HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlamance_Well Abandonment_20230706 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Fai Irlic'mil.Vq�ONLY: This fount can b&mdki single or niulflolewclls I.Well Coutruto r Information. WELL ARANDONNIENt DETAILS Brian Ewing 7a,Number of wells being abjndancd.. 4 9 VVelf6immior Nnnte(4t well 6-.mff %%&ali his"lier olapply) wvlls AYLY wah My smite 4240-B NC%VC11 CGV1rjC16rCCftirfaatiDl1M.111tv 7b.Approximate valume of wateir:remainini.,in will(NI t_(gal.) SAEDACCO Inc S FOR WATER. UPPIX WELLS ONLY: 7e.Type of disinfectant u:4ed- 2.Well Coustruction Permit#:, Wellwiftils(i.e.evardt"slaw"rohiHice.1jVerdfjlA"C?ftJ jfbiaLoo 7d.Amount of.disilifeetaut used:, 3.%11 usie:(check Well use): Water Supply Welk 7e.sq.1int M;I!cri.tls to"(Cheek A that apply): U,Neal CaticutGrout 0 Supply) -FlRcsidcntinI Water 150pplj-(,pinglo) E3 Sand Ccutent Gmut 13 Dry(lay Obdussirbl/Comwerdil 011mdentint Water$ljpp4-(shared) 13 brill.c.altings 13 Specially Grout b(kdvel Non-Heater Suplikywcu.. bd Bentortite sluny rJ 01ficr(exp lain under 7g) DMimitoring InjCCt1.0n well.:. X For each material selected above.,provide atuount of materials used: 13Aquifer Rcdiarge Rentedinti6n. E3Aqu*r Slomg;i alki Recovily EjSaluililV Bzirddr []Aii*kr Test. OSloenmater 0,rulpiage Bent.onite.�50 lbs per boringlb Wtr:.gal. LIV 7g.Prmi&a brief docription of.the abandninnetif proeWurei 06coEhernral(Closed Loop) OTracer 13Gcothennal dicati!WC BENTONITE FORCED TO THE BOTTOM WITH HYDRAULIC PRESSURE. �oljng Rem-m)-- Mthcr(explain under-70 4.Wtq well(q 3b;1nillopliccl: 5-13 6-6-2.3 a1---1 5aL Well location: 2023 - . . 0 L Eagle Mart raciltlyAlwwr Mum DIA-1 RPM 3767 Boy Wood Rd. Graham, NC .2 6/14/2623-7253 -Briart.9wt............. Physical Ad&c5s.-G1Ly,-3lld zip sfivifl lire or Cell irled 1Ve31 Cc 119=1(l I Z)F 411 0wrxr Dgic Alamance IiY X]Vfilq f/1iTfd1!H4 I her0hy COWA.--that the srell1s) wq'T prare)ahmirfolied in l"jilrel IdanOrkitint No.(PINi (xFohlaw-C wili,1. 4-.VCzf C 0'2yC;.0J00vr 2C.0200 Melt i0vusin?dion Sta"Mards and Wilda cop),ofildv record hos,biTaprinided to Ilrevi-ell onver. Sb;I atituft.jud J..0tuderin te.,gliloi 9.Site diagram or well details: Youtlw,use t&I back of this*0 6'pr6yW additional iv&site d&ails,'pi bell —%V abalidetiolent&CAL,You ttla5�ak6.11"MA i&tlol%a'I'pates if necessary. CONST'RUCTIONZET-AILS OF WELL. S'j BEING ABANDONED S1111NI"TAL ENSTRIICTIO�L5 llr1&ONLY wilt Aw wine pio cqu-4rbiml oiteleim. 10m For All Well-.: Submit this Airm xvitilin 30 44}�5 of completion of nVil Ga ibandotimc6t 6tW'rollow i kg,- Well E114-IP-1-49 DIV14-dan llf Waier Resources,lufortuation Pr0cessing Unit; 6b.Total well delilb: 25 1110 1.617 fvlail'Senice Cenmr,Kticioi,NC 2709-1617 lob.F SLr I'lilloo[wi yells: In addition to se[Aiq fliZ-16nll to the address in'[Cfa 11 6C.. ioreltole diameter,2.25 above.*alsu subsuft o'tte copy or this f0slumillifil'30-6ys ol�camptelion of well obAlidountew to tile.0101ying: Divislort of W�Ier Resources',Undergr4uud Injection Cointrol Pr6gram, 6d,Witer level belan-groundsurracc: (ft.) 1636.Mail-S 6 enicc nicir,Raleigh,KC.2.7.699-1636 . Inaddifiontoiscitdingthefo"1110 6e.Outer casing length(if limow n)-4 (ft.) A.1Is-thii.lddrass(6) also Atinft,on6 copy of this thirm within 30.days of completion of well abanduum.-rit to the comity licAli'depitanteid of the coinz, If I 6C Inner easi whcreabqiwloncd, Willi ing len n P " gtIl( mawn): 6g.Sawn leag(h(If knonn)i Porlia Gw-'Al Nanh Cirolina Depauji-lard of Ern aril Natural Resoti.Tes-Divisiall of Water Rcsoft=s Revised Augusl 2 1 013.