HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0018146_Monitoring - 02-2023_20230428Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* WQ0018146 Name of Facility:* The Preserve Month: * February Report Information Type * Revised - NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Year:* 2023 Upload Document* Preserve Februay 2023.pdf 220.57KB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * Zdcampbell@aquaamerica.com Name of Submitter: * Zachary Campbell Signature: IZA- 0& y 07111111111 Date of submittal: 4/28/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* W00018146 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes NO Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 5/23/2023 FORM NDMR 63-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page / o'.. L_ Permit No.: W00018146 Facility Name* The Preserve at Jordan Lake Courrty: Chatham Month: February Year•. 2023 PPI: 001 Flow Mleaauring Point -- 1r,rhxm - Eff-m No k,- 9ererated Parameter Monitoring Point t"flutm Effluent Gr"x$water Dowering I surface water 00620 00600 00400 00665 70300 00530 00076 Parameter Code � 50050 00310 00W 60060 31616 00610 00626 Ow y UP C � O pE 1 = 2 F- _ F ayo _�a ` _ 24-hr I hrs GPD mg1L mgfL mVL 191W mL m goL mg& mqfL MWL su mglL mglL mWL NTU 11 0800 1 4 87.600 0.42 7.1 0.2 21 14.00 3 102.700 0.55 7.3 0.2 31 1030 1 3 86,000 <2.0 0.89 c.1 < <E}.10 12 48 49.2 7.1 5.8 <2.5 0.2 4 86,300 0.2 S 100,100 0.2 6 17:00 2 91,300 0,92 69 1 02 7 17.00 3 87,700 0.84 71 0.2 6 12:30 3 74,000 0.69 7 0.2 9 12:00 3 96,700 0.57 69 0.1 10 0800 2 93 6a0 0.25 7 02 11 94,200 0 2 12 110,300 0.2 13 1500 2 40.784 0.34 71 0.2 14 1100 3 94,500 <2.0 0.93 <1.0 <0.10 19 38 39.9 7 5.4 <2.5 0.3 16 1300 3 107,300 0.71 7 0.3 16 15.30 3 99.500 0.59 6.9 0.7 17 10 00 4 89,600 0.62 7 0.7 18 82,8W 0.7 19 100,400 0.7 201 13.30 4 93,000 0.68 6.1 0.7 211 12:00 1 4 83,900 0.52 6.8 0.6 22 1300 4 95,500 0.63 6.9 0.5 23 15.30 4 88.300 0.57 1 7 0.6 24 10:00 4 85.800 0.46 6.9 I 1 25 99,100 1 26 101,900 1 271 13:00 4 94,600 0.38 7 1 28 12-00 4 83,300 0.25 7.2 1 29 30 31 Average: 91,128 0.00 058 1.00 0.00 1.55 43.00 44.55 5.60 0.00 0.48 Daily Maximum: 110,300 2.00 0.93 1. ' 0.10 1.90 48.00 4920 7.30 5.80 2.50 1.00 Daily Minimum: 40,784 2.00 0.25 1. 0.10 120 38.00 39.90 6.10 5.40 2.50 0.10 Sampling Type: Reoorder Composite Compoaft Grab Grab Composite Composite Composite Composite Grab Composite Composite Recorder Monthly Avg. Limit: 194,000 10 14 4 5 Daily'Urnit 15 25 6 10 10 FORM: NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page Z off` Sampling Person(s) Name: Eric Riggins Name Name: Enco 591/ Eurofin 269 Name: Aqua 5051 Certified Laboratories Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? o canlpiiw o ron-cono+ant If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not In compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective actions) taken. Attach additional sheets 0 necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification ORC: Eric Riggins Certification No.: 1004049 Grade: II Phone Number: 9196258275 Has the ORC than W4previous NIDMR? L Yes 74 No ti 3- Ito a-> Sgnature Date By the signature. I certify Ural this report a au crate and cornpMte to the Dell of my knChWedge. Permittee Certification Permittee: Aqua North Carolina Signing Official: Katie Dickens Signing Officials TWO: Field Supervisor Phone Number. 910 695 5846 Permit Expiration: 9/30/2023 �� cl ZI 2 Signature Date I cm*. under Penally of taw. that this documwd and all attachments wen prepared fader my direction or supennsron in accordance with a system designed to assure that ar Waned personnel propedy ed and eve ed the hformalm submitted. Based on my LnW of the puson or perwm %fro manage the system. or Vane persons Qrectly responsbie for gartier4ng the information, the information sub rM W is, to the best of my knowledge and belief. true, accurale, and comptele. I am aware the Thera an sigrMfk" puuaies for suomtoing fall. i formation. hckrding the possbday of fines and impruarnent for kr^WV violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 16117 Mail Service Center