HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03766_Well Construction - GW1_20230602 WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD Air Tetanal Use ONLY: - 'This form can be used fm single ar multiple wells• 1.'4V elt.Contrattor Information: . • '14:.WATERZONES. Stefan Smith FROM Tp •DESCRIPTION 1t'c11 Cpraraclot h;rtnC ' ft. ft, f 3576A fL fl NCWcIJCommciorCcrtiticationNun/vet iSAUTER CASING(for:halal-raved-nelTsl"'ORLiNERfif'sji fklible-- .. FROM I TO ' DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc f4 ft. 1n. CoingruryNninc .I6 INNER CASING OR=T IBINC/t:ihiiie'mal rru'sr:i1-hoiijrt.;•''- . .. FROM To . ' DL•ANITTER THICKNESS MATERIAL • 2.Well Construction Permit#: R. ft, 'in, I st ill alyiliralde trellpeanits(ix.County.State,Variance,Ifje:101 rJr,.1 - •ft. ft in 3: lr'c11 Use(elteck well I1se): t7:SCREEN %'iter Supply Well FROM TO DIAMETER s[ArSi73; TIIICKNI S J MATRRIAI, DJAgricultulal CoMunicip4aliPRblic• R. tr. in Geothermal(HeatingiCooliug•Supply') ❑Residential Water Supply(single) iL I fL• in, • ® T e ©industrial/Conmtercial ©ResidentialW4rater.SuppIs(slkltrd) ''R-GROUT .. r -._ ACD- . .. I ..- .. - . ..... Fitoal To MATERIALMATERIALarplucrr�r MerrtaD t.UrlouNr ❑Irrigation tt. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: ft. ft: 65hlpnitaring ORci orcty • - — - Injection Welt: ft. rtr • . pAquiferRcdtiarge (sl(i[outidRatcr R.citlediation. .19:SANDiGR,tVEtrPACK'IifhltpIkit hu). - - - T.-.- -.' .:-- - ' - _ . . -.PROM TO • I MATERIAL - -I tPIAC.L%U NT MtTIIOD. ElAgnifcr.StorJgc and Rccar ay_ l7Salinity l3ame' R.: ft, ❑Aquifer'rest ❑Stornin;tter Drainage ft, ft, OE-perintental Tcchnok' y IDSuhsidcncc Colytol 20 DRILLING'LOG7allach'addltionalshirts•ititccessaTO ❑Geotltemm((Chisel Loup) OTracer FROM TO DFSCRIPTiON(telar,hannrca,xinlnir4 hex,V.PRii +a.M.l ❑Geothennal(Ileatine Cooling Return) • ❑Other(explain under i 21-Retnat1s) 0 .ft.., 14 IL silt•with sand lens 14 IL 30 fL sand ,—" �.--s q c) 4.Date Well(s).Carnpletcd: 5/4/2023 Wen iIWRDC-9 'ft. • It., ' ":, .—° 4 ,s ""'a'-'. 5a.Wall Location: .ft. • ft. t r. i) 'ZO2.3 ,t,t It .1 } ! app. ft, Facilit;Cen.rNunvc Facility IDSC li nblcy15‘ i�a: Pearce s GroceryR- , fl. lfia�i�`�":F��� �r� 4695 Pearces Rd., Zebulon, NC, 27597 ft. . ft. - . P It)sieaI-Addnxs_Citq.andZip '21:REhLtlltticS' Franklin DPT grab sample using SP22 sampler at 3 intervals County Parcel lddsrnitioatlouNo.(PIN) 1 . 511.I:Hanle and Longhand.in dcgrces/mutates/seconds at decimal dcgi rock 22.Certification:- (if nett fx.td,ow IaI h fig is'ndlieient) • 35.916147 • it,- 78.307203 W _ _0 " 5/9/2023 Sigml afCcWifiedWellCantactar' Data 6.Is(are)thelveli(S): ElPertnaneltt or %ITemporary itys grling this biro,.lherrbr certify that the well(s1 i (nun!)coagrirctcd irkac orsltrrite filth 15.1 ifCCIC 02C.0100 or 1.SA NCrIC 02 C;o20o Welt ll Coustmeritul Standards and guild 7.Is this a rejr4ir to an eiistin„well: l7Ytu. or RIM) rtrylpof this rre(ITS bets 147n pmrided ro hoe art/mrn,•r, Ifrhr's:R.o relxrlr.fill rot.iBniw.z Well0ounirctioa brftroiork'n mxl r vplal;l rhe tutrtue(Ole repair raider N21 rcrnar.Ls.section arch The.bark of this form 23.Site diagram or additional well details] • You,may use the back of this page to proside additional.well site detailsor Well 8.Number of Wells constructed: 1 cotrsnuction details, You May also-attach additional pages if tacessary. • For m aitlpk 1rl(ecrion or riot-Herter supper netts ONLY mirk rhrsmnc smrstrurtiwr,you<'tw submit one form. SUBMMTTAL iNSTUCTIONS • 9.Total well depth belt)*laud surface: 29 qty. 24a. Far All Wells: Submit this fanu within 30 days of completion of well For nriAlplcirrlls list all depths ifdi i.rrnr(exompre-,?@2ftrreal2irtort? construction to Ike Cottoning: 10.Static water level below top of casing (fl) Divistun of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If water level iv above casing,isle"i-" 1617 Mail.Serrieg Center,Ralei)h,NC 2 7 699-16 17 II.Borehole diameters 2.25" (in,) 246.For ItiJcct!(m Welly ONLY: in-addition to.sending the form to the address in 24aabove,also submit a-copy of this form within:30 days of completion of:tell. 12.Welt construction method:DPT cotrstnictiou to the follott-ine:- '. (i.e.auger,rotant cable,direct pink etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground rttjc►liou Control,Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,i.1C 27699/636 13a Yield(Om) Method of test 24e.For Water Suttjlly&lniretinti Wells:. Also submit one'copy of this;furlil Within 30.days ofcompletiottof 13b.Disinfection bile Amount: _wctl contraction to the county health department-of the county where constructed, FomiGW-I NonitCarolinaDepanmeniofEnvironmentandNaturalResources-Divi;ionofWaterReauLs Revised Augult 2013