HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5201001_Deed Restriction/Protective Covenant Form_20230622Page 1 of 79 l M .�1111111111[11111111111111�1�1�1111111111111��111111�1111i�11111111111��1�1111 ID: 00947585Q079 T e: -Recorded; 94/27/2022 a#p08:50p16 Fee ,r19 $282.00 Pape 1 of 79 AM Nash County North Carolina Sandra D. Davis Repister of Deeds 11K3214 P0182`260 DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR WALNUT COVE THIS DOCUMENT REGULATES OR PROHIBITS THE DISPLAY OF THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR THE FLAG OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA THIS DOCUMENT REGULATES OR PROHIBITS THE DISPLAY OF POLITICAL SIGNS Prepared by and mail after recording to: Cunningham Law, PLLC James C. ("Cal") Cunningham III 2128 Clark Avenue #557 Raleigh, North Carolina 27605 Gene Davis Law 3739 National Dr Suite 105 Raleigh NC 27612 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq 1 Page 2 of 79 193 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COUNTY OF NASH COVENANTS FOR WALNUT COVE THIS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENN TS.XOR WALNUT COVE, referred to herein as the "DecIaration" is made this ' ?/Aday of l�f� 2022 by PINTAIL OILFIELD SERVICES, LLC, an Oklahoma limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of the real property in Nash County, North Carolina described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference and referred to herein as the "Property"; AND WHEREAS, the Property shall be developed as a residential subdivision known as "Walnut Cove" (which also is referred to herein as the "Community" or the "Subdivision") under the Legal Requirements of applicable governmental entities, which development may include, but shall not be required by this Declaration to include, any one or more of the following: residential dwellings; public or private streets; utility easements; stormwater drainage systems and facilities; buffers; greenways; open space; and other uses consistent with the zoning of the Property and the Governmental Authority approvals for the Subdivision; AND WHEREAS, Declarant desires, among other things, to establish a general plan of development for the Subdivision, to provide for the maintenance and upkeep of the Lots, Dwellings, and Common Elements within the Subdivision, to provide for enforcement of the Declaration and other covenants and restrictions, if any, applicable to the Subdivision, to protect the value and desirability of the Property, and, to that end, desires to subject the Subdivision to the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges and liens hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for the benefit of the Subdivision and each owner of any part or all thereof; AND WHEREAS, in furtherance of the foregoing, at or around the same time as this Declaration, Declarant is incorporating the Walnut Cove Community Association, Inc. under the nonprofit corporation laws of the State of North Carolina to own or maintain or administer Common Elements, to administer and enforce this Declaration and other covenants, restrictions, and agreements applicable to the Subdivision, and to collect and disburse the assessments and charges provided for herein. NOW, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that the Property, together with all Additional Property, if any, subjected to the Declaration pursuant to Article 11 hereof, and less any real property withdrawn from this Declaration, all of which together is referred to as the "Property" as defined herein, is and shall be owned, held, transferred, sold, conveyed, leased, used, occupied, mortgaged and developed subject to the Declaration, including the covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, charges and Iiens set forth herein, all of which shall run with the Property and, as provided herein, be binding on and inure to the benefit of all Persons owning any right, title or interest in said Property or any part thereof, and their heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. 2 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 2 Page 3 of 79 / FV ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following words and terms, when used in the Declaration (including the Recitals) or any amendment hereto, or in any Supplemental Declaration, unless amended or unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, are defined as follows and are subject to the provisions contained in such definitions (when these and other defined words or terms herein have an initial capital letter or letters, however, it is not required that their use in the Declaration have initial capital letters in order to have the defined meaning). Terms and words used herein without definition shall have the meanings, if any, specified therefor in the "Definitions" section of the Act or, if not defined in the Act, in the "Definitions" section of the Nonprofit Corporation Act, or if not defined in either the Act or Nonprofit Corporation Act, any applicable definitions section of the Code, and, in the event of any conflict between the definitions contained herein and the definitions contained in the Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act or the Code, the Act or Nonprofit Corporation Act or Code, in that order and as appropriate, shall control. It should be noted that one or more definitions contain provisions in addition to the defined word or terms, and such additional provisions are part of the Declaration in the same manner and to the same extent as if they had been set out in an Article or Section of the Declaration other than this Article I. (a) "Act" is defined as the North Carolina Planned Community Act, currently contained in Chapter 47F of the North Carolina General Statutes, and including all amendments, supplements and replacements thereof. (b) "Additional Property" is defined as all real property allowed by the Declaration to be annexed or subjected to the Declaration subsequent to the recording of the Declaration (the words "annex" and "subject" being used interchangeably in the context of adding Additional Property to the Declaration). As the context allows or requires the term also can apply to such real property after it has been annexed to the Declaration. No such Additional Property shall be subject to the terms of the Declaration until it has been annexed or subjected to the Declaration in one of the ways allowed herein, and, except as required by Legal Requirements, neither the Declarant nor any other Person is required to annex any Additional Property to the Declaration. (c) "Allocated Interests" is defined as the Common Expense Iiability and votes in the association allocated to each Lot. (d) "Approved Builder" is defined as H&H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC d/b/a H&H Homes, a North Carolina limited liability company, party to that Offer to Purchase and Contract -- Vacant Lot/Land with Pintail Oilfield.Smices, LLC, an Oklahoma limited liability company, having an Effective Date of November 7, 2020, and any other builder who during the Development Period has been provided written approval by the Declarant to construct a Dwelling according to Approved Plans. An Approved Builder is subject to or exempt from provisions of this Declaration as set forth herein. During the Development Period, the Declarant may not subject an Approved Builder to further or additional standards and requirements except as required by Legal Requirements. During the Development Period, only Approved Builders may build Dwellings on Lots in the Community. Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 3 Page 4 of 79 f e� (e) "Approved Plans" is defined as Plans that have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee (or by the Board, on appeal from the Architectural Review Committee), as further defined and set forth in Article X. During the Development Period, "Approved Plans" is also defined to mean the Plans approved solely by Declarant for one or more Approved Builders in the Community. (f) "Architectural Guidelines" is defined as the guidelines and standards adopted from time to time with respect to Dwellings and other Improvements in the Property. (g) "Articles" is defined as the Articles of Incorporation of the Association, including all duly adopted amendments thereto. (h) "Association" is defined as the Walnut Cove Community Association, Inc., a North Carolina nonprofit corporation, its successors and assigns, which is created as a legal entity by the filing of its Articles either before or after the recording of the Declaration, but in no event, later than the first conveyance of a Lot in this Community. (i) "Board" is defined as the board of directors of the Association and is the "executive board" as defined in the Act. The Board is responsible for the management and administration of the Association as provided for herein and in the Act. 0) "Bylaws" is defined as the Bylaws of the Association as they may now or hereafter exist, including all duly adopted amendments thereto. (k) "Code" is defined as the Spring Hope, Nash County, North Carolina Code of Ordinances, including all rules, regulations and policies lawfully adopted pursuant thereto, and including all amendments, supplements and replacements thereof (k) "Common Elements", or "Common Property", or "Common Area" is defined as real property, together with any Improvements situated thereon, intended for the common use and benefit of Owners and occupants of the Property, regardless of how such real property is described in a Governing Document. Common Elements may consist of real property or rights in real property owned or leased by the Association or owned by or dedicated to another Person with the Association having a right or easement therein. Common Elements may include all of the following: (1) All of the items included in the definition of common areas (or other word or term used to describe common areas; for example, common open space) in the applicable Section of the Code; and (2) All other items included in the definition of Common Elements, Common Area or Common Property in the Governing Documents; (3) Any private roads the Owners are wholly or partially responsible for maintaining whether within the Property or servicing any portion thereof; and 4 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:4 Page 5 of 79 16.4 (4) All Common Areas shown on any map or plat of the Property or any part thereof recorded by Declarant in the Registry. Common Elements also shall consist of all retaining walls designated as Common Elements as provided herein and any Impervious Surface lying and being situated in whole or in part in the Common Elements. All Common Elements shall be maintained by the Association as provided herein and the costs of such maintenance are Common Expenses. The foregoing definition of Common Elerrients in the Declaration is broader than the definition of "common elements" in the Act. (1) "Common Expense" (also "Common Expenses") is defined as all expenditures made by the Association and all financial liabilities of the Association, including allocation to reserves, and including expenditures for all Association liabilities and obligations imposed by the Code and other Legal Requirements and by the Declaration and other Governing Documents. (m) "Community Wide Standard" is defined as the standard of conduct, maintenance, or other activity generally prevailing in the Property, or the minimum standards established pursuant to the Governing Documents, whichever is a higher standard. Declarant initially may establish the Community Wide Standard and it may contain both objective and subjective elements. The Community Wide Standard may change as development of the Property progresses and as the needs and desires within the Property change, provided, however, such changes shall require the approval of all Approved Builders during such time as such Approved Builder is an Owner and/or has the right to purchase additional Lots within the Community, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld. (n) "Contiguous" or "adjoining" is defined as having any common boundary with the subject property or separated from a boundary of the subject property by a public or private street right of way or a greenway easement or by property owned by a Governmental Authority. (o) "Declarant" is defined as Pintail Oilfield Services, LLC, an Oklahoma limited liability company. The term "Declarant" also includes any Person to whom or which Declarant assigns or delegates the rights or obligations of Declarant under the Declaration by an assignment of Declarant's rights recorded in the Registry. The term "Declarant" also includes any Person designated by Declarant as its "affiliate" as defined in the Act. (p) "Declaration" is defined as this "Declaration of Protective Covenants for Walnut Cove," including all duly adopted amendments hereto. (q) "Development Period" is defined as the period of time beginning on the date of recording of the Declaration in the Registry through and including 5:00 p.m. on the later of the following dates to occur: (1) the date that is ten (10) years following the date of recordation of this Declaration; or 5 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 5 Page 6 of 79 f (2) the date that is five (5) years after the date of recording of the most recent Supplemental Declaration executed by the Declarant subjecting Additional Property to the Declaration but in no event later than the date that is fifteen (15) years after the date of recordation of this Declaration. Provided, however, Declarant may terminate the Development Period at any time by recording a termination instrument in the Registry. In the event of any assignment of Declarant rights, with respect to the rights assigned, the Development Period shall remain in full force and effect through the applicable periods of time unless otherwise provided in the assignment document or earlier terminated by the assignee. Declarant has the sole authority to resolve any issues or disputes regarding the date on which the Development Period ends. (r) "Development Plan" is defined as the most current' land use or development plan approved by a Governmental Authority for the Property or any part thereof, whether the approval is preliminary or final, and regardless of any name other than Development Plan under which it is approved by a Governmental Authority (for example, site plan, subdivision plan, cluster unit development plan, or master plan). Declarant reserves the right, in its sole discretion but subject to Legal Requirements, to amend or modify any Development Plan in any manner and in whole or in part, including re -zoning of any portion of the Property subject to a Development Plan, or the addition or deletion of property to or from a Development Plan, or the reconfiguration of any portion of the Property subject to a Development Plan. (s) "Dwelling" or "Dwelling Unit" is defined as any building or portion thereof within the Property which is used or occupied, or intended for use or occupancy, as a residence by an individual or by one housekeeping unit, whether by the Owner thereof or by tenants or sub -tenants of the Owner. Provided, however, a utility dwelling may be part of a Dwelling as allowed herein. (t) "Exempt Property" is defined as all portions of the Property other than Lots, except that each Lot owned by the Association also is Exempt Property. Exempt Property is not subject to assessments under the Declaration and, except with respect to any Exempt Property owned by DecIarant, owners of Exempt Property have no membership or voting rights in the Association with respect to such Exempt Property. Exempt Property owned by, dedicated to, or subject to an easement in favor of, a Governmental Authority or a utility provider, including all Exempt Property within publicly -dedicated street rights -of -way, is exempt from all of the provisions of the Declaration, except for the provisions of the Declaration with respect to any easements over such Exempt Property reserved in the Declaration by or for the Declarant, the Association, a Governmental Authority or any other Person, and except for provisions of the Declaration requiring Approved Plans for Dwellings, other buildings, and associated Improvements. (u) "Fiscal Year" of the Association is defined as the calendar year until such time as the Board establishes a different fiscal year for the Association. (y) "Force Majeure" is defined as any one or more of the following: acts of God, earthquakes, blizzards, tornadoes, hurricanes, fire, flood, malicious mischief, insurrection, terrorism, riots, strikes, lockouts, boycotts, picketing, labor disturbances, public enemy, war (declared or undeclared), landslides, explosions, epidemics or pandemics, compliance with any order, ruling, 0 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 6 Page 7 of 79 eE' injunction or decree by any court, tribunal or judicial authority of competent jurisdiction, inability to obtain materials or supplies after the exercise of all reasonable efforts, substantial interference in construction activities resulting from construction activities conducted simultaneously on adjacent lands by or under the direction of unrelated parties, and any other similar circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Person responsible for complying with some provision of the Declaration. (w) "Governing Documents" is defined as all of the following, as the same may be amended, restated, or supplemented from time to time: agreements with Governmental Authorities; the Declaration; the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association; Restrictions and Rules; Rules and Regulations of the Association; Board resolutions; Architectural Guidelines; all applicable Supplemental Declarations; plats (or maps, those terms being used interchangeably herein) of the Property or any portions thereof recorded in the Registry; declarations of restrictive or protective covenants applicable to the Property or any portion thereof; documents withdrawing portions of the Property from the Declaration; and all duly adopted amendments and revisions to any of the foregoing documents or plats. (x) "Governmental Authority" or "Governmental Authorities" or "Governmental Entity" or Governmental Entities" is defined as Spring Hope, Nash County, the State of North Carolina, the United States of America, and all other governmental entities and quasi -governmental entities that have jurisdiction over the Property or any part thereof, and all applicable departments, divisions, sections, branches, and agencies of such Governmental Authorities. (y) "Impervious Surface" is defined as an area that releases as runoff all or a majority of the precipitation that falls on it, including but not limited to rooftops, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and streets, unless specifically designed, constructed and maintained to be pervious. (z) "Improvements" is defined as any structure and all appurtenances thereto of every kind and type and any other physical change, including any Impervious Surface, upon, over, across, above or under any part of the Property, including any clearing of trees or other vegetation and including grading and any other site preparation, and including any other improvement of, to, or on any portion of the Property, including Dwellings and other structures (specifically including exterior materials, colors, size, location and architectural style of same). Improvements also include decks, patios, porches, driveways, motor vehicle and other parking areas, storage areas located outside of a Dwelling, recreational areas, equipment and facilities Iocated outside of a Dwelling, mailboxes, exterior antennae, dishes and other apparatus to receive or transmit radio, television, or microwave or other signals, fences, walls, hedges, other landscaping (including planted areas, grassed areas, natural areas and the plant and other materials therein), poles, flags, decorative features and items attached to or on the exterior of a Dwelling or in the yard, ponds, Iakes, swimming pools, exterior lights, signs located outside of a Dwelling or visible inside a Dwelling from a street or adjoining portion of the Property, and all other exterior Improvements and items used or maintained on a Lot outside of the Dwelling. The definition of Improvements includes both initial Improvements and all subsequent alterations, changes and additions to same. The term "initial Improvements" is defined as all of the Improvements constructed or placed or located on any Lot in accordance with Approved Plans or Architectural Guidelines not requiring Approved Plans at the time of issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the Dwelling on the Lot (or the time of issuance of the certificate 7 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 7 Page 8 of 79 1gq of occupancy for the last Dwelling on a Lot on which more than one Dwelling is to be located). The examples of Improvements stated for the purposes of this definition do not imply that all such Improvements will be allowed in the Property, and all Improvements are subject to the architectural approval provisions of the Declaration. (aa) "Institutional Lender" is defined as a Mortgagee who is a commercial bank, savings bank, savings and loan association, trust company, credit union, industrial loan association, insurance company, pension fund or business trust, including real estate investment trust, any other lender regularly engaged in financing the purchase, construction or improvement of real estate, or any assignee of loans made by such lender, or any combination of any of the foregoing entities and who holds a first lien deed of trust encumbering a Lot or any portion of the Property ("first lien" meaning that it has priority over all other security interests in the Lot). Only for the purposes of the notice and inspection rights contained in the Declaration in the portions hereof dealing specifically with Institutional Lenders, the term "Institutional Lender" also shall include the Federal Housing Administration ("FHA"), the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("FHLMC"), the Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA"), the Department of Veterans Affairs ("VA"), the Government National Mortgage Association ("GNMA") and any other public or private secondary mortgage market agency participating in purchasing, guaranteeing or insuring mortgages which has notified the Board of such participation in writing (each of whom generically is referred to herein as a "Secondary Mortgage Market Agency"). Where the approval of Institutional Lenders is required, such approval consists of any one or more of the following: (i) written approval; (ii) any written waiver of approval rights; (iii) a letter stating no objection; or (iv) presumptive approval if an Institutional Lender does not respond to a notice from the Association requesting approval by notifying the Association, in the manner required herein for giving notices, within thirty (30) days after the Association gives notice to the Institutional Lender of the request for approval. (bb) "Landscaping" is defined as any or all of the following: flowers, plants, shrubs, trees, grass, natural areas (for example, areas covered with pine straw, mulch, or naturally growing vegetation), fences, walls, statues, brick pavers or other decorative ground covering of a similar nature, ornamental water features, and any other items that the Board, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, determines should be included in the. term "landscaping" under the Declaration. (cc) "Legal Requirement" is defined as any or all of the following: any duly adopted and applicable law, ordinance, regulation or requirement, including the Code, of any Governmental Authority or quasi -governmental authority or agency having jurisdiction over the Property or any portion thereof, including any branch, department, division, section, branch, or agency of any of the foregoing Governmental Authorities or quasi -governmental authorities or agencies. Legal Requirements apply to the exercise of all rights or the taking of all actions under the Declaration by Declarant, the Association, or any other Person, whether or not the Declaration states that a specific right or action is subject to Legal Requirements or must be exercised or taken in accordance with Legal Requirements. (dd) "Limited Common Elements", or "Limited Common Property", or "Limited Common Area" is defined as any Common Elements that are established by the Declarant or the Association for the benefit of the Owners of less than all of the Lots in the Property, and which have been Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 8 Page 9 of 79 lqo designated (or allocated) as Limited Common Elements for certain Lots by the Declarant or the Association. Limited Common Elements may include, for example, private streets, private alleys or landscaped medians in streets, and private alleys adjacent to Lots in particular sections of the Subdivision. (ee) "Limited Common Expenses" is defined as all expenses of the type included within the term Common Expenses, but that are related solely and specifically to Limited Common Elements. Limited Common Expenses shall be paid out of assessments against Members who own Lots for which the Limited Common Elements have been designated. All references in the Declaration to Common Expenses in the context of Limited Common Elements are deemed to refer to Limited Common Expenses for the applicable Limited Common Elements. (ff) "Lot" is defined as any numbered or lettered portion of the Property, together with any Improvements thereon, which is shown upon any recorded plat of any part or all of the Property, and on which there is a completed or under construction Dwelling or on which it is intended that a Dwelling be constructed. In the event that any Lot is increased or decreased in size by recombination or re -subdivision through the recording of a new or revised plat, the newly -platted lot thereafter shall constitute a Lot under the Declaration, except as otherwise may be provided herein with respect to allocation of votes and assessments applicable to the newly -platted Lot. With respect to Class B membership in the Association, unsubdivided Iand also constitutes one Lot. (gg) "Maintain", "Maintaining", "Maintenance", or any similar term used herein, is defined to include any one or more of the following, as the -context requires: acquisition, purchase, construction, 're -construction, installation, maintenance, inspection, examination, upkeep, cleaning, renewal, alteration, repair, replacement, repainting, remodeling, restoration, removal, improvement, administration, operation, use, planting, mowing, cutting, trimming, pruning, fertilizing, watering and preservation. In addition, maintenance also includes any action necessary for real or personal property to be maintained so that it functions for the purposes for which it is intended and so that it complies with the Community Wide Standard. (hh) "Member" is defined as each Person who owns a Lot in the Property. (ii) "Mortgagee" is defined as the beneficiary or payee under any deed of trust, and the terms mortgage and deed of trust are deemed to refer to deeds of trust. 6j) "Nonprofit Corporation Act" is defined as the "North Carolina Nonprofit Corporation Act", currently contained in Chapter 55A of the North Carolina General Statutes, and including all amendments, supplements and replacements thereof as enacted from time to time. (kk) "Notice" or "notices" given under this Declaration shall be in writing and shall comply in all respects with the terms and manner set forth in Article XX, Section 15. (11) "Operating Deficit" is defined as the difference between the total amount of the annual assessments for a Fiscal Year Ievied on all Lots and the amount of actual expenditures by the Association during the Fiscal Year for Common Expenses, including funding of reserves, but Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 9 Page 10 of 79 M excluding (i) amounts levied against a Lot, but which are not paid, and (ii) special assessments for capital Improvements and other assessments allowed in the Declaration that are not annual assessments. (mm) "Owner" is defined as the record Owner, whether one or more Persons, of fee simple title to any Lot, and shall include Declarant as to any Lot owned by Declarant and shall include an Approved Builder as to any Lot owned by an Approved Builder. "Owner" shall not include any Person who holds an interest in a Lot solely as security for the performance of an obligation or as a tenant. (nn) "Person" is defined to include any natural person, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, Governmental Authority, or other entity. (oo) "Plans" is defined as the plans and specifications for a proposed improvement on a Lot, showing (where applicable) the size, shape, dimensions, materials, exterior finishes and colors, location on the Lot, driveway, parking areas, provisions for handling stormwater, decorative landscape planting and other decorative landscaping features, floor plans and elevations, and other items specified in any applicable Architectural Guidelines or required by the Architectural Review Committee or the Board. "Approved Plans" is defined as Plans that have been approved by the Declarant or by the Architectural Review Committee (or by the Board, on appeal from the Architectural Review Committee). (pp) "Present" at a meeting of the Association is defined as being present in person or by a proxy that has been executed and is effective under Legal Requirements and the Governing Documents. (qq) "Property", or "Community", or "Subdivision" is defined as the Property set forth on Exhibit A, together with all Additional Property annexed to the Declaration pursuant to Article II hereof, less and except all real property that is withdrawn from the Declaration as allowed herein. References to the Property includes any part or all of the Property, as applicable, in accordance with the context of such reference herein, whether or not the reference specifically states that it is referring to any part or all of the Property. (rr) "Registry" is defined as the office of the Nash County, North Carolina Register of Deeds (or any successor office under applicable Iaw) in which deeds, plats, easements, and deeds of trust for the Property are recorded. All references herein to recording or to any requirement to record a - document or plat refer to recording in the Registry of the County or Counties in which the applicable portion of the Property is situated. (ss) "Restrictions and Rules" or "rules and regulations" is defined as rules, regulations, requirements, prohibitions, or conditions for any one or more of the following as are adopted, amended, or repealed by the Declarant or the Association: (i) matters governing use of the Property or any part thereof, including the Common Elements, or (ii) matters governing conduct of Persons while in or on the Property or any part thereof, including -the Common Elements, or (iii) providing for the implementation and enforcement of the Governing Documents, or (iv) any other matters 10 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 10 Page 11 of 79 1 g;.. that the Declarant or Board, as applicable, determines to adopt as part of the Association's Restrictions and Rules. In addition to any other provisions of the Declaration authorizing the Association to adopt rules and regulations, the Association, separate and apart from the Restrictions and Rules, may adopt, amend, modify, and enforce reasonable rules and regulations for the use and operation of the Common Elements or for the implementation and enforcement of the Governing Documents. (tt) "Service Line" is defined as the portion of the individual household water line for which the Lot Owner assumes responsibility for maintaining and for which the utility provider assumes no maintenance responsibility. The Service Line is that portion of the individual household water line that extends from the utility provider's water meter to the Dwelling. The portion of the line extending from the water meter to the water main at or near the publicly dedicated street right of way or private street right of way adjacent to any boundary of such Lot shall not be included in the term "Service Line". (uu) "Special Declarant Rights" or "development rights" is defined as all rights granted to, or reserved by, or established for the benefit of, Declarant in the Act or in the Declaration and other Governing Documents, whether or not such rights are referred to as Special Declarant Rights or development rights in the Act, the Declaration, or other Governing Documents. Declarant may assign Special Declarant Rights, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, subject to such terms and conditions as Declarant specifies in the assignment document. Unless the Declaration or other Governing Documents specify that Special Declarant Rights may be exercised by any Person other than the Declarant or that they become rights exercisable in whole or in part by the Association at any time, any assignment of Special Declarant Rights must be in writing and recorded in the Registry, executed by the assignee, and the assignment becomes effective only upon the recording of the document in the Registry or any later date specified therein. (vv) "Stormwater Control Measures" or "Stormwater Control Facilities" is defined as one or more of the following devices and measures, together with associated private drainage easements utilized for conveying stormwater (however identified on a plat, map or in a recorded document) that serves more than one Lot or parts of more than one Lot in the Property and which are located outside of public street rights -of -way and drainage easements accepted into public use by the applicable Governmental Authority, including, but not limited to, conduits, inlets, channels, pipes, Ievel spreaders, ditches, grassed swales, sand filters, wet ponds, dry detention basins, wetlands, bio-retention areas, retention or detention ponds, and other devices and measures, necessary to collect, convey, store, and control stormwater runoff and pollutants for more than one Lot in the Property. Private drainage easements, however identified on a recorded plat or recorded map or in a recorded document, that serve more than one Lot in the Property are deemed to be dedicated to the Association for the benefit of the Property or applicable portions thereof. (ww) "Supplemental Declaration" is defined as any document, recorded subsequent to the Declaration and as allowed by the Declaration, that annexes Additional Property to -the Declaration, withdraws any portion of the Property from the Declaration, or is recorded for any other purpose for which the Declaration allows a Supplemental Declaration to be recorded. A document that annexes Additional Property to the Declaration also may be referred to herein or in 11 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 11 Page 12 of 79 / ?3 . that document as an "Annexation Declaration" and a document that withdraws any portion of the Property from the Declaration also may be referred to herein on in that document as a "Withdrawal Declaration". (xx) "Utility" or "public utility" is defined as any one or more of the following used in any part or all of the Property: electricity; telephone; internet service; water; sanitary sewer; natural gas; propane gas; television; refuse collection; collection of materials for recycling; and any other service or facility generally recognized as a public utility or determined to be a public utility by the Declarant (during the Development Period, and thereafter, by the Board); "utility provider" or "public utility provider" is defined as the Person who provides a utility to any part or all of the Property. ARTICLE II THE PROPERTY; ANNEXATION; WITHDRAWAL Section 1. Existing Property. The Property shall be owned, held, transferred, sold, conveyed, leased, used, occupied, and mortgaged subject to the Declaration. The Existing Property constitutes the Property at the time of the recording of the Declaration. Section 2. Annexation of Additional Property. (a) Annexation by the Declarant. Prior to the end of the Development Period, Declarant, in its sole discretion and without the approval or joinder of the Association or any Owner or other Person except the Owner (if not Declarant) of the Additional Property being annexed, may annex Additional Property to the Declaration by recording an Annexation Declaration extending the operation and effect of the Declaration thereto. Subject to the requirements or restraints of Legal Requirements, nothing herein shall be deemed to require the Declarant to annex any Additional Property to the Declaration or to develop it in any manner whatsoever and nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the Declarant from annexing any Additional Property to the Declaration. (b) Other Annexation. If the Declarant desires to annex Additional Property to the Declaration other than as allowed in the immediately preceding subsection (a), or if a Person other than the Declarant desires at any time to annex Additional Property to the Declaration, such Additional Property may be annexed to the Declaration only upon obtaining the affirmative vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) or more of the votes cast by the Members present at a meeting of the Association for which the notice of the meeting includes notice of the proposal to annex such Additional Property, and the recording in the Registry of an Annexation Declaration signed by the owner of such Additional Property and by the appropriate officers of the Association certifying the required meeting and vote. In addition to the foregoing, at any time during the Development Period that a Person other than DecIarant desires to annex Additional Property to the Declaration, to be effectivd such annexation must have the written consent of Declarant, as evidenced by Declarant's execution of the Annexation Declaration or other document specifically consenting to the annexation. (c) Approval by Governmental Entities. Notwithstanding the foregoing subsections (a) and (b), if any Legal Requirement requires approval of annexation of Additional Property by a 12 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 12 Page 13 of 79 lqq Governmental Authority, the annexation shall not be effective until the requisite approval of the Governmental Authority is obtained. (d) Annexation Declaration. Each Annexation Declaration shall be effective to annex Additional Property to the Declaration only upon obtaining all approvals required by the Declaration and upon its recording in the Registry, and the effective date of such annexation shall be the later of the date specified therein, if any, or the date of recording. Each Annexation Declaration shall contain a description of the Additional Property annexed sufficient to determine its size and location, either by reference to a plat or deed recorded in the Registry or by a metes and bounds description, and shall indicate that the Additional Property is being annexed to the Declaration. An Annexation Declaration need not be in any specific form and need not be titled Annexation Declaration or Supplemental Declaration (for example, the annexation language may be contained in a deed from the Declarant conveying the Additional Property being annexed), but it shall indicate clearly the intention to annex such Additional Property to the Declaration. Any Annexation Declaration may specify such use restrictions and may contain such other terms, covenants, restrictions, easements, affirmative obligations, assessments, charges and liens applicable to such Additional Property as the Person annexing such Additional Property to the Declaration may determine. Provided, however, the Declaration shall control over any provision of any Annexation Declaration that conflicts with the Declaration. (e) Votes Allocated to Additional Property. Except as otherwise provided herein or in any Annexation Declaration annexing Additional Property to the Declaration, votes in the Association shall be allocated to such Additional Property in the same manner that votes are allocated to the Property already subject to the Declaration. (f) Conveyance of Common Elements in Additional Property. Common Elements, if any, located within any Additional Property or the applicable phase or portion thereof annexed to the Declaration, shall be conveyed to the Association pursuant to the requirements of the Declaration for conveyance of other Common Elements to the Association. Section 3. Development and Annexation. Subject to Legal Requirements that provide otherwise, no Development Plan shall obligate the Declarant to develop any portion of the Property now or in the future, whether for the purposes shown therein or for any other purpose. The Declarant shall not be required to follow any particular sequence or order of development of the Property, and the Declarant may annex or consent to annex Additional Property to the Declaration whether or not development of all of the Property previously subjected to the Declaration has been completed. Section 4. Withdrawal of Portions of the Property from the Declaration. (a) Withdrawal by the Declarant. Prior to the end of the Development Period, Declarant, in its sole discretion and without the approval or joinder of the Association or any Owner or other Person except the Owner (if not Declarant) of the portion of the Property being withdrawn, may withdraw portions of the Property from the Declaration by recording a Withdrawal Declaration to withdraw the applicable portion of the Property from the operation and effect of the Declaration. Provided, however, Declarant may not withdraw from the Declaration Lots on which there are Dwellings at the time of the withdrawal unless the conditions of subsection (b) of this Section 4 are satisfied with respect to such withdrawal. Except for the foregoing, and subject to the 13 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 13 Page 14 of 79 1I'�' requirements or restraints of Legal Requirements, nothing herein shall be deemed to require the Declarant to withdraw any portion of the Property from the Declaration and nothing herein shall be deemed to prohibit the Declarant from withdrawing any portion of the Property from the Declaration. (b) If the Declarant desires to withdraw any portion of Property from the Declaration other than as allowed in the immediately preceding subsection (a), or if a Person other than the Declarant desires at any time to withdraw any portion of the Property from the Declaration, such portion of the Property may be withdrawn from the Declaration only upon obtaining the affirmative vote of sixty-seven percent (67%) or more of the votes cast by the Members present at a meeting of the Association for which the notice of the meeting includes notice of the proposal to withdraw such portion of the Property, and the recording in the Registry of a Withdrawal Declaration signed by the owner of such portion of the Property and by the appropriate officers of the Association certifying the required meeting and vote. Provided, however, the required percentage vote of the Members for withdrawal of any Lot on which there is a Dwelling at the time of the proposed withdrawal is eighty percent (80%) or more. In addition to the foregoing, at any time during the Development Period that a Person other than Declarant desires to withdraw a portion of the Property from the Declaration, to be effective such withdrawal must have the written consent of Declarant, as evidenced by Declarant' s execution of the withdrawal declaration or other document specifically consenting to the withdrawal. (c) Approval by Governmental Entities. Notwithstanding the foregoing subsections (a) and (b), if any Legal Requirement requires approval of withdrawal of any portion of the Property by a Governmental Authority, the withdrawal shall not be effective until the requisite approval of the Governmental Authority is obtained. (d) Withdrawal Declaration. Each Withdrawal Declaration shall be effective to withdraw portions of the Property from the Declaration only upon obtaining all approvals required by the Declaration and upon its recording in the Registry, and the effective date of such withdrawal shall be the later of the date specified therein, if any, or the date of recording. Each Withdrawal Declaration shall contain a description of the portion of the Property withdrawn sufficient to determine its size and location, either by reference to a plat or deed recorded in the Registry or by a metes and bounds description, and shall indicate that the applicable portion of the Property is being withdrawn from the Declaration. Section 5. Effect of Annexation or WithdrawaI. Other than as specifically limited by the Governing Documents or any Legal Requirement, the Declarant shall have full power to add to, subtract from, or make changes in, any Development Plan, and annex real property to and withdraw real property from the Declaration, regardless of the fact that such actions may affect the relative voting strength of any Member or class of membership in the Association or increase or reduce the number of Owners subject to assessment under the Declaration. Any portion of the Property that is withdrawn from the Declaration may be owned, held, transferred, sold, conveyed, leased, used, occupied, mortgaged and developed in any manner allowed under Legal Requirements, and shall be released from the terms and provisions of the Declaration on the date the withdrawal becomes effective as provided herein, subject to any terms of the withdrawal declaration and except that all easements specifically affecting such withdrawn portions of the Property, as shown 14 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 14 Page 15 of 79 M 6 on plats recorded in the- Registry or as described in documents recorded in the Registry, shall remain in force and effect unless released or terminated by all Persons having rights to exercise such easements. ARTICLE III ASSOCIATION Section 1. Board Acts for Association. All obligations required or allowed to be performed by the Association shall be performed in accordance with Legal Requirements and applicable provisions of the Governing Documents. Unless reserved by or for the Declarant in the Declaration, other Governing Documents or Legal Requirements, or unless otherwise required by Legal Requirements, all rights, powers, easements, functions, services, obligations and duties of the Association may be performed, exercised, directed, or contracted for by the Board on behalf of the Association. There is no distinction intended in the Declaration between items that may be adopted, enforced, acted upon, or waived by the Board and items that may be adopted, enforced, acted upon, or waived by the Association, except where a vote of the Members of the Association is required therefor. The officers of the Association may act on behalf of the Association as authorized in the Governing Documents or as directed by the Board. Section 2. Powers and Obligations. Subject to Legal Requirements and the Governing Documents, the Association has the following powers and obligations (the matters addressed in this Section may not constitute a complete list of the powers and obligations of the Association, as other powers and obligations may be addressed in other Sections of the Declaration, other provisions of Governing Documents, and in Legal Requirements): (a) The Association shall satisfy or perform the obligations required of the Association by Legal Requirements and the Governing Documents, and the Association shall have all powers conferred upon the Association by the Governing Documents and Legal Requirements. (b) The Association may acquire, hold, lease (as lessor or lessee), operate and dispose of tangible and intangible personal property and real property. (c) The Association has the sole and exclusive power and authority to regulate use of the Common Elements by Owners and other Persons, including establishment of Rules and Regulations for use and user fees or charges. The Association may also sale, transfer, convey or assign to any Approved Builder or Owner rights related to any Impervious Surface lying and being situate in the Common Elements. (d) The Association has the power and authority to enter into such encroachment agreements and other agreements with Governmental Authorities, utility providers, and • other Persons as are reasonably necessary to enable the Association to maintain Common Elements, and to perform its obligations under the Declaration. During the Development Period, the Declarant has the power and authority to enter into encroachment agreements and other agreements with Governmental Authorities, utility providers, and other Persons as Declarant, in its sole discretion, determines, each of which agreements are binding on the Association and all Owners, unless otherwise provided therein. 15 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 15 Page 16 of 79 Igo (e) The Association shall accept transfer of ownership from Declarant of any and all Common Elements and any and all Improvements thereon, including transfer or assignment of any and all associated rights, easements, permits, and obligations, provided the same are completed in accordance with and otherwise in compliance with all Legal Requirements. (f) The Association shall accept from Declarant any and all assignments of Declarant rights and obligations under any part or all of the Declaration, any Supplemental Declaration, any easements, any encroachment agreement with a Governmental Authority, or any other agreement with or permit issued by a Governmental Authority, a utility provider, or any other Person, and any document required to be executed with respect to the Property by a Governmental Authority, including assumption of all Declarant or Association obligations which are contained in such documents and agreements or which are incident to such assignments, as they relate to any Common Elements, architectural approvals or other functions or services performed or provided by the Association, provided, however, Declarant shall be in compliance with the obligations under such agreements, permits and all Legal Requirements related to such obligations at the time of such assignment. (g) The Association shall accept from Declarant any and all appointments of the Association as the agent of Declarant for administration and enforcement of any of the provisions of the Declaration or any Supplemental Declaration and shall assume all obligations which are incident to such appointments as they relate to any Common Elements, architectural approvals or other functions or services performed or provided by the Association. (h) All rights and powers granted to, or reserved for, or established for the benefit of, the Association may be exercised by the Association (or, as the case may be, on behalf of the Association by the Board or a Committee of the Board), at any time and from time to time. Section 3. Functions and Services. The Association shall or may, as indicated, do, provide, provide for, perform, accept, or be responsible for the following, the expenses for which are Common Expenses, and in carrying out these and other functions and providing services as required or allowed by the Governing Documents, the Association has all of the following described or referenced rights and powers: (a) The Association shall carry out the Association's obligations and business under the terms of Legal Requirements and the Governing Documents, including legal, financial, accounting and communications services, and shall provide or procure the administrative services necessary in connection therewith. (b) The Association shall maintain the Common Elements and any other real or personal property owned or leased by the Association, or subject to an easement granted to or reserved for the Association, in such manner and to such extent as reasonably determined by the Board, giving due consideration to the Community Wide Standard and to the level of maintenance, if any, that may be performed by a Governmental Authority or other Person (including Owners - for example, mowing of grass in a stormwater drainage easement on a Lot or in a general utility easement around the boundaries of a Lot typically would be the responsibility of the Owner of the Lot, unless the 16 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 16 Page 17 of 79 Association determines it is in the best interest of the Association to provide such maintenance). (c) The Association shall operate the Architectural Review Committee(s) as and when provided in the Declaration. (d) The Association shall keep records of all its acts and corporate business, and, in particular, the Association shall keep financial records sufficiently detailed to enable the Association to comply with the Act. (e) -The Association shall provide an annual financial report to each Member making written request therefor and paying the reasonable charge for same established by the Board and, upon either the (i) the affirmative vote of majority of the votes cast by the Members present at a meeting of the Association, or (ii) the written request of the Members possessing twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the total number of votes of all the Members of the Association, shall have such report audited (at the expense of the Association) by an independent certified public accountant, which audited report shall be made available to each Member making written request therefor. (f) The Association shall make available for inspection by the Members and Mortgagees, upon reasonable request, during normal business hours and upon payment of reasonable copying and administrative costs, current copies of the Governing Documents, and the books, records and financial statements of the Association. (g) As required by the Governing Documents and Legal Requirements, the Association shall establish an annual operating budget, shall establish the amount of and collect assessments, and shall establish reserve funds. (h) The Association shall hold meetings and give proper notice thereof, as required by the Governing Documents and Legal Requirements. (i) _The Association shall file with applicable Governmental Authority all applications for tax exempt status and pay all applicable ad valorem property taxes and Governmental Authority assessments, if any, on the Common Elements owned by the Association and on other property or assets owned by the Association. 0) The Association shall obtain and maintain insurance and fidelity bonds as required in the Governing Documents. (k) The Association shall be responsible for stormwater management and maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures as provided in the Declaration and in any other Governing Document or as required by Legal Requirements. (1) The Association shall be responsible for all financial and other obligations of the Association pursuant to any agreement entered into by or on behalf of the Association as contemplated by the Declaration, including the following: encroachment agreement or other agreement with a Governmental Authority; agreement with a utility provider; agreement with any other Person. 17 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 17 Page 18 of 79 19Iq (m) The Association may take all actions and do all things its deems necessary or desirable to enforce and implement the provisions of Legal Requirements and the Governing Documents, and to exercise the rights, satisfy the obligations, and perform the functions or services the Association is required or allowed to do by the Governing Documents, and in connection therewith, except as specifically limited by the Declaration the Association shall have all of the rights and powers under the Act and the Nonprofit Corporation Act. (n) The Association may grant easements, leases, licenses and concessions through or over the Common Elements, as the Board determines to be in the best interests of the Association. (o) The Association may enter into contractual agreements or covenants to share costs with any neighboring property owner or association of property owners to contribute funds for, among other things, shared or mutually beneficial property or services or a higher level of Common Elements maintenance. (p) Subject to Legal Requirements, the Association may maintain grass, landscaping, decorative paving or other decorative features, and all equipment and facilities associated therewith, within street rights of way and on sidewalks in or adjacent to the Property, with such frequency and in such manner as determined by the Board for determining the level of maintenance to be performed by the Association, the Board may give due consideration to the extent to which a Governmental Authority or any other Person is responsible for and performs such maintenance and to the terms of any encroachment agreement between the Declarant or the Association and a Governmental Authority. The Association may enter into encroachment and other agreements with a Governmental Authority or other Persons with respect to such maintenance. (q) As provided in the Governing Documents, the Association may adopt, amend, and repeal Restrictions and Rules. (r) The Association may enter into agreements or contracts with utility companies with respect to utility installation,. consumption and service matters relating to the Common Elements. (s) The Association may provide, or provide for, services and facilities for Owners and their Lots and Dwellings (as distinguished from services and facilities relating to Common Elements) and may enter into and terminate contracts or agreements with other entities, including Declarant, to provide such services and facilities. The Board may charge use or service fees for any such services and facilities provided to or for an Owner or may include the costs thereof in the Association's budget as a Common Expense and assess it as part of the annual assessment if provided to all Owners; provided however that the Association's budget is amended concurrently to properly reflect the costs of such services. By way of example, such services and facilities might include landscape maintenance, insect and pest control service, cable television service, security, caretaker, transportation, refuse and recycling collection, fire protection, utilities, and similar services and facilities. Provided, however, prior to providing any such service to all Owners that will be paid for as part of the annual assessment, the Association: (i) shall obtain a vote or consent of the Members that is equal to or greater than sixty-seven percent (67%) of the total number of votes in the Association (such vote is not required in connection with services that the 18 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 18 Page 19 of 79 aoo Association is required to provide by the Governing Documents or Legal Requirements); and (ii) prior to the end of the Development Period, upon obtaining the written consent of Declarant; and (iii) during the time that an Approved Builder is the Owner of a Lot or has the right to acquire a Lot within the Property, upon obtaining the written consent of such Approved Builder. In addition, the Association shall accept assignment of all such contracts entered into by the Declarant when the Declarant is the owner of all of the Property or entered into at any time by all of the Owners (the execution of the contract by any one of multiple owners of a Lot being sufficient with respect to that Lot). Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as a representation, promise, warranty, or guaranty by Declarant or the Association as to what, if any, services will be provided or the extent to which any service will be provided. (t) The Association may borrow funds to pay costs of operation of the Association, which borrowing may be secured by assignment or pledge of Association rights to receive and collect assessments or by liens on Common Elements or other Association assets, as determined by the Board, subject to the Governing Documents and Legal Requirements; provided, however, prior to providing any such service to all Owners that will be paid for as part of the annual assessment, the Association first shall obtain a vote or consent of the Members that is equal to or greater than sixty- seven percent (67%) of the total number of votes in the Association. (u) The Association may maintain one or more bank accounts and enter into contracts or other agreements reasonably necessary in connection therewith. (v) The Association may sue or defend in any court of law on behalf of the Association and may employ attorneys and other necessary professionals in connection therewith. (w) The Association may adjust the amount, collect, and use insurance proceeds to repair damage to or replace Common Elements, and if proceeds are insufficient to repair damage to or replace same, levy special assessments (in the manner provided herein) to cover the deficiency. (x) The Association may employ a property manager and -may employ or contract with independent contractors or other Persons as the Board deems necessary. (y) The -Association may retain the services of attorneys, accountants, and such other professionals or tradesmen as it deems necessary and appropriate. W The Association may contract with Declarant or any other Person for performance of services provided by the Association, such contracts to be at competitive rates and upon such terms and for such consideration as the Board deems proper, advisable and in the best interests of the Association. (aa) The Association may establish and maintain the nonprofit corporation tax status of the Association for federal and State of North Carolina income tax purposes, as determined by the Board to be in the best interests of the Association. 19 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 19 Page 20 of 79 (bb) The Association may contract with other nonprofit corporations or associations which exist for purposes substantially similar to those for which the Association exists, with respect to the maintenance of property owned by such corporation or association. (cc) The Association may impose reasonable charges for Iate payment of assessments and, subject to any applicable notice and hearing requirements of the Act, may suspend privileges or services provided by the Association (except rights of access to Lots and rights of access to easements and facilities in the Common Elements that provide stormwater drainage or public utility services to Lots) during any period that assessments or other amounts due and owing to the Association remain unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days or longer after the payment due date. (dd) Subject to any applicable notice and hearing requirements of the Act, the Association may impose reasonable fines or suspend privileges or services provided by the Association for reasonable periods for violations of the Declaration or other Governing Documents, except that the Association may not suspend rights of access to Lots over Common Elements or rights of access to easements and facilities in the Common Elements that provide stormwater drainage from or public utility services to Lots. (ee) In addition to the insurance coverages required by the Declaration, the Association may obtain and maintain such other insurance coverage as the Board determines to be in the best interests of the Association, and may adjust the amount, collect, and use the proceeds of such insurance as the Board determines. (ff) As a Common Expense, the Association may provide educational and training opportunities within the Subdivision, including providing funding and permitting facilities use for such purposes. As examples, the Association may provide education and training activities as a tool for fostering Owner and resident awareness of the Subdivision and the facilities and services provided by the Association, as well as governance and operation of the Association. Other appropriate educational topics include dispute or conflict resolution, issues involving the Governing Documents, and benefitting from and contributing to the Subdivision. The Association also is authorized to fund and support the education and training required for officers, directors, and committee members. Section 4. Stormwater Management. Except for maintenance responsibilities (i) placed on Owners by the Governing Documents or Legal Requirements, or (ii) assumed or undertaken by other Persons (for example, a Governmental Authority), the Association shall maintain the Stormwater Control Measures and shall pay for the maintenance thereof as part of the Common Expenses. Declarant reserves for itself and the Association a blanket easement across all Lots for maintaining satisfactory stormwater drainage in the Property; provided, however, such easement area shall not include any portion of the building pad for a Dwelling on a Lot. It is anticipated that increased stormwater run-off across downstream Lots may result from the construction of impervious surface within the Property. Neither the Declarant nor the Association with respect to Improvements it constructs in accordance with Legal Requirements applicable at the time of construction, and neither any other Approved Builder or Owner constructing Improvements 20 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 20 Page 21 of 79 r:2, according to Approved Plans and Legal Requirements applicable at the time of construction, shall have any liability to any Owner due to the increased flow or increased velocity of surface water resulting from construction of such Improvements. Section 5. Dedication, Conveyance or Exchange of Common Elements. The Association, (i) upon obtaining the minimum required voting percentage under applicable provisions of the Act for conveyance of Common Elements (at the time of recording of the Declaration Section 47F-3- 112 of the Act requires the affirmative vote of eighty percent (80%) or more of the total number of votes in the Association), and (ii) upon compliance with any applicable provisions of the Code and other Legal Requirements, and (iii) prior to the end of the Development Period, upon obtaining the written consent of Declarant, may dedicate portions of the Common Elements to public use or convey or exchange portions of the Common Elements with the Declarant or any other Person, for any purpose approved by any required vote of the Members, including any one or more of the - following purposes: (i) to eliminate unintentional encroachments of Improvements or easements; (ii) to correct any building or other setback violations; (iii) to adjust boundary lines of portions of the Property; (iv) to facilitate the orderly subdivision and development of the Property; (v) to conform the configuration of the Property to any applicable Development Plan; (vi) to satisfy, or correct any violation of, any applicable Legal Requirements related to an impervious Surface; or (vii) to reallocate impervious Surface to any portion of the Lots or the Common Elements. All conveyances and exchanges of Common Elements are subject to the following: (i) no such conveyance or exchange (either alone, or in conjunction with other conveyances or exchanges) shall result in a reduction of the portion of the Common Elements that constitutes "open space" below the minimum amount of open space, if any, required by the applicable Governmental Authority; (ii) if required by Legal Requirements, the applicable Governmental Authority must approve any exchange or boundary line adjustment; (iii) any boundary line adjustment must be approved by the Owners of all portions of the Property affected by the adjustment; (iv) Property received by the Association in an exchange must be of like value and utility as the Common Elements that are part of the exchange transaction; (v) each Lot contiguous to Common Elements prior to the conveyance shall remain contiguous to Common Elements after the conveyance, unless otherwise approved by the Owner of the Lot that no longer will be contiguous; (vi) the conveyance shall not materially conflict with any applicable Development Plan; (vii) no conveyance of Common Elements shall deprive any Lot of its rights of access and support; and (viii) any conveyance of real property to the Association must be -free and clear of all encumbrances except for the Declaration and any applicable Supplemental Declaration, or other agreement executed as allowed by the Declaration, Legal Requirements, street rights of way or access easements, greenway easements, easements for utilities, and stormwater drainage easements. Section 6. Mortgage and Pledge of Common Elements. The Association, (i) upon complying with the minimum required voting percentage under applicable provisions of the Act for conveyance or dedication of Common Elements (at the time of recording of the Declaration Section 47F-3-112 of the Act requires the affirmative vote of eighty percent (80%) or more of the total number of votes in the Association), and (ii) prior to the end of the Development Period upon obtaining the written consent of Declarant, shall have the power and authority to mortgage the Common Elements and to pledge its assets as security for loans made to the Association, which loans shall be used by the Association in performing its functions and providing services under the Declaration. Declarant may, but shall not be required to, make loans to the Association, subject 21 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 21 Page 22 of 79 to the foregoing and further subject to approval by the Declarant of the use of such loan proceeds and the terms pursuant to which such loans will be repaid. Notwithstanding anything in the Declaration to the contrary, at any time that there is any unpaid amount owed to Declarant under any loan made by it to the Association, without Declarant's written consent the annual assessments shall not be reduced below the amounts in effect at the time such loan first was made. Section 7. Liability Limitations. Except as required by Legal Requirements or the Declaration, or agreed to by any of the following Persons otherwise excluded from liability by the provisions of this sentence, neither Declarant, nor any Approved Builder, nor any current or former Member of the Association, nor the Board, nor any director on the Board, nor any officer of the Association, nor any member of the Architectural Review Committee or any other Association committee, nor any shareholder, director, officer, partner, member, manager, agent or employee of any of the foregoing, shall be personally liable for debts contracted or incurred by the Association or for a tort of another current or former Member, whether or not such other current or former Member was acting on behalf of the Association, unless such Person specifically agrees in writing to be obligated for any such debt of the Association or any such tort (but the foregoing shall not relieve such Person from that Person's obligation, if any, under the Declaration, to pay assessments to the Association or other obligations as a Member of the Association). Neither Declarant, nor the Association, nor the Board, nor any director on the Board, nor any officer of the Association, nor any member of the Architectural Review Committee or any other Association committee, nor any shareholder, director, officer, partner, member, manager, agent or employee of any of the foregoing, acting in those official capacities, shall be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for failure to inspect any Owner's Lot or Improvements thereon, or for failure to maintain the same (provided, however, and notwithstanding the foregoing, as required by Legal Requirements and the Governing Documents; Declarant and the Association each shall maintain all portions of the Property it owns, and, except as otherwise specifically provided herein, directors on the Board and officers of the Association and members of the Architectural Review Committee and other Association committees shall have all of the other obligations and liabilities of an Owner under the Declaration with respect to portions of the Property owned by such Persons). Neither the Board or any director of the Board, the Association or any of its officers, the Declarant or any of its shareholders, directors, officers, partners, members, managers, agents or employees, nor any current or former Member of the Association, shall be considered as a bailee of any personal property stored or placed on the Common Elements (including vehicles parked on the Common Elements), whether or not exclusive possession of the particular area is given to the Person who owns such personal property, nor shall any of the foregoing Persons (other than the Person who owns the personal property) be responsible for the security of such personal property or for any loss or damage thereto. With the exception of liability for gross negligence, the Association shall not be liable for any personal injury or damage to property arising out of or resulting from any of the following: (i) failure of or interruption to any service to be obtained by the Association or paid for as a Common Expense; (ii) weather or other natural events or events of Force Majeure; (iii) the acts or omissions of any Owner or any other Person; or (iv) electricity, water, snow or ice which may leak or flow from or over any portion of the Property or from any pipe, drain, conduit, appliance or equipment, or any incidental or consequential damages of any type resulting from the foregoing. No diminution, offset or abatement of any assessment or other 22 Book: 3214 Page: 182 S.eq: 22 Page 23 of 79 charge shall be claimed or allowed for inconvenience or discomfort arising from maintenance of the Common Elements or from any action taken by the Association to comply with any Legal Requirement. This Section is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to relieve any insurer of its contractual obligations under any policy benefitting the Association or any Owner. The Association shall indemnify all Association directors and officers, and members of the Architectural Review Committee and other Association committee members, as required by the Governing Documents. Section 8. Merger or Consolidation. Upon a merger or consolidation of the Association with another association in accordance with all Legal Requirements, the Property, rights and obligations of the Association, by operation of law, may be transferred to another surviving or consolidated association or, alternatively, the Property, rights and obligations of another association, by operation of law, may be added to the Property, rights and obligations of the Association as the surviving corporation pursuant to a merger or consolidation. The surviving or consolidated association shall be considered the Association under the Declaration and may administer the terms and provisions'of the Declaration and any applicable Supplemental Declaration, together with the terms and provisions of any declarations, covenants and restrictions applicable to other property under the jurisdiction of the surviving or consolidated Association, as a common plan. Other than as specifically stated in the plan of merger or consolidation approved pursuant to all Legal Requirements, no merger or consolidation shall bring about any revocation of the provisions of the Declaration with respect to the Property, including the limits on any assessment or any other matter substantially affecting the interests of the members of the Association. In addition to obtaining the minimum required voting percentage under applicable provisions of the Act for merger or consolidation with another association, during the Development Period such merger or consolidation must have the written consent of Declarant and any Approved Builder that is the Owner of a Lot or that then has the right to acquire a Lot. ARTICLE IV RIGHTS IN AND TO COMMON ELEMENTS Section 1. Owners' Easements of Enjoyment and Access. Except as limited by the provisions of this Section, or by other provisions of the Declaration or any other Governing Document, every Owner shall have a non-exclusive right and easement of enjoyment in, use of and access to, from, and over the Common Elements, which right and easement shall be appurtenant to and shall pass with title to every Lot, subject to the following: (a) restrictions, easements, and other matters applicable to the Common Elements. (b) subject to the provisions of the Code and the Governing Documents, the right of the Association to regulate the use of any Common Elements by Owners and other Persons. (c) the right of the Association to regulate or limit -use and access by Owners to Common Elements to only such use or access as is reasonably necessary to the full use and enjoyment of the Lot owned by such Owner. In this regard, it is contemplated that there may be some Common Elements to which no Owners, or only a limited number of Owners, will have any right of use or 23 Book: 3214 Page: 1.82 Seq: 23 Page 24 of 79 aas access. (d) limitation of use of Limited Common Elements to those. Lots and Owners to whom such Limited Common Elements is allocated or with whom it is associated. (e) subject to any applicable notice and hearing requirements of the Act and maximum fine limitations of the Act, the right of the Association to fine an Owner or suspend the voting rights of an Owner- or suspend other rights and easements of enjoyment in and to the Common Elements of an Owner and such Owner's family members, tenants, contract purchasers, guests, or other Persons to whom the Owner has delegated such rights, for any period during which any assessment or other amount owed by the Owner to the Association remains unpaid, and for a reasonable period of time for any violation or infraction of the Governing Documents by an Owner or such Owner's family members, tenants, contract purchasers, guests, or other Persons to whom the Owner has delegated such rights or who are asserting any rights through such Owner. Provided, however, no such suspension shall constitute a waiver or discharge of the Owner's obligation to pay any assessment or other charge under the Declaration. Further provided, the Association shall not suspend the right of any Owner to any of the following: (i) ingress and egress over any portion of the Common Elements on which there is a private street or easement that provides access for ingress and egress from a public street to and from such Owner's Lot; (ii) drainage of stormwater in, on, over, under, or through, as applicable, any portion of the Common EIements on which there is a stormwater drainage easement or Stormwater Control Measure that provides storm water drainage for such Owner's Lot; or (iii) sanitary sewer, water or other utility service in, on, over, under, or through, as applicable, any portion of the Common Elements on which there is an easement that provides such utility service to such Owner's Lot. Provided, however, such Owner shall remain subject to the Rules and Regulations, if any, established by the Association for use of such portion of the Common Elements. (f) the right of the Association to dedicate, sell, transfer or exchange all or any part of the Common Elements, subject to the applicable voting requirements for such actions. (g) the right of the Declarant, during the Development Period, and the right of the Association, to grant easements over, across, in, on, under, and through the Common Elements to any Governmental Authority or utility provider for the installation and maintenance therein of water and sanitary sewer, natural gas, internet, electric, telephone, cable television, and other utilities, and Stormwater Control Measures. (h) the right of the Association, as provided by and consistent with the provisions of the Code, the Act and the Declaration, to exchange all or part of the Common Elements for other property or consideration. (i) Special Declarant Rights and any other rights of the Declarant. Section 2. Delegation of Use. (a) Family. Subject to all provisions of the Governing Documents for use of the Common Elements applicable to Owners, members of the Owner's immediate family who occupy the Dwelling of the Owner within the Property as their principal residence may use the Common 24 Book:" 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 24 Page 25 of 79 �v EIements in the same manner and to the same extent as the Owner. Provided, however, any use of the Common Elements by occupants of a utility dwelling is subject to such rules and user fees as the Board, in the exercise of its discretion, adopts or imposes. (b) Tenants. Subject to all provisions of the Governing Documents applicable to Owners and tenants, tenants authorized by the Owner to use the Common Elements may use the Common Elements in the same manner and to the same extent as the Owner. (c) Guests. Subject to all applicable provisions of the Governing Documents, guests of Owners and guests of tenants authorized by the Owner or tenant to use the Common Elements, may use the Common Elements in the same manner and to the same extent as the Owner. (d) The Board has the authority to resolve any issue as to whether a Person is a family member, occupant of a utility dwelling, tenant, or guest of any Owner under this Section and the right of such Person to use the Common Elements. (e) Suspension of Use Privilege. All uses of the Common EIements by an Owner's family members, tenants, and guests constitute a privilege and not a right. The privilege of any Person under this Section to use the Common Elements may be suspended for violation of the Governing Documents and as otherwise provided in the Governing Documents, and such privilege shall be suspended during any period of time that the rights of the Owner through whom the Person derives his or her privilege to use the Common Elements are suspended. Section 3. Limitation of Liability. Owners, occupants, tenants, and guests shall use the Common Elements and other property maintained by the Association at their own risk and shall assume sole responsibility for their personal belongings used or stored thereon. All Owners, occupants, tenants, and guests shall have an affirmative duty and responsibility to inspect such Common Elements and other property maintained by the Association for any defects, perils or other unsafe conditions relating to the use and enjoyment thereof and to report any of the foregoing to the Association. The Association, the Declarant and their respective officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents shall not be held liable for personal injury to any person, nor for loss or damage to personal belongings used or stored on any of the Common Elements or other property maintained by the Association. The Association shall not be liable to any Owner, occupant, tenant, or guest for loss or damage, by theft or otherwise, of any property of Owner, occupant tenant, or guest. The Association shall not be liable for injury or damage to any Person or property: (a) caused by the elements or by an Owner or any other Person, (b) resulting from any rain or other surface water which may leak or flow from any street, pipe, plumbing, drain, conduit, appliance, equipment, security system, Stormwater Control Facilities, or utility line or facility, or from any portion of the Common Elements or other property maintained by the Association, unless resulting from the gross negligence of the Association, or (c) resulting from any street, pipe, plumbing, drain, conduit, appliance, equipment, security system, Stormwater Control Facilities, or utility line or facility, the responsibility for the maintenance of which is that of the Association, becoming out of repair, unless resulting from the gross negligence of the Association. Section 4. Conveyance of Title to the Association. The Association shall accept conveyance of Common Elements at any time, provided, however, that the same are in compliance with all 25 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 25 Page 26 of 79 26-7 Legal Requirements. During the Development Period, the Declarant reserves the right to determine and designate what real property constitutes Common Elements. During the Development Period Declarant reserves an easement in, over, across, under and through the Common Elements for the purpose of constructing Improvements in, on, over, under, and through the Common Elements or Improvements for the benefit of the Subdivision as it deems necessary or advisable, provided that any such Improvements must comply with all Legal Requirements. Except as otherwise stated herein, all conveyances by Declarant to the Association of real property may be by special warranty deed .but shall otherwise be free of any and all monetary encumbrances. ARTICLE V MEMBERSHIP AND VOTING RIGHTS Section 1. Membership. Each and every Owner of a Lot is a Member of the Association, with classes of membership as provided herein, and, by execution of the Declaration or by acceptance of a deed conveying to such Owner title to any Lot, each Owner consents to be a Member of the Association and to be subject to the terms of the Governing Documents. Membership shall be appurtenant to and may not be separated from ownership of the Lot. An Owner's membership in the Association automatically terminates whenever such Person ceases to be an Owner, and Declarant shall be the Class B Member at all times that Declarant owns at least one Lot (which may consist of unsubdivided land owned by Declarant if Declarant owns no other Lots in the Property). Termination of membership shall. not release or relieve any such Owner from any liability or obligation incurred under the Declaration during the period of such Owner's membership in the Association, nor impair any rights or remedies which the Association or any other Owner has with respect to such former Owner. Section 2. Classes of Voting Members. The Association shall have two (2) classes of voting Members as follows: (a) Class A. Class A Members are all Owners of Lots, except for the Class B Member. With respect to Association matters on which Class A Members are eligible to vote, each Lot owned by a Class A Member or Members is allocated one vote, regardless of the number of Class A Members who own the Lot and regardless of size of the Lot. (b) Class B. The Class B Member is the Declarant. During all times that the Class B membership exists the CIass B Member is the only Member eligible to vote on Association matters, unless a Legal Requirement requires that all Members have a right to vote. With respect to each Association matter on which the Class B Member is eligible to vote, the Class B Member is allocated 100 votes. Any one or more times that the Class B membership terminates because Declarant owns no Lots, and Declarant later acquires ownership of one or more Lots, the Class B membership shall be reinstated until such time as Declarant again owns no Lots. Section 3. Exercise of Voting Rights. The exercise of voting rights shall be governed by the Articles or Bylaws of the Association, as applicable, including quorum requirements and exercise of voting rights by written consent or other method allowed in the Articles or Bylaws instead of a vote at a meeting of the Association, or by any combination of voting at a meeting and other method of voting as allowed in the Articles or ByIaws..Any provision of the Declaration or other 26 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 26 Page 27 of 79 Governing Documents that refers to a vote of the membership of the Association shall not preclude the exercise of voting rights by such other methods. When there is more than one Owner of any Lot or Lots, all such Owners shall be Members and the voting rights allocated to their Lot or Lots shall be exercised as they, among themselves, determine (subject to any applicable provisions of the Articles or*Bylaws), but fractional voting of the votes allocated to such Lot or Lots shall not be allowed. Section 4. Period of Declarant Control. During the Development Period, the Declarant shall be entitled to appoint, remove, and replace all directors of the Board, and, with respect to quorum requirements at any meeting of the Association, Declarant's right to appoint directors is also Declarant's right to elect directors under the Act. ARTICLE VI ASSESSMENTS AND OTHER CHARGES Section 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Obligation for Assessments and Other Charges. Each Owner, by execution of the Declaration or by acceptance of a deed or other instrument conveying title to a Lot, whether or not it shall be so expressed therein, is deemed to consent and agree to pay to the Association (or to any Person who may be designated by the Association to collect such monies on behalf of the Association) all assessments for Common Expenses and other charges as required or allowed by the Declaration, including the following: (i) annual assessments; (h) working capital assessment; (iii) stormwater assessments; (iv) special assessments for capital Improvements or other matters as set forth herein; (v) special individual assessments levied against an Owner to reimburse the Association for maintenance expenses resulting from the failure of such Owner to maintain adequately that Owner's Lot, or for damages to Common Elements, or for such other purposes as stated herein; (vi) architectural review fees and costs as specified herein; (vii) fines for violations of Restrictions and Rules or Association Rules and Regulations with respect to use of the Common Elements; (viii) late payment penalties and interest on unpaid assessments and other charges; and (ix) other charges imposed under authority contained in the Act (specifically including all fees allowed under Section 47F-3-102 of the Act) or Governing Documents (architectural review fees, fines, penalties, interest and other fees and charges all being referred to herein collectively as "other charges"), and, in addition to such assessments and other charges, to pay all costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the Association in enforcing or collecting any of the foregoing assessments or other charges against such Owner or the Lot of such Owner. All assessments and other charges shall be established and collected as hereinafter provided. All assessments levied against a Lot and other charges owed by the Owner of a Lot that remain unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days or longer, together with the costs of collection thereof, including reasonable attorneys' fees, shall constitute a charge and continuing lien on that. Lot from and after the time of the filing of a claim of lien by the Association in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Nash County, North Carolina, and shall be the personal and continuing obligation of such Owner at the time when the assessment or other charge first became due and payable. An Owner's personal obligation for payment of such assessments and other charges shall not become the personal obligation of a subsequent Owner unless expressly assumed by the subsequent Owner, although the lien shall continue against the Lot until the amounts due are paid. No Owner shall be exempt from liability for any assessment provided for herein by reason of non-use of the Common 27 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 27 Page 28 of 79 wog Elements or such Owner's Lot, or abandonment of a Lot, or temporary unavailability of the use or enjoyment of the Common Elements. If necessary to establish the right to collect reasonable attorneys' fees under the Declaration, any obligation of an Owner to pay assessments or other charges or monetary obligations under the Declaration shall constitute evidence of indebtedness for the purpose of establishing under Section 6-21.2 of the North Carolina General Statutes (or any successor statute) the right to collect reasonable attorneys' fees in any action or proceeding to enforce or collect payment of such obligation. Provided, however, the foregoing sentence specifically is intended to supplement, and not to interfere, limit, invalidate or be in conflict with, any provisions of the Act or Legal Requirements with respect to reasonable attorneys' fees. Section 2. Liability for Assessments After Change in Membership Status. No Owner shall be relieved of, or released from, the obligation to pay assessments and other charges under the Declaration because of any resignation or attempted resignation by such Owner of membership in the Association while such Owner owns a Lot, or because of any suspension of such Owner's membership or membership rights in the Association as allowed under Legal Requirements or the Governing Documents. Section 3. Nature Purpose and Use of Assessments. The assessments shall be used by the Association to pay the Common Expenses. The annual assessment primarily is for the purpose of funding the Common Expenses of the Association, including monies set aside for reserves, for the fiscal year to which it applies and in accordance with the annual operating budget adopted by the Association, although such assessments may be used for payment of any Common Expenses as determined by theBoard. All assessments and other charges collected by the Association shall be the separate property of the Association. As assessments and other charges are paid to the Association by Owners, such funds may be commingled with assessments and other charges paid to the Association by other Owners. No Member of the Association shall have the right to assign, hypothecate, pledge or in any manner transfer, such Member's interest in the assets of the Association, except as an appurtenance to the Lot owned by such Member. When any Owner ceases to be a Member of the Association, the Association shall not be required to account to such Owner for any share of the funds or assets of the Association or any portion thereof which were paid to the Association by such Owner or acquired with any funds paid to the Association by such Owner. Section 4. Commencement of Assessments. (a) Each Lot becomes subject to all assessments under the Declaration from and after the later of the date on which it becomes a Lot or becomes subject to this Declaration. (b) With respect to any Lot that is not a Lot on the first day of a fiscal year and first becomes a Lot during that fiscal year, the annual assessment due and payable for that Lot for that fiscal year is determined by multiplying the applicable annual assessment amount by a fraction whose numerator is the number of days remaining in that fiscal year from and after the day on which it becomes a Lot and whose denominator is the total number of days in that fiscal year. Such annual assessment is due and payable by the Owner of such Lot on or before the 301h day following the date on which it becomes a Lot. 28 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 28 Page 29 of 79 LZ 10. (c) With respect to any Lot that is conveyed by Declarant to any other Owner during a fiscal year for which Declarant has elected to fund the Operating Deficit instead of paying annual assessments, for that fiscal year the annual assessment for such Lot due and payable by such Owner is determined by multiplying the applicable annual assessment amount by a fraction whose numerator is the number of days remaining in that fiscal year from and after the day on which the conveyance occurs and whose denominator is the total number of days in that fiscal year. Such annual assessment is due and payable by the Owner at the time of the conveyance by the Declarant to such Owner. Section 5. Annual Operating Budget and Annual Assessments. (a) Beginning in 2022 and subsequent years, the Board shall adopt for each fiscal year a proposed budget, containing an estimate of the total amount believed to be necessary to pay the Common Expenses for that fiscal year, including such reasonable amounts as the Board deems necessary to pay for: (i) maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures; (ii) payment of any amounts the Association is required to pay to a Governmental Authority by agreements with respect to Stormwater Control Measures; (iii) maintenance of Common Elements other than Stormwater Control Measures; (iv) working capital (available for day-to-day operating expenses of the Association and otherwise uncommitted for specific expenses); (v) reserves for contingencies, including replacement of Common Elements; and (vi) other items determined by the Board, and the budget shall contain separate line items for each of the foregoing (but no budget shall be invalid if any one or more of such items are not shown as separate line items). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the initial annual assessment shall not exceed One Thousand Twenty and No/100 Dollars ($1,020.00) per year, without all Approved Builders' prior written consent, which consent may not be unreasonably withheld. In adopting a budget and annual assessment, the Board may consider any assessment income expected to be generated from any additional Lots reasonably anticipated to become subject to assessment during the applicable fiscal year. The budget shall state the amount of the annual assessment per Lot proposed by the Board as necessary to pay for the budgeted Common Expenses, which is the annual assessment that will be assessed upon ratification of the budget. Unless a lower percentage is specified by the Board in the proposed budget, during the applicable fiscal year, and without any meeting of the Association to ratify an amended budget (it being deemed that the additional annual assessment is approved with the ratification of the original budget for that fiscal year), the Board may assess and collect from the Owners one or more additional annual assessments, which in aggregate may not exceed a total of fifty percent (50%) of the annual assessment for that fiscal year, determined by the Board to be necessary to cover actual Common Expenses that exceed the budgeted amount therefor and new or unexpected additional Common Expenses incurred during that fiscal year. The amount of the annual assessment resulting from budget ratification plus any additional amount of annual assessment permitted to be assessed by the Board is referred to herein as the "maximum annual assessment" (for example, if the annual assessment is $100.00 per Lot and the additional annual assessment amount that could be assessed and collected during the applicable fiscal year is $50.00 per Lot, then the maximum annual assessment for that fiscal year is $150.00 per Lot). The total amount of the annual assessment actually assessed against each Lot during a fiscal year is referred to herein as the "actual annual assessment" (for example, if the annual assessment proposed by the Board and ratified in connection with the budget is $100.00 per Lot and an additional $25.00 per Lot is assessed during irM Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 29 Page 30 of 79 the fiscal year, the actual annual assessment for that fiscal year is $125.00). Within thirty (30) days after adoption of the proposed budget, the Board shall provide a copy or summary thereof to all Members (a copy or summary provided to any one of multiple Owners of a Lot is deemed to be provided to all Owners of such Lot), together with a notice of the annual or special meeting of the Association at which ratification of such proposed budget will be considered, including a statement that the proposed budget may be ratified without a quorum for the meeting. The annual or special meeting at which ratification of the proposed budget is to be considered shall be held not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days after mailing of the summary and notice. There shall be no requirement that a quorum be present at the meeting at which ratification of the proposed budget is to be considered (although if other matters are to be considered at such meeting applicable quorum requirements are in effect with respect to those other matters). The budget is ratified unless rejected at that meeting of Members who own eighty percent (80%) or more of the total number of Lots in the Property. In the event that the proposed budget is rejected, the budget last ratified by the Members shall be continued until such time as the Members ratify a subsequent budget proposed by the Board. (b) The Association shall send notice of each annual assessment and each additional annual assessment to the Members of the Association (for purposes of notice of all assessments under the Declaration, notice sent to any one (1) of multiple Owners of a Lot is deemed to be notice sent to all of such Owners) not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the payment due date specified in the notice (which shall not be earlier than the first day of the applicable fiscal year), which notice may be in the form of an invoice for the annual assessment or additional annual assessment. The failure of the Board to establish the amount of any annual assessment or send timely notice as required herein shall not constitute a violation, waiver, or modification of the provisions of the Declaration, or a waiver of the Board's right to establish and collect the annual assessment or an additional annual assessment at any time during the fiscal year to which it is applicable, or a release of any Member from the obligation to pay the assessment or any installment thereof for that or any subsequent fiscal year. Until the Board has established an annual assessment for a fiscal year, the actual annual assessment for the immediately preceding fiscal year shall continue in effect, but when the new annual assessment is established, it shall be retroactive to the first day of the applicable fiscal year and notice of same shall be sent to the Members not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the payment due date specified in the notice. If the annual assessment for any fiscal year has not been established by the last day of the immediately preceding fiscal year, the Board may send a notice of assessment to the Members for the amount of the immediately preceding fiscal year's annual assessment. Once the new annual assessment is established, any additional amount owed is due and payable by the payment due date specified in a supplemental notice to the Members sent not less than thirty (30) days in advance of the payment due date specified in the supplemental notice. (c) Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration or by Legal Requirements (for example, additional or different assessments for Limited Common Elements and stormwater assessments), all annual assessments shall be the same for all Lots. Section 6. Declarant's and Approved Builders' Obligation to Pay Annual Assessments. (a) For any fiscal year during the Development Period, Declarant may satisfy its obligation 30 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 30 Page 31 of 79 ::?-r0;?-1 for payment of annual assessments on Lots it owns either by paying annual assessments in the amount per Lot assessed for that fiscal year or by paying only the Operating Deficit. Unless Declarant otherwise notifies the Board prior to the Board's adoption of a proposed annual operating budget for the next fiscal year, Declarant shall be deemed to have elected to continue paying on the same basis as during the current fiscal year. Payment of the Operating Deficit may be enforced against the Declarant and collected by the Association in the same manner as enforcement and collection of assessments applicable to other Owners. At Declarant' s option, the Operating Deficit for any fiscal year may not be assessed against Declarant unless the maximum annual assessment for that fiscal year has been assessed. (b) Declarant's obligations with respect to payment of annual assessments or payment of the Operating Deficit may be satisfied by Declarant by any combination of the provision of services or materials toward satisfaction of Common Expenses, including (i) payment for such services or materials directly to the providers thereof, or (ii) payment of money to the Association, or (iii) providing, directly or indirectly, to or for the Association, services or materials related to Common Expenses (the value of which shall be determined by the Board in its reasonable discretion, giving due consideration to what the fair market value of such services or materials would be if they had been furnished by a Person other than Declarant or an entity affiliated with Declarant). (c) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, each Lot owned by an Approved Builder shall not be assessed until the earlier of (i) a final Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the Dwelling built on the Lot; or (ii) six (6) months after the date of the closing for each Lot; provided, however, no annual assessments shall commence as to any Dwelling/Lot upon which a fully famished and staffed model home exists so long as such Dwelling/Lot is being used as a fully furnished and staffed model home by the Approved Builder. The assessments shall be prorated for each Lot as of the date that annual assessments commence as to each Lot. Section 7. Special Assessments. In addition to all other assessments authorized herein, and subject to the other requirements of the Declaration, the Association may levy special assessments for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the costs or expenses of any one or more of the following: (a) Maintenance of a capital improvement in or on the Common Elements, including fixtures and personal property related thereto. (b) Additions to the Common Elements. (c) The necessary facilities and equipment to enable the Association to perform the functions and offer the services required or authorized herein. (d) The Common Expenses of the Association, to the extent that such Common Expenses are not covered by annual assessments and applicable reserve funds. (e) Repayment of any loan made to the Association to enable it to pay the Common Expenses or to perform the other functions and provide the other services required or authorized 31 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 31 Page 32 of 79 a 1� herein. Each special assessment levied under this Section first shall be approved by the affirmative vote by sixty-seven percent (67%) or more of the votes cast by the Members present at a meeting of the Association and, during the Development Period, by written consent of the Declarant. Provided, however, the Board may impose special assessments against Lots, without a vote of the Members, for the following: i. against the Lots in the Property at the time the judgment was entered, a special assessment to pay for a judgment against the Association; and ii. against all Lots in the Property at the time the special assessment is levied, a special assessment to pay for part or all of any assessments against a Lot that remain unpaid after title to the Lot has been transferred to a new Owner in foreclosure of a first deed of trust on such Lot or by a deed or other document or proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. Notices for all meetings of the Association at which there is to be a vote on a special assessment shall include notice of the purpose and amount of the proposed special assessment. A special assessment is effective on the later of the date it is approved by the Members or Declarant (if such approval is required), or such later date adopted by the Members in the vote approving the special assessment and is due and payable as established by the vote of the Members approving the special assessment, or, if not established by such vote of the Members, as established by the Board. Except as otherwise provided in the Declaration or required by Legal Requirements, special assessments shall be assessed equally against the Lots - for example, if there are 100 Lots subject to a special assessment, each Lot is assessed an amount equal to 1/100a' of the total amount of that special assessment. Section 8. Special Individual Assessment. In addition to all other assessments, the Board (without any vote of the Members as required for other types of special assessments) may levy a special individual assessment against any Owner for. (i) the repair of any damage to any portion of the Property, including, without limitation, Common Elements and public road rights of way (other than normal wear and tear), caused by the Owner or any such Owner's family members, tenants, contractors, subcontractors, agents, or guests, or (ii) maintenance expenses resulting from the failure of such Owner to maintain adequately that Owner's Lot, or (iii) for any other purposes for which a special individual assessment may be assessed under Legal Requirements or Governing Documents. The notice of such special individual assessment shall describe the nature of the damage and the necessary repairs or maintenance, or any other purpose for the special individual assessment, and any such special individual assessment shall be due and payable to the Association on or before the tenth (101') day following the giving of the notice by the Association. The Board may, in its discretion, levy any such special individual assessment prior to the commencement by the Association of the repairs or maintenance for which such special individual assessment is levied; provided that, if not already completed, upon the Association's receipt of payment of such special individual assessment the Association promptly shall undertake to have such repairs or maintenance performed and shall refund to such Owner any excess of the amount assessed and paid over the cost of such repairs or maintenance. In the event that the cost of such repairs exceeds the amount assessed and paid, the Board may assess such Owner for the excess costs. 32 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 32 Page 33 of 79 Section 9. Stormwater Assessment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Declaration, and in keeping with the obligation of the Association under Section 47F-3-107(a) of the Act to be "responsible for causing the common elements to be maintained, repaired, and replaced when necessary and to assess the lot owners as necessary to recover the costs of such maintenance, repair, or replacement", (i) if the Board determines that the amount required in any fiscal year to pay for the Common Expenses, including the Association's obligation, if any, for stormwater management, maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures and payment of sums due from the Association under any Stormwater Agreement for any part or all of the Property, would cause the Association's total expenses for that fiscal year to exceed the amount that would be due and payable to the Association if all Lots were assessed in the amount of the maximum annual assessment for that fiscal year (such excess amount of total expenses for that fiscal year being referred to in this Section as "excess expenses"), and (ii) the Board determines that there are not sufficient reserve funds available both to pay the excess expenses and continue to have adequate reserve funds, and (iii) the maximum annual assessment has been assessed for that fiscal year, and (iv) Declarant either has paid the maximum annual assessments to the Association or has funded the deficit for that fiscal year in an amount equal to or greater than the maximum annual assessment on all Lots owned by Declarant, then the Board may assess for that fiscal year, a "stormwater assessment" in an amount sufficient to pay for the excess expenses. The amount of such stormwater assessment shall be determined and assessed against all Lots in the Property at the time the assessment is made, and no vote of the Members is required. The payment due dates for such stormwater assessment shall be as determined by the Board and shall be enforceable against Owners and their Lots in the same manner as annual assessments. Provided, however, during the Development Period no such stormwater assessment shall be assessed unless the same shall have been consented to in writing by the Declarant. Further provided, except as may be necessary to account for different Stormwater Control Measures, or Stormwater Agreements (or other agreements related to stormwater) applicable to different Lots as allowed in the Declaration, all stormwater assessments shall be the same for all Lots. Any stormwater assessment for excess expenses is in addition to all other assessments provided for herein. Section 10. Collection of Assessments; Penalties for Late Payment. (a) Assessments may be collected on a monthly, quarterly, annual or other basis, as determined by the Board, with the payment due date to be specified in the notice of the applicable assessment. The billing schedule and payment due date shall be the same for all Owners. (b) Subject to any limitations contained in the Declaration, other Governing Documents, or any Legal Requirement, the Board has the authority to establish the payment due dates and penalties for late payment of assessments and other charges. Assessments and other charges not paid by the payment due date shall bear a Iate payment penalty in an amount established by the Board, not to exceed the legal rate. In addition to the obligation to pay the assessment and other charges and penalties thereon, the defaulting Owner also shall pay all of the Association's costs and expenses of collection thereof, including reasonable attorneys' fees. (c) The Board may authorize a property manager or management company or other billing agent, on behalf of the Association, to bill and collect all assessments and other charges payable under the Declaration. 33 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 33 Page 34 of 79 Section 11. Certification of Assessments Paid. The Association, or any property manager or agent authorized by the Association, upon written request and payment of a reasonable charge or fee established or approved by the Board, shall famish to any Owner or such Owner's authorized agent, or to any holder of a first lien deed of trust on a Lot, or to an attorney who represents the Owner or a prospective purchaser of such Lot, or to any other Person approved by the Board, a certificate signed by an officer of the Association or other Person authorized by the Board to give such certificate setting forth whether or not there are any unpaid assessments or other charges against such Lot and the amount of any unpaid assessments or other charges. The certificate shall be furnished within ten (10) business days after receipt of the request therefor and, except in the event of any wilIfuI misstatement made by the issuer of the certificate, it shall be binding on the Association, the Board and every Owner. If requested by the requesting party, the certificate also shall indicate whether or not the Association has knowledge of any uncured default in, or violation of, any provision of the Declaration and other Governing Documents with respect to the Lot and the then -Owners thereof and, if there is any uncured default or violation, the action required to cure it. Section 12. Assessment Lien and Foreclosure. The assessments and other charges provided for herein shall be the personal and individual debt of each Person who, at the time of the assessment or other charge, is the Person against whom they are charged or is an Owner of the Lot against which they are assessed or charged. All assessments levied against a Lot and other charges owed by the Owner of a Lot that remain unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days or longer, together with the costs of collection thereof, including reasonable attorneys' fees, shall constitute a charge and continuing lien on that Lot from and after the time of the filing of a claim of lien by the Association in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Nash County, North Carolina, and shall be the personal and continuing obligation of such Owner at the time when the assessment or other charge first became due and payable. Prior to filing a claim of lien, the Association must make reasonable and diligent efforts to ensure that its records contain the current mailing address for the Owner of such Lot. No fewer than fifteen (15) days prior to filing the claim of lien, the Association shall mail a statement of the assessment amount due by first-class mail to the physical address of the Lot and to the Owner's address of record with the Association, and, if different, to the address for such Owner shown on the Nash County property tax records and Nash County real property records for the Lot. If the Owner of the Lot is a corporation or other legal entity that has a registered agent, the. statement also shall be sent by first-class mail to the mailing address of the registered agent for the corporation or such other legal entity. Except as otherwise provided in the Governing Documents or by Legal Requirements, such lien shall be superior to all other liens and charges against such Lot. The Board shall have the power, in its sole discretion, to subordinate the lien to any other lien. The claim of lien shall set forth the name and address of the Association, the name of the record Owner of the applicable Lot at the time the claim of lien is filed, a description of the Lot, and the amount of the lien claimed. In addition to the claim of lien, the Association may execute, issue or record such other evidence of the lien as the Board deems necessary. Except as otherwise provided in the Act, the Association may foreclose the claim of lien in like manner as a deed of trust on real estate under a power of sale or in any other manner allowed or required by Legal Requirements, if the assessment remains unpaid for ninety (90) days or more, or the Association may institute suit against the Owner 34 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 34 Page 35 of 79 2�r � personally obligated to pay the assessment or charge, or the Association may seek any other available remedy or relief. Provided, however, the Association shall not foreclose the claim of lien unless the Board votes to commence the proceeding against the specific Lot. In any foreclosure proceeding, the Association shall have the right to appoint a trustee or commissioner (or other appropriately named Person) to implement the foreclosure, and the defaulting Owner shall be required to pay the costs, expenses, trustee's (or commissioner or other) fees, and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association. The Association shall have the power to bid on and purchase the Lot at foreclosure and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, convey or otherwise deal therewith. The remedies against a defaulting Owner and such Owner's Lot are cumulative and not mutually exclusive, and the Association may seek none, or any one or more of such remedies, separately or simultaneously, as deemed appropriate by the Board. Section 13. Lien Priority. The lien for unpaid assessments and other charges provided for herein is prior - to all liens and encumbrances on a Lot except (i) liens and encumbrances (specifically including a first lien deed of trust on a Lot) recorded before the docketing of the claim of lien in the office of the Nash County Clerk of Court, and (ii) liens for real estate taxes and other Governmental Authority assessments and charges against the Lot. Provided, however, this Section does not affect the priority of mechanic's or materialmen's liens. A lien for unpaid assessments and other charges is extinguished unless proceedings to enforce the lien are instituted within three (3) years after the docketing of the claim of lien in the office of the Nash County Clerk of Court. Where the holder of a first deed of trust of record, or other purchaser of a Lot obtains title to the Lot as a result of foreclosure of a first deed of trust or deed or other proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, such new Owner of the Lot and its heirs, successors, and assigns, shall not be liable for the assessments against such Lot which became due prior to the acquisition of title to such Lot by such new Owner. Such unpaid assessments shall be deemed to be Common Expenses collectible from all the Owners, including such new Owner, its heirs, successors, and assigns in the event that the Association is unable to collect, or chooses not to pursue collection, from the Person who was the Owner of the Lot during the time the assessments were assessed against the Lot. Section 14. Exempt Property. To the extent provided herein, Exempt Property is exempt from the assessments, charges and liens established pursuant to the Declaration. Section 15. Reserve Funds. From the annual assessments and working capital assessments the Board, in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, shall establish and maintain reserve funds for contingencies, acquisition and replacements of Common Elements, and other financial obligations of the Association. Reserve funds are subject to the following: (a) Extraordinary or contingency expenditures not originally included in the annual operating budget shall be paid for out of appropriate reserve funds, including (i) major rehabilitation or repair of the Common Elements (including but not limited to the private roads), (ii) emergency or other repairs required as a result of storm, fire, natural disaster or other casualty loss, (iii) as determined by the Board, the initial costs of any new service to be performed by the Association, and (iv) any other items allowed by the Governing Documents or Legal Requirements to be paid out of reserve funds. Except for expenses of normal and routine maintenance included in the annual operating budget, all expenses for repair or replacement of the Common Elements first shall -be charged against appropriate reserves in such amount as determined by the Board. 35 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 35 Page 36 of 79 (b) If reserve funds become excessive, as determined by the Board, the Board may adjust the reserve funds by reallocation to other annual operating budget items or by applying excess amounts as credits against annual assessments, or by refunding the excess amount to the then Owners. Section 16. Working Capital Assessment. Except in those instances in which a working capital assessment for the Lot has been paid previously, at the closing of the sale by Declarant of a Lot on which a Dwelling exists, or at the closing of the sale of a Lot by the Declarant to any Person other than an Approved Builder or a successor or assignee Declarant, or at the closing of the sale of a Lot by an Approved Builder to any Person, whether or not there is a Dwelling on the Lot, the purchaser of the Lot or the Lot and Dwelling shall pay to the Association at the time of the closing of the purchase a "working capital assessment" in the amount of $400.00. The working capital assessment shall be paid only once with respect to each Lot and is in addition to all other assessments. All working capital assessments may be enforced and collected in the same manner as all other assessments. Section 17. No DefauIt Under Insured Mortgage. Nothing contained in the Declaration shall be construed as stating or implying that any failure of an Owner to pay assessments constitutes a default under any deed of trust on such Owner's Lot that 'is insured by the FHA, VA, FNMA, FHLMC, or any Secondary Mortgage Market Agency, or any mortgage program administered by any of said agencies. ARTICLE VII INSURANCE Section 1. General Provisions. (a) The Board shall -have the power on behalf of the Association to: (i) purchase and maintain in effect insurance policies relating to the Common Elements and the activities, functions, and obligations of the Association; (ii) purchase and maintain in effect insurance policies required by Legal Requirements; (iii) purchase and maintain in effect any other policies of insurance as determined by the Board; (iv) adjust all claims arising under such policies; and (v) sign and deliver releases upon payment of claims. The cost of all insurance policies purchased by the Board as allowed or required by the Declaration or required by Legal Requirements is a Common Expense. Neither the Board, nor a property manager, nor Declarant, shall be liable for failure to obtain any insurance required by this Article, or for any loss or damage that could have been paid by such insurance, if such insurance is not reasonably available. With respect to any insurance required by Legal Requirements, either by hand delivery, or United States Mail, postage prepaid, or by other method allowed by the Declaration or Legal Requirements, the Association promptly shall notify the Owners if such insurance is not reasonably available, or if there is any material adverse modification, lapse, or cancellation of, such insurance that is not being replaced by other insurance. (b) All policies of insurance obtained by the Association shall be written by reputable companies licensed or qualified to do business in North Carolina. 36 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 36 Page 37 of 79 (c) The deductible or retained limit (if any) on any insurance policy obtained by the Association shall be in a reasonable amount as determined by the Board and shall be a Common Expense. (d) To the extent such policy provisions are reasonably available, as determined by the Board, Association policies shall provide for the following: (1) policies shall be written in the name of the Association as trustee for the benefitted parties. Policies on the Common Elements shall be for the benefit of the Association and its Members. (2) no policy obtained by the Association shall be canceled, invalidated or suspended due to the conduct of any Owner, or such Owner's tenant or such Owner's (or tenant's) household members, guests, employees or agents, or of any director, officer or employee of the Board, or the property manager, without a prior demand in writing that the Association or the property manager cure the defect and a period of not less than thirty'(30) days within which to cure such defect. (3) policies shall not be brought into contribution with insurance purchased by Owners, occupants, tenants, or their Mortgagees individually. (4) an inflation guard endorsement. (5) an agreed amount endorsement, if the policy contains a co-insurance clause. (6) each Owner is an insured person under the policy to the extent of such Owner's insurable interest; (7) the insurer waives its right to subrogation under the policy against any Owner or member of that Owner's household; (8) no act or omission by any Owner, unless acting within the scope of such Owner's authority on behalf of the Association, will preclude recovery under the policy; and (9) if, at the time of a loss under the policy, there is other insurance in the name of an Owner covering the same risk covered by the Association's policy, the Association's policy provides primary insurance coverage. (10) an endorsement excluding Owners' individual policies from consideration under any "other insurance" clause. (11) any other provisions determined by the Board to be necessary or desirable. (e) To the extent reasonably possible, the Association shall require that an insurer who has issued an insurance policy to the Association for property insurance on the Common Elements or for liability insurance issue certificates or memoranda of insurance to the Association and, upon 37 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 37 Page 38 of 79 written request, to any Owner or Mortgagee. If such agreement is reasonably available from the insurer, the insurer issuing the policy may not cancel or refuse to renew it until thirty (30) days after notice of the proposed cancellation or non -renewal has been mailed to the Association and each Owner and Mortgagee to whom certificates or memoranda of insurance have been issued, to their respective last known addresses. (f) The Association may procure such fidelity bonds as the Board determines are reasonable or necessary, including such bonds as may be necessary to comply with Legal Requirements and to satisfy the applicable requirements of FHA, VA, FNMA, Office of Interstate Land Sales Registration of the Department of Housing and Urban Development ("OILSR") or other Secondary Mortgage Market Agency or Governmental Authority. (g) During the Development Period (i) Declarant shall be named as an additional insured party under any one or more policies of insurance maintained by the Association, and (ii) any Approved Builder, as requested by Declarant, shall be named as an additional insured party under any one or more policies of insurance maintained by the Association; provided, however, any Approved Builder named as an additional insured under any policy of insurance maintained by the Association shall pay to the Association any additional premium charged by the insurer for including the Approved Builder as an additional insured, and the. Association shall not be required to have any such Approved Builder who does not timely pay such additional premium named as an additional insured. Section 2. Property Insurance. (a) The Association, to the extent that it is reasonably available, shall obtain and maintain property insurance on all Improvements on all real property owned by the Association and on all Improvements owned by the Association and located on real property not owned by the Association, insuring against all risks of direct physical loss commonly insured against, including fire damage and extended coverage perils. The total amount of such insurance after application of any deductibles shall be not less than eighty percent (80%) of the replacement cost of the Improvements at the time the insurance is purchased and at each renewal date, exclusive of land, excavations, foundations and other items normally excluded from property policies. The foregoing property insurance shall be obtained by the Association as it becomes the owner of the Improvements to be insured. As and when determined to be necessary by the Board, the Association also may obtain and maintain insurance policies on any other personal property owned 'by the Association. (b) To the extent reasonably possible, the Association shall require the insurer to deliver to each Institutional Lender who requests the same in writing certificates of property insurance on the Common Elements, all renewals thereof, and any sub -policies or certificates and endorsements issued thereunder, together with proof of payment of premiums. Section 3. Liability Insurance. The Association, to the extent that it is reasonably available, shall obtain and maintain liability insurance in reasonable amounts, covering all occurrences commonly insured against for death, bodily injury, and property damage arising out of or in connection with the use, ownership or maintenance of all real property owned by the Association and of all Improvements owned by the Association and.located on real property not owned by the 38 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 38 Page 39 of 79 GTfJ Association. The foregoing liability insurance shall be obtained by the Association as it becomes the owner of the real property or becomes the owner of Improvements, as the case may be. "Umbrella" liability insurance in excess of the primary limits may be obtained in reasonable amounts as determined by the Board in its sole discretion. Section 4. Other Insurance or Bonds. The Association may obtain and maintain other insurance or bonds, as follows: (a) adequate fidelity coverage to protect against dishonest acts on the part of directors, officers, trustees, agents and employees of the Association and all others who handle or are responsible for handling funds of the Association, including any property manager and volunteers. If the Association has delegated some or all of the responsibility for handling funds to a property manager, such property manager shall be covered by its own fidelity insurance in such amounts as required by the Board; however, the Association may purchase additional fidelity coverage for the property manager as well. Such fidelity insurance (except for fidelity insurance obtained by the property manager for its own personnel) shall: (i) name the Association as an obligee; (ii) be written in an amount not less than one-fourth of the total annual assessment for Common Expenses or the amount required by the Institutional Lenders, the FNMA or the FHLMC, whichever is greatest; and (iii) contain waivers of any defense based upon the exclusion of persons who serve without compensation from any definition of "employee" or similar expression. (b) If required by a majority of the Institutional Lenders or any applicable Legal Requirement, flood insurance on the real property owned by the Association in accordance with the then applicable regulations for such coverage. (c) workers' compensation insurance if and to the extent necessary to meet the requirements of law (including a voluntary employees endorsement and an "all states" endorsement). (d) directors and officers liability insurance. (e) such other insurance or bonds as the Board may determine in the exercise of its reasonable discretion, or as may be requested by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Members present at a meeting of the Association. Section 5. Owners' Insurance. In addition to any insurance policy issued to the Association, each Owner shall have the right to acquire and maintain insurance on Common Elements for such Owner's benefit, at such Owner's expense. Provided, however, no Owner shall acquire or maintain insurance coverage on the Common Elements so as to: (i) decrease the amount which the Association may realize under any insurance policy maintained by the Association; or (ii) cause any insurance coverage maintained by the Association to be brought into contribution with insurance coverage acquired or maintained by an Owner. Each Owner acknowledges that the Association has no obligation to provide any insurance for any portion of Lots or any Improvements thereon (other than any such Improvements owned or maintained by the Association) or for the personal property of any Owner, occupant, tenant, or 39 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 39 Page 40 of 79 guest. Each Owner covenants and agrees with all other Owners and the Association that each Owner at all times shall carry all-risk casualty insurance (including fire and other hazards commonly insured) on all Improvements located on such Owner's Lot (except for . any Improvements owned or maintained by the Association) sufficient to cover the full replacement cost of any repair or replacement of such Improvements, and a liability policy covering damage or injury occurring on the Owner's Lot. ARTICLE VIIC USE OF THE PROPERTY Section 1. Use of the Property. Except as otherwise allowed by the Declaration, no portion of the Property shall be used for other than residential purposes, streets, utilities, greenways, open space, Common Elements, recreational purposes, or other purposes substantially related to residential use which are allowed under applicable Governmental Authority zoning ordinances for such portions of the Property (unless such substantially related purposes are prohibited by other provisions of the Declaration), or any other uses allowed under applicable Governmental Authority zoning ordinances for such portions of the Property and approved by the Declarant during the Development Period or thereafter, by the Board. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, during the Development Period: (i) Declarant, and any Approved Builder or other Person with Declarant's consent, may maintain model homes, sales offices and temporary construction trailers and other facilities within the Property for the purpose of conducting business related to the development, improvement, or sale or marketing of any part or all of the Property, including a reasonable time within which to remove such items following completion of such construction of initial Improvements; and (ii) Declarant, and any Approved Builder or other Person with Declarant's consent, may conduct such business and other activities within the Property as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the development, improvement, or sale or marketing of any part or all of the Property. Section 2. Animals. No animals of any kind (including livestock, reptiles or poultry) shall be kept on any portion of the Property or in any Dwelling except for dogs, cats or other domestic household pets, which are not used for breeding or other commercial purposes, and provided that they do not create a nuisance or risk of injury to others (in the judgment of the Board), by number or type of animal, noise, odor, damage or destruction of property, animal waste, or any other reason, and further provided that they are kept in compliance with all Legal Requirements and such Restrictions and Rules and other Rules and Regulations pertaining thereto as the Association may adopt, which Rules and Regulations may include requirements that animals be kept on a leash or otherwise restrained or confined whenever they are anywhere on the Property other than on the Owner's Lot or other areas specifically designated for animals not on leashes, that animals be restrained or confined inside a fence or other restraint when on a Lot outside of the Dwelling, and which may prohibit the keeping of animals on the Property that are excluded from coverage or subject to reduced coverage under liability insurance policies generally available for the Property. The Board may require any Owner to furnish the Board with evidence that a particular animal is not excluded or subject to reduced coverage under the liability insurance policy maintained by such Owner for that Owner's portion of the Property, and the Owner shall furnish the Board with the required evidence (in the form of a copy of the applicable policy or such other evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Board) within ten (10) days following the date on which the Board 40 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:40 Page 41 of 79 gives a notice that it is requiring same. Provided, however, no Board member shall have any liability for any failure of the Board to adopt a Restriction or Rule or other rule or regulation that prohibits the keeping of a particular type or breed of animal. The Owner responsible for an animal being on the Property promptly shall clean up or remove from any portion of the Property not owned by such Owner all solid bodily wastes from that animal. Each Owner who keeps any animal on any portion of the Property shall be deemed to have indemnified and agreed to hold harmless the Association, Declarant and all other Owners, from and against any loss, claim for damages to person or property, cause of action, or liability of any kind, including all costs of defending against same (including reasonable attorneys' fees), arising out of or resulting from such animal, including any actions of the animal. An easement over and upon the Property hereby is reserved for the applicable Governmental Authority to exercise and enforce Legal Requirements relating to animal control. Section 3. Harmful Dischar"es. There shall be no emissions of dust, sweepings, dirt, cinders, odors, gases or other substances from any portion of the Property into the atmosphere (other than those resulting from cleaning or reasonable residential chimney or outdoor grill emissions), there shall be no production, storage or discharge of hazardous wastes from or on any portion of the Property, and there shall be no discharges of liquid or solid wastes or other harmful matter into the ground, sewer or any body of water within the Property, if such emission, production, storage or discharge may adversely affect the use of any portion of the Property, or may adversely affect the health, safety or comfort of the occupants of the Property. Provided, however, the foregoing prohibitions shall not prevent or interfere with the reasonable development or maintenance of any portion of the Property or Improvements thereon by Declarant, any Approved Builder or any other Person in accordance with Legal Requirements, nor shall they prevent, as incident to the residential use of the Property, the reasonable use, handling, storage and disposal of medically related hazardous substances and wastes in compliance with all Legal Requirements. Section 4. Home Businesses. An Owner may maintain an office or home business in such Owner's Dwelling or other improvement in the Property only if: (i) such office or home business is operated by the Owner or a member of the Owner's household residing in the Dwelling, or by Owner's residential tenant residing in the Dwelling; (ii) there are no displays or signs indicating that the Dwelling or improvement or portion of the Property on which it is located is being used other than as a residence; (iii) such office or business does not generate regular or significant traffic or parking usage by the business itself or by clients, customers or other Persons, it being in the discretion of the Board to determine compliance with this requirement; (iv) no vehicles, equipment or other items related to the office or business are stored, parked or otherwise kept on the streets in the Subdivision or on the portion of the Property on which such Dwelling is located outside of the Dwelling or other enclosure approved by the Architectural Review Committee; (v) such Owner has obtained from the applicable Governmental Authority, and maintains in effect, all required approvals for such use; (vi) the activity is consistent with the residential nature of the Property and complies with all Legal Requirements and other provisions of the Declaration; (vii) no person is employed in such office or home business except for the Owner or the members of the Owner's household residing in the Dwelling or the Owner's tenant residing in the Dwelling; and (viii) the Owner has obtained prior written approval from the Board before commencing such business or 41 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:41 Page 42 of 79 -:2a3 - office use and thereafter registers annually with the Association and obtains annual re -approval of such business or office use by the Board as long as the operation of the home business continues. As a condition to such use, the Association may require the Owner to pay any increase in the rate of insurance, trash removal, utilities or other costs for the Association or other Owners which result or reasonably may be anticipated to result from such use. Garage sales, yard sales and similar activities shall be conducted only in accordance with all Legal Requirements and the Rules and Regulations, if any, adopted by the Association. Section 5. Hunting; Discharge of Firearms. Hunting and trapping of wild animals, fowl and game and the discharge of firearms or bows and arrows or other weapons within the Property is prohibited, unless required for safety or personal protection reasons. Section 6. Leases. Every lease for any Dwelling or other portion of the Property shall provide that the terms of the lease shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of the Declaration and other Governing Documents, and that each lessee shall comply with the terms of such documents. Provided, however, the Declaration and other Governing Documents apply to all such leases, whether or not so stated therein. No Dwelling may be rented or leased for a term less than twelve (12) months, or listed for rent or lease for a term Iess than twelve (12) months without the prior written consent of the Association. Section 7. Leizal Requirements. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any Legal Requirement applicable to any portion of the Property, and all Legal Requirements relative to the construction of Improvements on, or use and utilization of, any portion of the Property shall be complied with by the Owners and occupants of such portions of the Property, whether or not the Approved Plans for same are in compliance with such Legal Requirements. Provided, that in any instance in which the provisions of the Declaration contain a provision that requires something more than or in addition to, or prohibits something otherwise allowed under, a Legal Requirement (for example, prohibition of a use allowed under a Legal Requirement or requirement of a greater distance or size than required under a Legal Requirement), the provisions of the Declaration shall control, unless prohibited by a Legal Requirement. Section 8. Noises. No Person shall cause any unreasonably loud noise anywhere on the Property, except for security devices used in the manner intended therefor, nor shall any Person permit or engage in any activity, practice or behavior resulting in substantial and unjustified annoyance, discomfort or disturbance to any Person lawfully present on any portion of the Property. Provided, however, the prohibition against noises contained in this Section shall not preclude or limit activities in the Property conducted in accordance with the applicable Restrictions and Rules or other Rules and Regulations of the Association, including recreational events and social events. Further provided, the foregoing prohibitions shall not prevent or interfere with the reasonable development, construction, use, or maintenance of any portion of the Property or Improvements thereon by the Association, Declarant, an Approved Builder, a Governmental Authority, a utility provider, or any other Person in accordance with Legal Requirements or the Governing Documents. Section 9. Nuisance and Other Matters. No noxious or offensive activity shall be conducted upon any portion of the Property, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become 42 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:42 Page 43 of 79 an annoyance or nuisance to the Community or any part thereof, or to any person lawfully residing in the Subdivision. Provided, however, the usual, customary or reasonable use and maintenance of a Lot, a Dwelling, or any Common Elements shall not constitute a nuisance. Further provided, the development of the Property by Declarant and Approved Builders, and the usual, customary or reasonable construction and maintenance of Dwellings and other Improvements in the Property shall not constitute a nuisance. Further provided, the operation and use of the Common Elements in the manner required or allowed by the provisions of the Declaration shall not constitute a nuisance. No trade materials or inventories (other than materials used for construction of Dwellings by an Approved Builder or other approved structures or Improvements) shall be stored upon any portion of the Property and no tractors, inoperable motor vehicles, rubbish, trash, or unsightly materials of any kind shall be stored, regularly placed, or allowed to remain on any portion of the Property unless adequately screened or contained as approved by the Architectural Review Committee, except that trash, leaves, tree limbs, materials for trash or recycling pick-up and similar items may be kept or placed temporarily and only for such time as is reasonably necessary to enable the applicable Governmental Authority or appropriate private entity to remove same, and inoperable motor vehicles may be stored only if the same are kept entirely in an enclosed garage or other building. Provided, however, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, (i) as approved by Declarant during the Development Period, trucks or other construction vehicles, materials and equipment may be allowed to remain on the Property temporarily during construction of roads, utilities, Dwellings and other Improvements in the Property, and (ii) such vehicles, materials and equipment also may be allowed to remain on the Property during construction or maintenance on the Property of Dwellings or other Improvements which have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Section 10. Owner Liability. If any Owner or such Owner's family members, tenants, guest, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents is legally responsible for damage inflicted on any Common Elements, the Association may direct such Owner to repair such damage, or the Association itself may cause the repairs to be made and recover damages from the responsible Owner, including costs incurred in seeking and enforcing such recovery or other applicable legal remedies, including reasonable attorneys' fees. In addition to or as an alternative to the foregoing, in accordance with Article VI, Section 8, the Association may impose a special individual assessment against any such Owner. Section 11. Exclusion for Declarant. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Declaration or any other Governing Documents, Declarant, during the Development Period (and thereafter, the Board) has the right, permanently or temporarily (as determined in the discretion of Declarant or the Board, as applicable) to waive any one or more of the provisions of this Article with respect to construction or maintenance of any Improvements on the Property, except that there shall be no waivers with respect to soil erosion controls and Legal Requirements. Any such written waiver granted by the Declarant to an Approved Builder or other Person during the Development Period shall be binding on the Board after the Development Period has ended. ARTICLE IX RESTRICTIONS AND RULES 43 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:43 Page 44 of 79 2.42- 5-" Section 2. Framework for Regulation. As part of the general plan of development for the Property, the Governing Documents establish a framework of affirmative and negative covenants, easements, and restrictions. Within that framework, the Declarant, Board, and Members need the ability and flexibility to supplement the Declaration with additional Restrictions and Rules and to respond to unforeseen problems and changes in circumstances, conditions, needs, desires, trends, and technology. Therefore, this Article discusses Restrictions and Rules and procedures with respect to Restrictions and Rules. This Article does not apply to Rules and Regulations relating to use and operation of the Common Elements adopted by the Board, unless the Board in its discretion chooses to submit to such procedures. This Article does not apply to administrative policies which the Board adopts to interpret, define or implement the Restrictions and Rules or other Governing Documents, nor does it apply to Architectural Guidelines. Section 2. Restrictions and Rules. All Owners and occupants of all portions of the Property and their . guests and invitees shall abide by the Restrictions and Rules. Compliance with the Restrictions and Rules may be enforced in the same manner and to the same extent that the Declaration provides for enforcement of the Declaration, and any Person determined by judicial action to have violated the Restrictions and Rules shall be liable to the Declarant or Association or other applicable Person for all damages and fines, including all costs incurred in seeking and enforcing applicable Iegal remedies, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Section 3. Rule Making Authority. (a) Subject to the terms of this Article and the Board's duty to exercise business judgment and reasonableness on behalf of the Association and its Members, the Board may adopt, amend, modify, cancel, limit, create exceptions to, add to, or expand the Restrictions and Rules. During the Development Period, no action taken by the Board pursuant to this subsection shall be effective unless approved in writing by the Declarant. Prior to any such action taken by the Board becoming effective, the Board shall give notice of the new rule or explanation of any changes to the Restrictions and Rules to each Owner, which notice shall state the effective date of the action, which shall be not less than thirty (30) days following the date on which the action is taken by the Board. The Association shall provide to any requesting Owner (but not to more than one Owner of a Lot), without cost, one copy of the Restrictions and Rules then in effect, together with the action taken by the Board. Additional copies may be provided by the Association upon payment of a reasonable charge as established by the Board. The action taken by the Board shall become effective on the later of the 3IS' day after the action is taken by the Board or such later effective date specified in the notice, unless, prior to the effective date, Members representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of votes in the Association disapprove such action at a meeting or in writing to the Board. The Board shall have no obligation to call a meeting of the Members to consider disapproval except upon receipt, prior to the effective date of the action taken by the Board, of a petition of the Members as required by the Governing Documents for special meetings of the Association or a written request from the Declarant. Upon such petition of the Members or written request from the Declarant prior to the effective date of any Board action under this Section, the proposed action shall not become effective until after such meeting is held, and then subject to the outcome of such meeting. 44 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:44 Page 45 of 79 .;2�;Zo; (b) Alternatively, when they have a right to vote under the Declaration, Class A Members representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of votes in the Association, at an Association meeting called for such purpose, may vote to adopt rules that modify, cancel, limit, create exceptions to, add to, or expand the Restrictions and Rules then in effect. Provided, however, during the Development Period no such action shall be effective without the written approval of the Declarant. Upon such action being taken by the Class A Members, the Board shall notify each Owner of the new rule or explanation of any changes to the Restrictions and Rules, and the action taken by the Members shall become effective on the later of the 3 1 " day after the action is taken by the Members or such later effective date specified in the notice. (c) No action taken by the Board or Class A Members under this Article shall have the effect of modifying, amending, repealing, limiting, or expanding the Architectural Guidelines or any provision of the Declaration or other Governing Documents. Prior to the end of the Development Period, no such action shall be effective unless approved in writing by the Declarant. In the event of a conflict between the Architectural Guidelines and the Restrictions and Rules, the Architectural Guidelines shall control. (d) Notwithstanding the foregoing procedures for amending the Restrictions and Rules, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Article or the Declaration, during the Development Period the Declarant, in its sole discretion and following the receipt of the written consent of all Approved Builders that own a Lot or have the right to acquire a Lot, but otherwise without any prior notice to any Person, may adopt, amend, modify, cancel, limit, create exceptions to, add to, or expand the Restrictions and Rules. Prior to any action taken by the Declarant becoming effective, the Declarant, or the Board at the direction of the Declarant, shall give notice of the new rule or explanation of any changes to the Restrictions and Rules to each Owner (notice sent to any one Owner of a Lot being sufficient notice), which notice shall state action taken and the effective date of the action, which date may be any time on or after the date on which the action is taken by Declarant. Section 4. Owners' Acknowled ment and Notice to Purchasers. All Owners are given notice that use of their Lots and Dwellings is subject to the Restrictions and Rules as modified from time to time. By acceptance of a deed, each Owner acknowledges and agrees that the use and enjoyment and marketability of such Owner's Lot and Dwelling can be affected by this provision and that the Restrictions and Rules may change from time to time. All Owners hereby are notified that, as provided for herein, the Declarant or the Board or the Members may adopt Restrictions and Rules or changes to any Restrictions and Rules in effect at any particular time. Section 5. Protection of Owners and Others. Except as may be set forth in the Governing Documents, all Restrictions and Rules shall comply with the following provisions: (a) Similar Treatment. Similarly -situated Owners shall be treated similarly, the determination of which Owners are similarly -situated being in the reasonable judgment of the Declarant or Board, as applicable. (b) Displays. The rights of Owners to display religious and holiday signs (the word "sign" or "display" as used in the Declaration includes signs, banners, flags (including a flag of the United 45 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:45 Page 46 of 79 a16;k.-7 States of America, a North Carolina flag, or other flag), symbols, decorations, and other displays) inside Dwellings shall not be abridged, except that there may be rules regulating the number, size, time, place and manner of posting or displaying such signs that are located outside of or are visible from outside of the Dwelling, including regulation or specification of design criteria (for example, color, style, or materials). No rules shall regulate the content of political signs; however, rules may regulate the number, size, time, and place and manner of posting or displaying, such political signs that are located outside of or are visible from outside of the Dwelling, including regulation or specification of design criteria (for example, color, style, or materials). Signs required by Legal Requirements to be posted or displayed, and signs prohibited by Legal Requirements from being excluded or prohibited shall be allowed (for example, a street number sign for a Dwelling required by a Governmental Authority). However, to the extent that it would not violate the Legal Requirement, rules may regulate the number, size, time, and place and manner of posting or displaying, such signs, including regulation or specification of design criteria (for example, color, style, or materials). (c) Household Composition. No rule shall interfere with the Owners' freedom to determine the composition of their households, except that rules may require that all occupants be members of a single housekeeping unit and reasonably may limit the total number of occupants permitted in each Dwelling on the basis of the size and facilities of the Dwelling and its fair use of the Common Elements. (d) Activities Within Dwellings. No rule shall interfere with the activities carried on within the confines of Dwellings, except that rules may prohibit activities not normally associated with property restricted to residential use or otherwise allowed by the Declaration, and may restrict or prohibit any activities that create monetary costs for the Association or other Owners, that create a danger to the health or safety of occupants of other Dwellings, that generate excessive noise or traffic, that create unsightly conditions visible outside the Dwelling, that create an unreasonable source of annoyance, or that would violate any of the Governing Documents or any Legal Requirement. (e) Allocation of Burdens and Benefits. No rule shall alter the allocation of financial burdens among the various portions of the Property or rights to use the Common Elements to the detriment of any Owner over that Owner's objection expressed in writing to the Association. Nothing in this provision shall prevent the Association from changing the Common Elements available, from adopting generally applicable rules for use of Common Elements, or from denying use privileges to those who are delinquent in paying assessments, abuse the Common Elements, or violate the Governing Documents. This provision does not affect the right to increase the amount of assessments as provided herein.. (f) Alienation. No rule shall prohibit leasing or transfer of any Dwelling or require consent of the Association or Board for leasing or transfer of any Dwelling; provided, however, this Declaration requires a minimum lease term of twelve (12) months and rules may require a longer minimum term and such other rules with respect to leases as are reasonably adopted by the M Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:46 Page 47 of 79 i Declarant or the Board. (g) Abridging Existing Rights. No rule shall require an Owner to dispose of personal property that was in a Dwelling or on a Lot prior to the adoption of such rule if such personal property was in compliance with all rules and Legal Requirements previously in force. This exemption shall apply only during the period of such Owner's ownership of the Lot and shall not apply to subsequent Owners who take title to the Lot after adoption of the rule. (h) Declarant Rights. Without the written consent of Declarant, no rule or action by the Board or Members shall restrict, impair, prohibit, exclude, impede, interfere with, or in any way adversely affect any Special Declarant Right or other right of Declarant. (i) Approved Builders' Rights. Without the written consent of the Approved Builders, no rule or action by the Board or Members shall restrict, impair, prohibit, exclude, impede, interfere with, or in any way adversely affect any special rights or exemptions applicable to an Approved Builder. The limitations in subsections (a) through (g) of this Section shall only limit the rule making authority exercised under this Section; they shall not apply to other Sections and provisions of the Declaration. ARTICLE X ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL Section 1. Architectural Review Committee -- Jurisdiction and Purpose. Except for ordinary and routine maintenance to an existing Dwelling or other improvement on a Lot (changes in exterior colors, architectural style, or materials being examples of items that are not ordinary and routine), and excluding planting and maintenance of flowers, plants, shrubs, grass and trees that do not result in any material change in the landscaping for a Lot approved as part of the Approved Plans ("material" being as determined by the Architectural Review Committee) or allowed by Architectural Guidelines, and except as otherwise provided herein: no site preparation of a Lot, no change in grade or slope, no construction of, alteration of, additions to, or changes to any improvement on a Lot (including a Dwelling or other building or improvement on a Lot, and including any conversion of a garage or carport into living space) shall be commenced, nor shall any of the same be placed, altered or allowed to remain, until the "Architectural Review Committee" has approved in writing the Plans therefor or the Architectural Guidelines allow the improvement without obtaining Approved Plans. The Architectural Review Committee is established to assure, insofar as is reasonable and practicable, that.Improvements are constructed and maintained in a manner that provides for harmony of external design and location in relation to Dwellings and other Improvements in the Property and to natural features and topography, that avoids Improvements deleterious to the aesthetic or property values of any portion of the Property, and that promotes the general welfare of the Owners. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary expressed or implied herein: (i) all Plans and other architectural approvals given by the Declarant during the Development Period, all Improvements constructed or maintained by Declarant or the Association within the Property, all portions of the Property owned by Declarant or the Association, all Common Elements and Improvements therein maintained by the Association, and 47 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:47 Page 48 of 79 2a- q all portions of the Property owned by or subject to easements in favor of a Governmental Authority or public utility providers (except for any such portions of the Property that contain or are proposed to contain Dwellings or other buildings and associated Improvements), are specifically excluded from the requirements of this Article; and (ii) during the Development Period (a) the Declarant has the right to exercise all rights of the Architectural Review Committee and the Board that are described in this Article as it determines in its sole discretion, including whether to utilize an Architectural Review Committee or to serve as the Architectural Review Committee itself, or any combination thereof, (b) the Declarant determines the matters, if any, to be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee, and (c) any decision of the Declarant made during the Development Period with respect to any matter subject to this Article controls over any contrary decision of the Architectural Review Committee or the Board. Declarant, in its sole discretion, may require applicants for approvals being considered by Declarant to follow the procedural requirements of this Article, or may impose procedural requirements that are different from those contained in this Article. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary expressed or implied herein, Plans for Approved Builders are specifically excluded from the requirements of this Article and will be reviewed and approved only by Declarant during the Development Period and such approval is not revocable thereafter, including after the expiration of the Development Period. Section 2. Composition. During the Development Period, to the extent that • the Architectural Review Committee does not consist solely of Declarant, the Architectural Review Committee may consist of such number of Persons as determined and appointed by Declarant. Declarant, in its sole discretion, has the right to appoint, remove, and replace the Persons appointed by it to the Architectural Review Committee. Following the end of the Development Period, the Architectural Review Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) Persons, who shall be appointed by, and shall be subject to removal with or without cause by, the Board (or the Board may serve as the Architectural Review Committee if it chooses to do so). Persons who serve on the Architectural Review Committee are not required to be Members of the Association. Section 3. Procedure for Review by Architectural Review Committee. (a) Unless otherwise permitted by the Architectural Review Committee in its sole discretion, prior to the commencement of any construction, alteration, addition, or placement of any improvement requiring approval by the Architectural Review Committee, Plans for the proposed improvement shall be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee, in such format and in such numbers or sets (not to exceed three) as the Architectural Review Committee may require. The Architectural Review Committee shall have the right to refuse to approve any PIans for Improvements which are not, in its sole discretion, suitable or desirable for the Property, including for any of the following: (i) lack of harmony of external design with surrounding structures and environment; and (ii) aesthetic reasons. Each Owner acknowledges that determinations as to such matters may be subjective and opinions may vary as to the desirability or attractiveness of particular Improvements. Unless a written response is given by the Architectural Review Committee within sixty (60) days following its receipt of the required number of complete sets of Plans and payment by the applicant of any applicable processing fee and consulting fees due and payable at the time request for approval of Plans is submitted by the applicant, the Plans shall be deemed denied. At any time that the Architectural Review Committee consists of more than one individual, decisions of the Architectural Review Committee shall be by majority vote of its members present at a meeting thereof (or by the written consent of a majority 48 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:48 Page 49 of 79 aka of all the members of the Architectural Review Committee). The written response of the Architectural Review Committee may be an approval, a denial of approval, a conditional approval, or a request for additional information. A request for additional information shall be deemed a determination that the information submitted was incomplete or inadequate, and the thirty (30) day time period for further Architectural Review Committee response shall commence only upon receipt of the requested additional information. If conditional approval is granted, the conditions are part of the Approved Plans. Any material modification or change in the Approved Plans must again be submitted to the Architectural Review Committee for its review in accordance with the foregoing requirements or such other procedures as adopted by the Architectural Review Committee. If the Plans are approved, or conditional approval is given, at least one set of Approved Plans shall be retained by the Association for not less than three (3) years and at least one set of Approved Plans shall be returned to the applicant. The Architectural Review Committee shall keep such other records of its activities as it is instructed to keep by either the Declarant or the Board, whichever is applicable. (b) The Declarant or the Board, as applicable, may adopt procedures for the Architectural Review Committee to conduct the architectural reviews and its other duties, provided that such procedures adopted by the Board do not conflict with the specific requirements of the Declaration. Subject to the rights of Declarant with respect to architectural review and approval, as determined by the Board in its sole discretion the Board may adopt a procedure for architectural review that utilizes the Architectural Review Committee as a committee to review requests for architectural approval and to recommend to the Board whether a request for architectural approval should be approved, denied, or approved subject to conditions, with the Board determining whether or not the request for architectural is approved, denied, or approved subject to conditions. If the Board adopts such a procedure, or if the Board elects to serve as the Architectural Review Committee, then the provisions herein for appeal of an Architectural Review Committee decision to the Board are not applicable. Such procedures may include reasonable fees for processing requests for approval, and also may include fees for the services of an architect or other consultant to assist the Architectural Review Committee in its review of any Plans, the costs of all such fees being the responsibility of the applicant. Processing fees shall be due and payable to the Association at the time the Plans are submitted to the Architectural Review Committee, and the fees of the architect or consultant shall be due and payable to the Association either at the time the Plans are submitted to it or immediately upon its receipt of an invoice therefor, as determined by the Architectural Review Committee. Prior to incurring any architect or consultant fees not due and payable at the time Plans are submitted, the Architectural Review Committee shall afford the applicant a reasonable opportunity either to agree to pay such fees or to withdraw the request for approval. The ninety (90) day time period within which the Architectural Review Committee is required to respond to a request for approval does not commence until all processing fees and architect or consultant fees due and payable at the time of submission of the request for approval have been paid. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Article, in no event shall approval of Plans by the Architectural Review Committee be deemed to have been given until all such processing fees and architect or consultant fees have been paid by the applicant. The payment of such fees and costs, as well as other expenses of the Architectural Review Committee required to be paid, whether or not the applicant's Plans are approved, is deemed to be a special individual assessment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 8. 49 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq:49 Page 50 of 79 'R3[ (c) The Declarant, during the Development Period and, thereafter, the Board, and the Architectural Review Committee as authorized by the Declarant or the Board, as applicable, may establish, amend, revise or delete Architectural Guidelines for one or more types of Improvements to be constructed or maintained on any portion of the Property, which Architectural Guidelines shall not conflict with the specific terms of the Declaration or any applicable Supplemental Declaration, shall be fair and reasonable, shall carry forward the spirit and intention of the Declaration. Architectural Guidelines may be enforced in the same manner and to the same extent as the provisions of the Declaration may be enforced. If there is any conflict between Approved Plans and Architectural Guidelines, the Approved Plans control, it being within the discretion of the Architectural Review Committee to approve Plans that differ in one or more respects from the then existing Architectural Guidelines. Compliance with Architectural Guidelines does not guarantee approval by the Architectural Review Committee of Plans for Improvements that must be submitted for approval. With respect to Improvements other than initial construction of a Dwelling, the Architectural Guidelines may, but shall not be required to, allow construction or maintenance of one or more types of Improvements in accordance with the Architectural Guidelines without submitting the Plans therefor to the Architectural Review Committee and going through the formal approval process provided for herein, and subject to such conditions and requirements as specified in the Architectural Guidelines. Provided, however, this shall not prohibit the Declarant, Board, or Architectural Review Committee from taking action against any Owner with respect to an improvement on that Owner's Lot that does not comply with the applicable Architectural Guidelines. Architectural Guidelines may include any or all of the following: types of Improvements allowed; types of materials allowed; permitted colors; architectural styles; minimum or maximum square footage for Dwellings, garages, and other buildings or structures; minimum distances that Dwellings and other Improvements must be located from Lot boundary lines; landscaping requirements; and screening requirements. (d) The Declarant or the Board, as applicable, in its sole discretion, may appoint more than one Architectural Review Committee, with the specific division of authority between or among such Architectural Review Committees to be as specified by the Declarant or Board, as applicable. Each such Architectural Review Committee separately shall be subject to and shall comply with the provisions of the Declaration applicable to the Architectural Review Committee, including the appointment, removal and replacement of its members and the review of Plans by the Architectural Review Committee. The members of each Architectural Review Committee may consist of one or more of thesame Persons. (e) Approval by the Architectural Review Committee of any Plans shall not relieve the owner of the applicable Lot from any obligation to obtain all required Governmental Authority approvals and permits and shall not relieve such Owner of the obligation and responsibility to comply with all Legal Requirements with respect to such Improvements. An Owner also must comply with all applicable Legal Requirements with respect to Improvements constructed, placed, or used on a Lot in compliance with Architectural Guidelines. (f) Approval of any particular Plans does not waive the right of the Architectural Review Committee to disapprove the same or substantially similar Plans subsequently submitted, nor does 50 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 50 Page 51 of 79 a3;L� such approval relieve an applicant of the requirement to resubmit such Plans for approval in connection with any portion of the Property other than the portion for which the PIans were approved. Each Owner acknowledges that the Persons reviewing Plans, as well as compliance with Approved Plans and Architectural Guidelines, may change at any time and that opinions on aesthetic matters, as well as interpretation and application of the Architectural Guidelines, may vary accordingly. In addition, each Owner acknowledges that it may not always be possible to identify objectionable features until work is completed, in which case it may be unreasonable to require changes to the Improvements involved, but the Architectural Review Committee may refuse to approve similar proposals in the future and may revise Architectural Guidelines with respect to such Improvements. (g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, architectural approvals given in writing prior to the end of the Development Period by the Declarant or by an Architectural Review Committee appointed by the Declarant shall remain in effect following the end of the Development Period, but subject to expiration if the construction or installation of the approved Improvements is not completed within any applicable time limits required by any Governing Documents or the Approved Plans. In addition, with respect to each Lot for which there are no Approved Plans in effect at the end of the Development Period, Declarant shall continue to have all of the Declarant rights under this Article for a period of one year following the end of the Development Period. Approved PIans may not be revoked or withdrawn by the Architectural Review Committee for Approved Builders or without the written consent of the Person who owns the portion of the Property to which the Approved Plans are applicable. (h) The Architectural Review Committee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to inspect Improvements that are being constructed or maintained on any portion of the Property to monitor compliance with the provisions of this Article, with the Approved Plans for such Improvements, and with the Architectural Guidelines, such right to include entry onto such portion of the Property at reasonable times to inspect the Improvements. Provided, however, without the consent of an Owner or occupant of the Dwelling, no member of the Architectural Review Committee shall have the right to enter an occupied Dwelling, or a Dwelling for which a certificate of occupancy has been issued, or a Dwelling in which doors and windows capable of being locked have been installed and are locked. With respect to such Improvements, the Architectural Review Committee has the right and authority to require the Owner on whose portion of the Property the Improvements are being constructed or maintained to take such actions as may be required, in the sole discretion of the Architectural Approval Committee, to comply with this Article, the Approved Plans, or the Architectural Guidelines, as applicable. (i) Except for matters with respect to which the Declarant or Board is serving as the Architectural Review Committee or with respect to which the Architectural Review Committee is serving only in an advisory capacity to the Board, an applicant Owner who disagrees with any decision of the Architectural Review Committee may appeal the decision to the Board by giving written notice of appeal within fifteen (15) days following receipt of notice of disapproval or of approval with conditions not agreeable to the applicant Owner. Additionally, the Board may allow a decision of the Architectural Review Committee to be appealed to the Board when the decision is not unanimous by the members of the Architectural Review Committee who have voted on the decision. The Board then shall review the Plans and any additional information requested by the 51 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 51 Page 52 of 79 Board and shall give the applicant Owner and the Architectural Review Committee a reasonable opportunity, at one or more meetings of the Board, to present evidence and arguments as to why the decision should be affirmed or overruled. Following the last such meeting the Board, by majority vote, either shall affirm or overrule, in whole or in part, the decision of the Architectural Review Committee, and shall notify the Architectural Review Committee and the applicant Owner of its decision within thirty (30) days following its decision. The decision of the Board is final, subject to the rights of Declarant during the Development Period to overrule any such decision of the Board. Section 4. Landscaping; Utility Lines. No fence, wall, sign, tree, hedge, shrub, or other vegetation or other improvement which obstructs sight lines for vehicular traffic on public or private streets in the Property shall be placed or permitted to remain on any portion of the Property. Pavement, fences, walls, signs, trees, hedges, shrubs, and other vegetation shall not be placed or permitted to remain on any portion of the Property: (i) if such materials may damage or unreasonably interfere with any easement for the installation or maintenance of utilities; or (ii) in violation of the requirements of such easements; or (iii) unless in conformity with applicable standards of the holder of the easement; or (iv) if such materials may unreasonably change, obstruct or retard direction or flow of any stormwater drainage. Otherwise, the installation and maintenance of such materials within utility easements shall be permitted as allowed by Approved Plans or Architectural Guidelines. Except for hoses, gauges and controls for well pumps, temporary lines and other equipment reasonably necessary in connection with construction or maintenance activities or normal landscape or yard maintenance, no water pipe, sewer pipe, gas pipe, stormwater drainage pipe, television or telephone cable, electric line or other, similar transmission line shall be installed or maintained on any Lot above the surface of the ground, except for those Iocated in easements maintained by a Governmental Authority or applicable public utility provider or otherwise required by a Governmental Authority or applicable public utility provider, or as necessary for such pipes, lines and other facilities to function properly, unless the same are adequately screened, as determined by the Architectural Review Committee, or the same are approved by Approved Plans or allowed by Architectural Guidelines. Section 5. Commencement_ and Completion of Construction. Unless the time period is extended -by the Architectural Review Committee, Approved Plans for a Dwelling or other improvement expire unless construction or installation of the Dwelling or other improvement commences within six (6) months after the date of the approval. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the foregoing, the Declarant may allow Approved PIans that have been approved by Declarant to continue in effect for longer than six (6) months after the date of approval and, also notwithstanding the forgoing, this Section 5 does not apply to the Approved Plans of Approved Builders. Construction or installation of all such Improvements shall be completed not later than twelve (12) months immediately after construction or installation is commenced or shall continence and be completed by such later dates as specified in the Approved Plans. For the purposes of this Section, construction or installation is "commenced" when a building permit has been issued by the applicable Governmental Authority (or if no building permit is required, when work commences or materials for the improvement are delivered to the applicable portion of the Property), and construction or installation is "completed" when it has been completed in compliance with Approved Plans or Architectural Guidelines and the applicable Governmental Authority has issued a certificate of occupancy or completion for the improvement (or if no 52 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 52 Page 53 of 79 a3� certificate of occupancy is required, when the improvement has been substantially completed as determined by the Architectural Review Committee). The Architectural Review Committee, in its sole discretion, may grant waivers or extensions of the foregoing time periods for commencement and completion of construction or installation of Improvements, and, when requested and upon reasonable evidence of the existence thereof, shall grant reasonable waivers or extensions for events of Force Majeure that delay or prevent a Person from commencing or completing construction or installation within the foregoing time periods. Each Owner is responsible for providing that maintenance of Improvements not addressed in the foregoing provisions of this Section (for example, repainting of a Dwelling) is diligently pursued until completion. Section 6. Compensation. No member of the Architectural Review Committee shall be compensated for service as _ a member of the Architectural Review Committee. However, the Association may reimburse members of the Architectural Review Committee for reasonable out- of-pocket expenses incurred in serving on the Architectural Review Committee. Section 7. Limitation of Liability. Neither the Architectural Review Committee nor the members thereof, nor Declarant, nor the Association, nor any shareholders, directors, officers, partners, members, managers, agents.or employees of Declarant or the Association, shall be liable in damages or otherwise to any Person by reason of: (i) mistake of judgment, negligence or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval of PIans, or the failure to approve or disapprove any Plans, except where the foregoing results from gross negligence or willful misconduct; or (ii) any failure of Approved Plans to comply with any Legal Requirements, including. zoning and building codes; or (iii) any defect in, or lack of structural soundness or integrity of, any Improvements constructed, placed, or maintained on any portion of the Property. Section 8. Violation, Enforcement. Each failure of an Owner or any other Person to construct or maintain any Improvement in accordance with the Approved Plans or applicable Architectural Guidelines shall be a violation of the Declaration. Declarant, each Owner and the Association each shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the provisions of this Article against an Owner or any other Person who violates or attempts to violate same, either to restrain the violation, recover damages, or seek other available legal or equitable remedies. Any failure to enforce this Article of the Declaration or seek any applicable remedy with respect to any specific violation hereof shall not constitute a waiver of the right to do so thereafter, nor shall it constitute a waiver of the right to enforce this Article of the Declaration at any other time with respect to the same or substantially similar matter. All such rights, remedies and privileges granted in this Section are cumulative, and the exercise of any one or more of such rights, remedies or privileges shall not constitute an election of remedies or preclude subsequent exercise of other rights, remedies and privileges. ARTICLE XI EASEMENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS Section 1. Exercise of Easement Rights. Each easement described in this Article include the following rights as reasonably necessary for the full exercise of the easement: vehicular and pedestrian ingress, egress, and regress (together referred to as "access") over other portions of the Property as reasonably necessary to go to and from the easement area (the "easement area" being 53 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 53 Page 54 of 79 defined as the portion of the Property subject to the easement, but which easement area affecting a platted Lot on which a Dwelling may be constructed shall be outside the building pad for such Dwelling and shall be shown on the plat for such Lot) and to transport equipment and materials to and from the easement area; the right to maintain equipment, structures, facilities and soil and water impoundments in the easement area; the right to remove any obstruction within the easement area that interferes with the use of the easement or with the maintenance of any equipment or structures or facilities or soil or water impoundments located therein; and the right to use as temporary work space such portions of the Property immediately adjacent to and outside of the easement areas as may be reasonably necessary for the full exercise of such easements. Provided, with respect to any portion of the Property outside of the applicable easement area damaged as a result of the exercise of such access or temporary work space rights, the Person who exercises the access or temporary work space rights, as soon as practicable after completion of the work (and during the performance of the work if such restoration is necessary to prevent injury or death to any Person or damage to any other property or damage to any Dwelling), shall restore all such portions of the Property to substantially the same condition as they were in immediately prior to the occurrence, of the damage. The easements established in this Article may be exercised in the discretion of the Declarant, the Association, or other Person for whom they are established, but this Article does not impose any obligation on the Declarant, the Association, or other Person to exercise any such easements or rights. Section 2. Easements Reserved by Declarant. Declarant, for itself, and its successors and assigns and transferees (which may include Approved Builders, the Association, Governmental Authorities, and public utility providers), reserves the following easements and rights in, over, under, across and through the Property, which may be exercised by Declarant or its successors or assigns in its sole discretion, in whole or in part, without any obligation to exercise any of same. These easements specifically include the right to connect to and use and maintain new and existing wires, poles, lines, pipes, conduits, meters, equipment, structures, facilities, and soil and water impoundments and other Stormwater Control Measures in the easement areas, without payment of any charge or fee to the Association -or any Owner of any part or all of the Property, and during the Development Period the right (without obligation) to exercise all of the easements reserved for the Association in this Article: (a) Perpetual, non-exclusive and alienable easements for commencement and completion of development of any portion of the Property or any Additional Property, for the exercise of any Special Declarant Right or other right granted to or reserved by Declarant under the Declaration or any other Governing Documents, and for Declarant to conduct any activity necessary to fulfill any obligation to any Governmental Authority, the Association, an Approved Builder or any Owner with respect to any portion of the Property. Such easement rights include the right to maintain streets (both publicly dedicated and private streets), water, sanitary sewer and other utilities and related appurtenances and equipment, retaining walls, and soil and water impoundments and other Stormwater Control Measures, including wires, poles, lines, pipes, conduits, meters, equipment, structures, and facilities related thereto, in, over, under, across, and through all of the following:-(i) easement areas that have been identified as easements on plats or in documents that have been executed by the Declarant or other Owner of such portions of the 54 Book: 3214 Page: 1.82 Seq: 54 Page 55 of 79 a36 Property and recorded in the Registry; (ii) all streets in the Property, including both publicly dedicated and private streets; (iii) an area on each Lot that is five (5) feet in width and adjacent to each side boundary line thereof (and -ten (10) feet in width adjacent to each side boundary line of a Lot that does not adjoin another Lot or Common Elements) and an area on each Lot that is ten (10) feet in width adjacent to each front and rear boundary line thereof; (iv) portions of Lots and Common Elements on which retaining walls are located and a fifteen (15) foot wide area immediately adjacent to each side of each retaining wall, (v) any other portion of a Lot, subject to the written approval of an Owner of the Lot, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed, or conditioned; and (vi) the Common Elements. Provided, however, neither the foregoing reservation of easement rights nor any similar reservation of easement rights contained in the Declaration shall create or impose any obligation upon Declarant, or its successors and assigns, to provide or maintain any such street, wire, pole, line, pipe, conduit, meter, equipment, structure, facilities, or soil and water impoundment or other Stormwater Control Measures following Declarant's (1) conveyance of the same to the Association; or (2) dedication to and acceptance of the same by the applicable Governmental Authority and/or public utility provider. Declarant's rights under this Section include the right to assign its rights under the easements or to grant easements to other Persons in, over, under, across and through those portions of the Property described in items nos. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (vi) in this subsection. (b) The non-exclusive right and power, with respect to any portion of the Property, to grant and record in the Registry such specific easements as may be necessary, in Declarant's sole discretion, for the complete and orderly development of the Property or any Additional Property. The Owner of any portion of the Property to be burdened by any such easement granted by Declarant shall be given written notice in advance of the grant. The location of any such easement on the Lot of an Owner, except for those portions along the boundaries of such Lot as described in the immediately preceding subsection (a), shall be subject to the written approval of the Owner of the Lot to be burdened by the easement (written consent of any one of multiple Owners of the Lot being deemed sufficient), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed, or conditioned. (c) The right to subject the Property or the Association to a contract with Duke Energy (or other utility provider) for the installation and maintenance of above ground or underground electric cables and lines or the installation and maintenance of street lighting (including poles and light fixtures), either or both of which may require an initial payment or a continuing monthly payment by each Owner or by the Association as part of the Common Expenses. The Association shall accept assignment from Declarant of contracts entered into by the Declarant with Duke Energy (or other utility provider) for such electrical or lighting services. (d) A perpetual, non-exclusive, and alienable easement to maintain all vegetation required or allowed under any planting, landscaping, tree conservation plan, or replanting plan required or approved for the Subdivision pursuant to a Development Plan or Legal Requirements. Section 3. Agreements With Other Persons. In connection with its exercise of any easements or rights reserved in this Article, Declarant reserves the additional right, which may be exercised by Declarant or its successors or assigns in its sole discretion, in whole or in part, without any obligation to exercise such right, to enter into agreements on behalf of and binding on the 55 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 55 Page 56 of 79 'S7 I Association with other Persons (including other associations of property owners) for any one or more of the following: (i) use and maintenance of any easements and associated Improvements and facilities therein located on the Property or on the Property owned or used by such other Persons, which agreements may provide for financial or management responsibilities for the Association or for such Persons; and (ii) use and maintenance of Stormwater Control Facilities in the Property or on the Property owned or used by such Persons. Section 4. Easements Reserved for the Association. Easements are reserved for the Association as follows, which may be exercised by the Association in its sole discretion, without any obligation to exercise any of same, but subject to any restraints on the exercise of such easements contained in any other Sections of the Declaration. These easements specifically include the right to connect to and use and maintain new and existing wires, poles, lines, pipes, conduits, meters, equipment, structures, facilities, and soil and water impoundments and other Stormwater Control Measures in the easement areas, without payment of any charge or fee to any Owner of any part or all of the Property: (a) A perpetual, non-exclusive and alienable easement in, over, under, across and through all portions of the Property to enable the Association to perform its functions and provide the services under the Declaration, and specifically including the same easement reserved for Declarant herein with respect to retaining wails. Provided, however that any such entry by the Association upon any portion of the Property shall be made with as minimum inconvenience to the Owner of such portion of the Property as reasonably practicable, and any damage caused by or resulting from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Association's employees, contractors or agents shall be repaired by the Association at the expense of the Association. (b) In addition to the foregoing, and in order to implement effective and adequate soil erosion controls or stormwater management, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement to enter upon any portion of the Property, before and after Improvements have been constructed or placed thereon, to maintain or cause to be maintained soil erosion control or stormwater management; provided, however, the Association shall not at any time be required to exercise this easement, and no exercise of the easement shall interfere unreasonably with any permanent Improvements constructed on any such portion of the Property (which Improvements have been approved by the Architectural Review Committee as required herein). If the need for stormwater management or soil erosion controls results from the construction of Improvements on any portion of the Property or any excavation, grading, removal, reduction, addition or clearing of any portion of the Property, the cost of any such work performed by the Association for the purpose of implementing effective and adequate stormwater management or soil erosion control shall be assessed against the Owner of such the portion of the Property on which such work has been performed as a special individual assessment, in accordance with Article VI, Section 8. Provided, however, if the Association determines that appropriate corrective action is necessary on any portion of the Property, prior to exercising this easement the Association shall give the Owner of such portion of the Property written notice of the proposed corrective action and a reasonable opportunity to take the corrective action specified in such notice. If such Owner fails to complete the corrective action by the date specified in the Notice, the Association then may exercise this easement. A perpetual, non- exclusive, and alienable easement to maintain all vegetation required or allowed under any planting, landscaping, tree conservation plan, or replanting plan required or approved for the Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 56 Page 57 of 79 ;�39 Subdivision pursuant to any Development Plan or Legal Requirements. (c) The Association has the right to assign its rights under its easements as it deems reasonable in the best interests of the Property. Section 5. Easement Reserved for the Governmental Entities and Public Utilities. Perpetual, non-exclusive and alienable easements are hereby reserved and established over all portions of the Property for governmental entities and for all public utility providers serving the Property, and their agents, employees and contractors, for the purposes, as applicable to the Governmental Authority or utility provider, of setting, removing and reading utility meters, maintaining Stormwater Control Measures, maintaining utility equipment, facilities and connections, and acting for other purposes consistent with the public safety and welfare, including garbage removal, police protection, fire protection (including access to any and all fire hydrants located outside of public street rights of way or easements dedicated to a Governmental Authority) and delivery of mail. Except in an emergency, these easements shall be exercised in a reasonable manner and at reasonable times. Any pedestrian access easement established by Declarant or the Association over any portion of the Property for the purpose of providing pedestrian access to and from Governmental Authority greenway or Governmental Authority greenway easements are established for the benefit of the applicable Governmental Authority and the public in general. Section 6. Easements Shown On Recorded Plats. Declarant, for itself and its successors and assigns (which may include the Association, the applicable Governmental Authority, and public utility providers), and in addition to all other easements reserved in the Declaration, hereby reserves perpetual, non-exclusive and alienable easements in the locations and for the purposes shown and indicated on all plats of the Property recorded in the Registry by Declarant and/or recorded after the date of this Declaration. These easements specifically include the right to maintain in the easement areas identified on such plats all Improvements deemed necessary, in the reasonable discretion of the Person who exercises the easement rights, for the full exercise of such easements. Except as otherwise required by the Governing Documents or Legal Requirements, the Persons who have the foregoing easement rights shall have no obligation to exercise any part or all of same. Section 7. Easement for Encroachments. If, in accordance with Approved Plans, any Dwelling is closer than five (5) feet to any boundary line of the Lot on which that Dwelling is Iocated (for the purposes of this Section, the "subject Lot"), then the Owner of the Dwelling, and such Owner's tenants and contractors, shall have a perpetual, non-exclusive access easement over the adjoining Lot or other portion of the Property as reasonably necessary to facilitate maintenance of the Dwelling on the subject Lot. All such maintenance shall be done expeditiously and the exercise of this easement shall in all respects be reasonable and, upon completion of the maintenance, as reasonably practicable the Owner of the subject Lot shall restore the Lot or other portion of the Property on which the easement has been exercised, including all Improvements thereon that are damaged by the exercise of this easement, to substantially the same or better condition as it was prior to the maintenance. When the foregoing easement exists, except in accordance with Approved Plans no fence, wall, storage shed, or similar structure or any other kind of obstruction to the exercise of the easement shall be permitted on the adjoining Lot or other portion of the Property. Provided, however, the easement established by this Section shall not 57 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 57 Page 58 of 79 restrict or impair any other easements established herein in favor of the Declarant, the Association, an Owner, a Governmental Authority, or any public utility provider. Section S. Restriction on Entry. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article, no right or easement granted, reserved or established in the Declaration shall be construed to give Declarant, the Association, an Owner, a Governmental Authority or any other Person the right to enter any Dwelling or other building located on any portion of the Property, except as otherwise specifically stated in the provision of the Declaration relating to the particular right or easement or as reasonably and necessarily implied in order for the right or easement to be exercised (for example, maintenance of a party wall), or as allowed by the Owner of the applicable portion of the Property. Provided, however, each Owner hereby is given notice that Legal Requirements may allow such entry by a Governmental Authority or other Persons, even though the particular easement granted, reserved or established in the Declaration does not allow such entry. Section 9. Dedication and Transfer of Easements for Roadways. Declarant shall have the right and power (i) to convey or dedicate all or any part of any of the easements reserved and established by this Declaration, to public use and benefit, (ii) to grant easements over and across any of the private roads, streets and drives that are developed, constructed and installed by Declarant for access, ingress and egress to and from any portion of the Subdivision, (iii) to grant easements on, in, under, over, through and across any of the private roads, streets and drives that are developed, constructed and installed by Declarant for the purpose of installing, replacing, repairing, Maintaining and using master television antenna systems, security and similar systems, and all utilities, including, but not limited to, storm sewers and electrical, cablevision, internet fiber, gas, telephone, water and sanitary sewer lines, and (iv) to permit any Governmental Authority or utility to exercise any of the rights and easements reserved and established in this Declaration. Prior to their acceptance for public maintenance, any roads, streets, entranceways and cul-de-sacs in the Subdivision shall be maintained by the Declarant. Such maintenance shall include repair and reconstruction, when necessary, and shall conform to the standard of maintenance (if one is ascertainable) which would be required by the North Carolina Department of Transportation or other Governmental Entity before it would accept such roads, streets, entranceways and cul-de-sacs for maintenance. ARTICLE XII OWNER MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. Duty to Maintain. Except for those items for which the Association has maintenance responsibility under the Governing Documents, or except as otherwise provided in the Governing Documents, each Owner, at such Owner's sole cost and expense, shall maintain such Owner's Lot, including all Improvements thereon, in a clean and attractive condition at all times, subject to and in a manner consistent with the Governing Documents and Community Wide Standard, including all of the following: (a) . Prompt removal of all litter, trash, refuse and wastes. (b) Lawn mowing and maintenance on a regular basis, including, subject to any Legal Requirements, any portions of a publicly dedicated street right of way or private street right of way 58 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 58 Page 59 of 79 ;2,7 6 adjacent to any boundary of such Lot that are not maintained in accordance with the Community Wide Standard by either the Association or a Governmental Authority. (c) Tree and shrub pruning and removal of dead or diseased trees, shrubs and other plant material. (d) Maintenance of flower and plant gardens. (e) Maintenance of exterior lighting and mechanical facilities. (f) Maintenance of parking areas and driveways. (g) Complying with all Legal Requirements. (h) . Soil erosion control as required by the Declaration. (i) Maintenance of drainage easements and Stormwater Control Measures as required by the Declaration. 0) Maintenance of Service Lines serving the Lots. The foregoing responsibilities shall be performed in a manner that does not unreasonably disturb or interfere with the reasonable enjoyment of the Property by Persons entitled thereto. Provided, however, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary appearing herein, Declarant and Approved Builders are exempt from the required maintenance provisions of this Article with respect to all portions of the Property they own, except for any of same on which Dwellings are located. Section 2. Enforcement. If any Owner fails to perform any of the foregoing maintenance responsibilities, then the Association may give such Owner written notice of the failure and such Owner must, within ten (10) days after such notice is given by the Association, perform the required maintenance. If any such Owner fails to perform the required maintenance within the allotted time period, then the Association, acting through its authorized agent or agents, shall have the right and power, but not the obligation, to enter such Owner's Lot and perform such maintenance without any liability for damages for wrongful entry or trespass. Such Owner shall be liable to the Association for the expenses incurred by the Association in performing the required maintenance and shall reimburse the Association for such expenses within thirty (30) days after the Association mails or delivers to such Person an invoice therefor. If any Owner fails to reimburse the Association as required, in accordance with Article VI, Section 8, the Association may impose a special individual assessment against the Owner and such Owner's Lot for the amount owed. Section 3. Unimproved Portions of the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Article, but subject to the other applicable provisions of the Declaration, Owners of unimproved Lots or other unimproved portions of the Property shall be required to maintain same only in accordance with such maintenance standards, if any, as are established by the Declarant, during the Development Period, and thereafter, in accordance with such reasonable maintenance 59 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 59 Page 60 of 79 ;;"q l standards established by the Board. ARTICLE XIII INSTITUTIONAL LENDERS; MORTGAGEES Section 1. Notice to Board. Upon request from the Board, any Owner who grants a deed of trust on such Owner's Lot shall notify the Association of the name and address of the Mortgagee. No Institutional Lender shall be entitled to any rights under the Declaration unless it has notified the Association as required in this Article and has requested Institutional Lender rights under the Declaration. Section 2. R_ eguirements of Institutional Lender. Whenever any Institutional Lender desires to avail itself of the rights afforded Institutional Lenders under the Governing Documents, it shall furnish written notice thereof to the Association by certified or registered mail, or by overnight delivery service, identifying the Lot upon which such Institutional Lender holds a first lien deed of trust, specifying which rights it wishes to exercise, specifying notices or other information it wishes to receive, and designating the name of the person and mailing address to which notices, reports or information are to be sent by the Association. The Institutional Lender shall be responsible for updating the information required by this Section, and the Association is obligated to give the required notices only to the most current name and address it has received from the Institutional Lender. Such notice shall be deemed to have been received by the Association only upon actual delivery thereof, as evidenced by the return registry receipt or records of the overnight delivery service. Upon assignment or other transfer, or payment in full, of the indebtedness secured by the lien of the deed of trust subject to the notice given to the Association by the Institutional Lender, the Institutional Lender promptly shall notify the Association that it no longer wishes to exercise the rights requested in the previously given written notice, such new notice to be given in the same manner as the previously given notice. To avail itself of the rights of Institutional Lenders under the Governing Documents, any such assignee or transferee must first notify the Association in the manner provided for in this Article of the Declaration. Section 3. Obligation of Association to Institutional Lenders. Any Institutional Lender who has notified the Association as required in the immediately preceding Section of this Article, shall have each of the following rights that are specifically requested in the notice to the Association, until the earlier of such time as the indebtedness secured by the lien of the deed of trust subject to the notice given to the Association has been paid in full or the Institutional Lender has transferred or assigned ownership thereof to another Person. (a) To inspect and receive copies of Governing Documents and other Association documents and records on the same terms as the Members of the Association. The Association has the right to charge a reasonable amount to Members and Institutional Lenders for production and delivery of copies of such Governing Documents and other Association documents and records. (b) To receive a financial statement of the Association for the immediately preceding fiscal year of theAssociation. Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 60 Page 61 of 79 (c) To be notified of any proposed amendments to the Declaration and any meetings of the Association at which such proposed amendments are to be voted on. (d) To be notified of any proposed action of the Association that requires the consent of a specified percentage of Institutional Lenders. (e) To be notified of any condemnation or casualty loss affecting either a material portion of the Common Elements or the Lot securing its deed of trust. (f) To be notified of any Iapse, cancellation or material modification of any insurance policy or fidelity bond maintained by the Association. (g) With respect to the Lot that secures its deed.of trust, to be notified of any delinquency in the payment of any assessment or -charge (which delinquency remains uncured for a period of sixty (60) days), and to be notified of any other default of the provisions of the Declaration by the Owner of such Lot. Provided, however, any failure of the Association to notify the Institutional Lender of the delinquency or default shall not affect the validity of any Association lien, or any other Association rights and remedies, against the defaulting Owner or such Owner's Lot. (h) To be notified of any other matters for which applicable Institutional Lender Rules and Regulations or other Governmental Authority rules or regulations require the Association to give notice to Institutional Lenders, and the Institutional Lender desiring to be notified of such matters shall described the matters and applicable Rules and Regulations in the notice it gives to the Association. Section 4. Institutional Lenders Not Obligated to Collect Assessments. No Institutional Lender shall have any obligation to collect any assessment under the Declaration. ARTICLE XIV AMENDMENT OF DECLARATION Section 1. Amendment by Declarant. In addition to specific amendment rights, if any, granted elsewhere in the Declaration, during the Development Period, Declarant may unilaterally, and in its sole discretion, without the consent, approval, or joinder of any other Owner, the Association, or any other Person (except to the extent that Legal Requirements or this Declaration may require the consent or joinder of a Governmental Authority), and without any Notice or any meeting of the Association, amend the Declaration for any purpose that is not prohibited by the Act or other Legal Requirement. Any amendment of the Declaration by the Declarant shall be effective upon the later of the date of its recording in the Registry or the effective date specified therein, Section 2. Amendment by the Members. Unless amended as allowed under Section 1 of this Article, the Declaration may be amended only as follows: (a) Unless a higher percentage or different voting requirement is specified herein or by Legal 61 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 61 Page 62 of 79 13 Requirements, the Declaration may be amended only by the written agreement or consent of those Members, or the affirmative vote at a meeting of the Association of those Members, to whom are allocated sixty-seven percent (67%) or more of the total number of votes in the Association, and with the consent or joinder of any applicable Governmental Authority if Legal Requirements or this Declaration require the consent or joinder of a Governmental Authority and, during the Development Period, with the written consent or joinder of Declarant. (b) Written notice of an annual or special meeting of the Association at which any proposed amendment to the Declaration is to be voted on, together with at least a summary description of the proposed amendment, shall be given to all Members not less than ten (10) days nor more than sixty (60) days in advance of the date of such meeting. (c) When any amendment to the Declaration is approved by Members of the Association (and Declarant, when applicable) as provided in this Section, the appropriate officers of the Association (and Declarant, when applicable) shall execute in the same manner as a deed and record in the Registry, a document setting forth the following: the amendment; the effective date of the amendment (if no effective date is stated the amendment shall be effective upon the recording of same in the Registry); and if applicable, the date of the meeting of the Association at which such amendment was adopted, the date that notice of such meeting was given, the total number of votes required to constitute a quorum at such meeting, the total number of votes present at such `meeting, the total number of votes necessary to adopt the amendment, the total number of votes cast in favor of such amendment and the total number of votes cast against the amendment. The document shall be recorded in the Registry within thirty (30) days following the date of the meeting at which the amendment was adopted or the written agreement for the amendment is completed. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary appearing herein, no amendment to the Declaration duly adopted by the Members of the Association shall be void or invalid solely because the document describing the amendment is not recorded in the Registry within said thirty (30) day period, and any such duly adopted amendment to the Declaration recorded following the end of said thirty (30) day period shall become effective on the later of the effective date specified therein, if any, or on the date it is recorded in the Registry. Section 3: Consent of Mortgagees. Unless required by a Legal Requirement, no consent, joinder, or approval of any Mortgagee to any amendment of the Declaration by Declarant during the Development Period is required. No consent, joinder, or approval of any Mortgagee to any other amendment of the Declaration is required unless (i) the amendment materially, adversely affects the rights of Mortgagees under the Declaration, or (ii) a Legal Requirement requires the consent of Mortgagees or a percentage of Mortgagees, or (iii) the deed of trust held by such Mortgagee specifically requires the Mortgagee's consent with respect to the Member's Lot subject to the deed of trust, and if either (ii) or (iii) is applicable, the Mortgagee has notified the Association of its rights regarding consent to amendments in the same manner required for an Institutional Lender to notify the Association in the Article of the Declaration dealing with Institutional Lenders. If the amendment is adopted by the required percentage of Members exclusive of the Member or Members who own Lots for which consent of a Mortgagee is required under this Section, then the amendment is valid whether or not the necessary Mortgagees have consented to the amendment. N. Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 62 Page 63 of 79 aciL( Section 4. Prohibited Effects of Amendment. No amendment to the Declaration, whether adopted by the Declarant, by the Association, or by the Members or any applicable group of Members -of the Association, shall do or result in any of the following: (a) increase the financial obligations of an Owner in a discriminatory manner. (b) further restrict development on any portion of the Property in a discriminatory manner. (c) diminish or impair, or in any way adversely affect the rights or protections of Declarant without the written consent of Declarant. (d) impose additional obligations upon Declarant without the written consent of Declarant. (e) diminish or impair the express rights of Institutional Lenders under the Declaration without the prior written approval of a majority of the Institutional Lenders who have requested the exercise of such rights as provided herein. (f) terminate or revise any easement established by the Declaration, without the written consent of the Persons whose Lots or other real property is benefitted by the easement and, with respect to a revision, the written consent of the Persons whose Lots or other real property is burdened by the easement. (g) without the consent of the applicable Governmental Authority, terminate, reduce, amend, revise, or alter any obligation of the Association or the Members of the Association under any Legal Requirement or under any encroachment agreement, or other agreement entered into with a Governmental Authority by the Association or, as allowed by the Declaration, by the Declarant on behalf of the Association. (h) alter or remove or attempt to alter or remove any Legal Requirement. (i) diminish or impair, or in any way adversely affect the rights or protections of the Approved Builders without the written consent of the Approved Builders. ARTICLE XV DURATION OF DECLARATION; DISSOLUTION OF ASSOCIATION Section 1. Duration. Unless sooner terminated as required by Legal Requirements, the Declaration shall run with and bind the Property and each Owner, and shall inure to the benefit of the Association and each Owner of any portion of the Property, and their respective heirs, successors, and assigns, from and after the recording of the Declaration in the Registry until such time as it is terminated by a written termination agreement, executed or ratified in the same manner as a deed, by those Members to whom eighty percent (80%) or more of the total number of votes in the Association are allocated. The termination agreement shall specify a date after which it will be void unless it is recorded in the Registry before that date. The termination agreement may not be recorded in the Registry unless and until the requisite number of signatures have been obtained 63 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 63 Page 64 of 79 as provided herein, and it shall be effective only upon recording. If, pursuant to the termination agreement, any real estate in the Property is to be sold following termination of the Declaration, the minimum terms of the sale shall be set forth therein. The Declaration shall be deemed incorporated in all deeds and conveyances hereinafter made by Declarant or any other Owner. Every Person, including a Mortgagee, acquiring or holding any interest or estate in any portion of the Property shall take or hold such interest or estate, or the security interest with respect thereto, with notice of the terms and provisions of this Declaration; and in accepting such interest or estate in, or a security interest with respect to, any portion of the Property, such Person shall be deemed to have assented to this Declaration and all of the terms and provisions hereof. Section 2. Dissolution of the Association. The Association shall be dissolved upon the termination of the Declaration. Provided, however, until any sale of the Common Elements authorized by the termination agreement or approved by the Owners in the same manner as required for approval of the termination agreement is completed and the sale proceeds distributed, the Association shall continue in existence with all of the powers it had before termination. The Association, on behalf of the Owners, may contract for the sale of the Common Elements, but the contract is not binding unless such sale has been authorized in the termination agreement or it has been approved by the Owners in the same manner as required for approval of the termination agreement. Proceeds of the sale of Common Elements shall be distributed to the Owners and lienholders as their interests may appear, as provided in the termination agreement or other agreement approved by the Owners in the same manner as required for approval of the termination agreement. If the Common Elements are not to be sold following termination of the Declaration, title to the Common Elements vests in the Owners upon termination, as tenants in common in proportion to their respective interests as provided in the termination agreement. Upon dissolution of the Association or upon loss of ownership of all of the Common Elements by the Association for any reason whatsoever (except for exchange or dedication or conveyance of any part or all of the Common Elements as allowed by the Declaration, or by reason of merger or consolidation with any other association as allowed by the Declaration), except as otherwise provided in the termination agreement, other agreement approved by the Owners in the same manner as required for approval of the termination agreement, or Legal Requirements (in particular, Section 4717-2-118 of the Act, or any successor Section of the Act), any portion of the Common Elements not under the jurisdiction of and being maintained by another association substantially similar to the Association, together with all other assets of the Association, first shall be offered to Spring Hope, Nash County, North Carolina (the "Town") (or, if the Town refuses such offer, then to some other appropriate Governmental Authority or public agency as determined by the Board) to be dedicated for public use for purposes similar to those to which the Common Elements and such assets were required to be devoted by the Association. If the Town or other Governmental Authority or public agency accepts the offer of dedication, such portion of the Common Elements and assets shall be conveyed by the Association to such Governmental Authority or public agency, subject to the superior right of an Owner to an easement (if necessary) for reasonable ingress and egress to and from such Owner's Lot and the public or private street(s) on which that Lot is located, subject to all other applicable rights of way and easements, and subject to ad valorem property taxes subsequent to the date of such conveyance. 54 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 64 Page 65'of 79 If the Town or other appropriate Governmental Authority or public agency refuses the offer of dedication and conveyance, the Association may transfer and convey such Common Elements and assets to any nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other entity which is or shall be devoted to purposes and uses that would most nearly conform to the purposes and uses to which the Common Elements were required to be devoted by the Declaration, such transfer and conveyance to be made subject to the rights of Owners and the other matters set forth in the immediately preceding paragraph of this Section. If there is no nonprofit corporation, association, trust or other entity who will accept such transfer and conveyance of the Common Elements and assets of the Association, then such Common Elements and assets shall be distributed as provided in the plan of termination/dissolution adopted by the Association. ARTICLE XVI RECREATIONAL AMENITIES Nothing in the Declaration or other Governing Documents shall be construed as imposing any obligation on the Declarant or any other Person to construct or provide for any recreational amenities on or for any part or all of the Property or any Owner, occupant, or user thereof, except to the extent, if any, that Declarant or such other Person is so obligated under Legal Requirements. ARTICLE XVII DISCLOSURES AND WAIVERS The following are in addition to any other disclosures and waivers in the Declaration. Section 1. Construction Activities. All Owners and other Persons who use the Property hereby are notified that Declarant and Approved Builders or their agents, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and other designees, successors, or assigns, may, conduct blasting, excavation, construction, and other activities within the Property. By the acceptance of a deed or other conveyance, leasehold, license, or other interest, and by using any portion of a Lot or the Property generally, such Owners and such other Persons acknowledge, stipulate, and agree: (i) such activities shall not be deemed nuisances, or noxious or offensive activities, under any applicable covenants or at law generally; (ii) not to enter upon, or allow their children or other Persons under their control or direction to enter upon (regardless of whether such entry is a trespass or otherwise) any property within or in proximity to the portion of the Property where such activities are being conducted (even if not being actively conducted at the time of entry, such as at night or otherwise during non -working hours); (iii) that Declarant and Approved Builders and their agents, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and other designees, successors, and assigns, shareholders, directors, officers, partners, members, managers, agents and employees shall not be liable but, rather, shall be held harmless for any and all losses, damages (compensatory, consequential, punitive, or otherwise), injuries, or deaths arising from or relating to the aforesaid activities; (iv) that any purchase or use of any portion of the Property has been and will be made with full knowledge of the foregoing; and (v) this acknowledgment and agreement is a material inducement to Declarant and Approved Builders to sell, convey, lease, or allow the use of the Property. 65 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 65 Page 66 of 79 a4-7 Section 2. Conveyance of Common Elements. Subject to the express requirements set forth in other provisions of this Declaration, Declarant may convey or transfer all Common Elements, including all Improvements thereon, to the Association in an "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, and in such conveyances may reserve such easements as Declarant, in its sole discretion, deems necessary or advisable for completion or maintenance of any Improvements in the Common Elements and any development of the Subdivision. Declarant hereby disclaims and makes no representations, warranties or other agreements, express or implied, by law or fact, with respect to the Common Elements and Improvements thereon, including, without limitation, representations or warranties of merchantability regarding the condition, construction, accuracy, completeness, design, adequacy of size or capacity thereof in relation to the utilization, date of completion, or the future economic performance or operations of, or the materials, furniture, or equipment used therein. Neither the Association nor any Owner or any other Person shall make any claim against Declarant, its successors and assigns, relating to the condition, operation, use, accuracy or completeness of the Common Elements, or for incidental or consequential damages arising therefrom. Declarant shall transfer and assign to the Association, without recourse, all warranties received from manufacturers and suppliers relating to any of the Common Elements or Improvements thereon, or relating to any personal property transferred by Declarant to the Association, which exist at the time of transfer and are assignable, but Declarant's failure to do so shall not constitute any grounds for any claim, cause of action or other legal recourse against Declarant for failing to do so, other than to compel Declarant to transfer or assign same. Section 3. Liability for Association Operations. The Association shall, to the fullest extent permitted by Iaw, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Declarant, its successors and assigns, and its shareholders, directors, officers, partners, members, managers, agents and employees from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses of whatever kind or nature (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs at all tribunal levels and whether or not suit is instituted, including those incurred in establishing the right to be indemnified, defended, and held harmless pursuant hereto), which relate to or arise out of Association management and operations, including, without limitation, improvement, maintenance, and operation of Common Elements and the collection of assessments. ARTICLE XVIII ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Section 1. Agreement to Encourage Resolution of Disputes Without Litigation. (a) Declarant, the Association and its officers, directors, and committee members, all Owners (including an Approved Builder for such time as it is also an Owner) and other Persons subject to the Declaration, and any other Person not subject to the Declaration who agrees to submit to this Article (collectively, "Bound Parties"), agree or are deemed to agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to encourage the amicable resolution of disputes involving the Community without the emotional and financial costs of litigation. Accordingly, each Bound Party agrees not to file suit in any court with respect to a Claim described in subsection (b), unless and until it has first submitted such Claim to the alternative dispute resolution procedures set forth in this Article Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 66 Page 67 of 79 ayi in a good faith effort to resolve such Claim. (b) As used in this Article, the term "Claim" shall refer to any claim, grievance, or dispute arising out of or relating to any of the following: (1) the interpretation, application, or enforcement of the Governing Documents; (2) the rights, obligations, and duties of any Bound Party under the Governing Documents; or (3) the design or construction of Improvements within the Community, other than matters of aesthetic judgment, which shall not be subject to review. (c) Provided, however, that the following shall not be considered "Claims" unless all parties to the matter otherwise agree to submit the matter to the procedures set forth in this Article (the word "action" includes any legal or equitable action or procedure filed in any court, as well as any other procedure): (1) any action by the Association to collect assessments or other amounts due from any Owner, or to enforce any financial or monetary obligation of any Person under the Governing Documents. (2) any action by the Association to obtain a temporary restraining order or other emergency equitable relief and such ancillary relief as the court may deem necessary in order to maintain the status quo and preserve the Association's ability to enforce the provisions of the Declaration relating to the Community Wide Standard or Restrictions and Rules; (3) any action between Owners, which does not include Declarant or the Association as a party, if such action or matter asserts a Claim which would constitute a cause of action independent of the Governing Documents; (4) any action in which any indispensable party is not a Bound Party; (5) any action as to which any applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose would expire within one hundred eighty (180) days of date of the fling of the action, unless the party or parties against whom the Claim is made agree to toll the statute of limitations or statute of repose as to such Claim for such period as may reasonably be necessary to comply with this Article; and (6) any action to enforce any financial or monetary obligation of any Person under the Governing Documents. Section 2. Dispute Resolution Procedures. (a) Notice. The Bound Party asserting a Claim ("Claimant") against another Bound Party ("Respondent") shall give written notice (the "Notice") to each Respondent and to the Board 67 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 67 Page 68 of 79 stating plainly and concisely: (1) the -nature of the Claim, including the Persons involved and the Respondent's role in the Claim; (2) the legal basis of the Claim (i.e., the specific authority out of which the Claim arises); (3) the Claimant's proposed resolution or remedy; and (4) the Claimant's desire to meet with the Respondent to discuss in good faith ways to resolve the Claim. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice, the Respondent, subject to all of the foregoing requirements for the giving of the Notice, shall give the Claimant a Notice of any Claim the Respondent has against the Claimant. (b) Negotiation. The Claimant and Respondent shall make every reasonable effort to meet in person and confer for the purpose of resolving the Claim by good faith negotiation. If requested in writing by either the Claimant or the Respondent, the Board may appoint a representative to assist the parties in negotiating a resolution of the Claim. (c) Mediation. If the Bound Parties have not resolved the Claim through negotiation within thirty (30) days of the date of the Notice, or within such other period as the Bound Parties may agree upon, either of the Bound Parties shall have thirty (30) additional days to submit the Claim to mediation with an entity designated by the Association (if the Association is not a party to the Claim) or to an independent agency providing dispute resolution services in the Nash County, North Carolina area. If the Claim is not submitted to mediation within such time, or if the Bound Party who submitted the Claim to mediation does not appear for the mediation when scheduled, that Bound Party shall be deemed to have waived the Claim, and the other Bound Party shall be relieved of any and all liability to the Bound Parry who submitted the Claim to mediation (but not third parties) on account of such Claim. If the Bound Parties do not settle the Claim within thirty (30) days after submission of the matter to mediation, or within such time as determined reasonable by the mediator, the mediator shall issue a notice of termination of the mediation proceedings indicating that the parties are at an impasse and the date that mediation was terminated. Either the Claimant or Respondent thereafter shall be entitled to file suit or to initiate administrative proceedings on the Claim, as appropriate. Each Bound Party shall bear its own costs of the mediation, including attorneys' fees, and each Bound Party shall share equally all fees charged by the mediator. (d) Right to File Action. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, a Bound Party may file an action with respect to any matter subject to a pending negotiation or a pending mediation, if the applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose would expire within ninety 68 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 68 Page 69 of 79 c;?;,_!5_o (90) days or less of the date of the filing of the action. (e) Resolution of Claim. Any resolution or settlement of the Claim through negotiation or mediation shall be documented in writing and signed by the Claimant and Respondent. If either of such Bound Parties thereafter fails to abide by the terms of any negotiated or mediated settlement, then the other Bound Party may pursue an action to enforce the settlement without the need to again comply with the procedures set forth in this Section. In such event, the Bound Party taking action to enforce any settlement, upon prevailing, is entitled to' recover from the non- complying Bound Party (or if more than one non -complying Bound Party, from all such Bound Parties in equal proportions) all costs incurred in enforcing such settlement, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees and court costs. ARTICLE XIX RETAINING WALLS All retaining walls installed in the Property by or on behalf of Declarant that are located on more than one Lot or that are located partially on a Lot and partially on Common Elements, are Common Elements and are the property of the Association. With respect to initial construction or installation and subsequent maintenance of retaining walls, Declarant and the Association shall have all of the easements reserved for Declarant and the Association in Article XI of the Declaration. Declarant, during the Development Period, and thereafter the Association, has the right to determine what constitutes a retaining wall and to resolve all issues and other matters related to retaining wails. ARTICLE XX GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 2. Assignment. Declarant specifically reserves the right, in Declarant's sole discretion, to assign temporarily or permanently any or all of its rights, privileges, powers or obligations under the Declaration or under any Supplemental Declaration, including assignment of any or all of same as security for any obligation of Declarant to one or more Persons. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, no such assignment shall be effective unless (i) it is in writing, (ii) it is executed by the assignee (unless, with respect to an assignment to the Association of a Governmental Authority permit, execution of the assignment by the assignee is not required by the applicable Governmental Authority or Legal Requirement), (iii) it is recorded in the Registry or other Governmental Authority office required under Legal Requirements, with the date of recording or such later effective date stated in the assignment being the effective date thereof (and the terms of the recorded assignment shall be conclusive and binding as to the matters assigned), and (iv) if it purports to assign any obligations of the Declarant to complete initial capital Improvements within the Subdivision required by a Development Plan or other Legal Requirements, it describes the specific obligations assigned. Upon Declarant's request, the Association shall execute any such assignment by Declarant to the Association, and Declarant is designated by the Declaration as the Association's agent or attorney - in -fact to execute any such assignment on behalf of the Association, which agency and power of attorney shall be effective until the end of the Development Period, unless sooner terminated in writing by Declarant. Provided, however, and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, • S Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 69 Page 70 of 79 -;2-5-1 Declarant may not assign to the Association any obligation to complete initial capital Improvements within the Subdivision required by a Development Plan or other Legal Requirements to be completed by Declarant. With respect to assignments described in any instrument under which Declarant rights specifically or impliedly are given as security for an obligation of Declarant, the terms of such instrument shall control over the provisions of this Section, including execution and recording requirements and the matters assigned thereby. Upon any completed foreclosure sale pursuant to any instrument under which the Declarant rights become security for an obligation, or the recording or filing of a deed or other instrument in lieu bf foreclosure, the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, or the grantee under any deed or other instrument in lieu of foreclosure, shall receive the rights, privileges, powers or obligations that were assigned as security for the Declarant's obligation, unless the foreclosure documents or conveying document specifically exclude such rights, privileges, powers or obligations. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section, with respect to Common Elements, Stormwater Control Measures and utilities in the Subdivision, and subject to the express provisions contained in other sections of this Declaration Declarant may assign to the Association, and the Association shall accept assignment of and execute the assignment document with respect to, any or all of the following in whole or in part, including the costs thereof. all rights, duties, liabilities, obligations and indemnities of the Declarant under all permits issued by a Governmental Authority (but execution of the assignment by the Association- is not required unless required by the applicable Governmental Authority or Legal Requirement); and all easements and agreements with any provider of utilities to any part or all of the Subdivision or under all agreements between the Declarant and a Governmental Authority or any provider of utilities to any part or all of the Subdivision, with respect to maintenance of Common Elements, Stormwater Control Measures or utilities in the Subdivision. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the foregoing, Declarant may not assign to the Association any of its obligations or liabilities or indemnities directly related to the initial construction or installation of Improvements for Common Elements, Stormwater Control Measures, utilities, or publicly dedicated streets in the Subdivision as required by a Governmental Authority or a utility provider for development of the Property in accordance with a Development PIan. Declarant shall have the authority to resolve any dispute as to what rights, duties, liabilities, obligations or indemnities can be assigned to the Association pursuant to this Section. Any approvals, waivers, or variances granted by the Declarant under the Governing Documents shall be binding upon all assignees and successors to Declarant's approval, waiver, or variance authority. Section 2. Duration of Special Declarant Rights. Unless otherwise specifically provided in the Governing Documents, or unless waived or released by the Declarant or other Person possessing such rights, all Special Declarant Rights under this Declaration shall exist and continue through the end of the Development Period. Section 3. Association Contracts and Leases. All Association contracts and leases which affect or relate to the Property or any part thereof and which (i) are entered into prior to the time that the first Board whose majority of directors is elected by the Class A Members takes office, and (ii) are not bona fide or were unconscionable to the Owners at the time entered into under the 70 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 70 Page 71 of 79 2-151:1-1 circumstances then prevailing, may be terminated without penalty by the Association at any time after such first Board whose majority of directors is elected by the Class A Members takes office, upon not less than ninety (90) days written notice to the other parties to the contract or lease (or any different minimum time period provided for in the Act), and all such contracts and leases are terminable as provided in this Section, whether or not the right of the Association to terminate is stated therein. Section 4. Conflicts. Whenever there exists a conflict among the Governing Documents of the Association, the order in which Governing Documents control is as follows: agreements with Governmental Authorities; the Declaration; other Governing Documents, except that as to matters of compliance with the Nonprofit Corporation Act, the Articles shall control. Whenever there is a conflict between the provisions of the Articles and Bylaws, the provisions of the Articles shall control. The provisions of the Bylaws shall control over any conflicting provision of -any Restrictions and Rules, Board resolutions or Rules and Regulations, or Architectural Guidelines. With respect to the foregoing, specific provisions shall control general provisions, except that a construction consistent with the Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act and the Code shall in all cases - control over any construction inconsistent therewith. The provisions of the Code and other Legal Requirements control over any conflicting provisions of the Declaration, and any other Governing Documents. Whenever the Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act, or the Code provides for limitations on any amount of assessments, fines, late payment fees, charges, or attorney fees that may be assessed, fined, charged, imposed, or collected by the Association, and the amount of any such assessment, fine, late payment fee, charge, or attorney fee allowed or authorized by the Declaration or other Governing Documents (including any assessment, fine, late payment fee, charge, or attorney fee amount established by the Board as allowed by the Declaration or other Governing Documents) exceeds the applicable limitation of the Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act, or the Code, unless the applicable limitation specified by the Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act, or the Code is a mandatory limitation that cannot be exceeded by provisions in the Declaration or other Governing Documents allowing or providing for the possibility of a greater amount than the applicable limitation otherwise allows, the provisions of the Declaration or other Governing Documents control and are deemed to constitute an express provision contrary to the limitation contained in the Act, the Nonprofit Corporation Act, or the Code. The provisions of the Act and Nonprofit Corporation Act shall in all cases control over any conflicting provisions of the Code. The Governing Documents shall be construed together with the construction that avoids, insofar as possible, conflicts among them. For the purposes of this Article and any other references in the Declaration to similar conflicts, a "conflict" is a situation in which the provisions in question cannot be reconciled or where enforcement of one provision necessarily would prohibit enforcement of another provision - for example, where one provision allows a certain action and the other provision prohibits the same action. Two provisions that are different, but not mutually exclusive or prohibitive of each other do not constitute a conflict for the purposes of this Article. 71 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 71 Page 72 of 79 Section 5. Consent and Notice. Except as otherwise may be specifically required by the Governing Documents or Legal Requirements, when a Lot is owned by more than one Person: (i) with respect to any matter under the Declaration requiring the consent of an Owner is required, the consent of any one of such Owners is sufficient; and (ii) the Notice provisions of the Declaration are deemed satisfied if Notice is given to any one of such Owners. Whenever the written consent of Declarant is required for the effectiveness of some action under the Declaration in addition to any required vote of the Members of the Association, the votes in the Association allocated to Declarant shall be counted in determining the vote of the Members, the written consent requirement being in addition to the voting requirement, whether or not Declarant actually participates in the voting. Section 6. Costs and Reasonable Attorneys' Fees. In any action to enforce the provisions of any Governing Documents, the court may award reasonable attorneys' fees to the prevailing party, even if such action is settled prior to any trial, judgment or appeal. It also is the specific intent of this Section that it constitutes the allowance of the award of reasonable attorneys' fees as required under Section 47F-3-120 of the Act. Section 7. Determination of Class of Membership. If at any time during the Development Period there is a question or dispute as to what class of membership is applicable to the Owner of a particular portion of the Property, the Declarant has the right and authority to resolve such question or dispute. Following the end of the Development Period, the Board has the right to resolve any such question or dispute. Section 8. Enforcement. Subject to applicable alternative dispute resolution provisions of the Declaration, and subject to any rights of enforcement provided for any Governmental Authority by the Declaration or any Legal Requirement, (i) the Declarant and the Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the provisions of the Declaration and other Governing Documents relating to the collection of assessments and other charges payable to the Association, and (ii) the Declarant, the Association, each Owner, and, when enforcement rights are granted by the Declaration, an Institutional Lender or other Secondary Mortgage Market Agency, shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enforce the other provisions of the Declaration and other Governing Documents, by any proceeding at law or in equity (or otherwise, as provided in the Declaration) against any Person who has violated, is violating, or is attempting to violate, any part of the Declaration or other Governing Documents, either to restrain the violation, recover damages, or seek other available legal or equitable remedies. Any failure by the Declarant, the Association, an Owner, or any other Person to enforce the Declaration or other Governing Document or seek any applicable remedy with respect to any specific violation or lien shall not constitute a waiver of the right to do so thereafter, nor shall it constitute a waiver of the right to enforce the Declaration at any other time with respect to the same or substantially similar matter. All rights, remedies and privileges granted to the Declarant, the Association, any Owner, or any other Person herein are cumulative, and the exercise of any one or more of such rights, remedies or privileges shall not constitute an election of remedies or preclude subsequent exercise of other rights, remedies and privileges. Section 9. Exclusive Rialits to Use Name of Subdivision. During the Development Period, 72 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 72 Page 73 of 79 a5y no Person other than an Approved Builder shall use the name "Walnut Cove" or any derivative of such name in any logo or depiction in any printed or promotional material without Declarant's prior written consent. However, Owners may use the name "Walnut Cove" in printed or promotional materials where such term is used solely to specify that a particular Lot, Dwelling or address is located within the Subdivision and the Association shall be entitled to use the words "Walnut Cove" in its name and for other purposes related to the functions of the Association under the Declaration. Section 10. Legal Actions Against Declarant. The affirmative vote or consent of the Class A and Class B Members that is equal to or greater than sixty-seven percent (67%) of the total number of votes in the Association first shall be required prior to the Association doing any or all of the following with respect to the Declarant or any successor Declarant, regardless of whether such Person is the Declarant at the time the Association takes the action or obtains the necessary vote or consent required to take such action: (i) rile a complaint, on account of any act or omission of Declarant, with any Governmental Authority which has regulatory or judicial authority over the Property or any part thereof, or (ii) assert a claim against Declarant or sue Declarant or request legal or equitable relief against Declarant in any court, before any Governmental Authority board, or otherwise. Section 11. Legal Requirements. All Governing Documents shall be subject to and construed in accordance with all Legal Requirements, including all applicable provisions of the Code. It shall be the responsibility of each Owner to comply with all Legal Requirements, whether or not any approval, disapproval, waiver or variance of the terms of any Governing Documents has been given by Declarant, the Association or the Architectural Review Committee. It is the express intention of the Governing Documents to comply with the Act, and any provisions of the Governing Documents that are not in compliance with the Act shall be deemed reformed to comply therewith..Provided, however, it also is the intention of the Governing Documents that, unless its provisions violate the Act, such provisions shall control, and, insofar as reasonably possible, the provisions of the Governing Documents shall be construed in such manner as to be consistent with, and not in violation of, the Act. Section 12. Marketable Title Act. It is the intention of the Declarant that the Declaration exist and continue until terminated as provided herein, and that it constitute an exception to any automatic termination or expiration provision that might be applicable under the Real Property Marketable Title Act as contained in Chapter 47B of the North Carolina General Statutes, or under any successor or replacement statute or any other Legal Requirement that would or could terminate the Declaration other than in the manner provided for termination herein. Accordingly,_ the Association, in its discretion, may re-record in the Registry the Declaration or some memorandum or other notice hereof in order to continue the Declaration in full force and effect or to qualify the Declaration as an exception to any such automatic termination or expiration provision of the Real Property Marketable Title Act or any other Legal Requirement. Section 13. No Exemption, No Owner may become exempt from any obligations imposed hereby by non-use or abandonment of the Common Elements or any portion of the Property, Lot or Dwelling owned by such Owner. 73 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 73 Page 74 of 79 Section 14. No Timesharing or Short -Term Lease. No Dwelling shall be used for operation of a timesharing, fraction -sharing, or similar program whereby the right to use or occupancy of the Dwelling rotates among participants in the program on a fixed or floating time schedule over any period of time. No Dwelling may be rented or leased for a term less than six (6) months, or listed for rent or lease for a term less than six (6) months without the prior written consent of the Association, which consent may be granted or withheld in the Association's sole discretion. Section 15. Notice. Except as otherwise provided herein, whenever written notice to any Person is required hereunder, such notice may be hand delivered to such Person, or given by first class United States mail, postage prepaid, or given in such other manner specifically allowed or required by Legal Requirements, or given in such other manner determined by the Board to be proper (such as by electronic means) and which does not violate any Legal Requirements, addressed to the address or electronic mail address of such Person appearing on the records of the Association or to the address for such Person appearing in the records of the Nash County Revenue Department. Properly addressed notice shall be deemed to have been given by the Association as follows: (i) in the absence of any delays in delivery by the United States Postal Service resulting from acts of war or terrorism, on the third day following the date the notice was deposited in the United States mail, first class postage prepaid; or (ii) on the date of personal delivery to the Person or an adult residing with the Person, as evidenced by a receipt signed by the Person or such other Person; or (iii) on the delivery date indicated on a return certified or registered mail receipt, or (iv) on the date indicated by the records of a national, regional or local same day or overnight courier service, or (v) on the date acknowledged in writing by the recipient Person or other adult residing with such Person, or (vi) upon execution of a written waiver of such notice by the Person. Notice to the Association may be given and shall be deemed to have been given in the same manner as notice to a Person, when addressed to the principal business office of the Association or the property manager employed by the Association. 'It shall be the duty of each Owner and other Person entitled to receive a notice from the Association to keep the Association informed of such Owner's or other Person's current mailing address, email address and telephone number. If an Owner or other Person has not provided the Association with such current mailing or email address the Association may use as the mailing address the street address of the portion of the Property owned by such Owner or other Person or the address for such Owner or other Person in the records of the Nash County Revenue Department. If no address for an Owner other Person or is reasonably available to the Association, the Association shall not be required to give notice to that Owner or other Person. Notice given to any one of multiple Owners of any portion of the Property shall be deemed to have been given to all of such Owners. When an Owner requests that communications from the Association be given by electronic mail, then notices under the Declaration also may be given to that Owner by electronic mail by an officer, director, or agent of the Association (which may include a property manager) and shall be deemed to have been given on the date that it is sent by the sending Person to the Owner to the electronic mail address of the Owner most recently given to the Association. Section 16. Number and Gender. Whenever the context of the Declaration requires, the singular shall include the plural and one gender shall include all. Section 17. Reserved Rights. Whenever the Declaration reserves a right for, or requires or 74 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 74 Page 75 of 79 authorizes a consent, approval, variance, or waiver by Declarant, and thereafter confers such right upon, or requires or authorizes such consent, approval, variance, or waiver by the Association or Board, the applicable right may be exercised, or the applicable consent, approval, variance, or waiver may be given, only by Declarant (or its assigns, which may include the Board) during the applicable period, and, thereafter, only by the Board or its authorized designee (unless a vote or consent of the Members of the Association also is required or alone is required). All rights of Declarant and the Association under the Declaration, unless otherwise specifically provided or limited, may be exercised at any time and from time to time. Section 18. Rule Against Perpetuities. As provided in Section 47F-2-103(b) of the Act, the Rule Against Perpetuities may not be applied to defeat any provision of the Declaration, or the Bylaws, rules, or regulations adopted pursuant to Section 47F-3-IO2(1) of the Act. In the event of the absence of the protection of Section 47F-2-103(b) of the Act, if the Declaration or any provision thereof violates any applicable Rule Against Perpetuities, the Declaration or such provisions shall be deemed reformed to continue in effect for the maximum period of time that the Declaration or such provision could exist without violating such applicable Rule Against Perpetuities. Section 19. Severability of Provisions. If any paragraph, section, sentence, clause or phrase of -the Declaration shall be or become illegal, null or void for any reason or shall be held by -any court of competent and final jurisdiction to be illegal, null or void, the remaining paragraphs, sections, sentences, clauses and phrases of the Declaration shall continue in full force and effect and shall not be affected thereby. To the extent that any provision of the Governing Documents is determined to be overly broad or unenforceable and a narrower or partially enforceable construction may be given to such provision without destroying its intent, then the narrower or partially enforceable provision shall be applied and, to the extent lawful, shall be enforced. It is hereby declared that said remaining paragraphs, sections, sentences, clauses and phrases would have been and are imposed irrespective of the fact that any one or more other paragraphs, sections, sentences, clauses or phrases shall become or be illegal, null or void. Section 20. Subdivision, Combination of Lots; Plat Re-recording. Any portion of the Property may be subdivided, and the boundaries of any portion of the Property may be altered, only with the written consent of the Owner thereof and the Declarant, during the Development Period (and, thereafter, the Board), and with any prior approval required by a Governmental Authority. Provided, however, and notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, such written consent of the Declarant is not required for leases, deeds of correction, deeds to resolve boundary line disputes or similar corrective instruments, or deeds or other instruments granting any easement, right-of-way or license to Declarant, the Association, a Governmental Authority, or a public utility provider, provided that the number of then existing LotsIn the Property is not changed by any such action. One or more Lots may be combined into a single Lot, and a Lot may be subdivided into two or more Lots, only with the written consent of the Owner thereof and the Declarant during the Development Period and, when the Development Period is not in existence, only with the written consent of such Owner and the Board. Unless otherwise provided on the plat that records the 75 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 75 Page 76 of 79 �s7 combined Lot or in a written instrument recorded in the Registry and executed by Declarant, the Association, or the Owner, as applicable, when two or more such Lots are combined into one Lot, the resulting Lot shall continue to be assessed and have voting rights in the Association based on the number of Lots that existed prior to the combination into one Lot. When one Lot is subdivided into two or more Lots, the resulting Lots each shall be considered as a separate Lot and each shall be subject to assessments and have voting rights in the Association in accordance with the assessments and voting rights then applicable to a Lot. When the boundaries of two or more such Lots are changed but the resulting number of Lots is the same as the original number of Lots, the assessments and voting rights in the Association for those resulting Lots shall continue as they were immediately prior to the change. When two or more such Lots are combined into one Lot, the easements reserved by the Declaration around the boundaries of the former Lots shall continue in effect, except that any such easements reserved along the former common boundary line(s) between the combined parcels and not actually being exercised or used by any Person at the time of the combination shall terminate. Provided, however, it shall be the responsibility of the Owner of such resulting Lot to obtain any documentation that is necessary or required to confirm such termination and to obtain termination or relocation of any such easements that are actually being exercised ' or used at .the time of the combination of Lots. When a Lot is subdivided into two or more Lots, the easements established herein adjacent to the boundaries of a Lot shall apply to all of the resulting Lots. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit or restrict the right of Declarant, during the Development Period to (i) subdivide, combine, re -subdivide or recombine, or to record or re-record maps relating to, any portion of the Property owned by Declarant, or (ii) to approve or disapprove such activities with respect to portions of the Property owned by other Owners or (iii) sell or assign to a third party builder any right related to an Impervious Surface on any portion of the Property owned by Declarant or the Common Elements or (iv) sell or assign to the Association any right related to an Impervious Surface on any portion of the Property owned by Declarant or the Common Elements. The provisions of the immediately preceding paragraph with respect to the effects of subdivision or combination of Lots are applicable to subdivision or combination of Lots owned by the Declarant unless the Declarant otherwise indicates on the plat of such subdivision or combination recorded in the Registry or in an instrument recorded in the Registry prior to the end of the Development Period. Section 21. Titles. The titles, headings and captions which have been used throughout the Declaration are for convenience only and are not to be used in construing the Declaration or any part thereof, except as necessary with respect to any cross-referencing of any provisions of the Declaration. (Execution Page and Exhibits Follow) VV Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 76 Page 77 of 79 f IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused this Declaration to be executed in legal and binding form, by its duly authorized Manager, all by authority of its Members, on the day and year first written above. DECLARANT PINTAIL OILFIELD SERVICES, LLC, an Oklahoma limited liability company Name: Thomas White Title: Manager STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NASH I, ```�( E�'"1e`L� Y�`�' El", a Notary Public of the County of W z%t NO . State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that Thomas White, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the Manager of Pintail Oilfield Services, LLC, an Oklahoma limited liability company, and that by authority duly given as an act of the limited liability company, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Manager. Witness my hand and official seal, this the 7 day of Pr' + , 2022. �����nuiriep►f ` � h�v - ■ ;-L� �'QG''•, Notary Public = i\A�%j ZZ� Zn.ZL� 'a= U 8 LPL o = .GPI`-' 77 Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 77 Page 78 of 79 EXHIBIT A: PROPERTY Tract One: BEGINNING at an iron, comer for Tract 4, 5 and 6 on the map hereinafter referred to; thence with the northem line of Tract 5, S. 48' 30' W. 959.53 feet to an iron, the northwest corner for Tract 5; thence N. 2° 54' E. 136 feet to an iron, the southeast corner for Homer Sykes; thence with the eastern line for Homer Sykes, N. 3° 57' E. 701.79 feet to an iron, the northeast corner for Homer Sykes in the line of J. C. Brantley; thence with the southern line for Brantley, S. 84' 15' E. 27.15 feet to a concrete monument; thence with the eastern line for Brantley, W. 05' 07' E. 472.68 feet to an iron, corner for Tract 6; thence with the western Iine for Tract 6, S. 41 ° 34' E. 894.67 feet to an iron, the point of BEGINNING, containing 10.07 acres and being Tract 7 as shown on the plat entitled "Division of the David Mills Estate" by William B. McIntyre, C. E. dated September 4, 1974, which plat is recorded in Plat Book 11, page 212; Nash County Registry, and being a portion of that certain tract of land conveyed from Leon T. Vaughan, Trustee, to Mattie Mills, by deed dated November 30, 1938, recorded in Book 435, page 143, Nash Registry. . This conveyance includes a non-exclusive right of ingress, regress and egress over and along a path extending northerly from McLean Street (S.R. 1332) so the dividing line between Tract 4 and Tract I and thence in a northwesterly direction along the dividing line between Tract 4 and Tracts 1. and 2; thence in a westerly direction along the dividing line between Tract 4 and Tracts 3B and 6 to the southeastern comer for Tract 7 as shown on the map above referred to, which right of ingress, egress and regress is appurtenant to and runs with the land. Tract Two: BEGINNING at a stake in the northern property line of property now or formerly owned by the Nash County Board of Education, the Southwest corner for Tract No. 4 as shown in the map hereinafter referred to; thence with the northern property line of the Nash County Board of Education, South 51 ° 44' West 160.51 feet to an iron found; thence continuing with the northern property line of the Nash County Board of Education, South 52' 01' West 1108.06 feet to an iron, comering; thence North 5° 68' East 324.64 feet to an iron and North 2° 54' East 169.15 feet to an iron, the southwest corner for Tract No. 7; thence with the southern line for Tract No. 7, North 48" 30' East 959.53 feet to a stake, comer for Tracts Nos. 7, 6 and 4; thence with the western line for Tract No. 4, South 35' 13' East 423.50 feet to a stake, the point of BEGINNING, containing 9.93 acres and being Tract No. 5 as shown on the plat entitled "Division of the David Mills Estate" by William B. McIntyre, C.E., dated September 4, 1974, which plat is recorded in Plat Book I I Page 212, Nash Registry, and being a portion of that certain tract of Iand conveyed from Leon T. Vaughan, Trustee to Mattie Mills, by deed dated.November 30, 1938, and recorded in Book 435, Page 143, Nash Registry. Tract 3• BEING New Lot B, containing 1.36 acres, including 0.09 acres of right of way, as shown on a map, entitled "Marsha M. Jeffreys, Minor Subdivision, 508 N. Pine St., Spring Hope, NC 27886" dated January 6, 2017 by Civitak East, Surveying Planning Subdivision Design recorded in Plat Book 39. Page 370, Nash County Registry, and being part of the property conveyed from Anita M. Richard and husband, Jerome Richard and Marsha M. Jeffreys to Marsha M. Jeffreys ►W Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 78 Page 79 of 79 and husband, Edgar Lynn Jeffreys by deed dated June 28, 1996, recorded in Book 1531, page 256, Nash Registry. 79 aSa, a o Book: 3214 Page: 182 Seq: 79