HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03836_Well Construction - GW1_20230609 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: Spencer Adams 14.WATM ZONF4 Well Contractor Naine FROM TO DESCRIPTION-1 4449-A 49 ft. 300 ft. t c.rrr 380 ft. 380 ft. 3 GPb1 NC Well Contractor CsdificationNumber 15.OUTER CASING formulti�rrsed w811s OR LINER ifa Hcable Rowan Well Drilling FROM TO. DIAItfETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 ft. 49 ft. 6114 in. SOR21 PVC CampanyName 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING eotbermaI dosed-loatil 2.Well Construction Permit#: NA FROM I DIAMETER THICKNESS 3Ls,TERIAL List all applicable well construction permits(i.e.UIC,County,State,Madame,etc.) ft. tt. in. 3.Well Use(check well use): ft. ft. Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS 511TERUL x Agricultural ®Municipal/PubGc ft. Geothermal(Heating(Cooling Supply) )Residential Water Suppfy(single) tY. ft. in, htdustrialiCornmercial 13Residential Water Supply(shared) I&GROUT lrri ation FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: o ft. 20 ft. Hotep{ug Gravity s' Monitoring Recovery ft. ft. Injection Well: fr. ft. Aquifer Recharge Groundwater Remediation 19.SAIV'DlGRAVEL PACK(if applicable) Aquifer Storage and Recovery [3Salinity Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aquifer Test [3Stomlwater Drainage ft. ft. Experimental Technology Subsidence Control ft. ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) .Tracer 20,DRILLING tM attach additional sbeets ifnecesse Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) Other(explain under 021 Remarks) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color,hardness,soil/rock typp.grain size,tic. 0 ft. is ft, Clay 4.Date Well(s)Completed:4/12123 Well ID#NA 1e ft. 39 ft. Sandy Overburden 5a.Well Location: 39 ft. 49 ft. Solid Rock rq e Coleman Phifer 82 ft. 10o rt. eroxn vein `�,�r !a. LJ Facility/Owner Name Facility IDS(if applicable) ft. ft. i 2955 Woodleaf Rd, Salisbury ft. ft. Physical Address,City,and Zip ft. ft. y pf9tii L`i1 Pt. SibQl^9 xl:xEnTARKs Rowan NA : County Parcel IdentifrcationNo.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeslminutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field,one Iat/long is sufficient) 22.Certification: 35 42 21.883 N 80 31 28.046 6.Is(are)the well(s)Ox Permanent or Temporary Signature of Certified Well Contractor Date By_• :accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: [3Yes or QNo rvitl ds mud that a If this Is a repair,fill out brown well construction Information and explain the nature of the .cop repair wider'rll remarksseetion ormr rite hack of"rhlsfnnn. 23. 8.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same lro ails or well construction,only 1 GVir 1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells Co drilled:' SU 9.Total well depth,below land surface: 425 (ft-) 24 ion of well For nrtiltiple n•ells list alidepths rf different(exareple-3@200'mid 21r 100) 0o A � 10.Static water level below top of casing:35 (ft.) 't, If aster level is above casing. -11.Borehole diameter: 6 (in.) 24 ress in 24a Rotary ab ion of well 12.Well construction method. co (i.e.auger,.rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) rogram, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13s.Yield(gpm) 4 Method of test:Weir 24 the form to tile 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type: Chlorine Amount: 20 oz cot the county wh Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016