HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0080853_Tax Certification Application_20230619AECOM 919.461.1100 tel AECOM June 9, 2023 5438 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27607 NC Division of Water Resources Surface Water Protection Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Subject: Application for Tax Certification & Exemption NPDES Permit No. NCO080853 Nokia of America Corporation 3370 Lexington Road, Winston-Salem, NC To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Nokia of America Corporation, AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. is submitting the attached Application for Tax Certification & Exemption, Form TC-WQ for the groundwater remediation system at the Salem Business Park Remediation Site located at 3370 Lexington Road, Winston-Salem, NC. The business personal property associated with the original groundwater remediation system is tax exempt under Tax Certification TCS-WS-120, approved in April 2003. This application seeks to expand the tax exemption to cover additional assets (Items 2 through 6 on page 2 of the application) which is also pollution abatement equipment. Manufacturing operations were phased out at the facility by American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) in 1989, and the property was sold to the Salem Business Park in 1995. Nokia, successor to AT&T, leases space at the site to facilitate groundwater remediation required under permits from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. The only activities conducted by Nokia at the property are for pollution abatement. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further, please contact Conan Fitzgerald at 919- 461-1260. Sincerely, Michelle Acheson Staff Engineer Attachments 60:'r,_ f � Conan Fitzgerald, PE Project Manager cc: G. John Galasso, Nokia of America Corporation For DWR Us TCN: This application is to be used only for waste treatment systems and equipment Rev. under the authoritv of the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) 01 /29/2016 DIRECTIONS: Complete and mail signed copies of the application form and all supporting information to both: 1) the County Tax Administrator for the County in which the facility is located (one copy) AND 2) to the NC Division of Water Resources, Surface Water Protection Section, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (two copies). Type or print in blue or black ink. A separate application package is required for each facility where property proposed for tax certification is located. THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT COMPLETE AND ACCURATE INFORMATION. If you have any questions regarding this application, please call the local tax office or the NC Division of Water Resources at 919/807-6300 or their web site at httos://ox.degprod.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-i)ermits/wastewater-branch/npdes-wastewater/tax- certification for more specific contact information. Please Note: a) Tax Certifications will only be processed for facilities under the authority of the DWR and only if the DWR has found that the described property: 1. Has been or will be constructed or installed; 2. Complies with or that plans therefore which have been submitted to the DWR indicate that it will comply with the requirements of the Environmental Management Commission; 3. Is being effectively operated or will, when completed, be required to operate in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit, certificate of approval, or other document of approval issued by the DWR; and 4. Has or, when completed, will have as its PRIMARY rather than incidental purpose the reduction of water pollution; 5. Is being used exclusively (100%) for waste treatment. b) If approved, the Tax Certification issued will incorporate all requested assets at the facility that meet the criteria for Tax Certification by DWR. Therefore this application must include any new assets for which Tax Certification is being requested, as well as anv assets previously receiving Tax Certification from DWR for which Tax Certification is still needed. A. Applicant (Applicant is the owner of, and taxpayer for, the property described in this a lication for tax certification. Name of Applicant: Name of Facility: Nokia of America Corporation Salem Business Park Remediation Site Address of Applicant, if different from facility where property located: Physical Address of Facility where property located (no P.O. Box): 600 Mountain Avenue New Providence, NJ 07974 3370 Old Lexington Road Winston-Salem NC 27107 (address) (city) (zip) (street address) (city) (zip) Business Relationship of Applicant to facility where property located: Tenant County where property located: Forsyth Name of Contact Person at Facility where property located: G. John Galasso, PE Does the Applicant hold any NC Division of Water Resources Pennits? ® Yes / ❑ No Title: Remediation Manager Phone Number: 908-307-2140 If yes, please list Permit Nos : NPDES Permit NCO080853 If approved, will this be the first Tax Certification issued for this Facility? If no, attach any previously issued ❑ Yes / ® No tax certifications See Tax Certification No. TCS-WS-120 B. Complete this Section only if the Operator/User of the facility and equipment is different from the Owner of the facility. Name of Operator/User: AECOM Technical Services on North Carolina, Inc. Operator/User Address: 5438 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 200 Raleigh, NC 27607 (address) (city) (zip) Operator/User Contact Name: Conan Fitzgerald Relationship between Operator/User of facility and equipment and applicant: Consultant 'ATTACH A PROCESS SCHEMATIC TO YOUR APPLICATION The number of each item for which Tax Certification is being requested must be shown on the schematic' Application continues on Next page DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES TAX CERTIFICATION & EXEMPTION APPLICATInN Waste Treatment Systems & Equipment: Waste treatment systems & equipment must be used exclusively for the abatement of water pollution M A I-177 n Rev. 09101 /2013 Far CAumy UN 0* Fo0*.r DWR Use Approvedpravea •o• Approved o's'ean,ved Description of Waste Treatment Systems or Equipment Was asset listed in the permit (Yes/No) Asset Number, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) How Is this equipment used for pollution abatement? % of time item is used for ollution p abatement Year of Acquisition Original Historical Cost" IS this HSSBl replacing a prior asset? t Original Groundwater Remediatlon System (Pump & Treat System & 3 SVE Systems) N N/A Included in 2003 exemption CS-WS-120 P Cr ) 0 Pre-2003 S4,006,000 N 2 Computer and Office Equipment N WA Support equipment for groundwater extraction system that treats chlorinated volatile organic compounds in groundwater. 0 Pre-2003 $3.000 N s 1000 Gallon Feed Water Equalization Tank Y T-01 Part of a groundwater extraction system that treats chlorinated volatile organic compounds in groundwater. 100 2012 Y 1 2 Bag Filters In Series Y BF-01A/B Part of a groundwater extraction system that treats chlorinated volatile organic compounds In groundwater. 100 2012 Y 6 120 GPM Low Profile Six Tray Alr Stri y Stripper Y AS-01 Part of a groundwater extraction system that treats chlorinated volellle organic compounds pounds In groundwater. 100 2012 $147,400 Y e Granular Activated Carbon Y GAC-01 Part of a groundwater extraction system that treats chlorinated volatile organic compounds In groundwater. 100 2012 Y 7 s 9 70 71 12 79 11 15 Attach additional pages if necessary • If the asset is listed In the DWp permit, the description must be Identical as listed an the current permit. If the asset In not specifically fisted In the DWQ permit the applicant must attach detailed informatlon as to why the asset should quality for Tax Certification. •' When certifying systems or equipment. DENR Is not certifying the cost of the equipment or the year of acquisition. Facilities: To qualify for tax certification, the building or section of building being applied for, must be used exclusively for water pollution prevention. A sketch of the building, square footage along with details as to how the building is used for water pollution prevention, is required. Land: To qualify for tax certification, the land must be used exclusively for water pollution prevention. A schematic diagram of the facility detailing the land being applied for is required. The amount of land (acreage) is required and how this land is being used to prevent water pollution. For wastewater treatment and irrigation system list separately the acreage used for actual treatment from the acreage required by the facility's water quality permit for buffers and setbacks. SIGNATURE: I hereby certify that equipment listed on Applicant Signature: NOTICE: The penalty for herein includes imprison and/or land are used for the purpose stated, and that the information presented in this application is accurate. Furthermore, I certify that any portable or mobile elusively in the state of North Carolina. /�� �� `'C \ G. John Galasso PE Title: Remediation Manager (print name also) statement, representation or certification Of: Nokia of America Corporation and / or the assessment of civil penalties. (Name of Applicant Business Entity) Date: Tc-Wo LEGEND EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AF-208 ADSORPTION FILTER FE-151 FT-10D FLUME FEEDWATER TANK FT-107 FEEDWATER TANK LA-134 LIQUID ADSORBER AWP-176 WATER PUMP PBV-208 OILANATER SEPARATOR TWF-136 TREATED WATER TANK SYSTEM PIPING (ARROW INDICATES FLOW DIRECTION) NEW PIPING (ARROW INDICATES FLOW DIRECTION) - - - - - - - EXISTING PIPING (TO BE REMOVED) 31W-622� ELD) 147 7 (FROM WELL FI J 4fW-304 DOWN TO TW-138 8 II II TP L Pd L I Chu 10 L— {f1I 3-FW-522 II m�IFII 8 0 8 SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 8' Q NOTE: SEE DRAWING M-2 FOR EQUIPMENT CONNECTION NOTES AND TRANSITION TO SINGLE WALL PIPE. NOTES: NEW 4IN. DIA. SCHS 1 OVER SUMP-151 DRII EXISTING 4-FW-26 (FROM WELL FIELD) O IL DOCK ACCESS AREA (KEEP OPEN) 6.FW-26 Sf14-30A 3fW-522 (FROM SVS.A) (FROM EW-12) TP TP 4fW-26 6fW-36 P-2 P-3 3fW-30B (FRO�SYS.B) (FROM EW-12) A A' 4FWJ6 J O O FT ,00 FT - NEW PIPING PLAN SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 8' FT-100 INSTRUMENT RACK DETAIL SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 1' An C�u TOILET TRUCK COURT SCH. 80 'E 4" DIA.: P1 SINGLE PIPE CLAMP ROD HANGER MULTIPLE PIPES ROD (TO CLAMP) STRAP = CHANNEL 14 Ep :4� ED PIPE HANGER DETAIL N.T.S. PIPE SUPPORT I SEE DETAIL(FT-1001NSTRUMENTRACK) P2 Lu862-6314 FT-100 NOTE ROD DIAMETER, CHANNEL THICKNESS, AND HANGER SPACING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. BOTTOM OF BEAM FIT 906 1 Tr SEE DETAIL FT-107 INSTRUMENT RPCK) P-3 u --F—S TOP OF TANK EL. 69S'1'. T O.CONQ EL. 892'-9 3l4" (FIRST FLOOR) TOP OF WALL EL 688'-33I4" FT-107 NOTES 1.THIS DETAIL WAS PRODUCED FROM EXISTING DIMENSION AND ELEVATIONS ARE NOTCERTIFIED AS ACCURATE. DIMENSIONS ANDELEVATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE APPROPRIATE FOR PLANNING WORK BUT NOT FOR PRECISE TAKE -OFFS. 2. EXTEND NEW FEEDWATER MAINS TO NEW TREATMENT SYSTEM EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON NEW PIPING PLAN USING DOUBLE WALL PIPE. 3. OTHER PIPING, CONDUIT, AND BUILDING COMPONENTS EXIST BUT ARE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. SUMP-151 SUMP-152 4-FW-26 (FROM WELL -FIELD) 4-FW-36 (FROM WELL -FIELD) INFLUENT PIPING DETAIL (A -A') SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 6 FT-107 INSTRUMENT RACK DETAIL SCALE IN FEET: 1-1' 4FW-36 (FROM WELL FIELD) I'\ \1 J_ m Q � m Z O `O CL � O Z_ W cZ Q J ° E J w LT, R 0 C9 > p m Zo v Q Q N C Z Q J V Z Z � Q FIGURE NUMBER: M-1 DRAWING NUMBER: PIPING SUPPORTS AS REQUIRED FROM CEILING ING S. FROM 4FW-26-EM CEILING FROM C-FWJ6-E LE HOSE FROM 3FW-522-114— NOTE: INFLUENT PIPES BEEN ROTATED FOR El -AR ON THIS DETA ETAIL.L. HIGH HIGH LEVEL SWITCH 6'S- LOW-HIGH LEVEL SWITCH Ir TP-01 1 LOW10W LEVEL SWITCH 3'-6" 1'-4" 8" MIN. = SKID 54 — EQUALIZATION TANK - ELEVATION VIEW "A -A" 3 0 3 SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 3' GAC SKIDS - ELEVATION VIEW "B-B" 2 0 2 SCALE IN FEET: 1" = 2' DUCT AND PIPING SUPPORTS AS REQUIRED EXHAUST THROUGH WALL LING LING ER FROM BAG FILTER SKID AS-01 O FROM AIR STRIPPER BLOWER 6-MIN - SKID AIR STRIPPER - ELEVATION VIEW "C-C" 2 0 2 SCALE IN FEET: V=2' INS LED PER MANUFACTURERS INTALSTRUCTIONS. NOTES QDOUBLE WALL PIPING INSTALLED THROUGH NEW WALL PENETRATION AND EXTEND TO TIE POINTS TP-1, TP-2, AND TPS VIA CEILING HANGERS. PIPING TRANSITIONS TO SINGLE TO SINGLE WALL PIPE OVER BERMED AREA IN TRUCK COURT. QEXISTING BLOCK WALLS AND CONCRETE 2 FLOOR SEAM WERE EPDXY-COATEDALONG INTERIOROF NEW SECONDARY CONTAINMENT BERM AFTER PLACING BERM. Q3 POLVSTAR, INC. 6INCH POLVCURB TN BOX CURBING. FROM S-FW-36-E FROM 4-FW-2 E AFRO. 3-FW522-E FW-30LE 1 INSTALLED THROUGH WALL o LU Q, W w E�z LLmp N. Np3�W oLL O z o plx-ao_ O aoo��azoOf 2�2U W_) jOFZLLp�U Wm cl Uw Wap W OF, 0 .,,�tJ k55_¢o .5 0 .5 DETAIL OF NEW SECONDARY CONTAINMENT BERM (TYP.) SCALE IN FEET: 1"=0.5" 3'-0" (TVP.) L. -TO EO. TANK -TO EQ. TANK - TO ED. TANK LOUVERED EXHAUST FAN (INSTALLED THROUGH WALL) STAIRWELL 20 0 20 PLAN OF BUILDING 46 SCALE IN FEET: 1"=20' A TOILET _1 SECONDARY § CONTAINMENT BERMQ TO (MIN.) VIA GEILNG T-01 AIR STRIPPER SKID AS-01 "d l EX THROUGHw — TP-02 C. ITSR KASE 1B-01 I j vu cEluxc xnN� ® EQUALIZATION ANK FRDM F-01A xnxc[xs 90-0AV SPENT '�F-0iB FILTER BAG -� STORAGE I 1 ® EQUALIZATION TANK SKID TP 1 A' BAG FILTER SKID 1 FUTURE VK �ILING HPNGERS GAG SKID 02 T00.FWJ00-E VIA CEILING HANGERS F- N CN 02 O O C LY Z_ W� O S a Y ¢ U Qwa ozo 2 j OZm° m� rip="mw O caw .-_ IS Q rc=W u-z3 GAC-01 ° B ID m J SKID o RS FUTURE coO GAC-02 Q U `O I B B' co -V �z z 0 TRAY REMOVAL Q } J Q U E ° N J m > a ¢ FKOM IPPEK E AIR �srte TRUCK COURT EXISTING METAL ROLWP DOOR DUCT UPWARD EXTERIOR WALL NEW EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 2 m c z m O U r a LLI Q C_ EXISTING w DISCONNECT (ROLL -UP DOOR) O 2 N m Q FIGURE NUMBER: M-2 2 0 2 SCALE IN FEET: T' 2' DRAWING NUMBER: i z a 0 a L WELL GROUPINGS: NETWORK A NETWORK B NETWORK TPH EW-4 EW-17 DT-1 EW-5 EW-19 EW-18 ------ ----- EW-6 EW-22 EW-12 EW-14 I I I I EW-16 I I I FEEDANKTER I FEEANKTER I EW-21 FT-100 I FT-107 1 4-F -2 I -F -36 FIR WOFIE ° EXHAUST BUILDING 46 BUILDING 46 BUILDING 46 SUMP-156 AREA SUMP-151 AREA SUMP-152 AREA — IRANSITION TO 60 GPM INSTANTANEOUS r — 1 TRUCK DOUBLE WALL 50 GPM AVERAGE COURT PIPE COMBINED INFLUENT I TRANSITION TO I WALL SINGLE WALL PIPE 4-FW-36 (NETWORK B) TRANSITION TO SINGLE WALL PIPE 4-FW-26 (NETWORK A) I — — — — — — — 3FW-522 $. P. L C (NETWORK TPH) I NPDES No BAG FILTERS BF-01A & BF-01B IN I PERMIT N FROM I I I NC O CARBON COMPLIANCE a-EWszz IDS pWS TRANSFER IN IN TRANSFER VESSEL WELL FIELD I I PUMP oUT OUT PUMP _ EQUALIZATION TANK TP-1 C C GAC-01 I SAMPLE BUILDING 46 I I T-01 NH NO AIR STRIPPER TP2 jVHVW' our I LOCATION — SUMP-153 AREA — I I C DPI Nc. AS-01 C r — — — — — — NO EQUALIZATION TANK SKID BAG FILTER SKID AIR STRIPPER SKID GAC SKID 01 I II SYMBOLS LEGEND ACTIVE PIPING INACTIVE PIPING AND EQUIPMENT >< PARSHALL FLUME D&� BALL VALVE N CHECK VALVE PUMP BLOWER NOTES AND ABBREVIATIONS 1. THE PURPOSE OF THIS DIAGRAM IS TO DESCRIBE THE OVERALL PROCESS. SOME DETAILS HAVE BEEN OMITTED FOR CLARITY. 2. GATHERING NETWORKS WERE PREVIOUSLY USED TO SUPPLY SEPARATE TREATMENT SYSTEMS CIRCA 1999-2012. AS INDICATED ON THIS FIGURE, NETWORK A, NETWORK B, AND NETWORK TPH DISCHARGE TO THE INFLUENT EQUALIZATION TANK. WELL GROUPINGS ARE PERIODICALLY RECONFIGURED AT THE DISCRETION OF THE OPERATOR. 3. GRAY LINEWORK INDICATES EQUIPMENT AND PIPING THAT IS NORMALLY BYPASSED. FOIT = FLOW TOTALIZING INDICATING TRAMSMITTER FE = FLOW ELEMENT NO = NORMALLY OPEN, NC = NORMALLY CLOSED SP = SAMPLE PORT BLOWER FAIT 4-F W 304 B-01 01 TREATED S.P. I ATER TANP TO NPDES NPDES PERMIT I I TWT-136 4FW-3ICHE04 CHEMICAL AIR STRIPPER SKID FE-151 ouTFALL DRU2 M.I FEED PUMP TRANSITION ToiFROM 0I P 3 FLOW METER I I DOUBLE WALL — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — BUILDING 46 TRUCK COURT SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AREA BUILDING 46 SUMP-153 AREA T-01 B-01 AS-01 TP-1 & TP-2 EQUALIZATION AIR STRIPPER BLOWER AIR STRIPPER TRANSFER PUMPS TANK CINCINNATI FAN MID -ATLANTIC ENVIROMENTAL GRUNDFOS TPE3 NORWESCO N-40892 MODEL HP-4C21 EQMT. 40-150 1,000 GAL. WATER 600 ACFM @ 30 IN. MODEL 2-6-6 70 GPM @ 25 FT. TDH CAPACITY 7.5 HP MOTOR 120 GPM (MAX.), 600 SCFM 0.75 VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR BF-01A & BF-01 B GAC-01 BAG FILTERS CARBON ADSORPTION PENTEK 4BB26 VESSEL 200 GPM MAX. 3,000 LB FILL 100 PSIG, 300 F MAX P-3 CHEMICAL FEED PUMP CHEM-TECH/PULSAFEEDER XPV XP055LV4X 2 GPH (MAX), 80 PSI (MAX) %3 HP MOTOR O L as 3 LI U) v 0 a CV cV I O CO CV o 0 Co N `0 c`a Q- U L O �� � U O LO z o E a) aU)o O c z O NU Y Z LL M10=1 F. Guc'cY. Gwomor w1riam G. nom.ir.. Eiccramry Noun CaMlnu Dopmmnunt of Lnwonrnani And Nnturai Raawuccc Alin W. KIIMAk. P.G.'Jl,xwt r 1IMI lon of :Muter uw1licv April 10, 2003 Mr. William. Rcdda rvrsyth County Tux. -Collector__ P, O. Box 757 Winston-Salem, N.C. 27102 SUBJECT: Tax Certificatlon No. TCS•W5.120 Lucent Technologies, Inc. 3370 Old Lexington Road Winston-Salem, N.C. 27107 Dear Mr. Rodda: Transmitted herewith is Tax Certificate No. 'TCS-WS-120 pertaining to ownership and operation of the existing wastewater treatment, facility (groundwater remediation system) at Lucent Technologies, Inc., which is permitted Linder NPDES Permit IFio. NC0080853. Lucent Technologies, Inc. may use this certification to obtain tax `. keeping with the appropriate statutes. The wastewater treatment facility is a pun -II) ,Ind treat groundwater remediation system and three roil vapor extraction systerns. the pump and treat system utilizes two oxidi%ing filters, two carbon fitters and three air strippers in the treatment of groundwater pumped from fifteen extraction wells. Sincerely, Steve Mauney Acting Water Quality Supervisor cc: Lucent Technologies, Inc. Central Files W5PO 1q. C. DIANa l of Wamr Quelliy/wnwr Qunl!ry 8octbrl tM WAughtawn Streol W lncton•Snl9:n, hx: 2'/ f 0/ (3.M) 7'71- 4000 ..: Y xl I �J1` f Cul;rurruu SCIVICa _-0621•7748