HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 04-2023_20230525Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* Name of Facility:* Month: * April WQ0019755 Oak Ridge Commons WWTP Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address: Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2023 Upload Document* Scan0162.pdf 1.09MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith 40aYlflrtJ 65'�S Wz# Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 5/25/2023 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* W00019755 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes NO Regional Office* Winston-Salem Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 6/21/2023 JPC Utilities, LLC P O acw 345 PtM40' (3W1 $60-6032 Oak Rfte, NC 2T310 cei. (336,1715-0040 E-mai oftess: *xgAroc-manager ert car. May 25, 2023 Information Processing Unit Non -Discharge Comp4iance Group 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Oak Ridge Commons Spray Irrigation Wastewater System Oak Ridge, NC Guilford County Permit: W00019755 Dear Sir or Madam: Attached are the Spray Irrigation Non -Discharge Reporting Form for April 2023 Please call with any questions or comments. Best regards, Douglas Smith JPC Utilities, LLC (336)215-0949 doug@jpc-management.com FORM N[n,A.ti.-1 - -_ 13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Pape I of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? 23 laoeitlimtt ❑ Non-ccorplrt Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Ccomp4aru C]N WKGMNt,rr Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? 0c-vwm LJwr,-con,p-t Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? catptart LjNon{gnptynr Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? LCcmollsnr CN�,c�c���t If the facility is non-compliarti, pease explain In the spa c be040 the reason(si the faalrty was not in compiance Prov4e In your explanation Me date (s)Of the non-comphance and describe the corrective wchenlRl tAiri.n Atf'rh ar4ifinnel aPmea U m.-�....,. Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permittee Cerwicatlon ORC- Bracley F iynt Permittee JPC Uti; jties, LLC Certification No., 2717Signing Official Doug SMOh Grade. iv Phone Number: (336) 430-6262 Signing Official's Title: Back-up ORC Has the ORC changed since the previous NDAR-1? Phone Number: 336 215-0949 Permit E Signature Date i Signature Date it), this ctt vt�ra, I minify hell M/e report Is aeculaae and cal"" in Ye bm of rrry i rtitn Ge i cer Ve unur mnsty ct awe thri 1Ns doc~4 feed 4 attrxhrerrs wave orµ.r»a irvvr " d,octs:n cr u:p.:rvs.ra, r wujm Nrry! ..tt, AN WSW— des62-od to aas,r« Ihef NJ oarnea persornat popwy qarernl a-d cvaLituo it . rkrrrvouo x r,,V-oy Basod on mr M-A-r :i ttw t»racn or pe mas nAo mi"a tv. 'rr%+'rr, or Toss pefums d...dly mponsbie to- patherr fj IM Win(n,Mran the nlarrafon aMnitad is, x, Itr inert rr ry enovAedae and bwf, vw. acarme, aM comGW,. I .sn w.vsre Tor ttwe am signikant :wutra rnr Fits- tl-g taiso dw n.wicn rm"N the poasmy at A,w wxt IrMoson-em for 17,o.kr,Ct veAaw e Mail Original and Two Copses to -- Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: NDAR•1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR•1) Rage Z at-(*- Permit No.: W00019755 Facility Name: Oak Ridge Commons 'kYNTP County. GuifforO Morns: April Year. 2023 Did irrigation occur at this facility? rE; - ,n Field Name. R!C-01 Field Name: RC-W Field Name: RC-03 Field blame: RC-04A Area (acres): 2.11 Area (acreag 2.11 Area (acres): 2.1 Area (acres): 1.46 Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Hourly Rate (on): 0.3 Hourly Rate (Injt 0.3 Homy Rate (in): 0.3 Hourly Rob (In): 0.3 Annual Rate (In): 2221 Annual Rab (in): 22.21 Annual Rate (in): 22.21 Annual Otago (In): 22.21 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? U res ❑ No Field ledgleoP J YEs 7 pr-i 4 Field Irrigated? [ ' Yn L 1 nD Field Irrigated? [� rEs ❑ No 1 R °F 70 Ift In 0.7 � s '° q� 3'`gE $ d= J >< on- 1 6.500 H cCh O I 8 ?~t g ovi J CD c 63 q Oa€ ? d in gal 5 3CC $ gEc�2 Ca6AQ in 0,13 425 k gal min in min 45 in oil in 0 11 min In min 45 m 0.13 2 PC 60 425 3 CL 55 4.25 5 '0:0 45 0.09 0.09 4,000 45 007 0.07 4 5 C PC 82 84 4.3 4.35 2.9 6,100 45 009 9,000 0.09 60 0.18 0.16 4, COD 45 0.07 6,900 0 07 60 017 0.17 6 7 CL R 83 50 1 4.4 4,4 8.000 60 0.14 014 5, 300 45 0.13 0.13 8 R 45 1.15 4.4 9 C 55 42 009 10 C 60 4.15 5,100 45 0.09 4.000 45 0.07 OA7 11 12 C C 37 52 4.15 4.2 2.7 51 45 0.00 B,D00 0.00 60 0.14 0,14 4,000 45 0.07 5,300 0.07 46 013 0.13 13 14 C R 68 60 0.63 425 42 4,400 3D 0.06 0.08 3,000 30 0.08 0.08 18 R 70 0.06 4.2 16 CL 65 4.2 17 C 64 4.2 5.100 45 009 009 3,900 45 0.07 0.07 18 19 C C 64 66 425 4.3 2.8 5,100 45 0.09 8.500 0.09 45 0.11 0,11 3,900 45 0.07 4,000 0 07 45 010 0 10 20 C 72 436 6,500 45 0.11 0.11 4.000 45 0.10 0.10 21 C 74 4.35 5.100 4y 0.09 0,09 3,900 45 0.07 0.07 22 R 00 0.?5 4.35 - - 23 PC 80 4.35 24 C 52 4.35 i,,100 45 0.09 0.09 3,900 45 0,07 0.07 25 26 C PC 50 56 4.36 44 28 5,100 45 0.09 4,400 0.09 r0 0.06 0,08 3.900 45 0.07 4.000 0.07 45 0.10 0.10 27 28 CL R 60 66 1.85 4.4 4,35 4,400 30 0.06 0.08 2,400 30 0.06 0.06 29 CL 66 4.35 30 R 60 1.47 i 4.35 40.200 31 I 0.7t 10.05 57,F700 1.01 117 35.500 i) ta1 7.97 1,01 10.82 Mon" Loading_ 4:,, 8�;1 12 Month Floating Total (in): FORM' NDAR-1 10,13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Pape _3_ of G Permit No.: W00019755 Facility Name- Oak Ridge Commons 1NWTP County Guilford Wonth: Aptil Yew: 2023 Field Name: RC-04A Field Name-, RC-05A Field Name:f7T Field Name: RC-06A Did irrigation occur - Area (acres): 095 Area (acres): 059 Area (acres):Area (sate): 0.99 at this facility? Cover Crop: Cover Crop: Cofer Crop: Cava Crop: Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 Hourly Rate pn): 0.3 Hourly Rate (1n): 0.3 ourly Rate (in): 0.3 Annual Rate (in): 36.54 Annual Rate (in): 22.21 Annual Rats (in): 3664 Annual Rase (in): 22.21 WaaMer Freeboard Field IrrigateO I�] yts ►A: Fleid Irriptla09 1IEs [j No Field "gated? I %i Yes � rq Field Irrigated? (] ws ❑ N0 c ' u 3 m °° 3_ a p a E ° E� o a^_ '� E.Y Z,c ��e _� to $ _ TL Q c b �,Y ; Q E m� k �a a_a g E� C.L3� icy' q �q E 3 - F in ft n al min in in gal min I In in gal min In in giw min in In 1 3,300 45 R 13 0.13 2 3,800 46 0.74 0.14 3 1,600 45 0.10 0.10- 4,DOO 45 0,09 0.09 4 4,500 60 0.17 0.17 4,900 80 0.18 0.18 5 1,600 0 0.10 0.10 4,000 45 0.09 0.09 6 3,300 45 0.13 0.13 3.800 46 0.14 0.14 7 8 9 10 t Ko 45 1.,10 0.10 4,000 45 0,09 0.09 11 3,300 45 0.13 0,13 3.800 45 0.14 0.14 12 - 1,601) 45 0.10 0-10 4,00045 0.09 0.09 13 2,000 30 0.00 008 2,100 30 0.00 0.06 14 15 16 17 1,600 a5 OID 0.10 4,000 45 009 0.09 18 2,13W 45 0.10 010 3,000 45 Oil 0.11 19 _ 1,800 45 0.10 010 4.000 45 0.09 0.09 20 2 600 45 0A0 0.10 3,000 46 0.11 0.11 21 - - 1 600 45 010 0.10 a,000 45 0.09 009 22 - - 23 24 1,6D6 45 0.10 0.10 4 000 45 0.09 0.09 25 2,®00 45 0A0 010 3 000 45 0A 1 0.11 26 _ _ 1,800 45 0.10 0.10 4,00D 45 009 0.09 27 1,500 30 0,06 0.06 2,100 30 008 0Qa 28 --� 29 30 i 31 Monthly Loading: 25,700 1.00 14,400 0.90 36,000 0 1" ?9,500 110 12 Month Floating Total (,in),10.86 1027 10.64 11.31 FORM NOAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) pop of40 Permit No.: W00019755 FacilRy, Name. Oak RAge Commons WWTP County: Guilford Month: April Year, 2023 Did irrigation occur Focht Name:JR Field Name: RC-07A Field Name: RC-07B Field Name: RC-o8 Area (acres):Area (acres): 0-92 Area jaares): 1.1 Area (aerasr 2.02 at thfS facility? - Cover Crop:Cover Crop: Cover Crop: cover Crop: �;, res r- No Hourly Rate (in):Hourly Rate (in): 0.3 Hourly Role (in): 0.3 Houdy Rate (in): 0.3 Annual Rate (in):Annual Rste (in): 22.21 Amu*# Rate (in): 36,84 Annual Rats fin): 22.21 Weather Freobpsrd Field Irrigated?Field Irrigated? �; rs,5 G no Hold IMgated7 f re lJ ►� Field IMpatad? [� re5 ❑ No o � o � $ Q� ua a E� � ° a$ ?�a E�'L E 6 0 a.0m ap ra a o ►-•� o n .. a a g� c nE $ g -v arQ, 4 >Q �.9 t J >Q J _ >Q Q a _ G h J J -F in ft It gal min in in gal min In in giw min in in gal min in in 1 4,00J 45 014 0.14 ' 100 <,, 0. 13 0 13 2 -- - 3 2,400 45 0.10 0.10 Z800 45 0-09 0.09 - 4 5.400 1 60 0.19 018 9,400 80 D ! 0.17 6 - 2,400 45 0.10 0.10 2,8W 45 0.09 0.09 6 4,000 45 0.14 014 7,100 45 C.13 D ' 3 - 7 - -- 8 9 - 10 V2,40(') 45 0A0 0.10 2,800 45 0.09 0.09 11 4,000 45 0.14 0.14 7,100 45 013 13 12 45 0.10 0.10 2.800 45 0.09 0,09 13 2,400 30 0.06 0.08 4,8W 30 0.D8 0.08 14 _ L 15 18 17 45 010 0.10 2,800 45 0.09 0.09 1s 4,000 45 0.14 0 14 4,6W 30 0 08 0.08 19 1 2,4W 45 0.10 010 2,800 45 0.09 0.09 20 4,000 45 0.14 C, -4 4,600 30 0.00 0.00 21 7,400 45 0.10 0.10 2,8W 45 0.09 0,09 22 24 - 2,40D 45 010 0.10 2,Au;. 45 0109 0.09 25 4,000 45 0.14 0.14 4 600 30 008 0.08 26 2,400 45 0.10 0.10 2.80i0 46 0.09 0.09 ?7 ?,000 3D 0,07 0.07 3,30C 30 005 0.06 28 - 29 TO - �1 -_ -- _ Monthly Loading: 33,800 1.17 21,600 0.86 ?5,2°JO 084 52,400 0 96 12 Month Floating Total (in) 11.3T 10.89 10.57 10.51 FORM- NOAR-1 10.13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-11) �a^,c _..1 or w Permit No.: WQ0019755 Facrllty Narne: Oak R.dge Co nrnons WWTP Cmirity Guilford Month_ April Year: 2023 Field Name: Did irrigation occur Area (acres): at this facility? Cover Crop: -1 YF. Hourly Rate Con): Annual Rate (inr UP-01 - Field Mama; UP-02 Field Name: UP-03 Field Name: UP-04 1.3 0.25 0.88 Area (acres): 0.76 Area (acres): 1.07 Area (acres): Cover Crop: Caller Crop: Cover Crop: 025 Hourly Rate (in): 0.25 Hourly Rate Joni: 025 Hourly Rate (in): 22.21 Annual Rate (in): 22.21 Annual Rate (in): 22-21 Annual Rate (in): 22.21 Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? YES D NO Field Irrigated? (1 YU Field Im9ated? 1:-7 tree Field Irrigs0ed7 [] res C no 1 0 41 U 5 '~° a CL � �w Em CL >< va ~ mrn �c o� EE 3`►g xba A= 4 EY oa � E ag =eq G3 ��c oe X33 i� € F- � �V a Ea.O Eac av o � �� � v'aa� pp E ca 1 0 `F in ft gal in gal 3.?UC min 45 in C. I F min in in 6,000 min 45 In 0.17 In 0.17 2 3 2.500 45 0.10 0.10 11,330100 45 0.04 0.04 4 8 2,500 45 010 0.10 2,200 30 0.11 45 0.04 0.016 4,000 30 0,11 Oil 7 2.200 30 011 4.000 30 0.11 0.11 8 9 10 1,800 30 0.09 000 800 30 0 00 0.03 11 12 2,200 30 0.11 0.11 4,000 3D 0 t n 17 13 11 1s 18 17 18 19 1 ®00 3D 0.06 0.08 30 0.11 803 0.11 2,OOD 30 80 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.07 4,000 30 U t t 7.11 20 21 3,600 60 0 1 ,, 0.15 2200. 22 23 24 1.800 30 0-06 0 08 80 l 30 0.03 0.03 25 26 1,800 30 0.08 0 06 2.200 30 0.11 0.11 800 30 0.03 0.03 4 DOO 30 Oil 0 11 27 28 2,200 30 0.11 011 4.OW 90 0.11 0.11 30 31 700 10 1 0.03 0.031 1,200 10 0.03 0.03 Y Monthly Loading:1 16AW 12 Month Floating Tool (in): 0.66 5.02 17,600 0 85 6Jt 7,800 0.27 31 200 290 0.88 7.01 - ,.i.l VDAR '0- 3 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page _ o! co Permit No : VNQ0019755 Facility Name; Oak Ridge Commons W110 P County: Guwlfc-d Month: April Year; 2023 Field Name: UP-05 Fleid Name: L P-05 Field Name: UP-07 F164d Name: Did irrigation occur Area (acres): 1.13 Area (acne): 1.07 Area (acres): 1.05 Area at this facility? (acres):Ca wr Crop, Cover Crop: cover Crop: Cover crop; Hourly Rate ion): 0.25 Hourly Rate (In): 0.25 Hourly Raft (in): 025 Hourty Raft (in): Annual Rate (In): 22.21 Annual Rate (In): 2221 Annual Rate fin): 7221 Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? !� VF5 I I ND Field Irrigated? n Ye5 [j rlo Field Irrigated? LJ YES ❑ hu Field InipaDad? G Yes ❑ w iic Et� s� �.f: 3c •�� •$ y G 3- c •� 4 ? E Q E H �� >< ~'E a� Az B o o °° � $ Ki o$ 1=� � a x ok� O � q E=g of 'r In R n I min in in al min in in gal min in in gal min in m 5,300 45 0.18 0 18 2 3 3,000 45 0 10 0.10 3,000 45 0.11 0.11 4 3,000 30 010 0.10 5 3.000 45 0.10 010 3 000 45 011 0.11 6 E3.000 30 0.10 0.10 7 8 9 10 2.100 30 0.07 0.02,100 30 0 07 0.07 11 30 010 010 - 12 13 14 15 �- 16 - 17 18 19 2.100 30 0.07 0.07 2,100 30 007 0.07 � 3,000 30 0.10 0.10 21 4, 500 60 0.15 0.15 4,400 60 0.15 015 22 13 - 24 2,100 30 007 0.07 2.100 30 0-07 0.07 25 3.000 30 010 0.10 26 2.100 30 0.07 007 2,100 30 6.0-1 0.07 27 3,000 30 0.10 010 28 30 600 10 0.02 002 30 31 Monthly loading. 1$900 0.62 23, )00 082 18,800 0.66 0 0,00 12 Month Floating Total (in): 5.60 6.81 5 96 FORM: NDMR C3-17 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _L_ or 3 Sampling Personls) I Ccrilf-ed Laboratones Name; Bradley Flynt Name: Statesville Analytical Name: Doug Smith I Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements In Attachment A of your permit? I _ G_mpuM [! ►rci-CotrnlaK tf !te fac.rlty is non compiiart, oiease exptiin in the space below the reason(s) the facinty was not In compliance. Provide in your elrpianabon the da*:sl of the non-comVianoe and descnpe the ce"Cti'o action(s) taken Attach additbnal sheets if necessary Operator in Rosponsibse Charge (ORC) Certification Permiteae CortiftcaUon ORC- Bradloy Flynt Permittee: JPC Utilities. LLC Certification No.: 27" 71 Signing Official: Doug Smith Grade: N Phone Number: (336) 430-6262 Signing Mclal's Title: Bade -up ORC Has the ORC changed since the prwoous NDMR? ] Yes LJ so Phone Number, (336) 215-0949 Permrt Expiration.- 5/31/2027 Signature Date Sgnattre Date !�y a sgriaturo, Otr1y tat 7K ran is wusrale am oonipatr b Ili► t>rsol ct mY kp%* tdp I onr >y urder Ponanr Of i&w. Ha IHs bo..riitril and al siachmerrs waver ,rwtvrrd .n]or my Ar.rtiar or supervsrm in aoxcrlarci, m" a 3y0em desigied to mu" that al puetlai pwamnei PMP ty aril ewtuamd trir udon+elon i .13"~ t3ased on my nq-rr tr re perscn a pwairis Mo +Aroae 110 VpWn. or ihasrl pwsonr dnewy resporabe to pa'bw(V tM nlortt"'im, Ole "Ormakrt eub'0&d Is le "a Will m ^Y Iv� and baler, hue. a "WO Also avr-pbte. I an mwrr Ttw t"" are s/{e>F:-r-1 pw"t s W sub"Mi g tales htarirlttmwr irX$ kV Me poest ay or snen aril Irmosorte*r/ IW �W vnMMrc Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORIA• NDIAR 03 '? NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page Z of 3 Permit No.: W00019755 Facility Name: Oak Ridge Commons WWTP County: Guilford Month: Apna Year 2023 PPt: 001 Flow Measuring Point: i _ lnk&rt j M ent j1 No now getd Parameter Moniot�tust �, nn0 Point: 71 &rraw wMw Parameter Code 50050 00310 60080 31616 00610 00625 00620 00600 00400 00666 0053a 00076 c O a, _E E a yx; ' 9 4 c 2 - E' V U. ceU LLU 3z ~ F- �' ato 3 24-hr -Su mfl'L mgfL NTU nymmm L mg.'(_ 1 9,000 2 8,000 0 58 0.58 3 05:15 QS 6.000 2.25 7.1 0.58 4 16:40 0.5 11.000 ; 76 7.1 0.49 5 16.45 0.5 7,000 084 7.2 0.7 6 17:15 0.5 12.000 a.73 7,3 0.7 T H C8,00D 0,64 8 64 -- • 0.64 042 10 16:30 0.5 1.897.2 0.42 11 05:15 O.5 1.04 7.1 0.61 12 0t3:00 0.5 4.98 72 0 84 13 06-00 0.5 4.11 74 083 14 1100 0.5 1 7.OW 3.66 7.2 1.06 16 6,000 1.08 16 6.000 0.64 17 19.00 05 6,000 181 7.3 0.64 1• 18:30 0.5 7,000 229 7.4 0.58 19 18:30 0.5 91000 <2 4.29 <1 0.11 045 29.8 30.25 7.3 1.28 Q. 0,59 20 12-00 0.5 11.000 4.04 _ 75 05 1 21 06-30 Q5 15,000 3.61 7 5 0 4 22 12.000 23 12.000 0.430.37 24 18.30 0.5 1 12,000 1.64 7.1 0.37 26 17: 50 0.5 8.000 1,21 72 0 38 26 10:40 0.5 9,000 0.81 7.2 04 27 18730 0.5 12,000 5.18 7.4 0.66 28 05-30 0.5 1Q000 4.21 7.4 059 29 16,000 0.59 30 16,000 0.59 31 Average: 9,6W 0.00 2.86 1.00 0.11 0.46 29.80 30.25 1.28 000 0.80 Daily Maximum: 16,000 2.00 5.18 1,00 0.11 045 29.80 3025 750 1.28 2.50 106 Daisy Minimum: 6AW 2.00 0.61 100 0.11 0.45 2980 30.25 7.10 126 2.50 037 Sampling Type: Reowdw Grab Grab Grob I Crab Grob Grab Grab (crab Gray Gat RocoMet Monthly Avg. Lim It: 30,000 10 14 a 5 Dally Limit 15 25 6 10 1D Sample Frequency: I Confinuousi Mbmt y 5 X YYrek mu" MwAbly ybnury MW* ► 00W.1y 5 X Week Mw,ltry ' Monthly Cwtntv�s FORM NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) page of 3 POrmll No.: WQ00l 9755 Facility Name: Oak Ridge Commons WIVI P . 11 • 13 13 MUM Ern- M Average:Daily ��������■�������r� Maximum:' - .�mvvom.4c�vvvo���� _ � r.�c�o0NTM