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Alexander_Well Abandonment_20230626
• 5AT;a 64 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD �c e North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality �• ° "'°'` WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 5. WELL DETAILS: a.Total Depth 160 ft. Diameter:6 in. Well Contractor(Individual)Name b.Water Level(Below Measuring Point):65 ft. Measuring point is 0 ft.above land surface. Well Contractor Company Name 6. CASING: Length Diameter Street Address a.Casing Depth(if known): ft. 6 in. City or Town State Zip Code b.Casing Removed: ` ft. in. ( ) 7. DISINFECTION: /Z! e •- Area code Phone number 2.WELL INFORMATION: (Amount of 65%75%calcium hypochlorite used) 8. SEALING M: -IAL: SITE WELL ID# (if applicable) .-• •u.ait Sand Cement STATE WELL PERMIT# (if applicable) 'ement lb. Cement lb. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(if applicable) Water gal. Water gal. Bentonite DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) Bentonite lb. WELL USE (Check applicable use)❑ Monitoring 0 Residential Type:❑ Slurry ❑Pellets ❑ M unicipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural Water gal. ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation Other /i� ,�( //. ❑ Other(list use) Type material eiln�� yCP J5 4,/i/4/7-57 51, 3.WELL LOCATION: Amount COUNTY Alexander QUADRANGLE NAME t' n NEAREST TOWN: 698 Sam Poole Lane,Taylorsville, NC 28681 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: (Street/Road Name,Number,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) - TOPOGRAPHC/LAND SETTING: JUN 2 .3 2U23 'Slope ❑ Valley ❑ Flat ❑ Ridge❑ Other knt'acimwiun 1'rr.c,Dos4,..g Lnst (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Draw a detaileak—etj'tbtlt&ell on the back of this form showing total depth,depth and diameter of screens(if any)remaining LATITUDE 35 49 . 27.0000 ''DM5 OR DD in the well,gravel interval,intervals of casing perforations,and depths and LONGITUDE 81 012 . 33.0000'DM5 OR DD types of fill materialsised Latitude/longitude source: PhPS Qropographic map 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED 3L.W/03 (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF 4a.FACILITY-The name of the business where the well is located.Complete 4a; THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PRVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. (If a residential well,skip 4a;complete 4b,well owner information only.) FACILITY ID# (if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY StIATU E OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACT DATE STREET ADDRESS t ^n► Offal( I N T F P7'fl ATE WELL OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE City or Town State Zip Code (The rivate well owner must be an individual wpersonally3bandons his/her residential well !i ac rdance with 15A N AC 2 011 .) 4b.CONTACT PERSON/WELL OWNER: � .44P 44 � /� fl .0 t( 1 rct(4 NAME Paul & Lynn Dillard PRINT NAME OF PERSON ABANDONING THE WELL STREET ADDRESS2167 Hidden Valley road Taylorsville,NC 28681 I Submit a copy to the owner and the original to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-30 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,NC 27699-1617,Phone: (919)807-6300 Rev.5/10 - 4 i __ , WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD ,:, ii ,) North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality s .......;;1- I " "",00 ' WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 5. WELL DETAILS: a.Total Depth 59 ft. Diameter:48 in. Well Contractor(Individual)Name b.Water Level(Below Measuring Point): ft. Measuring point is ft.above land surface. Well Contractor Company Name 6. CASING: Length Diameter Street Address a.Casing Depth(if known): ft. in. City or Town State Zip Code b.Casing Removed: ft. in. —) 7. DISINFECTION: 1/2 lb. Area code Phone number (Amount of 65%75%calcium hypochiorite used) 2.WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID# (if applicable) 8. SEALING MATERIAL: Neat Cement Sand Cement STATE WELL PERMIT# (if applicable) Cement lb. Cement lb. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(if applicable) Water gal. Water gal. Bentonite DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) Bentonite lb. E,L ;V�..�D WELL USE (Check applicable use)❑ Monitoring ❑ Residential Type:❑ Slurry ❑Pellets I ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural Water gal. J�'N 20 23 ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation Other Ink,-;7441,icii PrrnsaWng Unii ❑ Other(list use) • Type material day soil up to within 36 inches of top of the ground 3.WELL LOCATION: Amount COUNTY Alexander QUADRANGLE NAME _ NEAREST TOWN: Taylorsville, NC 28681 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT.OF MATERIAL: (Street/Road Name,Number,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHC/LAND SETTING: 6'65:6" thick concrete-poured in place ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ❑ Flat ❑ Ridge❑ Other (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Draw a detailed sketch of theell on the back of this form showing total depth,depth and diameterof screens(if any)remaining LATITUDE 35 49 ' 27.0000 "DM5 OR DD in the well,gravel interval,intervals of casing perforations,and depths and LONGITUDE 81 .12 , 33.0000'DM5 OR DD types of fill materialsised Latitude/longitude source: jPS ❑Topographic map 3/22/23 (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED this form if not using GPS) - I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF 4a.FACILITY-The name of the business where the well is located.Complete 4a+ THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PRVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. (If a residential well,skip 4a;complete 4b,well owner information only.) FACILITY ID# (if applicable) -'() NAME OF FACILITY 'SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE STREET ADDRESS . ! ;, .NA Cr-,�3 y f1 -E OF '-I A E ELL OWNE AN ONING THE WELL DATE City or Town State Zip Code (r a private well owner must be an individual wpersonallyabandons his/her residential well i accordance with 15A NCAC 2 011 .) 4b.CONTACT PERSON/WELL OWNER: � G �1/.0�t r NAME Paul & Lynn Dillard PRI ,D NAME OF P RsoA D NING THE WE LL STREET ADDRESS698 Sam Poole lane Submit a copy to the owner and the original to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-30 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617,Phone :(919)807-6300 I Rev.5/10 _?ems nTfQ,4 . /1/011'711 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD ,,, 1j -, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water Quality `4«u ,,. WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 5. WELL DETAILS: a.Total Depth 56 ft. Diameter:24 _ in. Well Contractor(Individual)Name b.Water Level(Below Measuring Point): 18 ft. Measuring point is 0 ft.above land surface. Well Contractor Company Name 6. CASING: Length Diameter Street Address a.Casing Depth(if known): ft. 24 in. City or Town State Zip Code b.Casing Removed: 3 ft. in. (--) 7. DISINFECTION: Area code Phone number 2.WELL INFORMATION: (Amount of 65%75%calcium hypochiorite used) 8. SEALING MATERIAL: SITE WELL ID# (if applicable) Neat Cement Sand Cement STATE WELL PERMIT# (if applicable) • Cement lb. Cement lb. Water gal. Water qal. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(if applicable) F r." --,•..,,r,i ,M�Am Bentonite o s """ ! DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) Bentonite lb. JUN 2 a 2023 WELL USE (Check applicable use)❑ Monitoring © Residential Type:❑ Slurry ❑Pellets ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural Water gal. inkf :';tcn Pr:: : ng link DWQ/30G ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation Other ,f f �� ❑ Other(list use) Type material 8/00)G� cJJr/i/a K G`i fA Amount 5% //d -1 C � 3.WELL LOCATION: /, / / • COUNTY Alexander QUADRANGLE NAME �inl`lc7®u�Zt�r�b c NEAREST TOWN: 698 Sam Poole Lane,Taylorsville, NC 28681 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: (Street/Road Name,Number,Community,Subdivision,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHC/LAND SETTING: V Slope LI Valley ❑ Flat ❑ Ridge❑ Other (Check appropriate setting) 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Draw a detailed sketch of theell on the back of this form showing total depth,depth and diameter of screens(if any)remaining LATITUDE 35 49 • 27.0000 "DMS OR DD in the well,gravel interval,intervals of casing perforations,and depths and LONGITUDE 81 012 , 33.0000,DMS OR DD types of fill materialsised Latitude/longitude source: E€PS Qropographic map 11. DATE WELL ABANDONED (°/g c;?41 3' (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form if not using GPS) I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND THAT A COPY OF 4a.FACILITY-The name of the business where the well is located.Complete 4a; THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PBVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. (If a residential well,skip 4a;complete 4b,well owner information only.) FACILITY ID# (if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY' SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE STREET ADDRESS ejt 7:-; . , SIGN•TU--0 'PRIVATE WELL OWN ABA D•`ING THE WELL DATE City or Town State Zip Code (The pn ate well owner must be an individual wpersonall%ebandons his/her residential well in a dance with 15A NCAC 2C. 13.) /1Zrl 4b.CONTACT PERSON/WELL OWNER: 11 /1 /1fl NAME Paul & Lynn Dillard PEDNAMEOFPERSONABANI �NINGTHE WE LL ' ' STREET ADDRESS2167 Hidden Valley road Taylorsville,NC 28681 Submit a copy to the owner and the original to: Division of Water Quality- Information Processing, Form GW-30 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617,Phone: (919)807-6300 Rev.5/10