HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04713_Well Construction - GW1_20230721 • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple wells 1.Well.Coutr star Information: .t.tiWATER.ZONtS Scott Hunt, Jr FROM TO DESCRIPTION «2RConingorName 79 ft. it. rock fracture 4561-A R. fL l • . NC Weil CaNraeiorCcr(iftrationNurrber AS:OUTER CASING(formuhl-c9oedfaelslOR-LINER(ifiin Neat,k) FROM • TO DIAMETER TWA-NESS' MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 73 ft. 6 in; SCH-40 - Carbon Steel Company Nance 16:INNER CASING OR.TUBING tioatiernal closed-loon) FROM TO DIAMETER TRIMNESS ' MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit sr: R. ft. tn. List ufl applir;able well permits(L..County Slam,Variance.16recdar;or.) R. ft.• im, 3.Well Ilse(check well use): . I7:SCREEN Water Supply Wdl: • _- r - FROM TO DiAME.TER SLOT-RIM T111CKN0S MATERIAi, . •iJAgiicultutml, , ClMunicipal/Public 73 ft, 83' R. 6 in. NA NA NA iCooli Supply) ®Residential Water Supplyft. ft. in. OGeothamal(Heath n13i nS uPP (single) ®litdustfiallConmtereial - ®Residential Water Supply(slated) Ie'CROUT FROM - TO - MATERIAL ' EMPIACEMLIT 1HEf1100&AMOUNT ❑hripation 0 it. 73 ' tt. Portland 'Tremie Noa-Water Supply Well: . (Monitoring DRccavcty . D• ft. Injection Welt: • - ft. ft. . ClARuifcr Reel:dirge . iaGioulidiiatcr Rcntcdiation . • -•Iv:SAND/GRAVEL wick(ir aytpliest •FROM TO arATE.RIAI. EmPI.A(a IENTNITHOn lJArluifcr Storage and Rcesvery. ❑Salinity Hairier . ft, •• ft. - CI Aquifer Test • f7Stonnw tterDr9ainagc R. ft: . ❑ xpciimctitiil Technology • .riSttbsidcncc Caniroi -10 DRILLING'LOG Winch addiiionat.shects if necessary) ❑Geotitenntl(Closed Loop) ❑Tnicer FROM TO DeCRW ONfmbr.hnNncn.keWmckhpe riat.&A ❑Gtolltennal(Heating/Cooling,Return). . ❑0ther(explain under#21 Retnatksf o R. 15 11.. red fill 15 - ft. 35 • ft, silty sand red/tan . 4.Date WeEI(s)Canpleted: 5-24-23 yell II1t$tor-2D 35 ft. 62 ft, PWR with chunks of rock ;a.Well Location: 62 ft, 83 " tL bed rock e d Winston Weaver Company ft. • ft. / `f,�re Fact7ity,3wncrName Facility IDK(if applicable) f•t, ft. p • 4440 N. Cherry St., , Winston-Salem, NC, ,27105 • - R. ft. ttrA" ,. Pm." ,F. ' Physical Address City,and Zip- -a2t.REMARKS Llit - Forsyth open hole screened from 73-83' Cnut4y Parcel IdenlifeallonNo;(PIN) h,lattitade and Longitude in dcgtscs/minutcs/seconds or decimal degrees:: 22-CertiCreatfon: Of we ll(teed,or'Weftis stduelonl) - • N • W ��'� • 5/29/2023 Sigmtusc of Certified Well Co for Daie 6.is(are)the weli(s): ZPermanent or ❑Temporary 11t'.signing whir farm,1 hercbt'certify Oaf 1hr ifr111s1 wax(were!constnrcrerl if accordancw. with 1511 NCAC 02C.0100 or 15e1 NCAC 02C.0200 Well Coustmetion Starxianis,ntd dasher 7.Is this a repair to an existing well• Dyes or ®No .espy nj this recant has hs cn provided la the lsrll miter. ifOa'La a repalr,fill au Alma well corasJrarcrloa hr/ormnrinu cad L;plolat the nature clew • - repcir waster 121 rrrnarki•.ircrian or on rise brut of fhb:form: 23.Site diagram or additional Well details: You may use the back of this page to'provide additional well site details or well S.Number of Dells constructed: 1 • cot:steuction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple hafeerinn or or vt-nnrer supply wells ONLY with the seine conslrurtlaur,Saar can submit one farm. . 'SUBMITTAL,iNSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depot helow land surfaces 83 - (ff,) 24a.Far All Wells Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of bell Far auahlple ire&list all eepths lldffl rsaus(example-3@20 W Will 2®100) construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of easing: 24 -(I•) Division of Water Re.'iouices,lnfotmatiun Processing Unit, Owlet'level is dare casing.lase"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 • 11,Boreholediamcter:12.25"/8"/6" (in,) 2-lb.For infection-Wells ONLY: iiaddition to.sending the form to the address in 24a above.also submit.a copy of this form within 30 days'of completion of well 12.Wcliconstructfau method:Auger/Air coaslmetiou to the following: - (La.auger..rotary.cable.direct push.etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:' i636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 83a Vied(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: - Also submit one copy of this fain within 30 days of completion of 1311.Disinfection type: Amount: well constnrction to the county health department of the count'where • con-stdlcted. i ; • Fanu GW-t Noah Carolina Dcprrnnaeni of Env remnant and Natural Resources-Division of WatcrRemtrtm Revised August 3ul3