HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03991_Well Construction - GW1_20230612 ALL ��I�� �7c ig� 20 (e3 -�S For L '�,. 1y� . 1.wen qbntr4etor Information: " I FROM i TO i Dr.SC'R?PTiG! �4'eliCoatractoriv�me j , `t. l��3 ft• � /%f�! i p i I C ! NC Well Contractor Ccrtitication Numbei Miler ilVeil ®riiiif^ig FRO.-NI I TO D?ANtFTR i T3TC+�FSS ATATFRTAi. 1' ft. ft. in. Sid 2 r; ?vC Company Name rl 1 s6:TN ER C.AS2"NG OR k a]NG eatit'e:--, rc16S&,loort 2.Well Construction Permit-: �dlrG���LV���•7 FROM TO l ..i mu: `R ! c I.c k�Fss I MATERIAL Al. List all applicable-4-alZ consomctlon penrits(i e.IiIC.County,State.Variance,etc..) ft• f:. m. in. 3.Well Use(check well use): I. Water Supply Well: l FRGYI TG I D.n�,?TEZ i K.O.SIc I T z.Cn\ SS OT:1TEr2IAL OAg icultunl ❑�4mticipal/Public R. I ft. to ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) .esidential Water Supoiv(single) I ft. 1 it- I in. j OIndustrial/Commercisl OResidectial Wat-r Supply(shared) ❑irr nation ❑Wells> 100,000 GPD FROM I TO Me,TF.RTAL I F.dt?t ACF.XTSR T F.M Or)S AdrJ'u"�T Non-Y.ater Supply Well: C'i j •�} I Y�!' lG 1 f y�c.ti 1 I ❑Monitoring ❑Recovciv 7 t't. I n} ft. r 1 ✓'! ?. r Injection Well; i ft• f° OAduifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Remeciiation ?9. tikv _ OAauifcr Storage and Recovery OSalirity Barrier sRvvt Tv I Yi�TERi+L ! sa,?„aC vT nt .avD OAquifer Test O Stormwater Drainage I ft. I ❑Experimental TechnologyOSubsidence Control I ft. OGeothermaI(Closed Loop) ❑Tracei !'; '+� fit"L��:t=tt^c 'a3di aariLees f recess.al -Rom -O I a=SCRt?T?OX lepton,e..:dacsa so.'Jrocn itoa_..ra a;ze,etc.! OGeothermal(HeatinglCooling Return) ❑Ocher(explain under Remarks) i 4.Date Well(s)Completed: - 7-:-.Z— Well mi; �e 1i f" f f• .(f'J n= Yf3C!v c cf 41 5a.Well Location: ?; ba, no, CL 162- �zt &rz:A DO f Facility/O/ . rName { FcilityID=(i:applic2blc) >z1 i�s_<� .` �.�8/i� /.11'n-ni;t• ��l �f,�''l��U 0���:i7 !i.G'/ •FJ�(�i��!11�.a.?r� I ft. I ~- � �.5 S�..�'4"v.a d•�r� I P ysic::l;Address,City,and Zip ft. I •t L L_ �V I tj i v 1 J County Parcel ldcntification No.(PIN) ° lfltCifl4»:{v 1 7fC '8Iryi�f�n2- • Sb.Latitude and loan trade is Ica eeslminutes/seconds or cieePmai decrees: (ifwcll field,one latflong/iis/suufr,cicm) 22 Ce t _•ficatla .JJJJ r' 6._s(are)the weli(s):.Of rmanent or �Tempor arti Si�atu a of Certified 41 e f.^.oatr2ctor Datc ,� ��sigrr�p f;�ia Torn:,l int;r nr rrrritj;ru;rir::rllrry+vas hrr•;:}:v,,rstrtrcrczi ir.accvrd mca, 7.Is this a repair to an eysting welt: __ O'_'es cr ,�;<p 1:. NC4C. _C.010",rr i 3.4 A'C.i C C?C.1,200/.':11 conr;r,:ciiar.Standardr and that a cr.;.:• if this Lc a repdir,Jill orlt kro)-:a well cotstnccliort h fontrat ar anal explain the rantra of•thc of this re.n,d haz ircen amrided to the repair tntder',31 remarks section or or the back orthis•%rm. 23-Site de2g:aw.or additionti tn'231,de.ails: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal WeEis having the same You may use the back of this page-to provide additional well construction info construction,only I Giro-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Ovr,'in Remarks Box):You may also attach zdditidnzl pages if necessary. drilled: 24.SUB?U T T°_LIST_cUC r j0N-S a .Total well depth below lard surface: p rP 1 >T G �n c:rci_(at•(fff') ( Submit Litt :s^ '-:v::tain fi days o:well conSDietion per the folloning: For multiple wells list all d rhv i di ererl(example-3 ai1 i y 24a. .a> A. tiJeiis: Original.for in to Division of Wate: Resources (DWR). 10.Static water level melon top of easing: _J z.J <—> 1n_ormatia.-,Processing Unit,1617 MSC.Raleigh.NC 27699-1 6 1 7 q'samr lovol is nbovn cc^ing....re —� 11.Boreholed-aameter• l% 24b• For enicetion'WeNs:Copy to D1WR.'Undergroufiid Injection Control(RUC, (>�) Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well construction method: J 24c.i'or t2:er SuDris au ODe Lod E,eeti ermai tarn rzJelis:Copy to n,e (i:c.auger,roary,cable,direct ash,cto.> f county ervvcnmentai heap:,deram'e. of the count-,--where insia(led FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water ab elEs iorodacin3 over I00,000 GPD:Coov to DWR,CCPCL'=_ 13a-Yield(gpm) 7✓ Method of less p�ntt Ptog am;1611 v1SC,Ralcis>h,\C 27699-161 1 13b.Disinfection type: ri All amount: • Form G W-1 North Carolina Department of Ezvironrnen'yl Quality-Division ofVVv_,r Resources Revised 6-6-20'.F.