HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130800_Sediment loss complaint & follow-up_20150604Wanucha, Dave From: Myers, Aaron M Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 5:14 PM To: Slaughter, Johnathan H; Wanucha, Dave Subject: RE: Hackett Town Rd H�ath, Aft�r a post rain insp�ction I found that no s�dim�nt was lost from our proj�ct. All sp�cial s�dim�nt control f�nc�s and silt f�nc� vvork�d as th�y vv�r� int�nd�d to do. W� did hav� to go and r�fr�sh th� vvash ston� on s�v�ral d�vic�s vvhich is normal aft�r a h�avy rain �v�nt. Th� vvat�r ponding at STA 39+00 approx. photo 3430 and 3429 ar� th� r�sult of th� cross lin�s b�ing cov�r�d as you stat�d H�ath. W� hav� install�d a rath�r larg� basin and t�mp. ditch to try and h�lp th� ar�a in qu�stion. I did not notic� any s�dim�nt loss in th� cr��ks that was a r�sult of our work on th� proj�ct. If you hav� any oth�r qu�stions I�t m� knovv and I vvill try to h�lp you out. Thanks From: Slaughter, Johnathan H Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 9:49 AM To: Myers, Aaron M; Hamby, Brian K; Wanucha, Dave; Latham, Tim Cc: Pettyjohn, Michael A; Reinhardt, Charles C; Souther, Zachary S; Tetzlaff, Douglas J Subject: FW: Hackett Town Rd L� I hav� look�d at th� photos and can t�ll you that pictur�s of turbid vvat�r in a cr��k do�sn°t m�an anything unl�ss th� vvat�r is cl�ar irrrrrrediately upstr�am of th� proj�ct. As you knovv, natural b�d and bank scour cr�at�s turbid cr��k vvat�r �v�ry tim� it rains. It°s also not unh�ard of for turbid wat�r to �xit our �rosion control d�vic�s. This is caus�d by susp�nd�d clay particl�s that ar� too small to b� filt�r�d out by th� ston� ch�cks. Long t�rm wat�r quality in th� ar�a vvill b� improv�d onc� th� road is pav�d, thus �liminating th� dirt road that has undoubt�dly contribut�d s�dim�nt to th� n�arby cr��ks for many y�ars. .� . . . . ���� . ����� * . . . . �. �� �. . � . . . +� . * * Aaron — can you h�lp Dav� vvith th� abov� and I�t us knovv if s�dim�nt d�posits ar� pr�s�nt in any of th� cr��ks on th� job? Thanks. From: Wanucha, Dave Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 9:06 AM To: Slaughter, Johnathan H; Myers, Aaron M Cc: Latham, Tim Subject: FW: Hackett Town Rd NC DENR Winston Salem Region Office NC Division of Water Resources Transportation Permitting Unit 450 W. Hanes Mill Rd, Suite 300 Winston�Salem, NC 27105 Cell (336) 403�5655 Office (336) 776�9703 Dave. Wanucha(r�ncdenr.gov E-mail corr�spond�nc� to and from this addr�ss may b� subj�ct to th� North Carolina Public R�cords Lavv and may b� disclos�d to third parti�s From: Stacey Triplett [mailto:sdtripCa�wilkes.net] Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:01 AM To: Wanucha, Dave Subject: Hackett Town Rd Good morning Dave, Dave I have more concerns about erosion control or lack there of. Last Friday night we got around a inch of rain. Now because the Dot had destroyed and then covered up the culvert pipe in the small pasture the road in front of the old house was covered in water. And by water I mean water that was more than ankle deep. Now this water stood in this road all weekend so Monday the DOT decided to dig a ditch and by ditch I mean one that was as deep as I am tall. Then they put in some gravel and only gravel for there erosion control. Well yesterday afternoon we received 8 tenths of a inch of rain and this is what happened. Because of the lack of erosion control there was mud and sediment going all into the creek.See pictures. Also I am including pictures of station #31 that we had discussed when you were here last. If you will take a look and see what you think. I have a question to about all those springs that they impacted if they are finished in that area should they not have to have some sort of permit in order to divert the water into the culvert? Thank You Dave. Hope to here from you soon. Stacey Triplett.. I rr�7all �:urrc,�l�ui�dci��;e, �C�u ai�d ��rurr�7 �U°ii� �e,i�dcr i� �ul�j��;� �u �C�h°ie, I"J � I�'�"ul�li�; I ta�:ur�:;� I..aw ai�d ir�7ay I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h°ih�rl I�artie,�,