HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03344_Well Construction - GW1_20230512 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fiji intcnutl Use ONLY: Th s form can be vwd far sine Ic or oodtiplc was i 1.Well Contractor Information: ..MAVM1TERZONES C John Eisenman FROST TO DF'SC'RfP7Y0\ 1Ve11 COIAtaC10r Name ft. ft. 4439 NC%Yell Conlr!nor Ccniticatiou NIU bey '15'Ot11 ER CAStNG'tf�irtiirih[atY4ed iictls}'OR LiNFR Rf a i"ll&bkl' •:--- FROb1 TO Dt:\A'IiTF.R THICKNEM \1At AL SAEDACCO Inc fL rl. Con jrmy Nano 36.INNER'CASiNG OR.TIJSING:('eeolhairrnyl claked-bip');',' FROM TO DMAIF.TER TIIICANF.SS MATERUL 2,Wc1t Coustr•uctilut Pcrtnit N. N/A 0 R. 4o ft, 2° BL SCH-4o PVC 1.a all r•)phru6far welipenmirs(i.e.CowitY.Slater,Yarirarre,lry2t6'wl en.) - R, ft. is 3.Will Use(check well use): 17:SCRF EN:i Water Supply Well: FltOrl TO DiANIETER sIM8171 sIATF;Rt.a1. DAgficulturnl ❑Municipalr•Public 40 ft. 50 fi- 2" ht• .010 SCH-40 PVC DGcothemlal(Healing-Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply(single) ri, fL in, DlndustdaUContutcrcial DRcsidential Water Supply(slatted) J8f;GROUT PROM TO NU\TERL%L I E1fPLAMNIF-NT 1IETIIOIY t A.SIOUNT ❑Irrt°tttrnn 0 fL 34 fL Portland pour Non-Water Supply Well: «, n. ®hlmlitoring ❑Rccm'cq• Injection Well: ft. rL ❑Aquifcr Rccharge ❑CJrollndw;alcr RClncdimion i19 SANDIC.RAVEL'PACI<Crf 'i'itKyhtaa)t: FROM TO SIATF.Itt•11. F:SIPLACY.\lY:\T\IFTEtnII ❑Agotfcr Srorage Ind Rccovvy ❑Salinity 81rdrr 38 R. 5o (I. Sand #2 ❑Agltifcr Tcst ❑Slorinwotcr i?nonage ft. ft. ❑Experimental Tio;hnology ❑Sithsidcm:c Cordial :2o�ORILLINC'LOG'fiittadi`iidditioa"ill sheets if nccessaril -:" - ❑GLothenmd(ClusedLoup) ❑Trlcer FRONT TO DF5CRIPTIUN ravbr,hanlnc++xtLenack tr t. Mn arc.ttr.1 ❑Geotliennal(IleatingrCuoline Return) ❑Outer leXplairt under#21 Retuarhs) 0 fL 50 rL Silt/sand/clay rt. iL d.DateW'elt(s)Complcled: 2-17-23 Well IDOW-40A . Ft 5a Well faYcatiuu: _ rL f, C C s Corning Glass Works N/A MAY 1 2 LULUL3 FacililyiQvncrNantc FacililyID„u(if applicable) 3900 Electronics Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27604 .� g ft, ft. Giti3rtw: '�11:?V •. Phrskal Addmss.City.and Zip 21 RREMARKS.' Wake N/A Bentonite seal 34-38' Calmly 1 Amd ILL31 irte:11iuu No.(PIN) 51).Latitude and 1.011gitu41c in tlemreslminutcsJsccnnds nr decimal d Of ucll IBM,uah!h0mig k sadlici_eni} 2� CCttlf[l`It11.Yn: 35.830758 N -78.603564 W 3/2/2023 .. Date 6.is(are)We well(s)t ]Permanent or ❑Tenelloran' M srcrrnag.v,as Pen. �•caah•ri:r':+.,:�� s L:r:r)a�rminre7erl ilr r•erarrlmtcr ndTa}r.f:t NC+(C OTC.'x�.•:��'r: ;ff.'i�4.�ro l',{7:r7f7 IYrrl Consrr�arrir�rl Sfnryrrrrirs<ral ri trpu<r 7.is this a repair to an exiatingwell- ❑Yev or ENT► rein ofthix r<vnrdraaslrrn rigrrir4af rn l r n rr rnrnr•r. lfrrris ix a ralxlrr,trra><ar,arraa7,arrrrraars7rni,ina rarftea7r47rrrr,l arraar e.cprrahr rhr reamer rafrlir repairaarder,021 rrmarkvwrliora or rm nce hark.nrrhrs farm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this p:Ege to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells coustniLted: 1 construction details. You ttlav also allachadditnilhil pages if necessary'. Fur maniple rajee-rion&nevi-nnrer rnpplr beets ONLY mNli the same construrdoit.syarar r•aw xrarrurirone foma. SUBMITTAL iNST TCTiONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 50 (ft,) 24:L For All Wells: Sabudl This funn \cilllin 30 days of completion of well For maniple iedA rise fell aleprrrr ifdrl4ivr,lr(c�rurgrra•-3@ 09'and 2F14-4)•) construction to the following: Ill.Static water level below lap of casing: 26.32 (ly) Division of Water Resources,infortnation Pruccssing,Unit_. if neurr never h rebore easing.rite'•+" 1617 Mail Set-vier Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diatneirn 8.25° (ia) 24b.Ed InfiNflQuN elk ONLY:I in addition to sending elk foml to the address in 24a above.also submit a cop% of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction inahod:BSA coustmt-lirnl to the following: (i.c.auger.rolaty,cable dim-%push etc.r Division of Water Rciourt'es Underground injeclion Control ProgrAul, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 11L Yield kvptn) Method of test: 21c.For Watcr Supply&Injection Wells: Also submit one Copy of this funn within 3o days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type: Amount:— well construction to the county health depanmem or the county wlrcte conslmcted. Form G%V-t Noah Carolina Depanllwm of Enearonnkut and Natural Resources-Div vion of 1 raler Reorres Revised Augus±2ttl i