wildlife crossing measures will be incorporated into the final design of the project. C. Department of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources - Division of Environmental Mana�ement Comment: The relocated channel along Hickory Bottom Branch should use as much of the abandoned stream bed as possible. Res�onse: The relocated channel will connect with the meandering portion of abandoned stream along the east side of the roadway. This abandoned channel can be incorporated into the new channel without excavating the old stream bed (refer to discussion in Section VII.H). Comment: The NCDOT should ensure that enough right of way is acquired along Hickory Bottom Branch to meander the relocated stream channel. Response: . . :, ...... .. , _ ..., . ,__._ . The proposed right of way along the east side of the roadway will allow sufficient room to meander the relocated stream channel (refer also to discussion in Section VII.H). VI. COMI��NTS RECEIVED DURING AND SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLIC HEARING On 2/29/96, a public hearing for the subject project was held in the North Cove Elementary School Auditorium. Approximately 75 people attended the hearing including representatives from the McDowell and Avery County governments, the North Carolina State Legislature, and NCDOT. In general, the project is supported by the local officials and citizens. Comments at the hearing focused on the following issues: Comment: Many public hearing participants requested that the project be extended further north to SR 1569 (North Cove School Road), providing a more useful multilane segment. This extension would improve access for North Cove Elementary School traffic and would straighten the sinuous alignment between SR 1573 and SR 1569. � Response: An e�ension to SR 1573 was considered, but not recommended for the current project. The SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) project limits provide a logical terminus for the project since the traffic volumes substantially decrease just north of this intersection. Extending the project limits to SR 1569 may restrict alternatives that avoid Section 4(� or other environmental resources located along Parts B and C. For these reasons, the alignment between SR 1573 and SR 1569 will be evaluated in the future along with Parts B and C of the R-2596 project. Comment: Hearing participants expressed opposition to the concrete median barrier that would restrict access to SR 1562 (Johnson Hollow Road). Many believed restricted access at this location would inconvenience residential, business, and school bus traffic on SR 1562 as well as present safety problems at median openings where U-turns are made. In addition, property owners requested that a five-lane section be provided in this location for desirable access to the adjacent properties. Response: Based upon the area residents' need for unrestricted access to SR 1562, the four-lane median barrier section was eliminated (refer to discussion in Section VI). To accommodate turning traffic at this intersection, the five-lane shoulder section will extend from NC 226 to 0.4 kilometer (0.2 mile) north of SR 1562. Comment: Citizens also requested that the proposed grassed median be replaced with a narrower raised median or center turn lane. A narrower median would reduce property damages, particularly in areas requiring excessive excavation near the northern end of the project. Res�onse: A narrower median-and-center-tur-n-lane-were-considered=but_not_r.ecommend_ ed.-�The proposed 9- meter (30-foot) grass median provides a safer typical section or higher travel speeds. In addition, the scattered rural development does not warrant a center turn lane to access adjacent developments. Comment: Hearing participants indicated that improvements would be needed along the proposed SR 1556/ SR 1558 detour route to accommodate heavy trucks. Approximately 100 tractor trailer trucks access the Baxter Plant each day. Existing sight distance and lateral clearance limitations will prevent these heavy vehicles from staying inside their travel lane along the detour route. Response: The SR 1556/ SR 1558 detour route identified in the EA may be used for short periods of time during the construction of the southern part of the project, if necessary. During the development of the traffic control plans, NCDOT's Traffic Engineering Branch will determine if traffic can be maintained along the existing roadway in this area during construction. _ Comment: Citizens also requested that improvements be rnade to widen the SR 1573 entrance to the B�ter Plant. The e�sting bridge over the North Fork Catawba River is old and narrow. The hearing participants believed that the bridge should be replaced with a wider structure to efficiently accommodate the 2500 Baa{ter employees and 100 tractor trailer trips each day. Response: The existing three-lane bridge on SR 1573 has a sufficiency rating of 71 and many years of remaining life. The bridge width is adequate to accommodate the Baxter Plant traffic. The proposed improvements will increase the turning radius at the bridge to reduce the accident potential for turning vehicles. The estimated cost for replacing this structure is $450,000. For these reasons, NCDOT recommends retaining the existing bridge. , :..; ;;... , , .;,. � . . . VII. . REVISIONS TO THE ENVIRQNMENTAL ASSESSIVIENT,,. ,.,. , : , A. Cost Estimates ,: � , _ Currently, the project is estimated to cost $14,920,000, including $2,220,000 for right of way acquisition and $12,700,000 for construction. � �' ' B. Cross Sections �•: : � Since the EA was approved, some changes have been made to�the recoriimended typicaT sections. Based upon comments received at the public hearing, the four-lane median barrier secfion`was eliminated since it did not allow direct access for SR 1562 (Johnson Hollow Road) for left turning traffic (refer to discussion in Section VI). To accommodate turning traffic at this intersection, the five-lane shoulder section will extend from NC 226 to 0.4 kilometer (0.2 mile) north of SR 1562. To reduce excavation in areas of steep terrain along the proposed four-lane grass median section, the median width has decreased from 14 meters (46 feet) to 9 meters (30 feet). A four-lane divided section with a 14- meter (46-foot) median is proposed from 0.4 kilometer (0.2 mile) north of SR 1562 to 0.7 kilometer (0.4 mile) north of SR 1556 (American Thread Road). A four-lane divided section with a 9-meter (30-foot) median is proposed from 0.7 kilometer (0.4 mile) north of SR 1556 to 0.7 kilometer (0.4 mile) north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) (refer to recommended typical sections in Figure 2). C. Median Openin� Median openings along the four-lane divided portions of the project are proposed at the following locations (refer to Figure 3): l. SR 1556 (American Thread Road) 2. 0.4 kilometer (0.3 mile) north of SR 1556 3 0.9 kilometer (0.6 mile) north of SR 1556 4. SR 1564 (Martin Branch Road) 5. SR 1566 (Peppers Creek Road)/ SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) 6. 0.3 kilometer (0.2 mile) north of SR 1566/ SR 1573 A median left turn lanes will be provided at each of these median crossover locations to safely accommodate left-turning and U-turning traffic. D. Retainin� A 70-meter (230-foot) long retaining wall will be constructed along the east side of the roadway approximately 0.6 kilometer (0.4 mile) south of SR 1564 (Martin Branch Road). tTliis retaini�ng-wall is ,proposed-to avoid relocating-a-portion-of-a-tributary�to North Fork Catawb`a River� 9 E. Draina�e Structures Based upon more definitive design information, the following stream crossing structures have been revised: Crossing #3 Conley Branch - Replace the existing reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) with a two-barrel, 1.8-meter by 2.1-meter (6-foot by 7-foot) RCBC. Crossing #4 Martin Branch - Extend the existing single-barrel 1.8-meter by 1.8-meter (6-foot by 6-foot) RCBC. The la ignment for the proposed five-lane shoulder section is located in a valley between a mountain on the west side and the stream on the east. The toe of the proposed roadway fill slope will be located adjacent to Hickory Bottom Branch. Catch-basins_wo.uld=not'be effective-i�n containing-all-the-runoff from�a-hazardous spi£l•l. The portion of runoff from a hazardous spill that is directed toward the west side of the roadway could be routed to catch basins. However, the runoff that is directed toward the east side of the roadway would flow down the shoulder and fill slope into the adjacent stream and cannot be routed to a basin. �B'ec sua e hazardous-spi�l�l-catch . . ,_•_ __ _ - -,_. , _«,�-�' - r'��- - --_ _rr-r__� .. ,.�:i�t-at_-�,.,,-t�,...;...,.-.,�o-..�,+-, F. Relocation Impacts The EA (page 13) stated that the project would relocate five residences and two businesses. However, current design information indicates that two residences and two businesses will be displaced by the project (refer to Appendix B for a revised relocation report). The residential relocatees are non- minority, moderate income families with estimated annual incomes ranging from $15,000 to $35,000. An additional 17 residences in a mobile home park located near SR 1556 (American Thread Road) may also be relocated. The proposed right of way impacts the park's septic fields located on the east side of US 221. During the right of way acquisition stage of the project, this property will be reviewed in detail to determine if the septic fields can be moved to another part of the property so the mobile homes may remain. If adequate septic facilities cannot be constructed at another location on the existing property, the residents will be relocated. All but one of these residents are moderate-income families with estimated annual incomes ranging from $15,000 to over $50,000. One is a low-income family with an estimated annual income less than $15,000. None are minorities. - No minority or low income group will be disproportionately affected by the project. Adequate residential and commercial properties are anticipated to be available at the time the residences and businesses must relocate. NCDOT will ensure that comparable replacement housing has been offered or provided to each relocatee prior to displacement. Last resort housing will be used, if necessary, for some of the displaced families who cannot afford to relocate to comparable housing available in the area. G. Archaeological Resources The EA recommended that further archaeological testing be conducted at sites 31MC197 and 31 MC 199. A follow-up archaeological study was conducted at these sites and along several other portions of the project to determine if the proposed alignment would impact significant archaeological remains. The study resulted in additional documentation of one recorded site (31 MC205) and documentation of a previously unrecorded site (31 MC226). Neither was determined to be significant. The study also determined that the project is not likely to disturb uninvestigated portions of sites 31MC197 and 311VIC199 which were previouslyrecommended for testing. Sigmficant archaeological resources will not be disturbed by the proposed improvements. No further archaeological investigations 10 resources will not be disturbed by the proposed improvements. No further archaeological investigations are recommended, and the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) concurs with this recommendation (refer to the Appendix for correspondence). H. Stream Rechannelization The EA (page 25) stated that 775 feet of stream rechannelization would be reyuired along Hickory Bottom Branch. However, based upon more definitive design information, an additional 205 meters (665 feet) of rechannelization is needed along Hickory Bottom Branch, a tributary of Conley Branch, and Conley Branch, resulting in�a-total of 44�_ 0 meters-(1�440-feet)-of-relocated stream channel (refer to Figure 4 for proposed stream recliannelization locations). A total of 290 meters (945 feet) of rechannelization is proposed along Hickory Bottom Branch. The longest relocated portion of this stream will connect with a short meandering segment of abandoned channel east of the existing roadway. This abandoned channel can be incorporated into the new stream channel without excavating along the abandoned stream bed. Rechannelization is also needed near the SR 1562 intersection to join existing Hickory Bottom Branch with the proposed roadway culvert. Near SR 1556, the project crosses the tributary to Conley Branch at sharp angle, resulting in unavoidable impacts to the stream channel. Approximately 85 meters (280 feet) of rechannelization is proposed at this location. Just north of SR 1556, the proposed alignment also crosses Conley Branch at a sharp angle, resulting unavoidable stream impacts. Approximately 65 meters (215 feet) of rechannelization is needed along this stream. The proposed alignment has been selected to avoid streams, where possible, and to minimize rechannelization to unavoidable streams (refer to Section VII.I for a discussion of attempts to minimize unavoidable impacts these streams and.associated wetlands)�The,new_ str.eam-eha lenn s=wi1l-be-de`signed =according_to_the_1V.CWRC"Guid inel es-for-Mountain-Stream Relocation-in Nor-th-Garolina'-=-and will-be similax-to_the_original channel_in width; depth,_gradient, and_substiate:� The establishment of bank vegetation via a planting regime is required 1Vleanders_and�habitat_structur.es-(r.00t-wads,-win� g� defleetors,—etc:)-will-app�ro�mate-the_o ginal-st er a. In accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordinafiori Act,—as a nded (16 USC 661 et seq.), �the. NCDOT will-coordinate these activities with the �NCVIWRC _and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I. Wetland Findin�s Executive Order 11990 requires appropriate documentation to show that there is no practicable a.lternative to the proposed construction and that the proposed action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to �unsdictional wetlands. Jurisdictional wetlands, as defined by 33 CFR 328.3, are those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated conditions. j�sdictio^r wetland is es_were_identified These are associated with Hickory Bottom Branch (sites 1-3), a tnb`utary to Conley Branch (sites 5-7), Martin Branch (sites 8 and 9), and the North Fork Catawba� River (site 10). (refer to Figure 4 for location of wetlands). A summary of wetland impacts associated with each site is provided in Table 1 below. Wetland � � Site 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Table 1 SLTMMARY OF WETLAND IMPACTS Stream Association Hickory Bottom^Branch Hickory Bottom Branch Hickory Bottom Branch Tributary to Conley Branch Conley Branch Conley Branch Conley Branch Martin Branch Martin Branch North Fork Catawba River Tota1 Impacts with hectares (acres) . Anticipated Impacts 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.02) 0.01 (0.01) 0.04 (0.11) 0.02 (0.06) 0.05 (0.13) 0.02 (0.04) 0.02 (0.05) 0.01 (0.03) 0.03 (0.06) 0.22 (�0..53 Bottom Branch, are adjacent to the �""D ' _�_'' �J �,__�-- � sites_cannot=be_avoided? �S'ite_4;_associated with a tributary to Conley Branch, is located on the east side between existing US 221 and SR 1556 and=is=also unauoidable. The proposed alignment has been located in this area to reduce extensive excavation into th se eep-terrain along the west side of the roadway. Sites� 5.,=6; and-7,—associat= ith=Conley Branch,fiaxe located on the east side between the existing roadway and a parallel tributary. These sites-are-also-unavoidable because_the=project�would-relocate_1�2-additional mobile-horries and_a-single-family-r.esidence from-the-west side-of-the-roadway. Sites 8, 9, and 10, associated wi h Martin Branch and the North Fork Catawba River, are located near SR 1564. These sites are unavoidable because the alignment has been selected to avoid rechannelizing the parallel North Fork Catawba River. -Impacts-to-these wetlands-have-been.minimized-by-inclading_maximum-allowable-side, . ' _. .. _ ._. -_ . . , _. : - .. r . t_ _ _ _ = �-__"__'_L ___ Impacts to wetlands have been minimized to the extent practicable. During construction, NCDOT will implement stringent erosion and sedimentation control measures along with Best Management Practices to control sedimentation in adjacent wetlands and to ensure that the amount of impacted wetlands will be minimized. Based on the above considerations, there is no practicable alternative to the proposed construction in wetlands, and the proposed action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to these resources. J. Hazardous Materials A site investigation was conducted at The Cove Antiques property to deternune if underground storage tanks (UST's) or soil contamination exist on the property. No tanks were located on the site. An analysis of samples taken from the former tank bed areas revealed no contamination in the soil from total petroleum hydrocarbons. However, the test results showed the presence of 75 percent weathered gasoline in the soil. Weathered gasoline is not currently regulated by the Division of Environmental Management (DEM), but its presence may indicate a histonc release of gasoline and the potential for groundwater contamination. If determined necessary, the DEM may require the property owner to test the groundwater and remediate contamination. 12 VIII. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIPICANT IlVIPACT Based upon a study of the proposed project documented in the Environmental Assessment, and upon comments received from federal, state, and local agencies and the public, it is the finding of the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration that this project will not have a significant adverse impact upon the human or natural environment. Therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be required. MLR/plr ' " �C" o _ � `\ � McKINNEY,� � , '�' `` GAP , � - `� :Y„ • O p � �,� +,„,,.._ f JACKSON KNOB � - � • � - f �`` Ashford �..'; II� � � 2.6 - � ELEV. 3223 2 � : 1570 8 b a � . 1560 V � O � �� �� cv P� � v � : : 1567 RP��a� 221 a � . h --- - O � �` --- 1572 �`�\' � f- 1568 .� GILLESPIE 226 ,�:`: �'�. PROJECT : �5� ��,' � GAP ? '��"�� LIMITS p i o�o - /�.;�• 1578 1. .�:• �8 . . . : .� y , _�' ' ... � ��::�::::: ::: :: ::','•.'::� . ..•:::'::: • � o •::;::�.4 ...�FAS � 1566 h� :: A6 � .1 ;1 �p`•'�� 226 � 1569 ��R 1560 � �� � ^�� 1573 � . ��Q � 56a � '� � North Cove �y b � Pitts a �: , J � �: - ooa A • h � � 1563 1560 � b .4 .2 ..- �qs FAS h .�• � 6 0' , .S 9A �. 221 ���- DOBSON KNOB 226 � a56 Creek 226 �' -y;* :; A ,.•� � Sevier � � `�� , PROJECT ^ ��,/�� POND `. 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'•� 2 � 4 -- _::� � r--_: N \ P ��'I���I;� � , _ ,�� �, - � s . ���All\1�\P' • • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF'ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAFOLINA 28402-1890 Special Studies and Flood Plain Services Section July 10, 1995 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch North Carolina Division of Highways Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-520] Dear Mr. Vick: � E ! �� � F�, � 'JUL � 2 �yy� 1, DtVISICN OF C,�� �;IGNWAYS � �N��RON�� ``,.r.:i ��ri,i: `` •�� '����� � n `` ; �� ,� r• � � - '`r n;"- ' ° e `,< J/ = `,.- ��"',��<.������` � This is in response to your let�al Assessment fo95USr221eSFrom NCr226 to comments on the "Federal Environmen McDowell County, State Project No. north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road), R_2596A" (Regulatory Branch 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), Action I.D. No. 199303231). mments involve impacts to flood plains and jurisdictional resources, Our co Cor s of Engineers' projects. which include waters, wetlands, and U.S. Army P Corps-constructed flood The proposed roadway improvements would not cross any control or navigation project. Enclosed are our comments on the other issues. a reciate the opportunity to comment on this project. If we can be of We pp further assistance, please contact us. Enclosure Sincerely, t� � ��- ���� `� William R. Dawson, P.E. Chief, Engineering and Planning Division Printed on � R�J�� Paper July 10, 1995 Page 1 of 1 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, WILMINGTON DISTRICT, COMMENTS ON: "Federal Environmental Assessment for US 221, From NC 226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road), McDowell County, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), R-2596A" (Regulatory Branch Action I.D. No. 199303231) 1. �LQOJ ?�A:�V�: F0� - Scb`uy L. W�iiis, Sp��iai JLUU-ICJ dnd riuud "riain Services Section, at (910) 251-4728 We commented on the entire length of proposed US 221 improvements, identified as R-2596, by letter dated September 30, 1993. From a review of Panel 40 of the July 1988 McDowell County Flood Insurance Rate Map, this segment of the roadway appears to be within the flood plain of Armstrong Creek and may impact the flood plain of the North Fork Catawba River. Both of these are detail streams with 100-year flood elevations determined but no floodway defined. In addition, the road appears to cross the approximate study streams of Conly Branch, Martin Branch, and Pepper Creek. However, from a review of the flood hazard evaluation given on page 27 of the Environmental Assessment, it appears that the flood plain issues are adequately addressed. 2. WATERS AND WETLANDS: POC - Mr. Steve Chapin, Asheville Field Office, Regulatory Branch, at (704) 271-4014 Our comments on waters and wetlands were also given in our September 30, 1993 letter to vour office. We have no further comments at this time. Any questions related to Department of the Army permits for this project should be addressed to Mr. Chapin. J��tED STql�S � A y� ��Z = W � Z C ; til tit� 4� PRO�EG 4PM/EPS/cmh UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 4 345 COURTLAND STREET, N.E. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30365 July 6, 1995 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch N.C. Division of Highways P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 SUBJ: Federal Environmental Assessment for US 221, From 226 to North of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road), McDowell County, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), R-2596A Dear Mr. Vick: Pursuant to Section 309 of the of the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the subject Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed 3.8-mile improvement of US 221 in McDowell County. We offer the following comments: � ■ Seamentation - We note (pg. 1) that Project R-2596 consists of three parts (A, B, C) but that only Part A is evaluated in the EA. Parts B and C are scheduled for improvement after the year 2001. Given that improvements to Parts B and C are planned in the foreseeable future, some evaluation of impacts that can be expected to be associated with improvements to Parts B and C should be assessed to determine some sense of the cumulative impacts of the entire proposed project. As such, the final version of the present EA should reasonably document for Parts B and C any wetland acreages potentially filled, listed historical resources, trout streams potentially crossed, iandfills or hazardous waste sites potentially crossed or disturbed, non- attainment areas, etc. Without such an evaluation of impacts for the total alignment, it is unclear if an EA or potentially an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is appropriate. It should also be noted that segmentation of Parts B and C from Part A could limit alternatives for Parts B and C. If Part A is implemented as proposed, its construction could limit the range of alternatives available for Parts B and C. Conversely, review of the project as a whole could leave various options available. ■ Alternatives•- EPA appreciates that more than one alternative was reviewed in the EA. Page 10 indicates that three improvement options were considered. Based on the alternatives presented in the EA and the amount of stream rechannelization predicted for 2 each, EPA prefers Alternative 1(600 ft) as opposed to Alterna- tive 2(1375 ft) or Alternative 3(1825 ft). We note that the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT} prefers Alternative 2 due to minimized utility conflicts and associated reduced costs. While EPA can appreciate such benefits, they should not come at the cost of the environment, i.e., the amount of stream relocation for Alternative 2 is over twice that of Alternative 1. This is particularly true since most of the impacted streams are designated trout streams (pg. 3). ■ Environmental Impacts - Project environmental impacts are discussed in Chapter IV of the EA. It is somewhat unclear if these im�,acts are for Lhe NCDOT-preierred AiternaLive 2 or for all alternatives. Since the build alternatives appear to be variations of the same alignment, we assume the impacts apply for all build alternatives. This should be verified in the final document. ► Air Quality - We note that the free-flow air quality modeling (pg. 29) predicted compliance with the one-hour NAAQS for carbon monoxide (CO). However, we note (pg. 5) that US 221 intersects with several roadways (stop sign controlled). The final EA should address whether a CO problem is predicted for these intersections, if intersections would remain at-grade, and if any turn lanes would be provided to reduce queuing? For your information, we have verified that McDowell County, North Carolina is not a non-attainment area for any pollutant, including ozone, i.e., it is an attainment area. ► Wetlands - Some 0.6 acres of jurisdictional wetlands are predicted to be filled. NCDOT anticipates that permit coverage would be under a Nationwide Permit (pg. 26j. The EA indicates (pg. 27) that pursuant to an MOA between EPA and *_he U. �. P_?-my Cer=s ef E_^.gineers ( CO� ), �itigatien is not required for coverage under a Nationwide Permit. It should be noted, however, that EPA encourages compensation for wetland losses under any wetland permit and has requested such mitigation for Nationwide Permits in the.past. Consideration for wetland mitigation should be consider, particularly if additional wetlands could be cumulatively lost in Parts B and C. ► Water Quality - We note that several waterbodies would be crossed by the proposed improvement. Five of these are perennial streams while others are intermittent. Since all waters in McDowell County are designated as Mountain Trout Waters (pg. 25), EPA recommends that such crossings be feasibly avoided and that strict Best Management Practices for erosion control be implemented where unavoidable. We note (pg. 25) that this is apparently planned by NCDOT as well as construction avoidance during trout spawning season (11/1 to 4/15). .. . �, i , . :�•h�. , �+• 3 As indicated above, EPA prefers Alternative 1(of the presented alternatives) since it proposes considerably less stream channelization. If Alternative 2 is selected by NCDOT, stream relocations should be minimized and, as indicated in the EA (pg. 25), "designed according to the NC Wildlife Resources Commissions 'Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocation in North Carolina."' We further suggest that direct coordination with the U.S Fish,and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) occur and that each agency oversee the relocation work and/or verify its acceptability upon completion. The possible relocation impacts listed on page 24 (e.g., scouring of stream beds) should be feasibly avoided through appropriate design and implementation. - ► Noise - Noise impacts predicted for the proposed project would increase levels at affected residences for a maximum of +9 dB and up to a resultant level of 72 dB. As indicated in Table N4, eight residences would be significantly affected in terms of resultant noise levels and FHWA guidelines (i.e., approaching or exceeding 67 dB). One business at 71 dB would be so affected (i.e., approaching or exceeding 72 dB). In terms of noise impacts, EPA believes that all noise increases are impacts and that increases of 10 dB (perceived as a doubling of noise) and greater at any baseline level are substantive impacts. This differs from the FHWA guidelines in Table N2 defining a substantial increase as one that is greater than or equal to 15 dB at levels of less than or equal to 50 dB and greater than or equal to 10 dB at levels greater than 50 dB. Also, EPA does not agree with the statement on page 31 that states that "over a period of time, individuals tend to accept the noises which intrude into their lives, particularly if the noises occur at predicted intervals and are expected." We believe that the word "accept" is presumptuous and perhaps should be changed to "tolerate." Additional consideration for mitigation should be given to those eight residences with resultant noise levels predicted to be approaching or exceeding 67 dB and/or would have a 7-9 dB increase approaching a doubling. If shifting of the alignment is not feasible due to mountainous landscape, perhaps more creative forms of mitigation should be used (e.g., house insulation, or central air conditioning so that windows could be closed, or relocation at the discretion of the resident). •► Environmental Justice - We note that five residences and two businesses would potentially be relocated. The final document should indicate how many people would be affected by these predicted relocations. We also note that "none of these relocatees are minorities" (pg. 13). It is unclear, however, if any are low income 4 groups? Also, will any minorities or low income groups be disproportionately affected by the project in other ways? What are the demographics of those residents substantively affected by noise discussed above? The final document should clarify. ► Hazardous Wastes - A potential underground storage tank (UST) area associated with the "Cove Antiques" business could be affected by the proposed project. NCDOT proposes to relocate this facility. We note that this action is to be coordinated with the state (Division of Environmental Management: NCDEM). If the facility is to be relocated, such coordination should occur with the state with EPA oversight (John Mason: 404/347-3866) prior to relocation. ► ArchaeoloQical Resources - The EA indicates that seven sites are within the project area and that one would be extensively disturbed by the proposed project. Additional testing is proposed for that site and apparent coordination with the North Carolina SHPO has been initiated. We recommend continued coordination with the SHPO. Should any new sites be unearthed during prospective construction, the SHPO should be contacted and, at the discretion of the SHPO, work stopped at that location until further notice by the SHPO. EPA is pleased to provide comments on the EA at this time. Should you have questions, feel free to contact Chris Hoberg or Ted Bisterfeld of my staff at 404/347-3776. Sincerely, C�,� M . � He�.nz J. MLeller, Chief Environmental Policy Sect on cc: Ms. Melba McGee Division of Environmental Management NCDEHNR P.O. Box 29687 Raleigh, NC 27611-7687 Mr. David R. Cox Highway Project Coordinator NC Wildlife Resources Commssion P.O. Box 118 Northside, NC 27564 r� . i Fi�20b . 1� ^ � NORTN CAROLINA STATE CiEARINGHDUSE DEPARTiMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 116 WEST JONES STREET RALEIGH NORTH CAROLINA 27603-8003 � ACKNONLEDGEM�NT 0� RECEIPT MAILED TO �ROM N.C. i3EPT. OF TRANSPORTATIDN MS• JEANETTE FURNEY WHIT �tE88 ADMIiVISTRATIVc ASSISTANT PROGRAi� D�V. BRANCH SiATE CLEARIN�NOUSt TftAt�SPORTATION BLDG•IINTER—OF�IC� PROJECT DESCRIPTION ENV. ASSESS. — IMPROVEM�NTS TO US "L2i FRDM NC 225 TD NORTH 0� SR 1573 (PITTS STAiION RD•) TIP t#R—Z��6A TYP� — ENiI• ASSESS• TH� N•C• STA7E CLEARINGHOUSE HAS R�C�IVED THE ABOVt PROJECT FOR INTERGOVERN�IENTA� REVIEb+Ie THIS PRDJ�CT HAS BEEN ASSIGNEt� STATc APPLICATION NUMBcR 95E42200853• PL�AS= USE 7HIS NUMBER WITH ALL INQUIRiES OR CORR�SPONDENCE HITH THIS OFFICE• REVIEW UF THIS PROJECT SHOULD BE C�MPI.�TED ON OR BEFOR� 06/19/95. SHOULD YOU HAYE ANY QUESTIONS PLEAS� CALL {919) 733-7232. _� ------.____�._, � � , 's I�� :l '^�� " • ' ` --=:_._ : .. � .. ... �.. � � ��:; . , ` \� . •• MDRTH CAROLIN 12�$ s _ __`� ___ _ A STATE CLEaRINGHOUSE ' " - �. =' -- - DE�ARTMFNT 0� ADMINISTRAT;�T� `: ;•, ��'" -- li6 NEST JOtJES STREET . -.,...._.._�.� . _ %► ���•: � RAIEZGH NORTH CARfltIyA 276fl3-$003 06-29-95 � . � •�,Gr � ; .... _ ...., i:, , ___, -.�� -- _ . -.-. _ -=-=- - �. INT�RGDYE�NMENTAL REVIEw COMMETITS - - � ` _ MAILED TO � FRaM _ _... _--__��_._�. N.t. DEPT. OF TRANS�ORTATION MRS• CHRYS BAG��TTw�� T�� wHIT 4iEB8 ,'� DIRFCTOR PRJ6RAM DEY. BRANLH N C STATE CLEARZNGHOUS� TRANSPORTATION BLDG•/INTER-D�� PKOJECT D�SCfiIPTION ENY. ASSESS. - IMPROVEMFNTS TO US 221 FRQM IdC 225 TO NORiH OF S2 1573 tPITTS STATION RD.) TIP #R-2596A SAI NO 95t42200953 PROGRAM TI7L� - ENV. ASSESS. THE ABOVE PROJECT HAS BE�N SUBMITTED TO TH� NORTH CARO�INA INT�RGOVERNME�VTAL R�VI�4�1 PRDLESS. AS A R�SULT aF THc REYI�'�I THE FOiLObiI�t� IS SUBMITT�D () NO COMMENTS WEP.E RECEIY�D ( X ) COMMENTS. ATTACHED SHOU�D YOU HAbE ANY �UESTIONS� PL�ASE CALL THIS OF�ICE t919) 733-i232. C•C. REGION C t. e State of North Carolina � Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources � • � Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs �r 1 James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor � E H N R Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary H e n ry M. L a n c a s t e r I I, D i r e c t o r �Ti u • : • .0 1►i TO: Chrys Baggett State Clearinghouse FROM: Melba McGee �''� Project Review Coordinator � RE: #95-0853 - US 221 from NC 266 to SR 1573, MCDowell County DATE: June 28, 1995 The Department of Environment, Health and Resources has reviewed the proposed project. The attached comments reflect specific concerns of our divisions that should be addressed prior to finalizing project plans. Thank you for opportunity to respond. attachments RECEIVED JUN 2 r� 1495 N.C. STATE CLEARiNGHOUSE �F.O. Box 27687, Rcieigh, Norh Ccrolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-i33-4984 F.� =�uCl GcCCrtunity r^.",rmetive �C':cn Employer 50°b recyC!ed/ 10°o rCS:-CCnsumer Foper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources � • � Division of Environmental Management ti�� James 6. Hunt, Jr., Governor p E H N F� Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary . A, Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director June 23, 1995 MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee Through: John Dorn��C�� Monica Swihart From: Eric Galamb�'� Subject: EA for US 221 from NC 226 to SR 1573 McDowell County State Project DOT No. 8.T871101, TIP #R-2596A EHNR # 95-0853, DEM # 10958 The subject document has been reviewed by this office. The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) is responsible for the issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities which impact waters of the state including wetlands. The document states that greater than 0.6 actes of waters including wetlands will be impacted. The followin� comments are provided in response to the EA: 1) DEM and the Wildlife Resources Commission met with DOT staff (Mark Reep, Randy Turner, John Lansford, Abdul Rahmani etc) on November 29, 1994 to discuss concerns about the relocation of Hickory Bottom Branch. DEM's main concern was that the relocated stream utilize the old stream bed as much as possible. DEM contacted Mr. Reep (DOT) on June 21, 1995 because it is unclear in the EA whether DOT is implementing our request as stated in the field and communicated to DOT in a December 21, 1994 memorandum from Eric Galamb to Mark Reep. DEM was informed that DOT could not respond to the December memorandum until the design phase of the project. Furthermore, DOT stated that they are reducing the right-of-way (ROW) to be acquired for this project. DOT should ensure that they acquire enough ROW to allow for meandering of the stream when it is relocated. 2) DOT is reminded that endorsement of an EA by DEM would not preclude the denial of a 401 Certification upon application if wetland impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Questions regarding the 401 Certification should be directed to Eric Galamb (733- 1786) in DEM's Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch. cc: Mark Reep, DOT Asheville COE us221.ea P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, Norfh Carolina 2762�0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opporfunity Affirmative Action �nployer 5096 recycled/ 1096 paat-consumer paper . ..... .t.... State of North Carolina • Department of Environment, Health and Ncrtural Resources � • � Division of Forest Resources � James B. Hunt, Jr., Governorry � E H N 1� Jonathan B. Howes, Secreta Stanford M. Adams, Director Griffiths Forestry Center 2411 Old US 70 West Clayton, North Carolina 27520 May 31,1995 1 � ' • 1 1�1 TO: Melba McGee, Office of Legislative Affairs FROM: Don H. Robbins, Staff Forester ��� SUBJEC�I: DOT EA for Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 to SR 1573 in McDowell County PROJECT # 95-0853 and TIP # R-2596A DLTE DATE: 6-12-95 W� have reviewed the above subject document and have the following comments: 1. We have no objections to the need and concept of the proposed project. 2. Altemative #2 will impact a total of 35 acres of woodland. 3. Forestry concems have been addressed. 4. We have no further comments at this time. pc: Warrcn Boyette CO Keith Jenkins - D 1 File P.O. Box 27687. Rdeigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2162 FAX 919-733-0138 An Equal Opportunity A�rmative Action Employer 50°.G recycled/ 1 Q°'A posi-consumer paper ____ . _ ___ ?711':\IZ�T�;1�1�_:\'1' i)l� t�.�Vll�C�N?� '. 1, HI:ALI�I-i, � i'roject Numbcr ��1ll NA"1'URAL RESOURCES . ��,—p �S� DIVISIO\ UI= ENVIRONNIEI�ITAL 'HEALTH _ Coun�y Inter-Agency Project Review Response '. , �c � � a ' II ��%S�°�� � T e o�f Pro�ect � ro j ect Name E'� -J) G� � yp ) ��_ . � a�6-�� ;-1 The applicanc should be advised that plans and specificacions for all water syscem �—� improvements must be approved by the Division of Environmental Health prior tothe award of a contract or tne initiation of construction (as required by 15A NCAC 18C .0300 et. seq.). For informauon, concact the Public Water Supply Section, (919) 733-2460. � This project will be classified as a non-communiry pubtic water supply and musL comply wiLh state and federal drinking water monitoring requirements. For more information the applicant should contact the Public Water Supply Section, (919� 733-2321. � If this project is constructed as proposed, we will recommend closure of feet of adjacent � � wacers to the harvest of shellfish. For information regarding the .shellfis -�i sanitation progra m, Lhe applicant should contact the Shellfish Sanitation Branch at (919) 726-b827. � The spoil disposal area(s) proposed for this project may produce a mosquito breeding-problem. For information con�erning appropnace mosquito control measures, the applicanc should: contact the Public Health Pest.Management Section at (919) 726-8970. �� The applicant should be advised that prior to the 'removal or demolition of dilapidated . �—� sLructures, an esLensive rodent control program may be necessarv in order to prevenc the migracion . of the rodents to adjacent areas. The information. concerning rodent-control, concact the local health departmenc or the Public Healch Pest Management. Section. at (919) 73�-6407. � r—� The applicant should be advised to contact the local health department regarding their �� requirements for septic. tank installa�ions (as required under 15A NCAC 18A .1900 et. seq.). For informacion concerning sep�ic cank and ocher on-site wasce disposal methods, concact che On-Site Wastewater Section at (919) 733-2895. �—� The.applicant should be advised co con�ract the local health department regarding the sani�ary �--J facilities required ior this projecc. If existing water lines will be relocated during che construction, plans for the wacer iine relocation must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Suppl}r Seccion, Plan Feview Branch, 1330 Sc. Mary's Street, Ralei;h, North Carol:na, (919) 73�-2460. � �=�-/i�s 6 � �� Reviea»r Section/I3ranch Da�e CCHNIZ )1'�S (Itc��i:cd S/7}1 u�vuron o( En.'iranav:n:.il 1=c�li!� rn�i rrtlrv� . - . �lt ;i . .. -"r6t.�:".. . ItL•1-fU4-O�L-JLf�• JUfI 1�.`+� 11�J�! IVO.IJU� � North Carolina �Wildlife Resources Commission � 512 N, Salisbury Street, Ralei�h, North Car�lina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Execurive Directar MEMORANDUM TQ: FROM: Melba McGee, Legislative and Intergovemment�l Affairs Dept. of $nvironment, Health, and Natural Resoarces 5tephenie E. Goudreau, Mt. Rogion Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program � v�"�y ?�ri� DATE: June 12, 1995 �, , ,. SUB7EGT: State Clearinghouse Project No. 95-0853, Environmental Assessment for US 221 from NC 226 to north of SR 1573, McDowell County, R-2596A. This correspondence responds to a request by you for our review and comments on the EnvironmentaI Assessment (EA) for widening US 221 in McDowe(i County. These comments are provided in accordance v�nth the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 441, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d.) and the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (G.S, 113A-1 through 113A-14; 1 NCAC 25). The North Carolina bepartment of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen a 3.8- mile section of US 221 from NC 22fi to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road). The project involves upgradinb the existing two-lane roadway to a multilane facility with some new alignment to straighten the roadway curvature. Pro� ect R-2596 starts at NC 22G and exiends north to the Blue Ridge Pazkway near Linville Falls. This EA is limited to Part A; Parts B and C wiit bc evaluated at a later t�me in a separate environmental document. Part A will impacts 75.3 acres of maintained community (yards, gardens, pasture, road shoulders), 60.0 acres of disturbed herbaceous assemblage (abandoned flelds, p�werline cuts}, , 1 b,4 acres of riparian frin�;e, and ] 8.1 acre of oak-hickory forest for a total of 169.8 acres. A total of 0.6 acre of wetlands will be unpacted by this project. The project crosses five perennial streams (Hickory Bottom Branch, Conle� Branch, an unnamed tributary to Conley Branch, Ma.riin Branch, and Pepper Crcek); exist�n� culverts wilI be replaced or extended. A total of 775 feet of stream relocation �s proposed along Hickory Bottom Branch. The streams are tributaries of the North Fork Catawba River, which is Hatchery Sup ported Desibnated Pubtic Mountain Trout Water in the project area. Various internutteat tn'butaries of the North Fork Catawba River will be crossed by the project also. 95-O8S3 Jun 1?.�.5 11:;,. r�, Page 2 June 12, 1995 We have the foliowing comments regarding the EA: 1) �lack Be�r, P��e t 8- The EA indicates that culvert upgrades at Hickory Bottom Branch, unnamed tributary to Conley Branch, Martin Branch, and unnamed tributary to North Fork Catawba River will provide ssfe passage for bears and other mammals. The presence of culverts along a roadway does not automatically mean that bears and other mammals will use them to get to the other side of the road. The NCDOT ahould e�camine the feasibility af iacluding measures that would increase the probability of animals using the culverts, such as installing oversized culverts ar providing fencing that would help lead an animai to the culvert. 2) Stream Relocation Paa� 25 - The NCDaT should nate that the document "Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocation in North Carolina" is in the process of being revised. Our comments on the a04 permit apptication will reflect these changes. 3) Trout Waters,._.Paae 27 - The statement, "All waters within McDowell County are Mountain Traut Waters ea designated by the Nortl� Carolina Wildiife Resources Commiesion" is incorrect. Iastead, the U.S. Army Corpa oiEngineer8 has designated McDowell Caunty ss one of the ZS trout water counties because the NCWRC has designated sqme streams in the county as Designated Public Mountain Trout Water. The statement should read, "McDowell County is a trout water county as designated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers." The rest of the paragraph is carrect. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment an this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Chris Goudreau, District 8 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Jack Mason, District 8 Wildlife niologist Ms. lanice Nicholls, USFWS, Asheville , � �� / .. 6• � SwF O �.° �° � ���: �� � � �` � :, g�, �' ...,, ,? •�,,,,,,°,� North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary August 9, 1995 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: US 221 from NC 226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitt Station Road), McDowell County, NHF-221(3), R-2596A, 8.T871101, ER 96-7064 Dear Mr. Graf: Division of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director Thank you for your letter of July 8, 1995, transmitting the archaeological survey report by Kenneth Robinson concerning the above project. Due to changes in the design plan, an additional survey was carried out for this project. Two sites were identified but neither was determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Two previously recorded sites, 31 MC197 and 31 MC199, will not be adversely affected by the project. No further archaeological investigations are recommended. We concur with the recommendations. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. S'n� cerely, , � , � ������ ��David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw cc: ✓H. F. Vick T. Padgett 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, NorW Carolina 27601-2807 Appendix B Relocation Assistance Report RELOCATION REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation AREA RELOCATION OFFICE � E.I.S. � CORRIDOR � DESIGN PROJECT: ; 8.T871101 ; couNn ! McDowell ; Alternate 1 of 1 , i.�. No.: R-2596A ; F.A. PROJECT ; NHF-221 3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: '. US 221 From NC 226 to North of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) a :� ESTIMATED DISPLACEES .: iNCOME LEVEL Type of i � f Dispiacees � Owners � Tenants M Total Minoritie i ; i s Residential 2 I 0' 2 0 Businesses ' 2; 0 2 0 Farms- I 01 0 0 0 Non-Profit � 0; 0 0 0 ANSWER ALL QUESTIQNS Yes No Explain all "YES" answers. ' x 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? X 2. Will schools or churches be affected by _ . displacement? x ; 3. Wiil business services still be available after project? x 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees, minorities, etc. � I x 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? ....:............ . ...... 6. Source for available housing (list). X 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? X I 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? i x 9. Are there large, disabled, eldery, etc. � , :.,. families? ...... :.. .......... . .. x 10. Will public housing be needed for project? X � 11. Is public housing available? X 12. Is it fett there will be adequate DSS housing ,,_ . available during relocation period? x 13. Will there be a problem of housing within ,....., ,_ ._.. ,_.:. financial means? X j 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number months estimated to complete ��ocanoN? 6 months r T�.j R�z� Fortn 15.4 Revised 02/95 d F t 6-20-96 ' Date � Alternate 0-15M : 15-25M i 25-35M ; 35-50M ; 50 UP 0! 1; 1 i 0� 0 VALUE OF DiR1ELLING . _DSS.DWELLINGAVAILABLE Owners Tenants For Sale � For Rent o-zoM � o: s o-,so ; 0 0-20►n ; Q: 5 0-150 ; o 2odoM i � t 150-250 i p 2o-4oM i 4€ 150-250 ; � 40-70M � � 250�00 i p 40-70M I �j ; 250-d00 � � 7o-1o0M I � 400-600 ; p 7o-1ooM I g` 400-600 ! � 100 UP ! � 600 UP ! � 100 UP � � Q E 600 UP i � TOTAL ' 3 ;;;' 0 ,.; 28 4 tt�maRtcs(kespond by Number) 3. Will not be disrupted due to the project. 4. A. One-story frame business, 2000 SF, Shuttle Cleaning Service, truck trailer washout, hot showers, certified truck scales and sandwich bar. Three employees. No minorities. B. One-story frame business, 1800 SF, The Cove Antiques, sale of antiques, collectibles and gifts. Two employees. No minorities. 6. Brooks 8� Broadwell Realty, Marion, N. C�.; Stone Realty, Marion, N. C. and local newspaper. 8. As necessary in accordance with State law. 11. Isothermal Planning and Development Commission, Marion, N. C. 12. Local realtors indicate that adequate DSS housing will be available during relocation period. 14. Stone Realty and Brooks � Broadwelt Realty indicated that business properties would be available for this project. This Report does not include mobile home park. Se � �� � -�rr- i c �d y Date Original & 1 Copy: State Relocation Agerrt 2 Copy Area Reloca:ion Office RELOCATION REPORT North Carolina Department of Transportation AREA RELOCATION OFFICE ❑x E.i.s. � CORRIDOR � DESIGN 'Mobile Home Park Only PROJECT: ' 8.T871101 j couNr�r ! McDowell '. Alternate * of Altemate i.�. No.: � R-2596A I F.A. PROJECT I NHF-22') 3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: , US 221 From NC 226 to North of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) ,. _ , ,, , ' ESTIMA�ED DISPLACEES �NCOME LEVEL Type of ' � �� i � � � Displacees Owners I Tenants � Total Minoritie 0-15M 15-25M I 25-35M ! 35-SOM � 50 UP s � ! ' Residential I 0 I 17 17 0 1 I 10 ; 3 � 1; 2 Businesses � 0 0 0 0. VALUE OF.DWELUNG DSS.DWELLING AvAILABLE Farms 0' 0 0 0 Owners Tenants For Sale For Rent Non-Profit I 0 � 0 0 0 o-2oM , ; s o-�so *�� o-zor� ; _� s o-�so ! *g ANSiA(ER AtL QUESTIONS 20-40M � 9 150-250 i _ 20-40�a j _ 15D-250 i Yes No Fxplain all °YES" answers. 40-70M ` 250-400 : 40-7oM ; i 250-400 _ : x 1. Will special relocation services be necessary? 7o-1ooM ; 400-soo i 7o-1ooM i � aoo-5oo j _ ' 2. Will schools or churches be affected by � 00 uP I � eoo uP ` _ 100 uP i . eoo uP � _ ' ` displacement? TOTA� i . ; ... � � 8 _ . .. 3. Will business services still be available after RERAARKSfReSpOhd bYNUn1fJBN project? i 4. Will any business be displaced? If so, indicate size, type, estimated number of employees. minorities, etc. 5. Will relocation cause a housing shortage? 6. Source for available housing (list). � 7. Will additional housing programs be needed? i 8. Should Last Resort Housing be considered? I 9. Are there large, disabted, elderly, etc. families? 10. Will public housing be needed for project? j 11. Is public housing available? � 12. Is it feR there will be adequate DSS housing avaitable during relocation period? � 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial means? � 14. Are suitable business sites available (list source). 15. Number mor►ths estimated to complete r��ocanoN? i 12 to 14 months orm 15.4 Revised 02/95 d .-f � 6-20-96 Date MOBILE HOME PARK ONLY The mobile home park that may be affected contains 17 mobile homes. From a visual inspection it is my opinion that the mobile homes are owned by the occupants and they rent the spaces. A study of the area revealed that only 8 mobile home spaces were available at this time. Information obtained from Brooks and Broadwell Realty, Marion, N. C., indicated that with 12 to 14 months lead time that this number of mobile homes could be relocated with no problems. a /�-/C`l/� / Ct% �(J— G Approved by Date Original & 1 Copy: State Relocation Agent 2 Copy Area Relocation Office .� State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee Through: From Subject: John Dornc��C�� Monica Swihart Eric Galamb�� EA for US 221 from McDowell County June 23, 1995 NC 226 to SR 1573 /•• �EHNf� State Project DOT No. 8.T871101, TIP #R-2596A EHNR # 95-0853, DEM # 10958 The subject document has been reviewed by this office. The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) is respons�ble for the issuance of the Section 401 Water Quality Certification for activities which impact waters of the state including wetlands. The document states that greater than 0.6 acres of waters including wetlands will be impacted. The following comments are provided in response to the EA: 1) DEM and the Wildlife Resources Commission met with DOT staff (Mark Reep, Randy Turner, John Lansford, Abdul Rahmani etc) on November 29, 1994 to discuss concerns about the relocation of Hickory Bottom Branch. DEM's main concern was that the relocated stream utilize the old stream bed as much as possible. DEM contacted Mr. Reep (DOT) on June 21, 1995 because it is unclear in the EA whether DOT is implementing our request as stated in the field and communicated to DOT in a December 21, 1994 memorandum from Eric Galamb to Mark Reep. DEM was informed that DOT could not respond to the December memorandum until the design phase of the project. Furthermore, DOT stated that they are reducing the right-of-way (ROW) to be acquired for this project. DOT should ensure that they acquire enough ROW to allow for meandering of the stream when it is relocated. 2) DOT is reminded that endorsement of an EA by DEM would not preclude the denial of a 401 Certification upon application if wetland impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Questions regarding the 401 Certification should be directed to Eric Galamb (733- 1786) in DEM's Water Quality Environmental Sciences Branch. cc: Mark Reep, DOT Asheville COE us221.ea P,O. Box 29535, Rdeigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opporfunffy Affirmative Action Employer 5096 recycled/ 1096 post-consumer paper ^• . e Depa�tment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number: County: 9�-0� �3 _ " l L�[�.J �—' Date: ❑ Project located in 7th floor library � bG� S� Date Response Due (firm deadline): 3� Y� �/� Z/�� � �, �-�t-� �e�rn I�L �a� -�a `Y�o►��h � S � �5� 3 �� � «��� ��n�� a5��� This project is being reviewed as indicated below: /���1 ,__ � Cl �� `2 \ U3 � p8 �'�j (� 1 'IvtJt.l,411� J 1 Regional Office/Phone ❑ Asheville ❑ Fayetteville ❑ Mooresviile ❑ Raleigh ❑ Washington ❑ Wilmington ❑ Winston-Salem Manager Sign•OfflRegion: Regional Office Area ❑ All R/O Areas ❑ Air ❑ Water ❑ Groundwater ❑ Land Quality Engineer ❑ Recreational Consultant �" ❑ Coastal Management Consultant ❑ Others PWS Response (check ali applicable) Date: In-House Review � Soil and Water ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Water Resources �Wildlife `�-Forest Resources ❑ Land Resources Parks and Recreation nvironmental Management Monica Swihart Regional Office response to be compiled and compieted by Regional Manager I❑ No objection to project as proposed I❑ No Comment ❑ Insufficient information to complete review I❑ Approve ❑ Permit(s) needed (permit files have been checked) ❑ Recommended for further development with recommendations for strengthening (comments attached) ❑ Recommended for further development if specific 8 substantive changes incorporated by funding agency (comments attached/authority(ies) cited) RETURN TO: ❑ Marine Fisheries ❑ Water Planning pc,� Environmental Health /` ❑ Solid Waste Management ❑ Radiation Protection ❑ David Foster ❑Other (specify) RECEIVED MAY 2 5 1995 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES In-House ReviewerlAgency: In-House Reviewer complete individual response. ❑ Not recommended for further deveiopment for reasons stated in attached comments (authority(ies) cited) ❑ Applicant has been contacted ❑ Applicant has not been contacted ❑ Project Controversial (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement needed (comments attached) ❑ Consistency Statement not needed ❑ Full EIS must be required under the provisions of NEPA and SEPA ❑ Other (specify and attach comments) Melba MCGee . Ofiice of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs vs.,o. =��=+ r , �i :; . �:;,-� .;� ::' � US 221 From NC 226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) McDowell County Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) . State Project No. 8.T8711U1 , R-2596A ADMINISTRATIYE ACTION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT U. S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration and N. C. Department of Transportation Division of Highways Submitted Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(C) ��9� - dc� Date . Franklin Vick, P. E., anager Planning and Environmental Branch �Zs �.� _ Date ic as . raf, P. �. �2 Division Administrator, FHWA , �� US 221 From NC 226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) McDowell County Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) State Project No. 8.T871101 R-2596A ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE'SSMENT Documentation Prepared in Planning and Environmental Branch by: 4 25 S Mark L. Re , P. E. Project Planning Engineer . Linwood Stone Project Planning Engineer, Unit Head Richard B. Davis, P. E., ssistant Manager Planning and Environmental ����.��.�.�.�..,. , ,, , , , • O � � N . C a R p � � � , , , ,' , .� ����O�ESSIp�,9�q ��o : : SE AL � o ° � 19818 : ' �'•, ?�'•��;CI NEE�''Q ,�.,': •,�� qR ..... �t���. K R • .,���I,,, "L,1,,,`���� Summarv of Environmental Commitments A. One archaeological site (31MC197) will be extensively disturbed by the project. . Additional archaeological testing is recommended to determine if significant archaeological remains might be present within the portion of the site that is to be disturbed. This testing will be conducted during the preparation of the final environmental document. : relocated channel will be designed according to the NC Wildlife Resources Commission "Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocation in North Carolina." T�h� adherence to Best Mana�ement Practices and C. All waters within McDowell County are Mountain Trout Waters as designated by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). This designation requires that applicants obtain a letter of comment and recommendation from the NCWRC and a letter of concurrence from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers before discharging any dredged or fill material into waters of the United States that occur within any of the 25 designated counties. The proposed culverts will be designed in coordination with the NCWRC and US Fish and Wildlife Service. This letter of comment will be obtained prior to completing the final environmental document. D. No instream construction activities will be performed during the trout spawning period of November 1 to April 15 to protect the egg and fry stages from sedimentation. E. Special attention will be given to installing and maintaining the appropriate erosion . control and sedimentation control devices. During construction, the following measures will be impiemented to minimize disturbance to existing trout streams: Any material excavated for footings in or near water will be removed from the immediate vicinity to prevent it from eroding back into the water. 2. All runoff crossing the construction area will be directed to temporary silt basins via lateral ditches with rock check dams to slow and filter the runoff prior to discharging into the river. 3. Approach roadway fill slopes shall be provided at the toe of the fill. Berms along the top of the fill slope will be used to convey runoff laterally to temporary slope drains, which empty into temporary sediment basins. F. The Cove Antiques; a business with the potential for underground storage tanks (UST's) to exist on the property, will be relocated by the project. Additional testing is required to determine if UST's and potential soil contamination are present at this site. This testing will be conducted prior to completing the final environmental document. If the property is contaminated, NCDOT will request that the property owner clean up the site in accordance with the federal regulations contained in 40 CFR 280 entitled "Technical Standards and Conective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks (UST's)". If the property owner does not clean the site, a settlement will be reached between the owner, NCDOT, and the Division of Environmental Management to remediate the containination. � I 0 II. III. � TABLE OF CONTENTS SI:INIl�IARY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION A. General Description B. Cross Sections C. Right of Way and Access Control D. Design Speed E. Structures F. Sidewalks G. Bicycle Provisions H. Railroad Crossing NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT A. Existing Roadway Conditions ' l. Cross Section 2. Right of Way 3. Curvature 4. Access Control 5. Structures 6. Intersecting Roads 7. Speed Limits 8. Railroads Crossings 9. Utilities 10. Geodetic Markers 11. School Buses B. Route Classification and Thoroughfare Plan C. Traffic Volumes and Capacity 1. US 221 Analysis 2. Unsignalized Intersections D. Accident History ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION A. Highway Construction Alternatives 1. Alignment Alternatives 2. Cross Section Alternatives B. "Do Nothing" Alternative C. Public Transportation Alternative PAGE i 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 9 11 12 12 0 , • TABLE OF CONTENTS IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS A. Social Environment 1. Neighborhood Characteristics 2. Public and Private Facilities 3. Relocation Impacts 4. Cultural Resources a. Architectural Resources b. Archaeological Resources 5. Section 4(� Resources B. Economic Environment , C. Land Use 1. Status of Local Planning Activities 2. Existing Land Use 3. Future Land Use 4. Farmland D. Natural Environment 1. Biotic Resources a. Plant Communities b. Wildlife Communities c. Aquatic Life d. Biotic Community Impacts e. Federally Protected Species f.. Federal Candidate/ State Protected Species 2. Physical Resources a. Geological Resources b. Water Resources � c. Water Resource Impacts 3. Wetlands 4. Permits 5. Mitigation 6. Flood Hazard Evaluation 7. Air Quality 8. Traffic Noise � 9. Hazardous Materials 10. Construction Impacts PAGE) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 26 . 26 27 27 27 30 34 35 V TABLE OF CONTENTS CONIlVIENTS AND COORDINATION A. Comments Received B. Citizens Informational Workshop C. Public Hearing FIGURES Figure 1 A - Figure 1B - Figure 1 C - Figure 2 - Figures 3A-3C - Figure 4 - Figure 5 - Figure - Figure 7 - Figure 8 - TABLES Table 1 - Table 2 - Table 3 - Table 4 - Table 5 - Table 6 - Table 7 - Table 8 - APPENDIX Vicinity Map Project Area Adjacent Projects Aerial Mosaic Roadway Typical Sections Proposed Stream Crossing Locations Projected Traffic Volumes Proposed Stream Rechannelization Locations Wetland Locations 100=Year Flood Zones PAGE) 36 36 37 38 US 221 Analysis Levels of Service Unsignalized Intersection Levels of Service Accident Rates Summary of Anticipated Plant Community Impacts Federally Protected Species for McDowell County Federal Candidate/ State Protected Species for McDowell County "Best Usage" Classifications of Water Resources Summary of Wetland Impacts Appendix A- Relocation Assistance Report and Relocation Programs Appendix B - Agency Comments Appendix C- Air Quality and Traffic Noise Data i US 221 From NC 226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) McDowell County Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) State Project No. 8.T871101 R-2596A Si;►MIVIARY Tvpe of Action This is a Federal Highway Administration Administrative Action, Environmental Assessment. 2. Description of Action The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen US 221 in McDowell County from NC 226 near Woodlawn to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) near North Cove. The project calls for upgrading the existing two-lane roadway to a multilane facility, a length of approximately 3.8 miles involving some new alignment to straighten the roadway curvature (see Figures lA & 1B for pro�ect location). Combinations of four-lane and five-lane typical sections are proposed throughout the. project. The proposed typical sections and their appro�mate locations are listed below (refer to Figure 1B). Section 1. Five-lane with - shoulders 2. Four-lane divided - with median barrier (22-foot median) 3. Four-lane divided - with grass median (46-foot median) Location from southern project limit to 0.4 mile north of NC 226 (a length of 0.3 mile) from 0.4 mile north of NC 226 to 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 (a length of 0.7 mile) from 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 (a length of 2.8 miles) The proposed improvements extend 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 to provide a median turn lane at the intersection and to transition the four-lane divided cross section back to two lanes. � During construction, US 221 traffic on the southern portion of the project will be detoured along SR 1558 and SR 1556 (refer to Figure 2 for detour location). A discussion of the proposed detour is included in Section I.I. The project is included in the 1995-2001 North Carolina Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The estimated project cost in the TIP is $ 13,650,000, which includes $ 4,750,000 for right of way, $ 8,200,000 for construction, and $ 700,000 spent in previous years. The project is scheduled for right of way acquisition and construction in fiscal years 1995 and 1997, respectively. i 3. Summarv of Environmental Impacts The proposed project will provide an overall positive benefit for McDowell County. The project will improve the traffic flow along US 221 as well as increase safety. The proposed multilane facility will help reduce travel times and provide more efficient vehicle operation. Wider travel lanes and an improved alignment will increase driver safety. The project will improve access between the foothills of the state and the northwest mountains. Some negative environmental impacts result from the project. Five residences and two businesses will be relocated. One of the businesses has the potential for underground storage tanks (U�s)_to_be_impacted by the project. The�project crosses'_siz trout strearri� Although some of these impacts are substantial, the project will not have a significant adverse impact on the human and naturai environment. The proposed improvements avoid surface waters where possible by widening existing US 221 away from parallel streams and by including the maximum allowable slopes to reduce the cross section width. tUnavoidable-imnacts�to stre sam and-wetlands_occur_mosfly at-perpend'icular stream improvements also avoid talcing land tr� no traffic noise impacts are anticipated. 4. Alternatives Considered two known Section 4( fl properties. In addition, A. Highway Construction Alternatives l. Alignment Alternatives 2. Cross Section Alternatives B. ; "Do Nothing" Alternative C. Public Transportation Alternative Coordination The following federal, state, and local agencies were consulted during the preparation of this environmental assessment: Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U. S. Forestry Service Environmental Protection Agency Region C& D Planning Agencies State Clearinghouse Department of Cultural Resources Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Department of Human Resources Department of Public Instruction McDowell County Commissioners ii 6. Permits Reyuired It is anticipated the proposed improvements can be performed under Department of the Army Nationwide Pernvts for discharges Above Headwaters or for Road Crossing Fills in accordance.with 33 CFR 330.5(a)(26) and 33 CFR 330.5(a�(14)�respectively. Final pernut decisions are left to the discretion of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. •A �U� �ter °Qualit-y :C-ertification,—administered through the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (DEHNR), is likely to be required for the project since a federal permit is involved. 7. AdditionalInformation Additional information concerning the proposal and assessment can be obtained by contacting the following individuais: Mr. Nicholas L. Graf, P. E. Division Administrator, FHWA 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone (9.19) 856-4346 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Telephone (919) 733-3141 � c iii ' US 221 From NC 226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) McDowell Coi�nty Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3) State Project No. 8.T871101 R-2596A I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION The subject project is located along a principal north-south corridor that provides access between the foothills of the state and the northwest mountains. This corridor is formed by US 221 and NC 105 between the state line in Rutherford County and Boone in Watauga County. South of Project R-2596A, from Marion to Woodlawn, multilane improvements are proposed or underway along US 221. US 221 is under construction from US 70 in Marion to SR 1434 near Tom Creek, to upgrade the route to a five-lane facility - (Project R-204A). Right of way is being acquired along Project R-2020, from SR 1434 to south of NC 226 near Woodlawn, to provide a five-lane facility. Construction has begun on the replacement of Bridge No. 104 over Armstrong Creek and the realignment of the US 221/ NC 226 intersection (Project B-1277). These projects are shown on Figure 1C. R- 2596 A, the subject project, proposes to extend multilane improvements along US 221 from NC 226 to north of SR 1573 near North Cove (refer to Figure 1B for project location). The proposed improvements extend 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 to provide a median turn lane at the intersection and to transition the four-lane divided cross section back to two laries. Project R-2596 consists of three parts: Part A(from NC 226 in Woodlawn to north of SR 1573 near North Cove), Part B(from north of SR 1573 to SR 1571 near Ashford), and Part C(from SR 1571 to the Blue Ridge Parkway near Linville Falls) (refer to Figure 1 A for location of the three parts). Part A is the heaviest traveled portion of the R-2596 corridor. This portion of US 221 is characterized by a narrow, sinuous alignment through mostly mountainous terrain. The traffic volumes are highest along this segment because much of the traffic is generated by a major manufacturing plant, Baxter Healthcare, located at the northern end of the segment along SR 1573. Part B begins north of SR 1573 where the traffic volumes substantially decrease and extends to SR 1571 along the valley connecting the North Cove and Ashford communities. This portion of US 221 is characterized by a narrow but generally straight alignment through rolling tenain. Part C begins at SR l 571 and extends to the Blue Ridge Parkway north of Linville Falls. US 221 in this location is characterized by a narrow sinuous alignment through the rugged: - mountainous tenain along a portion of the Pisgah National Forest. Traffic volumes are lowest along this section. Part A improvements are evaluated in the subject Environmental Assessment. Improvements to Parts B and C are scheduled for post year (after the year 2001) right of way and construction and will be evaluated at a later time in a separate environmental document from Part A. A. General Description The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen US 221 in McDowell County from NC 226 near Woodlawn to just north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) near North Cove. The project calls for upgrading the existing two-lane roadway to a multilane facility, a length of approximately 3.8 miles involving some new alignment to straighten the roadway curvature (refer to Figure 2 for aerial mosaic showing the project location). 1 �e1. '�" �n� � > �� ��� ' V `� ��. �CS-� � � r� 5���°c� Combinations of four-lane and five-lane typical sections are proposed throughout the project. These typical sections include a five-lane shoulder section, a four-lane divided section with a median barrier, and a four-lane divided section with a grass median. The five- lane shoulder section extends 0.3 miles from the southern project limit to north of NC 226. The four-lane divided, median barrier section extends 0.7 mile from north of NC 226 to south of SR 1556. The four-lane divided, grass median section extends 2.8 miles from south of SR 1556 to north of SR 1573. The project is included in the 1995-2001 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The estimated project cost in the TIP is $ 13,650,000, which includes $ 4,750,000 for right of way, $ 8,200,000 for construction, and $ 700,000 spent in previous years. The project is scheduled for right of way acquisition and construction in fiscal years 1995 and 1997; respectively. - B. Cross Sections The proposed typical sections and their approximate locations are listed below (refer to Figures 1B and 3A - 3C). T,ypical Section 1. Five-lane with shoulders 2. Four-lane divided shoulder section with barrier 3. Four-lane divided shoulder section with grass median Location from the southern project limit to 0.4 mile north of NC 226 (a length of 0.3 mile) from 0.4 mile north of NC 226 to 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 (a length of 0.7 mile) , from 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 in North Cove (a length of 2.8 miles) The five-lane shoulder section provides a 60-foot wide roadway with two travel lanes in each direction and a continuous center turn lane. All the typical sections include 12- foot lanes. Ten-foot usable shoulders with four-foot paved shoulders are proposed for this section. The four-lane divided section with barrier provides two travel lanes in each direction and a 22-foot median with a two-foot concrete median barrier. Ten-foot useable shoulders with four=foot paved outside'shoulders arid two=foot paved median�shoulders are also proposed `for� this typical section. � ;; ':" , � , � :.. -� , � The four-lane divided section with grass median provides two travel lanes in each direction and a 46-foot grass median'��-This'typical section also includes ten-foot useable shoulders with four-foot paved outside shoulders and two-foot paved median shoulders. C. Ri�ht of Wav and Access Control The five-lane shoulder section requires right of way varying from 140 to 550 feet. The four-lane divided section with a median barrier will require between 230 and 430 feet of right of way. The four-lane divided section with a grass median requires between 160 and 2 . , .m:• ; .. , _ . .;:i: :� ` . ,_i'�:' 650 feet of right of way. The proposed right of way will be acquired asymmetrically throughout the project (refer to Figure 2 for right of way limits). No control of access is proposed for this project. However, in the vicinity of the proposed divided cross sections, the project will only allow right-in and right-out access from adjacent properties. Left turns will be pernutted at designated median openings along the four-lane grass median section. No median openings will be provided along the four- lane median barrier section. As a result, the SR 1562 intersection will be restricted to right- in and right-out access. Exclusive left turn lanes are proposed at intersections and median openings to accommodate left turning and U-turning tr�c. � D. Desi n �eed _ The proposed design speed is 60 mph, except in areas of rugged terrain where a 50 mph minimum design speed is proposed. E. Structures The project crosses five streams (refer to Figure 4 for crossing locations). Preliminary hydraulic recommendations for each stream crossing are listed below (refer to Section II.A.S for existing structures). Crossing # 1 Hickory Bottom Branch - Construct a 9-foot by 5-foot reinforced concrete box culvert (RCBC) east of the existing culvert near the SR 1562 intersection. Crossing #2 Crossing #3 Crossing #4 Crossing #5 Tributary to Conley Branch - Replace the existing RCBC with a single barrel8-foof by 6-foot RCBC. Conley Branch - Extend the existing single-barrel 6-foot by 6-foot RCBC. Martin Branch - Extend and supplement the existing single-barrel b- foot by 6-foot RCBC. Pepper Creek - Extend the existing triple-barrel 10-foot by 8-foot RCBC (Culvert No. 112). Since most of the streams are designated trout streams, restriction of the low flow channel and fish passage will be important concerns during the hydraulic design phase of the project. on ' � � �ion ' • � � � prLo,ui�ing a bot�tom�less .st�ru. cture �fo,r�,°'�`.,pr��opo�sed� a�e sat�isfac ory. If a bottom is required, it will be placed sufficiently below the bed so the low flow is not restricted. Analysis of velocities and bed material movement will be made to determine if other special features, su�hmasqbaf�les-or-sills,-are required in the culvert invert to promote retention of bed material and �o ensure adeq te flow depth for fish passage. .-The proposed culverts will be designed in coordination with the NCWRC and US Fish and Wildlife Service. F. Sidewalks Sidewalks are not proposed as a part of this project. 3 G. Bi'cycle Provisions -, No special accommodations will be provided for bicycles on this project. The subject portion of US 221 is not included in the .Transportation Improvement Program for bicycle improvements nor is this section of roadway a part of the bicycling highway system. H. Railroad Crossings The CSX Railroad parallels existing US 221 in the project area, but there are no railroad crossings within the scope of the project. Traffic Detours The proposed alignment for the southern portion of the project consists of some new alignment across rugged mountainous terrain to straighten the roadway curvature. During construction, traffic along this section of US 221 will be detoured using SR 1558 and SR 1556 (refer to Figure 2 for detour location). SR 1558 was recently used to detour traffic during the construct�on of the replacement bridge over Armstrong Creek (Project B-1277) and is a sufficient detour route. However, SR 1556 will need resurfacing improvements in order to accommodate the US 221 detour traffic. Cost Estimate Right of Way $ 1,417,000 Construction $ 15,400.000 Total Cost $ 16,817,000 II. NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT A. Existin� Roadwav Conditions Cross Section Existing US 221 is a two-lane, 20-foot wide roadway with six-foot usable shoulders. 2. Rieht of Wav There is no record of the right of way that contains the existing cross section. However, the NCDOT claims 28-feet for mamtenance purposes. 3. Curvature There are approximately 23 curves ranging between one and 23 degrees. This roadway is charactenzed by a poor horizontal and vertical alignment with 80 to 90 percent no passing zones. 4. Access Control No control of access exists along the project. 4 below: Struct�ures Several culverts e�cist along the subject portion of US 221. These are described a. Hickory Bottom Branch - Three single-barrel 6-foot by 6-foot Reinforced Box Culverts (RCBC's) are located 2000 feet, 2500 feet, and 4000 feet north of NC 226. b. Tributary to Conley Branch - A single-barrel6-foot by 4-foot RCBC is located 330 feet south of SR 1556. c. Conley Branch - A single-barrel6-foot by 6-foot RCBC is located 1800 feet north of SR 1556. d. Martin Branch - A single-banel6-foot by 6-foot RCBC is located 1100 feet south of SR 1554. Pepper Creek - A triple-banel 10-foot by 8-foot RCBC (Culvert No. 112) is located 1300 feet north of SR 1554. This culvert was built in 1952 and has a clear roadway width of 20 feet. No bridges exist along the subject portion of US 221. 6. IntersectinQ Roads The following roadways intersect US 221 in the project area: 1. NC 226/SR 1558 (Old US 221) 2. SR 1562 (Johnson Hollow Road) 3. SR 1556 (American Thread Road) 4. SR 1554 (Martin�Branch Road) 5. SR 1573/SR 1566 (Pitts Station Road/Peppers Creek Road) All of these roadways intersect US 221 at grade and are stop sign controlled. 7. �eed Limits The posted speed along US 221 in the project area is generally 55 miles per hour (mph). Advisory postings of 25 mph are located along the winding portions of the existing alignment between SR 1558 and SR 1556. A 40 mph intersection advisory posting exists at SR 1566. . Railroad Crossin�s There are no railroad crossings within the scope of the project. 9. Utilities Aerial power lines and telephone lines exist along the project. A telephone switching station is located near the NC 226 intersection at the southern project limit. The project will require utilities to be relocated, and the severity of utility conflicts is considered to be moderate. 5 l0. Geodetic Markers The project will have no impact on geodetic survey markers. 11. School Buses Five buses use US 221 to serve two local schools, generating ten trips per day. B. Route Classification and Thorou�hfare Plan US 221 is classified as an other principal arterial according to the Statewide Functional Classification System. US 221 is also part of the Interim National Highway System. No adopted thoroughfare plan e�sts for McDowell County. C. Traffic Volumes and Ca acit The existing (1993) average daily traffic (ADT) volumes along US 221 range from - 3600 vehicles per day (vpd) north of SR 1573 to 6800 vpd south of SR 1573. Projected design year (2017) volumes in these same locations range from 8200 vpd to 15000 vpd. The estimated traffic volumes are shown in Figure 5. These estimates of average daily traffic include five percent truck tractor semi-trailers (TTST) and four percent dual tired (DT) vehicles. - The level of service (LOS) of a roadway is a measure of its traffic carrying ability. Levels of service range from LOS A to F. Level of service A represents unrestricted maneuverability and operating speeds. Level of service B represents reduced maneuverability and normal operating speeds. Level of service C represents restricted maneuvering and operating speeds close to the speed limit. This condition is considered acceptable in sparsely populated rural areas. Level of service D represents severely restricted maneuvering and unstable, low operating speeds. Level of service E represents operating conditions at or near the capacity level. Breakdown conditions which are charactenzed by stop and go travel occur with level of service F. IJS 221 Analysis An analysis of US 221 tr�c volumes was performed for the "do nothing" and proposed widening alternatives using existing and projected traffic volumes. The results of the analysis are shown in Table l. Location NC 226 to SR 1556 SR 1556 to SR 1573 Table 1 iJS 221 ANALYSIS LEVELS OF SERVICE �LOS� "No Build" Proposed Widening Alternative Alternative 1993 2017 (LOS� (LOS� E F E F 6 1993 LOS A A 2017 LOS C C " . ' �'1 v x ..�.,j.� "e. • . ( Much of e�sting US 221 between NC 226 and SR 1573 is cunently operating at level of service E(LOS E). This portion of the existing facility is characterized by narrow travel lanes, a poor horizontal and vertical alignment, and 80 to 90 percent no passing zones. The highest traffic volumes are projected to travel along this section. By the design year (2017), this portion of US 221 will operate under breakdown conditions (LOS F). With the proposed widening improvements, this portion of the facility will operate at LOS A under the current traffic conditions and at LOS C through the design year. The proposed construction improvements will provide a multilane roadway with wider travel lanes and an improved horizontal and vertical alignment. 2. Unsi nag lized Intersections All of the intersections along the project are unsignalized. A capacity analysis was performed at each intersection for the "do nothing" and proposed widening alternatives using existing and projected traffic volumes. The results of this analysis represent the levels of service for left turns from US 221 and all movements from intersecting roads. These results are shown in Table 2. ` Two of these intersections, NC 226/ SR 1558 and SR 1573/ SR 1566, are currently operating at capacity and will reach LOS F before the design year. In the future, these intersections will be addressed by the NCDOT Area Traffic Engineer to determine if they meet traffic signalization warrants. If future traffic signals are provided at these intersections, they will operate at LOS B and LOS D, respectively, in the design year. To achieve these levels of service, some additional improvements will be needed at these intersections in conjunction with traffic signals. The NC 226/ SR 1558 intersection will require an exclusive eastbound right turn lane along NC 226. The SR 1573/ SR 1566 intersection will reyuire a northbound exclusive right turn lane and westbound exclusive left turn lanes. The SR 1562 intersection will operate at an acceptabie level of service through the design year. This intersection level of service will be improved with the proposed right-in and right-out access. Because no opening is proposed in the median barrier at this location, U-turns will be permitted 0.6 mile south at NC 226 and 0.7 mile north at SR 1556 to access this intersection. The through traffic along US 221 will operate at LOS C in the vicinity of the SR 1556 and SR 1554 intersections. The turning movements from the intersecting roads will reach LOS E before the design year, but the overall traffic operations will function acceptably since the US 221 traffic will not be impeded at these intersections. Signalization is not recommended at SR 1556 or SR 1554 because the projected traffic volumes on these roads are not high enough to warrant signalization. Exclusive left and right turn lanes could be provided on the intersecting roads in the future, if wananted by traffic volumes, to improve the turning movement operations. 7 Table 2 UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS LEVELS OF SERVICE LOS "No Build" Proposed Widening Alternative Alternative 1993 2017 1993 2017 � Location jLOS� LOS (LOS� (LOS� NC 226/SR 1558 North/South Approaches A F B F East/West Approaches E F E F SR 1562 * West Approach B E C � B SR 1556 North/South , Approaches A D A D East Approach B E B E SR 1554 North/South Approaches A D A D West Approach B E C E SR 1573/ SR 1566 North/South , Approaches A F A F � East/West Approaches E F E F � - * Level of service based on right-in, right-out access only. " D. Accident Historv There were 206 accidents along the subject section of US 221 between January 1, 1989 and February 28, 1993. Two of these accidents were fatal. Ninety-five (46.1 percent) involved vehicles running offthe road, 33 (16 percent) were rear end collisions, 20 (9.7 percent) were animal related accidents, 17 (8.3 percent) were angle accidents, 16 (7.8 percent) were sideswipe accidents, and 25 were other types of accidents. ,;� . The following table compares US 221 accident rates to the statewide average rates. Accident Tvpe Fatal Non-fatal injury Nighttime Wet Conditions Total Rate Table 3 ACCIDENT RATES (Accidents per 100 million vehicle miles) Statewide Average Rates alon� US 221 1.8 76.9 54.9 51.6 186.5 for Rural US Routes 2.5 80.2 46.2 41.5 167.0 The total accident rate for this section of US 221 is above the statewide average for similar facilities. Approximately 46.1 percent of the 206 accidents recorded along the project during the study period involved vehicles running offthe road. It is anticipated that the proposed multilane improvements, improved alignment, and wider lanes will reduce the occurrence of this type of accident. Twenty-seven accidents (13.1 percent) occurred at the NC 226/ SR 1558 intersection, located at the southern limit of the project. The majority of these were rear end accidents resulting from stopped vehicles turning onto NC 226. The proposed five-lane typical section in this location will provide a center turn lane and an additional travel lane in each direction to reduce the occurrence of this accident type. This intersection is being realigned to improve sight distance as part ofProject B-1277. Nine accidents (4.4 percent) occurred at the intersection with SR 1566 (Peppers Creek Road) and SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road). The majority of these were angle accidents, the result of drivers pulling out in front of vehicles on US 221. These accidents are most likely due to poor sight distance, which will be increased by the proposed improvements to the horizontal and vertical alignment. III. ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED ACTION The alternatives considered for the project consist of highway construction alternatives, the "do nothing" alternative, and the public transportation alternative. A. Highwa.y Construction Alternatives Ali ng ment Alternatives The project consists of widening US 221 along the existing roadway corridor. Asymmetric widening was evaluated through the entire project length involving new location to upgrade the horizontal and vertical curvature to meet current AASHTO design standards. Improvements along the existing corridor minimize potential adverse impacts to the natural environment. �7 One additional comdor was considered eazly in the project's development as an alternative for avoiding the rugged mountainous terrain between NC 226 and SR 1556. This corridor follows the existing SR 1556 alignment from 0.7 mile south of NC 226 in Woodlawn to the US 221/ SR 1556 intersection near Sevier. This corridor is located in generally level terrain, but it crosses through a water supply watershed critical area, crosses Armstrong Creek closer to the water supply intake, and parallels the North Fork Catawba River. In addition, this comdor does not use the five- lane bridge over Armstrong Creek that is under construction with project B-1277 or the 0.9-mile portion of five-lane right of way that is being acquired with project R-2020. For these reasons this corridor was not considered to be a feasible alternative for the project. Three alignment alternatives were evaluated between NC 226 and SR 1562 (Johnson Hollow Road) near the southern project limit to minimize impacts to Hickory Bottom Branch. These are described below. Alternative 1 =� �Alternative 1 consists ofwiderung on the,west side of US 221 for approximately 1450 feet•north of:NC 226 and shifting the;alignment'on new�locafiorr`:west ofthe existing roadway until it crosses S&� 1562. ' This alternative impacts the stream `charinel� along the west side of existing US 221 between the two existing culverts:' This alternative requires approximately 600 feet of stream rechannelization to relocate the channel east of its existing location. Alternative 1 also relocates a telephone switching station located along the west side of US 221. The estimated construction cost for Alternative 1 is $1,425,000 (not including the cost for right of way). This design requires an additional cost of $800,000 to relocate the telephone switching station. Alternative 1 requires the least amount of stream rechannelization, but was not selected because it involves substantial utility conflicts, resulting in a high cost. Alternative 2 (Recommended� Alternative 2 consists of widening US 221 symmetrically and on the east side for approximately 500 feet north of NC 226 and shifting the alignment on new location west of the existing roadway until it crosses SR 1562. This alternative impacts Hickory Bottom Branch in two locat�ons requiring a total of approximately 775 feet of stream rechannelization (refer to Figure 6 for proposed stream rechannelization locations). Alternative 2 avo�ds the telephone switching station, but impacts Hickory Bottom Branch near the southern project limit requiring approximately 175 feet of stream rechannelization. Alternative 2 also impacts the stream channel along the west side of existing US 221 between the two existing culverts and requires approximately 600 feet of stream rechannelization to relocate the channel east of its existing location. The estimated construction cost for this alternative is $1,475,000. Alternative 2 was recommended because it minimizes utility conflicts, resulting in a lower cost. Between the two existing culverts this alignment is generally the same as the Alternative 1 alignment which minimizes stream channel impacts. Although Alternative 2 impacts two portions of Hickory Bottom Branch, the 175-foot section of stream rechannelization at the southern project limit has already been disturbed as part of the adjacent R-2020 and B-1277 projects and will be improved with this alignment. Alternative 3 Alternative 3 consists of mostly symmetric widening along existing US-221 between NC 226 and SR 1562. Symmetric widening substantially impacts this stream and requires 10 �- < t.., -, ? , ... ` t.', . .'�,. ' r'.'. approximately 1825 feet of rechannelization. This alternative aiso involves substantial utility conflicts by relocating the telephone switching station. The estimated construction cost for this design is $1,225,000. This alternative requires an additional cost of $800,000 to relocate the telephone switching station. Alternative.3 was not selected because it requires the greatest amount of stream relocation and involves substantial utility conflicts. 2. Cross Section Alternatives Three alternative cross sections were considered along the project: a five-lane shoulder section, a four-lane divided section with a grass median, and a four-lane divided section with a median barrier. These cross section alternatives and the recommend typical sections are described below. Five-Lane Shoulder Section A five-lane shoulder section was considered to match the proposed five- lane typical section for Project R-2020, south of the subject roject. The five-lane typical section requires the least amount of right of way. �is t+ypical section'-�i's d�es`i�r��able�iri�_de�eloped� �neea��ror�.:�a�;;c:ontinuous-center-tur-naane.�in aaait�on, a nve-�ane section tnrougn tne ruggea mountainous terrain near the southern project limit may present a potentially hazardous condition allowing trucks or passenger cars to cross the center turn lane and hit oncoming traffic. For these reasons a five-lane shoulder section is recommended only from the southern project limit to approximately 0.4 miles north of NC 226. Four-Lane Divided Section With Grass Median A four-lane divided typical section with a 46-foot grass median was also considered for the entire project. This cross section is more suitable for the rural character of the communities in the project area, but it requires the greatest amount of right of way. In the rugged mountainous tenain near the southern project limit (from 0.4 mile north of NC 226 to SR 1556), the 46-foot median section requires more extensive excavation and fill, resulting in increased construction impacts and costs. For these reasons, the four-lane divided section with a grass median is recommended from SR 1556 to north of SR 1569. Four-Lane Divided Section With Median Barrier A four-lane divided typical section with a median barrier was considered in the rugged mountainous terrain just north of NC 226. This cross section provides a 22-foot wide median to reduce the amount of excavation and fill material. Because of the steep terrain, a barrier is desirable with the narrower median to prevent trucks or passenger cars from crossing the median into oncoming traffic. Because this section provides a nanower cross section width and a median banier between the opposing traffic, the four-lane divided section with a median barrier is recommended from 0.4 mile north of NC 226 to SR 1556. Two types of inedian barriers were considered for this typical section, a guardrail bamer and a concrete "Jersey Type" barrier. Because of the high percentage of truck traffic and high traffic volumes along the facility, a guardrail banier would likely involve higher maintenance costs to repair the guardrail after vehicle collisions. For this reason, the guardrail barrier was rejected. A concrete "Jersey Type" barrier is freyuently included in mountainous settings and is recommended because it is more durable in withstanding collisions, resulting in lower maintenance costs. 11 B. "Do Nothing" Alternative The "do nothing" alternative was considered during project development. This alternative presents negative impacts to future tr�c operations along US 221. The route is cunently operating at level of service E during peak periods and will continue to deteriorate as future traffic demands increase. Enhanced safety, greater traffic carrying capacity and improved mobility and accessibility are currently needed. For these reasons, the "do nothing" alternatrve was rejected. C. Public Transnortation Alternative Through trips constitute the major traffic movement along US 221. Development in this area is primarily rural and of low density. This land use pattern does not lend itself to a public transit system. However, ridesharing programs are available to the public in the vicinity of the project. McDowell County maintains an organized ridesharing program called the Coordinated Transportation System. This system is operated by the County's various human services agencies to provide transportation for the agencies' program participants. The following agencies in the Coordinated Transportation System operate ridesharing services along US 221 in the project area: , Foothills Industrv Rehabilitation Services (operates two vans to transport disabled participants to rts vocational training center) Developmental Day Care (uses one van to transport children to its child care facility) D�e artment of Social Services (organizes carpools and transports its participants in mimvans and vans) Senior Center (transports elderly citizens to its facility in vans) In addition to the County's system, other ridesharing opportunities are available through private companies. Many employees of Baxter Healthcare, McDowell County's largest manufacturer located near the northern project limit, participate in carpools, private vanpools, and shuttle bus services. As many as 20 vans transport employees to the plant dunng the three working shifts. Several activity buses also operate during the shifts to shuttle employees to work. These ridesharing programs alone will not fulfill the need of the proposed project. However, the proposed improvements will enhance the safety and efficiency for these other modes of transportation since they rely upon the US 221 highway corridor. 12 .� . . :ar — — IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IlVIPACTS A. Social Environment Neighborhood Characteristics McDowell County is in the west central section of the state and is bounded by Burke, Rutherford, Henderson, Buncombe, Yancey, Mitchell, and Avery Counties. The 1990 U.S. Census indicates that McDowell County has a total population of 35,681 and a population density of 80.78 people per square mile. The project vicinity is characterized by rural development. This development includes farmland and scattered residential and business development. Several manufacturing facilities are located near the project along the CSX Railroad which parallels US 221. • 2. Public Facilities and Private Facilities Public and private facilities in the vicinity of the project include the North Cove Elementary School and the Baxter I.V. Systems Division manufacturing plant. North Cove Elementary School is located near the northern project limit approximately 0.3 mile east of US 221 on SR 1569 (North Cove School Road). The Baxter manufacturing plant is also located near the northern project limit on SR 1566 (Pepper Creek Road) near the Pitts community. The project will provide a left turn lane in the median at SR 1566 to enhance access to the plant. The project will not adversely affect either facility. 3. Relocation Impacts Based on preliminary studies, the project will relocate five residences and. two businesses. None of these relocatees are minorities. A relocation assistance report describing these relocatees is included in Appendix A. A third business, the GTE telephone switching station near the southern project limit, is described in the relocation report smce it is impacted by Alternatives 1 and 3. This switching station, however, will not be relocated by the recommended Alternative 2 alignment. Adequate replacement housing is anticipated to be available for all relocatees at the time the residents and businesses must relocate. Last resort housing will be considered, if necessary. The NCDOT Relocation Program offers assistance to those families or businesses relocated by the project. This program provides replacement housing payments, rent and/or down payment supplements, and increased interest payments to prevent hardship for the displacees. Additional information regarding the Division of Highways relocation program is inciuded in Appendix A. 4. Cultural Resources a. Architectural Resources This project is subject to compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, implemented by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Section l06 requires that if a federally-funded, licensed, or permitted project has an effect on a property listed on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation must be given an opportunity to comment. 13 Photographs, maps, and information describing all the properties over 50 years of age within the area of potential effect (APE) were provided by NCDOT and reviewed with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). No eligible National Register properties are located within the APE, and the SHPO concurs with this eligibility determination (refer to SHPO correspondence in Appendix B). b. Archaeological Resources An archaeological reconnaissance of the project area was conducted in March and April, 1994, by NCDOT staff archaeologists to determine if the project might disturb significant archaeological resources. Se�en archaeological sites were identified within the project's area of potential effect. Five of the sites (31MC127, 202, 205, 207, and 209) are not archaeologically significant an no additional investigation is recommended. The sixth site (31MC 199) will be partially disturbed by the proposed construction, but the part of the site to be disturbed has been found to lack significant archaeological remains. The seventh site (31MC197) will be extensively disturbed by the project. Additional archaeological testing is recommended to determine if significant archaeological remains might be present within the portion of the site that is to be disturbed. This testing will be conducted during the preparation of the final environmental document. The SHPO concurs with these determinations and recommendations (refer to SHPO conespondence in Appendix B). The archaeological resources identified within the proposed project area are not likely to be used for public interpretation nor are they the types of resources that should require preservation in place. Therefore, should any of the archaeological sites be determined to be significant resources, it is unlikely that Section 4( fl of the U. S. Department of Transportation Federal-Aid Highway Act, as amended, will apply to any portion of the project. Section 4� Resources The project wili not acquire land from any Section 4( fl resources. B. Economic Environment As of December 1993, McDowell County had a labor force of 17,030. `Out of this total 16,090 persons were gainfully employed, while 940 persons were unemployed, or 5.5 percent of the total work force. The existing alignment is typical of rural mountainous terrain. With numerous verticai and horizontal curves, the road is difficult to negotiate in a passenger vehicle, much less in a commercial vehicle. Logging trucks and other commercial transports cannot safely use the existing facility. The proposed improvements will decrease the need to make unsafe movements and increase the safety factor. In addition the economic development potential of the road frontage along US 221 will be enhanced by improved access and a reduction in road congestion. The proposed improvements will also yield economic benefits of reduced costs in terms of time savings and operationai expenses. 14 '=i` � .. . . r . . , �.i,`_. . , ., C. Land Use Status of Local Plannin� Activities The proposed improvements are within the planning jurisdiction of McDowell County. The County recently adopted its first land planning document, the Land Use and Development Plan. The County has not adopted a general zoning ordinance, but has enacted a watersupply watershed protection ordinance which controls development within the critical area of the County's watersupply watersheds. 2. Exi•stine Land Use The project area is rural in character. The southern portion of the project consists of undeveloped woodlands through a mountainous area with relatively steep slopes. The valley widens near SR 1556 (American Thread Road), where farming operations are underway. SR 1556 provides access to the small community of Sevier, located along the CSX Railroad east of US 221. A small mobile home park is located on fhe west side of US 221 near Conley Branch. Continuing north, the land is again comprised of woodlands with little development to SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road), where the B�ter Systems, Inc. industrial plant is located. The industry produces medical supplies. The plant's package wastewater treatment plant is located near the existing roadway in front of the building. The land across from the plant, on the west side of the roadway remains wooded, with scattered residences along the hillsides. The Sandy Andrews Memorial Park (North Cove Park), operated by McDowell County is located on US 221 near Pitts Station Road. The park, when developed, will provide baseball and soccer fields, tennis courts, a swimming pool, and picnic areas along the North Fork of the Catawba River. North of the project, SR 1569 (North Cove School Road) provides access to the North Cove community and the North Cove Elementary School. � , Future Land Use According to the County's Land Use Plari, most of the project vicinity is located in an area designated to remain in rural land use. Areas designated a Rural on the Future Land Use Plan Map, including the project area, will continue to support forestry, agriculture and very low single family residential uses. No public water or sewer services will be provided to the area. � The Pitts and North Cove areas are designated Community on the Future Land Use Map. Community areas allow for the clustering of a variety of land uses which meet the residential and commercial needs of the rural portions of the county. l The County has designated several routes, including US 221, as Scenic Corridors. The proposed alignment is contained within this corridor, generally following the existing alignment. According to the plan, "this special recognition was given to areas which possess cultural, historical, and/or aesthetic qualities for motoring public to enjoy." The purpose of the designation is to allow for the protection and preservation of these special resources. The County also enforces a Scenic Corridor ordinance, which regulates the use of signs within the designated corridors. No specific land use restrictions are included in the ordinance. 15 4. Farmland The Farmland Protection Policy Act of 1981 (FPPA) requires all federal agencies to consider the impact of land acquisition and construction activities on prime and important farmland soils. These soils are designated by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service (SCS) based on a variety of properties which result in consistently high crop yields. In compliance with the FPPA, the SCS was asked to determine whether prime or important farmland soils would be impacted by the proposed improvement. The SCS responded that of the approximately 170 acres of land which will be converted to highway right of way, 22 acres are classified as prime farmland, and two acres are designated as statewide or locally important farmland soils. A Farmland Conversion Impact Rating (Form AD-1006) was completed for the project (refer to Appendix B). The SCS indicated on that form that the relative value of the farmland soils impacted is 13.1 on a scale of 0 to 100 points. The Conversion Impact Rating also includes a site assessment of the impacted area. Points are assigned to the assessment criteria and added to the relative value rating of the farmland soils. The FPPA regulations state that where the total site assessment points exceed a threshold of 160 po�nts, alternatives should be considered which minimize the proposed project's impact on the farmland soils. The total site assessment score for this project is 62.1 points. This total is well below the regulatory threshold. Therefore, no further consideration of farmland impacts is required. D. Natural Environment An ecological survey was conducted August 4, 1994 to identify vegetative communities and wildlife species contained within the project area. Vegetative communities and wildlife were inventoried and mapped during on-site surveys. Wetlands were identified, using methods in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987). In-house preparatory work was completed prior to a field visit. The USGS Little Switzerland and Ashford quadrangle maps, and the hydric soils list for McDowell County were studied to identify potential wetland sites. Soils information was obtained from the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in McDowell County. The Environmental Sensitivity Base Map for McDowell County was utilized to deternune if any=sensitive resourees"are present in the project area. "Classifications and Water Quality Standards Assigned to the Waters of the Catawba River Basin" (N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources) was consulted to determine the best usage classification for area streams. N.C. Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) and Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) files were reviewed to determine if any protected or rare flora or fauna occurs in the project area. 1. Biotic Resources - Distribution and composition of biotic resources throughout the project area reflect topographic positioning, hydrologic influences, and past and present land use practices. Terrestrial wildlife is addressed separately, rather than in the context of biotic communities. Wildlife observed during field investigations are denoted by (*) in the text. Common and scientific names are provided for each species listed. In subsequent references to the same organism, only the common name is given. 16 a. Plant Communities The project area is rural, consisting primarily of pasture land, private residences and mixed pine/hardwood forest. Four plant communities were identified in the project area: Maintained, Mixed Herbaceous Assemblage, Riparian Fringe, and Oak/Hickory Forest. Naturai community profile descriptions, where applicable, have been adopted and modified from the NCNHP classification scheme (Schafale and Weakley 1990). Maintained Communities Residential lawns, pasture land and roadside shoulders constitute maintained communities in the project area. In this community man's structures or activities preclude natural plant succession. Scattered homes are interspersed with large vegetable gardens, woodlots, small acreages of Christmas tree farms and pasture. Maintained lawns support turf (Festuca sp.) as the dominant vegetative component, complemented with landscape ornamentals such as red maple (Acer rubrum), dogwood (Cornus florida), and rose bay (Rhododendron maximum). Pasture land is comprised of fescue and clovers (Trifolium spp.). Disturbed Herbaceous Assembla�e The vegetation of this community consists primarily of herbs, with less than 50 percent cover of shrubs. This community is comprised of abandoned agricultural fields, powerline cuts, and pasture lands which have been allowed to revegetate naturally. Typical of early stages of succession, these areas are characterized by plants that have short life cycles. This type of community is considered the initial phase of revegetation, or successional stage that develops in a highly disturbed area. Common plant species include broom-sedge (Andropo�on virginicus), daisy (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), trumpet vine (CamRsis radicans), vetch (Viccia s�.), dog- fennel, and rabbit tobacco (Gnaphalium obtusifol�um). Grasses make up a large component of this community. Typical representatives are crab grass (DiQitaria sanc�uinalis), panicum (Panicum boscii), paspalum (Paspalum dilatatum), Bermuda grass (Cvnodon dactylon) and bent grass (A�rostis s�.). ' �. �rian<fnn e: or.est. ....� ..�_.�_ Riparian fringe forest is seasonally to intermittently flooded, and is confined to stream and river embankments. Alluvial soils support a canopy of sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), red maple (Acer rubrum), and tulip tree (Liriodendron tuli�ifera). Black walnut (J�lans �ra) is scattered throughout. Black willow (Salix nigra) forms a thick subcanopy. These moist-to-wet conditions support herbaceous plants such as impatiens (Impatiens capensis), false nettle (Boehmeria cvlindrica), Joe-pye-weed (Eupatorium maculatum), sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis , and ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis). Oak-Hickorv Forest Oak-hickory forests are the principal communities traversed in areas of new location. The closed-to-somewhat open canopies on ridgetops are dominated by xerophytic species such as white oak ( uercus alba), associated with species such as scarlet oak (Q, coccinea), black oak (Q, velutina), and pignut hickory (Carva lg abra). White pine (Pinus strobus) is scattered throughout, probably indicative of past disturbances. On sheltered slopes, mesic species occur, such as Canadian hemlock (Tsu�a canadensis) beech (FaQUS grandifolia), and umbrella tree (Magnolia fraseri). Red maple and sourwood (Oxydendrum arboreum) are 17 prevalent in the understory. A thick shrub layer is characterized by mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia), rosebay (Rhododendron maximum) and blueberry (Vaccinium sp.). A diverse herb layer is principally comprised of partridge berry (Mitchella repens), galax (Galax a�hvlla), Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), and heart leaf (Hexast�lis sp.). The parasitic herb, Indian pipe (Monotrona odorata), is scattered throughout this community, as is squawroot (Conopholis americana), which is parasitic on roots of trees, principally oaks. An interesting variation of the above community occurs on what may be dolomitic limestone. This white outcropping of rock occurs in the vicinity of US 221 and SR 1556. A co-dominant canopy is comprised of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and rock chestnut oak ( uercus montana). Red cedar (Juniperus vir ing iana) occurs sporadically. Black walnut and chinquapin (Chinyuapin pumila) are found in more mesic conditions at the base of the slope. b. Wildlife Communities The semi-rural nature of the project area, combined with a mix of plant community patterns, provide a variety of opportunities for various forms of mobile wildlife. Forested tracts have all the necessary components (food, water, protective coverage) to support a number of small and large mammals, including black bear (Ursus americanus), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginiana), raccoon (Procyon lotor), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), gray squinel (Sciurus carolinensis), woodchuck (Marmota monax), and eastern cottontail (S, l�lagus floridanus). Black bear need large areas of refuge, generally with thick forest cover which is inaccessible to humans. Comments from Stephanie Goudreau, Mountain Region Coordinator in the Habitat Conservation Program (WRC), states that widening the roadway in this area has the potential to impact the resident black bear population. The existing roadway bisects the U. S. Forest Service (USFS) Grandfather Ranger District where bear densities are high. Widening the roadway will impact bear movement to some degree and will likely increase highway mortality. However, culvert upgrades at Hickory Bottom Branch, tributary to Conley Branch, Martin Branch, and tributary to North Fork Catawba River should provide safe passage for bears and other mammals. White-tailed deer prefers areas of mixed age-stands of forest, interspersed with open lands. It is primarily a crepuscular herbivore, feeding on herbs, mast, and agricultural crops. Deer sign and sightings were common in all habitats. Birds are the most conspicuous fauna encountered in forested tracts. The ruby- throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) made several close appearances, consuming nectar from the tubular flowers of bay rose. The rufous sided towhee (Pipilo ervthrophthalmus) is very common as is the red- eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus). Both are readily observed in forested habitats. Birds observed in maintained communities, which are year-round residents, are the American goldfinch* (Carduelis tristis), song sparrow* (Melospiza melodia), and American crow* (Corvus brachyrhynchos). A pair of cardinals* (Cardinalis cardinalis) were observed in area lawns. Birds of prey such as the Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperi), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus), and red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) are expected to occur over these open lands, preying on rodents, snakes, frogs, crayfish, and songbirds. Many eastern cottontails were observed, providing a readily ava�lable food source for birds of prey. �:3 � r: ;A ��:• Dy, ;`,�F�{� ia;?i:, � " Streams in the area, provide breeding opportunities for many amphibians. Amphibians, in particular, are highly water-dependent for completion of larval stages in their life cycle. The two-lined salamander* (Eu •rticea bislineata) may be a common resident, living in seepages and streams throughout the project area. Slimy salamanders* (Plethodon glutinosus) were found under logs in areas of moist, steep side slopes. Numerous Northern duskys* (Desmognathus fuscus) were captured in Pepper Creek. It is a very abundant salamander in streams and wooded ravines. The red bat (Las�urus borealis), and evening bat (Nvcticeius humeralis) are likely to occur in the study area, foraging over mountain streams, consuming moths, flies, beetles, crickets, and other insects. c. A uatic Life The North Fork Catawba River and its tributaries support a diverse aquatic community. Likely fish to be found in these cool waters are the central stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum), fantail darter (Etheostoma flabellare), greenhead shiner (Notropis chlorocephalus), warpaint shiner (N. cocco�enis), blacknose dace (Rhinichthv satratulus), rosyside dace (Clinostomus funduloides), and northern hog sucker (Hypentelium ni�ricans). Common game fish include the rainbow trout (Oncorh�nchus mvkiss), and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Large numbers of redbreast sunfish (Lepomis auntus) and other pan fish are common (pers. comm. Robert Brown, WRC Asst. Fisheries Biologist). Food sources are generally tenestrial and aquatic invertebrates; principally insects, detritus, and benthic organisms. Abundant or common benthos in these cool, lotic waters, include caddisflies (Rhyacophia wphipes), (Micrasema bennetti), and (Brachycercus sp.); mayflies (Neo�hemera pruQurea), (E�eorus spp), and stoneflies (Peltoperla sp.). d. Biotic Communitv Impacts Limited habitat reduction will result from the proposed construction since the project consists of upgrading the existing roadway. Although some alignment changes are proposed to straighten curved portions of the roadway, this habitat reduction should not be viewed as fragmentation which is normally associated with new location projects. The project will eliminate portions of forested communities and degrade these communities. Loss of habitat is likely to reduce the number of animals which rely on these communities for shelter and foraging habitat. Loss of habitat can also cause a disruption of both short-term (diurnal, nocturnal) migrations, and long term seasonal migrations of animal populations, depending on individual species requirements for food, water, and cover. Animal migration may also be interrupted due to vehicular noise, and roadkills will decrease numbers of individuals of certain species. Impacts due to the proposed widening will be reflected in the creation of new habitat and in the alteration and elimination of previously existing habitat. Subterranean, burrowing and slow moving organisms will be eliminated. Larger, faster animals will be displaced. The loss and degradation of wildlife habitat, particularly for aquatic species, are serious impacts that will result from dredging, filling, culvert placement operations, slope stabilization and land clearing. These construction act�vities result in the direct loss of benthic organisms and an increase in silt load in wetland/aquatic environments. Mobile aquatic organisms are better able to avoid impacts, than those species that are filter feeders and/or relatively immobile. The removal of benthic organisms reduces the potential food supply for vertebrate and aquatic organisms. Siltation has many adverse impacts on aquatic organisms: decreases the depth of light penetration inhibiting plant and algal growth, which is a food source; clogs the filtration 19 apparatus of filter-feeding benthos and the gills of fish; buries benthic organisms in the disturbed substrate, cutting them ofifrom a food source; adversely modifies preferred benthic substrate; and spoils downstream spawning beds for fish. Table 4 summarizes potential losses from proposed project construction. Calculations are based on right-of-way limits of 140 to 550 feet (42.7 to 167.7 m). Table 4 ANTICIPATED PLANT COMMUNITY IMPACTS COMMUNITY Maintained Community Disturbed Herbaceous Assemblage Riparian Fringe Oak-HickoryForest Total e. Federallv Protected S ecies Hectares (Acres) IMPACTS 30.1 (75.3) 24.0 (60.0) 6.6 (16.4) 7.2 18.1 67.9 (169.8) Plants and animals with federal classifications of Endangered (E), Threatened (T), Proposed Endangered (PE) and Proposed Threatened (PT) are protected under provisions of Section 7 and Section 9 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. As of March 28, 1995, the following species are federally protected in McDowell County. Table 5 FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES FOR McDOWELL COUNTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus Hedo is u urea var. montana Hudsonia montana heather Carolina northern flying squirrel Roan Mountain bluet Mountain golden E E T �. "E" denotes Endangered (a species that is threatened with extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range). "T" denotes Threatened (a species that is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range). Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus (northern flying syuirrel) The Carolina northern flying syuirrel has a large, well furred flap of skin along either side of its body. This furred flap of skin is connected at the wrist in the front and at the ankle in the rear. The skin flaps and its broad flattened tail allow the northern flying squirrel to glide from tree to tree. It is solely nocturnal with large dark eyes. 20 There are several isolated populations of the northern flying squirrel in the western part of North Carolina, along the Tennessee border. This squirrel is found above 1517 meters (5000 feet) in the vegetation transition zone between hardwood and coniferous forests. Both forest types are used to search for food and the hardwood forest is used for nesting sites. Elevations in the project area are approximately 488 meters (1600 feet) and do not meet the elevation requirements for this species. The project will have no effect on the northern flying squirrel. , Hed,Yotis ur urea var. montana (Mountain purple or Roan Mountain bluet) Roan Mountain bluet is a perennial species with roots and grows in low tufts. Roan Mountain bluet has several bright purple flowers arranged in a terrrnnal cyme. This plant can be found on high elevation clif�'s, outcrops, steep slopes, and in the gravelly talus associated with cliffs at elevations of 1,400 to 1,900 meters (4,592 to 6,232 feet.) Roan Mountain bluet grows best in areas where it is exposed to full sunlight and in shallow acidic soils composed of various igneous, metamorphic, and metasedimentary rocks. Elevations in the project area are approximately 488 meters (1600 feet) and do not meet the elevation requirements for this species. The project will have no effect on the Roan Mountain bluet. Hudsonia montana (Mountain golden heather) Mountain golden heather is a low, needle-leaved shrub that is yellow- green in color. This shrub usually grows in clumps and retains its leaves from the previous year which appear scale-like on the older branches. Leaves appear awl-shaped and thread-like. Mountain golden heather forms solitary, terminal, lanceolate flowers. These yellow flowers have five blunt-tipped petals and 20 to 30 stamens. Fruit capsules have three projecting points at the tips and are round in shape. Hudsonia montana occurs in weathered rocky soils on mountain tops. It can be found on exposed quartzite ledges in an ecotone between bare rock and heath balds dominated by Leiophyllum which merge into pine forest. Plants do live in partially shaded areas, but do not appear to be as healthy as those found in open areas. A cntical habitat area for mountain golden heather exists in Burke County. No open, exposed ledges are present in the project area. The project will have no effect on the Mountain golden heather. Federal Candidate/State Protected Snecies Candidate 2(C2) species are not legally protected under the Endangered Species Act and are not subject to any of it's provisions until they are formally proposed or listed as Threatened or Endangered. Plants or animals with state designations of Endangered (E), Threatened (T) or Special Concern (SC) are granted protect�on by the State Endangered Species Act and the NC Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979, administered and enforced by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the NC Department of Agriculture. � 21 The following table includes federal Candidate species listed for McDowell County and their state status. These species may potentially occur in the project area; however, organisms and their suitable habitat were not surveyed for. The NHP data base was reviewed to determine if any protected species have been verified in the project area. None were recorded. Table 6 FEDERAL CANDIDATE/ STATE PROTECTED SPECIES IN McDOWELL COUNTY Scientific Name Common Name Status Myotis subulatus leibii footed bat Neotoma floridana magister Clemmvs muhlenber�ii Speyeria diana Ju_ l� cinerea Lilium �r� Shortia galacifolia • Shortia galacifolia . var. brevistvla Caecidotea carolinensis Dendrocia cerulea Contopus borealis Eastern small- Alleghany woodrat Bog turtle Diana fritillary butterfly Butternut Gray's lily Oconee-bells SC SC T T-SC E-SC NC Habitat no yes no no yes no no Short=Styled _ : - .. . . ,� _� {^. . . E=SC�- - . . . no oconee=bells �. . _ � G. � . � , ... , . . . y,. ,. _ . . Bennett's Mill no cave water slater Cerulean Warbler Olive-sided flycatcher yes SC no 2. Physical Resources � . . _ '� . , . .. �. <,. . a. Geologi� Resources The study area is situated along the border between the Piedmont Plateau and the Blue Ridge Mountains Physiographic Provinces. The topography is characterized by gently roliing, well-rounded hills and long rolling ridges to deeply dissected mountainous areas of steep mountain ridges, intermontane basins, and trench valleys. Surface waters within this region generally flow into the North Fork Catawba River and eventually discharge into Lake James. The geologic map of North Carolina (1985) depicts this portion of the Piedmont Plateau/ Blue Ridge Mountains Physiographic Provinces as consisting of sandstone, 22 .: S" dolomite, shale, and siltstone which were metamorphosed into felsic and biotite gneiss of the Grandfather Mountain Window. These gneisses are locally and variably interlayered with amphibolite, calc- silicate granofels, and rare marble. Soils within the project corridor consist mostly of moderately drained soils. These soils are composed mamly of the A-4 AASHTO Soils Classification. The subject project is located in the Mountain Soil Region and is within the Broad basins, River Tenaces and Flood Plain Soil System. This intermountain basin is composed of low mountains, discontinuous river tenaces, and flood plains. Nanow ridges and steep side slopes occur in some areas at maximum elevations of 488 meters (1600 feet), but the major portion of subject project lies in the North Fork Catawba River flood plain characterized by low relief. Rosman loam and Evard soils are the principal mapping units within the study area. Rosman loam consists of deep, well drained, nearly level soils on flood plains adjacent to streams, while Evard soils are typically on smooth, foot slopes. Neither are classified as hydric soils. Between NC 226 and SR 1556, some relocation of US 221 is proposed, resulting in substantial cuts and fills. Detailed subsurface information is needed during the design stage of the project since the Linville Falls Fault is mapped as passing through this area. Rocks exposed in the existing road cuts may be on either side of the fault and have been subjected to great stresses in the past and will have some effect on slope stability. Sink holes have been reported in rock south of the project limits. The existence of these features in the project area is not likely but is possible. Between SR 1556 and SR 1573, existing US 221 is in the narrow floodplain of the Catawba River where dense gravel may be present. b. Water Resources and lie within the Catawba River Basin. This river arises from the eastern slopes or the southern Blue Ridge Mountains with most of the basin occurring in the inner Piedmont. Perennial streams in the project area are medium to high gradient, streams. Physical characteristics of major waterbodies include a rock/cobble/sand substrate, approximately 4.6 to 6.1 meters (15 to 20 feet) in width. Most are bordered by hardwood forest. Water depth averaged about 0.3 to 0.6 meter (1 to 1.5 feet) at time of visit. uaryi� g"from'0^3.meter (7-foot)_to_1:.5_meter.s�(5=feet)�with�_no_asso_ciated-wetlands�Water levels were high, due to recent heavy rains and flow-rate was rapid. Stream substrates are cobble/boulder and sand. Adjacent vegetation was of the mesic mixed hardwood type. The drainage pattern is dendritic, highly dissecting the landscape. "Best usage" classifications are assigned to the waters of North Carolina by the Division of Environmental Management (DEM). A summary of "best usage" water classifications for water resource components likely to rece�ve impacts are listed in Table 7 below. A summary of the "best usage" for which the waters in each class must be protected, follows. 23 Table 7 "BEST USAGE" CLASSIFICATIONS OF WATER RESOURCES Water Resource Hickory Bottom Branch Conley Branch Tributary to Conley Branch Martin Branch Pepper Creek Classification ��S�II� �-C�'ijr ��-'Tr� �� � �r' ::• Any stream.which:is�not;named:in;the.schedule of stream classifications carries the same�classification?as�that�.assigned to the stream segment.to.which;it.is tributary. :.�.: . .:: Class C�designates waters suitable:for secondary recr.eation;.aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife and agriculture. The supplemental classification of Trout : Waters (Tr) is intended to protect:freshwaters.for natural;trout�:propagation and the survival of stocked trout. The NC Division of Land Resources:has a special buffer: zone:requirement which applies to all DEM Trout Waters. These rules require an undisturbed buffer zone 7.6 meters (25 feet) wide or of sufficient width to confine visible siltation within the twenty-five percent of the buffer zone nearest the land-disturbing activity, whichever is greatest. �=Protection measures include special numeric instream water quality standards to protect trout. .:...... : .::... . .:.. : ... . . -, A portion of the project area from NC 226 northward approximately 0.3 kilometer (0.7 mile), falls within the �Armstrong Creek watershed, classified as WS-II. Projects that are located within 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) upslope from High Quality Waters (HQW) and fall within a HQW zone are subject to special regulations as defined in "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (T15A:04B.0024) of.the Sedimentation Control guidelines. The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Ambient Network (�MAN) addresses long term trends in water quality at fixed monitoring sites by the sampling for selected benthic macroinvertebrates. Benthic macroinvertebrates are sensitive to very subtle changes in water yuality. Good water quality is associated with both high taxa richness values and the presence of many intolerant forms. Water quality degradation gradually eliminates the more sensitive species and leads to a community structure quite different from that in an unstressed stream. No specific data is available for area streams within the project area. In general, streams in the Catawba River Basin have good to excellent water quality. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) lists no dischargers for the project area. Neither Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), nor waters designated as WS-I will be impacted by the proposed project, nor are these resources located within 1.6 kilometers (0.1 mile) of the project area -- :;;:,.:-.. , �� �, � r . -; �. .. .- . � . . c. Water Resource Impacts Surface water impacts are anticipated for all stream crossings. Steep slopes in the project area mandate the need for stringent erosion and sedimentation control measures. Culverts and/or pipes will be installed, reducing the linear feet of natural stream channel. Other potential impacts are increased sedimentation from erosion due to bridge replacement; concentration of toxic compounds from highway runoff and/or toxic spills; scouring of stream beds due to the channelization of streams; alterations of water levels due to 24 . :., ,. interruptions or additions to surficial and/or groundwater flow; changes in light incidence due to the removal of vegetative cover. The proposed improvements avoid surface waters where possible by widening US 221 away from streams that are parallel to the existing roadway. Maximum allowable side slopes (2:1 or steeper) and retaining walls will also be provided to avoid impacts to parallel streams. Unavoidable water resource impacts occur at perpendicular stream crossings. The proposed design minimizes impacts at perpendicular crossings by retaining existing culverts and iricluding maximum allowable side slopes. Unavoidable stream impacts also occur along Hickory Bottom Branch. The stream meanders along both sides of the existing roadway a length of approximately 3000 feet between NC 226 and SR 1562. The�recommend'ed�al_ignment impacts,two�portions�of (refer to Section III.A.1 for an evaluation of alternatives in the vicinity of this rech nan elization: The secorid relocation occurs north of NC 226 between the two existing culverts and req ires a p o'x%, 'mately_-600-feet-of-stream-rechanneiization t_o_relo.cate_the� channel; e sa of>its_e�ustmg_1 co at. ron-(refer to Figure 6 for proposed stream rechannelization locations). These shall be treated as a"standard relocation," applicable when greater than 30.5 meters (100 feet) of total relocation is required at a given crossing, or more than 15.2 meters (50 feet) is relocated on any one side (upstream or downstream). The relocated channel will be designed_according to the NC Wildlife Resources Commission `� �:u�delines �for:1VI� o t`'n�StTeam�-Relocation-ln_N`or:th_Carolina "—�he channel design will be similar to original channel in width, depth, gradient, and sub ate. The establishment of bank vegetation via a planting regime is required. Meanders and habitat structures (root wads, wing deflectors, etc.) will approximate the original stream. In accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 USC 661 et seq.), the NCDOT has coordinated these activities with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and US Fish and Wildlife Service (refer to Appendix B for correspondence). All waters within McDowell County are Mountain Trout Waters as designated by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). This designation requires that applicants obtain a letter of comment and recommendation from the NCWRC and a letter of concurrence from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers before discharging any dredged or fill material into waters of the United States that occur within any of the 25 designated counties. The proposed culverts will be designed in coordination with the NCWRC and US Fish and Wildlife Service. This letter of comment will be obtained prior to completing the final environmental document. � Because of the environmental sensitivity of the trout streams along the project, special attention will be given to installing and maintaining the appropriate erosion control and sedimentation control devices. Strict adherence to Best Management-P_r.actices_and �edimentati�onaControl-gu�delines-foriI�igh'�Qu'ality:�WfateTS will=be-implemented-along� Hic_�ory Boftom'B�r_anch�_n"�"""_e.a'r�•ttie�souttiem-pro�e�ct'��limi No instream construction activities will be performed during the trout spawning period of November 1 to April 15 to protect the egg and fry stages from sedimentation. During construction, the following measures will be implemented to minimize disturbance to existing trout streams: 1) Any material excavated for footings in or near water will be removed from the �mmediate vicinity to prevent rt from eroding back into the water. 25 2) All runoff crossing the construction area will be directed to temporary silt basins via lateral ditches with rock check dams to slow and filter the runoff prior to discharging into the river. 3) Approach roadway fill slopes shall be provided at the toe of the fill. Berms along the top of the fill slope will be used to convey runoff laterally to temporary slope drains, which empty into temporary sediment basins. 3. Wetlands Surface waters and associated wetlands fall under the broad category of "Waters of the United States" as defined in 33 CFR 328.3. The US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) takes jurisdiction over the discharge of dredged or fill material into these waters of the U.S. as authorized by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Four jurisdictional wetland sites were identified in the project area using methods in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) (refer to Figure 7 for general location of wetlands). Jurisdictional wetlands are associated with Hickory Bottom Branch (site 1), unnamed tributary to the North Fork Catawba River (site 2), Martin Branch (site 3), and Pepper Creek (site 4). Site 1 may be categorized as palustrine, emergent, persistent (PEM2), while sites 2, 3, and 4 may be categorized as palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous communities (PFOIA) as defined by Cowardin et al. (1979). Wetland communities were identified in the project corridor on the basis of low soil chroma values, hydrophytic vegetation and the presence of hydrology or hydrological indicators. A summary of wetland impacts associated with each site is provided in Table 8 below. Table 8 SUMMARY OF WETLAND IMPACTS hectares (acres) Wetland Stream Anticipated Site , Ciassification Crossing Impacts 1 *PEM2 Hickory Bottom 2 **PF06 North Fork Catawba 3 PF06 Martin Branch 4 PF06 Pepper Creek Total Impacts <0.1 (0.1) <0.1 (0.1) <0.1 (0.2) <0.1 0.2 <0.4 �(�6)7 *Palustrine, Emergent, Non-persistent * *Palustrine, Forested, Broad-leaved Deciduous These sites, located adjacent to the existing roadway, are unavoidable. These wetland impacts result from straightening sharp curves, shifting away from steep mountainous terrain, avoiding parallel streams, and retaining existing culverts. These impacts have been minimized by retaining existing portions of the roadway and including maximum allowabie side slopes to reduce the cross section width. 4. Permits In accordance with provisions of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.0 1344), a permit will be required from the COE for the discharge of dredged or fill material into "Waters of the United States". Based upon site location and estimated acreage involved, it is anticipated that impacts will be authorized by Nationwide Permit [33 CFR 26 _ ; a � �,. y.;�y � 330.5 (a) (26)]. This permit generally authorizes discharges of dredge or fill material in wetlands located above the headwaters (flow less than 1.5 cubic meters (5 cubic feet) per second) of non-tidal rivers, streams and their lakes and impoundments including adjacent wetlands. All waters within McDowell County are Mountain Trout Waters as designated by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. This designation requires that applicants obtain a letter of comment and recommendation from the NCWRC and a letter of concurrence from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers before discharging any dredged or fill material into waters of the United States that occur within any of the 25 designated counties. This letter of comment will be obtained prior to completing the final environmental document. A 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) administered through the N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources will be required. This certificate is issued for any activity which may result in a discharge into waters for which a federal permit is required. WQC number 2671 is anticipated for discharge into headwaters and isolated waters. Miti ag tion Compensatory mitigation is generally not required where Nationwide permits or General permits are authorized, according to the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the COE. Final discretionary authority in these matters rests with the COE. 6. Flood Hazard Evaluation McDowell County is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Regular Program. North Fork Catawba River is included in the detailed Flood Insurance Study for McDowell County; however, according to the study, no floodway has ever been computed or established on this or any other streams in the study. Therefore, there will be no regulatory floodway involvement associated with this project. Figure 8 delineates the established limits of the 100-year floodplain (with no floodway). The floodplain areas affected by the proposed improvements are mostly rural, wooded, and undeveloped. In the North Cove area, adjacent to Pepper Creek, there are some buildings which appear to have floor elevations below the 100-year flood level. In final hydraulic design, consideration will be given to increasing the hydraulic capacity of the drainage structures in this area to reduce existing flood levels. The proposed improvements will provide equivalent or improved conveyance relative to that provided by the.existing drainage facilities. The proposed improvements will not raise the 100-year floodway elevations more than 1 foot (0.3 meter). 7. Air ualit Air pollution originates from various sources. Emissions from industrial and internal combustion engines are the most prevalent sources: Other origins of common outdoor air pollution are solid waste disposal and any form of fire. The impact resulting from highway construction ranges from intensifying existing air pollution problems to improving the ambient air conditions. The traffic is the center of concern when determining the impact of a new highway facility or the improvement of an old highway facility. Motor vehicles emit carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NO), hydrocarbons (HC), particulate matter, sulfur dioxide ($02), and lead (Pb) (listed in order of decreasing emission rate). Automobiles are considered to be the major source of CO in the project area. For this reason, most of the 27 analysis presented is concerned with determining expected carbon monoxide levels in the viciruty of the project due to traffic flow. In order to determine the ambient CO concentration for the receptor closest to the highway project, two concentration components must be used: local and background. The local concentration is defined as the CO emissions from cars operating on highways in the near vicinity (i.e., distances within 100 meters) of the receptor location. The background concentration is defined by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources as "the concentration of a pollutant at a point that is the result of emissions outside the local vicinity; that is, the concentration at the upwind edge of the local sources." In this study, the local concentration was determined by the NCDOT Traffic Noise/Air Quality Staffusing line source computer modeling and the background concentration was obtained from the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR): Once the two concentration components were resolved, they were added together to determine the ambient CO concentration for the receptor in question and to compare to the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Automobiles are regarded as sources of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides emitted from cars are carried into the atmosphere where they react with sunlight to form ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Area-wide automotive emissions of HC and NO are expected to decrease in the future due to the continued installation and maintenance of poliution control devices on new cars. Hence, the ambient ozone and nitrogen dioxide levels in the atmosphere should continue to decrease as a result of the improvements on automobile emissions. The photochemical reactions that form ozone and nitrogen dioxide require several hours to occur. For this reason, the peak levels of ozone generally occur 10 to 20 kilometers downwind of the source of hydrocarbon emissions. Urban areas as a whole are regarded as sources of hydrocarbons, not individual streets and highways. The emissions of all sources in an urban area mix together in the atmosphere, and in the presence of sunlight, the mixture reacts to form ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and other photochemical oxidants. The best example of this type of air pollution is the smog which forms in Los Angeles, California. Automobiles are not regarded as significant sources of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide. Nationwide, highway sources account for less than 7 percent of particulate matter emissions and less than 2 percent of sulfur dioxide emissions. Particulate matter and sulfur dioxide emissions are predominantly the result of non-highway sources (e.g., industrial, commercial, and agricultural). Because emissions of particulate matter and sulfur dioxide from automobiles are very low, there is no reason to suspect that traffic on the project will cause air quality standards for particulate matter and sulfur dioxide to be exceeded. Automobiles without catalytic converters can burn regular gasoline. The burning of regular gasoline emits lead as a result of regular gasoline containing tetraethyl lead which is added by refineries to increase the octane ratmg of the fuel. Newer cars with catalytic converters burn unleaded gasoline eliminating lead emissions. Also, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has required the reduction in the lead content of leaded gasolines. The overall average lead content of gasoline in 1974 was 2 grams per gallon. By 1989, this composite average had dropped to 0.01 grams per gallon. In the future, lead emissions are expected to decrease as more cars use unleaded fuels and as the 28 a ., .,�,�s. :.�s;, t,t:.a��?4:(t'^"ii lead content of leaded gasoline is reduced. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 make the sale, supply, or transport of leaded gasoline or lead additives unlawful after December 31, 1995. Because of these reasons, it is not expected that traffic on the proposed project will cause the NAAQS for lead to be exceeded. A microscale air quality analysis was performed to determine future CO concentrations resulting from the proposed highway improvements. CAL3QHC - A Modeling Methodology For Predicting Pollutant Concentrations Near Roadway Intersections" was used to predict the CO concentration at the nearest sensitive receptor to the project. Inputs into the mathematical model to estimate hourly CO concentrations consisted of a level roadway under normal conditions with predicted traffic volumes, vehicle emission factors, and worst-case meteorological parameters. The traffic volumes are based on the annual average daily traffic project�ons. .The traffic volume used for the CAL3QHC model was the highest volume within any alternative. Carbon monoacide vehicle emission factors were calculated for the completion year of 1997 and the design year of 2017 using the EPA publication "Mobile Source Emission Factors" and the MOBILESA mobile source emissions computer model. The background CO concentration for the project area was estimated to be 1.9 parts per million (ppm). Consultation with the Air Quality Section, Division of Environmental Management, N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources indicated that an ambient CO concentration of 1.9 ppm is suitable for most suburban/rural areas. The worst-case air quality receptor for the build & no-build scenario was determined to be receptor #2 at a distance of 80' from the centerline of the roadway. The "build" and "no-build" one-hour CO concentrations for the nearest sensitive receptor for the years of 1997 and 2017 are shown as follows: One Hour CO Concentrations (PPM) Nearest Build No-build Sensitive Receptor 1997 2017 1997 2017 R-2 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.7 Comparison of the predicted CO concentrations with the NAAQS (maximum permitted for 1-hour averaging period = 35 ppm; 8-hour averaging period = 9 ppm) mdicates no violation of these standards. Since the results of the worst-case 1-hour CO analysis is less than 9 ppm, it can be concluded that the 8-hour CO level does not exceed the standard. See Tables Al, A2, A3 and A4 for input data and output. The project is located within the jurisdiction for air quality of the Asheville Regional Office of the N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. The ambient air quality for McDowell County has been determined to be in compliance with the National Ambient Air Quality Standards. This project is not anticipated to create any adverse effect on the air quality of this attainment area. During construction of the proposed project, all materials resulting from clearing and grubbing, demolition or other operat�ons will be removed from the project, burned or otherwise disposed of by the contractor. Any burning will be done m accordance with 29 applicable local laws and ordinances and regulations of the North Carolina SIP for air quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D.0520. Care will be taken to insure that burning will be done at the greatest practical distance from dwellings and not when atmospheric conditions are such as to create a hazard to the public. Burning will only be utilized under constant surveillance. Also during construction, measures will be taken to reduce the dust generated by construction when the control of dust is necessary for the protection and comfort of motorists or area residents. This evaluation completes the assessment requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and the NEPA process, and no additional reports are required. 8. Traffic Noise This analysis was performed to determine the effect of the proposed project alternatives (Figure N 1) on noise levels in the immediate project area. This investigation includes an inventory of existing noise sensitive land uses and a field survey of ambient (existing) noise levels in the study area. It also includes a comparison of the predicted noise levels and the ambient noise levels to determine if traffic noise impacts can be expected resulting from the proposed project. Traffic noise impacts are determined from the cunent procedures for the abatement of highway traffic noise and construction noise, appearing as Part 772 of Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR). If traffic noise impacts are predicted, examination and evaluation of alternative noise abatement measures for reducing or eliminating the noise impacts must be considered. Characteristics of Noise Noise is basically defined as unwanted sound. It is emitted from many sources including airplanes, factories, railroads; .power generation plants, and highway vehicles. Highway noise, or traffic noise, is usually a composite of noises from engine exhaust, drive tram, and tire-roadway interaction. The magnitude of noise is usually described by its sound pressure. Since the range of sound pressure varies greatly, a logarithmic scale is used to relate sound pressures to some common reference level, usually the decibel (dB). Sound pressures described in decibels are called sound pressure levels and are often defined in terms of frequency weighted scales (A, B, C, or D). The weighted-A scale is used almost exclusively in vehicle noise measurements because it places most emphasis on the frequency range to which the human ear is most sensitive (1,000-6,000 Hertz). Sound levels measured using A-weighting are often expressed as dBA. Throughout this report, references will be made to dBA, which means an A-weighted decibel level. Several examples of noise pressure levels in dBA are listed in Table N 1. Review of Table N 1 indicates that most individuals in urbanized areas are exposed to fairly high noise levels from many sources as they go about their daily activities. The degree of disturbance or annoyance of unwanted sound depends essentially on three things: 1) the amount and nature of the intruding noise, 2) the relationship between the background noise and the intruding noise, and 3) the type of activity occurring where the noise is heard. In considering the first of these three factors, it is important to note that individuals have different hearing sensitivity to noise. Loud noises bother some more than others and some individuals become aroused to anger if an unwanted noise persists. The time patterns of noise also enter into an individual's judgement of whether or not a noise is objectionable. 30 For example, noises occurring during sleeping hours are usually considered to be much more " objectionable than the same noises in the daytime. With regard to the second factor, individuals tend to judge the annoyance of an unwanted noise in terms of its relationship to noise from other sources (background noise). The blowing of a car horn at night when background noise levels are approximately 45 dBA would generally be much more objectionable than the blowing of a car horn in the afternoon when background noises might be 55 dBA. The third factor is related to the interference of noise with activities of individuals. In a 60 dBA environment, normal conversation would be possible while sleep might be difficult. Work activities requiring high levels of concentration may be interrupted by loud noises while activities requiring manual effort may not be interrupted to the same degree. Over a period of time, individuals tend to accept the noises which intrude into their lives, particularly if the noises occur at predicted intervals and are expected. Attempts have been made to regulate many of these types of noises including airplane noises, factory noise, railroad noise, and highway traffic noise. In relation to highway traffic noise, methods of analysis and control have developed rapidly over the past few years. Noise Abatement Criteria In order to determine that highway noise levels are or are not compatible with various land uses, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has developed noise abatement criteria and procedures to be used in the planning and design of highways. These abatement criteria and procedures are set forth in the aforementioned Federal reference (Title 23 CFR Part 772). A summary of the noise abatement criteria for various land uses is presented in Table N2. The Leq, or equivalent sound level, is the level of constant sound which in a given situation and time period has the same energy as does time varying sound. In other words, the fluctuating sound levels of traffic noise are represented in terms of a steady noise level with the same energy content. Ambient Noise Levels Ambient noise measurements were taken along the project at representative locations using a GenRad 1988 Precision Integrating Sound- Level Meter and Analyzer. The noise levels were recorded for a 20-minute period during anticipated peak traffic noise periods. Traffic counts were taken at each measurement site during the sampling periods and differences in the measured noise levels are attributed to variations in site conditions and traffic volumes. The ambient measurement sites and measured exterior Leq noise levels are shown in Figure N2 and listed in Table N3. The purpose of this noise level information was to quantify the existing acoustic environment and to provide a base for assessing the impact of noise level increases. The existing roadway and traffic conditions were used with the most current traffic noise prediction model in order to calculate existing noise levels for comparison with noise levels actuaily measured. The calculated existing noise levels were within 0. l to 4.9 dBA of the measured noise levels for all of the locations for which noise measurements were obtained. Differences in dBA levels can be attributed to "bunching" of vehicles, low traffic volumes, and actual vehicle speeds versus the computer's "evenly- spaced" vehicles and single vehicle speed. 31 Procedure for•Predicting Future Noise Levels The prediction of highway traffic noise is a complicated procedure. In general, the traffic situation is composed of a large number of variables which describe different cars driving at different speeds through a continual changing highway configuration and surrounding terrain. Obviously, to assess the problem certain assumptions and simplifications must be made. The procedure used to predict future noise levels in this study was the Noise Barrier Cost Reduction Procedure, STAMINA 2.0 and OPTIMA (revised March, 1983). The BCR (Barrier Cost Reduction) procedure is based upon the FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Prediction Model (FHWA-RD-77-108). The BCR traffic noise prediction model uses the number and type of vehicles on the planned roadway, their speeds, the physical characteristics of the road (curves, hills, depressed, elevated, etc. ), receptor location and height, and, if applicable, barrier type, barrier ground elevation, and barrier top elevation. In this regard, it is to be noted that only preliminary alignment was available for use in this noise analysis. The proposed typical roadway section will include a five-lane shoulder section and various median width four-lane sections along the proposed alignment. Only those existing natural or man-made barriers were included. The roadway sections and proposed intersections were assumed to be flat and at-grade. Thus, this analysis represents "worst-case" topographic conditions. The noise predictions made in this report are highway-related noise predictions for the traf�ic conditions during the year being analyzed. Peak hour design and Level-of-Service (LOS) C volumes were compared, and the volumes resulting in the noisiest conditions were used with proposed speed limits. Thus, during all other time periods, the noise levels will be no greater than those indicated in this report. The STAMINA 2.0 computer model was utilized to enable the determination of the number of land uses (by type) which, during the peak hour in the design year 2017 would be exposed to noise levels approaching or exceeding the FHWA noise abatement criteria and those land uses predicted to expect a substantial noise increase. The basic approach was to select receptor locations such as 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 feet from the center of the near traffic lane (adaptable to both sides of the roadway). The location of these receptors were determined by the change in projected traffic volumes and/or the posted speed limits along the proposed project. The result of this procedure was a grid of receptor pomts along the project. Using this grid, noise levels were calculated for each identified receptor. The Leq traffic noise exposures associated with this project are listed in Table N4. Information included in these tables consist of listings of all receptors in close proximity to the project, their ambient and predicted noise levels, and the estimated noise level increase for each. The maximum number of receptors in each activity category that are predicted to become impacted by future traffic noise is shown in Table N5. These are noted in terms of those receptors expected to experience traffic noise impacts by approaching or exceeding the FHWA NAC or by a substantial increase in exterior levels. Under Title 23 CFR Part 772, there are 6 residences and one business that are impacted within the project limits. Other information included in Table NS is the maximum extent of the 72 and 67 dBA noise level contours. This information should assist local authorities in exercising land use control over the remaining undeveloped lands adjacent to the roadway within local jurisdiction. For example; with the proper information on noise, the local authorities can prevent further 32 . : , .. . a . = 1 • "_�. . . . development of incompatible activities and land uses with the predicted noise levels of an adjacent highway. Table N6 indicates the exterior traffic noise level increases for the identified receptors in each roadway section. Predicted noise level increases for this project range from +2 to +8 dBA. When real-life noises are heard, it is possibie to barely detect noise level changes of 2-3 dBA. A 5 dBA change is readily noticeable. A 10 dBA change is judged by most people as a doubling or a halving of the loudness of the sound. Traffic Noise Impact Ana�sis/ Abatement Measures . Tr�c noise impacts occur when the predicted tr�c noise levels either: [a] approach or exceed the FHWA noise abatement criteria, (with "approach" meaning within dBA of the Table N2 value), or [b] substantially exceed the existing noise levels. The NCDOT definition of substantial increase is shown in the lower portion of Table N2. Consideration for noise abatement measures must be given to receptors which fall in either category. - Highway Alignment An abatement measure such as alteration of the proposed alignment is normally a reasonable abatement measure along areas of relocation. Alignment selection involves the horizontal or vertical orientation of the proposed improvements in such a way as to minimize impacts and costs. The selection of alternative alignments for noise abatement purposes must consider the balance between noise impacts and other engineering and environmental parameters. For noise abatement, horizontal alignment selection is primarily a matter of sitting the roadway at a sufficient distance from noise sensitive areas. The proposed alternatives were developed to minimize costs and environmental impacts. Hence, further alteration of the proposed horizontal alignments is not reasonable or feasible from a planning and design standpoint. Changes in the vertical alignment can be effective in limiting noise impacts of certain highway facilities. This mitigation measure is not feasible or reasonable due to design constraints associated with the planned intersecting network of roadways. Traffic S�stem Mana eg ment Measures Traffic system management measures which limit vehicle type, speed, volume and time of operations are often effective noise abatement measures. For this project, trai�ic management measures are not considered appropriate for noise abatement due to their effect on the capacity and level-of-service on the proposed roadway. Noise Barriers Physical measures to abate anticipated traffic noise levels can often be applied with a measurable degree of success by the application of solid mass, attenuable measures to effectively defract, absorb, and reflect highway traffic noise emissions. Solid mass, attenuable measures may include earth berms or artificial abatement walls. However, these mitigating measures may not be feasible or reasonable in all cases, particularly for receptors with frontage along primary or secondary roads in the study area which the proposed project crosses. Reduction of traffic noise from the proposed roadway may not necessarily lower the noise levels at these receptors to within the recommended noise abatement criteria and/or below a substantial noise level increase. 33 The project will maintain no control of access with access allowed for each abutting property and all intersections. For a noise barrier to provide sufficient noise reduction it must be high enough and long enough to shield the receptor from significant sections of the highway. Access openings in the barrier severely reduce the noise reduction provided by the barrier. It then becomes economically unreasonable to construct a barrier for a small noise reduction. Safety at access openings (driveways, crossing streets, etc.) due to restricted sight distance is also a concern. Furthermore, to provide a sufficient reduction, a barrier's length would normally be eight (8) times the distance from the bamer to the receptor. For example, a receptor located 50 feet from the barrier would normaliy require a barrier 400 feet long. An access opening of 40 feet (10 percent of the area) would limit its noise reduction to approximately 4 dBA (FiJNDAMENTAL AND ABATEMENT OF HIGHWAY TRAFFIC NOISE, Report No. FHWA-HHI- HEV-73-7976-1, USDOT, chapter 5, section 3.2, page 5-27). � In addition, businesses, churches, and other related establishments located along a particular highway normally require accessibility and high visibility. Solid mass, attenuable measures for traffic noise abatement would tend to disallow these two qualities and thus, would not be acceptable abatement measures in their case. Based on the above factors, physical abatement measures are not recommended for this project.. "Do Nothine" Alternative The traffic noise impacts for the "do-nothing" or "no-build" alternative were also considered. If the proposed widening did not occur, 64 residences and 7 business would experience traffic noise impacts by approaching or exceeding the FHWA's NAC. Also, the receptors will experience an increase in exterior noise levels in the range of +2 to ±7 dBA. As previously noted, it is barely possible to detect noise level changes of 2-3 dBA. A 5 dBA change in noise levels is more readily noticed. A 10 dBA change is judged by most people as a doubling or a halving of the loudness of the sound. Summarv Based on these preliminary studies, traffic noise abatement is not feasible or reasonable and no noise abatement measures are proposed. This evaluation completes the highway traffic noise requirements of Title 23 CFR, Part 772, and unless a major project change develops, no additional reports are required for this project. 9. Hazardous Materials A reconnaissance survey of the project corridor identified two sites which contain or have the potential for underground storage tanks (UST's). In a subsequent records searc}i of the DEM/Groundwater Sect�on, the following information was obtained: The Cove Antiques, on the west side of US 221, is located approximately 1650 feet south of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road). This business will be relocated by the proposed project. One vent pipe, 66 feet from the centerline of existing US 221, exists on the property; however, it is uncertain that UST's exist at the site. Additional testing is required to determine if UST's and potential soil contamination exist on the property. This testing will be conducted prior to completing the final environmental document. If the property is contaminated, NCDOT will request that the property owner clean up the site in accordance with the federal regulations contained in 40 CFR 280 entitled "Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Underground Storage Tanks 34 rtt= ���`:�^:« ;�`.a;�.,4`J ; (UST's)". If the property owner does not clean the site, a settlement will be reached between the owner, NCDOT, and the Division of Environmental Management to remediate the contamination. � Baxter Healthcare Corporation, which is on the east side US 221, is located in the northeast quadrant of US 221 and SR 1573. According to the records of the DEM/Groundwater Section, this facility (ID# 0-017230) had six UST's on the premises, , which were all removed on 4/29/89. This site is located approximately 700 feet from the existing US 221 centerline and will not be affected the project. A files search of the Division of Solid Waste Management was also conducted to determine whether any unknown unregulated dumps or other potentially contaminated sites were within the corridor. After reviewing these files and the DEM/Groundwater incident list, one, site was identified as follows: Baxter Healthcare Corporation is listed as an inactive hazardous site on the Division of Solid Waste Management Superfund List. From 1974 to 1977, laboratory and paint solvents were disposed of along a gravel road behind the facility. Based on soil and groundwater sample analysis results of the abandoned solvent disposal site, this facility has been recommended for deletion from the North Carolina State Superfund List. The pro�ect will not affect the superfund site. " In addition, this facility operates an on-site waste water treatment plant near existing US 221 to treat only sewage waste. A settling pond for this treatment plant is located approximately 175 feet from the roadway. The project will not affect the waste water treatment plant facilities. � � 10. Construction Im�acts There are some environmental impacts normally associated with the construction of highways. These are generally of short term duration, and measures will be taken to minimize these impacts. During construction of the proposed project, all materials resulting from clearing and grubbing, demolition, and other operations will be removed from the project, burned, or otherwise disposed of by the contractor. Any burning done will be in accordance with applicable local laws, ordinances, and regulations of the North Carolina State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Air Quality in compliance with 15 NCAC 2D.0520. Care will be taken to insure burning will be done at the greatest distance practicable from dwellings and not when atmospheric conditions are such as to create a hazard to the public. Burning will be performed under constant surveillance. Measures will be taken to allay the dust generated by construction when the control of dust is necessary for protection and comfort of motorists or area residents. The major construction elements of this project are expected to be earth removal, hauling, grading, and paving. General construction noise impacts, such as temporary speech interference for passers-by and those individuals living or working near the pro�ect, can be expected particularly from paving operations and from the earth moving eyu�pment during grading operations. Overall, construction noise impacts are expected to be rrunimal, since all alternative alignments generally traverse through low density areas. However, considering the relatively short term nature of construction noise, these impacts are not expected to be substantial. Furthermore, the transmission loss characteristics of nearby 35 structures and wooded areas are believed to be sufficient to moderate the effects of intrusive construction noise. The general requirements concerning erosion and siltation are covered in Article 107-13 of the Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures , which is entitled "Control of Erosion, Siltation, and Pollution". The N.C. Division of Highways has also developed an Erosion and Sedimentation Control Program which has been approved by the N. C. Sedimentation Control Commission. This program consists of the rigorous requirements to minimize erosion and sedimentation contained in the Standard Specifications together with the policies of the Division of Highways regarding the control of accelerated erosion and sedimentation on work performed by State Forces. Waste and debris will be disposed of in areas outside of the right of way and provided by the contractor, unless otherwise required by the plans or special provisions or unless disposal within the right of way is pernvtted by the Engineer. Disposal of waste and debris in active public waste or disposal areas will not be permitted without prior approval by the Engineer. Such approval will not be permitted when, in the opinion of the Engineer, it wili result in excessive siltation or pollution. NCDOT's general contract for right of way clearing provides timber to minimize the need for piling and burning the opportunity for the contractor to market merchantable during construction. This contract also includes specifications to protect trees outside the construction limits Borrow pits and all ditches will be drained to alleviate breeding areas for mosquitoes. In addition, care will be taken not to block existing drainage ditches. The construction of the project is not expected to cause any serious disruptions in service to any of the utilities serving the area. Prior to construction, a determination will be made regarding the need to relocate or adjust any existing utilities in the project area. A determination of whether the NCDOT or the utility owner will be responsible for this will be made at that time. In all cases, the contractor is required to notify the owner of the utility in advance as to when this work will occur. In addition, the contractor is responsible for any damages to water lines incurred during the construction processes. This procedure will insure that water lines, as well as other utilities, are relocated with minimal disruption in service to the community. Traffic service in the immediate area may be subjected to brief disruption during construction of the project. Every effort will be made to insure the transportation needs of the public are met both during and after construction. V. COMI��NTS AND COORDiNATION A. Comments Received The following federal, state, and local agencies were consulted during the preparation of this environmental assessment. Written comments were received from agencies noted with an asterisk (*). Army Corps of Engineers U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Forestry Service Environmental Protection Agency �: r ^.fe ♦ . . . . , , .. Region C& D Planning Agencies * State Clearinghouse * Department of Cultural Resources * Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources �' Department of Human Resources * Department of Public Instruction McDowell County Commissioners These comments and issues, included in Appendix B, have been addressed in this document. B. Citizens Informational Workshon On October 5, 1993, a Citizens Informational Workshop was held at North Cove Elementary School to discuss the proposed improvements to US 221. The scope of the project at the time of this meeting included Parts B and C of R-2596 through Ashford and Linville Falls to the Blue Ridge Parkway in addition to Part A. The NCDOT Office of Public Affairs advertised the workshop through the major local media. Approximately 60 people attended the workshop, including representatives from NCDOT and Avery County. Twenty-one written comments were received in response to the workshop. Much of the public concern focused on: (1) the need for the project, (2) the importance of the area's environmental resources, and (3) potential property impacts. Some citizens from Linville Falls and neighboring communities expressed opposition to the proposed widening. They commented that traffic volumes do not warrant the multilane improvements. In a petition presented during the workshop, area business owners and residents commented that lower-cost design alternatives should be implemented. They indicated that the multilane improvements are needed between NC 226 and the Baxter Plant access Road (SR 1573). However, north of SR 1573, it was suggested that the design include passing and turn lanes with sufficient shoulder clearance (not exceeding three lanes). Other citizens, who expressed support for the project, commented that US 221 needs to be widened and straightened to improve traffic safety and to attract new industry. Citizens expressed concern for preserving important environmental resources in the vicinity of the project. They felt that the proposed widening will be harmful to wildlife habitat, streams, and other natural resources. They were also concerned that caverns, historic sites, and other scenic features along the roadway will be disturbed by the project. Citizens commented that many of these natural resources and scenic features will be preserved if lower-cost design options (passing lanes and shoulder improvements) are recommended. Area residents and business owners were interested in how the project will affect their properties. Discussions with these citizens focused on possible right of way takings, relocations, and access changes. One resident suggested that a five-lane section (instead of a four-lane divided section) between NC 226 and Ashford would reduce the width of the road and make the road better serve area development. Other residents commented that the proposed median barrier between Ashford and Linville Falls would restrict access for property owners owning land on both sides of the road. They suggested that another type of median be considered in this area. 37 Other items of discussion are summarized as follows: 1) Flooding and hydraulic problems at the SR 1556 intersection and north of the SR 1578 (Pittman Road) intersection. 2) The need for additional truck escape ramps along the project 3) Poor condition of the existing corrugated metal storm drain pipes 4) Possible impacts to septic tanks and drain fields for the Linville Falls Lodge and Cottages on the east side of the roadway. The cunent Transportation Improvement Program does not provide a schedule for right of way acquisition or construction for Parts B and C of R-2596. C. Public Hearin� A public hearing will be held concerning this project following the circulation of this document. This public hearing will provide more detailed information to the public about the proposed improvements. The public will be invited to make additional comments or voice concerns regarding the proposed project. , MLR/plr m - �..; _ - ' S; ,� , . ; .. •. . . � i. . .� . .� � ,.�i . . � , ,`,� `qa. � _ ., ��r. .9 [^. �'�� Q�� I Z � Q Q•. O- � `a D p i7 ��+- P,\��� a � � Y N ¢ �`� ��% CrJ � � W a F c�7 W � C v1p W� � G �/ '� ry `�� �� W a �� QU LL d � � � ��/ � �`� 8� � a I ��%i d Z x� W� a 5 ,y � J � � � Q ��� *'�W�i. �/ �`° �0�� `/�`.�. � > �!- Z W Q ��R O�x� NmQN > v� `i- a �/ ? �v � � m v � fx � C5 j W� ' Z Q-��' � `'' �S` j ° O F' _ _ = V 0.�i p � :C � Q � C> � �a � �� 0' U] .. 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C� / PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENfAL ,4 I � � _ , - - 0 61 � \ � < < BRANCH 1 � i ' I � ��-l3B9 : ' � %l� �� � ( U$ 221 � . i ! i� ; � >.� �- � i � , ',,�._--- � ��/ _�� � FROM NC 226 TO SR 1573 � �° � � /;> � ��= McDOWELL COUNTY ' - i r� I � . � ���� 2t���[1B"_ �_.`� � �_� \-> (,� .. �. � � R-2596 A �'f-i i r-'` �\ .j! asi -,` ic ,��,� I � . � i' /� a , ' --� � J� `• n � � ' �, I\ WETLAND LOCATIONS \ - ,,,�= . � = -F <<<� ��;,1 � � .. i' �� �� J �� SCALE: � 'ancev Pon�L� " ' �'' 1��;\ �' �� ( - i /' �-. j .� = j � ;, J� ' ��,, \ � '' � �� / � % 1 Inch - 2000 feet FIGURE 7 �! , � �' �_-, ���� :�i > )..� �I l �/�.--� � ( , I —,.,. /, � � ; � � .�� ,, s. ,, �, � � ; , � ,� � ' - - . ,� � ����i�' . ������ �( �� '��. � ��� , �� i�. � I I i � 1 i��V I .l � � � � ��,�, �.' ,�lU��l�� �� �. 11 ' � /�` _ _ � � ,. , �'� , , i �. � / . . , .r r + � ti � o`' �: ' " �� tio�'�' � ` p,� � ti�� � � '4 � ? , �P� O� � 9� �a ��,w �, r �'�, ,�� ,o, �e � ,� �� fi� � f + � a� l O - ! / �Q,F, � P� ��� . �s ,` n ��. � ' �p�� \_ GoJ��P��,S t ��'�` ���� 0 0� a� �G� G��Q �.�Oti ��O � �pa�' c� � � � , _� , W , Q Z + W N d�'�` >- p _. ,y .. \ o O � o p • P r J r � /� / � r\. , , � V P C � � I .• LO .�,p� � . �t�n / �o P� . �0�� 31� , J� p \ A1g/ � 4� a1 � 1 a �P o� �� � � � � , � � B,e��ti ` \ ���°' /' Ct c �� "� �i , ' /� ;��] , ' `\ / � r•-+ .t'9 / , � ` •--�/ �/ +� �� // tio � y �� �� „`� . �� •'•, � \ o��+ y �` . 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PROJECT� N-F-221(3) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT� U5 Z21 FROM NC 226 PEAR W00[X.AWN TO SR 1569 ESTIMATED DISPLACEES D�sPiacee Owners Tenants Total Mties Individuals 0 0 0 0 Families 3 2 5 0 Businesses 3 0 3 0 Farms 0 0 0 0 Non-Profit 0 0 0 0 ANSG�R ALL t�ST IONS YESTNOI E�LAIN ALL "YES" ANS��RS OX X X X X ►� X X X 0-15M 15-25M 0 0 0 3 VALLE OF DWELLING Owners Tenants 0-20M 0 � 0-150 2D-40M 1 150-Z50 40-70M 1 250-400 1. Will special relocatian 70-100 1 400-600 I NCONE LEtJEL � ` � � ��-� � � Q 0 ii 0 DSS DI�LLII� AVAILABLE For Sale For Rent 0-20M 0 � 0-150 0 20-40M 4 150-250 1 40-70M 5 250-400 1 70-100 9 400-600 4 serv(�es be necessary 2. Will schools or churches be 100 lP 0 6�0 U' 0 100 L�' 10 600 LP atfected by disPlacement 3. Wili business services stili TOTAL 3 2 28 be a�ailable after project 4. Will any business be dis- REMARKS (Respond by Number) Placed. If so, indicate size 3. Will not be disrupted due to the Pro,ject. type, estimated number of � employees� minorities� etc. 4. X 5. �lill relocatfon cause a housing shortage b. Source for available hous- ing (115t) X 7. Will additional housing progr�ms be needed 8. Stiould Last Resort Housing be considered X 9. Are there large, disabled, eiderly, etc. families 6. PrVSWER TFESE ALSO FOR OESIGN X� 10 . W i I I pub I i c F+ous i ng be needed for Project 6. 11. Is pubiic housing a�ail- able 11. 12. Is it feit there will be ad= equate DDS tiousing available during relocation period 12. X 13. Will there be a problem of housing within financial . means 13. 14. Are suitable busfness sites a�ailable (list sour�e) 15. Number months estimated to . �pmPle ^ RELOCATION 6 MOS. =orm 15.4 Revised 5/90 � � 6 a. One-stary brick business, 1400 SF, GTE Telephone Switching Station,. No employees, b. One-story frame bus(ness, 2000 SF, Shuttle Cleaning Ser�ice, truck trailer washout, tiot showers, certifled truck scales and sandwich bar. Ttiree emPloyees. No minorities. c. One-story frame business, 1800 SF, The Co�e Antiques, sale of antiques, collectibles and gifts. Two empioyees. No minorities.. Brooks 8. Broadwell �ealty, Marion, NC,,Stone Realty, Marion� N. C. and local newspaPer. As necessary in accardance with State law. Isothermal Plannin9 and Development Commission. Mar.ion, N. C. Local reaitors indicate ttiat adequate DSS housin9 will be available during relocation period. Stone Realty and Brooks 8� Broadwell Realty indicated that business properties would be a�ailable for this project. � � �- /� �/�-� �U--��-s �f e APProved Date Original & 1 Copy� State Relocation A9ent 2 CoPy� Area Relocation File Q�VISION OF HIGHWAYS RELOCATION PROGRAMS It is the policy of the NCDOT to ensure �that comparable replacement housing will be available prior to construction of state and federally—assisted projects. Furthermore, the North Carolina Board of Transportation has the following three programs to minimize the inconvenience of relocation: , * Relocation Assistance, * Relocation Moving Payments, and * Relocation Replacement Housing Payments or Rent Supplement. With the Relocation Assistance Program, experienced NCDOT staff will be available to as5ist displacees with information such as availability and prices of homes, apartments, or businesses for sale or rent and fi.nanc�ng or other housing programs. The Relocation Moving Payments Program, in general, provides for payment of actual mov.ing expenses encountered in relocation. Where displacement will force an owner or tenant to purchase or rent property of higher cost or to lose a favorable financing arrange— ment (in cases of ownership), the Relocation Replacement Housing Payments or Rent Supplement Program will compensate up to $22,500 to owners who are eligible and qualify and up to $5,250 to tenants who are eligible and qualify. The relocation program for the proposed action will be conducted in accordance with the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 197Q (Public Law 91-646), and/or the North Carolina Relocation Assistance Act (GS-133-5 through 133-18). The program is designed to provide assistance to displaced persons in reloca— ting to a replacement site in which to live or do business. At least one relocation officer is assigned to each highway project for this purpose. The relocation officer will determine the needs of displaced families, individuals, businesses, non—profit organizations, and farm operations for relocation assistance advisory services without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The NCDOT will schedule its work to. allow ample time, prior to displacement, for negotiations and possession of replacement housing which meets decent, safe, and sanitary standards. The displacees are given at least a 90—day written notice after NCDOT pur— chases the property. Relocation of displaced persons will be offered in areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilities and commercial facilities. Rent and sale prices of replacement property will be within the financial means of the families and individuals displaced . and will be reasonably accessible to their places of employment. The relocati.on officer will also assist owners of displaced businesses, non—profit org�nizations, and farm operations in searching for and moving to replacement property. All tenant and owner residential occupants who may be displaced will receive an explanation regarding all available options; such as (1) purchase of replacement housing, (2) rental of replacement housing, either private or public, or (3) movi�g existing owner-occupant housing to another site (if possible). The relocation officer will also supply information concerning�other state or federal programs offering assistance to displaced persons and will provide other advisory services as needed in order to minimize hardships to displaced persons in adjusting to a new location. The Moving Expense Payments Program is designed to compensate the dis- placee for the costs of moving personal property from homes, businesses, non-profit organizations, and farm operations acquired for a highway project. Under the Replacement Program for Owners, NCDOT will part�cipate in reasonable incidental purchase payments for replacement dwellings such as attorney's fees, surveys, appraisals, and other closing costs and, if applicable, make a payment for any increased interest expenses for replacement dwellings. Reimbursement to owner-occupants for replacement � housing payments, increased interest payments, and incidental purchase expenses may not exceed $22,500 (combined total), except under the Last Resort Housing provision. A displaced tenant may be eligible to receive a payment, not to exceed $5,250, to rent a replacement dwelling or to make a down payment, includ- ing incidental expenses, on the purchase of a replacement dwelling. The down payment is based upo� what the state determines is required when the rent supplement exceeds $5250. It is a policy of the state that no person will be displaced by the NCDOT's state or federally-assisted construction projects unless and until comparable replacement housing has been offered or provided for each displacee within a reasonable period of time prior to displacement. No relocation payment received will be considered as income for the purposes of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or for the purposes of determ�ning eligibility or the extent of eligibility of any person for assistance under the Social Security Act or any other federal law. - Last Resort Housing is a program used when comparable replacement housing is not available, or when it is unavailable within the displacee's finan- cial means, and the replacement payment exceeds the federal/state legal limitation. The purpose of the p.rogram is to allow broad latitudes in methods of implementation by the state so that decent, safe, and sanitary replacement housing can be provided. It is not felt that this program will be necessary on the project, since there appear to be adequate opportunities for relocation within the area. J}llr'!. ;. Appendix 6 Agency Comments LOa7N — Ad07 U.S. Department of Agriculture FAR MLAND �ONV��S10N fN1Pp+CT RATING Osc� Qt La� Evarusaon rirawst C�-`a"Ay PAR7 I f ro he cc�nvrered bY ��e�l agerrcYl � F�o�rs� N��,. �� �.o,.� �_ a,s�� �. �� � . , N . � . .� Icauocr E►na sac. `� �, � OM� E.i Pr000s+a I.sna Us� � a�� W\ C�'��� Oace Fieauast RK*"'�tl Bv SGS - 1 � - Fsrtn S'w PART Il (To tre ca�r+Rlered by SCSI Y� �a Au.s �'^9"e° A�"� � ide or lod imPo�^L �'land? _. Ooes �e site contai� prime. uniciue. snse� ra of this forn►l. l� a ,,,a � O.rimo +n F��A do Ro[ ca�Al�s addiuor+sl Fa qn,uw,c Ot b� '.'. ' (/t no, the FPPA does ncc apCly — Fs.n+.oi• una �n Gorc. lunsa�esioe+ A�. 4 o A . +w,� c��i�� �,�a: 5 2 4 � l�'. � a.�w sv scs Co Ra - - � �--- ►�. a� � �� A�� 5,►�.� o��. � � q . •R py�eeey Irno1v�C � �itW Q\ �/1'1 c.D DI�J�LL � '�'� — PART 11� (To be complered by Federa� a9Q�'�� __ r_ o_ r.,n..�rted OiroGLtY_ A. � vw� .-• — -- 8. Tota� Acra To Be' �_ �:. oN 6.. � v.a. .-.w ._ . • - -- — ..� eT �.. rr„ ti. r�mnittrd by SCSI l.a�d EvaivaIIOn infortr�aaon �..... ._ .-- A. Tam1 qcres Prime And Uniciue Farmland _, ,. _� e.�.....��e And Loeal Impo�nt Fartr�la�d 0 o. � ...o. .-- -- - — C. Pereensage Of Farmland In CountY �� �0�� °�' �� O. vere.nna+ at Fsnn+.nd In Gorc. � d Evaluavon Cr�f urioa •r aMscn• va�w 3. ` PART V(To be complsted by SCS1 � • Relatrve ValuaOf Fam�+�andTo Be CcnveRed (S��sofQm 100Points! Federal Agencyl � Max�mun+ I — .. � .,� � n � h. ��mele[ed bY - --- ..�v e�wl POiftti ^ 1. Area In Nonurban Use Z, perimeter In Nonurban Use 3, percanc Ot Site Bein9 Farmed 4. Proceetien P*ovided 8v Scate And Locai G 5. Oistance From Urban Builtuo Ares 8. Oisranea To Urban SupPaR S�'ar 7, 5,ze Of Praarn Parm Unit Camaared To � g, CrsaDOn ot Nonfsrtnable Fartr+iand 9. Availabiii Of Farsn Suo rt Services 1Q On-Fartn Invesus+ena � � i t. Effecs Ot Cetrrsrsion O� Fam+ SuooaR c � 12 CarrioatibiliN Wi� Existina Aa�a+l��l I TE ASSESSMENT POINTS . . � e w Qr vt t?o be comp/e�ed trY F�Qn� Age�Y1 .`_R�i�w Value Ot Farn�land fFrom PaR V! ' am� g�ce qssessment (From Pa�r VI above o�� S!L'� i��11T1 — - - --...,... .T_�� ,.s �r�vs 2linesl 5'ite Saiaeted: Rwan Far S�action: n Date Of S��a^ �— �� 160 � t�0 160 26� ,. • � . (� � \'3 .� ti� \oJ• 1 YMas A 6.oc'st Sit� Awsu�� ��d? � Ya ❑ NO � , . . ,:�_ QS�,EN7 OF Ty� �P y� O p (/1 � � � CH 3 �gA9 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIF'E SERVICE Asheville FSeld Office 330 Ridgefield Court Asheville, North Cazolina 28806 Gctober 6, 1993 Mr. L. J. Ward, P. E.. Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Ward: r� TAKE � a� A�MERIG4� , .� � ■ . �O -� OC� 4 b 1993 :� ��2 DIVIS►GN C'� `;7ry �' HiGN`�� , ..; �- ����NVIRu: , : Subject: Scoping for proposed widening of US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway. McDowell and Avery Counties..North Carolina. T.I.P. No. R-2596 In your letter of July 2. 1993 (received July 8. 1993), you requested information regarding potential environmental impacts that could result from the subject project for your use in the preparation of an environmental assessment. The following comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667e), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). According to information provided in your letter, this project will involve the widening of U.S. 221 from a two-lane to a multilane road. A portion of this project will be constructed on a new location. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is particularly concerned about the potential impacts the proposed project could have on listed or proposed endangered or threatened species, on stream systems and associated wetlands within the project area--North Fork of the Catawba River and several unnamed tributaries. Laurel Branch. Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, Martin Branch, Pond Branch, Stillhouse Branch, and Hickory Bottom Branch--and on wildlife habitat. Preference should be given to alternative alignments, stream-crossing structures, and construction techniques that avoid and/or minimize encroachment and impacts to these resources. A Service biologist conducted a field visit on October 1, 1993. During this inspection it was apparent that the project area provides habitat for a wide variety of fish and wildlife species. Land use within the project area is primarily rural, and a good portion of the project area bisects the Grandfather Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest. The following gerieral habitat types exist within the project impact area: old fields, early successional areas (along roadsides), mixed pine- y,„ ,i�, hardwood forests, forested riparian areas:.stream systems, and vertical limestone cliff communities. The Service believes this project has the potential to adversely impact fishery and wildlife resources in the project area and recommends that the following three issues be specifically addressed in the environmental assessment: (1) protection of stream and wetland systems (steep slopes within the project area will necessitate additional precautionary measures in order to control sedimentation and erosion); (2) fragmentation of wildlife habitat (especially for the black bear, since there is a relatively good population within the Grandfather Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest); and (3) the possible presence of both federally listed and candidate species. � The enclosed pages identify federally protected endangered and threatened species known from Avery and McDowell Counties that may occur within the area of influence of this proposed action. The legal responsibilities of a Federal agency or their designated non-Federal representative under Section 7 of the Act are on file with the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The enclosed pages also contain candidate species that are currently under status review by the Service which may occur in the project impact area. Candidate species are not legally protected under the Act and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7, until they are formally proposed or listed as endangered or threatened. We are including these species in our response to give you advance notification. The Service's review of the subject environmental assessment would be greatly facilitated if the document also contained the following information: � (1) A complete analysis and comparison of the available alternatives (the build and no-build alternatives). (2) A description of the fishery and wildlife resources within existing and required additional rights-of-way and any areas, such as borrow areas, that may be affected directly or indirectly by the proposed road construction. (3) Acreage and description of the creeks, streams, or wetlands that will be filled as a result of the proposed road improvements. Wetlands affected by the proposed project should be mapped in accordance with the Federal Manual for ldentifYinq and Delineatinq Jurisdictional Wetlands. We recommend contacting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Regulatory Field Office (704/271-4854), to determine the need for a Section 404 Clean Water Act permit. (4) Linear feet of any water courses that will be relocated as a result of the proposed project. (5) Acreage of upland habitat, by cover type, that will be eliminated because of the proposed project. (6) Description of all expected secondary and cumulative environmental impacts associated with this proposed work. (7) An analysis of the crossing structures considered (i.e., spanning structure, culverts) and the rationale for choosing the preferred structure(s). (8) Mitigation measures that will be employed to avoid, eliminate, reduce, or compensate for habitat value losses associated with any part of the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these scoping comments and request that you cont�nue to keep us informed as to the progress of this project. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4-2-94-002. Si cerely, , Brian P. Cole Field Supervisor Enclosure cc: Mr. Randy C. Wilson, Section Manager, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife and Permits Section. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Archdale Building, 512 IV. Salisbury Street. Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Mr. Dennis L. Stewart, Program Manager, Division of Boating and Inland Fisheries. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Ms. Linda Pearsall. Director, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh. NC 27611 Mr. Cecil Frost, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Plant Conservation Program, P.O. Box 27647, Raleigh. NC 27611 IN REPLY REFER TO LOG N0. 4-2-94-002 PAGE 1 OF 2 AVERY COUNTY MAMMALS Virginia big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii vir4inianus)- Endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) - Endangered Southern rock vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus carolinensis) - Candidate New England cottontail (Svlvilaqus transitionalis) - Candidate* Eastern small-footed bat (Mvotis leibii leibii) - Candidate BIRDS Peregrine falcon (Falco pere4rinus) - Endangered Appalachian Bewick's wren (Thrvomanes bewickii altus) - Candidate* REPTILES Bog turtle (Clemmvs muhlenberqii) - Candidate AMPHIBIANS Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleqaniensis) - Candidate* ARACHNIDS Spruce-fir moss spider (Microhexura montivaQa) - Candidate INSECTS Diana fritillary butterfly (�everia diana) - Candidate Regal fritillary butterfly (�everia idalia) - Candidate PLANTS Spreading avens (Geum radiatum) - Endangered* Roan Mountain bluet (Hedvotis �urpurea var. montana) - Endangered Heller's blazing star (Liatris helleri) - Threatened Blue Ridge goldenrod (Solida4o s�ithamaea) - Threatened Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) - Candidate Roan false goat's beard (Astilbe crenatiloba) - Candidate " A liverwort (Bazzania nudicaulis) - Candidate* Mountain bittercress (Cardamine clematitis) - Candidate Manhart's sedge (Carex manhartii) - Candidate Rock gnome lichen (Gvmnoderma lineare) - Candidate Bent avens (Geum qeniculatum) - Candidate Butternut (Juqlans ni ra) - Candidate Gray's lily (Lilium r4 avi) - Candidate A liverwort (PlaQiochila virqinica var. caroliniana) - Candidate* Gray's saxifrage (Saxifraqa caroliniana) - Candidate Oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia) - Candidate Short-styled oconee-bells (Shortia galacifolia var. brevistvla) - Candidate *Indicates no specimen from Avery County in at least 20 years. 6 IN REPLY REFER TO LOG N0. 4-2-94-002 PAGE 2 OF 2 MCDOWELL COUNTY MAMMALS Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) - , Endangered Eastern woodrat (Neotoma maqister) - Candidate BIRDS Cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea) - Candidate REPTILES Bog turtle (Clemmvs muhlenberqii) - Candidate ARACHNIDS Spruce-fir moss spider (Mirohexura montivaqa) - Candidate INSECTS Diana fritillary butterfly (Speveria diana) - Candidate PLANTS Mountain golden heather (Hudsonia montana) - Threatened Butternut (Ju4lans niqra) - Candidate Gray's lily (Lilium qravi) - Candidate Oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia) - Candidate Short-styled oconee-bells (Shortia Qalacifolia var. brevistvla) - Candidate � u � .. Q4N'ENT OF Ty� �P ,yT o p tN p a ` g � CM 3 �6e United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 330 Ridgefield Court Asheville, North Carolina 28806 December 15, 1994 Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Vick: ■ TAKE�� � PRIDE IN � AMERKA�� - �� � � ■ �'*� � E I ��,�'1 �1�,�. ,�- ��-�-?g '� , � DEC 1 9 1994 ': :� j ✓/� �iVi���� �F �: �� HIGHtNAYS ��. ���✓�jR�.,, r�tCP�, Subject: Recor�nended Alternative for US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to SR 1569, McDowell County, North Carolina, T.I.P. No. R-2596A In your November 18, 1994, letter (received on November 30, 1994), you requested our cor�nents on the subject alternative. The following comrnents are provided in accordance with the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S:C. 661-667e). As you are aware, a meeting was held on October 24, 1994, to specifically discuss alternative alignments �n the vicinity of Hickory Bottom Branch near the southern end of the project. Three alternatives were presented in the area between NC 226 and SR 1562: (1) the original design which involves mostly symmetric widening and 1,825 feet of stream rechannelization and the relocation of a telephone switching station; (2) Alternative 1, a west side widening which involves 600 feet of stream rechannelization and the relocation of, a telephone switching station; and (3) Alternative 2, an east side widening which involves 775 feet of stream rechannelization. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (P�CDOT) pr2fers A��ernative 2, the east side widering alteinative, sirice it avoids the telephone switching station. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is particularly concerned about potential adverse impacts to aquatic resources of Hickory Bottom Branch resulting from the proposed project. Hickory Bottom Branch supports nongame fish species and flows into Armstrong Creek, which is designated by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission as Hatchery Supported Designated Mountain Trout Water above its confluence with Hickory Bottom Branch. Hickory Bottom Branch has a relatively stable substrate and an adjacent mature forested canopy that provides shading to the creek--two important aquatic resource habitat values (especially for coldwater fish species). Rechannelization will result in adverse impacts to a relatively intact natural stream system with concurrent loss of fish and wildl�fe habitat value. While the Service prefers Alternative 1 since it involves less stream rechannelization, we do not object to the selection of Alternative 2. We appreciate that the proposed stream rechannelizations will replicate the existing channel widths, vegetation cover and substrate types. We also recommend that the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Cor�nission's "Guidelines for Mountain Stream Relocations in North Carolina" be reviewed (please keep in mind that these guidelines are in the process of being revised and that the most up-to-date version should be consulted) for any additional mitigative measures for the proposed stream relocations (e.g., replicate existing channel depth). Finally, the Service does not support the use of the abandoned stream channel on the east side of the road (near stations 1+500 and 1+540) if this will involve significant removal of the existing canopy cover and vegetation. The Service provided scoping cor�nents to the NCDOT on October 6, 1993, for the entire project from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway. At that time, the Service expressed several concerns regarding potential adverse impacts to aquatic and terrestrial resources that may result from the proposed project. While we do not object to the selection of Alternative 2 for this particular section of the project, we still have unaddressed concerns for the project as a whole. Will the original project described during the scoping process be divided into sections for evaluation under the National Environmental Policy Act, and later for Section 404 Clean Water Act permit requests? If so, does the project referenced above (R-2596A) represent�one section with logical termini? We appreciate the opportunity to provide these comments. If you have any questions regarding our corrrnents, please contact Ms. Janice Nicholls of our staff at 704/665-1195, Ext. 227. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4-2-94-002. Sincerely, ��tiN� , .�'vt, Brian P. Cole � Field Supervisor cc: Mr. Bob Johnson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Field Office, Room 75, Grove Arcade Building, 37 Battery Park Avenue, Asheville, NC 28801 Ms. Stephanie Goudreau, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Comrnission, 320 S. Garden Street, Marion, NC 28752 Mr. Roy Shelton, Federal Highway Administration, 310 New Bern Avenue, Suite 410, Raleigh, NC 27601 Mr. Tim Haugh, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Planning and Program Development, 1720 Peachtree Road, NW., Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30367 / �d T o f. / ���j.. —� -_.�• F� e W , �p - 1Z I� + A.1�� % �m �;,, , - `v P ni�. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 IN REPLY REFEfl TO Planning Division September 30, 1993 Mr. L. J. Ward, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, ��urth Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Ward: l � I C;irv�. �.� E 1 ��`w, "I OCT 0 4 1993 �i,L DNlSIG'�! O�� �.`<` �i H1GH��dA.Yc, G:' ��N��RON���� . . -This is in response to your letter of July 2, 1993, requesting our comments on "US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596" (Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199303231). Our comments, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) perspective, involve impacts to COE projects, flood plains, and other environmental aspects, primarily waters and wetlands. The proposed project would not involve any COE-constructed flood control or navigation projects. � The proposed project is sited in McDowell and Avery Counties, both of which participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. From a review of the September 1990 Avery County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the roadway does not appear to be in an identified flood plain. Based on the July 1988 McDowell County FIRM, the section of roadv�ay selected for improvement is located within the flood plain of Armstrong Creek and also crosses North Fork Catawba River. Both streams have been studied by detailed methods, with 100-year flood elevations determined but no floodway defined. The roadway also crosses the approximate study streams of Conley Branch, Martin Branch, Pepper Creek, and Honeycutt Creek. The hydraulic effects on the 100-year flood levels of these streams should be addressed in the environmental document. The final project's hydraulic effects should be coordinated with McDowell County for compliance with their flood plain ordinance and possible revision to their flood insurance maps and report. Our Regulatory Branch has also reviewed your letter and has the following comments. The Li,nville Falls to Ashford section of this project is generally very steep. From Linville Falls to North Cove -Z- School, the North Fork Catawba River is designated as a"General Trout Water." There are numerous steep tributaries which flow under US 221 to North Fork that will be impacted by the widening project. Although there is very little in the way of wetlands (due to the steepness), special planning precautions should be made to control erosion into the tributaries. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) should take great efforts to control the flow of sediment into these tributaries. Detailed plans on how NCOOT plans to do this would be greatly appreciated. On the southern end of the Blue Ridge Country Club (BRCC), near Ashford and just north of SR 1570, there are wetlands that should be avuiueu. �nese wetiands are being preservea as part or a settlement with BRCC stemming from an Environmental Protection Agency enforcement action. We would be willing to meet with NCDOT personnel to indicate where these wetlands are located. The Ashford to Conley Branch (see Little Switzerlan� topo) section of the project is a much flatter section of road. Most of the more level land along this section has been converted to row crop or pasture and hayland. There are several creek crossings with wooded wetlands including Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, and Martin Branch. Effort should be made to minimize the impacts to these wetlands. The Conley Branch to Woodlawn section is an area of steeper terrain with very few crossings and little wetland area. The exception is the Hickory Bottom Branch wetlands close to the terminus of the project. In doing the alignment study, perhaps NCDOT could find a way to avoid this wetland area. When final construction plans are completed, including the extent and location of develapment within waters and wetlands, yo„r pffire should r_ontact M:�. Steve Chapin at our Asheville Field Office, telephone (704) 271-4014, for a final determination of Federal permit requirements. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this project. If we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. S' ere , *---- �c.) , � Law ence . Saunders Chi f, Pl,�nning Division United Statea Forest National Forests IIaited States Federal Department of Service ia North Carolina Court House Building Agriculture 100 Otis Street ' . P.O. Boz 2750 � Asheville NC 28802 8eply to: 2730J �� . Mr. L.J. Ward, P.E. . Manager� Planning and Environmental Branch N.C. Divieion of Highvays . P. 0. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 � Dear Mr. Ward: Date: S� � 1993 � �� Q . SEP 3 O �9� : . .�,,,�src � '� oF � -.. ; � yS 0Q'Y' , \�l�/t�.,. .. �-wcC P�' Thank you for the opportunity to comment on SP: 8.T871101� FAP: NHF-221(3), TIP: R-2596. as requested by qour Julq 2� 1993 lette�. Here are our comments: 1. The project involves National Forest system lands, so we request you involve the Grandfather District Ranger, Michael Anderson in your EA process. His phone number is 704-652-2144. 2. The Forest Supervisor nominated two areas of National Forest land adjacent to the project for the Natural Heritage Register. Nothing can be done to negativelq impact these areas vhile they are under consideration. We have included location maps for your convenience. 3. There is a high probability that historic sites exist along the Catawba River. Excavation and a studq may be required before the project can proceed. It is our understanding that an archeological study of the entire corridor is required for a Federal Aid Project. 4. A biological evaluation of sensitive plants and animals will be required prior to the Forest Supervisor making a final determination on the project. Thank qou again for the opportunity to comment on this project. Please contact Joe Moore at 704-257-4247, if you have any questions. Sincerely. .. � / � �C. MITCH GURGANUS Director� Lands and M' erals Enclosures / cc: Betty Yancey, NCDOT District Ranger, Grandfather N �� :i 0 � LINVILLE MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA I � LOCATION:� Pisgah National Forest. On •the east flank of Linville Mountain. East of US 221, about 1/4 mile north of the Linville Caverns entrance road. McDowell County. Linville Falls quad. ; DESCRIPTION: Extensive, well-developed cliffs and talus slopes of quartzite in the Grandfather Mountain Window. A populations of Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradleyi) occurs on the cliff, and ginsenq (Panax c�uinquefolius) occurs in the cove. Clif�s and � ridges are extremely acidic; coves, though full of quartzite boulders, are rich, and vegetation suggests influence by underlying dolomite on the soil. � SIGNIFICANCE: Rare plant species, high quality natural communities, and geologic features. Status Name � NC1 US2 Global3 ------------------------------------- --- --- ------ ---------- Asplenium Bradleyi Bradley's SR -- G3 � spleenwort � � Panax quinquefolius ginseng SC -- G4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 6 �� . , � � �o • � ._ _ ., . _ . .. _ � .. . . .� . , ,.. _ . .�� � - ,, . Location of the Linville � �'� �'"' '_ ,.. / � Mountain Natural Area USGS � �F � �% ��i 3 � �• � \' ` �~'•: \ {. , (Linville Falls 7.5 min. � .,� .� topographic map) /►�A �C 21c �,-- • � . �. 27� ; ..-- � � � (, : �P r ., " �'-� - `�' �-- _ _ -_ � �� �„� o � ��� � ��, ����J;.��%�� r�:-\���, �L'��� . ))i •� � � ,�, �_ ..• .� .: =... ' ! 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DESCRZPTION: Lower slope and small bluffs of Shady Dolomite formation exposed in the Grandfather Mountain Window. Distinctive, rich calcareous mesic forest community dominated by a mixture of calcium-loving hardwoods, includinq chinquapin oak � ( uercus muhlenberqii), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and walnut (Juqlans ni ra). _ SIGNIFICANCE: Unusual natural community, newly added to the classification system. This type of community is not represented elsewhere on Forest Service lands in North Carolina. Fewer than 10 examples occur anywhere in North Carolina. 0 �, 3 , ... 0 ��r. • \ e� � , i' � C� �f� i • / �� + • .. �' J : i � rr� ��%( :+� V -� CC_'�����, � ��� � ` i . � `. � � ,- � � c . . � �� .l �r�it ��?�-n.%;— T'=� �' � ��. � '� � . � � �� ��./.: ��M. ' �%�:�-, � ��J<< ' �J,}/ �� i��=e i �- % � � ✓�:������; -,,-J -;�, �� . ? r , :�� �-.'-��� . �: ir! ., , _ .:-, `i •>-'�� :(�c , . �,. 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STATE CIEARINGHOUSE HAS RECEIVED THE ABOYE PROJECT FOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEN• THIS PROJECT HAS BEFN ASSIGNEO STATE APPLICATION NUMBER 94E42200025. PLEASE USE THIS NUMBER MITH ALL INGUIRIES OR CORRESP�NDENCE NITH THIS OFFICE. REVIEN OF THIS PROJECT SHOULD BE COMPLETED ON OR BEFORE 08/08/93. SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PIEASE CALL t919) T33-7232. :� � 0 't�(— �1 t�c59(� � �� FM208 � IP�9� MAILED T0: DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION �.J. WARO ' HIGHNAY BLDG INTER-DFFICE NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARI OEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRAT C E% 116 NEST JONES STREET RALEIGH NORTH GARDLINA 2 b 03-8003 � aus � 3 �993 � INTERGOVERNMENTAL REViEN GOMMfNTS 2 D1V(S►C,��r- �� HIGHWAY� ;,� � ROhl: �NV/RONNIE�P� MRS. CHRYS BAGGETT DIRELTOR N C STATE CLEARINGHOUSE PROJECT DESCRiPTION: SCOPiNG FOR IHPftOVEMENTS TO US 221 FROM NC 226 NEAR'NOODLANN TO THE SLUERIDGE PARKWAY. � SAI NO 94E42200025 PROGRAM TITLE - SCOPING 7H� ASOVE PROJEC7 HAS BEEN SUBMiTTED TO TNE NORTH GAROLiNA INTER60VERNl7ENTAL REVIEN PROCE55. AS A RESULT OF THE REViEN THE FOLLONING IS SUBMITTEO: () NO COMMf NTS HERE RECEIVED t jU COMMENTS ATTAGHEO SHOULO YOU HAYE ANY OUESTI,ONS, PLEASE CALL THIS OFFICf (919) 733-7232. ' C.C. REGIDN C ' State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Planning & Assessment James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary MEMORANDUM T0: Chrys Baggett State Clearinghouse FROM: Melba McGee � Project Review Coordinator RE: DATE: /•• ���. �EHNF� 94-0025 Scoping Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 to Blueridge Parkway, Avery and McDowell Counties August 11, 1993 � The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed scoping notice. The attached comments list and describe information that is necessary for our divisions to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the.project. More specific comments will be provided during the environmental review. Thank you for the opportunity to respond. The applicant is encouraged to notify our commenting divisions if additional assistance is needed. ' attachments cc: David Foster i P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-6376 FAX 919-733-2672 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1096 post-consumer paper � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission � 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-?33-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee, Planning and Assessment Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program��,�/, ��� � � ��1 DATE: July 30, 1993 SUBJECT: State Clearinghouse Project No. 94-0025, Scoping comments for improvements to US 221 from NC 226 to Blue Ridge Parkway, Avery and McDowell Counties (TIP #R- 2596) , This correspondence responds to a request by you for scoping comments regarding a proposal by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to widen US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn in McDowell County to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Avery County. The NCDOT proposes to widen US 221 from a 2-lane roadway to a multilane facility, partially on new location. The new roadway would consist of a combination of 4-lane and 5-lane sections. I conducted.a site visit on July 27, 1993. Wildlife habitat consists of mature mixed hardwoods with some pines, disturbed mixed hardwoods, rock ledges, caves, old fields, pasture, cropland, Christmas tree nurseries, and yards. The diverse habitat of the project area supports many wildlife species, including black bear, white tailed deer, raccoon, striped skunk, gray sguirrel, woodchuck, �eastern cottontail, and various species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Streams that will be impacted by the project include North Fork Catawba River, Laurel Branch, Pond Branch, Stillhouse Branch, Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, Martin Branch, Hickory Bottom Branch, and at least four unnamed tributaries to the North Fork Catawba.River. The river is Hatchery Supported Designated Public Mountain Trout Water throughout the project, and Laurel Branch may support wild trout. Other streams in the project area support nongame fish such as chubs, shiners, darters, and dace. This project has the potential to cause adverse impacts to fisheries and wildlife resources of the project area. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has the following specific comments regarding issues that should be addressed in the Environmental Assessment (EA) or Envirorunental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be prepared for this project: 1) Widening the roadway in this area has the potential�to impact the resident black bear population. The existing roadway from Armstrong Creek to Linville Falls bisects the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Grandfather Ranger District, and good populations of black bear occur in both the northern and southern sections of the District. Specifically, bear densities are high in the Woods Mountain, Mackey Mountain, and Mount Mitchell areas in the southern section and the Linville Gorge, Grandfather Mountain, and Daniel Boone Management Areas in the northern section. Because extensive bear movement occurs between the sections, widening the roadway will impact movement to some degree and will likely increase highway mortality. The NCWRC is particularly concerned with the stretch of US 221 from just south of Linville Caverns to Linville Falls. This section actually enters U.S. Forest Service land and contains forested land on both sides of the roadway. Thus, this area is most likely an important travel route for bears as well as other wildlife. Project sponsors should address these concerns and appropriate mitigation measures in the EA. 2) Limestone caves, which are relatively rare in North Carolina, exist on either side of US 221 towards the northern end of the project area. The presence of the eastern woodrat Neotoma magister has been documented from caves in this area, and it is�likely that the eastern small- footed bat Myotis leibii leibii is also present. Both of these species are listed as Special Concern (SC) in the state and are candidates for federal listing (C2). Project sponsors should discuss how caves and these rare species will be impacted by this project. 3) The presence of other rare species in the project area should be addressed. There is a good chance that the cerulean warbler Dendroica cerulea is present, and a possibility that the Appalachian cottontail Sylvilagus obscura is also in the area. Both species are listed as Significantly Rare (SR) in the state and C2 with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 4) Project sponsors should describe in detail how streams in the project area will be impacted, e.g., channel relocation, culvert extension. We reiterate that the NCWRC usually objects to relocation of streams where upland alternatives exist. 5) Steep slopes in the project area mandate the need for extra stringent erosion and sedimentation control measures during roadway construction. Project sponsors should describe how k��. ��T*�';:�. e�;.:� ;:n° ;sia.'.. .""�.. control measures will be adequate to control stormwater runoff so that the North Fork Catawba River and its tributaries are protected from severe sedimentation. In general, the EA or EIS should contain the following, information: 1) Description of fishery and wildlife resources within the project area, including a listing of federally or state designated threatened, endangered, or special concern species. The NCWRC's Nongame and Endangered Species Section maintains databases for locations of fish and wildlife species. While there is no charge for the list, a service charge for computer time is involved. Contact is: Mr. Randy Wilson, Manager Nongame & Endangered Species Section Division of Wildlife Management North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 919/733-7291 A listing of designated plant species can be developed through consultation with the following agency: Natural Heritage Program N.C. Division�of Parks and Recreation P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 919/733-7795 2) Description of waters and/or wetlands affected by the project. 3) Project map identifying wetland areas. Identification of wetlands may be accomplished through coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If the COE is not consulted, the person delineating wetlands should be identified and criteria listed. 4) Description of project activities that will occur within wetlands, such as fill or channel alteration. Acreages of wetlands impacted by alternative project designs should be listed. Project sponsors should indicate whether the COE has been contacted to determine the need for a 404 Permit under the Clean Water Act. Contact is Mr. Steve Chapin at 704/271-4014. 5) 6) Description of project site and non-wetland vegetative communities. 1 The extent to which the project will result in loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat. 1 � 7) Any measures proposed to avoid or reduce impacts of the project or to mitigate for unavoidable habitat losses. 8) A list of document preparers which shows each individual's professional background and qualifications. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this information to the NCDOT in the early planning stages of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Chris Goudreau, District 8 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Jack Mason, District 8 Wildlife Biologist Mr. Gordon Warburton, NCWRC Black Bear Project Leader Mr. Allen Boynton, Nongame Mountain Project Leader Mr. David Yow, Acting NCWRC Highway Coordinator Ms. Janice Nicholls, USFWS, Asheville 0 � CE�'F\ � , �- -` �;'�� y - G. DEC 0 9 1994 � � ,q � �; �`�� � _� , :�• �, . �:. _ � - �, "' ��'�,,!_ �'� ; -�. � `2 DNISI ni - . _ .,` � �= , _ '- . . , �.=: � _ �-:-_: t.,�" s � .'�s� -,� � ,�:- � U �^ -, �`.� -��; � H,�,�-�i.,r- �'�'�"-�-�.�, . �' ��` - �'t;✓ � , . �. ��?Oi\ 1vi�`, ` � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Con:imission 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Chazles R. Fullwood, Execurive Director MEMORANDUM TO: H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch, NCDOT FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: December 6, 1994 ��i ������t� - J�����c..F-GGc2_ SUBJECT: Preliminary comments for proposed relocation of Hickory Bottom Branch in association with widening US 221, McDowell County (TIP #R-2569A). This correspondence responds to a request by you for our preliminary comments regarding the proposed relocation of Hickory Bottom Branch in conjunction with widening US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to SR 1569 in McDowell County. Specifically you requested our concurrence on the selected alternative before an application is made to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for a 404 permit. Three alternatives were discussed in your letter and during the on-site meeting held on 24 October. 1994, including a) symmetrical widening (1825 feet of stream relocation), b) Alternative 1(600 feet of relocation), and c) Alternative 2(775 feet of relocation). The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) prefers Alternative 2 because it avoids a telephone switching station at the southern end of the project. Hickory Bottom Branch is a tributary to Armstrong Creek, which is Hatchery Supported Designated Public Mountain Trout Water upstream of its confluence with Hickory Bottom Branch. Fish sampling in Hickory Bottom Branch downstream of the project site on 28 September 1992 revealed that the stream supports nongame fish species, including (shiners, chubs, darters, sunf ish). We have the following comments regarding this project: 1) We prefer Alternative 1 because it involves the least amount of stream relocation; however, we will not object to NCDOT's preferred choice of Alternative 2. Alternative 2 involves TIP #R-2596A Page 2 December 6, 1994 the same 600-foot stream relocation as Alternative 1 in addition to another 175-foot relocation at the southezn end of the project that will allow NCDOT to avoid the telephone switching station. As you noted in your letter, the 175- foot section of stream has already been disturbed in conjunction with adjacent projects (R-2020 and B-1277). 2) Channel design for relocated sections should also include the same linear feet as the old channel, average depth, and average gradient along with average width, native riparian vegetation, substrate type, and meander pattern as mentioned in your letter. 3) The attachment to your letter regarding anticipated impacts to waters and wetlands mentions the possible use of an abandoned, existing channel (east of Preliminary Stations 1+500 and 1+540) for stream relocation. Our site visit revealed that this channel is well vegetated with woody vegetation that would provide shade and bank stability to the relocated stream. However, the abandoned channel should not be used if most woody vegetation must be removed and if the channel does not meet the specifications outlined in Item 2 above without significant modif.ications. 4) The NCDOT should consult our letter dated 30 July 1993 to Ms. Melba McGee for a list of other concerns that should be . addressed on all segments of B-2596. As you know, the relocation of Hickory Bottom Branch is a minor component of the entire project. We appreciate NCDOT's efforts to coordinate plans for stream relocations during the early planning stages of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Chris Goudreau, District 8 Fisheries Biologist Ms. Janice Nicholls, USFWS, Asheville Mr. Moussa Ishak, NCDOT . ...a . State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural. Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director MEMO To: Mark Reep NC DOT From: Subject: December 21, 1994 Eric Galamb y�� R-2596A Site/G�isit Comments /•• �EHNR Sorry for the delay in providing my comments from the site visit to the R-2596A project. On November 29, 1994, we received alternative designs and were asked for concurrence. DEM cannot provide concurrence at this time until DOT provides detailed stream relocation information. This information should include but not limited to: *. stream width, depth and bank stabilization (if needed) * measures to protect the WS II classification of Hickory Bottom Branch . * justification for impacting wetlands and waters There is a lot of truck traffic utilizing this road Accidents are over lOg higher than the statewide average similar road. Therefore, due to the high truck traffic, accident rate and the high quality stream classification, requests that hazardous spill catch basin be installed. (9g) . for a the DEM DEM believes that the stream can be relocated to partially utilize the old stream bed adjacent to the mountain. This area was.brought to your attention at-the site. If this area is not used DOT will need to justify the reason(s). DEM believes strongly in this location because apparently the stream was at that location prior to road construction, the banks are stabilized, natural substrate exists, and a mature canopy shades and protects the trout waters. I await you response to this memo. Should you have questions, I can be reached at 733-1786. R2596A. mem cc: Steve Chapin, Asheville COE P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North C�olina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Empioyer 50% recycled/ 10% post-consumer paper State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Heaith and Natural Resources 1•� Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governorry � E H N� Jonathan 6. Howes, Secreta A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 28, 1993 MEMORANDUM T0: Melba McGee, Policy and Development FROM: Monica Swihar� Water Quality Planning SUBJECT: Project Review #94-0025; Scoping Comments - NC DOT Proposed Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway The Water Quality Section of the Division of Environmental Management requests that the following topics be discussed in the environmental documents prepared on the subject project: A. Identify the streams potentially.impacted by the project. The stream classifications should be current. Based on the information provided, the project appears to follow the North Fork Catawba River for approximately 15 miles. This section of the North Fork Catawba River is classified as C Tr by the State of North Carolina. The southern project limit appears to be at the American Thread Company Water Supply Dam on Armstrong Creek. Upstream of the dam, Armstrong Creek has a WS-II CA classification. B. Identify the linear feet of stream channelizations/ relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be revegetated. • C. Number of stream crossings. D. Will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DEM requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings. Identify the responsible party for maintenance. E. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to be employed. F. Please ensure that sediment and erosion and control measures are not placed in wetlands. P.O. Box 29535, Rdeigh, Norfh C�olina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Atfirmative Action Empioyer 5096 recycled/ 1096 posF-consumer paper � Melba McGee July 28, 1993 Page 2 G. Wetland Impacts 1) Identify the federal manual used for identifying and ,, delineating jurisdictional wetlands. 2) Have wetlands been avoided as much as possible? 3) Have-wetland impacts been minimized? 4) Discuss wetland impacts by plant communities affected. � 5) Discuss the quality of wetlands impacted. .6) Summarize the total wetland imp.acts. 7) List the 401 General Certification numbers requested from DEM. H. Will borrow locations be in wetlands? Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to approval of any borrow/waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DEM. I. Did NCDOT utilize the existing road alignments as much as possible? Why not (if applicable)? J. Please provide a conceptual mitigation plan to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: 1. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. ' 2. On-site, in-kind mitigation is the preferred method of mitigat'ion. In-kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of-kind mitigation. 3. Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly banking. Written concurrence of 401 Water Quality Certification may be required for this project. Applications requesting coverage under our General Certification 14 or General Permit 31 will require written concurrence. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent p'racticable. , 9863er.mem a cc: Eric Galamb State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Soil & Water Conservation James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary TO: FROM: Melba McGee David Harrison �f'C�" /•• ��■ � �EHNf-� August 2, 1993 M l� C � - . _ � �� C: . �. _ �� . .ti� SUBJECT: Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties. Project No. 94-0025. The proposed project involves widening US 221 from a two-lane roadway to a multilane roadway (four or five lanes) and some new location. Soils information will be available through the local Soil Conservation Districts. The Environmental Assessment should. identify any unique, prime, or important farmlands that would be impacted by the project. A wetlands evaluation should be included. DH/tl P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2302 An Equal Oppo�tunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1096 post-consumer paper 0 DIVISION OF PARRS AND RECREATION August 2, 1993 Memorandum TO: Melba McGee FROM: Stephen Aall S �� SUB,7ECT: Scoping -- Improve US 221, Woodlawn to Blue Ridge Parkway REFERENCE: 94-OU25 Project Section R-2596 C passes through an area of particular environmental significance. The Catawba River Gorge contains several outcrops of "limestone, which has a highly restricted distribution in North Carolina. Over a dozen plants are found in association with these outcrops and also occur almost nowhere else in North Carolina. The rarest of these is a liverwort (Plagiochila caduciloba), a candidate for federal listing and state-listed as Endangered. Three others are candidates for state-listing: white camas (ZvQadenus elesans), Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradleyi), and lime entodon (Entodon concinnus). These species are concentrated at three particularly important sites: the Linville Cave Natural Area (a Registered Natural Heritage Area), the Linville Mountain Natural Area (a Natural Heritage Priority Area), and the Catawba River polomite Area (also a Natural Heritage Priority Area). The Linville Cave Natural Area is located west of the Catawba River and may not be adversely affected by the proposed project. The other two sites, however, occur east of the river along US 221 and are likely to be affected. We recommend that a detailed biological survey be conducted along this section of the project. Given the large number of rare mosses and liverworts found in this region, the biologist(s) conducting this survey should be thoroughly familiar with bryophyte identification. We also strongly recommend that the alignments through this gorge follow the existing roadbed and avoid disturbing new ground as much as possible. .-, � ,� \ �,� . •�,,,..� ��• � State of North Carolina q,,"� ��� ��' , Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resc�pr es 1G ^�� DMSion oF Land Resources �U,g�� 1�� T�. James G. Mardn, Govemor pxo�ecT xsv��,t ootu�rrrs CharleS�,4'�,ardner VNlliam W. Cobey, Jr., SecretaryG `'� tor Project Number: / �'002� County: _ /VI c �!r� � [ � � Project Name: • Q � 2� . Geodetic Survev This project will impact geodetic survey markers. N.C. Geodetic . Survey should be contacted prior to construction at P.O. Box�27687, Raleigh, N.C. 27611 (919) 733-3836. Intentional destruction of a geodetic monument is a violation of N.C. General Statute 102-4. ✓This project will have no impact on geodetic survey markers. Other (comments attached) For more information contact the Geodetic Survey office at (919) 733-3836. ,o �� � C� ��``"� %��,:.,...� Revi— ewer - Erosion and Sedimentation Control No comment 7-/�_ �.� Date This project will require approval of an erosion and sedimentation control plan prior to beginning any land-disturbing activity if more than one (1) acre will be disturbed. ✓ If an environmental document is required to satisfy Environmental - Policy Act (SEPA),requirements, the document must be submitted as part of the erosion and sedimentation control plan. ✓ � If any portion of the project is located within a High Quality Water Zone (HQW), as classified by the Division of Environmental Management, increased design standards for sediment and erosion control will apply. The erosion and sedimentation control plan required for this project should be prepared by the Department of Transportation under the erosion control program delegation to the Division of Highways from the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. Other (comments attached) For more information contact the Land Quality Section at (919) 733-4574. /,��-.-� 2�./��r� �/Z o/9� Reviewer Date P.O. Box 27687 • Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7687 • Telephone (919) 733-3833 M Equal Opportuniry Affirmative Actlon Employer Griffiths Forestry Center . 2411 Garner Road Clayton, North Carolina 27520 July 16, 1993 � MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee Policy & Development FROM: Don H. Robbins �,1� Staff Forester p SUBJECT: DOT EA/Scoping for Improvements to US 221 From NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway in McDowell County (TIP # R-2596) PROJECT: #94-0025 DUE DATE 7-30-93 This project will impact woodland and the Environmental Assessment should contain the following information concerning the proposed project: � 1. The total forest land acreage by types that would be taken out of forest production as a result of this project. 2. The productivity of the forest soils�as indicated by the soil series, that would be involved within the proposed project. 3. The impact upon existing greenways within the area of the , proposed project. 4. The provisions that the contractor will.take to sell any merchantable timber that is to be removed. This practice is ' encouraged to minimize the need for piling and burning during construction. If any burning is needed, the contractor should comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to debris burning. 0 Page 2 5. The provisions that the contractor will take during the construction phase to prevent erosion, sedimentation and , construction damage to forest land outside the right-of- way and construction limits. Trees outside the construction limits should be protected from construction , activities to avoid: a. Skinning of tree trunks by machinery. ; b. Soil compaction and root exposure or injury by heavy equipment. c. Adding layers of fill dirt over the root systems of trees, a practice that impairs root'aeration. d. Accidental spilling of petroleum products or other damaging substances over the root systems of trees. We would hope that the project would have the least impact to forest and related resources in that area. DHR:la pc: Warren Boyette � CO File � 0 ijp �; -{�•2S9e A� Federal�Aid � aHF - 2�t ��,� Councy �'�►abs..�ew COYCURRENCE FORM ' FOR PROPERI'IES NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE NATIONAL REGIST'ER OF ffiSTORIC PLACES Brief Project Description u�i 221 Faop� tJ�2u aea.R r1••ou.aa to a•FrEk eF �+R-Irs7'� On ���+ � 11��_, representatives of the , ✓ North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDO'T} Federal Highway Admi.nistration (FHwA) ✓, Norch Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) . Other reviewed the subject project at A scopin� meetin; � . _,� Histonc archi�ectural resources photograph review session/consultation Other All parties present agreed there are no properties over fifty years old withi.n the projec:'s area of poten[ial effect. i/ there are no properties less than fifty yeazs old wluch are considered to meet Criterion Consideration G within the project's area of potencial effecc. ✓ there are properties over fifry years old "�� '-�-wichin the project's area of potential effect. • but based on the historical information available and the phoco�raphs of each propercy, properties identified as #- l �o ��v ia TuE P►�u.�4. ��roe+� aaatirecTUaA� suw,ey e�r Ga��a� �� �rwc. ia considered not etigiole for the Nauonal Reg�ster and no turcher evaluauon or the�s necessary. ✓ there are no National Register-listed propercies withi.n the project's area of pocential effect. Si;ned: G�� ��f�. NG Re�;� a e, NCDOT , FI-i�vA, �the Di � ��..�.�� Re�resentative, S: Administrator, or other Federal A;ency 3•9 �s Date �� If a survey report is prepared, a final copy of this form and the �ttached list will be included. �' AA7F o� �����Y� � �F' _ : � � �� �r+r �,oP' North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Betty Ray McCain, Secietary August 4, 1993 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: L. J. Ward, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways Department of ortation / David Brook "�� G�� L Deputy State �istoric Preservation Officer Divisioa of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director SUBJECT: US 221 from NC 226 to Blue Ridge Parkway, R-2596, 8.T871101, NHF-221(3), McDowell and Avery Counties, ER 93-8667, CH 94-E-4220-0025 We have received information concerning the above project from the State Clearinghouse. Portions of this project area are considered to have a high potential for the location of significant archaeological resources. This is especially true for those sections which require new alignments. We, therefore, recommend that a comprehensive archaeological survey be conducted to identify significant archaeological resources prior to construction activities. Ted Alexander conducted a reconnaissance level survey of historic structures in both Avery and McDowell counties in 1985. We have conducted a search of our maps and� files and have located the following structures of historical or architectural importance within the general area of the project: A. Billy McCall House. East side of SR 1569, 0.2 mile south of the junction with US 221 and SR 1569, Asheford Community, McDowell County. Samuel Brown House. West side of US 221, 1.1 mile south of the junction with US 221 and SR 1572, McDowell County. Jos. Gilkey-Brown House. West side of US 221, 1.0 mile south of the junction with US 221 and SR 1572, McDowell County. David Franklin Cabin. West side of Laurel Lane off US 221, 0.3 mile west of the junction with NC 183, Linville Falls, Avery County. Albert Franklin House. East side of US 221, just north of the junction with NC 183, Linville Falls, Avery/Burke County line. � 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 �� L. J. Ward August 4, 1993, Page 2 Blue Ridge Parkway. This property has previously been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. A National Register nomination is currentl,y being prepared by the National Park Service for the Blue Ridge Parkway. We recommend that an architectural historian survey the area of potential effect and report the findings to us. Please submit photographs--keyed to a map--of structures over fifty years of age in the area of potential effect. Also include a brief statement about each structure's history and explain which National Register criteria it does or does not meet. Please note, our survey site files for the above properties are located in the western office of the Division of Archives� and History, telephone 704/684-1342. Due to that office's staffing situation, we request that you make an appointment to use these files. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. � DB:slw / cc: S ate Clearinghouse N. Graf B. Church T. Padgett S `r , r...Z�s. SAi �� !��� .,,�.:o.� North Carolina Department of Cultural James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Betty Ray McCaio, Secietary November 28, 1994 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: Historic Architectural Survey of US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to north of SR 1569, ' McDowell, Burke, and Avery Counties, Federal Aid No. NHF-221(3), State Project No. 8.T871 101, TIP No. R-2596A, ER 95-7486 , Dear Mr. Graf: ��E� �� �� � � ; OEC 0 1 1994 Archives and History . S. ��✓e�s1�',r.^�tor Q' ! HIGHWAYS �Q ���RONtJIE�P� Thank you for your letter of September 12, 1994, transmitting the architectural survey report by Marvin A. Brown and James R. Snodgrass of Greiner, Inc., concerning the above project. We regret the delay in our response, but we have been minus the reviewer for transportation projects. For purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, we concur that the following properties are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under the criterion cited: William McCall Farmstead (�7), Criteria A and C Samuel and Joseph Gilkey Brown Farmstead (#9), Criteria A and C Henry Seawell Brown Farmstead (#13), Criteria A and C Caldwell-Brown House (#14), Criterion C McCall-Hefner House (#18); Criterion C Concord United Methodist Church (#24), Criterion C Gonnelly-Phillips House (#25), Criterion C William Jehu English Farmstead (�28), Criteria A and C Linville Falls Jail (#32), Criteria A and C The following properties were determined to be not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places: � 109 East Joncs Svext • Ralcigh, North Carolina 27601•2807 �b� Nicholas L. Graf November 28, 1994, Page 2 Wiseman Family Corn Mill (#19) North Cove Fork Bridge (#20) Clarence W. Wiseman Store (#21) Albert J. Franklin House (#35) . Until additional information on the properties listed below is available, we are unable to determine their eligibility: Linville Falls Post office (#31) � David Franklin Cabin (#36) Our concerns about these properties are outlined in Attachment A to this letter. Additional information about the Rock House Restaurant (#33) has been provided to us since the January 4, 1994 meeting at which photographs of all properties more than fifty years old were reviewed and it was agreed that ihe property did not need to be addressed in the subject report. Based on this information which is also outtined in Attachment A, we now believe the Rock House Restaurant is eligible for the National Register under Criteria A and C. While we understand the rationale used to define the boundaries of the properties that are eligible for the National Register, we are unable to agree with them since there is no clear relationship between the parcel boundaries and the proposed National Register boundaries. Are there aerial photographs that can be used or is it possible to overlay the sketch maps on the parcel boundaries so we can better understand the relationship of the National Register proposed properties to their surroundings? � In general the report meets our office's guidelines and those of the Secretary of the Interior. The concerns mentioned above are more fully outlined in Attachment A which is enclosed for your use and the authors'. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sincerely, a� ��� �� David Brook Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer DB:slw Nicholas L. Graf � November 28, 1994, Page 3 Attachment cc: ✓H. F. Vick B. Church Greiner, Inc. ATTACHMENT A US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to north of SR 1569, McDowell County, Federal Aid No. NHF-221(31, State Project N'o. 8.T871101, TIP No. R-2596A, ER 95-7486 Linville Falls Post Office (#31): Additional info�mation on the interior and history of this building is needed to help determine its eligibility. Given the importance of the local post office to a small town's social life and development, the fact that this is one of only two surviving historic buildings constructed as a post office in the county, and that it was a site into which federal funds were pumped during the depression, we believe it may be eligible under Criterion A and the effects of the later alterations and additions somewhat mitigated. Almost all historic post offices have had their original boxes removed and lobbies altered to meet new postal regulations. '. David Franklin Cabin (#361: This property is puzzling. Although it has been moved and altered, these changes date to the 1910s and may have, in the nearly eighty years since, attained significance related to the Franklin brothers. Is there information available to suggest the property is significant under Criterion B? Rock House Restaurant (#33i: This property was considered for the North Carolina study list in April and October 1994, and deferred for lack of information. Since then our staff has visited the site and the owner has provided the following information which leads us to believe the property is eligible for the National Register under Criteria A and C. The property will be presented for the study list on January 12, 1995. Architectural Integrity The dormer was determined to be part of the original construction by a 1940 Tri- County Newspaper article advertising the dance hall. The advertisement featured a photograph of the dormer two years after its construction. In addition to newspaper advertisements, verbal history from waitresses of the restaurant further confirms the owner's claim that the dormer is a part of the original construction. The structure has retained all of its exterio� features including windows and,doors. The interior has been altered to adapt to health codes and other needs of a functional restaurant. A small side bay was originally a meat market and grocery store which was entered thcough a separate door on the front facade. After World War II the restaurant expanded into the grocery area. Only the wall was removed and the door to the exterior remained. The interior alterations were essential if the function was to remain an eating establishment. Despite the alterations to the interior the structure has retained a high level of architectural integrity through its exierior appearance. Social History The restaurant was also found to have a deep social history in the community of Linville Falls. The property was constructed in 1938 to provide a boarding house and restaurant for tourist and stone masons working on the nearby Blue Ridge Parkway bridges. In the first years the upstairs portio� of the restaurant was the Page 2 home of the Italian stone masons that worked on the Blue Ridge Parkway bridges. In the 1940s the upper portion of the restaurant was converted into a dance hall and the Rock House became the center of entertainment for Linville Falls and the surrounding area. At this time the community liquor laws were referred to as "wide open" and with this came criminal activity. The social and geographical aspects of the Rock House gave law enforcement agencies in the surrounding area a strange predicament. The restaurant is placed on Avery, Burke, and McDowell County lines giving an unclear understanding of the sheriffs's jurisdiction. The placement of the restaurant was described by the locals as "no-man's land." Many local residents and newspaper articles describe the events that have occurred in Linville Falls and the Rock House Restaurant. Much of the history of Linville Falls took place at the Rock House Restaurant. The restaurant remains a key social aspect of the community. The Rock House continues to serve tourists that pass through Linvilfe Falls. The restaurant is the social center of the small mountain community. Magazines such as Nationa/ Geographic Trave%r and the German publication Nationa/ Geographic G/oba/ have recognized this site as a"must see" in American small town mountain culture. � e��� �y r ' y�� � `• j��3 �F ��� `��� � w,;;;;�• (�a� �� North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Govemor Betty Ray McCain, Secretary January 26, 1995 Nicholas L. Graf Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration Department of Transportation 310 New Bern Avenue Raleigh, N.C. 27601-1442 Re: US 221 from NC 226 to the Blue Ridge Parkway, R-2596, McDowell and Avery Counties, ER 93- 8667, ER 95-7904 Dear Mr. Graf: Division of Archives and History William S. Price, Jr., Director Thank you for your letter of November 15, 1994, transmitting the archaeological survey report by Kenneth Robinson concerning the above pro�ect. Seven sites (31 MC127, 197, 199, 202, 205, 207, 209) are described in this report. Only 31 MC197 is recommended for additional testing to determine its National Register eligibility. If found eligible, data recovery is the recommended mitigation. We concur with this recommendation. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106, codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, please contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, ' environmental review coordinator, at 919/733-4763. Sineerely, / `_ � �Da�Brook Deputy State Historic DB:slw cc: �-I. F. Vick T. Padgett � ,, � _� , � �,� Preservation Officer 109 East Jones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27601-2807 � �J Appendix C Air Quality and Traffic Noise Data TABI.E A1 CAL3QHC: iINE SOURCE DISPERSION MODEL - MARCH, 1990 V&RSION PAGE 1 JOB: R-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. RUN: BUILD, 5 LN/60' UNDIVIDED, YR 1997,55MPB DATE: 06/25/1994 TIME: 00:13:55.47 � v SITE S METFAROIAGICAL VARIABLES • VS = .0 CM/S VD = .0 CM7S U= 1.O M/S CLAS = 6(F) LZNR VARIABLES e ZO = 108. CM ATZt4 = 60. MINUTES MIXH ° 400. M AMB = 1.9 PPM LINR DESCAIPTION I LINK COORDINATE9 (M) LfiNGTH BRG TYPE VPH EF H W V/C QUfiUE X1 Y1 X2 Y2 (M) (DEG) (�/MI) �M) �M) ��) 1. Far Lane Link 2. Near Lane Link RECEPTOR LOCATIONS 11.0 -804.7 .0 804.7 11.0 804.7 1609. 360. AG 400. 15.9 .0 13.4 .0 -804.7 . 1609. 180. AG 400. 15.9 .0 13.4 COORDINATES (M) RECEpTpR X Y Z 1. R2 80'L CL, Bus. -18.9 .0 1.8 JOB: R-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. MODEi RESUI.TS AEMARICS : In search of the angle corresponding to the maximum concentration, only the first angle, of the angles with same maximum concentrations, is�indicated as maximum. WIND ANGLE RANGE: 0.- 20. � . WIND CONCENTRATION ANGLE (PPM) (DEGR) REC1 MAX 2.6 DEGR. � 4 RUN: BUILD, 5 LN/60' UNDIVIDED, YR 1997,SSMPH TABLE A2 CAL3QHC: LINE SOURCE DI3PERSION MODfiL - MARCH, 1990 VERSION PAGE 2 JOB: R-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. RUN: BtJILD, 5 LN/60' UNDIVIDED, YR 2017,SSMPH DATE: 06/25/1994 TIME: 00:O6:d8.75 SITE S METFbPOIAGICAL VARIABLES vs = .o c►��s w = .o crVs U= 1.0 M/S CI,AS = 6 (F) LINR VARIAHLfiS ZO = 108. (M ATIM = 60. MINUTES MIXEi = 400. M AMB = 1.9 PPM LINR DESCRIPTION I LINR COORDZNATES (M) X1 Y1 X2 Y2 1. Far Lane Link 11.0 -804.7 11.0 80d.7 2. Nenr Lane Link .0 804.7 .0 -806.7 RECEPPOR LOCATZONS ---------- ° ------ COORDINATES (M) RECEPTOR X Y Z 1. R2 BO'i CL, Hue. -18.9 .0 1.8 JOB: A-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. MODEL RESULTS REMAFiRS : In search of the angle correepondinq to the maximum concentration, only the first angle, of the angles with same maximum concentrations, is indicated as maximum. WIND ANGLE RANGE: 0.- 20. WIND CONCENTRATION ANQ,E (PPM) (DEGR) REC1 MAX 2.7 DEGR. 6 LEN6TH BRG TYPE VPA EF H W V/C QUEUE (M) (DEG) (G/MI) (M) (M) (VEH) 1609. 360. AG 750. 9.8 .0 13.6 1609. 180. AG 750. 9.8 .0 13.4 RUN: BUILD, 5 LN/60' IJNDIVIDfiD, YR 2017,55MPH . TABLE A3 CAI,3QAC: LINE SOURCE DISPEPSION MODEL - MARCH, 1990 VERSION PAGE 3 � • JOB: R-2596: llS 221, McDOwell Co. RUN: NO-BLD, 2 LN.EXISTING 10' LNS. 1997 DATE: 06/25/199d TIME: 00:15:00.28 / v SITE & M1EfEOROIAGZCAL �1ARI11BLES „ VS = .0 CM/S VD = .0 CM/S ZO = 108. CM U= 1.0 M/S CLAS = 6(F) ATIM = 60. MZNUTES MIXH = 400. M AMB = 1.9 PPM LINK VARIAHLES i � LINR DESCRIPTION I iINR COORDINATES (M) LEN6TH BRG TYPE VPH EF H W V/C QUEUE Xl Yl X2 Y2 (M) (DEG) (�/1'u) �M) (M) ��) 1. Far Lane Link 2. Near Lane Link RECEPTOR LOCATIONS 3.0 -804.7 .0 806.7 3.0 806.7 1609. 360. AG d00. 15.9 .0 9.1 .0 -804.7 1609. 180. AG 400. 15.9 .0 9.1 COORDZNATES (M) RECEPTOR X Y Z R2 80'L CL, Bus. -22.9 .0 1.8 JOB: R-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. MODEL RESULTS gEMARKS : In search of the angle correspondinq to the maximum concentration, only the first angle, of the angles with same maximum concentrations, is indicated as maximum. WIND ANGLE ItANGE: 0.- 20. WIND CONCENTRATION ANGLE (PPM) (DEGR) REC1 . MAX 2.5 DEGR. 3 RUN: NO-BLD, 2 LN.EXISTING 10' LNS. 1997 TABLE A4 CAL3QHC: LINE SOURCE DISPfiRSION MODfiL - MARCH, 1990 VEPSION PAGE 4 JOB: A-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. RUN: NO-BLD, 2 LN.EXISTING 10' LNS. 2017 DATE: 06/25/1994 TIME: 00:08:17.24 SZTE S MELEOROLOGICAL VARZABLES VS = .0 CM/S VD = .0 CM/S U= 1.0 M/5 CLAS = 6(F) LINR VARIABiES ZO = 108. CM ATIM = 60. MINUTES LINR DESCRIPTION I LINR COORDINATES (M) 1. Faz Lane Yink 2. Near Lane I.ink RECEPiY)R LOCATIONS X1_ Y1 X2 Y2 3.0 -804.7 .0 804.7 3.0 806.7 .0 -804.7 COORDINATES (M) RECEPTOR X Y Z 1. R2 80'L CI„ Bus. -22.9 .0 1.8 JOB: R-2596: US 221, McDowell Co. NpDEL RESULTS REMHRRS : In eearch of the angle corresponding to the tnaximum concentration, only the firet angle, of the angles with same maximum concentrationa, is indicated as maximum. WIND ANGLE RANGE: 0.- 20. WIND CONCENTRATION ANGLE (PPM) (DEGR) REC1 MAX 2.7 DEGR. 5 MIXFi = 400. M AMB = 1.9 PPM LENGfH BRG TYPE VPH EF B W V/C QUEUE (M) (DEG) (G/MI) (M) (M) (VEH) 1609. 360. AG 750. 10.6 .0 9.1 1609. 180. AG 750. 10.6 .0 9.1 RUN: NO-BLD, 2 LN.EXISTING 10' LNS. 2017 • � TABLE N1 HEARZNG: &OUNDS BOI�IDARDZNG US DAILY 140 Shotqun blast, jet 100 ft away at takeolf PAZN Motor test chamber HUMAN EAR PAIN TFIItESHOLD 130 Firecrackers 120 Severe thunder, pneumatic jackhammer Hxkey crowd Amplilied rock music UNCOhffORTABLY LOUD 110 Textile loom 100 Subway train, elevated train, farm tractor Pawer lawn mower, newspaper press Heavy city traffic, noisy factory LOUD 90 D Diesel truck 40 mph 50 ft. away E 80 Crowded reataurant, garbage disposal C Average factozy, vacuum cleaner I Pasaenger car 50 mph 50 !t. away MODERATELY LOUD B 70 S Quiet typewriter L'60 3inging birds, window air-conditioner S Quiet automabile Normal conversation, averaqe office QUIET 50 Household refriqerator Quiet olfice VERY QU2ET 40 Averaqe home 30 Dripping faucet � Whisper 5 feet away 20 Ligdt raiafall, rustle of leaves AVERAGE PEPSON'S TSRESHOLD OF HSARING Whispes NST AUDIBLE - 10 0 TffitESHOLD FOR ACUTE �ARING Sourcea: World Book, Rand McNally Atlas o! the Human Hody, Encyclopedia Amezicana, "Industrial Noiee and Hearinq Conversation" by J. B. Olishifaki and E. R. Ftarford (Researched by N. Jane Hunt and.publiahed in the Chicago Tribune in an illustrated graphic by Tom Heinz.) Activity Cateqory A B C TASLE N2 NOZSE AHATEMENT CRITERIA Sourly A-Weighted Sound I,evel - decibels (dBA) Leq(h) Deacription of Activity Cateqory 57 Lands on which aerenity and quiet are of.axtraordinary significance and serve an important public (Eycterior) need and where the preservation of thoae qualities is easential if the area is to continue to serve its intended purposa. 67 Picnic azeas, recreation areas, playqrounds, active sports areas, parks, residences, motels, (Exterior) hotels, achools, churches, libraries, and hoapitals. 72 Developed lands, properties, or activities not included in Categories A or B abwe. (EXteiiOi) D -- llndeveloped lands E 52 Residencea, motels, hotels, public meeting rooms, schools, churches, librariea, hospitals, and (Interior) auditoriume. 3ource: Title 23 Code of Federal Requlations (CFR) Part 772, U. S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration l DEFZNITION OF SUHSTANTIAL ZNCREASE Hourly A-Weighted Sound Level - decibels (dBA) Existing Noise Level in I.eq(h) < 50 > 50 Increase in dBA from Existing Noise ievels to Future Noise Levels > 15 > 10 Source: North Carolina Department of Transportation Noiee Abatement Guidelines. ► . t � TABLE N3 AMHZENT NOISE LEVELS (�4) US 221 Fra� NC 226 to SR 1569 McDowell County TIPq R-2596A State ProjectH 8.TB71101 SITE LOCATION 1. US 221, .10 Mile North of NC 226 2. US 221, 1 Mile Weat of SA 1570 DESCRIPTION Grassy Graesy NOISE LEVEL � �+) 66 67 Note: The ambient noise level sitee were measured at 50 feet from the center of the nearest lane of traffic. TABLE N4 Leq TRAFFIC HOISE fiXP03URfiS US 221; North of NC 226 to 3R 1569 McDawell County TIP p R-2596A, State Pioject N 6.T871101 AMBIENT NEAREST RECEPTOR INFORMATION NEAREST AOADWAY NOISE PROPOSED AOADWAY ID N LAND USE CATEGORY NAME DZSTANCE(ft) LEVEL NAME DZSTANCE(ft) Beginning to SR 1556 1 Buaineas C US 221 2 Buaineas C " 3 Busineea C " SR 1556 to SR 1566/SR 1573 40 R 67 US 221 60 R 80 L 63 " 80 L 50 L 66 " 50 L PRIDICTED NOISE LEVELS -L- -Y- MAXIMUM 1/2 NOISfi iEVEi. INCREASE --°---------------R/W-------------- - - * 71 + 8 -------------------R/W-------------- 4 Reaidence B US 221 160 L 58 US 221 210 L - - 63 + 5 5 Residence B " 80 R 63 " 40 R -------------------R/W-------------- 6 Reeidence B " 60 L 65 " 60 L -------------------R/W-------------- 7 Residence H " 100 L 62 " 100 L - - * 70 + 8 8 Residence B " 170 L 57 " 170 L - - 65 + 8 Ba Residence B " 220 L 55 " 220 L - - 62 + 7 Bb Reaidence B " 250 L 53 " 250 L - - 61 + 8 9 Residence B " 70 i 64 " 70 L -------------------R/W------------- 10 Reaidence B " 70 L 66 " 70 L -------------------R/W-------------- 11 Residence B " 70 L 64 "' 70 L -------------------R/W-------------- 12 Aeaidence B " 70 L 64 " 70 L -------------------R/W-------------- 13 Reaidence B " 70 L 64 " 70 L -------------------R/W-=------------ 14 Residence H " • 70 L 66 " 70 L -------------------R/W-------------- 15 Resldence B " 70 L 66 " 70 L -------------- ----R/W-------------- 16 Reaidence B " 50 L 66 � �� 50 L -------------------R/w-------------- 17 Reaidence B " 80 L 63 . " 80 L - - * 72 + 9 18 Residence B " 200 L 56 " 200 L - - 63 + 7 18a Residence B " 200 L 56 �� 200 L - - 63 + 7 19 Residence B " 200 I, 56 " 200 l - - 63 + 7 19a Residence B " 200 L 56 " 200 L - - 63 + 7 20 Res3dence B " 200 L 56 " 200 L - - 63 + 7 20a Residence B " 200 L 56 " 200 L - - 63 + 7 21 Residence B " 200 L 56 �� 200 L - - 63 + 7 21a Reeidence B 200 L 56 " 200 L - - 63 + 7 22 Reaidence B " 120 i 60 " 120 L - - • 68 + 8 23 Reeidence B " 100 R 62 " 100 R - - * 70 ♦ 8 24 Busineea C " 30 L 68 " 30 L -------------------R/W-------------- 25 Reaidence B " 120 R 60 " 120 R - - * 68 + 8 26 Businesa C " 20 L 68 " 20 L -------------------R/W-------------- NOTE: Diatances are from center of the existing or proposed roadways. -L-=> Proposed roadway�s noise level contribution. All noise levels are hourly A-weighted noise levels. -Y-=> Noise level from other contributinq roadways. ' Category E noise levels ahavn as exterior/interior (.58/68). *_> Traffic noise impact (per 23 CFR Part 772). s i I v i r t TAHLE N6 � 2/2 Leq TRAFFIC NOISE EXPOSURES IIS 221; North of NC 226 to SR 1569 McDowell County TIP N R-2596A, 3tate Project N 8.TB71101 AMBIENT NEAREST NOISE RECEPTOR INFORMATION NEARE3T ROADWAY NOISE PItOPOSSD ROADWAY PRIDICTED NOZSE LEVELS LEVfiL ID N LAND USE CATEGORY NAME DZSTANCE(ft) LEVII, NAME DISTANCE(ft) -L- -Y- MAXIMUM INCREASE SR 1556 to SR 1566/SR 1573 (continued) 27 Residence B " 160 L 58 " 160 L - - * 66 + B SR 1566/SR 1573 to SR 1569' 28 Reaidence B US 221 90 R 6d US 221 90 R - - • 64 + 5 29 Busineas C " 360 R 51 " 360 R - - 56 + 3 31 Aesidence B " 100 L 63 " 130 R - - 65 + 2 32 Residence B " 130 L 61 " 80 R - - " 69 + 8 NOTE: Distances are from center of the exieting or proposed roadways. -L-=> Proposed roadway'e noise level contribution. All noise levels are hourly A-weighted noise levels. -Y-=> Noise level from other contributing roadways. Category E noise levels ehown as e�cterior/interior (58/48). �_> Traffic noiae impact (per 23 CFR Part 772).- ' TABLE H5 Leq TRAFFIC NOISE EXP0.SURES US 221; North of NC 226 to SR 1569, MeDavell County TIP q R-2596A, State Pioject q 8.T871101 Maximum Predicted Leq Noiee 7.evele dBA Deacription 50' 100' 200' 1. Beginning to 3R 1556 72 67 62 2. SR 1556 to SR 1566/SR 1573 71 67 62 3. SR 1566/SR 1573 to 3R 1578 69 64 59 Contour Dietancea (Maximum) 72 dBA 67 dHA 75' 136' 86' 147' <66' 111' Approximate Number of Impacted Receptors According to Title 23 CFR Part 772 A B C D fi 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 � TOTAL 0 6 1 0 0 HOTEB - 1. 50', 100', and 200' distances are meseured from center of nearest travel lane. 2. 72 dHA and 67 dBA contour distances are measured from center of propoaed roadway. TABLE N6 Leq TRAFFIC NOISE E�0.5URES US 221; North of NC 226 to SR 1569, McDowell County 1 TIP N R-2596A, State Project q B.T871101 R6CEPTOR E�CCSRIOR NOI3E LfiVEL INCREASES Section <=0 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-20 >= 25 1. Beginning to SR 1556 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2. SR 1556 to 3R 1566/8R 1573 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 3. SR 1566/SR 15�3 to 8R 1578 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 2 16 0 0 0 0 (1) As defined by only a aubstantial Increase (See bottom of Table N2). (2) Ae defined by both criteria in Table N2. Subetantial Noise Level Increasea(1) 0 0 0, 0 Impacte Due to Both Criteria(2) 0 0 0 0 1 • i 1 �� � � �- )AMES B. HUNT, )R GOVERNOR � .���� �� W ° A � Van � •� QNr� �• STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DN(SION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 276ll-5201 May 11, 1995 Mr. Eric Galamb DEHNR - Div. of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1148 Dear Mr. Galamb: R. SAMUEL HUNT I I•I SECRETARY � RECEj�EO �'�� � T 199S E��ONA�NrA ySCIENCfS SUBJECT: Federal Environmental Assessment for US 221, From NC,�226 to north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road), McDowell County, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), R-2596A Attached is a copy of the Environmental Assessment and the Natural Resources Technical Report for the subject proposed highway improvement. It is anticipated this project will be processed with a"Finding of No Significant Impact"; however, should comments received on the Environmental Assessment or at the public hearing demonstrate a need for preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Statement you will be contacted as part of our scoping process. Copies of this Assessment are being submitted to the State Clearinghouse, areawide planning agencies, and the counties, towns, and cities involved. Permit review agencies should note it is anticipated Federal Permits will be, required as discussed in the report. Any comment you have concerning the Environmental Assessment should be forwarded to: Mr. H. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager Planning and Environinental Branch N. C. Division of Highways P. 0. Box 25201 ' Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Your comments should be received by June 29, 1995. If no comments are received by ttiat date we will assume you have none. If you desire a copy of the,"Finding of No Significant Impact," please so indicate. NFVi:pl r � 9 Sincerely, . Fran �i�n Vi c, . E. , Manager Planning and Environmental Branch � ��� � ., r�v� �c,r t � `� . �� ��-- ?� '�' � .q � �. STATE OF NORTH GIROLWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT. JR GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM TO: ATTENTION FROM: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 2�201. RALEIGH. N.C. 27611-5201 August 24, 1994 Linwood Stone, Unit Head Project Planning Unit Mark Reep, P.E., Project Manager Project Planning Unit SA,�1 HUNT SECRETARl' .7anet L. Shipley, Environmental Biologist Environmental Unit SUEJECT: Natural Resource Technical P.eport for the Proposed Widening of US 221, from NC 226 to SP. 1569; T.I.P. R-2596 A; McDowell County; State Project NO. 8.T871101; F.A. Project N0. NHF-221(3) The rollowing Natural Resources Technical F.eport has been prepared following a field survey conducted by Environmental Unit Staff August 5, 1994. ?lease note that sedimentation corltrol guidelines for High Quality waters (HQW) must be implemented during the construction phase of the subject project. If you have questions or need additional information, please give me a call. cc: V. Charles Bruton, Ph.D M. Randall Turner, Environmental Supervisor File: R-2596A � � ll'i�i:^,1^ O? ��� _=� . i v !'. i � _. „ �� :. Q � �.�'. i � (j C; �;:.rJp«'E' i I CCL'^ � �" T.I.P. �o. k-��96., State Project \O. S.TS-iiUi Federal Aid \U. \H�-?"_(31 _ � � NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL RE°ORT 0 R-?�96.� \OfiTH C.-�F.OL I�A DEP.�RT:�tE\T OF TR.�\ SPOF,T.-�T I O\ DI�'ISiO� OF HIGH�t'.��S PLA\\ I\G A\D E\�'I �:0\�ir.\TAL BR:�'�CE'� E\� i F,O�ti(E\T�L U\ IT J:1\E'T L. SHIPLEI' .�u�ust 199•-: T_',���:_ O:- :.'r�\�: `.\' � 0 !.0 �ncrociLCt:��n ...........................................'_ ' � . 1 '�TCJ°C� LJ�SC?'li�:l0:? . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i l.� �llI'�OS° ...........................................! 1.� StUC��'.�iec1 ........................................1 1.4 �!ethodolo�� ........................................1 ?.G Biotic Resources .....................................' ?.:. Plar,t Communities ...............................? ?.? �1'ildlife-Terres�rial ........................... � .� ?.3 .�qua:ic Life ....... ............................� ?.-� Biotic Fesource Impacts .........................� �.0 Ph��sical Fesources ...................................- 3.1 Soils and Topo�rapht� .............................- 3.? ��'ate� Resources ..................................- 3."?.1 �later Resource Impacts .....................9 .0 Sc?ecial Topics ........................................° -�.1 Jurisidictionai ��'a:ers of the United States......y '!.1.1 Permits ...................................10 �.1.? :�'it:�ation ................................10 Y.? h:are and Pro�ec:ed Saecies ......................10 �.=�.1 Federa!i�� °ro�ECted Soecie� ...............i0 a.=.? Federa� Candidate/Stace Protecred Species.i� �.0 Reierence� ...........................................1� :',PP��DI �: .� - �atura i �.esoui CE _7�E.RC�" COfTiRiRe : s �a !.0 INTRUDUCTIO!� The io_'_o«ir:�� `�U_�-a. R��,o�___s T?�r�,.c.'t_ �� _.. .s �Jrt'I�dI'2G� �O cSS'_St ::1 ::�� :J:°D::..:1::T1 C: a _..;.__'5:,� �" :ii[:CE: t.il�-1I�0(ifTle:ltR1 .�tiSE.'SS,^ICP.� ��:�). 1.1 Proiect Descriptio The proposed project �re��ides for impro�-ec tra:fic carr�-in� capacit�- or US ?�1 from �C ?'� near ��`oor_ia�ti�^ to SF: 1��9 near \orth C'o�-e. �tcDo«�e: � Count��. The proiec: cai ls fo: upRradin� the e�istin� t«o-1ar.� road�i���- �o a TIIUltl'ane i aci 1 i t�-. in�-o l��in� some ne��� locat ion. Con;binat ions oi f��ur- Iane and fi�-e-:ane�t�-picai seccions ar� proposed throe�nout tne project. Tota� project len�t�,�s �.? �.m l�.� mi:es). 1. Fi�-e-:anes «�itn shouiciers are nronosed from \C ?_'b project timit co 0.? km (O.Y milel nortn o: �C '_'S. Pronosed r��ht-oi-«�a�� «idth t-aries from Y?. - to 1G-.- rr (1�0 ta ��O�feetf. � '. Four-lane d:videci «�i�h a �.- m(�? rc) median �:s n:onosed irom 0.' �:m (0.-' mi!e) nortn o? �C '?6 to S� ?��6. t'�TOnOSt,'U r1�Clt-02—�`c1�' «`iCiLh varies rI'OfTI i�i. ) LO i�l. � il (�30 t� ��C f:1. �. Four- i ane Cl :� iCEG «' i � Il d != (11 i-'�G `; ) �= assed �;CC':' c'_il 1 S rronesed � rom �R 1=�G to SR 1�6�). P:o�osed ri�n.-ef-���a�� 1��idch �-aries ?-om =�S.S tc 195. � m! 160 to c;�G I t). !.' Purpose The �urnose o� this technical renor: is to desc:i�e t^e na�Lrai s��stems tound ��itnin tne p:ojecc are�. and to docume�� :rob�ble imnacts to these s��stems. 1 .3 Stur.v Area Snbject project is iocatec in rural �icDo«�e11 Count��. iocated in che �,ountain ?n��sio�ra:�n�c Fro��ince becween the To«�ns oi �;'oodla«�n ar,d �orth Co��e (=i�. 1). �ne immediate project t-icinit�- area is primarii�- aban:oned pasture, iorest. and li�ht residentiai anci commercial de�-elo�ment. i.4 Methodoio .�,n ecolo�icai sur��ev was conducted .�u�usc �. 199� to identi��� ve�etati�-e communities and «�ilciiie spec?es cor,tair,ed «�ithin ::-ie project dL�Ec1. ��enetati��e communi:ie� and «�iidii?e «�ere in�-entoriec and map?ed durin� or.-sit� surre��s. «'etiands we?�e identified. usin� m�thocs in tnE Corns cf Er.Rineers «`eL 1�RCiS Dei in�at ion �tanual ( i9S-? . , c� s: .��` =�' ' �' .� ��'a�� y5�' � � /S` t, 10 •4 � `4'` � �-*^�• � 9 L O � t 0p � aL �,, , t Q i � � r 37 .� . � i 3 p � o� � -� m ,� Sr� N�,, �.d o�Q� �� J L Sd� n 1 b,�F,J Xr, O J�' J Gti' 9 l f a/� d 1 ' . y �,�` D t' aai4.l a"�' �' .t�, � t. 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D *a a .. � m s O � � � � � _ = C � OO � I 4� � ���� ..-. w •'' 'a�i`1 S Z� 2� Z O f] � y 1► ':':.:'. > �+ — C � {ii � � 0 � � �'� �� �/ � o R+ v� n �-'�1 A � °'1� � �cmN �C-�° �1 D Z _ c. ��p o mam� �°,nO�Z D.'iI � IA m �'� S K a Z� �� ° 9 C. . /• �° �' m � m I I a� ��, . 4.- °c m � � � � �7 � �' S''4 ',� C m a � O . riJ �`� � � ' I o m� � � D I �o`�d �` �t � � � Z [� ' m � � \S J P' ` � ^_ ,^—il': �:.SC . - :�:: --rGl�`' 1l't,- -- '�1�.�; ��C:i • - .�C :i .Gi :C': .. . . _ .�. ��151�. ..^.c, ..S::S L.:;!� Sv,.L�E•--c.:�.. C'.�G .-i5'?:_.�.. C�Li�:c:2P,`__: fT13 ;� S . �. P, :. : [; e ,^: -�' � i- I C ti 0 i ! � : ? _ � : O : ��? ;. _ i'J �t �� i ? '�' : L: ; '_ �' `.l � .- �. S�::C;CC CO i:tt'rl:li�' i�Qrt'.i.Llcll \4C:!S:G S:i:'S. ,C:'� infermation ���as abt� ined fror� t�e Soii C:onser�:at:on Ser�-:c� (SCS) in �;cDo«�ei': Coun:��. The c:��-:ronmentai Ser.siti��i.�� Base �1ap ior �icDo«�ell County ��as utiiized to dete_r�ine iI an�� sensici��e resources are present in :he project a;ea. "Classifications anC «'ater Qualit�- Standards .�ssi�ner. to �he �'aters of :�le Cata���ba Fi�-er Basir" (�.C. Dent. oi En��ironment . Heai tr anci �atuz�ai F.esaurces )��:as censui ted to r�etermine the oest usa�e c,iass�fication ior a,ea s,reams. `:.C. �atural :-ierita�e Pro�ram (�C\HL; anci Fish and �1'ildlife Ser�-ice (F�t�S) files �iere re�-ie«�ed to decermir.e ii any protected or rare fiora or fauna occurs in the project area. �.0 BIOTIC RESOURCES Discribution and co�T�position oi biotic resources throu�hout tne proiect area re�lect LoaoRran��c posiLioninr. n��drolo�ic iniluences. and pas: and nresent iand use practices. Ter�estriai tiiiid!:`e is adcr�+ssec senaratei��. ratner :h2n in tne conte�t of biotic cemm�:niti�s. ��"iic?:if� o�ser� eci durin� f ieid in�-es: i�a: ions are der.oted b�� ( X) in �he te�:. Common �nd scientiiic .^.ames are �ro�-ir;ed ior each snecies ':istec:. In subseauen: reierences to tne same or�anism. oni�� the common name is �i��en. _'.l Plant Communit The c�as�ure icrest. E�ro iect Riparian profiie mociified «�eakle�� p?-oject area is :ural . ecnsis: ing �rima� i i�� ci iand. priti-ate res:dences and Rii�ed pine/nard«�ood cour ;�1ant communities «�e:e identilied in the ��rea: �taincained. ��1ited H�rbaceous .�ssembla�e. Frin=e. and Ca}:/HicE:or�- Forest. \aturai communit�� e°scrip:ions. whe�e appiicabi_e. �a��e oeen acopter� and irem t^e `:C\HP classification scheme (SChafale anc 1990). '�!aincained Communi�ies Fesidential la�ins. pasture land and z-oadside shoulcers constitute maincained communities,in the project area. in tnis communit�- man's structures or acc:�-ities precIur.e natural plant succession. Scatterea :�omes are i*�cerspersec �;�ith lar�e �-e�etable �ardens. woocilots. sma! i acrea�es of Cnristmas tree Iarms and pasture. �taintained ;a«�ns support turf (Festuca sp.) as the dominant �-e�etatic-e componerit. complem°nted «�itn landscape ornamer.tais sucn as red mapie (:�cer rubrum) . cioR�{�ood (Cornus f ioi�ici�.; .�nd rose aa�- (Rhodoclen:ror ma�imum). Pasture iar,d is cor�pr:sed oi :�scue and clo�-ers (Trifolium s�n.). � �:S:L;i�E'C' �!Ci�:�R�E�.iiS ��;tie�'l:�:c1^_� T tl E' \- C �' : ; 21 ; ; O Cl C I i }1 ': S � O:� i I?1 L' : i : ' _ .... .. _ 'i S L ., _: :' _ iTl" 1 , : �� .l i .`1 � I' C- -: . �1'1�:; i855 :C12T1 "J t?°I'C�:'1: CC�'„ Oi c!1`L'��. T�1S C��;i;illr'_L�' :S con;Urised oI abandoneG a�*ricu: ;ura: 2 ie'.cs. r.<<:e� : ine cutti. �.^r nasture !ands «�hicn n���e been ai io�cer. to re�-e�e.BLE na.urai i��. i��nical o: earl�- sta�es of succession. :7ese a;eas a:e characceriz��c: b�� nlants that hat-e shert 1i;e c�•cies. Tnis t�•pe o: comrnunit�� is conside:ed the initial phase of re�-��eta:ior;. or successi�nai sta�e thac ciereloi�s in a hi�hl�- disturbed 2rea. • Com;non p:ant sn�cies include brooiT;-sed�: (.�nr.rono�cn �ir�inicus). daise�� (Chr�•santhemum leLC�u^�nemuml. :rumpet ��ine (Camnsis radicans). ��etcn (��iccia sn.). do�-fennel. and rabbit tobacco (Gnaphalium ob:usifoiium). Grasses make u� a larse component oi this comn;unit��. Tynical �epresentati�°es are crab �rass (Di�icaria sanauina!is). panicum lPar.icum bosci:l. pasnalum (Pasnalum dilatatum). Bermucla �rass (Cvr.oc:on dactvion) �nd bent RTCZSS (A�rostis Sp.). , �:i��arian 1: in�,e forest Riparian frin;e forest is seascnaii>� to interr„ittentl}� flooded. a^d is confined to stream and ri�er emban�:ments. .-�i luvial soi ls su�oort a canon�� of s�-camore (Pla:anus occicentai is }, I•eci maple (.�cer rubrum) . and c��i ip tree (Li:�iociendron tuliUifei�al. 31ac1: �+atnu: lJu�i�r.s ni�ra; is scatcered tt;rou�hout. Black «�i11o�ti� (Sa:i� ni�ra) iorr:s a tnict: subcanoU�'. These meist-to-��:ec cenditions supnort herbaceous plants such as im�:atiens (Impa�iens ca::ens_s). fa:se nettle (Boehmeria cvlindrica). .i��e-n��e-«�eed !�_ui�a.arium rraculzcum). sEnsitive fern (Unoclea sensibiiis). and iron«�eed (�:'ernonia noveboracensis). , Oal:-H i ckor�� Fores t Oai:-F�ickorv forests are the orincipai communi�ies :ra�ersed in areas of ne�r locaLion. The ciosed-to-some�ti�hat open canopies on rid�ecops are doininated by �ero���-tic species sucn as �vhite oak (Quercus alba). associated ci�itn species such as scarlet oak (c�. coccineaf. black oa:� l� ti-elutir,a). anci pi�nut i:ickor�� (Car�a �labra). ��'hite pine tPinus stroous) is scactered :nrou�hout, probably indicative of nast disturbances. Un sneiterer. slopes. mesic species occur. such as Canadian hemlock �lTscz�a canaciensis) beech (�a�t!s �ranciifolia), anc� umbre:la t:ee (�^a�nc! ia ; raseri ). Red maple and sour«�ood (0�:��dendrum arnoreum) are pre�-aient in the uncierstor��. A thic�: shru� later is cnaracterized b�� mountain laurel (I�almia lati:olial. roseba�- (Rhododenr:ron ma�imuml and blueberry (��accinium sp.) . A ciiverse herb la�rer is principal lti� compriser. of partridre ber:v (�titchella renensl. �aia� (Gaia� ap7��lla). Chr�str,as iern (Fol��s;ichum acrosticnoides?. and heart �ea: (He�:astviis sp.}. �ne narasitic herb. Indian pine (',iono.ro�a :�do:-a�a1. is sca�tereci � Li`:iC��':�li,.� ._._"_l CO::i:ii'_.._ `'. c'-_ _., �C:l.:.. �:�il�: _ �`� 'i :r'�- -�Z- , �t� :"? _ C Cl _ S ' � . c`: 5 _ : _ C O il � C ; O . � Q . C ?� � E' � . _ - - . . � _ .. . �' �� �. .. 5 . -ii. _r� � _ �ti � 1tl" i"�:. i�tL _Oi: ';�i . `1� tlC'�:�'�_' �C•�?1G:i::l _.t, JCC.._ S C-' �'::i�l� [T12.�' ;�e QC'Ci1;i:1C ;lfil�'S:one. T:�is �l'P.:�e Oii;'�I'V:�;�iP.�_' Oi 'iCC� occurs ir t;^e .-ic:ni _�� �_�f �. �'i and �R i��G. :� cc-dcr�in::�nt cc�zo^�- i s compr iseci oi su_ar ma�� i e ;:�cer saccha: um i a;;c rocti chestnut ea�: (t)uercus rnontana). Red cc;r�ar ;.Tun:�erus �-:�=;r,ianal occurs sporar:ica! 1��. BIac1�_ �+�ainut anci cninquapin (Cninauanin s�umi'ai are founci in r�o�e mesic conditions a: tne b�se oi tne siope. _'._' �t'iid:i�e Tnc semi-rurai nature of the project area. com�ined �i�ith a mi� of ��iant co�r,�unit�� pa�te:r,s, pro�-ide a��ariet�•� oi opportunities ior �-arious iorms oi mobile �cildiiie. Forested ;rac:s hace z11 t�e necessar�� com?onents (:ooe. �vater, protec:�t-e co�-era�e) to �upnort a number oi sma!1 and larre mamr�als. inclur.in� bl�1Cn bear (Ursus americar.us). �ch:�e-tailed dee� lOcioco � iees �-i: �iniana ), ; accoon ( PrOC�'OIl lo:or ). striped s�:un;: !'�ieohitis [iIGD��itis). �ra�� sa�:i:rei (Sciurt:s ca-o!ir.ensis). �i•oodchuck !�larmota mona� ). and eastern cot tor.tai ! t S�.�! ��i i2�us fioridanusi. Biack bear reed :ar�e areas of refu�e. �enerai't� «�ith .nici� ior�st co��er «�rich is inaccessibie to humans. Comrrents � �orr� Steahanie Goudreau. �tountain �e^ion Co�rdinator ir, the Habitat Conser��acion �romram («'hC1. scaces :7ac �i�ider,:nr the roaci��a�� in thi� area has c7e potential to imp�ct :7e :�sident black i�ear ��0�,*JL�c1C10[l. lC1E elistin� rcar.«�a�� nisec;s t'r.� [.'.S. =orest Ser��ice (C;SFS} Granc?fat7er �an_er Distric� «�here oear der,sities are hi�n. �{idenin� the roaC«�a�: «�iii imnact oear mo�-ement to some cie�ree and �vi l l 1 i�:e i�� incre�ase hi^_h���a� mortal i :��. «�hite-taiied deer pre�ers a_-eas of mi�ed a�e-star,ds o:` fore�t. i�L�i'S_�2LS�Ci �i'1L!1 ODECI 1dP.CIS. IL 1S I�i1tT1�I'll�` Z C?'znUSCllia; nerbivore. ieedir,R on heros. mast, and a�riculcural c:�ons. Deer �i�r, anr. si�n:in�s �ti°e:e common in a1! habiLats. Birds are the most conspicuous fauna encountered in faresten tracts_ The rub}-throated nummin�bird (Arcnilocnus coluhris) mad� se�eral close apnearances. consumir,� nectar irom tne tui�uiar �iowers or ba�� rose. The ruious sir.ed to«�hee (Pioilo•er��throphthalmus) is �°er�� common as is the reu-e� ed �� i rea (�� i�eo 0 1 i ��aceus 1. Both are rea� i': �� obser��ed 1[l i 01'2Stt'C1, t18.b1 t��tS . Birds obser�ed in maintained communi�ies. «°hicn are vear-round residents. are t7e �.merican �oidiincn* iCardueiis :riscis;. 5UI1°_ saarro«� (:�?e'_asniza me!odia). ar.ci .american cro«��^ (Cor��us oracn��rn��ncnosl. .� pair oi c=urdinais* (Cardinalis cardinatis) �iere observed =n ar�a ia�t�ns. pirc:s ; Oi _)rn�• S'.:C.. :-tS Lilt-. `�)O�F'_ S:i��'..: .=�C� I: 'E_'_� C'lC^,-__ . :�Rlei 1Cc1P. �_E'S �i E'! ( ��'.�CC� �I7�i �'eI'lU5 ? . �.:,1-S:tv`L:Q�. °_:i i c:�':F: (�:ii°C ilil�%:ia1�. dCC7 :EC:-id1iE':. :i��i'c= iFi'_"<_'O � :i:?'15?Si c':':� E'.l"DeCLEC�i LO O:CUi CFL'i :CICSE' 01��;P. ic?I]Clti. Pi::�'!P.^ :�P, il';G�?il:S. snanes. fI0°_S. CIc�'f1SC1. anci SO?:�__TiJl:ds. �ianz� ec.S:��P. eottontaiis «�ere obser�-ec. nro�-icin� a.eacii:_ :�-ai:a�v'e fe�c� source for bi:ds of nre�-. Streams in the area. oro��iGe �reer.in� ooporcur,ities for man�• amphibians. Amphibiar,s. in particular. are hi�hi�- «�ater-dependent for comc:letion of larval sta�es ir. their :i:'e c��cle. Tne t«�o-lineG SS11R1871CIeI'" (.Eur�'cea bi�'in�atal R12.\' De a common resident. li�-in� in seepa��:s and s:reams t�rou�hout tne project area. S1im�� ��.:amanders* (Plethodon Rlutinosus) «•ere found under lo^� in areas of moist. steep side siopes. \'umer�::s \orthern duskys* (D�smo�nathus fuscus) ���ere caotured in P��per Cree�:. It is a ti-ery abunr�ar,t saiamander in streams and «�ooded rati•ines. Tne red bat (Lasiurus boreaiis). and evenin� bat (���cticeius nLmeralisl are likeiy to occur in the stud�� area. fora�in� o�-er mountain streams. consum�n� moths. iiies. beetles. crickets. and other insec:s. ?.? Aqua:ic Life T'tle \ortn Fori: Cata�vba Ri��er and its :: ibutaries suppert a di�-erse aqua:ic commur,it�-. �iF.el�� :isn te De iound i.^. tnese cooi waters are t7e centra! stone~oiier fCampos�oma anoma!um?. :antaii ciarLer (Etneostoma f!abeliare). g:eer.he�c snir,er f�oti-onis chiorocenha;us). a-arpaint sniner !�. COCCO�'°I11S ), C�Ic1C!LIlOSe Uc1Ce ( FC11P.? CI'1LP.1' S3LI'^c.CLi � L'S ) �:OS�'S1(1e dace (C:inostomus funduioides). and northern ho� sucE:e: (H�.-��entel i�am ni�ricans ). Common �ame i ish inciude tne rainuo�;� trout fOncorh��ncnus mvkiss). and bro�in trout (Sa;mc �:-ut;a1. La:re numbers oi redb:east sLnfish (Lepomis auri�us) �nd other pan fish are common (^ers. co;rm. tiobert Bro«�n. Gt'F,C Asst . Fisneries Biolo�ist ). Food sources are �enerall�r cerrestrial and aquatic inrert�brates: nrincipaii�' ins°c�s, detr:tus. and ber.thic o:Ranisms. Aouncant or commor. bert;tes ir, these cool. lotic c��aters. include caddisll�es (R~��aco�ria ��upnines). (41ic:asema oennetti?. and (Brach��cercus sp.); ma��Ilies (�eop7eme;a prupu;eal. lE�eor�:s spp). anci stoneflies (Pe:tonerla sg.l. ?.3 Bictic Cornmunit� Imnacts Project construction on ne��� ai i�nmer,t «�i l i. e! iminate. portions of forested communities and degrade t�:ese commur.iLies b�' h3bitat fra�mentation. Loss oi nabi�a� is li�e1�- .o reduce tne number o: ar,:mals �c;�ic'r. re�.�• on �:�etie corrcnunit:es for snelcer and fora�in� ;;abita�. Less oi 7aoitat a:,d =ra,mer,ta� ior. can cause a cisr�pt ior. o? �o�� snort-�erm (diurral. noctu:na:1 m:�ra�ior,s. znd '.cn� term sEasonai mi�:ations ci a:�i�al nt;nu:�::ons. r:eaendin� on ir:dit-idual spec:es ;etiui;emen.s tor tood. ��ater. and co��er. i , : i i. . � . . .. . ... - r " [: _ _ �� . i .`: i � � � . . � _ 1 '_ . C � � ( _ � 1 C. � . . _ � _ . > __ _ �_._ � S cC-_-' - � a.so �� --.�--: ;__. _._. _�. ,_.._..__.�._ ���1:_ i.CL.�i;$C .��..:`i1�:�_� i. _..�.c�:..�_.i_, .. _:?i��1CLS CliE ,.O T1"1� 1�I�' JCS�CI �1'i__�..1. ',t'. . . DL . _ . ,�C:�Ct 1[1 ::;'.', CI'eS:10i1 O: i]t'�l' Rdbi :c: ci�C: i,^, .: t' c! te=2.: i0i1 ::!1C. �i1CT1:T1c1LiOP� Oi �re��iousi�- e�is�lLl� [11�i��:t. �L'S�Cr;_irEc.T1. burT�o«in� anr: S10«` [TIC��lI]°_ o��ar:isr�s �ci:. �e eiirni*ia.ec. i.a:�er. ras�er animals «�ill be ciispiaced. The ioss and de�radation o? «�iid:iie ra�it��. par�:cuiarl�- for aquatic s^ecies. are serieus :m:.ac�s that w:ll res�lt Irom clred,in�, i ii' ir.�. cLlt'er: riaCemer.t o:�e:ations, s!ope stabilization anr: land clearin�. These constructicn actit-i:ies resuit :n the di=ect iess o? DEnL:�ic or�anisms and an increase in s:it ioad in �ti��tlanc'./suuacic ent-ironments. tifobiie aaua:ic or�anisms are �e�ter abie to a�-oid ir�pacts. tnan those sc�ecies tnat a:e i i lter � eeders and,/er reiati��el�- immobiie. Tne :emo��a: oi ber,t::ic orcanisms reci�,:ces .h� potential Iood supp!�� Ior ��er:eb:a:e anc; auuat:c oL^anis�s. Si t tac ion nas man�� ad�-e1 se ir^�acts or, aau�: ic �r^an: sms : C1�C=°dSeS :[12 QzU��'1 Cf �1�7i neneLl'8L10i1 lllillDiL1P.� p c'?!lt and aiaal ^rc«-�t,. «hic'r, is a food source: c1o�s tne i i L.ra�ion ao:;ar�:tus o1 ?i!ter-feedin� benthos and the Riiis oi iish: bLi1CS hE:`1�i11C O:'O_c'iillSfilS 1^ Ir° C;?S2L':'�'J.°.G S�DSLit1C`.'. C',1'�Lii;°_ tnem off .rorn a?ood source: �crerse:� mod::ies �r�ferreci �enthic subsc,�ate: and sooils cio���nst:cam sna�vnin� :�eds ior Iis�. The m��jorit�� of crossin�s are intermi:tenc strearr;s. P!anninR c:,nst:uction durin� dr�- str�am times �rou�c mir:im:�e an� no*entiai impacts to tnese s��ster,�s. Tabie 1 summarizes potential Iosses from proposec a;cject co�scruction. Calculations are baseci or riR�t-ot-«a� iimits oi 1--'.0 to ��0 Iz (Y?.- to 16;.- m) Tabie 1. A\TICIPATED BIOTIC CO�tyili�I �1" IMP.�C�S , COh!MUN I TY I MPACTS , __ __ Hectares (Acres) �;aintained Commur.i�tv � - , 30.i ( ��._�) :�ti�ed Herbaceous Assembla�e ?Y.0 (60.G1 --- ._. R-i p ar-i�an" �Fr-i n� e � b. 6 (: �.�} Oa::-Hicb:or�� Forest -.? ( 1S. 1 ; TOTAL 6'.9 (16).Sl : . �� PHYS I CAL RESOL:RCLS �.: Soils and Topo�raph�- L���nR «�ithin �he �toun.air, Soi: ..=-Rier.. su:;�je�: �:o�ect is �vit:^,in�tne r3road casir.s. Ri�"E.':' TE:races 1P.C� ��ooc Piain Soil S�•stem. Tnis intermour.�air. �asin �s con;_.osed ci !c�c mountai:,s, discont:nuous r:��er L2tiaces. and i:ood pi�:ins. \arro�i rid_^_es and steep siGe slenes occur in so,,�e areas a: ma�imum eie�-a:ions oi �S� m l!�00 :t}, but tne major ro�:ion oi subject projec:. lies ir, tne \orth Ferl� Cata�v�a Ri�:er : iood plain characterized 'o}� lo«� reiiei. Rosman loam and Evard soils are the princi_r.al ma^oin� units �vithin Lhe stud�- area. F.osman toam consists o: deep. ���ei i drained. reari�� le��e1 soi 1s on f lood nlair,s adjacent to 5treams. «rniie E��ard. soi.s a�e :ypicaii�- cn smoe�n. iooc slopes. �either are classified as hyciric soils. 3 . �� GUater Resources Thirteen ti�a.erbodies are ir�ercepted h�� subjec: projec� b�• ��av oi brid�es and cuil-eres. :-iickor�- Brancn. Can! �}� Brancr. Pe.pper Creet._. �iartin Branct;. and Honeticu:t Cree:= are ^erennial streams «�hi1e other crossin�s are intermittenc. Hici:or�� Brancn is crossed four times. These «�aters a:e tributaries :o .he �orth Fork Catau�7a Fi��er and lie �ci.hin the Ca.a���ba Ri��er B�:sin. � Tt!is rit-er arises :rom the eastern siones of tne soutneT-n B1ue ::id�e '�lountains «�ith most ef tne ��sin occurrin� in tne inr,er Piecmor.t. Perennial streams in tne project area are media^� to �;iRh ��radienc. streams. Physica� characceristics oT major «�ate:bod:es include a rock/cobble/sand substrate. appro::imately ?.6 to 6.1 m ( 1� to ?0 ft) in ��idth. �icst are oordereC b�' hard�vood iorest. water denth avera�ed about 0.� to 0.6 m(1 to 1.� f:) at :ime of �-1SiL. �iost crossin�s are smal l. intermi �tent streams :�a�'ir.� cer�� narroµ� channe 1 ti��idths ��ar��in� from 0.3 m( 1 i t)�;te 1.� m (� it) «�ith no associated w�etlands. ti'ater le�-eiti �cer° hi�n. due to recent heat-�- rains and f lo�+�-rate �cas rapid. Stream substrates are coobie/boulder and sand. .adjacer,t �-e�eta:ior, «�as of the mesic mited �ard�i�oo� t��pe. The dra?na�e pattern is dendritic, hi�hi�- r.issectin� the iar,dscape. "Best usa�e" classifications are assi�ned to tne �raters oi �orth Carolina d�� the Di4;sion of En��ironmenta: :titana�ement (DE�1}. A summar�� of ''oest usa�e" �vater ciassiiications ior ��ater resource components lii;e?y to recei��e impacts are listed in Tabie 3 beio��-. .� sLmmar�� oi tne "besc usa�e'' ior «�h�ich t'r.e waters in each ciass must be proteccec. :ei to��,�s. J GD_� �. J°S_ l.��cc: C_"'S',"'.�,.,._(J::�. '7: ���._C_ ..�SC'�=C°c WATEF RESOURCE C�ASS:F?CATION F: 1 C. C�i 1� p l� :: C7 � LJ r C�i : l� l�i L T, Con:e�- Branch �. T: Three Lnna,�er. T::butarics C Tr '�1art in Brancr C Tr T«�o �nnamed Tributaries to �ortn Fo:l�: Ca,a«�oa C Tr Pepner Creek C Tr Hcne��cut t Creeb: . C Tr .�n�� stream «�'r,ic^ is r,et r,ame� in the scr�duie of stream ciassifications carries :he same ciissi::catien :s thG� assi�neci to the stream se�ment to �cnicn it is tribu;ai�-. Ciass C desi�nates uaters suitable :or seconcar�� recreat ion. acivat ic 1 if� nroparat ien and sur��i�-a1 . f ishin�. �a�i i�; �fe arir. c'._°I'1Cli! CLrE. T�le sLaaiemen:ai cizss� : ica�ien oi Trou: �i'arers (Tr; is inte-�ded �o tiro.ect Iresnw�t�:s ior na:ural trout DrOD2��tior, and �ne sur��i�-ai oi stoc�:ed �_out. The \C Di�-ision oi �and Resou�ces nas a soec:ai bu*:e: zone reauiremen� «�lich apaiies to aii DLyi Trout �taters. T�ESe :uies req�i=e an ur,disturbed buifer zone -.5 m i?� f:l «�ir.e cr oi sufiicient «�:d�?; tc con:ine �-isio:e sii;a:ior. «�i:n:.^. tn� C��ent�-�-i iv� percent o: the buff�r zone rt•ar�s� the �ar.r�- uisturoir.� act ivi t�-. n�hic:�e�-e: is �rea�est. ?rot�ct ion measu:es include special �umeric instream «�a,e: "ua:i.�- s:anr.ards .o protec: troL:. :� portion of :ne DI'Oj�C� a:ea :rom �C ??� no::<<tia:n aporo�imateiy 0.3 km (0.- miiel. �aiis «itnir: the .�:e:s�ron� Cre`L «�a:er5h,d, ciassifi�d as tt"S-II. Project� :hat are iocated «�ithin 1.6 :�m (1 miie) upstoae i;om a riQ�l' ana :a;i t�'' LrliR c'i HQ«� ZOR� ai'c: Subject to Snecic 1:E�'u1dL 1CP,5 £i5 Gefined in "Desi�n Standards in S�r.sitive «'atersreds'' (T1��A:O�B.002�) of the Sedimer,catien Controi ^uideiines. The Benthic �iacroin�-ertebrate .��bien: �et«-orb: (B�i_��1 adr�resses lon� te:m trends in �vater quaiity at fi�ed R�or,itorinR sites b� tne samp�in� for selECted benthic macroin��ertebrates. Etenthic macroinverte�ra;es are sers:ti�:e to ��er�� subt ? e cnan�es :n u�ater quai i tt•. Good �vater quai i.�- is associated w�ith both hi�h ta�a richness �raiues anc the pz•esence o� manv intoierant f0?'mS. �l-ater auaiit�- de�radation �radu��1�- eliminates the mo:e sensiti�-e species and leads to a cemmur,it�- structure auite dii_`erent irorr� t�at in z� unstresseci streanl. �o saecific c:ata is a�-�iia5;e :o- a:ea streams ���ithin �he projec: area. in �enerai. st_eams in tne Catativba Rirer Basir, ha��e �ood �o e�ce! lent «•ater ��u�i i�t�. � iCiE' \c?,_O^�i _'�__'�',2..: L:_tiC;l:.' �.,.il.!1.:_._.., . "�._;I', !� VDEC ) I_ J: S IlO C 1 SC:12 � �.°: S : O1 . i'.0 DI�:.> ?cC ; : I�� _`.. �e i: i11' i. �%;i i�. 3 P, .t 1?'� _° ^. � S O L' Z� � � �` 3 � C' _ 5 (� c:�� i l� P, G?� ll'c: .�. 5 _. �_ . �� i(: C =. :> S�S—I «"i i_ b? 1[il�ZC:�Cl �U�' �.^,: i)i0�05EC: P=il if�C� .^OL' �.rE' .PCS� resources ioc.a.eci �t�i:nin 1.6 ;:n; (G.: m� !e; of t:^., r_�oj�c? a:ea. 3.?.'_ �t'ater Resa�!rce ?ri�?acts Surface �ti�ater impacts are anticipa;ed for ai! stream crossin�s. Steep siopes :n tne ��roject area r:�andate tne need ior strin�ent erosion anc sedimenta:on control me�sures. Culverts and/or pioes �ili be installec. reducin� rne linear feet of natural stream channel. Otner �otentiai impacts are increased sedimentation from erosion due to �rir:�e replacement: concentracion of totic cor�:�ounds `rom hi�n���a�� runoi? and/or to�ic spiiis: scoLrin� oi SLredr'i becs due to the charneiization of streams: aitera:ions of �t�a�er �e��e':s due to interrup:ions or adaitions to sur�:ciai anr.!or �round���ater f1ow: chan�es in �i�ht incidence �ue tc �h� remo�-ai of veretatii-e coti-er. � It seems likei� that stream channei modifica�ion or re!ocation c�•i!1 be reau:red ior se�men�s oi Pe:.per Cree�: f30_ m( 1000 f c). tifart in Brancn ?-=: m( �OC ft 1. anG N.ic:;or�� �otton 3=anch ;U' m(300 fc1. T7ese s"al� be �rea�eu as G"stzndarc leiocation". ap,�?ica�le ���nen �reater than 3C.� m;iCO ft) oi totai relecation is reau:red a: a �i��en c:ossin�. or mere than 1�.? m(�0 itl is relocateci on an�� one side ;uas�ream or do«�nstrea�r�l. helocation snou:d be sin;iiar to oriR:nai channe! in �vic:th. cieatn. �radient. anc� substrate. The esc�niishment of ban:: �-e�etation via 8 T�ISP.:in� re�ime is reauired. �leanders anC habitat structures (r��o: �+ads. «�ir:� defiectors. e.c.) snou!d appro�imate tne or�Rinai strear::. In accordancP ���� th ti;e : is� and ��'i Idl ire Coordinati�r: .�ct. as �mended (16 USC G�1 et seq.). tne \CDOT �ciil coordinace suc`� acti�-i:ies «�ith Lhe \orth Ca�oiina �1'iidlife Resources Commissio^. :�L'CO1T1filE:lCic�iC 1C�1S -Scneduie instream acti�-ities durin� d?'v oi loc�- i io�ti periacis. -�on-poinc sed�ment sources shouid be identilied and e?=orts inade to control sedi��ent runoff. -Strict adnerence �e Bes: �-1ana�em�nt Practices anc Sedimentation Control sLidelines for HQR`'s snould 'be implemen�ed duT�in= the construc:ion Dhase of tne project. -Provicie for hazardous sril! catchments �i�itnir. the HO«' zone. �.0 SPECIAL TOPICS �.1 Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. Surface «aters and assoc:ated wetia�ds *a�l ur.der :he broad cate�or�- of "�4`atErs of the United �tates" as dei ineci in 33 CFR 3?S 3. The LS .�I�[Tl�` Ci0?'�S e� �n�ineers (CUE} t�r:es . � , �, ;u- -scic:.on o�-e_ t::e d.�_..�. �. c_ .:_ _, �-_;. ,,: _ _ . . �;.,_-_- -� - into these «��te� s �f rh� L . � . �.s ,�ut... .-i _�c. . _ �ec _ _�:� -�� :�- �he C:ean «�� ter .�c; . rour jurisdic�ionai �c�etianc? si.cs (�i_.�i «::_�_ identi; ier in the nrojec: area u,in� mec:�ocis i� :h� Co:ns of En�ineers ��'et lanGS De' ineat ion �1ar,ual ( i9S- i. J�: isc:ic:io;aai «e:lands are associated ccith Hickor�- Bo:tocii ��ancn (site 1). unnamed.tributarv to the �orth Fork Cata«�ba �i��er (site ?f. �tartin Branch (site 3). and Pepper C?'e�'F: (site �+1. S:te 1 ma�- be cate�orized as palustrine. emerrer.t. persiscen: (PE)t=). ��hi1e sites ?, 3. and � ma�- be cate`orized as paIUSL�ine. forested. oroad-lea�-ed deciduous communities fPF01:;) as def ined b�- Co«ardin �et al . l 19-9 ). ���et lanu com;nunit ies ���ere identified in the project corridor on tht basis o� lo�� soii chroma ��a!ues. hydro�^vtic ��e�etation and tne presence oi h��drolo�y or h��drolo�ical indicato:s. :� sun�mar� ci «�et land impacts associ�ted «�it'r� eacn site is pro��iued in ta�le 3 b e 1 O ti� . Tabie 3. Sum^�ar�� o� �t;�:iand Impacts, riec�ares (Acresl Wetland Stream Anticipated Site Classification Crossing Impacts : *PE�t`? ? �*PFO� 3 PF06 Y PFUb Hickor�� Bctton�. <0.1 l0.:; \orth For� Cata�v�a <Q.i (O.i) �lartin Branch <0.1 ;0.2) Pepper Creek <Q.! (0.?) r To:al imoacts <0.= (0.61 xPaiustrine. Emer�en�. \on-persistent *"�Palustrine. Forested. Broad-lea�-ed Deciduous �-'..l.l Permits ?n accordance «�ith pro��isions of section �OY c: the C! ean «-ater Act ( 33 C;. S.0 13�� 1, a permi t�ci 1 1 be requireG irom che COE tor the discnar�e oi dreCSeG or �ill material into "�'aters of tne United States". Based uocn site locat�on and estimated acrea�e inti�olved. it is anticinated that imQacts «�ili be authorized by �ation�ide Permi: �JJ CrF JJO.� (a) (?6)]. This permit senerally authorizes dischar�es of cired�e or fil! material in �-etlands located a'vo�-e tn� neadwaters ;flow less than 1.� cubic m(� cubic ?t; ner second) oi non-tidal :i��ers. streams and their !a�:es and impoundments includin, adjacen� ��etlancis. :�11 �caters «�itnin :�1cDowell Count�- a:e ��ountai^ irout «�acers as ciesi�nater. bv che �orth Caroi ina �t i id! i� � :�eso�4rces C.o�nmission. This desi�nation req�.!ires tn��; anni:cants ob�ai� _ , �\. - ` - �� i �_._- .\ I '. / � � �?7 �� :/ ��r �`\ ._ - � � _�- : _--_- � � �` .. - . ' i � .1 RI�DGE :� , `� � , � : ,, �. ������Y�. /` / � � , 15�n �� � � D� � � 1 _, �. ,(\�' / /, / 1 \ I S_ony� ob'� � �� i � �%tiTE�""- �/ ��/�,� �"`a � �.�/.--" ° P � _. ' *�ATIOY.qL __ . _ � _ .. , . . . _, :o:' ..-- - - 1•.- , . -�.\'-- :•` ' , .. � � � � --• � t. , � � _ _� • '� � t. �r�-; j.� .\\ ' "i•':� ' : �= � '� �; �-_; r j; �' E I / - ,1 - = �G� : � = � t -' „' � � (o /' .-'`��/.�� � 1Cowet Pt�c a � � � > � u � � ' • , r � � i ' ��_�=-a � L'" /�,.'�� � �� `-�'� r iu,riel i �tt -�� \ ;��-��. ti � ( ! � � � _ y ; �� .� \�?�_a:��. � _ �i��, r%~.� \�, �, �. -'' a - _ ,...r 1./ �.' � `� °�. o n �..;:,rr '. �\. , 1r� '= f-G P', l`-T -�\ ' 3 j t - 1� �1 F � J � } � }; . 1 5� z r Ga • ,,. � �" � � : / � , _ : I r: �,i:�. __ . ,/, I : ` � � . ._V. _ , '1 i���:�,. ,. .:. . ��.�;-. r;a � i ���C����:!(��'�� � �( :;, ��'� ��� - �j�' -; .. } (:i `_--�i . �� r--� -,r'f � : / -t, ; /� 'C/l �„/ / ' j). � <��� 1 �•,��^°CY,-uni� ``I � � (.! 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Final discLetionar�r authorit�- in these matters rests «�ith tne COE. �.? Rare and Protected Species 1._.1 Fede�all�� Protected Snecies Plants ancl animais �vith federai ciass:iications o: Endan�ered (E). Threatener (T), Proposed E.ndan�e:ed !PE; and Proposed Tnreatened (PT) are protecced uneer pre���sions of �ect ion - and Sect ion 9 0? the Encian�ered Saec i:,•s .ac; of 19-_�. as �mended. :�s ot .iui�� S. 1Q94. tne �o: io«�in� species are federal l�� pretected ir �1cDo«°ei't Count��. Taole �. �ederail��-Pro:ected Soecies for �1cDo�vell Count�� SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS Glaucom��s sabrinus Carolina northern ccloratus flvin-^_ sQUirrei � Hedo��:is purpurea �-ar. montana Roan ti1ountain �lue� E Hudsonia montana mountain �olden heather T "E" denotes Endan�ered (a species that is threa.ened �a�ith etitinction tnrou,hout a!1 or a s�snificant portion of its ran�e). "T" denotes Threatened (a species that is liF;el�� to become an endan�ered species «�ithin the foreseeabie :uture throu�hout all or a si`nificant Portion of its ran�e). Glaucom��s sabrinus coloracus (northern i ��.�inR sc:ui:re: ) E .�nimal Fam�l�-: Sciurdiae �)2rc _!�i:G: 1�,`,'� Disi?�!bu�ioP in \.C.. .��'e- . 8�:.^.CCt„��t. ,..�.;:8:,�. �!8�-il`OOCi. ..c C,_S��I?. C:JJtI'C _ . . �.!_ �..i?:. i ! , Su�ain. T�ar,s��:�-ar_a. �ti'a��?li--. �a;lc.°��. The CS;OI1Tlc`i northern i'�'lIl__°, Sq_Lirre! ,'23S � ic'iiR?. «`E:il iur:ed flap of skin alon` eitner side oi i�s bcr.�•. Tni� fu:red flap of skir. is connec�er: at the ��rist in tne :ron: and at the an�:le in the rear. The s�:in ; lans and its b:oaci fiattened :ail allo«� the nort:�err. *l��in� sauirrel to �:ide irom tree �o tree. It is soiel�• nocturna! «�itn 1ar�e dark e�•es . There are se�-e: a 1 fl��in� sauirrel in the the Tennessee border. meters (�000 ft) in the nardwood and coniferous to search for food and nestin� sites. isolated populations of the northe:n wescern part of \o:th Carolina, aion� This sauirrei is found abo�•e 1�?' �-e�eta:ion cransition zone becween forests. Both forest t�-pes are useci the hard«•ood forest is used for Biological Conclusion: \o Ef?ect. Ele�acions in the p*oject area are anprozimaceit� =�SS m � ( 1ci0C ; t 1. thus� not meetina the e1���-ation reauirem�nts ior this species. Hcd��otis j�u:-nurea �-ar. n;ontar,a (motir.tain purple or L:oan �lcuntair: �?ue: ) E Plar,t Fami Iti�: Fubiaceae Federal i�• Listed: a.pr� i�. �I990 FIo«�ers Preser,t: June - Ju1v (best tir�e is mici .;unel D15tr1DL'C10.^. in \.C.: Ashe. ��'erv. Burke. :4icJO���ei!. �fi.chell. ��`atau�,a. �'ance��. F.oan Voun�ain bluet is a perer,niai species with roots anci sro«�s in lon� tu�ts. Roan �tountain biue: has se��era1 bri�ht �urple flo�vers arran�ed in a terminai c��me. ?'his plant can be found on hi�h ele�-ation cliifs. outci�ons. steep siopes, and in the �ra��eil�� talus associa;ed ti+ich cliifs at e!eti-arions of 1.100 to 1.900 mecers 1a.�9� to b.�_�2 ft.l Foan �lountain bluet rrows best in areas w�here it is exposed to full sunli�ht and in shallo�ti acidic soiis. composed o? various i;neous. metamorphic, and metaseaimenta:�� roc�:s . Biological Conclusion: \o Efiect. Elevations (:G00 ftl. chus this snecies. in the project area are aoprotimaceiy -SS m not meetin� the e1e�-ation requirements for Nudsonia 1^ontana (mountain roiden heati;er) T .'1 ..^,: :2.fi11!�'. �iS�BC��° Fecie_a� 1 �is.ec. Oc.���r :0. 1�:�� F.o��e� s ?r�sent . ��une ;n::: .o ia:� ` Dis::ivu:ior, in \.C.. B��ri:e. �icDo;��ei:. �fot,ntain �olcien heather is a!o« . need':e-iea�'ed s:�rub thaL is �-el low-,reen in co!e� . Ti;is s��ub usua� i�• �:o«�� in clumps and retains its lea�-es fro!r the 7?'e\-i011S }-ear <<�nicz appear scale-like on the older branches. Lea�-es appear a«�1- snaped and thread-iike. '�tountain �olden heatn?r ior�s solitar�-, terminal. lanceolate f1o«'ers. '�'nese �•e:l�ti�� flo«�ers ha��e fi�-e blunt-tippeci pe�als anc ?0 to 3G s,amer,s. Fruit capsules ha��e three projectin� points at the tips and are round in shape. Huc�sonia montana occurs in «-eathered rockv soils on mountain tops. It can be found on e:•:posed a�,!artzice ied�es in an ecotone bet«�een bare rocb_ and heath balds dominatec3 bt• Leionhvllum which mer�e into pine iorest. Planrs do ii�-e ir: partiall�• shaded areas. but do not anpear to be as heaith�- as those iound in open areas. .y cri�icai nabitat area ior mountain �oiden heather e�is�s ir, Bur�:e Count�•. � Biological Conclusion: No Eifect. \o open. e�posed leci�es are al�esent in the �roject are:. \'e impacts irom nroject construction are an:ic:pa�ed. 4.2.? :�ederai Candidate/State Pro.ected Snecies Candida�e 2(C?).snecies ar� ^ot 1e�aii�� nretected undel tne Encian�ered Species Act and are not subject to an�� of ic's n:o�-isions untii thev are iormaii�� nroc�osec or listed as Threatened or Endansered. Plants or animals �ti�ith sta*.e desi�naticr,s O? Enr.an�e:ed (E). Th:ea.ened (T) or Special Concerny(SC1 are �rantedv �rotection b�� the State Endan�ered Species :�c* ar.r� tne \C. F!ant Protection and Conser��ation :-�ct of 19-9. acministe.ec and enforceci b�� the North Carolina Wi�d!ife Resources Commission and tne NC Deoartmenc oI A�ricul�ure. The fol!o���in� table inc!udes iederal Candidate soeci�s listed for �tcDowe?1 Countv and tneir state scatus (Tabie �). T�ese species mav potentiali}� occur in the project area: no«e�er. or�anisms and tneir suitable nabitat ��ere no: sur�eved for. The �HP data �ase �cas re�- ie«�ed to cietermine i f an�� protected species ha�°e been ��erifi�d in tne pro;ect area. \or,e �t�ere recorded . , . T�:���:C � . : C'c!C'1'fi; C,��,.ilCill:�.�: .�';7CCiEC :�•.C�O1t"C:: (.:OUP::�' �C Scientific ?�ame Common Name 5tatus :tabitat ;1l�-otis sirbulatus leibii Eas:err s;na; 1- �C r.o iootec: ba: :�'eaton;a floi-ldan�a ma�ister Eastern �i�cor.rat SC ��es C1 emm�-s mu'r, I enber�i i Bo� turt i e T r,o Spec-eria dian�� � Diana frit� 1!ar�- bllL:eril�� no Ju�lans cinere.a Butternut yes , L: 1 i um �: c'1 j'1 Gra��' s� i 1 �� :-SC no Shorti���alacifolia Oconee-be:?s E-SC no Shorria ��l��cifolia �-ar. Short-st��led bi•eristrla oconee-be�is E-SC no ,c �.0 REFERENCES .�merican Urnitnoio�is:s' �nion. 1��5�. Ct;���:•:± is: o: `:; �::^, .-�me:ic:n Bi�ds. (6�n ed.) :-�i_�n P�ess. �:,c.. �a;�r�ence. i�ansa�. S--p. Deaoe. C.E.. J.B. Funr:erbur�, and T.L. Qua��. iyC�l. The reptiles and amnhibians o` \ortn Caroiina: a preiiminar�� cneck-iist ar,d 'oiblio�raah�-. .:. El:sha �titcne!i Sci. �oc. i . 1?`-1_ib y En�-ironme�tal Labo?'�tor�-. 19S-. "�o�ps of Er,rineers 11'e:lar,ds De1 ineat ion :�tanual .'�Tecnnical F.epo?'L �'-S---l. GS Arm�� En�ineer «`aterwa}�s Esperiment Sta[ion. Vicksbu:r. :�1iss. Ehrlich. P.E., D.S. Dohkin and D. ��'he�-e. 19S�. Tre Birr.ers Handboo}:. .� Field Guide ta the �a�ur�l HIstor�• of \ort� .�merican Birds. Simon ana Schuster. \.1'.. \.Y. 7S� p. Gocifre��. R.�:.. J.�l'. �l�ooter.. 19�1. .�pL3Cic and �Vet;and nlancs of Southeascern C�nicFd S,a.es. Dicot�, ledons. ':ne C,`ni��e:sit�� of Geor�ia Press. Athens. 9_�3p. i_ee. D.S.. Funcierbur�. J.B. Jr.. ar,d :�1.I�. C:ark. 19°?. :� Distributional Sur��ev oi �orth americar. �tamn,a:s. \orth Carol ina Scate :�tuseum of �`atural Histor� , R� lei�h. \.C. -0 0. �tartof. B.S.. �t'.�?. Paimer. J.R. Bailey and J.F. Ha�risor, 1:1. 1950. .�m,�nibians and Reotiles of the Caro:inas anrL �%irrinia. The �ni��e:�sit� o? �crth Carolina °ress. Chapel Hi!1. �6�0. \orth Clroiina �Vildliie Resourses Commission. 19�'.. \ort^ Carelina mammalian species ���ith ke��s to the oraers anr: ramilies. �.C. �t`ildl. Fesour. Comm..Ralei�n. �CDEH\R-DEF. 19°�. Classificatior,s and «ater ^ua':it�� stand� rds assi�ned to the «�aters o� tne Cata�ti�e� h 1�'Ei basin. Di��ision oi En� ironmentai �tana�ement. RaleiRh. \.C. ��ln. Uotter. E.F.. J.F. Parne?:, and R.P. Teulin�s ?9�0. Birds oT the Caro!inas. lin:�-ersit�- of �orth Caro!ir.a U:ess. Cna�el Hill. =�OS L. ' Raci*."ord. .�.E. . H.E. ?,hles and G.R. Be't 1. 196S. �tanuai o� the ��ascui�r �!ora of the Carolinas. Tne Unirersicti- of \ort� Carolina Press, Chapel Hi1i. 11S� p. Scott, S.L. (ed.?. 19S-. Fielci Guir.e to the 3irds o:` Nor�h �me�ic�. �ational Geo�raahic Societ��. ��'ashin��on. D.C. -6� _� J[P.'_ tC1. .�'. fh. . ,i .F. U:.::E;?'DL': ° cl^C : . _. '`:l:-:'. _`-:b�,!. .� Lri�,C�.l l�i '�i �;lrl.� �.i.C%._n� IT��?;��i��CI,C. �.l_.. t�...i?.. ''.�'l'�L.. Cotnttt.. F.a�ei�n. 1l'e�ster. «'.D.. J.�. Parr.el : ar.d �ti'.C. Bis�s. ?9:,�. �tammals of th� Caro? inas. �'ir�inia and �tar��iznd. The Lr.i��ersi:�- of \orth Carolina °:ess, Cnapel Hill. ?�� p. i APPENDIX A State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Planning & Assessment James B. H�nt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary MEMOR.ANDUM T0: FROM: RE: DATE: Chrys Baggett State Clearinghouse Melba McGee �� Project Review Coordinator / • s � ���--�N� 94-0025 Scoping Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 to Blueridge Parkway, Avery and McDowell Counties August 11, 1993 The Departinent of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed scoping notice. The attached comments list and describe information that is necessary for our divisions to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the.project. ' More specific comments will be provided during the environmental review. , Thank you for the opportunity to respond. The applicant is encouraged to notify our commenting divisions if additional assistance is needed. attachments cc: David Foster P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh. Norfh Carolina 27611-7687 7elepho`ne 919-733-6376 FAX 919-733-2622 An EGuoi Opoorfunrty A`firmciivs Action Employer 5096 recycled/ 1096 post-consumer paper % 1 � � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission � 512 N MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-733-3391 Charles F. Fullwood, Executive Director I � � Melba McGee, Planning and Assessment Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program �i cY��f �J� �cz� � z.�t.t�t� July 30, 1993 SUBJECT: State Clearinghouse Project No: 94-0025, Scoping comments for improvements to US 221 from NC 226 to Blue Ridge Parkway, Avery and McDowell Counties (TIP #R- 2596) I This correspondence responds to a rlquest by you for scoping comments regarding a proposal by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to widen US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn in McDowell County to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Avery County. The NCDOT proposes to widen US 221 from a 2-lane roadway to a multilane facility, partially on new location. The new roadway would consist of a combination of 4-lane;and 5-lane sections. ; I conducted a site visit on July 27� 1993. Wildlife habitat consists of mature mixed hardwoods with some pines, disturbed mixed hardwoods, rock ledges, caves, oldlfields, pasture, cropland, Christmas tree nurseries, and yards. The diverse habitat of the project area suppor�,s many wildlife species, including black bear, white tailed deer,�raccoon, striped skunk, gray squirrel, woodchuck, eastern cottontail, and various species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Streams that will be impacted by the project include North Fork Catawba River, Laurel Branch, Pond Branch, Stillhouse Branch, Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, Martin Branch, Hickory Bottom Brarich, and at least four unnamed tributaries to the North Fork Catawba River. The river is Hatchery Supported Designated Public Mountain Trout Water throughout the project, and Laurel BrancYi may support wild trout. Other streams in the project area support nongame fish such as chubs, shiners, darters, and dace. This project has the potential to cause adverse impacts to fisheries and wildlife resources of the project area. The North I i � i i I Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has the following specific comments regarding issues that should be addressed in the Environmental Assessment (EA) or Envirorimental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be prepared for this project: 1) Widening the roadway in this area has the potential to impact the resident black bear population. The existing roadway from Armstrong Creek to Linville Falls bisects the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Grandfather Ranger District, and good populations of black bear occur in both the northern and southern sections of the District. Specifically, bear densities are high in the Woods Mountain, Mackey Mountain, and Mount Mitchell areas in the southern section and the Linville Gorge, Grandfather Mountain, and Daniel Boone Management Areas in the northern section. Because extensive bear movement occurs between the sections, widening the roadway will impact movement to some degree and will likely increase highway mortality. The NCWRC is particularly concerned with the stretch of US 22�1 from just south of Linville Caverns to Linville Falls. This section actually enters U.S. Forest Service land and contains forested land on both sides of the roadway. Thus, this area is most . likely an important travel route for bears as well as other wildlife. Project sponsors should address these concerns and appropriate mitigation measures in the EA. . 2) Limestone caves, which are relative�ly rare in North Carolina, exist on either side of US 221 towards the northern end of the project area. The presence of the eastern woodrat Neotoma magister has been documented from caves in this area, and it is likely that the eastern small- footed bat Myotis leibii leibii is also present. Both of these species are listed as Special�Concern (SC) in the state and are candidates for federa�l listing (C2). Project sponsors should discuss how caves and these rare species will be impacted by this project. 3) The presence of other rare species �in the project area should be addressed. There is a good chance that the cerulean warbler Dendroica cerulea is present, and a possibility that the Appalachian cottontail Sylvilagus obscura is also in the area. Both species are listed as Significantly Rare (SR) in the state and C2 with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. I � 4) Project sponsors should describe in�detail how streams in the project area will be impacted, e.g., channel relocation, culvert extension. We reiterate that the NCWRC usually objects to relocation of streams where upland alternatives exist. 5) Steep slopes in the project area mandate the need for extra stringent erosion and sedimentationl.control measures during roadway construction. Project sponsors should describe how control measures will be adequate to control stormwater runoff so that the North Fork Catawba River and its tributaries are protected from severe sedimentation. In general, the EA or EIS should contain the following information: 1) Description-of fishery and wildlife resources within the project area, including a listing of federally or state designated threatened, endangered, or special concern species. The NCWRC's Nongame and Endangered Species Section maintains databases for locations of fish and wildlife species. While there is no charge for the list, a service charge for computer time is involved. Contact is: Mr. Randy Wilson, Manager Nongame & Endangered Species Section Division of Wildlife Management North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 919/733-7291 A listing of designated plant species can be developed through consultation with the following agency: Natural Herita.ge Program N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 919/733-7795 2) Description of waters and/or wetlands affected by the project. 3) Project map identifying wetland areas. Identification of wetlands may be accomplished through coordinati�n with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If the COE is not consulted, the person delineating wetlands should be identified and criteria listed. 4) Description of project activities that will occur within wetlands, such as fill or channel alteration. Acreages of wetlands impacted by alternative project designs should be listed. Project sponsors should indicate whether the COE has been contacted to determine the need for a 404 Permit under the Clean Water Act. Contact is Mr. Steve Chapin at 704/271-4014. 5) � Description of project site and non-wetland vegetative communities. The extent to which the project will result in loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat. 7) Any measures proposed to avoid or reduce impacts of the . project or to mitigate for unavoidable habitat losses. 8) A list of document preparers which shows each individual's professional background and qualifications. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this information to the NCDOT in the early planning stages of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257. cc: Mr. Chris Goudreau, District 8 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Jack Mason, District 8 Wildlife Biologist Mr. Gordon Warburton, NCWRC Black Bear Project Leader Mr. Al1en Boynton, Nongame Mountain Project Leader Mr. David Yow, Acting NCWRC Highway Coordinator Ms. Janice Nicholls, USFWS, Asheville � � State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Soil & Water Conservation James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: � Melba McGee ��� David Harrison / • w � ����� August 2, 1993 �t�� % r.. %r,� � �� n �^ n'` %:\ (!-� (:�� . _ ' - �� C � � -�� ���:i �r "v C! - '� � �J c. � <j 1... . `J� \'� . , ,J r . J \r.� . : �� J �+ SUBJECT: Improvements to.US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties. Project No.-�94-0025. The proposed project involves widening US 221 from a two-lane roadway to a multilane roadway (four or five lanes) and some new location. Soils information will be available through the local Soil Conservation Districts. �The Environmental Assessment should identify any unique, prime, or important farmlands that would be impacted by the project. A wetlands evaluation should be included. DH/tl � P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, Norfh Carolina 27611-7687 ielephone 919-733-2302 An Equal Opporfunity Affirmative Acfion cmployar SQ� recycled/ 1 C`� pcut-conwmer paper DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION t August 2, 1993 Memorandum TO: Melba McGee FROM: Stephen Hall S �� ' SUBJECT: Scoping -- Improve US 221, Woodlawn to Blue Ridge Parkway REFERENCE: 94-0025 Project Section R-2596 C passes through an area of particular environmental significance. The Catawba River Gorge contains several outcrops of limestone, which has a highly restricted distribution in North Carolina. Over a dozen plants are found in association with these outcrops and also occur almost nowhere else in North Carolina. The rarest of these is a liverwort (Plaaiochila caduciloba), a candidate for federal listing and state-listed as Endangered. Three others are candidates for state-listing: white camas (Zygadenus elegans), Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradlevi), and lime entodon (Entodon concinnus). These species are concentrated at three particularly important sites: the Linville Cave Natural Area (a Registered Natural Heritage Area), the Linville Mountain Natural Area (a Natural Heritage Priority Area), and the Catawba River polomite Area (also a Natural Heritage Priority Area). The Linville Cave Natural Area is located west of the Catawba River and may not be adversely affected by the proposed project. The other two sites, however, occur east of the river along US 221 and are likely to be affected. We recommend that a detailed biological survey be conducted along this section of the project. Given the large number of rare mosses and liverwerts found in this region, the biologist(s) conducting this survey should be thoroughly familiar with bryophyte identification. We also strongly recommend that the alignments-through this gorge follow the existing roadbed and avoid disturbing new ground as much as possible. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources �• e Division of Environmental Management � James B. Hunt, Jr., Governorry ����� Jonathan B. Howes, Secreta A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 28, 1993 MEMORANDUM T0: Melba McGee, Policy and Development FROM: Monica Swihar� Water Quality Planning SUBJECT: Project Review #94-0025; Scoping Comments - NC DOT Proposed Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway The Water Quality Section .of the Division of Environmental Management requests that the following topics be discussed in the environmental documents prepared on the subject project: A. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project.•Tne stream classifications should be current. Based on tne �information provided, the project appears to follow the North Fork Catawba River for approximately 15 miles. This section of the North Fork Catawba River is classified as C Tr by the State of North Carolina. The southern project limit appears to be at the American Thread Company Water Supply Dam on Armstrong Creek. Upstream of the dam, Armstrong Creek has a �n'S-II CA classification. B. Identify the linear feet of stream channelizations/ relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be . revegetated. C. Number of s�-ream crossings. D. will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DEM requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings. Identify the responsible party for maintenance. E. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to � be employed. . F. Please ensure that sediment and erosion and control measures are not placed in wetlands. P.O. Box 29535. Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An cquai Opportunrty Affrmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 QX post-consumer paper Melba McGee July 28, 1993 Page 2 G. Wetland Impacts 1) Identify the federal manual used for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands. 2) Have wetlands been avoided as much as possible? 3) Have wetland impacts been minimized? 4) Discuss wetland impacts by plant communities affected. 5) Discuss the quality of wetlands impacted. 6) Summarize the total wetland impacts. 7) List the 901 General Certification numbers requested from DEM. H. Will borrow locations be in wetlands? Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to approval of any borrow/waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DEM. I. Did NCDOT utilize the existing road alignments as much as possible? Why not (if applicable)? J. Please provide a conceptual mitigation plan to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: � � - 1. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. 2. On-site, in-kind mitigation is the preferred method of mitigation. In-kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of-kind�mitigation. 3. Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly banking. Written concurrence of 401 Water Quality Certification may be required for this project. Applications requesting coverage under our General Certification 14 or General Permit 31 will require written concurrence. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland"impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 9863er_mem cc: Eric Galamb � MEMORANDUM �rTi� FROM: Griffiths Forestry Center 2411 Garner Road Clayton, North Carolina 27520 July 16, 1993 Melba McGee Policy & Development Don H. Robbins _�',,��1�� Staf f Forester � -� � �. SUBJECT: DOT EA/Scoping for Improvements to US 221 From NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway in McDowell County (TIP # R-2596) PROJECT: #94-0025 DUE DATE 7-30-93 This project will impact woodland and the Environmental Assessment should contain the. following information concerning the proposed project: 1. 2. � The total forest land acreage by types that would be taken out of forest production as a result of this project. The productivity of the forest soils as indicated by the soil series, that would be involved within the proposed project. The impact upon existing greenways within the area of the proposed proj ect. 4. The provisions that the contractor will take to sell any merchantable timber that is to be removed_ This practice is encouraged to minimize the need for piling and burning during construction. If any burning is needed, the contractor should comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to debris burning. � Page 2 5. The provisions that the contractor will take during the construction phase to prevent erosion, sedimentation and construction damage to forest land outside the right-of- way and construction limits. Trees outside the construction limits should be protected from construction activities to avoid: a. Skinning of tree trunks by machinery. b. Soil compaction and root exposure or injury by heavy equipment. c. Adding layers of fill dirt over the root systems of trees, a practice that impairs root aeration. d. Accidental spilling of petroleum products or other damaging substances over the root systems of trees. � We would hope that the project would have the least impact to forest and related resources in that area. DHR:la pc: Warren Boyette - CO File � � ���5 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY r- WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS � : � , ^. � P.O. BOX 1890 ��'✓ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402-1890 WREPLYREFERTO September 30, 1993 Planning Division Mr. L. J. Ward, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Raleigh, Nurth Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Ward: /f l�.�v�. ��.:i,.� � �' �� � OCT 0 4 1993 Z- DIVlSIC•'�! Or �,�' �G'� HIGI-lVJA.�c �". cc'v��RON��a� � This is in response to your letter of July 2, 1993, requesting our comments on "US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596" (Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199303231). Our comments, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) perspective, involve impacts to COE projects, flood plains, and other environmental aspects, primarily waters and wetlands. The proposed project would not involve any COE-constructed flood control or navigation projects. The proposed project is sited in McDowell and Avery Counties, both of which participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. From a review of th'e September 1990 Avery County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the roadway does not appear to be in an identified flood plain. Based on the July 1988 McDowell County FIRM, the section of roadway selected for improvement is located within the flood plain of Armstrong Creek and also crosses North Fork Catawba River. Both streams have been studied by detailed methods, with 100-year flood elevations determined but no floodway defined. The roadway also crosses the approximate study streams of Conley� � Branch, Martin Branch, Pepper Creek, and Honeycutt Creek. The hydraulic effects on the 100-year flood levels of these streams should be addressed in the environmental document. The final project's hydraulic effects should be coordinated with McDowell County for compliance with their flood plain ordinance and possible revision to their flood insurance maps and report.� Our Regulatory Branch has also reviewed your letter and has the following comments. The Linvi7le Falls to Ashford section of this project is generally very steep. From Linville Falls to North Cove -z- School, the North Fork Catawba River is designated as a"General Trout Water." There are numerous steep tributaries which flow under US 221 to North Fork that will be impacted by the widening project. Although there is very little in the way of wetlands (due to the steepness), special planning precautions should be made to control erosion into the tributaries. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) should take great efforts to control the flow of sediment into these tributaries. Detailed plans on how NCDOT plans to do this would be greatly appreciated. On the southern end of the Blue Ridge Country Club (BRCC), near Ashford and just north of SR 1570, there are wetlands that should bE aVu�iueci. Tnese wetiands are being preserved as part or a settlement with BRCC stemming from an Environmental Protection Agency enforcement action. We would be willing to meet with NCDOT personnel to indicate where these wetlands are located. The Ashford to Conley Branch (see Little Switzerland topo) section of the project is a much flatter section of road. Most of the more level land along this section has been converted to row crop or pasture and hayland. There are several creek crossings with wooded wetlands including Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, and Martin Branch. Effort should be made to minimize the impacts to these wetlands. The Conley Branch to Woodlawn section is an area of steeper terrain with very few crossings and little wetland area. The exception is the Hickory Bottom Branch wetlands close to the terminus of the project. In doing the alignment study, perhaps NC00T could find a way to avoid this wetland area. When final construction plans are completed, "including the extent and location of development within waters and wetlands, yo�ir off�ce should r.ontact M�. Steve Chapin at our Asheville Field Office, telephone (7.04) 271-4014, for a final determination of Federal permit requirements. _ We appreciate the opportunity to comment-on th�is pro�ect. If we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. S' r , w r Law ence . Saunders Chi f, P1 nning Division S�,ENT OF lh �QPP .::.:,, i F.2 � o m a �.q ` ,� CH 3 �9 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 330 Ridgefield Court Asheville, North Carolina 28806 October 6. 1993 Mr. L. J. Ward, P. E.. Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Ward: � � TAKE� o � PRIDf iN � � a�Rica� � •� � � ■ v� O � ��T p p 1993 ,-_ � J y � `Z� DIVISIG^1 �-;`- ,.7rr HiGH'�. � � � • : �� ��V1fiG; , , � . Subject: Scoping for proposed widening of US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties, North Carolina. T.I.P. No. R-2596 � In your letter of July 2. 1993 (received July 8, 1993), you requested information regarding potential environmental impacts that could result from the subject project for your use in the preparation of an environmental assessment. The following comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667e), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act). According to information provided in your letter, this project will involve the widening of U.S. 221 from a two-lane to a multilane road. A portion of this project will be constructed on a new location. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is particularly concerned about the potential impacts the proposed'project could have on listed or proposed endangered or threatened species, on stream systems and associated wetlands within the project area--North Fork of the Catawba River and several unnamed tributaries, Laurel Branch, Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, hlartin Branch. Pond Branch, Stillhouse Branch, and Hickory Bottom Branch--and on wildlife habitat. Preference should be given to alternative alignments, stream-crossing structures, and construction techniques that avoid and/or minimize encroachment and impacts to these resources. A Service biologist conducted a field visit on October 1, 1993. During this inspection it was apparent that the project area provides habitat for a wide variety of fish and wildlife species. Land use within the project area is primarily rural, and a good portion of the project area bisects the Grandfather Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest. The following general habitat types exist within the project impact area: old fields, early successional areas (along roadsides), mixed pine- hardwood forests, forested riparian areas, stream systems, and vertical limestone cliff communities. The Service believes this project has the potential to adversely impact fishery and wildlife resources in the project area and recommends that the following three issues be specifically addressed in the environmental assessment: (1) protection of stream and wetland systems (steep slopes within the project area will necessitate additional precautionary measures in order to control sedimentation and erosion); (2) fragmentation.of wildlife habitat (especially for the black bear, since there is a relatively good population within the Grandfather Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest): and (3) the possible presence of both federally listed and candidate species. The enclosed pages identify federally protected endangered and threatened species known from Avery and McDowell Counties that may occur within the area of influence of this proposed action. The legal responsibilities of a Federal agency or their designated non-Federal representative under Section 7 of the Act are on file with the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The enclosed pages also contain candidate species that are currently under status review by the Service which may occur in the project impact area. Candidate species are not legally protected under the Act and are not subject t,o any of its provisions, including Section 7, until, they are formally proposed or listed as endangered or threatened. We are including these species in our response to give you advance notification. The Service's review of the subject environmental assessment would be greatly facilitated if the document also contained the following information: (1) A complete analysis and comparison of the available alternatives (the build and no-build alternatives). (2) A description of the fishery.and wildlife resources within existing and required additional rights-of-way and any areas, such as borrow areas, that may be affected directly or indirectly by the proposed road construction. (3) Acreage and description of the creeks, streams, or wetlands that will be filled as a result of the � proposed road improvements. Wetlands affected by the proposed project should be mapped in accordance with the Federal Manual for ldentifvinq and Delineatinq Jurisdictional Wetlands. We recommend contacting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Regulatory Field Office (704/271-4854), to determine the need for a Section 404 Clean Water Act permit. (4) Linear feet of any water courses that will be relocated as a result of the proposed project. (5) Acreage of upland habitat, by cover type, that will, be eliminated because of the proposed project. (6) Description of all expected secondary and cumulative environmental impacts associated with this proposed work. (7) An analysis of the crossing structures considered (i.e., spanning structure, culverts) and the rationale for choosing the preferred structure(s). (8) Mitigation measures that will be employed to avoid. eliminate, reduce, or compensate for habitat value losses associated with any part of the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these scoping comments and request that you cont�nue to keep us informed as to the progress of this project. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4-2-94-002. Enclosure cc: Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Sincerely. , Brian P. Cole Field Supervisor Randy C. Wilson, Section Manager. Nongame and Endangered Wildlife and Permits Section, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Dennis L. Stewart, Program Manager, Division of Boating and Inland Fisheries, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Linda Pearsall, Director, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, P.O. Box 27687. Raleigh. NC 27611 Cecil Frost, North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Plant Conservation Program. P.O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 27611 IN REPLY REFER TO LOG N0. 4-2-94-002 PAGE 1 OF 2 AVERY COUNTY MAMMALS Virginia big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii virqinianus)- Endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) - Endangered Southern rock vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus carolinensis) - Candidate New England cottontail (Svlvilaqus transitionalis) - Candidate* Eastern small-footed bat (Mvotis leibii leibii) - Candidate BIRDS Peregrine falcon (Falco pereqrinus) - Endangered Appalachian Bewick's wren (Thrvomanes bewickii altus) - Candidate* REPTILES Bog turtle (Clemmvs muhlenberqii) - Candidate AMPHIBIANS Hellbender (Crvptobranchus alleqaniensis) - Candidate* ARACHNIDS Spruce-fir moss spider (Microhexura montivaqa) - Candidate INSECTS Diana fritillary butterfly (Speveria diana) - Candidate Regal fritillary butterfly (S�everia idalia) - Candidate PLANTS Spreading avens (Geum radiatum) - Endangered* Roan Mountain bluet (Hedvotis �urpurea var. montana) - Endangered Heller's blazing star (Liatris helleri) - Threatened Blue Ridge goldenrod (Solidaqo spithamaea) - Threatened Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) - Candidate Roan false goat's beard (Astilbe crenatiloba) - Candidate A liverwort (Bazzania nudicaulis) - Candidate* Mountain bittercress (Cardamine clematitis) - Candidate Manhart's sedge (Carex manhartii) = Candidate � � - � - �--- Rock gnome lichen (Gvmnoderma lineare) - Candidate Bent avens (Geum aeniculatum) - Candidate Butternut (Juqlans niqra) - Candidate Gray's lily (Lilium rq ayi) -`Candidate A liverwort (Plaqiochila virqinica var. caroliniana) Gray's saxifrage (Saxifraqa caroliniana) - Candidate Oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia) - Candidate Short-styled oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia var. Candidate - Candidate* brevistvla) *Indicates no specimen from Avery County in at least 20 years. IN REPLY REFER TO , LOG N0. 4-2-94-002 PAGE 2 OF 2 MCOOWELL COUNTY MAMMALS �-Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) - Endangered Eastern woodrat (Neotoma maqister) - Candidate - BIRDS Cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea) - Candidate REPTILES Bog turtle (Clemm s muhlenberqii) - Candidate ARACHNIDS Spruce-fir moss spider (Mirohexura montivaqa) - Candidate INSECTS ' Diana fritillary butterfly (�everia diana) - Candidate PLANTS ` Mountain golden heather (Hudsonia montana) - Threatened Butternut (Juqlans niqra) - Candidate Gray's lily (Lilium rq aYi) - Candidate . Oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia) - Candidate Short-styled oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia var. brevistvla) - Candidate United States Forest National Forests IInited States Federal Department of Service in North Carolina Court House Building Agriculture . 100 Otis Street P.O. Bo= 2750 Asheville NC 28gp2 , � Beply to: 2730 �p o __ `o Mr. L.J. Ward, P.E. Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch N.C. Division of Highways P. 0. Box 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Ward: Date: S� 8, 1993 �� L� 0 : �P 3 p �3 y �-�r���S�CV O� � ,. Q- : '.4 yS �cr \RONME� P� Thank you for the�opportunity to comment on SP: 8.T871101, FAP: NHF-221(3), TIP: R-2596, as requested by your July 2, 1993 letter. Here are our comments: 1. The project involves National Forest system lands, so ve request you involve the Grandfather District Ranger, Michael Anderson in your EA process. His phone number is 704-652-2144. 2. The Forest Supervisor nominated two areas of National Forest land adjacent to the project for the Natural Heritage Register. Nothing can be done to negatively impact these areas vhile they are under consideration. Ye have included location maps for your convenience. 3. There is a high probability that historic sites ezist along the Catavba River. Ezcavation and a study may be required before the project can proceed. It is our understanding that an archeological study of the entire corridor is required for a Federal Aid Project. 4. A biological evaluation of sensitive plants and ani.mals vill be required prior to the Forest Supervisor making a-final determination on the project. Thank you again for the opportunity to comment on this project. Please contact ' Joe Moore at 704-257-4247, if you have any questions. .. .._ .__ ._ _ Sincerely, � C. MITCH GURGANUS Director, Lands and M' ezals Enclosures cc: Betty Yancey� NCDOT District Ra.nger, Grandfather ? �� _.1;. �..�w�,,..;: V �: ��.. 1 LINVILLE MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA LOCATION:: Pisgah National Forest. On.the east flank of Linville Mountain. East of US 221, about 1/4 mile north of the Linville Caverns entrance road. McDowell County. Linville Falls quad. DESCRIPTION: Extensive, well-developed cliffs and talus slopes of guartzite in the Grandf�ather Mountain Window. A populations of Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradleyi) occurs on the cliff, and ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) occurs in the cove. Cliffs and ridges are extremely acidic; coves, though full of quartzite boulders, are rich, and vegetation suggests influence by underlying dolomite on the soil. SIGNIFICANCE: Rare plant species, high quality natural communities, and geologic features. Status Name � NC1 US2 Global3 ------------------------------------- --- --- ------ ---------- Asplenium Bradleyi Bradley's SR -- G3 � spleenwort • Panax quinquefolius ginseng SC -- G4 -------------------------------------------�,---------------------- l•; _...- ,;�L�, ».. � n_. ::�:::� = �'; a_ J _ _ . _ . .. _ _ . ._ . - _ � f./ \ Location of the Linville ��-�° j . ` .� Mountain Natural Area y,� a�� �\ �, �„ � ( Linville Falls 7 . 5 min. 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Distinctive, rich calcareous mesic forest community dominated by a mixture of calcium-loving hardwoods, including chinquapin oak (Quercus muhlenbergii), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), and walnut (Juglans nigra). SIGNIFICANCE: Unusual natural community, newly added to the classification system. This type of community is not represented elsewhere on Forest Service lands in North Carolina. Fewer than 10 examples occur anywhere in North Carolina. 0 3 � ;��aL;�t:'; �.. : ��, ; . :- �, � � � � � . . �- _ -� �� "�;. � *, - r�: (_. � . ��:�_^���/l �� 7 � ., \\ �� � • . �aoo � � � � � , ., . c _� �� � �.,����• /'- _ :. .J �"' ��•�;;( ���� �,, ��� ' '.�; � '"�'l; : �..� � J�� . '-'�.i - �, = , �,�.;��;, � ��� ; �J ti� ��. �/�' �e / %- i / l ��':<� ��� ��' - ^? �� •/l ..� I( Jf - �, ,� , � i;;.r.. ( :> :, �•. . 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Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 143 Asheville, North Carolina 28801-5006 ATTN Dear Sir: Subject: Mr. Steve Lund NCDOT Coordinator ' ����d�� i ��3 I �1AR 2 0199$ q � �� ► . u� __ Y�j�i���iJ �e°''9C/�P � '- #nrd?rx] n116Y IFU l: cnTtnni McDowell County, Widening of U.S. 221 from NC 226 to north of SR 1573; TIP No. R-2596A; State Project No. 8.T87 i 101. The North Carolina Department of Transportation proposes to widen US 221 in McDowell County from NC 226 near Woodlawn to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573 (Pitts Station Road) near North Cove. The project calls for upgrading the existing two-lane roadway to a multi-lane facility. The project will be approximately 3.8 miles in length and will consist of combinations of four-lane and five-lane typical sections with some new alignment to improve roadway curvature. US 221 from the southern project limit t� 0.4 mile north of NC 226 (0.3 mile) will be widened to a five-lane section with shoulders. From 0.4 mile north of NC 226 to 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 (0:7 mile) NC 221 wi11 be widened to a four-lane divided facility with a 22 foot median barrier. The remaining 2.8 miles, from 0.4 mile south of SR 1556 to 0.3 mile north of SR 1573, will be a four-lane divided facility with a 46 foot grass median. US 221 is classified as a principle north-south corridor, providing access between the foothills of the state and the northwest mountains. The Transportation Improvement Program project R-2596 is divided into three segments for planning and construction purposes. Section A has independent utility from parts B and C. Section A is the most heavily traveled portion of the R-2596 corridor. Just north of Section A, as shown in figure 5 of the Environmental Assessment (EA), the traffic volumes decrease by 45% since much of the traffic is generated by the Baxter Healthcare plant along SR 1573. The project is also of sufiicient length to address environmental concerns on a broad scope without restricting the consideration of alternatives for Sections B and C. A project breakdown map (Figure 1) is included for reference. Impacts associated with other sections will be evaluated in separate documents if improvements.to these sections are funded in the future. The environmental impacts, including the alternative selection process, of Section A were evaluated in a State Environmental Assessment (EA) dated Apri125, 1995 and a Finding of No Sign?ficant Impact (FONSI) dated July 26, 1996. These documents contain studies that Z�� � investigated impacts to natural systems and protected species. No Threatened or Endangered Species will be impacted by the proposed project. Construction of the proposed project will require impacts to waters of the United States, including both jurisdictional wetlands and surface waters. Wetland delineations were performed using delineation criteria prescribed in the "Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual" (Environmental Laboratory, 1987). Wetlands will be impacted by the placement of fill as well as clearing. Surface waters will primarily be impacted by the construction of new pipes and culverts at stream crossings as well as channel relocation. The department has prepared permit drawings which depict the impact areas. The enclosed permit drawings include a summary of the project impacts in metric units. Tables 1 and 2 summarize impacts to waters of the United States by site number, wetland impacts, and surface water impacts in English units. Table l. Wetland Impact Summary Site Number Station Number II III V VI VII VIII Total 1+680 LREV 1+880 to LREV 2+240 LREV 2+g90 LREV to 2+990 LREV 3+530 LREV to 3+720 LREV 4+970 LREV 5+160 LREV to 5+220 LREV Fill in Wetlands ha (acres) 0.008 (0.019) 0.002 (0.005) Clearing in Wetlands ha (acres) 0.003 (0.007) 0.0 0.042 (0.104) 0.0 0.129 (0.319) 0.025 (0.062) 0.045 (0.11.6) 0.251 (0.625) 0.05 (0.124) 0.006 (0.015) 0.002 (0.005) 0.061 (0.151) Table 2. Surface Water Impacts Site Station Number Fill in Surface Impacted Channel � Waters (acres) Length (feet) I 1+200 LREV to 0.114 +3.2 II III IV V , VI 1+560 LREV 1+680 LREV 1+gg0 to LREV 2+240 LREV 2+620 LREV to 2+730 LREV 2+890 LREV to 2+990 LREV 3+530 LREV to 3+720 LREV VII - 4+970 LREV . 0.0 . -147.6 �_ - " IX 5+680 LREV 0.029 ' -160.7 Total ---------------------- 0.190 -2611 riote: (+) denotes a positive differential in relocated and existing stream channel �-1 denotes a neQative differential in re?�ocate�? :�nd existinR str.eam channel. 0.005 0.0 0.0 0.042 � 0.0 -82 -1590.8 -328.0 -1509 -154.2 i F As stated in tables 1 and 2, sites I, III, V, VI, VII, and VIII involve impacts to wetlands and sites I through VII and IX involve impacts to surface waters. A vicinity map depicting the location of each site is included for reference. _ Several_.mitigatio�op_tions_are_currently bein�c.onsider_ed to_offset_unavoidable_impac.ts_to _ jurisdictional surface waters and wetlands. Potential on-site restoration, creation and enhancement opportunities aze being investigated. Additionally, a search for suitable mitigation sites in the Catawba River basin for both surface water and wetland mitigation is currently being conducted. NCDOT has identified several sites containing possible mitigation opportunities. Entry permits have been obtained and feasibility studies aze currently underway. In summary, impacts to waters of the United States total 0.78 acres of jurisdictional wetlands and 2,611 linear feet of surface waters due to roadway fill, pipes and culverts. Enclosed is a completed notification form and drawings that depict impacts to waters of the United States. Based on the discussed impacts to waters of the United States, the department requests authorization under a Section 404 Individual Permit to construct the project. By copy of this letter and application, the department also requests that the DWQ review this project for 401 Water Quality Certification. � Thank you for you assistance. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mr. Lindsey Riddick at (919) 733-7844, extension 315. Sincerely, , H. Franklin Vick, PE, Manager Planning and Environmental Branch HFV/plr Attachments cc: Mr. John Dorney, DWQ . Mr. Whit Webb, P. E., Program Development Branch Mr. R. L. Hill, P.E:, State Highway Engineer - Design Mr. A. L. Hankins, P. E., Hydraulics Unit Mr. William J. Rogers, P. E., Structure Design Unit Mr. Tom Shearin, P. E., State Roadway Design Engineer Mr. W. D. Smart, P. E., Division 13 Engineer Mr. Mark Davis, Western Mt. Region Coordinator Mr. David Cox, NCWRC � Ms. Kathy Matthews, EPA m � APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMEiNT OF THE ARMY PERMIT l33 CFR 3251 OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 Expires October 1996 Public reporting burden for this collection of info►mation is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send :,,mments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washingto� Headquerters Service Directorate af InformationOperations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Menagement and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NO RETURN your form to either of thoae addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT --Authority: .33.USC-401,-Section 10; 1413,-Sectioo-404.-Principal-Purpose:—These-lews-require-permitsiauthorizing-activitiea-in,-or_affecting, _ __, - _ . . - -- navigable weters of the United States, the discherge of dredged or fill materiel into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routina Uses: Information provided on this form will be used in aveluating the applicatian for a permit. Disclosure; Disclosure of requested informetion is voluntary. If information is not p�ovided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a pertnit be issued. One set of original drewings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructionsl and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. An application that is nat completed in full will be retumed. 1. APPLICATION NO. I 2. FIELD OFFICE CODE I 3. DATE RECEIVED 5. APPLICANT'S NAME NCDOT - Planning and Environmental Branch 6. APPLICANT'S ADDRESS P. 0. B ox 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 a. Residence b. Business (919) 733-3141 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE Isn spent ia mt requiredl H. Franklin Vick, P.E., Manager 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS a. Residence b. Business 1 1. STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize, to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental informatian in support of this permit application. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE Isee inacruccional R-2596A 13. NAME OF WATERBOOY, IF KNOWN �i/spp/�cab�el See Drawings 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT " • � McDowell'� � � � NC COUNTY STATE 14. PROJECT STREET ADDflESS Ii/applice6/el US 221 � 16...OTHER.LOCATION DESCRIP.TIONS,.IF,KNOWN, lseeinstrucuonsl.....,. : ..n. ' US 221 from NC 226 to North of SR 1573- , Y7. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE ^ SQe �ttached vicinity map. � " �_, 18. Nature of Activity (oesc��Prron oip.o/ecr, inciude allleeruiesl ►„ � Upgrade the existing two-lane roadway to a multi-lane roadway partially on new location. 19. Project Purpose roesedas rns .s�.wn o. ou,pose or rne p.o�ec% aes rnsrnicNnns� To improve traffic flow along US 221 and to improve safety through improvements in th�horiznnta�and ve�tical-alignments-of the-r.oadway USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED AND/OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s) fo� Discharge The project. is a linear project. Topographic and safety restrictions severly limit avoidance alternatives. 21. Typels) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards See drawings and summary sheet. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled rsee rnsrn�er�ons� 0.78 acre 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes No _� IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees,.Etc.; Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody.11f more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental listl. ' See attached list. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL• IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED "Would include but is not restricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits � 26. Application is hereby made for a ermit o per s to authorize the work described in this application. 1 certify that the information in this application i o plete an c ate. I rt r certify that I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the � duly ut or' d gent of plica , . 3 ._ .. . — - -- NAT.URE OF-APPLICANT --- --------- .- ----D TE ._.._ ... ... ....---- ._.,.-SIGNATURE OF AGENT _ ---_, . . - - -- DATE - -- — � -- The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicant) or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 1 1 has been filled out and signed. 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or '` fraudulent�statementa or entry, shall be fined not more than S 10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. � � i— S • L .� W;��- ��Q ` �Q� _ �W �� •• LD �i �� �... � ` ., ��. \ 1 _ il� � i � I-='— �_ f--� I-�I i� � I _ _. _ _. . . � _ _ _ _ � _ � � _ � i __ � � � �� � _ � ; i �/� 0 V � �, �' � ¢ _ � C�� Q / � , � . ' I i� (� n j � m� � E � - ¢ � .c 2 O c - _ G J O C � o m ^ o 0 0 � � °',- \ �u i. a a ,°n°o �m' 3a 'O . / � s m a G i a 3 Z ' � u° � a � / s� J . Z � � . � . � � \ , 3 O , O � �� _ ' O U \ � � �. ' � \ ; � N . U .Q �� , _ _ ,, ,� � , , . 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'�� � US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTf OF SR 1566 . . . .. . _..�s.. .., p_ ._ _ - . . . .-.:, . .. . .. . .. ... _ _. _.,._ . . __... .._ _ . . . . . . FRO►� SiA �.�a �*°rla I� - 360 i0 STA 1.57Q B� Z_�� j �� -�eEV- Rr. , ; '• ,..�� _- �rvi � E�E �ai i'.,; � � � � �� t ! �.,��� � � ✓' �+s�� �. �� E� �j� � �° /. �'�� eassa�o rtr � i __-��°" E � � �•/__ t-� /-f---- - -- �� � �t ---- --- . ------- � ---- � � � -------------------- • ..���'A Rv35A — _� •' C�� ` d / �� -� � � ' ------- , .. 'tq�, `: _ /g/y ��(1516 '--_"- ------------ — � -""'_--�= — -- '"— G �-� � � .y�� !– � � ' �____ 'r-"- � � � — � -� ' � — .' _ — — — — — _ � ` 1 � � — � � �- i—�-- � . � � i , .. � � �. '� . .. '� � — — — — � �. � \ � � �i � �� _ _�� ��� , .. .. � \ � / / _ — .. .. .. — — ' / \ � � � — � � � � � � , ' . � . � � .. .. , — � � _ � '- ` . � —� '• �_._ i ' .. „ .. .. ,. • , .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. � � i I CRACE C. 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S�TE _:Z_ . .. , S.T8i. 101 R-'2596.a n US 'L21 FRO�i �C 226 TG �vGR"PH ' OI' SR 1566 � ` • SHEET � OF 30 I ' , - .. . . _ . . , 3 _ . _, _ ... . ..,:.-� I . � i � � ��� �,\\ � . � . . . � � . � � � . � � i � � (� ) � � � i /� � . / / � . � I � � —� Z � ��r � - i iQ � i z ,. . /� i I '� � � �, �� , � ti , � � � i � �. W m � Q z '�' O � I-- ~ � Q , � U ��i OO ,� � W . �i X � � w �� � �� Q � w.�� � � �-- i c� o � ( I � .I. £ � � � � — � 0 � � O F"' i �... � I F, � >" °� Z ! � 3 E" c' O � . � x � � � � z `° `° � � � U o � � Q � � � a„ ..� � U cZ —�, O L.,�i F, z—cn—O 3 � �" a z o � o a O D U � � � Ca � � O --+ W A a � x U � � z � — � 0 H ~� � W��. —,+ � o� � � U _ � — � �. � J � J z Q O U N � O W = E � £ o �. � �. 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DL:P?,RT'"IG�T OF T�:a�SP7RT.�TIO\ DIV7:SI0� OF HICHt�`a�S '(cDOtdELL COUKTI� b.T8i1101 R-2�96.� l;S '�21 FRO�I uC 22o TO \ORTH OF� SR 1�06 SHEET � OF 3O � � z ; � I � � � � � ` I' — + � i � r= � \ � i � Q i � z ; .— � � � � \ � \ �\ � � , � \ � � � I , .. � � ' 1 � � � � O ' i N � O � , + , � U i � . � ' �i � — w ' I i m � � � . � � �_1__ � i ._ W O � � � � — �± � � � `� �. `��� ./ � • � � � �1 I X ' w W � , o� �I , � � � . � �, m . .. ` � � 0 .. � � � c.l) � D 1, �� � i i � . . . . � � � / �i � _ � � . , I.. � i � i,.. � t �_� . .: �.t_ �.I.r _ . , : I . : � . � . , .. .�. �. �. � ,. E � �... � � � � � . � �-" � �- �- �- I ' z x o � N ^ � � � y, � z c�' � E" c' O � x � � � �. � � U o �`�'`+ ^' O —� o a � z � � w F �, o � O � a `° � O F� � A v � a- n- � � o � w U Q a � x � � 7 � � � �O O _ � mZ � � � �m U _ J f—Q .J . o � N � � � � ?`� '. . O �- . £ � O . 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'(�;�� 1;;,:, .'�� ?�t;, � . ._ .. . _;E ;�,�_�r� :E:.. . ._. _:�:G � C„i 1 �!:: � , . ,_.`\',_ .� i.`' �- -.. .' , _ _ , : i.�,ii;�; _ .: �1.�'� :��.'.!) .... .. `.`'t "�; � � r - . � . . . .. . .. . . � . . I � N. C. DEPT.OF TR.�NSPORTr�TION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS , . ,> . . ,_. _ �� 4 � � � � � MCDOWELL COUNTY PROJECT:8.T871-101 (R-2596A) � �; US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTH OF SR 1566 I 1 , t Y, GR� 2M��.• 9g PG �`�` 4Z � -�, .�_ - � - �------------- � ([Tl ---_. --- / "--------- .-- � _ __ -'-' " ' "� r ' � �� / . �y_$fAh71U / � -" ' � � � jyp fln _.--- "- � �y2 / ; ` - .tr --- �it+urakieo To y . � � � ! I � / _ � � --- _"_ N�<Kor�y 'P�oNOr� '6'rcAactl—�1 ,. �/ � — � .i – __ —�---- / --- "-\ i \ � . .. / � � i . � � 5pE01�1, ��� KAP � � � ` \ � CRAS�S �p / � , � � � pE.T Ab- w � SEE DE7AL O ■000s t^� i�i f_ f— — �— �$ ��rErt,►� w• ortp� � ~' �"— �— CLASS B' RtP R�P � ��/ O SEE DETAL E � _--__��� ��� , �� � � � . .. . � ~� 14' � . / � � � i � i �so "0°9S �► 50 � � �,. � , .� . . - � �� .: = �'.. �, ' _,�!•_� ' �� � ��� �I� �♦��������� � �� 1-� � � � . _� �� - �� �:�� i•I �'' � . C� � � :� =� -ar -a� ���� � ;:�-> � —+__�. �i � � _�"�-t:p� �,�jT�� �►'•` � � �T���`dt '�"' - ., T T � T �� �� • I . ' \I • ' •� / . . ....6,__. , . ....-' --. ..._.... .. ... . .. ... ........ _ , SCA�E OM �OM 2Of'1 40M : S ITE IL •Ji+�'�- •♦♦•••�•�•����•V•������ � � N' �- .� ,q. ,a ,� ,� # N•�. .: -tt .µ •� -N. � -t� .N- .N . Yk.�„ ' . . . . _..._._-.... _ _ . .._.... nG\IS.. V� !'- M e 1f� D�N�TES FILL 1hl WETI-AhID' _ � �• ."� ' DFNOTES FILL• �N SURFAC�F i WATEFLS, . \ . C . DL•'P?,hT"iE�T OF TRa�SPORT.aTIO� DIVtSIO� OF HIGHt�'a1S. �(cDOh'ELL COU�TI� b.T$71101 R-2596.a L'S 221 FRO�[ �C 226 TO \ORTH OF SR •1566 SHEET I I OF � v : _.,— �___�. • . - - ----- ... __...... _ . _ �.--._. _. _. - - ,� _ ,n, - -------- i �---. . �j :� �� � c`�'�� ' G� ��eG ��J t� � Us; SS�. �. � � aA d� � 4: � i ; ����1. : 1` : �� ����,�� � 1 h � a �S � �' 1 � \� � °'� I � . .. � �� � . � � �P �S' . �fi��, . � ' � �S' '' � � • . .. .. �� � - � � � � ,� � � '`'�'�'�` ,�i , i '� �� _� ,� ; ��r��, A os a► ` . ,6 ,S� .� .. _ � : � j i �- � � ToE-� ,► _ — � _� � � ,� � -- -i-- - -,- - - �,- - ,- - - . .. -- -� �.� - . - - - M" fs 1 �O � �� �+� • • � • �r • � � / � � .• '� � �..-� • y, I �' � � rn � �:� �� / � � .�� -N � � ����,q��. ,,/ / �/ x . . I� � r;� �O�' f / / � ' •-�-...�' . U ! a �I �`/>. . " iI `� +�f /�"' � '.r.i�'� '• •. ! � ( ���'� / �- . . / �\p'J aF F �S / �. 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DF_NOTES Fi�l• Irl SURFAC� I „ . :. �� sS t w AT ERS ,. , , . �t�c3� �,�' ; " . �, , . . �_._.. __ . 1...�._.....�"_'__. _._...._ __. . . . . . � .�. , _'_..._'_.' ..._.._.__.....—_. _, _�____—.____:..-_ --... .._..—__'_:.. . _ � SCA�E � � , � : OM 10�, 20� 40M i � �•. c. n�,PaEt�������r oF� 1��.a�s�o�.TaTzo� _I DiVI:5I0\ OR HIGH�va1S`" >IcDOId�LL COU�T1` _ � ' ' � 8.T871101 R-2�96.`. � � l�S 221 FROM NC 226 TO \ORT.H, �I I � � _ . . � .. " . � . OF SR 1�66.. SHEET�_ OF .30 . .. ,. . _ . �I � � I .. .. ..._1'. '.9� . ._.._____-. _.__ ... _..... . .. , I I ,"___—' "__ .. .. . _ . � � %.+%2� �� ••'C'� 9 S 9 � / ` 3'fl2 i i i i i . . / .. 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'�� � �\ / /. � � / � i �EY. \ I `' � >� �.��� \\ \ � i � ��� � / i � • . �.\ • ' � � . � �q,�e�. . +Sp / � , � j .Y�p�s �oqP ' C,yp \ ' � RE'.�j' '�. . 9� � B� i ``�� �� �� ' � a� �o�� 3Xr�� � , �f Df q �•� \ � i . �,� o,,�, , �Rq __ ��299 P� �r, o ,� �R . �� . ��''sT � � �. 4 , A , � � � . r Rr� ! , � . . . . .. . . , __ �� .. �_�_------- _ ----- � � - - ' • . - • DFr1oTES F�LL �N SURFAC� � . - WATERS. ' _ _ . , � _ . . SCAI�E r �. ,. .. . __ .._,�._ _ � \ . C : �l)I�P?.RT*iL�T OF TRa\SPOFTaTIO\ �'. .� .. � . DIVI5I0\ OF. HIGHtd:a�`S ' ?icDOh'�LL COU\TY _� Qr� �0�, 2�r, �r� . ..___ .. _ g.T871101 R-'?596.� - . . US 221 FROt-I \C 2�6 TO \ORTH � �. ' _ .. � _. 0�;..SR 156f� y,...�.. . ,._ .. .. ,: , , , . . . �. , . �I I� � �: sxEE�r�_ or 30 � . : ,. _ � _. _.. ,, .. a.:�, _r�- � .. . _.,:. , r. _ . -. � , � �; � � � � i - --- - '-.._t__.__t.� � � �—. �. � i ' � i _ ;-� _� }.---f--�_ --i-- . .. _...i i _� __.. �; - ,-{--.' � -�- �-- -� - -- '--� � '- �r . r-- - . ;� ; !- �.�-. -.-� . _�1.....� I l. .� _� �1 � � 0 i...-. i--��{ ' � � �--'. I�J �:�� _1--� i -t--, -j�---, , ,� , -i--- - -. �OW F�OW CHANNE� DET/�l� -LREV- 1+915 1.8 x 2.1 RCBC � . C . Di?P?.I�T"IE�T OF TRa\SPORT.aTIO� � 1�IVISIO� O1, HIGHCti�Al'S ., ... .., _ :�.. � .. _.._ .. . ,. _ . .._ . ll L U Y � I�� � ` , •. . `Ic Ot�'EL CO �T b.`C871101 R-2596.� US 221 FROri NC 226 TO \ORTH Ol' SR 1566 SHEET I'� 0� 3Q_ r E�p� Y R2596A ' R2596A � � � � — AIODEL ------�.—� ----------------\ ___l�__���__� - - , -IREV-STA2'� __._ -_---'-----'-C- — �� � �n (LT1 . _ _ -"" �- i� ?JSTS' -- � � � al /� � � / � ` / N - �- ��.--= �� / - o ROBERT-E: �AcGAIL. JR. � " � / � ODB 336 PG IBB . �N \\ �/ � d \ / � (�j� \/ . FALSE SUMP {� SEE DE7AIL tl � , i� WOODS —► O � GI 75 2-GI — «� _ — — — n `r r ' 375 � 3T5 . � .. .. .. . •' 2� �. � 14.3m _ + — � � •� _,.. ."'6� 2-f,l. f� � � —� �� ' 2-p � � � � rC C �� � 1� _� \St� UAP � — � .. 450 S � — "` -� � �, � � - EY' STAa•° �� � + .. , ��-= �ss r� / ��i o �A.� / / �� � . / � ' / .. � .. .. / \ /� /q .. .. . .. � .. „ .. .. . •• �. �2-GI, ED /� \\REM yK � CLASS '8' RiP RAP /�c r- p. , .. . . .� QO CSP � /� 400 CSP " 16� GAGES ELBOWS , i � l� zS•xo.s• catR. ��� �/ j F � O 600 CSP � � \ � ` / � / BDO - �p • CLASS `9' RIP RA 0 ���5 ' BERM oircH i � '` -t�v-srar� � . 49Dm lRTI -(REV- STA2�6�0 1608' �T¢i�.n-qRy To � �6,Om !lirl TOE PROTECTiON � hlo�¢rF4 FoP�r- R�vE2 �� SEESOETAIL�F RPP .' W�s / � SCA�E 0� 10�, 20�. 40�; SITE � : - • , _".-. DFNOTES FILL• ��J SURFAC.F " WA7ER5, \ . C . DI::PahT�;L�T Or TR.a�SPORTATIO� DIV]:SIO\ OF HIGHtdal'S `IcDO�dELL COU�TY' b.T$i1101 R-2596.� US 221 FROM vC 226 TO �ORTN OF SR 1�66 SFIEET IS OF 30 . . . -•----,----- -- � i , � , ; ; � �, , , . , I�_ , -:•- --- - � ;-�-:•----!�- � I � �� o�_� . --'^� i __+_�- ;- . : _ �- ;- -��1 � ---�-- 1— ��_` � _ r- . �- � I- - ; f _�. ; �. . _ ; - _-�_�. �- ---� ---- -_ . _ � _ _r _. � , -!--y_��� _..... .�-i . , �-T- i"� _ f :� ���. � � � _.._ . � � 2� � -1-� � i; __ �3L � � � .I , _ i._ i I� ,- � - , ! i � ; ' � i � � � � � : � � .. I _._T. .,...--,--. ; i i � ; ; . --�--- - I � � ; � . � � .._L.—'=--: � -- ° � � I - -- I ' -- � ��_.�:._�:-� ; �-,�- ; ; � , ; � '—i M,�, iA �� i I � � -- - —i— :--�1--�—�a � � .__ � � �I , I� ;� — — — — —i— —� -- -- -- - � � _-` ' � -1 I -��--=1 - -- I — �, -: ( �; _ I I__.�, ' � , �� , -- - - ! -�- �� - --. � —' , -- I - --i I .. _9i_ � _i � � � - — —��--� -- -- .o . �,�_ -ta-�,-r� ., I ° �-� , _ ... �__i.�__�......�.!__.. ----� I--�. _ � i ' ' i� I i--` _, �� i � ; �._._ � _i_ �-y_�� . I � � _! ._; --��..:--�- , _ _�.��....:..__; � �_J__�_.._ �.._�I_ _�___ —l--� � `I �— - � ' ' ` .:_: i i ._l._�--, �- � � i i�!.._ � �..I I.. I I.. I. I I I f I! 1 I!� � � ��_ I_ � �OW F�OW CN�NNE� DE�AIf� - LREV- 2+985 - 2.44 x 1.83 RCBC � . C . l�l'P:�RT�SE�T OI' 1'R.a\SPORT.�.TIO� Di�rTSlo� 01' HIGHtva1`S �IcDO��'ELL COU�TI` � SI�E � - b. T$ i 1101 R-2596.a �S 221 FROM �C 226 'I'O \ORTH OF SR 1566 . SHEET1rT OF 30 � / / o � �U / � � � ! a Qo/ � `�� Q� z� / � � / � � W � � � � � �. � � i \ �� � \` _ � — � � � � � � � I I I � £ � � �v O � � v £ � N �" I � � O � � � � � O E-� �. a+ z � — + ! � � O � o N' ° 3 z c� H , �. � � ., �Q ' z�? o .�� i � U � � U ° � ~ � �' O i—� c� .a � U� � �w — ��"� W� z o �� o z � °° �o � � o o H H � A W � � � �' U i W —� I A; �� i W � L�' N� Cj Q a �' � i I-- � � � ,� � z � �� � i._...._.---------------- -- ;. �; — �, � � o � N i � � — + . � N � i �. � W �� � �� � � C � Y . ; 8�0� o � �Q rn. m �, - N W m � � �.�� W � Ci� � F- � , o E- ' ' — � ,� ', � � '� . � � Q W ' — cv z Q � � U � N �- i � � ' 0 W i i i � =0 � £ � N �' i � �� � �p � _ � � � N N I I I , � � O O � � v � r � ..._..... ,.�..._ _t�...� ... __ ...—,1(�.. . � .�..a�� L 1.�J � _ } ._�� � _ . .1.1 , � .I�� �.. a.. . .. • � . 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DEPT.OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MCDO'WELL COUNTY PROJECT: S.T871101 (R-2596A) � US 221 FROM NC 226 TO NORTH : OF SR 1566 SHEET I� OF 3 O ' 0 _ N ----------- ------------------ ------------------- q -- �-�� -------- -------------- � . ------ ---------- rn � . . ----------- - u� •• � � ---- "_ � � - i �— �. . � � i i � � � � � � � � JUSTICE G000. HEIRS ' � � 08 8T PG 3900 � � . � � � � 0 Jvvi • • ,SFo � � � � � , ' � � � � Q Q IATFJtn� �`/' � � GRASS LiNE SPECInL DITCH � � SEE DETA� CRA55 LINFA � � � II SEE DETAII D � %� � ' � � iREV• STA3�f>2D I I o � � � lLTI I I p ' � o 60m MEDIAN TAPER -- �—� ------ � — -- �—. - — �_ • • " ._• • . .. .. .. . ., .. .. .. „ .. � I I �su�--�---- �-- - REM � . . � .� � � � � � _ .� �. F �� BERM GUTTER�'� STA 3+540 -IREV- � Ca��EY 'QRa�ICLl � ��,.-� � RaK � �` � � — -- — — _ _un� � �. ,� � d •. � ��ai-' , 300 t u� �%7--r .. w/E�BQ' �'� L � ' � E � I/ �� � Q� � --_ �9v � - � � - 7 3� 's�¢EAm IZELOGIiTwwl� ' �G ' L - _ ' / . . � wo005 T� 7�- 3�623. • •� � /. � � � TDE. � � �IOm fRT1 -U7£v- S7A 3�6�17 3�560 1345' �y� - � 3•523023 llOm tRT) . llDm (Rf) l512 - Q • � �s+z � -------------------------- -------------�t, -------- , - a. - ---------•------- - __. - --------------- N - ev- • � ------------------- - v . 4 PI S� � is S Z 23' r4.� 0., � _- . . . `�? B s - rnnD00 _ _; 06N�TES F�LI. IN WEYtJ�rJp; _ ." � • ' ' - - �FNOTES �ILL 11J SUR�AC� W ai �RS, SCA�E \.C....DLPahT�fE�T OF 1'R.a�SPORT?.TIO� OM lo� 20� �M DIVT.SIO\ O1 HIGH��al`S �fcnOh'ELL• COUt�TY . . .. . .. . ._. . .. .. g.Ti�l1101 R-2�96.� US 221 FROM �C 226 T0 \ORTH SiTE � oz: SR ���6 SHEET ad OF 30 � � O � � z x o �. F� � � o � �, z x � � -� � a x z a F � � � i � i � x U ° � �-+ � — ' R" �,—'-a—�—U � ; I�� w�" z w o 3 � ��; ; o 0 0 �: �� - � � z — . ' � � U U z � � ' � A o � o � w ' Q x � w i � U a � x w .i ; o � z � � � o � — � _- _..---..�----- ; � � ---- � I ; ' �� �;Q o ��� � � � �� ° z° � ; o � � � � a�. ° � — � _ � . � ' � — z , � , ' � � Q I ; m , �� �i — W� �� , � z % � ° �O � � � ; —M � 1 � , % ; � I � � o', Q J w ; " o �. � n � � � � - N �_ / . _. � i . � � � � � � r�. _ � > £ .� , � . � � N � , / - . . ..... . � .�1.; . . .. � . X � — 1 w ,. o £ i N ' � ,. � 1.: �. . _ .� ._, . � I � :� I � _. 1� - � £ . . . �. � � o � � £ � � N . O 0� �0 r� !� N N _. -- --�- , ,......,......� .�_..�_.._....., ..,'__ ... . —_. n�'. — �'t_'l.l:. _ �—!;'1i., : . .:.. . �..:_� :, � i �:�� ��r�O!����Lr'.L% - --• • - , . � i_i:..`.:_.Ti[ 1J�t:i l�; ill _ i _.,... _.. _. . .).t illj III . ��t % � ii:j .�� _ , _. . ,.',h, . LL. ._L.. . . T`�� . . `) 1 �� . : . . �\.� !':; . . ,' I:.�i: i. ,. ....� .. 1'i . ;�i;, .. .ti ' _ , (�i::1.\:.:�1_ :)�,L':�; :i';; _„� �:• 1 `:11 r �. D'�PT; . . '. ir, , . -�;,, 7 • .�1t:� 'J; �.L�ii_ . �..',i� . iC)ii; _ .. t.. ....� Ctr'...: .••� . . „ ,�;:� _ 1 1.����ii�l`l�_. L',:1...�... _..... _\i'.�..i,. _.._ .`.Jli;.. .�_.1:-''!�. � . , ��L=� :�.:.t _r . �. ! L`.` . .�. �. ._ _..�,,..,(�. ���i-:S� ��l�.�i...�; ,' ^ . : �.' i . .�_�\.\17L..�:i : :\�.�i.:. i.i'..',!_�i:: �;'Ill �`il; � ..,'.;. .s....... . _.:�_. L�ii�i . �;ii: . _ . . .. i.��:�1:.�.. .. ..'i_`,::,�._.._.. . ,�. �.�.�: �.-..'•i:_. .. ,�_ . �,J:`.= � ....... . � � ,....-'�.-... . - .� _,,� _ ,�, _ . . , ..,. ... .. �. .. . . ,. . i. i' �:.1 : i lv.;-..� .. ` 'i. � !:1;... : . ... . . � . ..'+�i . . .,'��.�:.` . f— _.'__... ._....__ '—_.. — _ � ' N. C. DEPT.OF TRANSPORTA'I'IUN � I DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS MCDOWELL COUNTY ' i PROJECT:8.T871101 (R-2596A) US 221 FROM �IC 226 TO NORTH � OF SR 1566 ' ------------------ -mode�39 m rZS96o aa ;-��:r-` �aelq04/ �j � � _ _ �:%a _ , n . ` � CoN�� Y � ��''- (' - � .--� � DITCH ^ ,,� B¢hNGI-1 . 4, � � / . bJ` � \ `—ENO ' BERu STn DEN�TES FILL Ih1 WE�(LAND'. _ . . . � - - ' • . --. �. , OFNOTES FILL IN SuRFAC� " WA7ER5, � �'� --- -•---- ' SCALE Om 10�.20�, 40M Sa�E � OB 8T PG -, \* �� \ \ \ •. ` �+\ ' `��-I-i � \ � V � \ ._. . _.�.... � iUSTICE GOOD. HE�R pg g7 pG 390 � �1l � � D .. I J•790 / • / / I / / � / G / I f� —� �� � i ✓/rc�- - � �� I ��\� � � � � � N. C. i�i,l�.�,i����;i:;�•� Or "Cn.,:vSPORT:1TrCf1 i 1�)IV7:SI0\ Ol� ii1GHld.aYS '!cDOh'LLL COU�T1' 8.T3i1101 R-2596.� US .221 FRO�I \C ?20 'TO i�0;.?t! OF SR 1�6u S fi cJ ::'r c� � �: ` ,'i � � I \ I , � . _ _.. _.------ ; � ' : � � , ,. . , � _ i __ � � I i _.i _ _ . _. _�_._... .. __._f-- , �•._ i - � � � �_- i � i . �. . 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C. 1)1:'P.a!L I'�;L\T OI' 1'2:\\SPORT.aTION DIVISIO� 01� HTGFIic.al"S �1c�Oh�I:LL COU\'I'1' S) I� � s. rb � tlot r�-2�Us, (!S •G2l FRO�I `r 2�6 `?'O \OR"I��{ OF SR 1�66 sE��E•r� c� 30 . . � �_�--------- --- -._,�,__.. _.___,.___�__________. � v� � �� = t �� � `�._.._. _���____.. } __ .._.� �...- _ � . � -�------ - - _ .,.^..--.._..-._�.t�__..�.._ � �.--�-�------ - - - -. . -, . .� ,;- -_-,- �-- - - - - --- --• - - -- _ -- �'�� .. � - . . . : , ... � O� ` . ----- J -�-�--� ------- ��---�.� --- - - -�--- --- --- -- -. - --. —.-- -- .- ...- - -.---�-- . .. -- - -- - — . - --- — -- � � �� a _---.__ --___—_-_._�-__- -__._-�:: -- ----- ----- -- ---- ------ -- - -- ----- -- --- . � - � � t�, �--- � at. � - . . , . .. _ _�__ _�.__�-s?_ _._�. _:__________�.�_ __.__> ._ _ __..____ _,� . -- - ---------.--.-.---- - --.—_ --- ,.__� _ �- .�. o . �' _ . . � � . . . . _ . .. . . . `� . ' � 1 . . '\\ ,. +� . : << . _ _ _ . . - Stc�te of North Carolina Departrnent of Environmenfi, Health and Natural. Resources Division of Environmental Management James B, Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B, Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director MEMO To. From: _ Su�;��c't . December-21, 1994 Mark Reep NC DOT Eric Galamb y�'� - R-2596A Site/��isit Comments �, ���r�,, � r �, ; ����� ti �r� �� � � `�N h " ��� �� �5 iq �. i�Y ��. { � ! R k'i�' �'�"M {. +���11 ���.t! ��i�.g y.4, �� � ��,�:✓�'e�"�a,#���` Pn� -r�':�'u,'' " `L� sh �. . k ' � d l<"� rr«�H,r� tih� a;i�i�ux .:ki!i.�A�i � idSr�;i'�1'1fC�^r+z 'i:�i�:v:3* �� r: � ,? � � fir.. :�` _ � ) Sorry for� �c.:� delay in providing my comments from t.lie si te visit to the R-2596A p`roject. On November 29,� 1994, we received alternative designs and were asked for concurrence. DLP�� canilct provide concurrence at this time until DOT provides detailed stream relocation information. This information should i.nclude but not limited to: * stream width, depth and bank stabilization (if neede�?; * measures to protect the WS II classificati�on of Hickory Bottom Branch • * justification for impacting wetlands and waters There is a lot of truck traffic utilizing this road (���). Accidents are over 10o higher than the statewide avera�e �or_ a similar_road. Therefore, due to the high truck traf`�ic, the accident rate and the high quality stream classificati:on,�DEM requests that hazardous spill catch basin be installecl. DEM believes that the stream can be relocated to partially utilize the old stream bed adjacent to the mountain. This area was brought to your attention at the site. If.this area is not used DOT will need to justify the r�ason(s).' DEM believes strongly in this location because apparently the stream.was at that location prior to road construction, the banks are stabilized, natural substrate exists, and a mature canopy shades and protects the trout waters. I await you response to this memo. Shoul_d you have questions, I can be reached at 733-1786: R2596A. mem � cc: Steve Chapin, Ashe.ville COE P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, Norfh Carolina 2762¢0535 Te�ephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equcl Opporfunity Affirmative Action Employer !��0`36 rc� :yded(. �'0`J6 ?�osi-consurTaor'{ �n��Eir' . � . _ , , - . � .. � I i d .. . � . '\ �„ �. `� . ' ''�. : �� ':;�. � �.��o,�. ,..n„� � �� � �� '�a � .���. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JAMES B. HUNT, JR GOVERNOR Eric Galamb DEHNR - Division of Env. 4011 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Galamb: DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX 25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 November 18, 1994 Management 21607 i- R. SAMUEL HUNT IlI SECRF.'fARY �'� �`-��' � � � �� f; .�..°�l� --- - N ; �t'{ {'J�)1,% �� � 2 9 199Q _ _ �.� ����:u:;}a: SUBJECT: US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to SR 1569, McDowell County, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596A � �: . ` The.North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is conducting planning studies for the subject project. The project consists of upgrading US 221 from two-lanes to a multilane facility a length of 4.5 miles involving new location (refer to the attached map for project vicinity). Combinations of four-lane and five-lane cross sections are proposed. A field review for the subject project was conducted on October 24, 1994 to discuss potentiel impacts to Hickory Bottom Branch near the southern project limit. Representatives from the US Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, NC Wildlife�Resources Commission, NC Division of Environmental Management, and NCDOT attended the field review meeting. During this meeting, several alternative alignments between NC 226 and SR 1562 (Johnson Hollow Road) were discussed: (1) the original design, involving mostly symmetric widening, (2) Alternative 1, involving west side widening and new location, and (3) Alternative 2, involving symmetric and east side widening and new location (refer. to the attached plan sheets for al_ternatives). The original design consists of mostly symmetric widening along existing US 221 between NC 226 and SR 1562. Symmetric widening substantially impacts this stream and requires approximately 1825 feet of rechannelization. This original design also involves substantial utility conflicts by relocating a telephone switching station located. along the west side of US 221 just north of the NC 226 project limit. The estimated construction cost (not including the cost for right of way) for this portion of the original design is $1,225,000. This design requires an additional cost of $800,000 to relocate the telephone switching station. �� November 18, 1994 Page 2 Alternative 1 consists of widening on the west side of US 221 for approximately 1450 feet north of NC 226 and shifting the alignment on new location west of the existing roadway until it crosses SR 1562. This alternative impacts the stream channel along the west side of existing US 221 between culvert number 1 and culvert number 2. This alternative requires approximately 600 feet of stream rechannelization to relocate the channel east of its existing location. Alternative 1 also relocates the telephone switching station located along the west side of US 221. The estimated construction cost for Alternative 1 is $1,425,000. This design requires an. additional cost of $800,000 to relocate the telephone switching station. Alternative 2 consists of widening US 221 symmetrically and on the east side for approximately 500 feet north of NC 226 and shifting the alignment on new location west of the existing roadway until it crosses SR 1562. This alternative impacts Hickory Bottom Branch in two locations requiring a total of approximately 775 feet of stream rechannelization. Alternative 2 avoids the telephone switching station, but impacts Hickory Bottom Branch near the southern project limit requiring approximately 175 feet of stream rechannelization. Alternative 2 also impacts the stream channel along the west side of existing US 221 between culvert number 1 and culvert number 2 and requires approximately 600 feet of stream rechannelization to relocate the channel east of its existing location. The estimated construction cost for this alternative is $1,475,000. NCDOT recommends the Alternative 2 design described above. This design minimizes utility conflicts by avoiding the telephone switching station. Between culvert number 1 and culvert number 2, this alignment is generally the same as the Alternative 1 alignment which minimizes stream channel impacts. Although Alternative 2 impacts two portions of Hickory Bottom Branch, the 175-foot section of stream rechannelization at the southern project limit has already been disturbed as part of the adjacent R-2020 and B-1277 projects. This stream section will be restored with the Alternative 2 alignment to more closely match the existing channel. The proposed design will impact two small wetland areas totaling 0.07 acre (refer to the wetland evaluation in the attached memorandum). The proposed stream rechannelizations will match existing channel widths, vegetation cover, and substrate layers. Channel design will meander the stream similar to the existing stream. This portion of the project is located within a WS II water supply watershed, and hazardous spill catch basins were considered at stream crossings. However, because the stream is not located within the critical area of the water supply watershed and. because the proposed shoulder section will filter pollutants from the runoff, hazardous spill catch basins are not recommended for the project. During construction, traffic will likely be detoured using existing SR 1556 (American Thread Road). Sedimentation and erosion control measures and best management practices (BMP's) for high quality waters will be strictly enforced. �- , � November�l8, 1994 Page 3 Please provide us with your concurrence and comments on the recommended alternative described above. I would appreciate receiving your input by December 13, 1994. If you need additional information, please contact Mark Reep, Project Planning Engineer, at (919) 733-7842. Sincerely, � �? \ �1J �iH. Franklin Vick, P. E., Manager HFV/plr Planning and Environmental Branch Attachments cc: Sandra Stepney, P. E. Abdul Rahmani Mark Reep, P. E. '� o . 0 n � N . s\ McKINNEY 1* �� � \'` GAP tr; � � � � : ,,� W �:- Z i: a . . V � o �. � ���' `r 1567 a v +�:� :' a � `�. ' x , , � O �� � GILLESPIE 226 ` , �:> ���. PROJECT � �- GAP - `���:;:� LIAAITS � �., I ./' ..:�. � � �'� `�� � - � � �� � ..: � � : �-�..i:, � . , ..: . . .. �,; : ; ;:: . . �. ,. :i�::;j.4.....:FAS, � 1566_ � .-«-; r� �'�Y ,��, . O O : �� i<<f JACKSON KNOB Ashford ' `, ELEV. 3223 � � � • 8 e ., 1570 1560 RP��R� P� 2 21 !�` � --- 1572 •'��_, '� 1568 ./ ; is�a �� .°� � , h �Q iS64 � 1' "' �:" North C,ove . b � � � bl � Pitts � � a ,�� N 5 ` v ��° � � 1563 1560. .2 `o .4 �• � FAS h O S �6 •S '9,o C��� J�� 5 221 ,•,'�"' DOBSON KNOB 226 1456 =: 226 , ' - ` `- q Creek �.>�.; � Sevier . �� ` � R JECT � '� ` P O ^ �•/��< POND . ,� ��� LIMITS � . �, � - ��'�<': KNOB � �/�/oodlawn z, -� PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTIONS :h'��`- . . O F�w — 5 , � `s ,� �` r Q � — � '�` '� �� L N �j � 1555 '� BALD MTN. 1553 i ',;, NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF � TRr1NSPORTAT70N I � DNISION OF HIGHWAYS ; PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH US 221 i FROM NC 226 TO SR 1569 McDOWELL COUNTY ' R - 2596 .A FIG. 1 B �— 0 0 e �A� •y. �p� `h ��i�t � Z �Q � � �i �� ,����. •�a::�•� . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION )AMES B. HUNT, JR DNISION Of HIGHWAYS R. SAMUEL HUNT Ill GOVERNOR P.O. BOX25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 2%�il�-$ZOl SFCRF.TARY October ;0, 1y9=� MEMO�ANDli�i TO: Linwaod Stone, lirii.t Head Project Planning linit ATTENTIO\: �1ar.k F�eep, ?r.vject A7an�.g.er FRO�I: �9. hanc�a.l; Turner, rn�-iroi��r�en�a.1 .�uF�er•�isor Environmental. linit SUBJECT: - �nticipatel Im����cts to «���ter;; aj� the LJ.S. Resu 1 t i ng : � o.n P.ropos�r', cthant�e i he 1 ocat i.ort of a Section• bf Hickory Boitom I�ranci�; 1�Ic�oitrell County; TIP Nc�. R-?�9C.�; Sta.te P��oject No. S.TS71.101 Field reconn�issance c�f che a��ea ii.kel�� te be i.mpaci:ed bs� the proposed impro��ements to U� �2 �. �va.s corid�.acted b�� myself arid Eric Galamb (Div;sion of r�lvirer�n;en�a,. uarlagen7ent) on October ?5, 1994. - �;<<. �: T,:�,?; i=� � Tne e�isting cree.k iand its ��-ate.r;�hed; ti�:�ere �zamined careful ly fo.r �he presence or ,;u,-i.sc:: ct. ionai ,:. � i �inds . Fur,thermore, areas target�ec� fol: relocati.c,�; d? the rel;:u�e�: creek C�'1a11I1e 1 WEl E� ISO e;�ai11iC1eC� i�OS �i�El i nT]Ci� . The only �vetlands iil�ely. to Le imi.�acted i��.,° t�ie ��ro��osed action are twc smal.l sites adjace�t to the tri.butar_t- in the vicinity ot Pr.eliminary Sta�io,ls 1+�=:0 and ]+SSO. ':�his secti.�n of the stream is likel.v t; be J�eloc�ted cas� oi i�s existing lc�cation. Both sites tot��l a��p�,o�aimatelti� 0.03 r�a (0.07 ac). Ve�eta.tion in trie vi.c.init�� of thc�e sites consists of tS� c`11.1�eZ' �All1L2,S SB'l.'I�Lllfild.� � j'r�j l(��i' }Jl.T,'Cr] (]�E�'I?IcI 1 L1tE?t3.� � spieeUush (Linder�. benzcain), nc�;doc�endron (Rhvdodendron� ma�imumj , dognobble ( I eucothoe a_�.r.11 �T�.; s var. ed.t toz�um) ��nd yellow popla.r (I iz�ioclendron Cul i��ii�er�aj . Soils are transitional; but some �.le.��irtg i.s appa.I-ent. � SvP.F��CI�� 1��'�'l':ERS ApproYin�ately 215.5 n� {%0;.0 ft; of exi.sting, �erenni.ul � stream channei ��iI•1 be reloc��teci east �f �.ts e�istin� charrei. � ��� � <; (Prei iminary Stat ions 1+�60 to 1+620 ). .'1 ��ort ion of the relocation effort ma_v utilize an abarc?oneci, e:�istin� channel east of e�isting US ??? (east of.Preliminar�� Stati.ens 1+500 to 1+540 ). This old c'hannel ,�ti�hich ma� ha�Te Leen the �r.iginal bed of the.e�istin� stream, is well-ve�etated and appears to have adequate channel capacity and flood plain. However, Hydraulics Engineer.s �i�il.l I�er.form analyses to deterrnine �vhether modificati.ori of the ol.d c�arriel. �i�i.�i be lequired. SGti1�tAR`r Table 1 provides a summary of tne lihely ;.mnac.ts to �b�aters of th� C;�.S. that are likelv to result f�o�n ��ronosed cons.truction of Alternative 2, as presentecl a� the field meetin� on October 24, 199�: Ta.t�le l.. Anticipated Impacts to ���aters of the li.S.: P�-2�96A � I�VE`I'LANDS SURr ACE «%ATERS S I'1'ES Existi.ng Cn�.nnel t.Perennial) C.G� (C.�J-i 21G.0 (70�.Oi \Tew Channel (Intermittent) - � Note: Values given are in hectare (acr.el and mcters (f�-�et), respectively; Intermittent channel is viewed as "t�%aEers of the U.S.", but no impacts to c:hannel �re en��isi.onec� c�: V. Charles Bruton, �h.D. Cyndi Be1l. 0 N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. �,� C�.l� .� � FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. �� �'c �,� ACTIOfV ❑ NOTE AND FILE ❑ PER OUR CONVERSATION ❑ NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ❑ PER YOUR REQUEST ❑ RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ❑ FOR VOUR APPROVAL ❑ NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ❑ FOR VOUR INFORMpT10N C PLEASE ANSWER ❑ FOR YOUR COMMENTS ❑ PREPARE REPLV FOR MY SIGNATURE ❑ SIGNATURE ❑ TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ❑ INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: 0 �AMES B. HUNT, �R GOVF.RNOR . a���6� . � �A � �r l � �� '� a.,;: �< - STATE OF NORTH CAROLI NA DEPART,MENT OF T�tANSPORTATION DNIS[ON OF HfGHWAYS ('.O.BOX25201, RALEIGH. N.G 27Gll-5201 November 18, 1994 R. SAMUEL HUNT I I I S Ec iiE-rn av MEMORANDUM T0: Meeting Participants . FROM: Mark L. Reep, P. E. , Pro ject Planning Engineer /,�µ�� Planning and Environmental Branch � SUBJECT: US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to SR 1569, McDoivell County, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596A A field review for the subject project was conducted on October 24, 1994. The following people attended the field review.meeting: Stephanie Goudreau Janice Nichols Steve Chapin Eric Galamb Joe Buckner Abdul Rahmani Moussa Ishak Randy Turner Cyndi Bell Mark Reep Sandra Stepney Gr.eg Brew David Bass NC Wildlife Resources Commission US Fish and Wildlife Service • " U5 Army Corps of Engineers NC DEHNF� - Division of Em�ironmental �4gmt. NCDOT - Division 13 Office � NCDOT - Hydraulics Unit NCDOT - Hydraulics Unit , NCDOT - Pla.nning and EmTironinerital Branch NCDOT = Planning and Ein-ironmenta.l B.r.anch NCDOT - Planning and Environmental Branch NCDOT - Roadway Design Unit - �NCDOT -.Roadway Design Unit . NCDOT - Roadway Design Unit The purpose of.the meeting was to discuss potential impacts to Hickor.y Bottom Branch near the southern project limit. The meeting began with a�brief project descripti.on and � discussion of alignment alternatives in the vicinity of Hickory Bottom Branch. Th`is stream closely follows the existing roadway, crossing back and forth ac.ross the roadway for approximately 2500 feet. Three alternatives were presented in this area between.NC 226 and SR 1562 (Johnson Hollou� Road): (1) the original design, involving mostly symmetric widening, (2) Alternative 1, involving west side widening and new location, and (3} Alternative 2, involving symmetric and east side widening and netiv location. The original design consists of mostly symmetric widening along , existing US 221 between NC 226 and 5R 1562.. S��mmetric «-idening substantially impacts this-stream and requires approximately 1S25 feet of rechannelization. In addi.tion, this original design involves substantial utility conflicts by relocating a telephone s«Jitching stat'ion located along the west side of US 221 just north of the NC 226 project limit. The ��� �- � ` Memorandum Page 2 esti.mated construction cost (not including the cost for right of way) for thi�s portion of the original design is $1,,225,000. This design requires an additional cost of $800,000 to relocate the telephone switching station. Alternative 1:consists of widening on the west side of US 221.for approximately 1450 feet north of NC 226 and shifting the alignment on new location west of the existing roadway until-it crosses SR 1562. This alternative impacts the stream channel along the west side of existing US 221 between culvert number 1 and culvert number 2. This alternative requires approximately 600 feet of stream rechannelization to relocate the channel east of its existing location. Alternative 1 also relocates the telephone switching station located along the west side of US 221. The estimated construction cost for Alternative 1 is $1,425,000. This design requires an additional cost of $800,000 to relocate the telephone switching station. Alternative 2 consists of widening US 221 symmetrically and on the east side for approximately S00 feet north of NC 226 and shifting the alignment on new location west of.the existing roadway until it crosses SR 1562. This alternative impacts Hickory Bottom Branch in two locations requiring a total of approximately 775 feet of stream rechannelization. Alternative 2 avoids the telephone switching station, but impacts Hickory Bottom Branch near the southern project limit requiring approximately 175 feet of stream rechannelization. Alternative 2 also impacts the stream channel along the west side of existing US 221 between culvert number l and culvert number 2 and requires approximately.600 feet of stream rechannelization to relocate the channel east of its existing location. The estimated construction cost for this alternative is $1,475,000. NCDOT favors the Alternative 2 design described above. This design minimizes utility conflicts by avoiding the telephone switching station. Between culvert number 1 and culvert number 2, this alignment is generally the same as the Alternative 1 alignment which minimizes stream channel impacts. Although Alternative 2 impacts two portions of Hickory Bottom Branch, the 175-foot section of stream rechannelization at the southern project limit has already been disturbed as part.of the adjacent R-2020 and B-1277 projects. �This stream section will be restored with the Alternative 2 alignment to more closely match the eYisting channel. The review agency representatives agreed to provicie letters of comment and concurrence on this portion of the project. Planning and Environmental will send a letter to the agencies requesting their concurrence. MI.,R/ N. C. I]EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I DATE TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. �-•c �a�u.x L✓ FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. �'LLY/�� / ���`� I ACTIOfV ❑ NOTE AND FILE ❑ PER OUR CONVERSATION ❑I NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ❑ PER VOUR REQUEST ❑ RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ❑ FOR VOUR APPROVAL ❑ NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ PLEASE ANSWER ❑ FOR VOUR COMMEN75 ❑ PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ❑ SIGNATURE ❑ TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ❑ INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: � .. - • �'�:,� .� � ,�� � � �':� 1�� � � �� .��� ' STATE OF NOEZTH CAROLINA ' �� DEPARTMENT OF �RANSPORTAT[ON )ANtES B. HUNT, JR. DIVIS[ON OF H►GHWAYS R. SAMUC-I_ HUNT I I i Govei.NO� .:Pp,gpX25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27G]1-5201 SECitr:r�izY � �ECEIII� o�tober 13, 1��� QC� 18 1994 • �WVIFtONM�T,�i SClENCE� :��'MOR=�,1�'DU";vi T0: Meet ing Par�ticipants 1�ROM: Mark Re���.�Y, Project Pianning Encineer . Plannin� and,Environmental Branch SUB.JECT: Upcoming fi�ld revieGV (October '�4) for +�S 2?1 iroi,� \C 226 near Woodla�n to SR 1569,= �icDowe? 1 Count.-; T:IP ?�o. R-2�96A A fieid review for the.subject project is schedu.led for :�4oricAay QCtO'uL'I' �� � � y94 tO C11SCllS$: i�?L PTO j°Ct � S 1TiVO � V�[1i°Ilt ',:''1 Ch si reams c1iiG. natural resources. We wiil'�et at.12:30 p.m. at the �.C�. Wi.lc?lit"e, F'.esources Commission Depat. in _Marion and travel to �he i�I�C��ect site f�7� a f ield revie�v (refer to the at�ached sheet for direct ions ). TL you need additional iniormation, please contact me a< ( 919 ) 733-75=�2. ivff_.}�� r� � i 8. iiITIPTI i. i��'�s , i . , • DIRECTIONS TO THE �.C. WILDLIFE P.ESOUT'�CES C0�IISSION DEPOT ,', ��` - Take the US 2?i Bypass etit from I-40 in Mari'on and co north. � - Travel past the,intersection with US 70 { at the �tialMart Shopping Center? : � and turn right at the negt traffic sigral. to follotis� U5 221.Business. - Make an immediate left tiirn on SF. 1��3 (Hankins Road) and �0 1-1/2 to 2 miles. - Turn left on.Fish Hatchery Poad (the first road past the Knoilurood _ Subdivision?. � - Travel l/4 mile and turn ri4;�t onto ihe Depot driveway before reachin� the hatchery gate. Enter the Depot tYirough the back door. � � n, , c. �.M1ES B. HUN'C JR GOVERNOR ' ��'�,.i STAT dw�� ' . �',�_f'. 'A��� �g ' , �`�_4�^� .�� �,�� I, �•J�� � � -•O�`a.wTM . . ' �� STATE OF NORTH CAROL(NA DEPARTMENT OF Z�A�1SPqRTATION � - DNISION OF HIGHWAYS� � � P.O. B Uct5ob1er��1;3�H, N.�.�27Git-"20t ly SAM HUNT SECR[TARY ��E�fO.RA.�Dli��� T0: �fe.et ing Participants - rROM: Mark Reep,�. L. , Project Planninc Ei��:ineer Plannino and Environmental Branch SUI3JECT: Travel and lodging arran,ements f�r u�corlin^ R-259E� A field revie�v (Octobe.r 34 ), McDowel 1 Co�r.:`� I nave resPrved a 1? passenyer. van for th� i?�i�' tri��. «ie car n;eet .�t. t�vo locations on Octobe.r ?4: ].. State Motor I'oel on Person Street a� 7:�� a:�. �. ti4arketplace Shopping �ta11 at I-40 and 4�?��c,f� Boul.ev«1�d a� %:30 a.m. Please let me know where you want to meet me. � I have also reserved rooms at the Ham�ton in� in Boone �or that ni�h� �t a rate of $44 plus tax. The motel is located an \� 10� near N:: 20� (Telephone (704) 264-0077). ' We should arrive back in Raleigh before the end af the work da�; on Tuesday October 25. If you need additional.informa�aon, ple��se cail me.at 73�-Z842. �4T_.R/ PHONE (9l9) 733-7384 FAX (9i9) 733r9428 � �� � -� , 1 , � � � �; ��°ir<enin� o? �:� _'?1 from \C ?'G to SR l;�c; �!cDo�i-ell Ccuntt- T.I.P. �o. k-?,9ci7 State Project ti0. S.TS"?IOI Federal Aid :�0. \HF-??1(31 NATURAL RESOURCE TECHNICAL REPORT � R-2S96A :�ORTH CAROLINA DEPAFT�tE\T OF TRAtiSPURTATIO\ DI�'ISION OF HIGHWAYS PLA\\II�G AND EtiVII:O\h9E\TAL BRA:�CH E:�TV 1 FOI��•tE?�TAL U?� I T J:�:�ET L. SHIPLEI' Au�ust 1994 �-=' � TyBL� OF CO\TE\15 1.0 Introduction ....................... ..................� 1.1 Proj°ct.Uescription ...............................1 l.? Purpose ............... ..........................i 1.3 Studv Area .........................................1 1.4 '�lethodolo�� .........................................1 ?.0 Biotic Resources .....................................? �.I. PlanL Communities ...............................? ?.? Riidlife-Terrestrial ............................4 ?.3 Aquatic Life ....................................� ?.� Biotic Resource Impacts .............'............: 3.0 .Ph�-sical Fesources ....................... .........., 3.1 Soils and Topo�raph�-..... .......................... 3.? �'ater Resources ......... ........................-. � 3.2.1 t�fater Resource Impacts .....................9 4.O Sz�ecial Topics ............................... .......Q 4.1 Jurisidictional.R-aters of the.United States......y =�.1.1 Permits ........... .............. .......10 �.1.? Mitisation ................................10 4:2 Rare and Protec:ed Species..... ...............10 � �.'.1 Federali� Protected Species ...............10 4.?.? Federal Candidate/State Protected Species.l3 �.0 Feferences ...........................................1� APPE\DI�i :� - :�atural Resource ARenc�- Commnets ) � 1.0 INTRODUCTIO� The foilo���ir� �atu-ai Fesources prepared to assist in :ne prepar�:tion Enti�ironmental Assessmer.t (EA). 1.1 Pro�ect Description Tecnnica: �e;.or� :s oi a federai.l�- iunded The proposed project pro�-ides for improved traiiic carr�-in� capacit�- of LS 221 from ?�C 2?6 near ��`ooria�ti�n to SF. 1�69 near \orth Cove. McDou�ell Countv. The projec_ cails for upgrac�in� the e�isting two-lane road���}- to a multilane facilit�-, in�ol`-ing some ne�v location. Combinations of four- lane and fi��e-Iane tS�picai sections are proposed thro��hout the project. Total project len�th is ';.? l:m,l�.� milesl. 1. Five-lanes �ti�ith shouiders are proposed from tiC ??6 project limit to 0.3 km (0.4 mile) north oi' tiC '_'6. Proposed right-of-w�a�- ���idth rarres from 4?.- to 16-.� m (140 to ��0 feet). ?. Four-lane dividec� «-ith a 6." m('? ft) median �s pronosed from 0.? km (0.�+ mile? north of \C ??6 to Sh 1:;6. � Proposed ri�nt-of-��a�� widLh ��aries from -0.1, to i�1.I m i'?30 to �3C ft ) . 3. Four-lane di�-icied �i�ith a l� m(4G ft) ��assed median is nroposed f rom SR 1 �� 6 to SF 1�69 . Pr•oposed r i�nt -e? -«�a�• �i�idth varies from �S.S to 195.� m(160 to 6�0 ft). 1 . '? Purpose The purpose of this technical report is to describe the natural s}-stems found «�ithin the project area and to, document probable impacts to these s��stems. 1.3 Study Area 0 SLbject project is located in rural �1cDo�i�ell Count�. located in the �;ountain Pnysiographic Prorince between Lne To�°ns of «'oodla��n and North Co�-e (Fig. 1). ;ne immediate project vicinit�� area is primarilti- abandoned pasture, ioresL. and li�ht residential and commercial de�relo�ment. 1.4 Methodolo�y An ecolo�ical sur��ey was conducted Au�ust �, 1994 to identif�- vegetati�-e communities and �i•ildlife species contained within the project area. V"egetati�-e.communities and «•ildlife ���ere inventoried and mapped durin� on-site sur�-e��s. ��'etlands ti��ere identified, usin� methods in the Corps of EnRineers �t'etl�:nds Delineation Manual (i9S"). C' � 1�� O =� � ' �/, ��'�� ^ 7�'d� ° �, � � .� .. . � /4 - ... � � ���^ y ' , f S� z�� .� �; .� �-��. A oye � 9.e f �4 i; ��' � � 9'L q�1 00� � � 1 ➢� . � � !a � r � 0 +'` � y o`r .� -i m � . S�� � N��� ,3.� o`Qo cn � d 1 5.,� n b'�bJ xs� � �� v Q1 9� •� d!f d 1. • - y� �` D �' aWy � a�' � d' . t g'� � �.\ � oy aay� �y � \ � •� �` s � oti '��. � � ' t}' dY� �'d Jp� a� .::� .. Q . S�:?+ - . I� . ' � � . ��':;. . u i ,� � � d: � y � qti.:�� , �o`� i a4� ,�� +�'��. � B?e . . .. � 7,u •' �.P. '���c 1 a�` �r O�Oa .s,:� � � Q1 y.::lS�+ 0� � h� :� t�7t �� Dd� 5�'^^\ • � . __.. _� . rr� �`' • cn �. � .��a . �.�. p� .. , �. • p.r b . ::�1 �� n q'L1 O . y0o ... _ P � � -� � � . �O , N , O � .P . ' �'U�G f� . �\ ( \ 00� ,,,•a c;� 1 � �,� 4 . p �p LV 'Oi , p /\ . - � �:'� > . . � Q �o� . qaa .r � \ � , •° „ G a ' � � .�� �' o`� ° o° •"• , � � y . : � �� � tiqti� �� : . . �� . „ �� � � � -� > �o: sa -�'� /4� x N � � t , � ���� / r� � . � U ~ t / /` �� . � . ' o O ,A _\ • I L �. % Q � m \ ��e � � ��/ -T► �o a� 5 .> ) � �_ 1 � - . ,� � o`'° 4 N JI_�; o� �,����.ac �" �,��� B�e „ � (�p Nt � ,,�'� �'�S O � � ��D - � `',s_ i � " 1 �. 00`'� . `'� _ � . p� � �y,� �O,dY . . . '�b . 'a� - � � ..� /� � Q��*� ('Ti C � ,!,i� ��—� � � • � - y� i 4 �b�` ` '� c .oa � '� r,"� D +� r / � J v -�- : 3." � °�, yys�' .N �, ti � \� � f., cJ� p . `; ;'� T' \�'- ' , � C 3�i .� H,L?lON �` 1 ;t:�`�._.,� : . L �� � � . ..;:�i'�:�[... \� N a� O'�s:;. � � �i A � C r:: ,e � � ,lti �o.;;. ;; y� . � N rn `d {S�i�::'" ° o`� �` �' �,d0 � � U CTl 9���ty: y�b C• �O � �:i�;:.. � — 9a ^' �Tl � J F,� :.:.:;. �� , y Z � a.� . > ;Z; .. � oe` � . = aY4� � ' � :::�0` / .'.';:� ....' y .,j,1 ` � , _� p'/ d:?.. ,j, 'f e �� �� ■ . .1.. .) 1 � �' ��ya a � . ` � c �� • '� y �' : 0 •o 0 � y �� � - ■ I I, O D� 8•Q0 ' g � A�� e � ♦ A A Cn �71 �O .�> � qy ��F r� S rrrr �..: r, ��,;?: �� q . DDDD v � � �. ...ci �� o Z Z Z Z :::: � m m m m � .,:;.?: , y� �, �: 9• .� � .� � � _v g cn c� � �;��`: �.. ,s� ,,`. „ _� ':s � s_ ; i m m c W D y -a0 r, i sva sv� .. o. '����. �� •� .� 1� �. �. � '::. i. � ,�. ay v o p p r D r � ,�� '�r ,��° o.� � � _ � 4 5�?' � m m�a o-j z �� m v (� ���0 � 0` ���r /` •.� �a B r � � � 3 � � � m � � �, I y,, c .D. .; a i� x� z o� 2 2 C —1 �� O � �� ,y 'i:.t; '' a�.+.��.r1 ' o m ai ° o -�i n � � . � Q � � ° _: � i°j i,. ��m� �z�° �D Z � < � �p�' `.� °'ym m�oz� D 17 � �A m � ti q� o � <x =Z� in � �o �o �> m (A I I �,e c. •J./. � � � ,� � R1 0 �. E, c m °� � 37 3 qt, Z� � � m N c �� + . r m a � F 0 � �i,� ��` \�` � . n rn �c > � D �o��� �` � t � m n � o � K � � � 1J� �� � \ � �� ' ,) , In-house nrEpaa-atcr�: �car�_ ��-as corrnie�ea p� �cr to �: .;e:� ��isit. Tne C:SGS Li::ie S«-itzer:und anc: �sizio�c quaaranC:e mans. and tne h��dric soi ls 1 ist ior �icDo���ei 1 c:_c,unt�� ti��ere studied �o iden�iit� notentiai �retlar.d sites. Seil:� in?ormation «°as obtaineci from the Soii Canser��ation Ser��:ce ( SCS ) in �9cDo«�e I 1 Count��. The Er.� ironmentai Sensit i��i ��� Base �tap . for titcDo���e 1 1 Count`� ���as ut i i i zed to deter►nine i f an�� sensitice resources are present in the project area. "Classifications and ��'ater Qualit�- Standards Assi�ner. to the 4t'aters of tne Cata�ti�ba Ri�er Basin'° (:�.C. Dept. of Environment. Health and \atur�i Resources) «�as consulted �o determine the best usa�e classification tor a�ea streams. �.C. :�atural Herita�e ProRram (NC\HP) and Fish and «'il,dlife Service (FWS? files �ti�ere rerie�;�ed to determine if ani° protected or rare flora or fauna occurs in the project area. �.0 BI�TIC RESOURCES Distribution and composition o� biotic resources throu�hout the �roject area reflect� to�o�raphic positionin�. h��drolo�ic influences. and pa�: an� present land use practices. Terrestriai �i�iidiife is addressed separatei�•. rather t'r.an in tne conte�t of biotic communities. «'iicilife o�ser��ed durin� f ie ici in�-es: i�a; ions are denoted b�- l*} in the test. Common and scientific names are pro��ided for each species listed. In subsequent references to Lhe same orRanism. on1�- the common name is �i��en. ?.1 Plant Communities The project area is rural, censistinR nrimaril�� of pasture land, private residences and mi�ed pine/nard«°ood iorest. Four plant communities �vere identified in the project area: I�taintained, Mi�ed Herbaceous Assembla�e. Fiparian Frin�e. and Uak/Hic};or�- Forest. \atural communit�- profile descriptions, where applicable. �ave been adopte� and modified from the tiCtiH� c.lassification scneme l5chaiale anci �1-eakle�� 1990 ) . �laintained Communities Residenti.al la�vns, pasture land and roadsicie shoulders constitute maintained communities in the project area. In this communiti� man's structures or acticities preclude natural plant succession. Scattered homes are interspersed ��ith larae ve�etable gardens, ��oocilots, smali acreaRes of Christmas tree farms and pasture. Maintained la«-ns support turf (Festuca sn.) as the dominant �reaetati�e comnonent. complem�nted ��ith landscape ornamer.tais such as red maple (:Acer rubrum ). dog��ood ( Cornus f 1 or i da 1, and rose ba�-� (Rhododendron maximum). Pasture land is comprised oi fescue and cic�-ers (Trifolium spn.). � Disturhed Her:�acecus ?,ssE^��'a�e The �-e�e�a:�un ci .his co:nmun�t-: cc:�sists :�ri;na� � i1- o£ her��;. �+�ith less than �0 percent ce�-er o: snru�s. Tnis cemr^unit}• is comprised ot abandoneG a�ricu:;ura? fielr,s. re���e�iine cuts. �nd pasture lands «�hicn na�-e been a: ia«�e� ro ret-eReLate na.�ara� i�-. T��nical oi earl�� staRes of succession. t?�ese a:eas are cnar2.cterized b�- plants th�t. ha�-e shert life c��cles. Tnis t�-pe oi communitt- is considered the initial phase of re��e�eta:ior,. or successional stase that develoi�s in a hi�hl�� disturbed are�. � Comm,on piant species inclucie broom-sed�e {:�ndrono�en t�ir�inicusl. daise�� (Chr�-santhemum leacanthemum), trumpet vine (Camnsis radicans). �-etch (Viccia sn.l. do�-fennel. and radbit tobacco (Gna��halium obtusifolium). Grasses make up a larse component of this communit�-. T�pical representati�-es are crab €rass (Di�itaria sanauinalis). panicum (Panicum bosci�), pasnalum (Pasnalum di latatum) - Bermuda �rass {C��r.ocion dact� ion 1 �nd bent �rass (AQrostis SA.). , Fit�arian IrinRe forest Riparian fringe forest is seascnail�• to intermittentll- flooded, and is confined to stream and ri�-er emUant�ments. �llu�-ia1 soils support a canop�- of s�-camore (Pla�anus occicentaiis}, I•ed maple (Acer rubrum), and tuiip tree (Liriociendron tulit�ifera). Blact� �t�alnut lJu,iar.s :,i�ra) is scattered throu�hout. Black ���illo«� lSa:i� ni�ra) io:m.s a tn�ck subcanop�'. These meist-to-«ret cenditions supnort nerbaceous plants such as impatiens (Impaciens caaens:s). fa:se nettle (Boehmeria cvlindrica). Joe-p��e-w�eeci lF'uUaterium maculatum). sensitive fern (Unoclea sensibiiis). and iron�i-eed (�'ernonia noi-eboracensis ) . Oa�:-Hickorv Forest ` Oai:-hic�or�r forests are the principal communities tra��ersed in areas of new location. The closed-to-someu�hat open canopies on ridgetops are dominated by �eronnti�tic species sucn as �vhite oak (Quercus alba). associated ��rith species such as scariet oak (� coccinea), black oak ((�. celutina), and pignut nic�orir (Carva �Iabra). White pine lPinus strobus) is scattered throu�hout, probabli� indicative of nast disturbances. On sheltereci slopes, mesic species occur, such as Canadian hemlock (Tsu�a cana�iensis} beech (Fa�us �randifolia), and umbrella tree ('�",a�nolia iraseri). Red maple and sour«�ood (Oz�-dendrum arboreum) are pret-aient in the understorv. A thic�: shrub la�rer is characterized b�� mountain laurel (kalmia latiiolia). roseba�- (Rhododendron matimuml and blueberr�° (�'accinium sp.) A diverse herb la�rer is principall�- comprised of partrid�e berry !?�titchelia rer.ens). �ala1 (Gaiax apnvlla). Christmas fern (Fol��stichum acrosticnoicies). 1nd 'neart leaf {He�;ast��:is sp.1. The narasitic herb. Indian pine (`,1ono.rona �dorata). is scattered � z . tilrcL�:�au� this co�:�mu;:_t �-. a�. i; sc;ua�=,-1'OC. �;.':7P.��* ;�'� �:;Ii:E'_ C3t�ci' . «'!1: CI1 i5 �2I'c^.S 1: 1 C 011 S'00 �S O; tI't,'E'S . Di 12iCi ^F:! 1 �' Oc F:S . �r. in.e:estins ��ariation of .he abo��e. co;rm�,::�i.t�- occ,�rs or. «�n�: mav be cio'omiiic :imesi011e. T:�is n�nite ou�cronp_ne o? roc� occurs ir, tne vic?nit�• oi t� �?I and SF 1��G. A cc-dcminan: c�nan�� is comprised of suRar ma�.�ie (:�cer saccnaruml anr. roc� cnestnut ea�. (Quercus montana). Fed cedar ;Juninerus �-:r=inianal occurs sporadicall�-. Blacl� �ti-alnut and cninquapin (Cninauanin pumila) are found in r�ore mesic conditions at the b�se o� the slope. ?.? �Vildlife � The semi-rural nature of the project area. combined ��ith a mi� of ��iant communit�• patterr.s, provide a�-ariet�- of opportunities for �arious forms of mobile i�ildlife. Forested . tracts ha`�e a11 the necessar�- compon.ents (food. «�ater, protecti�Te co��era�e) Lo support a number of small and lar�e mammals, includin� biack bear (L:rsus americanusi. �i•hite-tailed deer (Odocoileus vir�iniana), i•accoon lProc��on lot��r). striped sL.�nk (?�1ephitis menhitis). �rat- squi:rei (Sciurus carolinensis?. �i�oodchuck (�tarmota monaa ), and eastern cottor.tai 1( 5�•l�-i la�us fioridanus). � Black bear need lar�e areas of refu�e. Renerall�- �i-itn tnich forest cover ��i:ich is inaccessible to humans. Comr;ents from Stephanie Goudreau, �tountain Fe�ion C'oordinator in tne Habitat Conservation Proaram (R'RC1• states t7at ��idening the road�var in this area has tne potenLial to impact tne resident black i�ear population. The elisting road«�a}� bisects the C.S. Forest Ser�ice (L'SPS} Grandfather Ran�er Distric� c��here bear densit ies are hi�n. u�idenin� the road«�a�- �-i i i im�act bear mo�ement ta some de�ree and will likely increase hi�h���a�- mortal it�-. white-tailed deer prefers areas of mi�ed a�e-star.ds of forest. interspersed �vith open iands. It is primaril�- a crepuscular herbi�ore, feeciina on hert,s. mast, and a^ricultural crops. Ueer sigr. and si�htings «�ere common in all habitats. Birds are the most conspicuous fauna encountered in " forested tracts. The rub��-throated hummingbird (Archilocnus colubris) made se��eral close appearances, consuminR nectar from the tubular flower_s of bay rose. The rufous sided to�irhee (Pipilo•ervthrophthalmus) is �•er3- common as is the red-eved tiireo (�%ireo o1i�-aceus). Both are readil�- obsertTed in ioresteci habitats. Birds oUser�-ed in maintained communities. �rhich are vear-round residents, are the American �*oidfinch* (Carciu�iis tristis). sono sparroa-* (%teiospiza melodia), and :�merican cro�cX (Corvus bracnrrn�•nchosl. .� pair of cardinals* (Cardinalis cardinalis) «�ere obser�ed :n area lan�ns. Eirds ; of pre�- suc� ns the Coopc: 's ha«�:� (_�cc:niter coo;�tri i. _�mericar. i:estrei (Fa;co ST�3i\-EI�1ll5}. re�-SriOL'1Clereci n����: (�suteo iineata5). and red-taiiE�d '���•� (£u.eo ;c�m�:icen5isl are etpected to occur oti-er these oper. I"ands. pre��in� on rc.dents. snakes. froRs, cra��fisn. and sor_u�:ds. �4an�� e«s.ern cottontails�«�ere obser�-eC, nrot�idin� a readi?�: dF31?a�le fcoc: source for birds of pre��.. Streams in the area. pro��i�e �reeciin� opportunities for man�� amphibians. Amphibians, in particular, are hi�hi�- �i�ater-dependEnt for completion of lar�-a1 sta^es ir: their life c�-cle. The two-lined salamander* (ELrrcea bi�:ineata) ma�� be a common resident. li�-ina in seepaR�s and streams tnrou�hout the project area. SlimS� c�:;amanders* (Plethodon Rlutinosus) «�ere found under lo�.s in areas of moist. steep side siopes. \rumernus tiorthern dusk�rs* (DesmoRnatnus fuscusi «�ere captured in Pe�per Creek. It is a ver�� abundant saiamander in streams anci wooded rati�ines. Tne red baL' (Lasiurus boreaiis), and evenin� bat (\�-eticeius humeralis),'are likel� to occur in the s:udy area, foraging ot-er mountain streams. consumin� motns, iiies. beeties. crickets. and other insects. ?.'? Aauatic Life The \orth ForK Cata��-ba Ri�-er and its t�ibutaries support a direrse aquatic communit�r. iikel�- rish te oe 2ounci in these cool waters are the central stoneroller (Campostoma dnomaluml, fantail darter (Etheostoma flabellare), �reennead sniner (:�otrovis chiorocepnalus). warpaint shiner (�. cocco�enis), blacknose dace iRninichth�- satratulus), rosz-side dace (C:inostomus funduloides), and northern ho� sucker (H�'z�entelium nigricans). Common �ame iish inciude tne rain�o�;� trout (Oncorhvnchus mvkiss ). and bro«-n trout ( SaliTZc trut:al. Lar�e numbers o1 Tedbreast sunfish (Lepomis auritus) �nd other pan fish are common (ners. comm. :obert Bro�an, R'F.0 Asst . Fisheries Biolo4ist ). Food sources are �enerallv terrestrial and aquatic in�-ertebrates; principally insects. detritus. and bentnic or�anisms. Abundant or common benthcs in these ceol, lotic «�aters. include caddi5flies (F:h��aconhia �-uphines ) . (�-ficrasema bennetti ) , and (Brach�-cercus sp.); ma`�flies (?�eophemera prupureal, lEpeor�s spp), and stoneflies {Pe:toper?a sp.). ?.3 Bictic Communitv Im�acts Project construction on nen� aii�nment �i�ill. eliminate poriions of forested communities and degrade ti;ese communities b�- habitat fra�mentation. Loss oi habita� is iinelv to reduce the r.umber of an�mals �vnic'r. rei�• on �he5e communities for snelter and fora�in� habitat. Less of :�abitat ar.d rra�menLa:ion can c�use�a disr�.:ption oi �ot'n. snort-term (diurral, nocturna:; rr:i�ratior.s. and :cr:g tCrTil sEa�onai miRrations of ar.i�«a? popu:ations, depenainR on ir:Gi�-idual spec;es rert:i�emen:s for food. water. and co��r. _-�r::r.,�: m:�-ra;:cn n�a�. nc_se. anc: ioac:�_iiis cE�rtair, s,�ec:es. �. 2�'_SO J? iP,t��'_'LiD:EC� CL'C _C i'ti?iC::;�.:' v,-i � i r:�crease n��rnbe� ; c: ir.d: � iciva; s:,i � Impac�s cue to the pro_�csed «�ic:i;r,inR «�i : I be ref i.cted in L'ne crea:ion oi ne�ti- haUita: and in �ne aiteration ::nc eliminat�on of previousl�• etiistin` nabi��t. �u��er�anear. burro��inQ and sio��� mo��in� or�arisms �i�ili be eiiminatec. La��er. raster animals «�ill be. ciisriaced. - The ioss and deRradation of teiidliie habitGt, particuiarlt- for aquaLic species. are serious impacts that �i�i 11 result t rom dred�in�, i i 11 ir.g. cul�-ert niacemer.t operations, slope stabilization anr, land clearin�. These constructicr. acti��i:ies resuit in the direct ioss of benthic or�anisrr�s and an increase in silt ioad in ti��etland,�aauatic en��ironments. Mobile aqua:ic or�anisms are betLer abie to a�-oid impacts, tnan tnose sc�ecies that are iilter feeders and/or re�ati�-Ely immobile. Tne remocai of benthic or�anisms reciuces �he petentiai food supply for ��ertebrate and ac:uatic or^anis�ns . S i 1 taL ion has many . adt-e, se irr�act s on aq�:at i c or�an� sms : decreases .ne depth of lignt nenetration inhib�tin� piant and ai4a1 �re«�tr. �chich is a food source: cio�s.tne fiitration apparatus of filter-feeciin� benthos and the �iils of iisn: buries benthic or�anisms in the disturbed substrate, cuttin� them off from a rood source: acit-ersel�- modiiies preferred �enthic sui�strate: and spoils C�O�i'nstream spawning 'JEC�S for fish. Tne majorit�- of crossin�s are intermittent str.eams. P?annin� construction durinQ cr�- stream times uouid minimize an�� po�entiai impacts to these s��stems. Tabie 1 summarizes potential losses from proposed project construction. Galculations are based on ri�ht-of-�i�at- iimits of 14C to 5�0 ft (4?.i to 1ti7.- m) Tabie l. A:�'TICIPATED BIOTIC CO?�•tMU'�IT1 IMPACTS � COMMUNITY IMPACTS Hectares (Acres) '�;aintained Communit5- 3Q.1 ( l�.3) Nited Herbaceous Assembla�e ?4.0 (60.01 Riparian Frin4e 6.G (16.$) Oai:-Hic�:or�� Forest � ; .2 ( 18. 1 ) TOTAL 6'.9 1169.5) a 3.0 PHYSICAL RESOL`FCES 3.I Soils and Topo�raphy L��ing with,in the �ioun;ain Soi ± F:�^ion. sut�ject �re,;ect is t�-itnin the Broad aasins. Ri��er Te:races and Fiood Piain Soil System. �Tnis intermountair, basin is ccmi;osed c: lc«� mountair,s. discontinuous ri�-er terraces. and f:ooe pl�:ins. �arro�i� rid�es and steep side siepes occur in some areas a: ma�imum eievations of �SS m(1600 itj, but the m3jor gortion oi subject project lies in tne �nrth Ferk Cata��;ba ti�-er fiood plain chasacterized 'a�- lo«� relief. Rosman loam and Evard soils are the princinal ma^pin� units �vithin the stud�- area. F.osmar. loam consists of deep, �reii drained, r.eari�� le�-el soils on flood piair.s adjacent to streams. �vnile Et-ard.soils are ty�icaii�- cn smoe�n, foot slopes. �either are classified as li:�dric seils. 3.� Water Resources Thirteen ti-aterbodies are ir�ercepted bti- subjecc nro,;ect b�- ��ay of bridees and cuieerts: Hict�or�- Branch. Conlet- Branch, Pe�ner Creel;. '�fartin Branch, and Honevcu;t Creek are nerennial strearns «�hile other c�ossin�s are inter►nittent. Hickor�� Brancn is crossed four times. These «�aters are tributaries to the \ortn Fork Cata�i�na Ri�Ter and 'tie ��ithin the Cata«�ba Five?' Busin. Tnis ri�•er_arises from the eastern slopes of the southern Blue hid�e �lountains «�ith most of the basin occurring in Lhe inner Piedmont. Perennial streams in the project area are medium to hi�h �radient, streams. Physical characteristics o* major �vater�odies �nclude a rock/cobble/sand substrate, approYimately 4.6 to 6..1 m (l� co 20 ft) in width. iNcst are bordered by hardwood forest. w'ater denth a�era�ed about 0.3 to 0.6 m(1 to 1.� ft) at time of �-isit. �1ost crossings are small, intermi�tent streams ha�rir.� �er�- narrow channel �vidths ��ar��ing from 0.3 m( 1 it ) to 1.� m (� ft) �i-ith no asseciated wetlands. V1'ater le�reis ti�-ere hi�n. ciue to recent heat-�- rains and f lo�i�-rate was rapid. Stream substrates are cobble/boulder and sand. Adjacer.t �e�etatior. �;�as of the mesic mixed 'nard«�ood t�-pe. The drainage pattern is dendritic, highl�� dissecting the iandscape. "Best usa�e" classifications are assi�ned to the �i�aters of :�orth Carolina d�� the Division of Environmentai '�4anaaement (DEA4�. A summar� of "best usa�e" water classificaLionsvfor v��ater resource components lil�:elti� to recei�-e impacts are listed in Table 3 beio�v. A summarv of tne "best usaRe" for «hich the waters in each ciass must be protected. feiio��:s. J d'J! e �. �'BeSt L,58�Z� I.:GSSit iC: L iOP.S O? �1c`'„Ei K25GL.1iCe� WATER RESOURCE CLASSIFICATION rict:orr Bo:tom Branch C Tr Conie�� Branch � Tr Three linnamed Tributaries C Tr Martin Branch C Tr T«�o Unnamed Tributaries to \ortn Fork Cata�cba C Tr F�epper Creek C Tr Honevcutt Creeb: C Tr Anr stream whicn is not named in the scheduie of stream ciassifications carries :ne same classiiication as that assigned to the stream seRment to ��hicn it is tributary. Class C designates «�aters suit,able :or secondar�� recreation. aquatic life propa�ation and surci�ai. fishin�, �viidlife arid a_riculture. The s�gpiemental ciassiiication of Trout �i'aters (Tr) is intended to protecL freshwaters for natural trout propanation and the sur�-ival oi stoched trout. The \C Di�ision of Lanci Resources has a special buffer zone reauiremenL u�hich appiies to ali DEhi Trout 41"aters. These ruies require an ur.disturbed buffer zone -.6 m 1`?� ft )«�icie or of sufricient «�idt'r. to confine ��isib:e siitation «°itnin the t«�ent�--i ive percent of the buffer zone r.e.arest the lar.ci- ciisiur�ir.s activit�r. «�hicne�-er is �reatest. Protection measu:es include special numeric instream ���ater qualit�� standards to protect trout. _ A portion of the project area from '�C 2�6 nor:h«�ard approximatel�T 0.3 km (0.7 mile}, falis witnin the Armstron� Cree� «�atershed, classified as �VS-II. Projects that are Iocated �°ithin 1.6 km (1 mile) upsiope from a HQW and iail ��?thin a HQ�4' zone are subject to special rebulacions as �efined in "DesiRn Standards in Sensitive «atersreds" (Tl�A:0�B.0024) of the Sedimentation Controi �uidelines. The Benthic �9acroin�-ertebrate Ambient :�et«•ork (B?�4A'� ) addresses lon� term trends in water quality aL fitied monitorin� sites b�- the sampling for selected benthic macroinvertebrates. Benthic macroinvertebrates are sensiti:-e to `�er�� subt le changes in �•ater quai it��. Good water qual ity is assaciated with both hi^h ta�a richness values and the presence of many intolerant forms. t�-ater qualit�-.degradation �radua:l5- eliminates the more sensiti�-e species and leads to a communit�- structure auite diiferent from tnat in an unstressed stream. :�o specific c:ata is az°aila�le for area streams ��ithin the pro;ect area. ?n �eneral, streams in the Catawba River Basin ha�e saod to eYCellent �;�ater cualit�-. � The \ationai Po: i�tan: Disc7ar-^_e E: i:��n�::._,n ::�.-st°n: (\�DE�? lists no Gischar�ers ror t;�e project r.reti. :�either Outstandin� Resource ��'aters (OF.��") . r.cr �i��::ers �:csi�nz,ted as «'S-I wili be impac.ed ��- tne proposed �roject, nor are these resources locateci ��-ithin 1.6 I�_m (G.1 mi'_e1 of t�e p��oj�ct a:ea. 3.?.1 St'ater Fesource Imnacts Surface water impacts are anticinated fer all stream crossings. Steep slopes in the project area mandaLe tne need for strin^ent erosion and sedimenta?on control.measures. Cul��erts and/or pipes u-ill ne installed, reducing tne linear feet of natural stream channel. O�her �otential impacts are increased sedimentation.from erosion.due to brid�e replacement; concentration of Lo�ic compounds from hi�h«�a�r runoff and/or to�ic spiiis: scouring oi stream deds due to. Lhe char.nelization of streams: alterations of �vater ?ei-els due to interruptions or additions to`.surficial and/or Rroundwater flow: chan�es.in iight incidence due to the remot-al of ve`etati�-e cover. It seems likeiy that stream channel modification or relocation will be reauired for se�ments of Pepper Creei� (.30� m( 1000 ft 1. �1art in Branch ��� m( 900 ft ), and Hici�or�- Bottom Branch ;9� m(300 ft). Tnese shali be treated as a"standard reiocation", applicable �tirhen �reater than 30.5 m(iC0 ft) of totai relocation is required a: a eiven crossin;, or mo=�e Lhan 1{.? m(�0 ft) is relocaten on any one sicie (ups�ream or do«•nstreaml. Relocation shouid be similar to orig.inai channel in wicith, depth, gradient, and suustrate. The estabiishment of bank �-e�etation via a planting re�ime is reauired. :�eanders and habitat structures (root �-ads. ���in� defiectors, e:c.� should appro?�imate the ori�inal stream. �In accorciance �-ith tne Fish and Wildlife Coordination �ct, as amended f16 L'�SC 661 et seq.), the NCDOT �n�ill coordinate such act i���it ies r��ith the \ortn Carol ina R'i ldl ife Resources Co�nmissior. Recommendations -Scheduie instream activities durin� dry or lo«- iio« perieds. -�on-point sediment sources should be identified and efiorts made to control sediment runoif. -Strict adherence to Best Aqana�ement.Practices and Sedimentation Control euidelines for HQW's should be implemented durin� the construction phase of the project. -Provide for hazardous spi11 catchments �vithin the HQ��' zone. 4.0 SPECIAL TOPICS 4.1 Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. Surface ��aters and associateci wetiands ?all under the broaci .catepor�- of "��'aters oi the Lnited States" as defined ir. �3 CFR 3?S.3. The LS :�rm�- Corps of �,n�ineers (COE} t�r.es ?0 jurisdiction o�-er the discnar��� oi d�er:�ee o� =i'__ n��:�_r�a: into these «�aters o1 the L. �.. ::s aut:�e: i zec b•.- �ec �:an =�� oi the Clean ���ater Ac:. Four jurisdictional «-etl�nd sites (�'i^.?! «'Ci° identiiied in tne nroject area usin� methods in the Corps of En�ineers ��'etiands Delineation '�lanual ( I9S� 1. J�risciic�ional wetlands are associated «ith Hickor�- Bottom Fsranci: (s�te 1j. unnamed tributarv to the �orth For�; Cata��ba Fi�-er (site 2?, Martin Branch (site 3),,and Pepper Creeb; (site �1. Site 1 ma�� be categorized as palustrine, emer�ent, persistent (PE�1?). while sites 2, 3, and � may be categorized as palustrine, forested, br.oad-lea��ed deciduous communities (PF01.=,) as defined bv Cowardin et al. (19�9). «�etland comrnunities «�ere identified in the project corridor on the basis of low soil chroma values, hydro�hyrtic ��e�etation and the presence oi hi�drology or hydrolo�ical indicators. A summar�- of �i-et land impacts associated ��ith each site is,.pro�ided'in table 3 below. Table 3. Summar�� of ��etland Impacts. Hectares (Acres) � Wetland Stream Anticipated Site Classification Crossing Impacts 1 � PE'�12 2 **PF06 3 PP06 4 PF06 Hickori� Bottom. '�Torth Fork Cata�;�ba �4art in Branch Pepper Creek <0.1 (0.11 <0.1 (O.i) <0.1 (0.?) <0.1 (0.?) Total Impacts <0.� (0.6) *Paiustrine, Emer_ent, I�on-persistent *�Palustrine. Forested. Broad-leaved Deciduous 4.1.1 Permits In accordance «•ith pro�isions of section =�0� of t.he Clean Water Act (33 U.S.0 13441, a permit ��ill be required from the COE for the discharbe of dredaed or fill material � into "Waters of the. United States". Basea upon site location and estimated acreage involved, it is anticinated that impacts �vill be authorized by ?�ation�-ide Permit [33 CFR 33G.� (a) !26)]. This permit �enerally authorizes dischar�es of cired�e or fil? material in wetlands located abo�°e tne neadwaters fflow less than 1.5 cubic m(� cubic ft; p.er seeond) of non-tidal ri�-ers. streams and their �akes and impoundments includin� adjacer.t r��etlancis. all. �i-aters «�ithin !�4cDowell Count�- are �tountair. TrouL ` �4aters as desi�nated bv tne \orth Carolina «�iidlife :�esources Commission. This ciesi�na:ion :equires.that apnl:cants obtain - ... . _ _ _ . /.. � . .� � 1 .0/ �("j��%���' . !� '1 a e� ��'.` j` 'J�i�1.�ii�� . ` � 1���1\'\;I � . - \. .. � - � �� " rdd�4���"/k L%��i , �-c��J�T�_; �'� \ ���,�� i � J/ /' . , i �.�- � � . ' • e :f.cr� _ .'S ator GaP��lJ � I. � � � ��. 1 '� ��/j : 209 Q �� MC ✓ � / Ir�� /_�\�� � /� � ./ f .rt �(�`Q4.�/�'I' r ezs�Jso� /r �i ( i,��,./-� .�I� � i t � f � � d ,/ r � . � )i � ' � li ' �.'..;1,,, - - `0 -j� - 1.�.�� � ! ���f �J��% "'� . . -�J � ,/ � e\� . �i��;�� � �� � �� �l .. � � "'t �i' .� " . :: � � ni � �.i ��G/ O / / i � �t�/{ 1��_ �� \ �cr� Ilo�i �c j'li \li.) � . I : ? � - � � � c�--r ,� ty. � � ` F, ao kr�.s a e � �� �� �� � . f� \ � �� ` r,t\ .. J f/l , , i ..-�, /,,.' -., /���/�l . , d, ` , ; � - J .r; � � ��1,'r. � � l' ,'( I ` . . / � � t ' \ . 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A 401 41�ater QualitSr Cer:ificaticn administered throurh the N.C. Department of Ent�ironment, Health ard Naturai Fesources will be reQUired. This cerLificate is issueci for ant- acti�-it�- «�hich ma�r resulz in a dischar�e ir..o «�aters for which a federal permit is required. 4.1.2 Miti�ation Compensator�r mitigation is �enerally r.ot reauired �;�here \ation«�ide permits or Ger.eral permits are authorized. according to tne �femorandum of A�reement (�10�) bet��reen the Environmental Protection A�enc�r�(EPA)- and the COE. Final discretionar�� authoritti� in these matters rests witn the COE. �l.'? Rare and Protected Species �}.=�.1 Federallv Protecteci Snecies � Plants and animais with federal ciassifications of Endan�ered lE), Threateneci (T1, Proposed Endan�ered ;PE; and Proposed Tnreatened (P':') are protected under pro��isi.ons of Section � and Section 9 of the Endangered Species �c; of 19?3. as amendeci. As of Jul�� 8, 1994, the fo:Io�;�in� species are federall}- pretected in HcDo�i�ell County. Tabie 4. FederailZ�-Protected Spec.ies for McDo«�e 11 Counti- SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME STATUS Giaucom�-s sabrinus Carolina northern coloratus flyin� sauirrel E Hedo��tis purpurea var. montana Roan Mountain bluet � E Hudsonia montana mountain golden heatner T "E" denotes Endan�ered (a species.that is threateneci with extinction throu�hout all or a significant portion of its range?. "T" denotes Threatened (a species that is likel�� to become an enCan�ered species tii-ithin the foreseeable iuture throu�hout. all or a si�nificanc portion of its range). Glaucom��s sabrinus coloratus (northern fli�in� squirre:) E Animal Familt-: Sciurdiae � Date Listed: jl/SJ Distrihution in '�.C.: averr. R�r.ccr;�E. Gr:.;�ai,i. Ha�-«-ood. .;� ct�son. '•.:c�o�re:: . ^:i:.cne; i . S�i�ain. Trar,s��?��ania. �G�atau�u. 1'anc.e�-. The Carolina northern fl�-ing squirrel nas a large. «�ell iuri•ed flap of skin along eitner side oi i�s bcci�-. This furred flap of skin is connecter: at the wrist in the front and at the ankle in the rear. The s�:in flaps and its broad fiattened taii a� lo�e the nort:�err. r 1�-ing squirrel to �*� ide from tree to tree. It is solel�� nocturna: �i�itn larre dark e�-es. There are se�reral isolated populations of the norLhern fl��in� sauirrel in tne western part of tiorth Carolina, alon� the Tennessee border. This s�uirrei is found above 1517 meters (�000 ft} in the �Te�etation transition zone between hardwooci and coniferous forests. Boxh forest types are used to selrch for food and the hard�i�ood.�forest is used for nesting sites. Biological Conclusion: '�o Effect. Ele�rations in the project area are approximatelS- =�S� m (1600 ft), thus not meetin� the ele��ation reauiremc:nts for this species. Hed�-ot is pLrnLrea crar . montar.a (mour.tain purple or F.oan A4euntain bluet ) E Plar.t Fami ii': Fubiaceae Federally Listed: �pril �, 1990 Flowers Preser.t: June - July (best tir�e is mid June) Distrib�:tion in :�.C.: Ashe. Atrery, Burke, McDo�veil. blitcheil. �t'atau;a, �'ance��. Foan :�lountain bluet is a perennial species with roots and �ro�vs in low tufts. Roan Mountain bluet has se�°eral bright purple f lo���ers arran�ed in a terminal c�-me. This plant can be found on high ele�-ation cliifs. outcrops, steep slopes, and in the Rrayelly talus associated �i�ith cliffs at elevations of 1,?00 to 1,900 meters (4,59? to 6,?32 ft.} Foan Mountain bluet grows best in areas where it is exposed to full sunlight.and in shallow acidic soils. composed of various igneous. metamorphic, and metaseaimentarv rocks. Biological Conclusion: \o Effect. Elevations in the project area are approtimatel�- 488 m (1600 ft), thus not meetin� the ele�-ation requirements for this species. Hudsania montana (mountain Rolden heather) T � Plan, Famiiv: Cistaceae Federall�- �isteC: Octcber ?U. 1°SO Fio�+�ers Present : .;une (mid ;o late 1 Distribution in \.C.: Burl�:e. �1cDo���e11. '�4ountain �olden heather is a lo«�. needle-iea�-ed snrub that is i-ellow-green in co?or. This shrub usuail�� gro��•s in clumps and retains its leatres from the pre�-ious vear «�hich appear scale-like on the older branches. Leaves appear a�cl- shaped and thread-like. Mountain �olden heather for.ms solitarv, terminal. lanceolate flo«�ers. These `�ellow flo�i-ers have I1V2 blunt-tipped petals ana 30 to 3G s:amens. Fruit capsules have three projecting points at the tips and are round in shape. Hudsonia montana occurs in weathered rock�� soils on mountain tops. It can be found on e��posed auartzite leddes in an ecotone between bare rock and heath balds dominated bv Leiophvllum which mer�e into pine forest. Plants do ii�-e ir. partially shaded areas. but do not.`appear to be as health�- as those found in open areas. A critical habitat area ior mountain golden heather exists in Burke Count�-. Biological Conclusion: No Effect. No open, eYposed led4es are present in the nroject area. \e impacts from proiect construction are anLicipated. 4.2.? Federal Candidate/State Protected Species Candidate 2(C?) species are not lenail�- protected under tne En�an�ered Species Act and are not subject to an�� of it's prot-isions until they are formal.ly proposed or listed as Threatened or Endan�ered. Plants or animals with state desi�naticns of Enc?an�e:ed �(E). Threatened (T?.or Special Concern (SC) are granteci protection b�- the State Endan�ered Species Act and the \C Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979, administered and enforced b� the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and the :�TC Department of A�riculture. The fol?o«�ing table includes federal Candidate species listed for McDowell Count�- and their state status (Table �1. Thes,e species matir potentiall�- occur in the project area: ho�i�e�-er, or�anisms and their suitable habitat ��-ere not surve�•ed for. The tiHP data base ti;�as revie�ved to determine if an�� protected species ha��e been verified in tne project area. '�'one «�ere recorded. !1 Tab:e �. Fecieral Candidate Snecies `�cDo«�e: i C'ourt�� � �c Scientific Name Common Name Status Habitat Af�-otis subulatus ]eibii Easrern sma;l- SC no footec bat 1Veoto��a floridana ma�ister Eastern ��oodrat SC �-es Clemmi-s muhlenber�ii Bo� turtie T r,o Speyeria diana lliana fritillar�- butterfl�- no Ju`lans cinerea Butternut yes , Lilium crayi Gra��`s lily �-SC no Shortia galacifolia Oconee-bells E-SC �o Shorria �alacifolia �Tar. Short-stvled brevist�•la oconee-bells E-SC no ,c 1 � �.0 FEFERENCES American Urnitholo�ists' Union. 1���.,Cnec�:list of �orth .�merican Birds. (Gzh ed.l Allen Press. Inc., ia�:�rence. Kansas. Sirp. Depoe. C.E:, J.B. Funderbur�, and T.L.. Qua��. 19c�1. The reptiles and lmphibians of I�orth Carolina: a preiiminar�- check-list ar.ci biUlio�raphti�. J. Elisha �litche.li Sci. Soc. i":13�-136 En�ironmental Laboratory. 19S7. "Corps of En�ineers Netlands Delineation n4anual, "Technical Report Y-S---1, liS Arm�� En�ineer A�aterways E�perirrient Station, Vicksbur�. �tiss. Ehrlich. P.E., D.S. Dobkin and D. Whe�e. 198S. The Birders Handboo}:. A Field Guide to the �atural HIstor�� of ?�ortn American Birds. Simon and Schuster,%?�.Y., \.Y'• 7S� p. Godfre��. R.I�.. J.«'. �i�ooten. 19S1. _�quatic and ��'etiand Plants of Sot2theastern United States, Dicot�-ledons. The lini�-ersitti- of Geor�ia Press. Athens. 933p. Lee: D.S. Funderbura, J.B. Jr.. ar.d �1.F�. C�ark. 19S?. � Distributional Sur��e�� of \orth Americar. �lamrnals. \orth Carolina State Museum of '�iatural Histor}�, Ralei�h, ':..C. i0 p. '�artof, B.S., V�'.M. Palmer. J.R. Bailei� and J.R. Harrison 111. 19SO. .Amnhibians and`RepLiles of the Caroiinas and Vir�inia. The Universit�� of tiorth Carolina Press, Cha�el Hill. �64p. �orth Carolina Wildlife Resourses Commission. ?9?4. '�ortn Carolina mammalian species with ke��s to the orders and families. �.C. �t'ildl. Fesour. Comm.,Falei¢h. \CDEH:�R-DER. 1993. Classifications and water qualit�- standards assi�ned to the waters of the Cata�vba Fiver basin. Di� ision of En�-ironmental htanagement, Raleigh, '�T.C. 3�p. Potter. E.F.. J.F. Parnell, and R.P. Teulings 19E0. Birds of the Carolinas. liniversity of I�orth Carolina Press. Chapel Hill. 40S p. " Radford, A.E.. H.E. Ahles and G.R. Bell. 1968. �lanual of the �'ascuiar Flora of the Carolinas. Tne L"�nicersit�� of ?�orth Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. 11S3 p. . Scott, S.L. (ed.). 19S". Field Guide to the Birds of North America. National Geosraphic Societ�-. R'ashinaton, D.C. 464 1 V Smith. R.F.. J.B. Fun�erburs �nr: T.L. Qua�-. 19i�Q. :1 checklist oi �ortn Ca�olina n;an;�l;als. �.c:'. i�'ildl. Resour. Comm.. Raleish. ���et�ster. R'.D., J.F. Parnell and �1'.C. Bi��s. 19��. �1ammals of the Carolinas. �'irQinia and '�4ar��iand. The (:�r.i�=ersi�S- of \orth Carolina Press, Chapel H:11. 2�� p. APPENDIX A - State of North Carolina Department of Environment; Health and Natural Resources Division of Planning & Assessment James B: Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary MEMOR.ANDUM TO: Chrys Baggett State Clearinghouse FROM: Melba McGee � Project Review Coordinator RE: DATE: -, . � ,�.� �. _h=� �. `1��;:�. ;�-�' �::. _ , �` _ �� 94-0025 Scoping Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 to Blueridge Parkway, Avery and McDowell Counties August 11, 1993 The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources has reviewed the proposed scoping notice. The attached comments list and describe information that is necessary for our divisions to evaluate.the potential environmental impacts of the.project. • More specific comments will.be provided during the environmental review. Thank you for the encouraged to notify assistance is needed. attachments cc: David Foster j:. opportunity to respond. The applicant is our commenting divisions if additional P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, Norfh Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-6376 FAX 919-733-2622 An Equai Opportunrfy Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% past-consumer paper � North Carolina �Xlildlife Resources Commission � 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-1188, 919-?33-3391 Charles R. Fullwood, Executive Director � MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee, Planning and Assessment Dept. of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources FROM: Stephanie E. Goudreau, Mt. Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program ^/l�� � ,�% ,5����{� Sc�, DATE: July 30, 1993 SUBJECT: State•Clearinghouse Project No. 94-0025, Scoping comments for improvements ta US 221 from NC 226 to Blue Ridge Parkway, Avery and McDowell Counties (TIP #R- 2596) This correspondence responds to a request by you for scoping comments regarding a proposal by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to widen US 221 from NC 22.6 near Woodlawn in McDowell County to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Avery County. The NCDOT proposes to widen US 221 from a 2-lane roadway to a multilane facility, partially on new location. The new roadway would consist of a combination of 4-lane and 5-lane sections. � I conducted a site visit on July 27, 1993. Wildlife habitat consists of mature mixed hardwoods with some pines, disturbed mixed hardwoods, rock ledges, caves, old fields, pasture, cropland, Christmas tree nurseries, and yards. The diverse habitat of the project area suppor�s many wildlife species, including black bear, white tailed deer, raccoon, striped skunk, gray squirrel, woodchuck, eastern cottontail, and various species of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Streams that will be impacted by the pr-oject include North Fork Catawba River, Laurel Branch, Pond Branch, Stillhouse Branch, Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, Martin Branch, Hickory Bottom Branch, and at least four unnamed tributaries to the North Fork Catawba River. The river is Hatchery Supported Designated Public Mountain Trout Water throughout the project, and Laurel Branch may support wild trout. Other streams in the project area support nongame fish such as chubs, shiners, darters, and dace. This project has the potential to cause adverse impacts to fisheries and wildlife resources of the project area. The North Carolina W.'ildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has the following specific comments regarding issues that should be addressed in the Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will be prepared for this project: 1) Widening the roadway in this area has the potential to impact the resident black bear population. The existing roadway from Armstrong Creek to Linville Falls bisects-the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Grandfather Ranger District, and good populations of black bear occur in both the northern and southern sections of the District. Specifically, bear densities are high in the Woods Mountain, Mackey Mountain, and Mount Mitchell areas in the southern section and the Linville Gorge, Grandfather Mountain; and Daniel Boone Management Areas in the northern section. Because extensive bear movement occurs between the sections, widening the roadway will impact movement to some degree and will likely increase highway mortality. The NCWRC is particularly concerned with the stretch of US 221 from just south of Linville Caverns to Linville Falis. This section actually enters U.S. Forest Service land and contains forested land on both sides of the roadway. Thus, this area is most likely an important travel route for bears as well as other wildlife. Project sponsors should address these concerns and appropriate mitigation measures in the EA. 2) Limestone caves, which are relatively rare in North Carolina, exist on either side of US 221 towards the northern end of the project area. The presence of the eastern woodrat Neotoma magister has been documented from caves in this area, and it is likely that the eastern small- footed bat Myotis leibii leibii is also present. Both of these species are listed as Special Concern (SCj in the state and are candidates for federal listing (C2). Project sponsors should discuss how caves and these rare species will be impacted by this project. 3) The presence of other rare species in the project area should be addressed. There is a good chance that the cerulean warbTer Dendroica cerulea is present, and a possibility that the Appalachian cottontail Sylvilagus obscura is also in the area. Both species are listed as Significantly Rare (SR) in the state and C2 with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 4) Project sponsors should describe in detail how streams in the project area will be impacted, e.g., channel relocation, culvert.extension. We reiterate that the NCWRC usually objects to relocation of streams where upland alternatives exist. 5) Steep slopes in the project area mandate the need for extra stringent erosion and sedimentation control measures during roadway construction. Project sponsors should describe how � ' r., control measures will be adequate to control stormwater runoff so that the North Fork Catawba River and its , tributaries are protected from severe sedimentation. In general, the EA or EIS should contain the fo.11owing information: 1) Description of fishery and wildlife resources within the project area, including a listing of federally or state � designated threatened, endangered, or special concern species. The NCWRC's Nongame and Endangered Species Section maintains databases`for locations of .fish and wildlife species. While,there is no charge for the list, a service charge for computer time is involved. Contact is: Mr. Randy Wilson, Manager Nongame & Endangered Species Sectiori Division of Wildlife Management North Carolina W.ildlife Resources Commission 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 919/733-7291 A listing of designated plant species can be developed through consultation with the following agency: Natural Heritage Program N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 919/733-7795 2) Description of waters and/or wetlands affected by the project. 3) Project map identifying wetland areas. Identification of wetlands may be accomplished through coordinati�n with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE). If the COE is not consulted, the person delineating wetlands should be identified and criteria listed. 4) Description of project activities that will occur within wetlands, such as fill or channel alteration. Acreages of wetlands impacted by alternative project designs should be listed. Project sponsors should indicate whether the COE has.been contacted to determine the need for a 404 Permit under the Clean Water Act. Contact is Mr. Steve Chapin at 704/271-4014. 5) C=� Description of project site and non-wetland vegetative communities. The extent to which tlie project will result in loss, degradation, or fragmentation of wildlife habitat. 7) Any measures proposed to avoid or reduce impacts of the project or to mitigate for unavoidable habitat losses. 8) A list of document preparers which shows each individual's professional background and qualifications. I appreciate the opportunity to provide this information to the NCDOT in the early planning stages of this project. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me at 704/652-4257.' cc: Mr. Chris Goudreau, District 8 Fisheries Biologist Mr. Jack Mason, District 8 Wildlife Biologist Mr. Gordon Warburton, NCWRC Black Bear Project Leader Mr. Allen Boynton, Nongame Mountain Project Leader . Mr. David Yow, Acting NCWRC Highway Coordinator Ms. Janice Nicholls,.USFWS, Asheville � r State of North Carolina ,�I , Department of Environment, Health and Naturai Resources �• o Division of Soil & Water Conservation � James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary � � �---� � � a��?1��%J: � M ��Cf` (, August 2, 1993 � . �a � � �� r- c: - C� c. '�J ` �-, . .: .� , /. �.�L .]1�.�: MEMORANDUM TO: Melba McGee FROM: David Harrison ��� SUBJECT: Improvements to.US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties. Project No. 94-0025. The proposed project involves widening US 221 from a two-lane roadway to a multilane roadway (four or five lanes) and some new location. Soils information will be available through the local Soil Conservation Districts. •The Environmental Assessment should identify any unique, prime,.or important farmlands that would be impacted by the project. A wetlands evaluation should be included. DH/tl � P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, Norfh Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-2302 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% past-consumer paper DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION August 2, 1993 Memorandum TO: Melba McGee FROM: Stephen Hall S �t SUBJECT: Scoping -- Improve US 221, Woodlawn to Blue Ridge Parkway REFERENCE: 94=0025 Project Section R-2596 C passes through.an area of particular environmental significance. The Catawba River Gorge contains several outcrops of limestone, which.has a highly restricted distribution in North Carolina. Over a dozen plants are found in association with these.outcrops and also occur almost nowhere else in North Carolina. The rarest.of these is a liverwort (Plaqiochila caduciloba), a candidate for federal listing and state-listed as Endangered. Three others are candidates for state-iisting: white camas (ZVqadenus elegans), Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradlevi), and lime entodon (Entodon concinnus). These species are concentrated at three particularly important - sites: the Linville Cave Natural Area (a Registered Natural Heritage Area), the Linville Mountain Natural Area (a Natural Heritage Priority Area), and the Catawba River polomite Area (also a Natural Heritage Priority Area). The Linville Cave Natural Area is located west of the Catawba River and may not be adversely affected by the proposed project. The other two sites, however, occur east of the river along US 221 and are likely to be affected. We recommend that a detailed biological survey be conducted along this section of the project. Given the large number of rare, mosses and liverwerts found in this region, the biologist(s) conducting this survey should be thoroughly familiar with bryophyte identification. We also strongly recommend that the " alignments through this gorge follow the existing roadbed and avoid disturbing new ground as much as possible. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources � • � Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governorry ���� e� Jonathan B. Howes, Secreta � \8 A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director July 28, 1993 MEMORANDIIM T0: Melba McGee, Policy and Development FROM: Monica Swihar�Water Quality Planning SUBJECT: Project Review #94-0025;%Scoping Comments - NC DOT Proposed Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway The Water Quality Section .of the Division of Environmental Management requests that the following topics.be discussed in the environmental documents prepared on the subject project: A. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project..The . stream classifications. should be current. Based on the information provided, the project appears to follow the North Fork Catawba River for approximately 15 miles. This section of the North Fork Catawba River is classified as C Tr by the State of North Carolina. The southern project limit appears to be at the American Thread Company Water Supply Dam on Armstrong Creek. Upstream of the dam, Armstrong Creek has a WS-II CA classification. B. Identify the linear feet of stream channelizations/ relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be , revegetated. C. Number of s�ream crossings.. D. will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DEM requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings. Identify the responsible party for maintenance. E. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to be employed. F. Please ensure that sediment and erosion and control measures are not placed in wetlands. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opporfunity Affirmotive Action Employer 50% recycied/ 10% post-consumer paper Melba McGee July 28, 1993 Page 2 G. Wetland Impacts 1) Identify the federal manual used for identifying and delineating jurisdictional wetlands. 2) Have wetlands been avoided as much as possible? 3) Have wetland impacts been minimized? 4) Discuss wetland impacts by plant communities affected.. 5) Discuss the quality of wetlands impacted. 6) Summarize the total wetland impacts. 7) List the 401 General Certification numbers requested from DEM. H. Will borrow locations be in wetlands? Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to approval of any borrow/,.waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DEM. I. Did NCDOT utilize the existing road alignments as much as possible? Why not (if applicable)? � J. Please provide a conceptual mitigation plan to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: - . l. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. 2. On-site, in-kind mitigation is the preferred method of mitigation. In-kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of-kind mitigation. 3.� Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly banking. Written concurrence of 401. Water Quality Certification may be required for this project. Applications requesting coverage under our General Certification 14 or General Permit 31 will.re.quire written concurrence. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland'impacts have not been avoided and.minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 9863er.mem cc: Eric Galamb i Griffiths Forestry Center 2411 Garner Road Clayton, North Carolina 27520 Ju1y 16, 1993 MEMOR.ANDUM TO: Melba McGee . Policy & Development FROM: Don H. Robbins a�,: �� Staff Forester "���{y%� SUBJECT: DOT EA/Scoping for Improvements to US 221 From NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway in McDowell County �(TIP # R-2596) PROJECT: #94-0025 DUE DATE 7-30-93 This project will impact woodland and the Environmental Assessment should contain the following information concerning the proposed project: 1. 2. 3. The total forest land acreage by types that would be taken out of forest production as a result.of this project. The productivity of the forest soils as indicated by the soil series, that would be involved within the proposed.project. The impact upon existing greenways within the area of the proposed proj ect. 4. The provisions that the contractor will take to sell any merchantable timber that is to be removed. This practice is encouraged to minimize the need for piling and burning during construction. If any burning is needed, the contractor should comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to debris burning. � Page 2 5. The provisions that the contractor will take during the construction phase to prevent erosion, sedimentation and construction damage to forest land outside the right-of- way and construction limits. Trees outside the construction limits should be protected fram construction activities to avoid: a. Skinning of tree trunks by machinery. b. Soil compaction and root exposure or injury by heavy equipment. c. Adding layers of fill dirt over the root systems of trees, a practice that impairs root aeration. d. Accidental spilling of petroleum products or other damaging substances over the root systems of trees. � We would hope that the project would have the least impact to forest and related resources in that area. DHR:la pc: Warren.Boyette - CO File � DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28402-1890 '"��Y�ERT° September 30, 1993 Planning Division Mr. L. J. Ward, P.E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation Post Office Box 25201 Rolzigh, "Jurth Carolina 2>611=5201 Dear Mr. Ward: �� l�,rv�. � GEt v � OCT 0 4 1993 zti ��v�s�c��r or �,� �' HIGHt�r'r.Y� �' . ,•, �N��RONNiE`a� This is in response to your letter of July 2, 1993, requesting our comments on "US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596" (Regulatory Branch Action ID No. 199303231). Our comments, from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) perspective, involve impacts to COE projects, flood plains, and other environmental aspects, primarily waters and wetlands. The proposed project would not involve any COE-constructed flood control or navigation projects. The proposed project is sited in McDowell and Avery Counties, both of which participate in the National Flood Insurance Program. From a review of the September 1990 Avery County Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), the.roadway does not appear to be in an identified flood plain. Based on the July 1988 McDowell County FIRM, the sFCtion of roadway selected for improvement is located within the flood plain of Armstrong Creek and also crosses North Fork Catawba River. Both streams have been studied by detailed methods, with 100-year flood elevations determined but no floodway defined. The roadway also crosses the approximate study streams of Conley--��- -- Branch, Martin Branch, Pepper Creek, and Honeycutt Creek. The hydraulic effects on the 100-year flood levels of these streams should be addressed in the environmental document. The final project's hydraulic effects should be coordinated with McDowell � County for compliance with their flood plain ordinance and possible revision to their flood insurance maps and report.- -- - Our Regulatory Branch has also reviewed your letter and has the following comments. The Linville Falls to Ashford section of this project, is generally very steep. From Linville Falls to North Cove � -2- School, the North Fork Catawba River is designated as a"General Trout Water." There are.numerous stee.p tributaries�which flow under US 221 to North Fork that will be impacted by the widening project. Although there is very little in the way of wetlands (due to the steepness), special planning precautions should be made to control erosion into the tributaries. The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) shouid take great efforts to control the flow of sediment into these tributaries. Detailed plans on how NCDOT plans to do this would be greatly appreciated. On the southern end of the Blue Ridge Country Club (BRCC), near Ashford and just north of SR 1570; there are wetlands that should bE avu`iueci. Tnes� wetiands are being preserved as pari of a settlement with BRCC stemming from an Environmental Protection Agency enforcement action. We would be willing to meet with NCDOT personnel to indicate where these wetlands are located. The Ashford to Conley Branch (see Little Switzerland topo) section of the project is a much flatter section of road. Most of the more level land along this section has been converted to row crop or pasture and hayland. There are several creek crossings with wooded wetlands including Honeycutt Creek, Pepper Creek, and Martin Branch. Effort should be made to minimize the impacts to these wetlands. The Conley Branch to Woodlawn section is an area of steeper terrain with very few crossings and little wetland area. The exception is the Hickory Bottom Branch wetlands close to the terminus of the project. In doing the alignment study, perhaps NCDOT could find a way to avoid this wetland area. When final construction plans are completed, including the extent and location of development within waters and wetlands; yo�ir off;ce should contact M�. Steve Chapin at our Asheville Field Office, telephone (704) 271-4014, for a final determination of Federal permit requirements. We appreciate the opportunity to�comment-on this pro�ect. If - we can be of further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact us. S' re , � �-v _ r w ence . Saunders - Chi f, P1 nning Division � S�,Er+T oa rti QPP -�.\_: F� � � Q 9 � �4 CH 3 �8p9 United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Asheville Field Office 330 Ridgefield Court Asheville, North Cazolina 28806 October 6, 1993 Mr. L. J. Ward, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch _. Division of Highways North Carolina Department of Transportation P.O. Box 25201 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5201 Dear Mr. Ward: Subject: Scoping for proposed widening of US Woodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Counties, North Carolina._T.I.P. No 221 from McDowell R-2596 ■ TAKE � � PRIDE IN AMERICA •� � � A ;1 V� O -� OC1 � � t�3 J � . > �ti� DIVISICN C,`_ ,7rr HIGN�`"��'� , �� ��VlFiui �:. � . NC 226 near and Avery In your letter of July 2, 1993 (received July 8, 1993), you requested information regarding potential environmental impacts that could result from the subject project for your use in the preparation of an environmental assessment. The following comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, as amended (16 U.S.C. 661-667e), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543) (Act): According to information provided in your letter, this project will involve the widening of U.S. 221 from a two-lane to a mult�lane road. A portion of this project will be constructed on a new location. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) is particularly concerned about the potential impacts the proposed project could have on listed or proposed endangered or threatened species, on stream systems and associated wetlands within the project area--North Fork of_the Catawba River and several unnamed tributaries, Laurel Branch, Honeycutt Creek, Pepper�Creek, hlartin��Branch.- Pond Branch, Stillhouse Branch, and Hickory Bottom Branch--and on wildlife habitat. Preference should be given to alternative.alignments, stream-crossing structures: and construction techniques that avoid and/or minimiZe encroachment and impacts to these resources. _ A Service biologist conducted a field visit on October 1. 1993. During this inspection it was apparent that the project area provides habitat for a wide variety of fish and wildlife species. Land use within the project area is primarily rural, and a good portion of the project area bisects the Grandfather Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest. The following general habitat types exist within the project impact area: old fields, early successional areas (along roadsides), mixed pine- v�� � � f hardwood forests, forested riparian areas, stream systems, and vertical limestone cliff communities. The Service believes this project has the potential to adversely impact fishery and wildlife resources in the project area and recommends that the following three issues be specifically addressed in the environmental assessment: (1) protection of stream and wetland systems (steep slopes within the project area will necessitate additional precautionary measures in order to control sedimentation and erosion): (2) fragmentation.of wildlife habitat (especially for the black bear, since there is a relatively good population within the Grandfather Ranger District of the Pisgah National Forest>: and (3) the possible presence of both federally listed and � candidate species. � The enclosed pages.identify federally protected endangered and threatened species known from Avery and McDowell Counties that may occur within the area of influence of this proposed action. The legal responsibilities of a Federal agency or their designated non-Federal representative under Section 7 of the Act are on file with the Federal Highway Administration and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The enclosed pages also contain candidate species that are currently under status review by the Service which may occur in the project impact area. Candidate species are not legally protected under the Act and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7, until they are formally proposed or listed as endangered or threatened. We are including these species in our response to give you advance notification. The Service's review of the subject environmental assessment would be greatly facilitated if the document also contained the following information: (1) A complete analysis and comparison of the available alternatives (the build and no-build alternatives). (2) A description of the fishery.and wildlife resources within existing and required additional rights-of-way and any areas, such as borrow areas, that may be affected directly or indirectly by the proposed road construction. (3) Acreage and description of the creeks, streams, or wetlands that will be filled as a result of the proposed road improvements. Wetlands affected by the proposed project should be mapped in accordance with the Federal Manual for ldentifvinq and Delineatin4 Jurisdictional Wetlands. We recommend contacting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Asheville Regulatory Field Office (704/271-4854), to determine the�need for a Section 404 Clean Water Act permit. (4) Linear feet of any water courses that will be relocated as a result of the proposed project. (53 Acreage of upland habitat, by cover type, that will be eliminated because of the proposed project. (6) Description of all expected secondary and cumulative � environmental impacts associ.ated with this proposed work. (7) An analysis of the crossing structures considered (i.e., spanning structure, culverts) and the rationale for choosing the preferred structure(s). (8) Mitigation measures that will be employed to avoid. eliminate, reduce, or compensate for habitat value losses associated with any part of the proposed project. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these scoping comments and request that you cont�nue to keep us informed as to the progress of this project. In any future correspondence concerning this project, please reference our Log Number 4-2-94-002. Sincerely, - , Brian P. Cole Field Supervisor Enclosure cc: Mr. Randy C. Wilson, Section Manager, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife and- Permits Section, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury Street: Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Mr. Dennis L. Stewart. Program Manager, Division of Boating and Inland Fisheries, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604-1188 Ms. Linda Pearsall, Director. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611 Mr. Cecil Frost, North Carolina Department of Agriculture. Plant Conservation Program, P.O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 27611 0 IN REPLY REFER TO LOG N0. 4-2-94-002 PAGE 1 OF 2 AVERY COUNTY MAMMALS Virginia big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii virqinianus)- Endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) - Endangered Southern rock vole (Microtus chrotorrhinus carolinensis) - Candidate New England cottontail (Svlvila4us transitionalis) - Candidate* Eastern small-footed bat (Mvotis leibii leibii) - Candidate BIRDS Peregrine falcon (Falco pereqrinus) - Endangered Appalachian Bewick's wren (Thrvomanes bewickii altus) - Candidate* REPTILES Bog turtle (Clemmvs muhlenberqii) - Candidate AMPHIBIANS Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleQaniensis) - Candidate* ARACHNIDS Spruce-fir moss spider (Microhexura montivaqa) - Candidate INSECTS Diana fritillary butterfly (Speveria diana) - Candidate Regal fritillary butterfly (S�everia idalia) - Candidate PLANTS _ � Spreading avens (Geum radiatum) - Endangered* Roan Mountain bluet (Hedvotis purpurea var. montana) - Endangered Heller's blazing star (Liatris helleri) - Threatened Blue Ridge goldenrod (Solida4o spithamaea) - Threatened Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) - Candidate Roan false goat's beard (Astilbe crenatiloba) - Candidate A liverwort (Bazzania nudicaulis) -.Candidate* Mountain bittercress (Cardamine clematitis) - Candidate Manhart's sedge (Carex manhartii) - Candidate ��- - - - ��-- Rock gnome lichen (Gvmnoderma lineare) - Candidate Bent avens (Geum qeniculatum) - Candidate Butternut (Juqlans niqra) - Candidate Gray's lily (Lilium r4 avi) - Candidate A liverwort (Pla4iochila virQinica var. caroliniana) Gray's saxifrage (SaxifraQa caroliniana) - Candidate Oconee-bells (Shortia galacifolia) - Candidate Short-styled oconee-bells (Shortia galacifolia var. Candidate - Candidate* brevistvla) *Indicates no specimen from Avery County in at least 20 years. IN REPLY REFER TO LOG N0. 4-2-94-002 PAGE 2 OF 2 MCDOWELL COUNTY MAMMALS � Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomvs sabrinus coloratus) - Endangered Eastern woodrat (Neotoma maqister) - Candidate BIRDS Cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea) - Candidate REPTILES Bog turtle (Clemm s muhlenberqii) - Candidate ARACHNIDS Spruce-fir moss spider (Mirohexura montivaqa) - Candidate INSECTS Diaria fritillary butterfly (Speveria diana) = Candidate PLANTS ` Mountain golden heather (Hudsonia montana) - Threatened Butternut (Juqlans niqra) - Candidate Gray's lily (Lilium rq avi) - Candidate Oconee-bells (Shortia qalacifolia) - Candidate Short-styled oconee-bells (Shortia Qalacifolia var. brevistvla) - Candidate Q 0 Uaited States Forest National Fozests ' Depaztment of Service IInited States Federal , in North Carolina Court House Building Agriculture 100 Otis Street P.O. Boz 2750 Asheville NC 288p2 • Eeply to: 2730 �p o _ _ �o Mr. L.J. Ward, P.E. Manager, Planning and Environmental Branch N.C. Division of Highways P. 0. Bog 25201 Raleigh, NC 27611 Dear Mr. Ward: Date: S� , �8, 1993 �� �� 0 : . ` � � Q �� �-,r�,�src ... �, v oF �.� . �,�YS �Q' V��RONME�P�, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on SP: 8.T871101, FAP: NHF-221(3), TIP: R-2596, as requested by your July 2, 1993 letter. Here are our comments: 1. The project involv.es National Forest system lands, so we request you involve the Grandfather District Ranger, Michael Anderson in your EA process. His phone number is 704-652-2144. 2. The Forest Supervisor nominated two areas of National Forest land adjacent to the project for the Natural Heritage Register. Nothing can be done to negatively impact these areas while they are under consideration. We have incTuded location maps for your convenience. 3. There is a high probabilitq that historic sites egist along the Cata�ba River. Excavation and a study maq be required before the project can proceed. It is our understanding that an archeological studq of the entire corridor is required for a Federal Aid Project. � 4. A biological evaluation of sensitive plants and animals will be required prior to the Forest Supervisor making a final determination on the project. � � Thank you again for the opportunity to comment on this project. Please contact ; — Joe Moore at 704-257-4247� if you have any"questions. Sincerely� � - C. MITCH GURGANUS Director, Lands and ' erals Enclosures cc: Betty Yancey, NCDOT District Ranger, Grandfather I �q �� �. �, * .�y� �,. LINVILLE MOUNTAZN NATURAL AREA LOCATION:�� Pisgah National Forest. On .the east flank of Linville Mountain. East of US 221, about 1/4 mile north of the Linville Cavezns entrance road. McDowell County. Linville Falls quad. DESCRIPTION: Extensive, well-developed cliffs and talus slopes of quartzite in the Grandfather Mountain Window. A populations of Bradley's spleenwort (Asplenium bradleyi) occurs on the cliff, and ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) occurs in the cove. Clif�s and ridges are extremely acidic; coves, though full of quartzite boulders, are rich, and vegetation suggests influence by underlying dolomite on the soil. SIGNIFICANCE: Rare plant species, high quality natural communities, and geologic features. Status Name ��� NC1 US2 Global3 -------------------------------=----- --- --- ------ ---------- Asplenium Bradleyi Bradley's SR -- G3 � spleenwort ` - Panax quinquefolius ginseng SC -- G4 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 0 � 6 .r - . ��.�.i. �. ..� i ... .e�.� .� . / . '""_ � . .. . __ �J \. - Location^of the Linville � '•:' -�-���: ' � �•� � Mountain Natural Area a�� ��\ �._ . -• ( Linvi lle Fal ls 7 . 5 min . USGS � °� � � % J �i 3 I �1`• , ' �: , + � �' - 4 � �. � .. topographic map ) /yA �G �� G • �) °` . �� � V � : � �. � 76 ..--'� � � � . 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DESCRIPTION: Lower slope and small bluffs of Shady Dolomite formation exposed in the Grandfather Mountain Window. Distinctive, rich calcareous mesic forest community dominated by a mixture of calcium-loving hardwoods, including chinquapin oak ( uercus muhlenbergii), sugar maple tAcer saccharum), and walnut (Juglans nigra). SIGNIFICANCE: Unusual natural community, newly added to the classification system. This type of community is not represented elsewhere on Forest Service lands in North Carolina. Fewer than 10 examples occur anywhere in North Carolina. c 3 �; 0 ►. , ; , s• ;; c -cJ�,, , : � � �� i• ••J ��• .��-:; � � r� �' ic •� V . �C ` r�� ��: ` ,. ' I � ' , ' `, ���� � � C� �: ,,-� ` � ' � r` =' �� � Z�e �-._: ;,•,.� � �,,.,��� �r�� ',';•. -.` � �'%;=. � .:. ,�,,`���N�(� ' (i�' '—V.�. . , �Ji � J�� : j'/,\ j;`;� / � �✓�`_ � , � � ��� ��!'� �� • � ,•, ( � � ',_ f . . J l f _ ,, • � �p� '�� " �� 't, .rt ' �' ,'. �; ( < %• , � ��'/ '. 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I3OX 25201, RALEIGH, N.0 27611-5201 �t�:y 11, 1993 I�MORANDUM T0: Scoping Meeting Participants FROM: Mark L. Reep �'l�l✓ f",�:�,,;,, Project Planning Engineer � � � � � � � 3 ,� � �MAY i � SAM FIUNT $ECRETARI' SUBJECT: US 221 from NC 226 near �Voodlawn to the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell ancl Avery Counties, State Project No. S.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-?.596 A scoping meeting was held on 5-4-93 for the subject project. The following individuals attended the meeting: Vance Geisler FHWA � Robin Stancil Department of Cultural .Resources ` Bill Smart Division 13 Office Joe Buci:ner Division 13 Office Jerry Snead Hydraulics Charles Brown Location and Surveys Jack Matthews Photogrammetry Linwood Stone Plannino and Environmental Mark Reep Planning and Emjironmental Eddie Keith Planning and Emrironmental Danny Rogers Program Development , Don Sellers Right of Way David Hinnant Right of Way " Sandra Stepney Roadway Design Greg Brew Roadway Design Laura Rice Statewide Plannin� Ned Chapman Structure Design Tim Co�gins Structure Uesign Hesham Jarrar Traffic Control.' _ The 1993-1999 Transportation Improvement Pro�ram calls for upgrading the existing two-lane roadway to a multilane faci.li.ty (refer to Figure 1 for project location).. The project is divided into th.r.ee sections:, l. R-2596 A from NC 2?6 to SR 1569 near North Cove •(-�.� miles) 2. F-2596 B from SR 15E�9 to SR 1�71 near. Ashford (5.6 miles) 3. R-2�96 C from SR 1571 to the Blue F:.dge Parkway (=�.5 �niles) , r, �. '\ =, ,"� � � � �ay 11, 1�993 Page 2 Combinations of four-lane and five-lane typical sections are proposed throughout the project. The proposed typical sections and their approximate locations are listed below (refer to Figure lA). Section 1: Five-lane with curb & gutter 2. Four-lane divided shoulder section with barrier 3. Four-lane divided shoulder section with grass median Location -from southern project limit to just north of NC 226 -from south of Ashford to north of Linville Drive -from north of NC 226 to SR 1556 -from north of Linville Drive to south of Linville Falls " -from 5R 1556 to south of Ashford 4. Four-lane undivided -from south of Linville Falls to the Blue Ridge with curb & gutter Parkway Some new location will be needed to achieve the proposed �0 mph.minimum design speed. � Several design issues were addressed during the seoping meetinC. The first of these issues concerned an existing railroad overpass which crosse.s US 221 near Ashford. The proposed widening will require a new railroad bridge. Division 13 representatives'indicated that the striicture should be designed to avoid changing the railroad grades. To attain adequate vertical cleara.nce under the proposed bridge, a pier may be needed in the center of the roadway. The preliminary designs will indicate whether the propased five-lane typical section should be changed in this location to provide a median. Other design issues which were discussed included: (1) design provisions in the mountainous portions of the project, (2) proposed improvements within a regulated floodway, and (3) a possible realijnment of US 221 at the southern project limit. The proposed typical section in the mountainous portions of the project will provide a four-lane divided section with a barrier. The scoping meeting participants favored providino a Jersey meciian barrier and tie-back walls on cut and fill slopes. The Di�rision 13 representatives also indicated that the existing truck escape ramp, just south of Linville Caverns, should remain. The project is located withi.n the regulated floodway of the North Fork Catawba River. A floodway modification will'likely be required as a.result of the project'. Roadway Desion representatives felt that consideration shouid be �icen to reali�ning the southern portion of US 221 near Woodlawn. This reali.onment possibility r��as introduced r��ith project R-2020 (US 221 between SR 1434 and tiC 226}. Roadway Desi.gn will examine the feasibility of considering this reali�nmer.t as a project alternative. � / May 1]., 1993 s..; .. Page 3 Environmental concerns were also discu.ssed during the.scoping meeting. Robin Stancil, from the Department of Cultural Resources, commented on historic and archaeological resources in the project area. No National Register listed or state study list properties are located within the project area. The Blue Ridge Parkway, however, is eligible for listing on the National Register of Hi.storic Places. It was decided during the scoping meeting that the project limits should stop short.of the Blue Ridge Parkway . land, a historic resource protected by Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act of 1966. Robin Stancil also noted that the Office of State Archaeology recommends conductin� an archaeological survey along certain portions of the project. NCi)0'I' should coordinate with the Western Office Archaeologist for further information regarding the surve��. Several other environmental concerns addressed during the meeting include TJ.S. Forest Service land and water quality. A portion of the project is located within the Pisoah National Forest. The project will be coordinated with the U.S. Forest Service. The project erosses a number of streams designated as trout streams by the Department of Environment�, Health and Natural Resources.(DEHNR). In additiom, US 221 is located within a high quality.water zone near the southern project limit and a potential. high quality water zone near the northern limit. Eric Galamb, from the Division of Environmental Management, rec�uesteci that consi.deration be given to providing hazardous spill catch basins at stream crossing structures in the high quality water zones. After the scoping n�eeting, Mr. David Foster, from the DEHI�TR, commented on the project. He indicated.that stringent erosion control measures would be required in crossing trout streams and high quality waters. Since the project crosses trout streams, the N�rth Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission must concur with the project in order to obtain the necessaTy. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permits. He also stated that if the project encroaches on a trout stream buffer zone, written permission is required from the Director of the Division of Land Resources. Mr. Foster noted that several natural areas are located in the vicinity of the project. These natural areas contain dolomite (limestone} outcrops which are associated with Linville Caverns. These areas will be very sensitive to ear.thmoving' activities during construction. An environmental assessment is being prepared for the project and is scheduled for completion in January, 1994. To meet this schedule, the Roadway Desigr. Unit agreed to con�plete the preliminary designs in early August, 1993. Roadway Design will also provide construction and right of way cost estimates for the project. . . 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US 221 FROM NC 226 TO THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY ' , McDOWELL AND AVERY COUNTIES R-2596 'rIG. 1 J \��� `q� � I � ' � � . \ �. 9. �. ��. �� ' O y, � �.. \�O� Z Q ,.,7 Q Q t .� _ �-. ¢ � �— b� b, � C'J. � 4 Z r Y� ��' \� i ' �. ; Z W � � � �¢ � C`3 ^ � � m ^ � aZ � / `"_ �,ti j' �� 1J � � ~ =L�¢Z. � . �y — (n � �t u� p W � ,'�, � }"' � i� �i C7 � . � \ �J ` � (n � � / < = 0 �� `� ,8. o; I t.i � Q U p a> - V � � a � � z o� � W ac = ¢zT � � = W m � � z�v� ��� \ �/ � \.. y � r W -f � ^� � ' F" _ _ = =- �y-y N > C� `� �!1 \�:. 4 \� Z J I--� I--� F-- � �,`�+ �c�`-. i S N m a N � Q � � 0 �,�Q'(�' a o � .. \� � O �v � . � 'k `� r Q C7 � � W Jo L z �=ZOE U ,� o p o o_z �a ',;•` .> �. �y w w '> x:n.fz" o� � � <o � b� � -" c`. `.. ,� � J�\� 1� � 0' � � >_ � p � ? ,� � � w I�� 5 . b :3 ���� o��s �'� � � v p o �� zra�� No `C`� :�' ;:. `��. � 'L � a' W W W W W U L� ��\, �{.� \/ ``�t`� l� ,.. ..'. FAS FAS ? -,�+ OP � Q Q Q Q � �� � � F � .i' . W _I J J J � � r Sy _ • 3 ° l� � in v er tr � � r .� � y c�. 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L �7.' �•�� t��'E' _ ACTION ❑ NOTE AND FILE ❑ PER OUR CONVERSATION ❑ NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ❑ PER YOUR REOUE3T ❑ RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ❑ FOR YOUR APPROVAL ❑ NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT TNIS ❑ FOR YOUR INFORMATION ❑ PLEASE ANSWER ❑ FOR YOUR COMMENTS ❑ PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGMATURE ❑!1�GNATURE ❑ TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ❑ INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: �,Q. y ��G - �.��,«f .�� � dTU SfAlp �. r.. m n,� °� � � � � '� .��,�,,. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF 1�ANSPORTATION JnMES B. HuNT. )a. DIVISION OF-HIGHWAYS GOVERNOR , P.O: BOX25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 276ll-5201 � ` 3���� MEMORANDUM T0: FROM: �p �C��"Od� � APR,1.2� i e ;x>k;�t; SAM HUNT SECRETARY Apri 1 6, 1993 �r/¢�� � j'j �/ti��� �'`� l' , �` � ^ G�f.��t/}✓� � 5��.6� L���S�' �I ��`''�. I' , �,� ��eU �,5( �^ Wt,��Y► �iO W �` , "� � �. 1 Mr. Eri c Gal amb ���� �ay� �'�,�� . DEM - DEHNR, 6th Floor � �ii/ L�''�{,..-.• L. J. Ward, P. E., Manager Planning and Environmental Branch � � SUBJECT: Review of Scoping Sheets for US 221 from NC 226 to the Blue Ridge Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596. Attached for your review and comments are the scoping sheets for the � subject project (See attached map for project location). The purpose of these sheets and the related review procedure is to have an early "meeting of the minds" as to the scope of work that should be performed and thereby enable us to better implement the project. A scoping meeting for this project is scheduled for May 4, 1993 at 2:00 P.M. in the Planning and Environmental Branch Conference Room (Room 434). You may provide us with your comments at the meeting or mail them to us prior to that date. Thank you for your assistance in this part of our planning process. If there are any questions about the meeting or the scoping sheets, please call Mark L. Reep, Project Planning Engineer, at 733-7842. - MR/pl r ;�;� �r��"� ��� �� Attachment ' � !�. �y�� �jto�c,�� � 3��� f�� �i��e� c� wi �i ��� � ���� �� � � � � �on d �j��U� Lo�� I v��-c� 1�c-�s S�r;;� �j��� (1 _ 2�-�y- �3 tl -Z`�, �z �i-2�,�r l,(— 2'���° � �,-z� - ��l �(—z�—�I i�-��-�f �c-2��3 il -2�-� �s � � � ��(s �, ��o��; < ��_ , � sP ���� ��,�_ h���n �� c-�� c�« .�, �-- � , ��� C- �� � ���� C -T� �� � . .� �o�l.�� , � Mo; � ' � ,iiy„�He t �� 18� .' � � � 'ark S�gat alkR�' . I..� : z 1�. . .�nb'erry � ountai 1( �0. / �r,o^I 3 59614 � 97 Buladean � �/p � G.o�,d�oH.:. �� _ � MITC H Minneapo�is ?�+= ': M��. � �. �_ LL 161 13` 19E ewlantl ��i F� _�-� pL � , � � l•i ville y�) ; . � „ ,�-! \eo `� 4e4?Hil � m[reA: . V � � ,/P��a 1 /�� .. _ _ . . �+^- Bak vi e.� „ FOR ��F 5� � }� �� 9r .' � dgemonV . � ed r �% -�r.�ln¢e IS ���r � �a , �� - � bi'\A � �_ � �.*�...1 linvill �dQe��. '-Penlad"0 �`� ' rans coi, � 19E � �r��,�. + •\ � \ g �pruc :Pm 122i I H� b d � � . 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US 221 ' i FROM NC 226 TO THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY � McDOWELL AND AVERY COUNTIES : R-2596 j I i � FIG. 1 � � PROJECT SCOPING SHEET DATE: 4/6/93 RE�I I S I ON DATE : PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STAGE PROGRAMMING: PLANNING: ' DESIGN: TIP #: R-2596 . PROJECT #: 8.T871101 F.A. PROJECT#: NHF-221(3) DIVISION: 13, 11 COUNTY: McDowell and Avery ROUTE: US 221 FUNCTI.ONAL CLASS.: Rural Major Collector LENGTH: 14.5 miles PURPOSE OF PROJECT: The purpose of the project is to improve safety and increase the level of service along.the facility.� DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (INCLUDING SPECIFIC LIMIT-S) AND D4AJOR ELEMENTS OF WORK: � The project calls for upgrading the existin� two-lane roadway to a multilane facility between NC 226 and the Blue Ridge Parkway. TI'PE OF ENVIRONMENTAL DO.CUMENT TO BE PREPARED: EA 1/94 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY SCHEDULE: FONSI 6/94 - WILL THERE BE SPECIAL FUNDING PARTICIPATION BY MUNICIPALITY, DEVELOPERS, OR OTHER? YES: NO: X IF YES, BY WHOM: IF YES, BY WHAT AMOUNT: HOW AND WHEN WILL THIS BE PAID: PAGE 1 YKUJECT SCOPING SHEET �_ TYPE OF FACI.LITY: PTOposed multilane rural major collector TYPE OF ACCESS CONTROL (FULL\PARTIAL\NONE): None TYPE OF ROADWAY: The existing roadway is a two-lane, 20-foot wide facility with six-foot usable shoulders. INTERCHANGES: 1 GRADE SEPARATIONS: 1 STREAM CROSSINGS:16 (Blue Ridge Parkway) (Railroad Grade Separation) TYPICAL SECTION OF ROADWAY: The project includes combinations of five-lane, four-lane divided, and four-lane undivided typical sections. CURRENT TRAFFIC: (1993) DESIUN YEAR TRAFFIC: (2017) %TRUCKS: 7000 vpd 13,000 vpd DESIGN STANDARDS APPLICABLE (AASHTO\3R): AASHTO DESIGN-SPEED (mph): 60 mph PRELIMINARY RESURFACING DESIGN: PRELIMINARY PAVEMENT DESIGN: CURRENT COST ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION COST (including engineering - and contingencies).. .................................. RIGHT OF WAY COST (including rel., uti1.,= andacquisition) ........................................ FORCE ACCOUNT ITEMS ......................................... ... PRELIMINARY E�TGINEERING .......................................... TOTAL COST ...................................e............ TIP COST ESTIMATE CONSTRUCTION ....................................................:$ 6,500,000 (Post Year Construction) $21,800,000 RIGHT OF WAY ....................................................:$ 4,750,000 TOTAL COST .......................................................:$33,050,000 0 PAGE 2 PROJECT SCOPING �HEET . TiST ANY SPECIAL FEATURES, SUCH AS RAILROAD INVOLVEMENT, WHICH COULD AFFECT COST OR SCHEDULE OF PROJECTS: (Potential ra'ilroad involvement) ITEMS REQUIRED: COMMENTS COST d � e . X . X . X . X . X . X . X X ESTIMATE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS ................................ PAVEMENT............ ............... ...................... , . X SURFACE ................................................:$ 6,067,200 X BASE ................................................. .:� 603,050 . MILLING & RECYCLING....:.. ............................... . TURNOUTS ................................. ............. SHOULDERS: PAVED .................. ........... ........ . EARTH......... ............................. EARTHWORK ...................................................:$ 5,118,200 SUBSURFACE ITEMS ................................ ............ SUBGRADE AND STABILIZATION ..................................:$`1,189,200 DRAINAGE (List any special items) ...........................:$ 2,628,000 SUB-DRAINAGE ........................ ........................ STRUCTURES WIDTH x LENGTH X BRIDGE REHABILITATION : x :_ ...........:$ . X NEW BRIDGE . � Y ..........::$ . WIDEN BRIDGE . a . ........... REMOVE BRIDGE . Y . ............ . NEW CULVERTS SIZE: LENGTH: FILL HT.: ... . �__ CULVERT EXTENSION .................... .................:$ . RETAINING WALLS: TYPE: AVE. HT.: SKF.W: .. . NOISE WALLS ................�........................... . . AND OTHER MISC. STRUCTURES ............. ............... CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER ...............................:....... CONCRETE SIDEWALK ............................................ GUARDRAIL .................................................... FENCING. W.W.. and/or C.L.. ..................... EROSION CONTROL .................. ..........................:$ LANDSCAPE ............................ .................... .. LIGHTING ..................................................... TRAFFIC.CONTROL ........ .............:......................:$ SIGNING: NEW ............................................ . UPGRADING ...................................... TRAFFIC SIGNALS: NEW ... ................................ . REVISED ................................ 519,660 645,040 277,800 642,000 292,000 RR SIGNALS. NEW .......................................... . REVISED ...................................... . WITH OR WITHOUT ARMS ......................... IF 3R: DRAINAGE SAFETY ENHANCEMENT ......................: . ROADSIDE SAFETY ENHANCEMENT ....................... : REALIGNMENT FOR SAFETY ENHANCEMENT ...............: PAVEMENT MARKINGS: PAINT: THERMO: THERMO: Y ....:$ 365,000 DELINEATORS .............................................. ..:$ 6�206,�i50 OTHER.... .................................................. CONTRACT COST (Subtotal) .....................:$24,554,000 PAGE 3 , rn����i ���riN�-�n��i ,.CONTINGENCIES AND ENGINEERING ..................................:$ 3,74C,000 � PE COSTS. .................................."................... FORCE ACCOUNT .................................................... SUBTOTAL :$28,300,000 : X RIGHT OF WAY: . WILL CONTAIN WITHIN EXIST RIGHT OF WAY: YES: N0: X . EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH: . NEW RIGHT OF WAY NEEDED WIDTH: EST. COST......: . EASEMENTS TYPE: WIDTH: EST. COST......: . UTILITIES: . RIGHT OF WAY SUBTOTAL TOTAL ESTIMATED COST INCLUDES R/W PREPARED BY: Mark L. Reep THE ABOVE SCOPING HAS.BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED* BY:.. ' INIT. DATE HIGHWAY DESIGN ROADWAY DESIGN STRUCTURES DESIGN SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL HYDRAULICS LOC. & SURVEYS PHOTOGRAMMETRY PREL. EST. ENGR.- PLANNING & ENVIRONMENT RIGHT OF WAY - R/W UTILITIES TRAFFIC ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT COUNTY MANAGER - CITY/MUNICIPALITI' OTHERS: � :$ 4,750,000 :$33,050,000 DATE: 4/6/93 INIT. DATE BOARD OF TRANS. MEMBER SECONDARY ROADS OFF. MGR., PROGRAM & POLICY PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION BRANCH ROADSIDE ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE BRANCH BRIDGE MAINTENANCE CHIEF ENGINEER-OPER. CHIEF ENGINEER-PRECONS. DIVISION ENGINEER _ STATEWI-DE PLANNING BICYCLE COORDINATOR FHWA DEPT. OF CULT. RES: DEPT. OF EH & NR SCOPE SHEET FOR.LOCAL OFFICIALS WILL BE SENT TO DIVISION ENGINEER FOR HANDLING. COMMENTS OR REMARKS: *IF YOU ARE NOT IN AGREEMENT WITH PROPOSED PROJECT OR SCOFING, NOTE YOUR PROPOSED REVISIONS IN COMMENTS OF REMARKS SECTION AND - AND INITIAL AND DATE AFTER COMMENTS. PAGE 4 N. C. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE ��a TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: � REF. NO OR �OOM, BLDG. L���� G��a� b D�r1- �(� �nt�. FROM: REF. NO. OR ROOM, BLDG. ��'1 � l� �ee,� �� � ACTIOfV ❑ NOTE AND FILE ❑ PER 9UR CONVERSATION ❑ NOTE AND RETURN TO ME ❑ PER VOUR REQUEST Q RETURN WITH MORE DETAILS ❑ FOR VOUR APPROVAL ❑ NOTE AND SEE ME ABOUT THIS �FOR VOUR INFORMATION u PLEASE ANSWER . ❑ FOR YOUR COMMENTS ❑ PREPARE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE ❑ SIGNATURE ❑ TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION ❑ INVESTIGATE AND REPORT COMMENTS: �AMES B. HUNT, JR GOVERNOR MEMORANDUM T0: FROM: ��.��Q� �-� ,� � � ;, �` � _ s �� - .�g .����. � STATE OF NOIZTH CAROLINA � DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS P.O. BOX25201, RALEIGH, N.C. 27611-5201 l July 2, 1993 Mr. Eric Galamb DEM — DEHNR, 6th Floor C� � _� c� � _. JU .- 8 1993� � , L �� WATER SAM HUNT SECRETARY L. J. Ward, P. E., Mana er ��'�� 9 Planning and Environmental Branch SUBJECT: US 221 from NC 226 near Woodlawn to the,Blue Ridge . Parkway, McDowell and Avery Counties, State Project No. 8.T871101, Federal Aid Project No. NHF-221(3), TIP No. R-2596 , The Planning and Environmental Branch of the Division of Highways has begun studying the proposed improvements to the highway segment described above. The project is included in the 1993-1999 North Carolina Trans— portation Improvement Program (TIP) and is scheduled for right of way in fiscal year 1995 and construction in fiscal year 1997. An "Environmental Assessment" (EA) document will be prepared'in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The project location is shown in Figure 1. The TIP calls for upgrading US 221 from a two—lane roadway to a multilane facility, involving some new location. There are a combination of four—lane and five—lane typical sections being studied throughout the project (refer to Figure 2 for these locations). Other alternatives may be addressed as the project develops and as potential environmental impacts are identified. The typical sections that are currently being evaluated are listed below. 1. � Section Five—lane section with curb and gutter Four—lane divided shoulder section with barrier Location —from southern project limit to just north of NC 226 —from south of Ashford to north of Linville Drive —from north of NC 226 to SR 1556 —from north of.Linville Drive to south of Linville Falls � �� July 2, 1993 , Page 2 3. 4. Four-lane divided shoulder section with grass median Four-lane undivided section with curb and gutter -from SR 1556 to south of Ashford -from south of Linville Falls to the Blue Ridge Parkway We would appreciate any information you might have that would be helpful in evaluating potential environmental impacts of the project. If applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. It is desirable that your agency respond by October 6, 1993 so that your comments can be used in the preparation of this document. If you have any questions concerning the project, please contact Mark Reep, Project Planning Engineer, of this Branch at (919) 733-7842. LJW/pl r Attachment ! oa f , � Mo: � � � He ton � �I 1 � "" •. �ark Suga ��� � 1 . �nberry � aun�� , A. ��,:,o^I ) 91 � S BulaEean �Po�°` .ri �� 197 Minneapolis ����*> —Mr , MITCH LL 61 i3l 19E ewlanA is� zA� � . _ _ e V � E� � \\ � ed Hil „ ' . A ` � � Y�?• eola � FOR. �' ¢e�monf 3`.�; idge�. Ca, � ei , , [ , i26 n5n�or � p�\ 1 � � �, � � � c. / laT le k r„rd ed�.. � ��.er 9 ittl �.er i�i ' Z }' y� Si. Fore:r 1 . . /' M (� j � 10 � �L WOO wn,61 I,\\lape t: 61 Cake M p,�W �ma: � aM Hill Ntiodhts_� �- 3 _ r el�alde It La r I akr��� , me. 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G(/LG� �" �"' � -�c a�-� l�l,��,�`� � �� ,' July 28, 1993 5 � � . ����� I , G 1��.¢-Wi Ge---� Melba McGee, Policy and Development Monica Swihart, Water Quality Planning SUBJECT: Project Review #94-0025; Scoping Comments - NC DOT Proposed Improvements to US 221 from NC 226 Near Woodlawn to the Blueridge Parkway The Water Quality Section of the Division of Environmental Management requests that the �following topics be di,scussed in the environmental documents prepared on the subject pro`ject: A. Identify the streams potentially impacted by the project. The stream classifications should be current. Based on the information provided, the project appears to follow the North Fork Catawba River for approximately 15 miles. This section of the North Fork Catawba River is classified as C Tr by the State of North Carolina. The southern project limit appears to be at the American Thread Company Water Supply Dam on Armstrong Creek. Upstream of the dam, Armstrong Creek has a WS-II CA classification. � B. Identify� the linear feet of stream channelizations/ relocations. If the original stream banks were vegetated, it is requested that the channelized/relocated stream banks be � revegetated. � C. D. E. F. Number of stream crossings. Will permanent spill catch basins be utilized? DEM requests that these catch basins be placed at all water supply stream crossings...Identify the responsible party for maintenance. Identify the stormwater controls (permanent and temporary) to be employed: Please ensure that sediment and erosion and control measures are not placed in wetlands. a Melba McGee July 28, 1993 Page 2 G. Wetland Impacts 1) Identify the federal manual used for identifying and delineat,ing jurisdictional wetlands. 2) Have wetlands been avoided as much as possible? 3) Have wetland impacts been minimized? 4) Discuss wetland impacts by plant communities affected. 5) Discuss the quality of wetlands impacted. 6) Summarize the total wetland impacts. 7) List the 401 General Certification_numbers requested from DEM. . • " H. Will borrow locations be in wetlands? Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Prior to.approval of any borrow/waste site in a wetland, the contractor shall obtain a 401 Certification from DEM. , I. Did NCDOT utilize the existing road alignments as much as possible? Why not (if applicable)? � J. Please provide a conceptual mitigation�plan to help the environmental review. The mitigation plan may state the following: 1. Compensatory mitigation will be considered only after wetland impacts have been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent possible. 2. On-site, in-kind mitigatiori is the preferred method of mitigation. In-kind mitigation within the same watershed is preferred over out-of-kind mitigation. 3. Mitigation should be in the following order: restoration, creation, enhancement, and lastly banking. Written concurrence of 401 Water Quality Certification may be required for this project. Applications requesting coverage under our General Certification 14 or General Permit 31 will require writteri concurrence. Please be aware that 401 Certification may be denied if wetland impacts have not been avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable. 9863er.mem cc: Eric Galamb NOTIC� OF A CI'rIZEN3 INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE WIDENING OF U3 221,T0 A MULTI-LANE ROADWAY FROM NC 226 NEAA WOODLAWN TO THE BLUE,RIDGE PARKWAY. Project 8.T871101 R-259G McDowell-Avery Countie� A citizens informational workshop will October 5, 1993 at the North Cove Elementar near US 221 in McDowell Cou�ity approximatel Marion. This will be an informal open house the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Those so at their convenience during these hours. be held on Tuesday, y School Caieteria located y 12 miles north of workshop held between wishing to attend may do The purpose of this informational workshop is to present information, answer guestions and receive comments during the early design staqes of the proposed widening of U5 221. The proposed project consists of converting US 221 to a multi-lane roadway. Representatives of the Department of Trarisportation will b� available to discuss the proposed project with those attending. Anyone desiring additional information about the worlcshop may contacL Mr. Mark Reep, North Caroiina Department of Transportation, Planning and Environmental Branch, �7. O. Box 25201, Raleigh, NC 27611 or by telephone at (919) 733-3141. NCDOT will provide reasonable accommodations, auxiliary and services for any qualified disabled person interested in attending the worksllop. To request this assistance you may Mr. Reep at the above number no later than seven days prior da�e of tfie workshop. — � ' aids, call to the � 5 1 d�3S I � � ; � p�� r .` �, � i