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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220210 Ver 2_More Info Received_20230511Chandler, Rebecca D
From: Michelle Savage-Measday, PWS <>
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2023 2:17 PM
Cc: Homewood, Sue; Homer, Seren M; Chandler, Rebecca D
Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information: SAW-2021-00395 (415 Gallimore Dairy Road /
Greensboro / Guilford County / industrial)
Attachments: 415 Gallimore Dairy Road Project DMS Acceptance May2023.pdf
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Attached please find an updated SOA from the DIMS for additional mitigation credits to cover indirect impacts resulting
from loss of hydrology to remaining portions of the wetland.
Please let me know if any additional information is needed for processing of the permit application.
Thank you,
MICHELLE SAVAGE-MEASDAY, PWS I Environmental Department Manager
ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP I T 919.861.9910 D 919.861.9821 C 919.441.2437 I
Confidential/proprietar,l message 1-tt-1- --- t, nPlete message/attachments if not intended recipient.
From: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<>
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2023 10:04 AM
To: Michelle Savage-Measday, PWS <>;; Homer, Seren M
<>; Chandler, Rebecca D <>
Cc: Homewood, Sue <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Request for Additional Information: SAW-2021-00395 (415 Gallimore Dairy Road / Greensboro /
Guilford County / industrial)
Thank you for your PCN, dated 3/22/2023, for the above referenced project. I have reviewed the information and need
clarification before proceeding with verifying the use of Nationwide Permit (NWP) 39 (https://saw- Please submit the requested information below (via e-mail is fine) within 30
days of receipt of this Notification, otherwise we may deny verification of the use of the Nationwide Permit or consider
your application withdrawn and close the file:
1) Like our request for additional information (dated 3/2/2022) in response to your previously submitted PCN (on
2/3/2022), we are concerned about reasonably foreseeable indirect impacts to the remaining wetland area on -
site. Based on proposed grading, wetland fill, and re-routing of drainage into stormwater ponds further
downslope, the project appears to eliminate the drainage area/hydrology source for the remainder of the on -
site Wetland downstream of the proposed impact site. Unless otherwise justified, the Corps would consider the
remainder of the Wetland as a reasonably foreseeable indirect impact (see NWP General Conditions "District
Engineers Decision") resulting from a loss of hydrology. Unless otherwise justified, compensatory mitigation
would be required for indirect impacts resulting in a loss of hydrology and therefore aquatic function. A 2:1 ratio
is typically proposed for a total loss of wetland function (reference the NCWAM score of "High" for this
wetland), while a 1:1 ratio is often proposed if some (but not all) wetland function is expected to remain (if
It appears that an Individual 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) is required from the North Carolina Division of Water
Resources (NCDWR) for this project. Please note that the Corps cannot verify the use of any NWP without a valid 401
For NCDWR: Within 14 days, please notify me if the certification request does not contain the nine (9) components listed
in Section 121.5(b) of the 2020 Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule; otherwise, we will consider our receipt
date (3/22/2023) as accurate. As specified in the 9/16/2022, Programmatic Agreement (PA) between the USACE and the
NCDWR, the reasonable period of time (RPOT) for DWR to act on a Section 401 certification request is 120 days unless
the RPOT is extended per the terms of this PA. As such, unless we receive an email request for an extension of the RPOT,
the USACE will consider the Section 401 certification for this project to be waived on 7/20/2023.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Dave Bailey
David E. Bailey, PWS
Regulatory Project Manager
US Army Corps of Engineers
3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105
Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587
Mobile: (919) 817-2436
We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is
located at:
Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey.
From: RaleighNCREG <>
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 4:00 PM
To: Michelle Savage-Measday, PWS <>
Cc: Bailey, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<>
Subject: SAW-2021-00395 (415 Gallimore Dairy Road / Greensboro / Guilford County / industrial)
Good Afternoon,
We have received your Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) NWP request for the above project and forwarded
it to Dave Bailey for further processing.
Thank you,
Josephine Schaffer
From: lase <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 7:14 PM
To: RaleighNCREG <>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] PCN - Guilford - Non -DOT
A new project has been received on 3/22/2023 7:13 PM for 415 Gallimore Dairy Road Project. The link below will take
you to the project folder.;view=browse
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