HomeMy WebLinkAboutHenderson_Well Abandonment_20230526 WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: i 1.Well Coptractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAILS �• �' ) 'Pw 14 PAooPk 7a.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same Well Contractor Name 4r well owner personally abandoning well on his/her property) well construction/depth,only I GW 30 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells abandoned E NC WellContractor can station Number 7b.Approximate volume of water rem i g in well(s):T•—(gal.) t FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS.ONLY: Company Name lc.Type of disinfectant used: -—_9 2.Well Construction Permit#: �fi l S k List all applicable well construction permits(r.e.WC.County,SYat�Varimree,etc)ifhrmvn 7d.Amount of disinfectant used: /:U a � 6 �() 3.Well use(checkwell use): Water Supply Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apply): ❑Agricultural ❑Munici al/Public ❑Neat Cement Grout 0 Bentonite Chips or Pellets ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ldential Water Supply(single) ❑Sand Cement Grotut. ,� ❑Dry Clay ❑industrial/Commercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) ncrete Grout 1 '��. {.r"�� ~nri#1 Cuttings k tin Vi ❑ ation ❑Specialty Grout ❑Gravel Non-Water Supply Well: ❑Bentonite Slurry MAY 2 2023I Other(explain under 7g) ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery nk rlr: air.. Injection Well: 7L For each mat�erlal seCe�.t��14vroyjde'nDirount of materials used: ❑AquiferRecharge ❑GroumdwaterRemediation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier J ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stormwater Drainage ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 7g.Provide a brief description of the abandonment procedure: ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal(Heating(Cooling Return) ❑Other(explain under 7g) A.Date well(s)abandoned: 5a.Well location: utility/Owner lqame Facility IIJ#(ifapplicable) S.Ce li - Physical Ad .Cip�, d Zip sigq6ToTC5er&WWe11 Contractor.or Well Owner Date �iWJOV �`ML t f PS By signing this form,I hereby certify that I the well(s) was(were)abandoned in Parcel Identification No.(PW accordance with 1 SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 2C.0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (tfwell field,one lat/long is sufficient) i 9.Site diagram or additional well detaits:1 Q `� You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well Cat (�V N ' R' abandonment details. You may also attach additional rages if necessary. i CONSTRUCTION DETAHS OF WELL ISI BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS Attach well construction records)ifavadable.Formultrple injection ornon-watersupplywells OATLY with the same'construction/aba ndo nment,You can submit one form. 10a.For All Wells- Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well ID#: -At abandonment to the following: �.( Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 6b.Total well depth: S (ft) 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 10b.For Iniection Wells: In addition to i ending the form to the address in 10a above,also submit one copy of this form`within 30 days of completion of well 6c.Borehole diameter: (in•) abandomment to the following: ; Gd Water level below ground surface: 401 (ft) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 t lOc.For Water Supply&Iniection Weller In'addition to sending the form to the 6e.outer casing length(if known): IN address(es)above,also submit one copy ofthis form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the'county hcalth department of the county where 6f.Inner casing/tubing length(If known): (ft-) abandoned i 6g.Screen length(if known): ( ) Font GW-30 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality-Division of Water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Henderson County Department of Public Health 1200 Spartanburg Highway,Suite 100 i Hendersonville, NC 28792 Telephone(828)694-6060 WELL INSTALLATION OR REPAIR PERMIT TO BE FILLED IN BY APPLICANT PERMITWi �ri5- tz�a�g� Associated Permits (,n--le-r Owner_/1tir: Iyin4 Ce.t,o 3 Sams WCO 'i r,►*s}re S Date %1/3/I-C- Property Address 73 6re,, ro r4 -Phon 17 e6IST Lot Size ,"1 AL- Subdivist Lut-# 1 Pin# Oil Tank On Property? Yes �V No Well will be used to serve what type of facility? Individual(well serving one home) ✓�Yes No Shared (well serving more than one home) How many? Commercial(type of business)? Irrigati,n? Directions to Property ZS Al 4n R Brno k5.I� r',�,.�, �, -1 a R N ,�;� Gr.o fta -tv R Grti-� L+ur Fo {&t ,4 o-.4 DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE STATE VARIANCE REQUIRED YES_ENO WELL ABANDONMENT PERMIT ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE BY A LICENSED WELL-DRILLER/WELL CONTRACTOR THIS IS A DRILLED WELL 1- CALL 684-6060 7-8:30AM TO SCHEDULE 2- All work shall be done In accordance with 15a NCAC 02C.0113 3- REMOVE ALL PIPES,PUMPS,WIRES ETC. FROM CASING. 4- DETERMINE THE STATIC LEVEL OF WATER IN WELL. 5- SANITIZE WELL WITH APPROPRIATE CHEMICAL AT THE CORRECT STRENGTH FOR THE QUANTITY OF WATER.(USE TABLE BELOW TO DETERMINE QUANTITY OF SANITIZER) 6- PROVIDE ENOUGH CONCRETE*OR BENTONITE TO ENTIRELY FILL WELL TO GROUND SUf�FACE. (CALCULATE CUBIC YARDS/FEET FROM KNOWN DEPTH OF WELL). 7- HCDPH REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL PORTIONS OF WORK(EXCEPT REMOVAL OF PIPE/PUMP/WIRES.) I QUESTIONS?CALL HCDPH *CONCRETE FROM CONCRETE-MIXER SHALL HAVE NO FLY-ASH AS PART OF AGGREGATE Permit valid for 5 years provided site conditions do not change. Well location,installation and protection must meet state and local regulations,and must be inspected and approved by a representative of the Henderson County Department of Public Health before any portion of the installation is put into use. Thelsiting of the well by the Health Department staff is to provide protection from known possible sources of contamination. No volume of water is guaranteed at any site by the Health Department. 3MIRLL CANNQJ B.LOCATED IN A RIGHT.-OF-WAY. Date Issued 11 tilzL Environmental Health Specialist Permit Received By ��„ 6,.-.,le Z i NVELL ABANDONMENT RECORD FaildcmdUsdONLY: ,. Ttua fotnl eati be used for sift..tar multiple tisells �� � • I.We€1 contraimr inforniation: WELL ABANUOINMENT DEIA 4 Stefan Smith 3:t.1TumUerof%vOlsbcin{;nbandunedt.l wt11&LraCiorhranie(4rsveIto1vIwi c ilatly, u,:ll.ailliisiltrr'tifbppty) A& rrtrrJnple &!fOEtar a VOM'=riafrr sgtJ%, w4olls ONLY wtlh tle, .svoie r'!1{ fflfCf7iMJdl[+[)lii�alt1ht71f,iviN all?s7Jrs�J10'r rxiajFJN)L - - 3576A A16'�Vcl!"GanlragorCcgiftcidieirNnni+er 76.Apprnicimate v{,tome of vvJltu•rentaininA in vi•rII(aj?1 ( al.) SAEDACCO Inc FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. CoJnpam NSlttc: 7c.Tehe of disinfe tant used.N/A. 2.Well"Consttttction Permit tin:, -- - L7�J teli;71},ali41761e wil per,rrir fl.4l LV7Jf7lJ,State.Y'arjbwe•.At(ecff(jJ7.,d1L J f teRJ15r7 ^Jd .1tt14ltI1t.Of.dlSitlfCCt:tltt used. " 3.{Nell use(Ole&1rcll use): Water Supply Well: 7c.Scaling matciirils used(cll�cl;all that apply); p grictilftlta€ pl4ittpicip llft'ttRilic, 5d,Neat Ccoico,Gtoitt Gi g6itgii.JW Chips or Pellets plac+tthcrlta cl(E3caRn>,_rVCoolitta:Snpply) ORcsidentinl 1V:•gter$5ippt}'f.lirigle) n"5and Ceittcnl d;mut D"Illy Clat ohidustrialt't onmtcmial ElRmidentW W'atcr SoPP4.(sliamd) E :Conctete Grout El &rill C,doting ❑irri� fiou O speciultyGttttil [7 Gray+el Roa\Vatcr.fiuppl}�Vctl; - CI Bentonite him, Cl Cther(ealtlairtuader 7g) ®141aititorine. OReioten Injcetian`Yell•. if For each material selected above,provide atnountof materials used: 17Ailnifer ItccGalrge �Grtiuiid,i tier Rentedi uion Neat Cem.•471b, ,Wtr 3ga"l., Sand"Cem. lb ,Wtr gal. I7Agnifer Stonlge tttxl RetgS'erY OS:diuily Ramer oAtIllwrTest UStOtMwaterDrallog- pExpeiiliten(nl Txllntrlogv p$ubsidct>ry Coistuil 7g;Prov€de a brief d6criptiuri of the ab:lildanmcat pi-#=hire, t"JGeotlternnl(CrbsedLoop) IJTracer ®Gcotheairattliicatinttl'Coo6gReturn) EJ01kr(c-x laiftunder7;;) tremie_ grouted. 4.Datc well(s).abaodoncd: 5/1/2023 IAnV Ca fi 7�� Sa.Well location: Lassonde Pappas Company }tf Gaie` 1 � Faoilih�C7tvtrcr Nainv R-00v Min(ifapplknbte) R.CcrtilicstloitI:: 985 Brookside Camp Rd. Hendersonville, NC 28792 �- l+ i• 5/9/2023 Physical 4ddn 9;City,eild Zip S iln>jjtL��.ff�/JJC�roiled%Velt 6merrvw pr 1V471(wtur Dine Henderson !iu,sJsgJlr>t ths�lirJn,.!lie7tbk eerfrfy•dhrrt lJae well{sJ tr'(r•F(irere)rehnnduned in Cdewtj I'areclldzi lrkditloicNo-(PIM) ctvl(Iffltie IMIP f U 'C-IC"d1 C,0100.oraC.0200 Troll Cojisfivdiu.ri 57 4(hirds rJntJ fJrnf a capa,oJ'fliis rerurcl Jra3'hee7e pru�ideel:to fJre.ti el f nrr)ier." Sb::Iattitodeand loa&r.lkin degmcslminutcslsccondsordixihii-J-dc ms: (fr*C11 f-wW,o,a WA=g:(S a4ft=5.co) 9.Site diagram or additional well details• 35.378088" 82.489455 )(Ou ttm}'.use gibe back of this p0��e to pra}•ide additionat well.site,details:oe well `V Aiandoulueiu details You tarry also ttttacli:i"tional pages if tiectssalnl. CONSTRI7-MOLYDI:TAILS(IN W! LLf51 BEING ABANDONkD SUBNiiTTAT.TNSTRUCTiONI5 Alkidt nrl)cwr}•h=fidr1 rmird(2q if Ut•wUlk. 1 lir withiple hVei ,irr ;rdfl-wa74r-PA, welts 01AY.ultfr Ike Yew 4112 4dijnil arr wrrr Mai Fai All Wells: S,ttittnil thi.5 fonts tiithin 30 ilay.j of eotupletian oC Well 6a.`Veil ID#...W-7R1 atiandanment to thc'following: Divisian of Water,Rpsourecs,Inforwattim Prucesriny,Utiit; 6b.Total ivell depth: 15 (iL)" 161711 ail scnicc Center,lTaleil;h,11C 2769 9-16 1 7 110h.Tttr hileelloti Wells.-hi additiou-to sending the fotnt to the address to tca fie.Boreholedlatlicter:2 above.also subadi one copy,of ibis.fame u'itliiio30 t6ays of cmtiptetiolt Of well . m. :Nudomitcid to 1hc.follotit•il1z Divisttru.0f WaterResourc�;Undergman.d Injection Couttvl P*ratu, Gd,Water level.below protind 5tarfaee; (ft.) 1636 NTail Senice k.entcr,.Rale€gh,XC 27699-1636 Q6c,"Fnr\Valor 5unnh'.&Inimilnn Weis,: In addition to scndieg the forth.to 6e.Outer casing length(if linown)i 5 (ft.) tlWAdress{es);above. also Albtilil-one copy of this fotut within 30 days of compttaien of well obandnlument'to the count}'heattli'deparinteist of the county 6f.Inter easinwltuhing tcil,-th(if!alter,n): (ft) *lwrc Abih4owd. dg,.$rrl.�n lcu{;th(if kuovvn)i10 (ft.) � Fbmk GAF-34 'Nonh Caroltin Depati mvi of Pm irontnent and N:numl Rcse=cs—Division of Winter ke5ou=s Revised August 2013