HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG070203_Renewal Issuance Notification Letter_20230630ROY COOPER
Interim Director
Doug Fouts
Old Castle Apg Inc DBA Adams
333 N Greene St, Suite 201
Greensboro, NC 274012265
Dear NPDES Permittee:
Environmental Quality
June 30, 2023
Subject: NPDES Industrial Stormwater General Permit Renewal
and Electronic Reporting
Adams - Charlotte/Reames Rd
COC No. NCG070203
Renewed 61112023
Mecklenburg County
N.C. DEMLR Stormwater Program has renewed the General Permit under which this facility is
covered. Our Program posted the draft General Permit for public comment during April 17-May 17,
2023. The new General Permit was issued on May 30th and became effective on June 1, 2023.
Certificates of Coverage (COCs) for permittees who did not owe fees were renewed automatically.
NCG210000 permittees should note, this means a new permit hasgone into effect sooner than the
original expiration date (July 31).
Please read the important information below about what to do:
Fees Owed: If your permit had outstanding fees last month, then your Certificate of
Coverage (COC) has not been renewed. It is crucial that you visit the Stormwater
ePayment website (deq.nc.gov/SW-ePayments) and pay your permit fees as soon as
possible so the Stormwater Program can renew your COC, and you can avoid enforcement
2. Review and Update Contact Information: Please review the permit contact information in
our database. You can link to a Stormwater Permit Contact Summary Report under the "How
to Update Permit Data" section of this website: deq.nc.gov/SW-industrial
3. New General Permit: Familiarize yourself with the new permit by entering
https://deq.nc.gov/SW into your web browser and selecting "NPDES Industrial Program"
and then "General Permits" on the lower right side of the screen. The renewed General
Permit went into effect on June 1, 2023, and you are responsible for complying with any
new permit requirements on that date.
4. Register for eDMR: Soon your facility must use the electronic Data Monitoring Report
(eDMR) system to report monitoring data. Please find the instructions on how to register
here: https:J/deq.nc.gov/SW-eDMR
E Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
_ 512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
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5. NCG210000: The renewed General Permit now contains quarterly monitoring, with no
additional parameters compared to the previous General Permit. Current permittees must
begin the new sampling in Quarter 3 2023 (July 1- September 30). Please visit our website
at (deq.nc.gov/SW-industrial) to view the new General Permit.
6. NCG050000, NCG070000, NCG110000, and NCG130000: The renewed General permit
now contains required standard analytical monitoring for all permittees. The permit
allows a 6-month grace period before the new analytical monitoring begins. Permittees
must begin analytical monitoring in Quarter 12024 (January 1- March 31). Please visit our
website at (deq.nc.gov/SW-industrial) to view the new General Permits.
7. Renewal COC: Permits with no outstanding fees were automatically renewed. You can find
updated guidance for permittees and obtain your new renewal COC from the NPDES
Industrial Stormwater website (deq.nc.gov/SW-industrial). You can also use this website to
request a copy of your Renewal COC: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/SW-00C-Renewal
If you have questions, please contact Brittany Cook, General Permits Coordinator at
brittany.cook@deq.nc.gov or Joyce Sanford, Stormwater Administrative Assistant at
Michael Lawyer, Stormwater Program Supervisor
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
cc: Laserfiche Permit File
D North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
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