HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0046426_Affidavit_20230804Public Notice AFFP North Carolina NOT- NP-DES WASTEWATER PERMIT Environmental management Commisslon/NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Affidavit of Publication Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Notice of Intent to Issue NP- DES Wastewater Permit NCO075515 Boomer Fer- guson Elementary School STATE OF IJC } SS WWTP, and NCO046426 Tra- COUNTY OF } �•� `k� phill Elementary School WWTP The North Carolina En- vironmental Management Com- mission proposes to issue a Betty Denny, being duly sworn, says: NPDES wastewater discharge permit to the person(s) listed below. Written comments re - That she is Billing Clerk of the Wilkes Journal -Patriot, a garding the proposed permit daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and will be accepted until 30 days published in North Wilkesboro, County, NC; that the after the publish date of this no- tice. The Director of the NC Di - publication, a copy of which is attached nereto, was vision. of Water Resources published in the said newspaper on the following dates: (DWR) may hold a public hear- ing should there be a signific- July 27, 2023 ant degree of public interest. Please mail comments and/or information requests to DWR at the above address. Interested persons may visit the DWR at 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh. NC 27604 to review the information on file. Addition- al information on NPDES per - That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated mits and this notice may bo on those dates. found on our webGit;� ; https://deq.nc.govipijblic-n.c). SIGNED: tices-hearings,or by caliiro (919) 707-3601 The Wilkes County Schools 1613 Cherry Street, North Wilkesboro, Nt' Billing Clerk 28659] have applied for renew- al of the permit NCO075515 for Subscribed to and sworn to me this 27th day of July 2023. the Boomer Ferguson Element- ary School WWTP in Wilkes County. This permitted facility discharges treated domestic wastewater to an unnamed trib- utary to Warrior Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin. Michael C. Lambert Sr., NOTARY Burke, County, NC fecal coliform, and total resid- ual chlorine are water quality �� My commission expires: June 05\ 0 7 C (AA �, limited. This discharge may af- fect future allocations in this �P•,.••"" .,F,�; portion of the river basin. The ` \V•. _ `AOTAk�, uo - Wilkes County Board of Educa- lion [613 Cherry Street, Norrh Wilkesboro, NC 28659) has P.p- - ••. plied for renewal of permi! 70099902 70730678 ALB NCO046426 for its Traphili Ele- •. L,C mentary School W,M T P. 'rhit. (WJP) WREN THEDFORD '-,/!!I •••••••'�y�C��� permitted faility d+scharg' NCDEQ/DWR �,FCOUN1 ��t� treated domestic,w?stewater,, o reek in thci 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Yadkin -Pee Des river Basin. RALEIGH, NC 27699 Curruntly, fecal coiHorm is '�va- ter quality limited. This d:'- charge may affect future alloca- tions in this portion of th,:; Basin. July 27, 2023