HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04694_Well Construction - GW1_20230721 • WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD Forlr'rvmalUsc ONLY: Ths.form can iv used 1i r single ar[pullipk wells 1.WeliContractor Information: • `t4 WATER-ZONtS . . Brian Ewing FRos1 TO i D1_$CRIFTIO «'e1I Coralrtcfor Nitnc ft. ft, 9290-B ft. I fl: NC Well Contractor Certification Minter ••tS'OUTER CASING(for eiaiti-rased tietlsi OR LlNER1f tfappticabte) _ FRO31 I To ' DIAMETER THICKNFSs MATERIAL 1 • SAEDACCO Inc . . fL fL I I In. ('oiws).H:I.nK': 16.1NNER.CASINGOR=7L1u1NG(lsruatieiinslctaud4o44,1 -' FROM TO * DIAMETER , THICKNESS ' MATERIAL 2.Well Canstrpetion Perritit#: 0 ft. 29 ft. 1 it, SCH-40 PVC Lief all applicable wellpenwits(La.County.Seam,t'ariauce,infect cut.L) •rt.. ft. in 3.'Well Use(ehedewell use)? 17:SCREEN Water r Sulflll\•Well: Fnos1 TO DIAMETER Sr•or5ITZ Tnacus Ss 1 MArERI.AI. a CIAgriculturat I:MunicipaliPublic 29 It. 39 II. 1 1 in 010 SCH-90• 1 PVC t' It: in, ®Geothemal(Heating/Cooliug'Supply) Rcsidential•waterSuppl,(single) f I OludustrialfConlercial ❑Residential Wa(erSuppli(sletmd) '1t3 GROUT: ._ ....,-':-•- . FRONT -TO. MATERIAL ' EMPLACEMENT.IE IIO0&,4110UNT ❑frripition fL ft. •Nqu-Water 'ft. ft: . • tiRilonil9ring DRecavery Injection Well: • it. ft.. . fAillltfcrRechargc • DG[oundl►nletR.amcdiatioa , •t9fSANDlGRAVELPACKlifapldiesblii)"' - ' `FROM • TO : - sta.rrau41, - ra1P1-ACr:HENTMiTtiOD DA 11'1kt Storage and Recovery, ❑Salinity Rattief 27 R. 39 II, FILTER SAND # 2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stornanatcr i raivaec ft. . ft. ❑ESpetimcntal Tcclmoloiv 1:Subsidence Control 2l.DRILLUNG•LOG7alticli additional shee1s if atcce uw ) • - , I • ❑Geo Oltenia'(ClosedLimp) ❑Tracer FROM To - DR.iatwPTIONtwar.hanlnca.v41,Mxti opt.;min vr.:.dc.i ❑Geotlternlal(Heating Cooling Return) • ❑Other(explain udder#2I-Retnatfss) 0 .ft. 5 • ft. FILL SILT AND SAND 5. ft. 20 ft. MOIST TO WET SILT/.CLAY 4.Date Well(s).Ctmlpletedc 6-21-23 • • -Well ID#TMW-1 20 ft. '39 It. SILT'CLAY MOIST TO WET 5:1.,Well Location: ft. f4 e.. [..- Auto Truck Transport USA . .ft.. ft, • R ® Facilily.'OlcracrNniuc Facility iU,v(ifappliablc) R. rt. .I111 .! 1 2093 1801 N. Main St., Mount Holly, NC, 28120 . ' . ft.. Al. • ' sical Aiidiess.City.and Zi p ip -2t:REMARKS. in.arrtQtitie.n Prrnzsgatrtid Ui Gaston BENTONITE SEAL 25 TO 27' CFV&ZIOG Costs). Parcel IdeatifieMiou No,(PIN} p . lb..I iititude,anil Longitude in deglTeslminutcslseconds nr decimal dcgiccs: 22.CetTfttratfan: (if ascll&Id,pare I ti 1OuR iN'sti ficiatd) s N • W BrianEwi_n 6/29/2023 • &ammo of Certified Well Contractor, Dale —_ 6.Is(care)thewell(s)r pPennanent or ETeulporar} Nr.;rcning thus farm,-1 hereby eertify rJ1a1.Mg wellis)ma(wtrre)conglireted Marron once . OM 154 NCiC 02C.0101.7 dr 154 Act('iI 17 WWI.020WI Corstivcrrntt Srandarrfs and t ar a 7.Is this a repair to an ciistiu;;wdli i7Ves or ' ®tin coprnfrhir recaird bits been pnmitlea I th the%ern onvier, lj'Nu):o repolr.fill oar l.frouer will coninuctirm 41 roaarion trod titpta/n the wrote of the rr,Rairrurlrr9?1"rcrnarfs.siruan orisa the Lurk ofthisform 23.She dun rnnl oCBdtlltiemaI well details: You.may use the bad;of this page to..providc additional well site details or Well S.Number of wells constructed: 1 consulictiou details. You May also attach additional page if tmcessaty. For nualrlplc lalfeeth!;I or wsa-1cc ra'r supply u.rlls ONLY n'Irh the.saareearrstrgrrlaa,you ecru bm sait eine form. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTiONS 9.Total welt depth below land surface: 39 (ft.) 24a. For AU Willie Submit this form within 30'days-of completion of well For nuabiplr icr1Is liar of.'efeprhs fiteii.reru 1,'.raaapfe-.rm?00'aorl.:r'100) consimction to the following: 10.Static water mein[bell ie top of casing: (ft,) Dn t'.iun of Witter Resouree,Information Processing Unit, 1fa'al0/et.!is rebore eolith;:mare"+" 1617 Mail.Service[cuter,Raleigh, 1C 27699-1617 •I1,Borehole ameter:2.25" Oa) 24b.Fir Infection Wells ONLY: : in addition to•sending the fom)to the address in 24aabove-also submit a copy of this form within 30 days'of completion of Well 12.Well construction method:DRIVEN canstnictitni CO the following (i.e.auger,rtt:uy,cable.direct posh etc.} Division Of of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control,Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I3;1 Yield(Om) Method of test: 24e For Water Supply&Injection Wells: Also submit one"copy of this form Within 30 days ofcotupletionof fl36:Disinfection type. Amount: well constmetion to the county hcilth dcpatiment of the county where constructed. I I Form GW-1 Nonll Corollna fkpmuncm of Enciruiuts nt and Natural Resources-Division of Waler R .01.ItIM Revised August 2013 II