HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023442_wasteload allocation_19940113Staff Review and Evaluation NPDES Wastewater Permit FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Williamette Industries, Inc. NPDES No. NCO023442 Design Flow (MGD) 0.008 Facility Class I STREAM CHARACTERISTICS Stream Name Haw River Stream Class C Sub -basin 030607 Drainage Area (mil) 1700 S7Q10 (cfs) 47.3 W7Q10 (cfs) 30Q2 (cfs) IWC (%) Proposed Changes- Parameters Affected Basis for change(s) Monitoring Frequencies TRC, Tem 2B .0500 Regulations Compliance Schedule: Special Condition(s): Permits & Engineering Comments: This is a permit renewal for a class I facility. An application has not been submitted for renewal. The facility has been in compliance with permit limits for the most part within the past two years. The facility recorded that there was no flow four to five months within the past two years. The facility is a 2.3 acre stabilization pond. The discharge has been considered a direct discharge to the Haw River in the past. Unless the regional office objects to this designation, the permit will be renewed as before. Recommend reissuance of existing limits and monitor:i gas ,per (7+u vrent reppilations Prepared by: _ Regional Office Evaluation and Recommendations: 1 , NOTE TO WASTELOAD FILES January 13, 1994 FROM: Jason Doll SUBJECT: Cluster Model Cape Fear Basin Subbasin 03-06-07 A cluster model was performed for this subbasin using the Level-B model for the 1995 draft of the Cape Fear Basinwide Management Plan. A detailed report of the model and its results is contained in the Cape Fear Basin Files. The model was developed to investigate interactions between the following facilities: NPDES FAMITY glow NC0001899 Allied-Signal, Inc. 0.244 NC0023442 Williamette Industries, Inc. 0.008 NC0000892 Neste Resins Corporation 0.100 North Carolina Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section / Rapid Assessment Group March 8, 1993 MEMORANDUM To: Jule Shanklin From: Farrell Keou Through: Carla Sanderso Subject: Willamette Industries / Moncure Division Request for Monitor Sampling Changes to Permit NCO023442 03-06-07 Chatham (Constructed Effluent Channel to Haw River) Willamette Industries sent a letter dated February 22, 1993 requesting NH3-N, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Residual Chlorine, Temperature, and Conductivity be dropped as monitoring requirements from their permit, citing "that there has not been a discharge from this outfall and because if,,, there was discharge from this outfall these requirements would not be .indicative of any real environmental impact to the Haw River, [due -to the large flows of the Haw River when compared to this outfall]. The permitted discharge from Athis facility constitutes 0.03% instream waste concentration to the Haw River. A second issue addressed in this letter was' that of safety. Technical Support concurs with the facilities concerns about potential safety problems with taking these samples on the Haw River at the location of the Willamette Industries outfall. Due to the small proportion of instream waste concentration produced by this facility and the saftey problems of retrieving samples at their location, Technical Support finds that dropping ..the instream monitoring requirements for this facility would be consistent with past applications of policy to similar facilities. Effluent monitoring should remain as stated in the draft permit with the exception of Residual Chlorine, which should be monitored if the facility uses it to meet its Fecal Coliform limit. In conjunction with dropping the instream monitoring, the facility should document on their DMR's that the effluent channel has recieved no flow by having the operator write "NO FLOW / NOT CURRENTLY DISCHARGING1on the DMR sheet. c c : Central Files 101 r of �ta. t., F. Inc. February 22, 1993 Ms. Coleen Sullins NPDES Permit Group State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health & Natural Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 27637 Raleigh, NC 27611-7637 RE: WILLAMETTE INDUSTRIES, INC. MONCURE DIVISION NPDES #N00023442 Dear Ms. Sullins: P.C. Bux 230 Mdncure, NC 27559 919/542-2311 Resources - Please be advised that we have received the draft permit for the reference facility and offer the following comments for your review. We request that these comments be implemented into the permit to reduce the amount of monitoring and testing for the permitted outfall. We have attached a marked up copy of the draft effluent limitations and monitoring requirements for outfall 001. This is the only outfall for this NPDES permit and is the discharge from a facultative lagoon. We have not had a discharge from this lagoon for at least the five years that Willamette Industries has been operating the plant. We have marked the items on the draft permit effluent limitations and monitoring requirements to delete nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, total residual chlorine, temperature and conductivity as effluent characterists to be monitored. We would like to delete these parameters due to the fact that there has not been a discharge from this outfall and because if there was discharge from this outfall these requirements would not be indicative of any real environmental impact to the Haw River. The Haw River is an enormous water body compared to the potential of the Moncure Division Face 2 facultative lagoon discharge flow. We request these changes with the intent that if we did have a discharge from this lagoon that the flow, BOD, total suspended residue and fecal coliform would be parameters that would characterize the discharge from this lagoon. We would like to delete the requirement to test up stream and down stream of the permitted outfall because sampling in the Haw River is a safety problem. Again, we would like to use the reasoning that the amount of water in the Haw River will greatly reduce the effect of any discharge from this lagoon. Also, we have not had a discharge from this lagoon in previous years and don't expect to have a discharge in the future. Please contact our office if you have any questions pertaining to this matter. Very truly yours, WILLAMETTE INDUSTRIES, INC. Jim Mullins Plant Manager Moncure Division JM/rk Enclosures xc: Allan Carter Jedd Lewis i A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - Final During the period beginning on the effect the permittee is authorized to the r a fve of the dis permit and lasting until expiratia Such discharges shall be limited and monitoredrom outfall serial number by the - 001. permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Kg/day (lbs/day) Monthly-Av.&N Weekly-Av$_ Flow BOD,5Day,200C Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Dissolved Oxygen (minimum) Temperature *Sample locations: Discharge iLimitations N_y_ -ce•-��� -�� _��- Other Units (Specify) Monthly_Avj_ Weekl 0.008 MGD 30.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l _Monitorin$_Re uirements Measurement Sample Sample* FrequencvTypo Location 45.0 mg/1 Weekly 2/Month 45.0 mg/1 2/Month 5.0 mg/1 2/Month Weekly Weekly Instantaneous I or E G r l'x E Grab E Grab E Grab E,U,D Grab. E, U, D E - Effluent, I - Influent, U - Upstream 100 feet, D - Downstream 1nn0 feet. If no discharge occurs throughout the month monitoring report that no discharge occurred. monitoring requirements apply. the permittee must indicate on the dischazgp If one or more discharges occur, the a -h^ Y� The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard and shall be monitored 2/Month at the effluent nor greater than 9.0 standard units " by grab sample. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace am ounts Permit No. NCO023442 A. ( ). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lastinguntil a Permit No. NC0023442 outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitob the permi eee s specified is authorized to discharge fr+o�n Y p as specified below; Effluent Characterlst1p. Flow BOD, 5 day, 200C Total Suspended Residue --NI 13-ass-fit-- Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Cendtje!Mty- 03—cAaw L.Im-1tation, Monthly Ave 0.008 MGD 30.0 mg/I 90.0 mg/I 200.0 /100 mi on or ne Req ments �(easurement D_y—May SOMD1 Freau_ enc_v nn'o,^■ Weekly Instantaneous I or E 45.0 mg/I 2/Month Grab E 135.0 mg/1 2/1VIonth Grab E _ Weekly ^__b 400.0 /100 ml 2/Month Grab E, U, D Daily Weekl• Weekly Grab G N * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, U - Upstream, D - Downstream ** The daily average dissolved oxygen effluent concentration shall not be less than 5.0 m The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored month sample. 2! at the effluent by g=nb There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amount s. SOC PRIORITY PROJECT: Yes If Yes, SOC No. To: Permits and Engineering Unit Water Quality Section a g, Attention: Charles Alvarez AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT NPDES PERMIT REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS T Date: September 27, 1993 County: Chatham Permit No. N00023442 SUPPORT URANPH PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION t to Facility Name and Current Address:Willame,'tte Industries P.O. Box 230 Moncure, NC 27559 2. Date of most recent NPDES Staff Report (attach copy): June 29, 1992 3. Changes since previous action on NPDES Permit:none 4. Verify Discharge Point(s) on plans with current NPDES Permit. List for all discharge points: Latitude:35036'30" Longitude: 79603'10'/ Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. U.S.G.S. Quad No. E22SE U.S.G.S. Quad Name Moncure 5. Treatment plant classification (attach completed rating sheet):Class I PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS see staff report 1. Please provide a description of proposed wastewater treatment. facilities: propose to repair weir by adding a staff gage and to add chlorination 2. Residuals handling and utilization/disposal scheme: none 3. Important SOC, JOC or Compliance Schedule dates, if applicable: (Please indicate)n/a PART III - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS At the last inspection, the RRO sampled the discharge from this facility. The fecal count was only 8.3/100ml. If this is representative, chlorination should not be required and may do more harm than good. The RRO has requested that the permittee sample twice more and to provide the results by October 22, 1993. The results of the analysis should be considered by the applicant before proceeding with this A to C. "7� � s / �yl%�flie Signa' re of report preparer Water Quality Reg'onal Supervisor Date