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GW1--03558_Well Construction - GW1_20230519
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FROM TO _ DESCREVITON . . , •• 4518-A - • .IgS EL- . ft" // . . .: • R. ft. ' . ' . . NC Well ContradarCertificatirsaliumber 15.01171CaleSSING Obi rmilti-coased wells)ORLD32atilf aPSlicabl6 '' - • • Aqua Prill,Inc. FROM TO DIAMETER . THICKNESS . -MATERIAL 2(:), ft.. ci2_ ft 6_ fn., •':- Cowpony-Name _ .-- . .. .16.INNER CASING OR TI3BING keethrami chaed.loop) - •• - .. ri --.) in :. 1Well Construction Permit& r) 1 /(0 to(ri . . FROM- TO - DIAMETER. THICKNESS MATERIAL • • ft' • ft. In. List all appticabre well canstructkuipentrits(Le.LIIC.Cola*:State.Vattaltee.cia.)• 3.WellUse(cheolcwell use): . f4 ft." in. . ' Watr.r Supply Well: 17.SCREEN DIAMETER SLUTSIZE TRIC(CNESS MATERIAL _ ,..• '., ....cultural • fjhriunici FROM TO palfPublic " ft• ' • • I(Geothermal(Rearing/Cooling Sopply)/gResiderdial Water Supply(single) ft.. fr. •in. . '. iit ,.ustriallcormnertial . •°Residential IltfaterSupply(shared). 18.GRour . FROM .•TO -- ' MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT • -I-%IiTiltatiell. - • . _ FR Nosi-WarSuinply Well:. 0 ft. 2,(1 ft. (....141.10 i 5 - . - - l Kt Monitoring • DRecovery ft. ft . • 1,. ..- -njection Well: 7• ft. : • ft. . . .',.'....... • NI,. Ter Recharge E3GrotmdwaterRemerflaion •-19.SANDTdRAVEL PACT((If applicable) - • EMELACEMENT METROD ---. i! 1{ -golfer Storage andRecovery E3SalinityDarrier FROM • TO .MATERIAL .4' ' • ..- . ' d•quifer Test E3Strainwater Drainage ft. It. : ,tiliExpraimentalTeebnology EtSulasida ace Control ft. it. . -/\. i„ ,17 Geothermal(Closed Loop) Drawer , 21L%Wal.M. ',7r,143G 12;1661ml 6ttis2urcticfr.°22c5523)corroescpc.cichc.cte.) i.i.: ; .•• riGashattosa(ieatiogiCooling lIctom) °Other(exploirtutider421•Remarks) FROc..) fr.. .3 it. li. 4.DateNVell(s)Completed: 571 7/-23 WellIftit 4 It! 2v5 ft• A OCAt, • -0.: . 5a.Well•Luea ft. ft.lion: - ..„,..._ r...-,,,, •......... ••-e••, a..km-...a.• ft. • it• • (?''•:•1 r22fc:7.: _Jyam Fipm • ft.• • ti. • ii- looffieitiounserNac= • Facility Ins ofepoiltableY . , ' • ec• . - ..: n., ft. 'iViikY 1 180 ZOCJ il zr,-E4 Alusik era. k (.1_ 'E,•,067-&61.v..o co• • -, -- - •• -- -• - - ft. &FilysimiAddrc:s,coy,mdrip t' E , . it.RE:mat:As . Yal talln. . ' "- -• 43W-0.1 60(..4. . . Cramty OcreetIdethirreatiiatio.(1.11\1) ' , c • . Latitude and longitude in degreedminutedseconds or declaim!&grecs: c c.a.. • 1r . tit-wail..01,1.,oe.ka.long 4 T.gr....cical.) . , ...` Li, :36 L I 77c> gp,YCo 5 2 . 6.is(are)jdie well(spPerinaneot or•DTemporary . . st of Ceilified Well Ccmlnefor . 3J'signing ihisAmla henbli azWiffi that the well(s Inas(ewe)constructed in.accordance with ISA NCACOZC.0I00 or ISA NCAC MC.0200 Weil Con.ttnection Mandan&and that a if ., ......•.repair t..,,,,,,6..diting wen: Inves or No . , crarg .c con trf this recordlas Occult:added ta thewelt omen. , 1: 7-.S.----' ,--- jejyrazati - plate tile nature of:nu thts is a pabl fitt out kna!vnivellcaustractton j . , 1 Wider.#2I=odes sattiazi area Ole bucket/4f 7,3.Site diagram or sidditionalwellditalita - You may.ase the back of this psge.oprovide additional well site details or.well Gelpro• hafDPT or Cittscd-14)01315 was having the same construction detaks.You may also attach.additional pages ifneceisray, - ' cotEtrog'Par oo.on;only lemv_.....i.is- needed_.'hidi, cum, TOTALNUMBEKof Wells , t• SIIDIKRITAL ERSTRUCTIONS -..A.'.- ,• , . 24a .;Far All Wells: Submit this form,'within 30 days of completion of well .. -• IteloWLsod surface: • .Tofallv411,136-10 .-' 1290'itn4 201014. condi-a:tient:the•followinF .,..-....'''': • •For'situldple ire&fist:al I deptIs vejr.gtzarnp l ttentleyel below top . • .• (ft.) Dilation orWater Resources,Information Processing Unit, • '. •,. -. . . - . ikSInic wa ,ofcantliN " • 1617111Q Service Centeri:lialeigb,NC 27699-1611 1.) :. • 1'u:titer Idea fa aborqs=in&ia""f A! - . . • !-• ei . • . ' 24t.PDX'Inlection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a IL 3Borellude.diameter above,,also Oubinit•cma cOpy of this.form within 31)days of completion of well • '.-- I.‘„ ' Co-k-..,(- - - - --- ---- ----- --- construction loth°foliov.inF - " -_ _ - ::1'it .i ,'. A.2.1ilkill'exagtruction meitiod: . -,- , (-Le.,mem loiciy,cable,cliatetfusb,'Ar..), Division of Ntirriter Ilbr.,ources,Undergrotmd Infection C.ontrol Program, . 163614ell Servics CenteriRaleigh;NC 276994636 . FOR WATE.R.SUPPLY WELLS ONLy: . • .. . Rattled of fr,it... . 24c.Yor Water Snob'az Voterlion Wells: In addition-to sending the foma to '‘ il . . l''''' 13n.Itield(gpro) I 2--- ' . the address(es)'alitrite,'.also submit Cad etipy of this form withia 30 days of . 1-304e1/61°P WPg .01_14_ . jpanotin tl ____2 1 . • -Lout_ertiaticoonitrun ofelsalld construction to the conatihealth department of the county . ,001z• -----.7-- , h - . -- - • . . . ..,:. t:tell'-tY"Dkl.s#n of Water Rslowces - i Revised 2-Z7,.-2016 - Nardi Capita:u.•_.w.:,,.....-....,,,- FounGW4.• . . . . , . . • , . . . • . . . , .