HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8040836_Current Permit_20191003ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director October 3, 2019 New Hanover County Airport Authority Attn: Julie Wilsey, Director 1740 Airport Boulevard, Suite 12 Wilmington, NC 28405 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Subject: Permit Renewal State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 040836 Wilmington International Airport Stormwater Master Plan Permit New Hanover County Dear Ms. Wilsey: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete 8 year Stormwater Management Permit Renewal Application for Wilmington International Airport Stormwater Master Plan Permit on September 25, 2019. The Division is hereby notifying you that permit SW8 040836 has been renewed on October 3, 2019, and shall be effective until November 24, 2026. For your records, please find enclosed a renewed, updated, and re -issued permit and a copy of the renewal application. Please keep this permit on file at all times. Please note that the renewed, updated, and re -issued permit does not impose new or different terms; it merely restates some of the previous terms to provide you with a better understanding of your obligations under the permit. The renewal and reissuance of this stormwater permit does not imply that the site is currently in compliance with the terms and conditions of this state stormwater permit. The plans originally approved on November 19, 2004 and subsequently modified on December 19, 2008, July 12, 2010, August 22, 2011, March 13, 2012, July 23, 2012, August 6, 2012, October 4, 2012, June 11, 2014, and January 4, 2016, will remain in full force and effect in accordance with the regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 effective September 1, 1995. This permit is subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the conditions listed in this permit regarding the Operation and Maintenance of the BMP(s), recordation of deed restrictions, procedures for changes of ownership, transferring the permit, and renewing the permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system, to record deed restrictions, to transfer the permit, or to renew the permit, will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing by filing a written petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH). The written petition must conform to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and must be filed with the OAH within thirty (30) days of receipt of this permit. You should contact the OAH with all questions regarding the filing fee (if a filing fee is required) and/or the details of the filing process at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714, or via telephone at 919-431-3000, or visit their website at www.NCOAH.com. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, need additional copies of the permit or approved plans, please contact Garrett Zorda at (910) 796-7215 or via email at garrett.zorda@ncdenr.gov. Sine rely, Danny Smith, Interim Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources GDS/gdz: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\2004\040836 HD\2019 10 permit 040836 cc: Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources c DO E Wilmington Regional Office 1 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Now CAR 910.796.7215 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 040836 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES STATE STORMINATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT OVERALL LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT WITH ENGINEERED CONTROLS FOR POCKETS OF HIGH DENSITY In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO New Hanover County Airport Authority Wilmington International Airport Stormwater Master Plan 1740 Airport Blvd., Wilmington, New Hanover County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of an overall low density project with dry detention ponds and grassed swales for treatment of the pockets of high density, as determined by the Division, in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (the "Division" or "DEMLR") and considered an enforceable part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 24, 2026, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is for the Master Plan of development and is effective only with respect as to how the stormwater from the Airport property will be treated prior to discharge into surface waters, as described in the application and other supporting data. 2. The proposed method of treatment for the designated pockets of high density is extended dry detention basins with grassed swales to provide a minimum of 85% TSS removal. 3. Specific stormwater control measures will be permitted on a case by case basis. Design criteria for the proposed controls must be from the most recent version of the stormwater rules. A permit application or permit modification must be submitted and approved prior to development of any additional built -upon area within the 1620.8-acre airport property. 4. In order to maintain overall low density, the 1620.8-acre airport tract will be limited to no more than 486.2 acres of built -upon area. Currently, there are 303.858 acres of existing built -upon area, leaving 182.342 acres available for future development. Development of projects within those areas determined to be high density, or development which creates a pocket of high density, as determined by the Division, must provide dry detention basins in combination with grassed swales in accordance with the design criteria contained in the latest version of the stormwater rules. At the point where the overall built -upon area exceeds the limit of 486.2 acres, engineered controls will be required for all development that has taken place to date. 5. The engineering report received on October 26, 2004, and the modified plan sheet #2 prepared by Talbert & Bright and received on November 8, 2004, delineates the existing high Page 1 of 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 040836 density pockets. All new built -upon area or redeveloped built -upon area within these pockets must be treated with an extended dry detention basin and grassed swale. Maintenance activities such as the repair or overlayment of runways are not redevelopment activities. The Division shall determine which proposed activities are considered maintenance and which are redevelopment, high density and low density. 6. The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted future drainage areas of the designated pockets of high density within this project must be directed into the future permitted stormwater control systems. 7. There are no restrictions on the type of stormwater system that can be used at this project. However, the shallow water table prohibits the use of infiltration basins or trenches, and the FAA prohibits the use of engineered methods that create a permanent pool of water. 8. If new impervious areas are proposed, which are located adjacent to or in the same area as the delineated pre-1988 impervious areas, and which result in the creation of a pocket of high density as determined by the Division, then all of the runoff within that pocket of high density must be treated in a dry detention basin system unless the runoff from the pre-1988 area can be separated from the new area. If new built -upon area is proposed adjacent to or in the same area as existing post-1988 built -upon area, and which result in the creation of a pocket of high density, then all of the runoff within that pocket must be treated in a dry detention basin system. 9. All low flow channels in the dry detention basins must be stabilized with rip rap. Concrete channels are not allowed. 10. The bottom of any proposed extended dry detention basin must be at least 1' above the seasonal high water table. All due diligence must be exercised to find a suitable site that meets this requirement. If not, the system will not draw down as intended and may result in a permanent pool of water, contrary to FAA requirements. 11. The FAA has recommended that the plunge pool at the outlet structure of the dry detention basin be eliminated. This will increase the potential for clogging of the orifice, and will require a more frequent inspection schedule. 12. Projects submitted for approval under the low density option must demonstrate compliance with the low density criteria described in the latest version of the stormwater rules. Projects that have clustered built -upon area, collection systems, or which do not provide for sheet flow across at least 30' of grassed area will be considered high density. II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE Once approved, the permitted stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built - upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. Access to the stormwater facilities for the purposes of inspection by DEQ personnel and maintenance by airport personnel shall be maintained at all times. 4. The facilities shall be constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and the supporting documents attached to this permit and on file with the Division. 5. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system (dry detention basin and grassed swales) functions at the design condition. The Operation and Maintenance Plan must address the following items: a. Monthly inspections. More frequent inspection will be required if there is construction activity within the drainage area of the basin. b. Sediment removal. Page 2 of 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 040836 C. Mowing and revegetation of slopes. Woody vegetation must be removed. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of basin, outlet structure, orifice device, catch basins, piping and swales. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 6. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DEMLR. The records will indicate the date, the condition of the facility, any problems, the name of person performing the work and what preventative or corrective actions were taken. 7. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of the permitted future facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying thafthe permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. B. If the future stormwater system is used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 9. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved stormwater plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc., that has an impact on the permitted stormwater facility. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 10. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for all future development areas, to the Division prior to construction. 11. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 12. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writino to the Director that the changes have been made. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. The permittee shall submit a completed and signed "Permit Transfer Application Form" (available on the Division website) accompanied by the required fee and supporting documentation as listed on the form, to the Division at least 60 days prior to any one or more of the following events: a. The sale or conveyance of the project area in whole or in part, except in the case of an individual lot sale this is made subject to the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants; b. Dissolution of the partnership, corporate, or LLC entity, subject to NCGS 55-14-05 or NCGS 57D-6-07 and 08; Page 3 of 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 040836 C. Bankruptcy; d. Foreclosure, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2013-121; 2. Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of this stormwater management permit or the requirements of the Stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21. 3. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request. Neither the sale of the project, in whole or in part, nor the conveyance of common area to a third party constitutes an approved transfer of the stormwater permit. 4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction_ 5. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 6. The permittee grants DEQ Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. DEQ staff shall identify themselves and the permittee shall provide an escort, as required by FAA requirements. 7. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until the permittee files a request with the Division for a permit modification, transfer, renewal, or rescission; however, these actions do not stay any permit conditions. 8. Unless specified elsewhere on the plans, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater controls will follow the FAA Standard Specification for seeding, mulching and erosion control where they do not conflict with the intent of the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 9. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 10. Current Permittee Name or Address Changes: The permittee shall submit a completed "Permit Information Update Application Form" (available on the Division website) to the Division within 30 days to making any one or more of the following changes: a. A name change of the current permittee; b. A name change of the project; c. A mailing address change of the permittee; 11. A permit renewal request must be submitted at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. The renewal request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee as outlined in Title 15A NCAC 02H.1045(3). Permit updated, renewed and reissued this the 3ro day of October 2019 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Danny Smith, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 4 of 4 P, DEMLR USE ONLY Date sceiv d Fee Paid Permit Number ' NC DEQ Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources STATE STORMWATER: PERMIT RENEWAL APPLICATION FORM In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H.1045(3), the current permit holder shall renew their high density permit 180 days prior to its expiration. Renewed permits are valid for a period of 8 years per Session Law 2011-398 (SB 781) Section 60.(c). This application form is for permit renewals only. A. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. State Stormwater Permit Number: SW8 040836 2. Project name: Wilmington International Airport Stormwater Master Plan Permit 3. Project street address: 1740 Airport Boulevard, Suite 12 City: Wilmington County: New Hanover ZIP: 28405 4. What, if any, changes have been made to the project as permitted? No chancepermit basis: Overall low density with high density pockets, SW management using swales and dry detention If the project has changed from the original approved plans, please complete SWU-101 fora Major Modification or Minor Modification Application form available at. hfps://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy- m ineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land-rules/stormwater-prop ram/post-construction. B. PERMITTEE INFORMATION if changes to the permittee or project name have been made, please complete either the Permit Update form or the Permit Transfer form available at: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land- resources/energy-mineral-land-rules/stormwater-program/post-construction. State Stormwater Permits do not automatically transfer with the sale of the property. 1. Current Permit Holder's Company Name/Organization: New Hanover County Airport Authority 2. Signing Official's Name: Julie Wilsey 3. Signing Official's Title: Airport Diretor SEP 2 S 2019 4. Mailing Address: 1740 Airport Boulevard, Suite 12 BY' City: Wilmington State: NC ZIP: 28405 5. StreetAddress: same Citv: State: ZIP: 6. Phone: 910 341-4333 Email: iwilsey(a)_fiyilm.com WI-ruir`valf3r, i'errr:i Fiuir 'i c6 33 s'uuc : 1 i . 2C 1 F C. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Submit the application package to the appropriate DEMLR Regional Office (Coastal, SA Waters) or DEMLR Central Office (Urbanizing Areas Ph 2, USMP, Non -Coastal HQW/ORW). Only applications packages that include all required items listed below will be accepted and reviewed. Initial each item below to indicate that the required information is provided in the application package: 1. A permit application processing fee of $505.00 payable to NCDEQ. 2. One original signed hard copy and one electronic copy of this completed form. The signing official N 4. named on this application to represent the current permittee must meet one of the following: a. Corporation — a principle executive officer of at least the level of vice-president; b. Limited Liability Company (LLC) — a manager or company official as those terms are defined in G.S. 57D "North Carolina Limited Liability Company Act;" c. Public Entity — a principal executive officer, ranking official, or other duly authorized employee; d. Partnership or limited partnership — the general partner; e. Sole proprietor; or f. Letter of authorization signed by one of the signatories noted in a - e above authorizing the signature of another entity. One hard copy and one electronic copy of recorded documents required by the original permit that have not yet been received by DEMLR, including: deed restrictions, protective covenants, condominium/planned community declaration and easements. If the project has been built, include documentation that the maximum BUA per lot or maximum total BUA has not been exceeded. If the project has not been built, include a signed agreement that the final recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants will be submitted at a later date. O&M Agreements, Please select one: ® I have a copy of the current recorded O&M Agreement for all SCMs, and I will continue to keep this on file with the permit; or ❑ I do not have a copy of the current recorded O&M Agreement for all SCMs and am requesting a copy be sent to me. I agree to keep this on file with the permit. Designer Certifications, Please select one: ® A copy of the certification(s) confirming that the project was built in accordance with the approved plans have been previously provided to the Division; or ❑ A copy of the certification(s) confirming that the project was built in accordance with the approved plans are enclosed; or ❑ The project has not yet been built. 6. [IF APPLICABLE] If the project has been built, one original hard copy and one electronic copy of a signed, sealed, and dated letter from a licensed professional stating that the SCMs have been inspected, and that they have been built and maintained in accordance with the permit. 7. [IF APPLICABLE] When the permittee is a corporation or a limited liability corporation (LLC): Provide one hard copy and one electronic copy of documentation from the NC Secretary of State, or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Section C.2 per 15A NCAC 2H. 1043(3)(b). https://www.sosnc.gov/online services/search/by title/ Business Registration ECI ., .,: SEP 2 5 2019 i 13�'.— iYG iE s'P' jFf'ii:Ti 3r`-El` �i LT�;r!i{'.C3i+li? iiiTi1 t�`z� 1•!s'^iy i �, 7C.. r D. PERM ITTEE'S CERTIFICATION I, J a] A,lj, the person legally responsible for the permit, certify that I have a copy of the Permit and O&JA Agreement on site (or I will obtain a copy and it will be kept on site), that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures, and the site has been and will be maintained according to the O&M Agreement and approved plans. I agree to notify DEMLR of any problems with the SCMs or built -upon area and to submit the proper forms to modify or transfer the permit prior to any changes to the project, SCMs r ownership. All information provided on this permit renewal application is, to the best of my knowledge, r ct nd cR�l Signature: Date: W91I I, , Kose M. Ndvf-L Ca.,c that LVI S a Notary Public for the State of County of )v&A-) I M0 V41— , do hereby certify day of 17)e- `f r�-►e-e- , instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, z `PC��ICeaf) z 1k, ` My commission expires personally appeared before me 20-Lq--, and acknowledge the due r SEP 2 5 2019 St{ nn-, alor P`,3if11 t Renewal �,p plicaii. �"orrr. Page 3 cf 3 ;�;;;�y 1' ' 1 i, Permit No. (To be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM EXTENDED DRY DETENULON BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A comp ete stonnwater rnanaagement plan submittal includes a dry detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, plans and specification showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. I. PROJECT INFORMATION (Please complete the following information): Project Name: W I LM IrJ47b M /, "4VVVL PL41�3 E Contact Person: ZRI c. sw3O�1S WILSNN Phone Number: �& S-a5 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this w� orrksheet applies. to: 0 ttj Design Storm: (Please mark one) 01 yr, 24 hr storm L�f 1" storm A)°' I (6-A D$:0 Drainage Area: 32-f AC- 9qw"4eet Required Volume: 11,3(o 14G• Fr Gwgefeet A& a Built -upon Area: SHWT elevation: FMSL Basin Dimensions: ,a w F cLow G' "r JCL f N llE-7— 'j,D Bottom Elevation: ;�'1 10 feet, MSL Area: /OOa ft long x —/& _ft wide = % 6/ b 00 ft2 Storage Elevation: 12-2 feet, MSL Area: l7-oo ft long x 5-60s ft wide= 59B 890` ft2 Detention Volume Provided: i , (o � Sediment Storage Provided: 3 , oubie•feet (Equivalent to 20% of the detention volume) Sediment Storage Elevation: C b 4 7 FMS Drawdown Orifice: 3— .5 �f � t�2t A F f O'-6 !N 7, t� (Please andacate size and type of orifice) Required Additional $MP to achieve a total of 85% TSS (check one): & Grassed swale -OVegetated Filter ❑ Other piLt,�! 5YZC nr(- 4CC-,o►.K J0L-cJA'l&b U,S r •-✓b- Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 1.01 Name.... P 20 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 2 SOLUTION SOUTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.00 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 8.00 ----- 7000 7000 .054 .054 9.00 ----- 16000 33583 .257 .311 10.00 ----- 116170 175283 1.341 1.652 10.70 ----- 304037 608143 3.258 4.909 10.80 ----- 330780 951944 .728 5.638 11.00 ----- 382445 1068901 1.636 7.274 12.00 ----- 591733 1449894 11.095 18.369 13.00 -- -- 627496 1828581 13.993 32.36 L�(7F� -1 14.00 ----- 649276 1915065 14.655 47.016 15:00 ----- 671114 1980495 15.155 62.172 16.00 ----- 693012 2046101 15.657 77.829 17.00 ----- 714967 2111883 16.161 93.990 18.00 ----- 736982 2177840 16.665 110.655 19.00 ----- 759054 2243973 17.172 127.827 20.00 ----- 781186. 2310281 17.679 145.505 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq_rt.(Area1*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 6-c .. - -C) e"vJr(ov-.) am , -i No. 7 5ei)I Aot C-Nr kj-t-o.�j Pajc. . S/N- C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 17:10:09 Date: 08-23-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 1.01 Name.... P 20 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 2 SOLUTION SOUTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 7.00 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 .8.00 ----- 7000 7000 .054 .054 9.00 ----- 16000 33583 .257 .311 10.00 ----- 28000 65166 .499 .809 10.70 ----- 40000 101466 .544 1.353 10.80 ---- 330780 485807 .372 1.724 11.00 ----- 382445 1068901 1.636 3.360 12.00 ----- 591733 1449894 11.095 14.455D 13.00 ----- 627496 1828581 13.993 28.448 14.00 ----- 649276 1915065 14.655 43.103 15.00 ----- 671114 1980495 15.155 58.258 16.00 ----- 693012 2046101 15.657 73.915 17.00 ----- 714967 2111883 16.161 90.076 18.00 ----- 736982 2177840 16.665 106.742 19.00 ----- 759054 2243973 17.172 123.913 20.00 ----- 781186 2310281 17.679 141.592 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt_(Areal*Areal)) where: ELL EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 )X D ( ) -- N [ AL5 ti �-j a , 1 vo 1. �,� . 12,C--fN) j C2;�) (.-* /L- S 4--V L ^1 Q-T- . A= S-7-9 roc. � ��56`� �✓- (, 007)(w) +.05� V0L_ _ ,&3s q 32 � 17►3� A-C,Fr X ZOYo = 3,`f7A4c.- FT %,17' Ac•Fr L C-- 33.�7 SIN: C21705506AB7 Talbot & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 17:09:08 sue, L,4v0 1000 Date: 08-23-2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... PR 20 Page 6.12 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 2 SOLUTION SOUTH.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type = Orifice -Circular # of Openings = 3 Invert Elev. = 7.00 ft Diameter = .4375 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .632 Structure ID Structure Type = Culvert -Circular No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2:flOW ft Upstream Invert = 15.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 14.70 ft Horiz. Length = 100.00 ft Barrel Length = 100.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00300 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0150 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .016523 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET -CONTROL DATA.. Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0078 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .02920 Inlet Control Y = .7400 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.134 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.206 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 17:27 ft ---> Flow = 15.55 cfs At T2 Elev = 17.41 ft ---> Flow = 17.77 cfs S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 14:47:22 Date: 08-20-2004 Permit No. (To be provided by DW(2 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality ST.ORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM EXTENDED DRY DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. DWO Stormwater M a ement Plan Review: A complete stormwater management pan submittal includes.a dry detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, plans and specification showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. I, PROJECT INFORMATION (Please complete the following information): p Project Name: Wi"L4(J47'4J /,�7-NAri'70�vf}t. /4�Q,�6tr Smamui, Contact Person: ERi C W 7V �PK Phone Number: `7&a sa S For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies. to: r- U O (A) Design Storm: (Pl��eaIs//ee ymark one) 01 yr, 24 hr storm " storm /`�o • Z • C�DD g2� Drainage Area.: l - Required Volume: Built -upon Area: 60 -0 69�" SHWT elevation: / a FMSL Basin Dimensions: 1®1A1 f-t oW e k4V1J i 1AJV Zo , 5 Bottom Elevation: `(, S feet, MSL Area: i00 D ft long x / D : ft wide = © 000 ft2 Storage Elevation: 'L3, feet, MSL Area:? o ft long x ! gO ft wide=l 79v ft2 Detention Volume Provided: Slog A-C- � i}cFt' Sediment Storage Provided: eubieeet (Equivalent to 20% of the detention volume) Sediment Storage Elevation: 22 FMSL Drawdown Orifice: ' S /$ VOL-61 N✓ 2p' �c (Please indicate size and type of orifice) Required Additional 4W to achieve a total of 85% TSS (check one): 96rassed swale Vegetated Filter ❑ Other /l/b�'�� •a��2r�c� S< z�r✓c:� /�-c c.�,�-t Pc.rd/f�� vs� �G- ������- Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... P 30 Page 1.01 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 20 SOLUTION NORTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.50 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 21.50 ----- 10000 10000 .077 .077 22.00 ----- 77900 115811 .443 .520 22.20 ----- 134795 315167 .482 1.002 22.30 ----- 163242 446375 .342 1.344 22.40 ----- 191690 5318.27 .407 1.751 22.50 ----- 220137 617249 .472 2.223 23.00 ----- 372566 879087 3.364 5.586 4c — 24.00 ----- 478131 1272758 9.740 15.326 25.00 26.00 ----- 501649 ----- 525371 1469529 1540393 11.245 11.788 26.571 38.359 (6-b 27.00 ----- 549292 1611861 12.334 50.693 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Area1*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 Fuu' VOLOKf ('81Et:64L.0 $Mf K0 STOL4vc "KWO o� E "'K TKO M D (-I . D -)-1700 SAS W No, cirri. r2l" eO7 � t «,,,5506„U, IaLberL « o� igii� PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 09:54:46 Date: 08-20-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 1.01 Name.... P 30 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 20 SOLUTION NORTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.50 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 21.50 ----- 10000 10000 .077 .077 22.00 ----- 14000 35832 .137 .214 22.20 ----- 16000 44967 .069 .282 22.30 ----- 17000 49492 .038 .320 22,40 "'n2.50 ----- 18000 52493 .040 .360 ----- 220137 301085 .230 .591 23.00 ----- 372566 879087 3.364 3.954 <' 24.00 ----- 478131 1272758 9.740 13.694 25.00 ----- 501649 1469529 11.245 24.939 26.00 ----- 525371 1540393 11.788 36.727 27.00 ----- 549292 1611861 12.334 49.061 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 +'sq.rt.(Areal*Areal)) where: tL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume T = Increemental volume between EL1 and EL2 St SBCo �qSq At, - Pr (0011/0 E vAP Vr aas R.► n��) ('1610)+ .10 S S9n 'r fJot.; 1 -21 .9 �/, S/N: C21705506AB7 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 09:58:40 Date: 08-20-2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... PR 30 Page 6.04 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 20 SOLUTION NORTH.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA ,i cture ID Structure Type = Orifice -Circular # of Openings = 2 Invert Elev. = 20.50 ft Diameter = .4271 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .632 Structure ID Structure Type = Culvert -Circular No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 23.20 ft Dnstream Invert = 22.50 ft Horiz. Length = 30.00 ft Barrel Length = 30.01 ft Barrel Slope = .02333 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0150 Ke = .2000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .012271 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0078 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .02920 Inlet Control Y = .7400 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.124 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.196 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 26.01 ft ---> Flow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 26.19 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 16:32:51 Date: 08-23-2004 Permit No. (To be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STOR.MWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM EXTENDED DRY DETENTION BASIN S JPPLErAENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a dry detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, plans and specification showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. I. PROJECT INFORMATION (Please complete the following information): u Project Name: W 11-M (AJ471N /M i�YZ�t}�?pN /�t,2Pa T- 5Tba f1tj1Atr L j-I*CTp1L PL +J ZML1E WILSE Contact Person:_ fAl C, SW„ 4 00H Phone Number: � ��3 5 3 S For J ro'ects with multi le basins i +ls3r P p ,specify which basin this worksheet applies. to: �l s712,t i3cJ7Z� c'.orJ ct'hi Design Storm: (Please mark one) 01 yr, 24 hr storm " storm l'{ kc- Drainage Area: —SS.., I I - sq'eet Built -upon Area: GS 10 s Required Volume: 1►7 t ", FT- eOtbie- t SHWT elevation: (`Z FMSL Basin Dimensions: a `"� F `'n t4 Cft'4-NV62- //Jv, 2,010 T Bottom Elevation: . 0 feet, MSL Area: 2?U ftlong x --JD ftwide=__Zy0J ft2 Storage Elevation: Z3.3 feet, MSL Area: 930 ft long x *7 d ft wide= to - p ft2 Detention Volume Provided: (, 7 L{ Af- ' F - e 4e c - Sediment Storage Provided: 01 3S •Fr(Equivalent to 20% of the detention volume) Sediment Storage Elevation: i0 FMSL Drawdown Orifice: `! �� 3/� t /{� Lt= (Pleaseid ate size and type of orifice) Required Additional $VIP to achieve a total of 85% TSS (check one): 96rassed swale -OVegetated Filter ❑ Other o 12cFr&6 4--C-c.a,k Pt.< JkeCs�✓a- 12- &y6AVo t d- r66,/7? AJ&- , S e' A/JC-d-t- �<leN D Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... PR 20 Page 6.03 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = Structure Type = Orifice- ular ------------------------------.� # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. 20.00 ft Diameter = .2708 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .632 Structure ID Structure Type = Weir -Rectangular ------------- # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 26.60 ft Weir Length = 18.00 ft Weir Table File: WEIR TAB.WCT Weir Table ID: Weir C 10 WEIR COEFFICIENT TABLE Depth, ft Weir C .20 2.6900 .40 2.7200 .60 2.7500 .80 2.8500 1.00 2.9800 1.20 3.0800 1.40 3.2000 1.60 3.2800 1.80 3.3100 3.00 3.3200 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) 'p ( Sie2 l &Ifv SIN: C2170550GA87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 10:55:34 Date: 08-09-2004 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed Storm: 1" Eq File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW Storm... TypeIII 24hr Tag: 1" Eq NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storer File,ID = NHC.RNQ NHC Storm Tag Name = 1" EgtS7�t� --- - --- -------------------------------- Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeIII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 1.7700 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft AREA D1 AREA ------- .712 -- --------- 12.3000 -------- --------- 6.12 AREA D2 AREA .313 12.2000 2.96 AREA D3 AREA .108 12.3000 .91 AREA D4 AREA 243 12.1500 2.54 AREA D5 AREA 373 12.2000 3.59 Outfall OUT 10 JCT 1.748 17.3500 .49 P 10 IN POND 1.748 12.2500 15.53 P 10 OUT POND 1.748 17.3500 .49 22.98 I c- - r — 9ES v Q j41- 1=-,� sk,� 1,?,7 It2 �- K 0- RAl k4f&. e11 UI -�`-� ► t I sTti4-" (LvtiorF FZ5-" �J = .009 (1) t , vS 1^ Ca S pro t Perw ovs 0, 63 S 7. e t'c't Ax+e W4 ti `�8 �n-S oK, SIN: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 10:55:34 Date: 08-09-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... P 10 Page 5.01 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 21.00 ----- 2800 2800 .021 .021 22.00 ----- 6000 12899 .099 .120 22.10 ----- 45278 67760 .052 .172 23.00 ----- 62258 160630 1.106 1.278 24.00 ----- 71922 201096 1.539 2.817 25.00 ----- 78379 225382 1.725 4.542 26.00 ----- 84934 244904 1.874 6.416 ,p(� 27.00 ----- 91430 264486 2.024 8.440 28.00 ----- 97969 284042 2.174 10.613 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Areal)) where: EL1, EL2 . = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 V O L vvA e '?—C)u cet� ZLII- SIN: C2170550GA87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 10:55:34 Date: 08-09-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 1.01 Name.... P 10 (5.o1 A) File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 21.00 ----- 2800 2800 .021 .021 22.00 ----- 45278 59338 .454 .475 23.00 ----- 62258 160630 1.229 1.705 24.00 ----- 71922 201096 1.539 3.244 25.00 ----- 78379 225382 1.725 4.968 26.00 ----- 84934 244904 1.874 6.842 27.00 ----- 91430 264486 2.024 8.866 28.00 ----- 97969 284042 2.174 11.040 r POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Area1*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 1,705 1.7,18 -= O. V27A-a-Fr 23 .a) > • 39-4C • FF S/N: C2170550GA87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (32 5 ) Compute Time: 11:19:02 Date: 08-09-2004 Permit No. (To be provided by DWO II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, November, 1995) and Administrative Section 15A NCAC 2H.1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. if the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the ;agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach written justification. Please initial in the blinks prior to each requirement. a. The basin captures the runoff from the 1 year, 24 hour storm and releases it over a period of 48 / hours b OR the basin captures the runoff from the 1 inch storm and allows it to draw down over a period of 2-5 days. mac. The minimum flow length ratio is 3:1, L:W. ✓d. Basin sideslopes are no steeper than 3:1. Poll, e. A small permanent pool has been provided at the outlet to reduce clogging. w 1ffi A.! 1019�7- s r�vGN� --.,"f. Cleanout access has been provided, sufficient for heavy equipment. -g.' A.drain has been provided which will completely empty the basin for cleanout. h. Sufficient volume has been provided for any local government peak flow requirements. Ai. If the basin was used during construction as a sediment basin or trap, it must be cleaned out to design spppifications prior to operation as a dry detention basin. j. A vegetation plan has- been prepared by a N.C. licensed professional. Consideration must be given to tl p grasses specified due to the frequent inundation. ✓k. The basir6nust be stabilized within 14 days of construction. 1. The design provides for the sediment storage in addition to the detention volume that is equal to 20% of the detention volume. m. Inlet and outlet channels have been protected from scour during high flows from large storms. _n. In areas of easily erodiblo soils, an additional plunge pool at the inlet has been provided, or riprap is used as 'an energy dissipator. o. A forebay,to capture sediment is recommended to make cleanout easier. p. The basin;is located in uncompacted natural soils. q. The seasdal high water table is located at least 1 foot below the bottom of the extended dry / detention Basin. r. An additi ' nal BMP (such as swale r vegetated filter) has been designed to operate in conjuncti& with this dry deterttiex-casm to meet the required minimum 85% TSS removal. Permit No. (To be provided by DWo III. EXTENDED DRY DETENTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT j The extended dry detention system is defined as the dry detention basin, forebay, and the required additional BMP. This system (check oke) ❑ does ❑ does not incorporate a vegetated filter. This system check one) ❑ does ❑ does not incorporate non-integrated pretreatment. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. All grassed areas of the basin shall be mowed at least twice annually, more frequently as needed. 2. Debris must be removed from the basin, outlet and orifice whenever it accumulates or at least twice annually. 3. Annually- inspect the basin after a rain event to ensure it is functioning properly. 4. Repair any erosjon of the side slopes and around the inlets and outlet immediately. T; 5. Accumulated sgdiment shall removed if it has reduced the available volume to 75% of the original depth. , X 6. The emergencyspillway shall be kept in good working order. 7. Woody vegetatipn shall be removed from the banks. 8. Any areas of the system found to be deficient shall be repaired or replaced to design standards. 9. Written records of the inspections and maintenance activities shall be kept on file. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the above maintenance procedures for the dry detention basin. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or changes in the name of the project, responsible party, or address. Print name:- :i Title: Address: Phone: Fax: Signature: Date: a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this the day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing dry detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL Signature I My Commission expics i Permit No. (To be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM EXTENDED DRY DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management an submittal includes a dry detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, plans and specification showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. M4VK POW JOLIC WILSEY 3tf1-'f333 Contact Person: {j2I L Tv ,,4 i0H Phone Number:_:I &3 5 as 0 Msaq For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies. to: C tiJ Design Storm: (Please mark one) ❑ 1 yr, 24 hr storm �f 1" storm tea' 1�A J>1. t Drainage Area: 32-Ac- sweet Required Volume: 41 3(O AG. Ff Gubie-feet I. PROJECT INFORMATION (Please complete the following information): Project Name: W tL-M (AJ47-bIJ /tit7EW-A*--7onr 4L Ap-r a �. Built -upon Area: & 5 % � SHWT elevation: 6o FMSL Basin Dimensions: r C-o w rL-o A3 0-0 Awlit-L, 1 N Vev T- q, 8 Bottom Elevation: 10 feet, MSL Area: /000 ft long x �(J ft wide = % �f a 0 Q ft2 Storage Elevation: Z, Z feet, MSL Area: d 2-oo ft long x 5-00 " ft wider--- !j9,9 f 9 ft2 Detention Volume Provided: 7 , U 10 Sediment Storage Provided: 3,10 meet (Equivalent to 20% of the detention volume) Sediment Storage Elevation: I b 0 FMSL 7a 3 Sl �f ✓ Drawdown Orifice: 1 "Di ��-� iN(Please indicate size and type of orifice) Required Additional $MP to achieve a total of 85% TSS (check one): l(Grassed swale -❑Vegetated Filter ❑ Other /216�'z10� f- �2a d) ars S 7 ZsY R°< ,¢ eels', i X i Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 1.01 Name.... P 20 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 2 SOLUTION SOUTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 7.00 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 8.00 ----- 7000 7000 .054 .054 9.00 ----- 16000 33583 .257 .311 10.00 ----- 116170 175283 1.341 1.652 10.70 ----- 304037 608143 3.258 4.909 10.80 ----- 330780 951944 .728 5.638 11.00 ----- 382445 1068901 1.636 7.274 12.00 ----- 591733 1449894 11.095 18.369 13.00 ----- 627496 1828581 13.993 32.36 p 14.00 ----- 649276 1915065 14.655 Lv 47.016 15:00 ----- 671114 1980495 15.155 62.172 16.00 ----- 693012 2046101 15.657 77.829 17.00 ----- 714967 2111883 16.161 93.990 18.00 ----- 736982 2177840 16.665 110.655 19.00 ----- 759054 2243973 17.172 127.827 20.00 ----- 781186. 2310281 17.679 145.505 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELi) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: ELi, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELi, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 F L L- P (2 0 (1- (� seDt -tA Ft-jr Pits. S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & "right PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 17:10:09 Date: 08-23-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... P 20 Page 1.01 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 2 SOLUTION SOUTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 7.00 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 .8.00 ----- 7000 7000 .054 .054 9.00 ----- 16000 33583 .257 .311 10.00 ----- 28000 65166 .499 .809 10.70 ----- 40000 101466 .544 1.353 10.80 ----- 330780 485807 .372 1.724 11.00 ----- 382445 1068901 1.636 3.360 12.00 ----- 591733 1449894 '11.095 14.455 �D g 13.00 ----- 627496 1828581 13.993 28.448 14.00 ----- 649276 1915065 14.655 43.103 15.00 ----- 671114 1980495 15.155 58.258 16.00 ----- 693012 2046101 15.657 73.915 17.00 ----- 714967 2111883 16.161 90.076 18.00 ----- 736982 2177840 16.665 106.742 19.00 ----- 759054 2243973 17.172 123.913 20.00 ----- 781186 2310281 17.679 141.592 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 x(2,1�e -1��r t�j Ass lam.! OJ a V0L'a t j r /L- St9LAt A c- V� (' 00 + '05 T, V - �35�� (32�4C-)= 17,3� �-F'r x o�O = S,'ft? FG- F% '7. 2? Ac. • Frt �3 .9���.�7��/•dK. S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 17:09:08 Date: 08-23-2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... PR 20 Page 6.12 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 2 SOLUTION SOUTH.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type = Orifice -Circular # of Openings = 3 Invert Elev. = 7.00 ft Diameter = .4375 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .632 Structure ID Structure Type = Culvert -Circular No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2:00( -ft Upstream Invert = 15.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 14.70 ft Horiz. Length = 100.00 ft Barrel Length 100.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00300 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... e5b Mannings n .0150 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .016523 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0078 Inlet Control M 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .02920 Inlet Control Y = .7400 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.134 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.206 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition, zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 17:27 ft ---> Flow = 15.55 cfs At T2 Elev = 17.41 ft ---> Flow = 17.77 cfs S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 14:47:22 Date: 08-20-2004 Permit No. (To be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM J. .EXTEENDED DRY DETEN T ION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. DWO Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management p an bmittal includes a dry detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, plans and specification showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. L PROJECT INFORMATION (Please complete the following information): Project Name: %tWit-t-4pJ471N /N?�Y�-N�`70Ngt/ �+2PaELT' 5mak(. Contact Person:_ ERI L siv KPH Phone Number. -7 H*VK GX /c�+vci Vr For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies. to: DETi a 1.1 g t.J Design Storm: (Please mark one) 01 yr, 24 hr storm " storm IVp • Z . (Cbb&2_) Drainage Area: I g w ` ! T en"�w�seet- Built -upon Area: &0 Yo P" (, Required Volume: , 0 S �c��eet SHWT elevation: l b FMSL Basin Dimensions: �.0� �-ovj C k4 0Ja, 10V 7-0 , S K Bottom Elevation: `i . s feet, MSL Area: /00 0 ft long x IL ft wide = D 0 a o f12 Storage Elevation: 'L3� feet; MSL Area: o ft long x ! YO ft wide='Yl Y,'790 ft2 Detention Volume Provided: S10 9 Sediment Storage Provided: ,GZ eubie-feet (Equivalent to 20% of the detention volume) Sediment Storage Elevation: 22 / FMSL Drawdown Orifice: `� � 51/?3tf /�✓ ���o Ko�S r (Please indicate size and type of orifice) Required Additional I M to achieve a total of 85% TSS (check one): t Efirassed swale Vegetated Filter ❑ Other N671F► yyrr�fL��'jGE SlZ rJ�f� c.c�•��-rPLtdFlco,�`�/ U.Sr .✓G—P/���.qy��/ Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... P 30 Page 1.01 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 20 SOLUTION NORTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.1n) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.50 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 21.50 ----- 10000 10000 .077 .077 22.00 ----- 77900 115811 .443 .520 22.20 ----- 134795 315167 .482 1.002 22.30 ----- 163242 446375 .342 1.344 22.40 ----- 191690 5318.27 .407 1.751 22.50 ----- 220137 617249 .472 2.223 23.00 ----- 372566 879087 3.364 5.586 <- 24.00 ----- 478131 1272758 9.740 15.326 25.00 26.00 ----- 501649 - --- 525371 1469529 1540393 11.245 11.788 26.571 38.359 %—b 27.00 ----- 549292 1611861 12.334 50.693 ll.. POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Areal)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 Fv4� VoUvA�e (lBeFisA-e CMl Ke" ST"Are "KWO d J) C X TIF" e�D b DCTOJ 700 SASW No, S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 09:54:46 Date: 08-20-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... P 30 Page 1.01 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 20 SOLUTION NORTH.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.50 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 21.50 ----- 10000 10000 .077 .077 22.00 ----- 14000 35832 .137 .214 22.20 ----- 16000 44967 .069 .282 22.30 ----- 17000 49492 .038 .320 22.40 ` n2.50 ----- 18000 52493 .040 .360 ----- 220137 301085 .230 .591 23.00 ----- 372566 879087 3.364 3.954 1<— 24.00 25.00 ----- 478131 ----- 501649 1272758 1469529 9.740 11.245 13.694 24.939� Q 2 26.00 ----- 525371 1540393 11.788 36.727 27.00 ----- 549292 1611861 12.334 49.061 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 +'sq.rt.(Areal*Areal)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 j' h Q.et�uab �OL"Jmc A- /44,�Xc. t' c wce N r 5T%O-A,,E Sr�'o AC' fT`` r► of l A( -,Pr 1 6 o of 0 l VA POLVI 00S C4a�+ " D S �4c) _ , o$ .r, 2x°(o b (PS Ac.Pr 5/N: C21705506A.87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 09:58:40 Date: 08-20-2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... PR 30 Page 6.04 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\AUGUST 20 SOLUTION NORTH.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA St,ri '"cture ID Structure Type = Orifice -Circular # of Openings = 2 Invert Elev. = 20.50 ft Diameter = .4271 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .632 Structure ID Structure Type = Culvert -Circular No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 23.20 ft Dnstream Invert = 22.50 ft Horiz. Length = 30.00 ft Barrel Length = 30.01 ft Barrel Slope = .02333 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA. Mannings n .0150 Ke = .2000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .012271 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0078 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .02920 Inlet Control Y = .7400 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.124 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.196 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 26.01 ft ---> Plow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 26.19 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 16:32:51 Date: 08-23-2004 Permit No. (To be provided by DWO State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM EXTENDED DRY DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original. D,WO Stormwater M a ement Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan su mittal includes a dry detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, plans and specification showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. I. PROJECT INFORMATION (Please complete the following information): Project Name: W ILM PJ4711M ?�YZN�j?ONI 5Tfl2Mt�J YL *$•fi 1 p U4+J Contact Person: ?��I � � 3 � - `f 333 ZRI C- s v", PH Phone Number: % - S 3 S 0 For projects with multiple basins 6A-61 P �t Ai Pr J p ,specify which basin this worksheet applies. to: Design Storm: (Please mark one) 01 yr, 24 hr storm " storm Drainage Area: 3S ,,`12 '-sweet Required Volume: eWbie-f t Basin Dimensions: L-o W F C-0 W Bottom Elevation: 0 feet, MSL Storage Elevation: 23 3 feet, MSL Built -upon Area: !o S _l4 square -feet SHWT elevation: (Z FMSL C#*Nae7— IAIV, ZQ , o Area: Z70 fi long x —J_ftwide = v J ft2 Area: 931) ft long x 7 a ft wide,--- C S /(A p ft2 Detention Volume Provided: 1,7 q xc-'rr �-- Sediment Storage Provided: or 3s -c eet (Equivalent to 20% of the detention volume) Sediment Storage Elevation: q/ 4,0 FMS Drawdown Orifice: (Please indicate size and type of orifice) Required Additional $MP to achieve a total of 85% TSS (check one): NJGReJrassed swale ❑Vegetated Filter O Other �v- '_ ���� tom- >��?,�U- sue-' �,✓oc,�c, ��E'n-A�)c, Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... PR 20 Page 6.03 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = Structure Type = Orifice- ular ----------------------- # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. 20.00 ft Diameter = .2708 ft Orifice Coeff. = 632 Structure ID Structure Type = Weir -Rectangular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 26.60 ft Weir Length = 18.00 ft Weir Table File: WEIR TAB.WCT Weir Table ID: Weir C 10 WEIR COEFFICIENT TABLE Depth, ft Weir C .20 2.6900 .40 2.7200 .60 2.7500 .80 2.8500 1.00 2.9800 1.20 3.0800 1.40 3.2000 1.60 3.2800 1.80 3.3100 3.00 3.3200 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) -D ( SrV2, l &I"v S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 10:55:34 Date: 08-09-2004 Type.... Executive Summary (Nodes) Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed Storm: 1" Eq File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW Storm... TypeIII 24hr Tag: 1" Eq NETWORK SUMMARY -- NODES (Trun.= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left & Rt) DEFAULT Design Storm Fiie,ID = NHC.RNQ NHC Storm Tag Name = 1" Eq tSiyt Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm SCSTYPES.RNF TypeIII 24hr Total Rainfall Depth= 1.7700 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID Type ac-ft Trun. hrs cfs ft AREA D1 AREA .712 - ---------- 12.3000 -------- --------- 6.12 AREA D2 AREA .313 12.2000 2.96 AREA D3 AREA .108 12.3000 .91 AREA D4 AREA .243 12.1500 2.54 AREA D5 AREA .373 12.2000 3.59 Outfall OUT 10 JCT 1.748 17.3500 .49 P 10 IN POND 1.748 12.2500 15.53 P 10 OUT POND 1.748 17.3500 .49 22.98 (,1 L 9 Inc • r f — (Lt'� U �.T►,►-��' 'Frt- . I ,7"1 �� 2`f - I-t� Rah . 6A UI tj _ Te I Sim R•vti�f'F fe'L (ZJ — .009 (T) + . 05 1^ Ca 5 af{o 1-4 PeYL0 qV% --� �� s 0, G 3 S' 0 -2,9 ?A-0- t f--r- ( e 1 FT- ; (0 . 00 R 2 7 A-S oK, S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 10:55:34 Date: 08-09-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... P 10 Page 5.01 File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) -------------------------------------_----------------------------------- (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.00 ----- 0 0 .000 .000 21.00 ----- 2800 2800 .021 .021 22.00 ----- 6000 12899 .099 .120 22.10 ----- 45278 67760 .052 .172 23.00 ----- 62258 160630 1.106 1.278 24.00 ----- 71922 201096 1.539 2.817 25:00 ----- 78379 225382 1.725 4.542 26.00 ----- 84934 244904 1.874 6.416 27.00 ----- 91430 264486 2.024 Q(�-yj46U 8.440 28.00 ----- 97969 284042 2.174 10.613 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Areal)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 V0L0,#Ae f-C'�)VC43b ZL( SebkAker. S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 10:55:34 Date: 08-09-2004 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Page 1.01 Name.... P 10 C55.o1 A) File.... J:\3301 (WILMINGTON)\0305 MASTER DRAINAGE PLAN\TERMINAL AREA DRY POND POSTB.PPW Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) (ac-ft) (ac-ft) 20.00 ----- 0 -------- -------------------------- 0 .000 .000 21.00 ----- 2800 2800 .021 .021 22.00 ----- 45278 59338 .454 .475 23.00 ----- 62258 160630 1.229 1.705 24.00 ----- 71922 201096 1.539 3.244 25.00 ----- 78379 225382 1.725 4.968 26.00 ----- 84934 244904 1.874 6.842 27.00 ----- 91430 264486 2.024 8.866 28.00 - - - - - 97969 284042 2.174 11.040 (�tlILO POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Areal)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 F-/ L-tr V o L J C)('L23.6) >•39-4C•1 = D.Zx 0-+C-p- S/N: C21705506A87 Talbert & Bright PondPack Ver: 7.0 (325) Compute Time: 11:19:02 Date: 08-09-2004 Permit No. (To be provided by DWQ) H. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, November, 1995) and Administrative Section 15A NCAC 2H.1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting . documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Peneit Application Form, the iagent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach written justification. Please initial in the blanks prior to each requirement. a. The basin'captures the runoff from the 1 year, 24 hour storm and releases it over a period of 48 hours ✓ b OR the ba§in captures the runoff from the 1 inch storm and allows it to draw down over a period of 2-5 days. mac. The minirum flow length ratio is 3:1, L: W. ✓d. Basin sideslopes are no steeper than 3:1. 1/0' e. A small permanent pool has been provided at the outlet to reduce clogging. s �I- -""'f Cleanout access has been provided, sufficient for heavy equipment. A.drain has been provided which will completely empty the basin for cleanout. h. Sufficient volume has been provided for any local governriaent peak flow requirements. If the basin was used during construction as a sediment basin or trap, it must be cleaned out to design sp�Cifications prior to operation as a dry detention basin. I. A vegetation plan has been prepared by a N.C. licensed professional. Consideration must be given to the grasses specified due to the frequent inundation. ✓k. The basil� inust be stabilized within 14 days of construction. �✓ I. The design provides for the sediment storage in addition to the detention volume that is equal to 20% of the detention volume. m. Inlet and outlet channels have been protected from scour during high flows from large stones. n. In areas of easily erodible, soils, an additional plunge pool at the inlet has been provided, or riprap is used as 'an energy dissipator. (J o. A forebay�,to capture sediment is recommended to make cleanout easier. V. The basinjs located in uncompacted natural soils. ✓ q. The seasofi'al high water table is located at least 1 foot below the bottom of the extended dry detention Basin. r. An additional BUT (such as �s�Dzeer vegetated filter) has been designed to operate in conjunctidh with this dry detsm to meet the required minimum 85% TOSS removal. Permit No. (To be provided by DWQ) ft III. EXTENDED DRY DETENTION OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT A The extended dry deter tion system is defined as the dry detention basin, forebay, and the required additional BUT. This system check ohe) ❑ does ❑ does not incorporate a vegetated filter. This system (check one) El does ❑ does not incorporate non-integrated pretreatment. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. All grassed areas of the basin shall be mowed at least twice annually, more frequently as needed 2. Debris must be removed from the basin, outlet and orifice whenever it accumulates or at least twice annually. 3. Annually- inspect the basin after a rain event to ensure it is functioning properly. 4. Repair any erosion of the side slopes and around the inlets and outlet immediately. T 5. Accumulated sediment shall removed if it has reduced the available volume to 75% of the original depth. 6. The emergency°spillway shall be kept in good working order. 7. Woody vegeta*n shall be removed from the banks. 8. Any areas of the system found to be deficient shall be repaired or replaced to design standards. 9. Written records of the inspections and maintenance activitics shall be kept on file. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that.I am responsible for the performance of the above maintenance procedures for the dry detention basin. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or changes in the name of the project, responsible party, or address. Print name: ., Title: Address: y�. Phone: Fax: Signature: Date: a Notary Public for the State of County of do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this the day of , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing dry detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL, Signature My Commission expiivs 771"� F'i''L!+3 i