HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071830 Ver 1_401 Application_20071029 T'he f©Itawng is as abbreviated a~~ticatian form for tt-ose applying fora 4{11 Water Quality Certification to impact F'EItC (Federat E:aergy Regulatory Coa3mission) regulated lake shore or bottom under the LT,S. Army Carps of Engineers i'erntit G1'34. '1 his Appiicaaoa cannot be used far wetland or sfreain impacts, 1'~case provide seven (7) copies of this apptica:tion and supporting information as vvdil as a aaa-refundable application fee to the Division of Water {luality of S20altl for impacts of to lake bottom of less than 1 acre and Sd7S.44 for inrpacta to lake boxtotn of greater or equal. to 1 acre. ~~~ ~ ^ Applications should be seat ta; Q ~~ Division of ~i'ater Qnatify VVettaads Unlt - ~ ~~ ~ 9 2007 1654 CS~I.ail Service Center Raleigh, tVC 27699-1654 pLIT`~ UENt; - W~"CE ~ ~ NCH ~TL,AN(lg {VJD atOR~ t, applicant infariuatioa 1. Owner/Appticant lnfanxtatian Name: S ~ n/1;~~e~r Cor~S~/v ~~t .i.vt.r ~~1ati.,on ~i ~~tf MaitngAddress: /Q,~,S~._Ka.~.bg,~h Telephone Number: "] 0~1 S `~'~.,_ l;ax t~dtttrrbec:__'1fL,`~__~~g NS E-rrxait Address:__',~,e,(~ - ,R„, -__ ?.. Agent lntarrnatian (A. scned quid dated copy of the Agcttt Authacizatioxi letter must be attached if the Agent has si~tary authority fnr the owner/aptslicattt:) Name: Campan}~Affiliation:____ _^~„"___ _.._ ~ ..__.~ CYfaiting Address:. , Tci+:phane Number:~____, _ Fax Number;.____ E'.-mail Address: - ~ II. Project Iaformatipu Attach a viccnit}~ ura}a atearly showing the tc~cation of the propc;rty with respoct to local iandrt~trlks such as fawns, rivers, attd roads. Also provide a detailed site plan shaving prapertq ixrundares and development plans in relation to surrounding pre+}>erties. Yau may use the diagram belowv to make a Band skct~h of your praj~t. Also, see the cxatrtple 6elaw far guidance. Roth the vi.cittity map and site plan mast include a scale and north. arrow. ?"he footprints of all builc~i~rgs, inrperviaus sttrfaces, ar other faailites mint be included. 1. Location ~~w Courrty~,~ f Nearest "Yawn: Fa/~- Wl.r ~l ~ S c. . Subd.ivisian name or site~~~(include plraseJiat numb~.r): (412_._, (i Ka (a,l~ Directions u> site please include mad numbers, la~ttdsnarlts, etc, (This isjnot I necessary if an adegttate vicinity map is nclude~ctc ~s ~i Q 5 ok-N%. 1 L f ?.. Describe the existing land use or condition of the site at tlxe time of this appticatian:._. ~(g, LIa.T 1 e 3. 1'rapett}• si c (acres}:~. 2.~0 ', 4. Nearest txzdy ofivater (strcant/riverlsoundtoceartrlakuj:~Lak.t ~~~~ ~C; 5. Describe the purpose of t:txe proposed work: C~.~ ~ Td = 6. list the type of equipment to be used to construct the project: 3K~.~_~'~ ~1t~M1t ~Q.y'i;R~e7~s~ 7. Arrtount of impact (includa".n,g ell excavation, backfilt, ri.p rap, retaining wails, au.) Blow tlte. normal pool take level in square fact ar acres:. ~ .?8Op ~~„S~ ,_ 8. a. Anrouni of impact (including all. cteaciug, back. fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining watts, etc.) above the normal pool laic level and 50 fes:t land tvan3 in square feet or acres:._._~Q~__.__,4_~ b. Please describe vegetation above the normal pool l~l~e fvel and fe-~ l~nd- ; ~_ ~ ward to be itnparted (n:uniber of txees for insta~ ~~~- .. riawww~l0 ttA• IA +~ltea~ A /Ai.a~d. "l`I~s lean fAgeni's $igiratrtre. Uate (Agent's signature is vaJ:id only if an authorization letter franc tlse applicaut is pray ill; ArcIMS Viewer 1 ~~ zt7latza '~ _~ . ~ o,~ 2171$'!46 O ~~. ~; r ~KLEh'BItRG ~C71~";"~ GIST-' -..___--_. 2t71~1iG Page 1 of 1 u~ ~~ r~ ~~ ~ /~ ~ ~ '~ / ire m w ~ ~ rfl ~°~ ~r ~., . r ~ ! si ~ ~1 S ,r ~; ~ ~~ ~" !r ~ ~ ~ ~_~ gi -:~'::..J ~ ; ;l ~`- ~ ~ '~ l ~,r ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~~' ~1 ' ~ ~~ i ~ !" ~~ ~r ~r~s~si ^ i'' 1 r ~.~ j ! ! ~ ~ "?,~, ?> „~ ~ ~. ,,~ a - __...~ ~ r ,~ ~ ~f~~ ~.~ ~~~ ~f ? ~ 01 2~7tawot ! x171sy ~ ~, ~, ~ r~~~ ~ ~ ~ "~ r % !D1 ~ % s'y w`A ~~ r c 1~ i rr ~' ~~~ ti' ~ Ay h 1 7 ~ ttf `~Jy .` y : s a~ , 21718t~4 i ~s ~ ~°o 21718115 ~ ~ a~ 1 f ~~'' ,~.~,: . ~S `~ ~ ~°~ D ;_., : ~ { http: //polaris. mecklenburgcountync. gov/website/redesign/MapFrame.htm ArcIMS Viewer Page 1 of I YORK Cam, SC ~9ECh(~.Ef~BURG C~~ISh~~; r15~, http://polaris.mecklenburgcountync.gov/website/redesign/MapFrame.htm ' ' ~ 9/25/2007 { ci [l ArcIMS Viewer Page 1 of 1 ~~ CKt.Et~BifRG C~1d~tk''T'1',~15 i http://polaris.mecklenburgcountync.gov/website/redesign/MapFrame.htm 9/25/2007 ,~ t W~ ~~ ww ww ~~ AA __~ ~ ~- rte. v ti ~- r .~ ~` ti~o~e : r~,p 1ve Ptao~d 3 G~b~o~ ~t- ~~ k ~~ a u -s4~, p(_s~ d~o~p ~ .~iow- esvs,~ irx.~ ta~.ro, ~, ' above ~ « ~~ . ' ~, ~~t ~b e~~ ' ~ cacS~ sfiiue.~cv~e5 -- F~iease raxirn stcctth ttte t`oiiaw3nQ in€ormatian art tl~s p1ar~ {Please Provide lions for each i€+ct», such stg t0 Et. x ~i4iY its: 1~ {ail propos~ad vegetation ~eari~ (prarv#da dirmensions} ' Z) !*acation at' ~ r~ or €~l to be placed asbave the Fug Pond el~avation '~ S} Location o€ rip rep or f#i to tse placed 6ciaw ih~e Full Pond elevation ', d} The locatldn of arty proposed structures such as balidings, retaining ', waits docks, etc.. 5} The location of arty excadatian or dredging below the Fuii Rand etewatiott. 6} LOGetton 4€ GbriStr'LlCtkTri access COrfidor&. DUKE EIrtERGY LAKE SERYiCES EC1~Q P O BOX 1006 CHARLfl7'TE NC 28ZQI-IOt16 T04-382-I56? ar TULL FREE 1-800-443-5193 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STA>1ILI~E "i'I3E 3FIOREL1iYE IN I,~OlE'Tfi ~QLIN~, Pieuse type or pent :trot fit! in aI1 blanks. If information is not applicable, sa indicate try' pacing iYlA in blarilc. PLEASE SUBMIT APPLICATION AND APPRdPRiATE DUKE ENERGY :FILING t~E, PAYABLI: Tt311UKE ENERGY, TO ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. Appl#cant Inforuts#lan mss, A. Name S. ~ . M 11~..L+t..'~ ~~5'~C~:~/~a//,~~~ lG. ,r~f'1+4'~~OM~ ~I~.a.~•~. B. klailing Address jg~lr'T~~ J~.14~Lti._._.-.~ L.~'_'~t N~ Z8Z'ZB C. Telephone:,,]p~(_ ~~~}, .`104. '3(a~y • (ap(op IL .Location at Pcnpaacd Prajixf A. Lake Wy,l~.lkr. ._, B. Strrxt Atldres.5 C.. County '~ i). City, town, caat-muniEy ar IAntisrtatit. .. E. Section Lot N Sftb~dlvittion .--- F. I7ircctiass to ttmDerttr b~ txx~d _,t~4.~V 1.1~ T L mM.t7Y? .~ _ G. Latitude asd longitnde. for ttro gro}oct sits - i . O ;,~;/gf T ~ Qtu H. Please submit a map showing the coardinatcs or a detailed meig {t7SGS q d map, city ms~pr eto.) s g the ~}a exact ]ovation of the projrct site. t'I~IOT>r: IatittrdN longitude coordinates can be found op ~intern~et siic, ~•r~K•.munsoa;t~,carrt. I}irections: Dan't register. click "Maps", entecaddre~, dram magi, Select ""1ti4ap, Clicking WII... ", select "Lat/Long"', click map) IfL Description of Project 1 A. Length. of wall. B. Material C. Distance frost p petty lii~ofshor+aline IV. Intended Use of Project Area A Private B. Cantniercial ~~11i V. Appllcani Signatu ,IJ;iete ;~lyi~~' ~V. PLEASE A'07'E Tlllw F ().LLOW,i~'G: + A COPY OF THE COIbP'LETEI) APPL]CATION WITH A ROAD MAP SFIOWTNG LOCATION ~' THE PItQPE1tT1' hi[1ST $E SUBMITT!'IYTO: USI'ClIRPSOFXNGINEER.Ti, ISI F.3.T~NAI~ -:~t©ohl AS~Ff&YILLE, NC 28801-SD(!6 • 2 COPIES OF THE 'DUKE EI~II~It,LiY APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO STABII.IZE THE 5HC)i~ELTNE IN NORTH CAROLINA`, PHOTOGRAPIiS OF THE SHORF~..INE TO 1IE STAI3Q.IZED, AND FIVE (5) COPIES (7F THE COMPLETED "NC DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRE-Cf?NSTiZUCTION I~K7TIPICATTON';APPLICA7'tON" MUST BE SUBMITTED WI:CH TFIE DMSION OF WATER QUALITY APPI.fCAT[ON FEE 1'p: NCDtYISIQ'N OF W.tTBR Q~fl.~lL.tTY ATT`SIVTID,dV: t:'YIVI)1 %ARl3LY P.1RBY,FEW:i3LI?G., ,2321 Ci?,9B77RLE13LVD: R,lLEIGX, NC 274 41 A-733-i X85 c,:,t.nKEMasrrredcagp tnrumnsiud~tic Shoralios sabilirnia, Applica~oneac ' e~ 1 ~~