HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071760 Ver 1_More Info Received_2007102507-~~~0 KELLER ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 7921 Haymarket Lane, Raleigh, NC 27615 (919)8447437 Fax (919}844-7438 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: NC Division of Water Quality WE ARE SENDING YOU THE FOLLOWING: ^ Pre-construction Notification (PCN) ^ Plans ® Documents ^ Other DATE: October 25, 2007 ATTENTION: Amy Chapman RE: Wake Chapel Church ^ Maps ^ Specifications THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ® For approval ®As requested ®For review & comment ® Please reply ^ See below ® For your files ^ Regular Mail ^ Fed-Ex ®Delivered by KE ^ Picked Up COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 3 10/25/07 Stream & Ri Restoration Letter 3 10/23/07 Level S reader 'on & Maintenance A mem 3 10/23/07 Detention Basin lion & Maintenance A t 3 Wake 1 Ve elation Plan Remarks: Recd By: THANK YOU! .~~~~~~ Signed ~r~~c~aa~ o O C T 2 5 2007 DENR -WATER QUALITY WETWrDSAkD STQR~~{W.AT6RBfiANCH KE KELLER ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ~~ - ~~ ~b October 25, 2007 Mrs. Amy Chapman NC Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Re: Wake Chapel Church Wake County, North Carolina Notice of Violation DWQ Case # SS-2006-0004 Dear Mrs. Chapman: D ~~~U ~~ o~r25 2 D 007 ~B I am responding on behalf of Wake Chapel Church for the Notice of Violation letter dated May 8, 2007. This letter was received on May 16, 2007. After receiving notification of impacts to an unnamed tributary to the Neuse River and its associated Stream Buffer Area, Keller Environmental conducted an on- site meeting with church staff on May 22, 2007. Mike Crowley, PE of Crowley and Associates and Mike Linthicum of Jackson Builders along with Wake Chapel staff and me conducted a remediation solution meeting May 25, 2007. The parties involved discussed the process and timeline to remediate the impacts and deficiencies. Items that were addressed include: stream clean-up course of action, engineering analysis, headcut remediation, and riparian plantings. Stream clean-up course of action: Since the forested area surrounding the subject stream was in excellent condition, a stream clean-up using volunteer labor and no machinery was proposed. This clean-up day will be conducted in the very near future. Engineering analysis: Mr. Crowley will immediately conduct an engineering analysis to permanently remediate the current situation. This includes addressing the stormwater discharge and diffuse flow measures. Headcut remediation: Wake Chapel Church Case # SS-2006-0004 October 25, 2007 Page 2 of 3 The incised headcut area below the stormwater pond will also be stabilized. This involves removing a few trees that are barely rooted and adjacent to the void area. Their root balls and lower trunks will be buried and utilized as root wads. Suitable growing soil will then be placed in the void to the existing adjacent elevation. Geotextile fabric will be used along the existing stream bank to prevent the new soil from entering the stream channel. The North American Green P300, or similar, fabric will also protect the topsoil around the newly planted trees (see below). Riparian plantings: Upon filling the void with suitable soil for the riparian plantings, native trees will be planted at a density consistent with riparian buffer restorations. To achieve the 320 trees per acre at maturity, we propose planting nine (9) trees in the 840 SF (0.02 Ac.) impacted area. Twenty-percent of the trees are required to be 1.5 to 2- inch DBH balled and burlapped. Therefore, two (2) large Tulip Poplars will be planted in the impacted area. The remaining trees will be 3-gallon varieties from the 2001 Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration. Planting Practices KE recommends conducting the planting the new vegetation from Late October 2007 to March 2008 to ensure success. Supervision of the plantings will be conducted by KE personnel and revisions to the planting plan will be notified immediately to DWQ and other involved parties. The tree planting followed the following guidelines: • Planted so that the root collar is slightly below the soil surface. • Have the main roots nearly straight or spread out. • Have soil firm around the roots. • Have the tree in an upright position and have it nearly even with the general ground level, not sunk in a hole or raised on a mound. • Fertilizer will not be applied. • Apply approximately 2-3 inches of mulch to the entire Zone 1 planted area • Apply water Monitoring To ensure success of the planted tree, KE will conduct quarterly monitoring for one year and annual monitoring for four years. This will include photo-documentation of the trees and providing a report to the client and DWQ 401 Wetlands Unit. The first report will be submitted immediately after planting. Wake Chapel Church Case # SS-2006-0004 October 25, 2007 Page3of3 I believe there was no willful attempt to impact the stream and riparian buffer areas. The violation was inadvertent and will be quickly remediated. If you should have questions or require additional clarification during the review please feel free to contact me immediately at (919)569-9543 (office), (919)749-8259 (cell) or email: jay~kellerenvironmental.com Sincerely, Keller Environmental, LLC ~~ Jay Keller Principal Cc: Reverend James Wilkins Attachments: Riparian Restoration Plan o~-I~(,o The level spreader is defined as an elongated, level threshold, designed to diffuse stormwater runoff. Maintenance activities shall bG performed as follows; ~. After construction and until vegetation has been established, kevel spreader(s) shall bt inspected after every rainfall. Thereafter, level spreader(s) shall be inspected at least every month and more frequently during the fall season and aftEr heavy rainfall events: a- Accurr}ulated sediment, leaves, .and trash shall be removed, and repairs made if required. b. Inspect level spreader(s) far evidence of scour, undercuttins, settlerT~ent of it~e structure, and conc~antrated flows downhill tram the level spre;ader(s}. c. A level elevation shall be rv~aintained across the entire flow-spreading structure at elk times, repair or refalace the level spreader if 'rt is damaged. d, Mow vegetative cover to a height of six ~6) inches anti prune plants if' they cover over half of the level spreader surface. e. t~epair eroded areas and repiacelrepient dead or damaged veg~:tation. 2. ~Che rantractor should avail the placement of any rrtiaterial can and prevent construction traffic across the Structure. if the n-~easure is darrr8ged by construction traffic, it :,hail be' repaired immediately. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (e.g., catch basins. pipes, svvates, ripr8p) four (4) times a year to maintain proper functioning. I ac6cnovvledga and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the perfarrnance of the fnaintananca procedures listed above, i agree Yo notify L3WC~, of any problems yvi#h the system tar prior to any changes to ttte systern ar responsible party. ~»- V'~rint name: ~ -~---~._-___ ~~ I ~ ~ ~ n ~~-_ s~ f. Title: ~.~~ __ _ ____..._--I-_ ..__.._...._ F1ddr2sS:...:(i .~ `~ 9 t~_t'" ~e,-.s ...~.w... (-~.~~?r Jam, U ~`^~s~ ~¢ ~ ~ ~ / v C.. ~ ~ n d "'~""u' 4EVEt. s6'f~EA4~E~ t'75'IEFt,AT1{3f;1 ANC) MAItJ'CEi+i~4ik1~E AGF+;~iElt~lEft~~' Signature; Note: The legally responsible party should nc~t be a homeowners association unless more than 50u/o of thr~ lots have been soil and a resident of the; subdivision has been named the president, ,~- l, _ ~-' i' ,~r,~J ~., • .,~`c~' l , a Notary Public far the Mate of k.,;~~.,an~~t~ ~ , bounty of ~_----LC1,~~.,,:,__.,..,_~___,_.... do hereby certify that ~ .~a °~2 personally appeared before rrie thin __ ~~ day of ~„~,,,~„_,,,,_,,, 2~ ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland) detention basin mainteaaar~ce requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ~~ ~ k~ ~~~~ CSC A ~ l~ ~~ l ,~r~ i sy '~,i'.eg~.~C, ~ . aq~~ ~~~ ,.,y SEAL My CarrtrniSSipn expires„ ~~Z~ ._.~'..,c?1C~ Pai;e l of 1 I. I 1 ~ '% ~ ~". J is L.1, u r , J ' .~ ± u u ,~ ~ ., .; J .: ,~~: I ~L ! { : ~ : ~ .1 J / ~f~f S~ 1 G , J , L ~ U u i~~ u J ;J :~ - V~ ~ ~ a+ ~+ ~.i a~_i~~~ ~~~ a~'~~~~`t4t`># ~QS[N C~RER~ATtt~i~ ~~C~ l~9AiNTN~F~~~ ~fiG~~E~;'~tT The drv deter3#ian bd~in syst~rr~r is dafr3ect ~.~ the dry d~t~rrti~:,r-i t~z~sirF, }~rr~tr~,~tmer~t ,i~Cl~~iing icrr~tl~y:~ :~r~cS th~~ ~reget~ted tilt~r if ~rj~ prravi~d. f%Jlarntenencia~ t~t.tivitis Sh~ii4 ~e perf~rrr~~tt ~s fit=~~~~ Auer ~v~ry srgni#icarrt ~t~rlaft prt~d~s~'in~~ raint~iS e~Lnt end ~t lest rr,artti<<iy: ~,. Inspect tt~e dry d~tentipn b~sirt systsrrr tc;~r sr~tiirr~ent ~zrr~rrr;~l3tipn, ~~r~~;,ier, trask~ ~cc~rrrruiati~ar~, vragetated cover, and ~~rf~raf c:~rrt~iti~;n. t~. Ch~c4~ ~.nd deer the orifice of arry c~~tr;~c,~t+vrrs s,ct, th t ~-fr~wc~r,~v+rn ~f tt~e tem~arary pc~~f r~ccvrs within 2 tc~ 5 dais ~s designed 2. F;e{~2tir erad~d areas rnmi~air~teiy, r~-scud as neut~ssary to rnr~intain ,ZC.r~{i ~rFC7~fr~iiue cdV er rnow voei~tiue ewer tcs m~inta+n ~ rraxrr~~~r°, t-Feight of six. irrcfi~:~. ~r}cs °~rra>v~ trast-= ~ s seeded. ~. Inspect rand repair tt"rs cat.=e:ctien ,ysttirr, (i.e, rw~tch b~ sir" 7, K»t}r~t~, sv.rrtia~ ripr<~~-, c;:tC. j quarterly tta rt~`Ir?Sdiri pirap~r ftrrl~tiorrirtg 11, i~ert~r~v~ ac;cumu{eted 7edrmerit tri~rr the cfr'y ueterrt~n basrr~ ~i~.yter?'; s~rr~;-~~r~r7~r ally crr when depth ss r+~ttu:~ad tc~ ~~~f© ~f tie ofrg~n~! d~igi'"; ~:~-~tt~. F~t~rr~aue~~ ~ac~ir°~~rrt sE-~r~;! he disi~~~~d t~f ;r'r ar ~p~rropriat rT~;~nrrer and fih~l! b~ handled ;r ~ rr~«rrr»r tha# will r~et ~d~1~r~~=1y irnp:a~,t .~vti'~it~r qu~lty ~~.~. ~ftr~kplir7c~ r~~~r t~ drY detentit~r3 basin fir stream;. t".tc i. ;~. If tf~6 i:SB.°iiCl t11U5t b~ draire~+ l~rf c"'.fl Efit'Br~E3r;:"~ gar iti ;:•~rfttrrTl rr~dinttncxrtCE' tF'F_- ij`t1`>'h^~,rl~ ~i SL''aitTl~Cit t~`irUU~~I the emergoncy dr~rin stt~il tie rrrir?irrfir_ed tc the rn~xir~urr, extent ~?r~Ct~:~dt. ~. Alt c~~pt~rrents ~` the ci'y detention r~~srr systerrr sh~l ;`~~ rr^,~i^tainrd n gc~~d ~r.=r~rr<ir~g erd~r. 7. Level spreaders sir other' str~ieture~ t!`rat ptr;~i~ida diffuse t?e+~u s~eil bg rnair•~t~inrd ~v~ry six rr~ranth5. ail accumulated sei~irnent aril det~ris sh`i~l! he remGS•~d from the structuirw and a I>.:uci el~v~tion shill tie maintained across the entire f'e~w spreadir~ str~!~tufe. Ferry d~~r~ra grrscS~~nt ert)sic'~ri mast he reoairr~d and/fir repianted~as ne~es~.ar}~ I acknc~.v,edcge arrct s~gr~a by my sigratrire re~fl~~l tt',at I ~m respons!b1C f{2r he p~r'`o'tr~nc~ ~+f the aevpn rr,~ rit~~,~~nc~ pt€~cr~~l~~res Isst~d ~~cve f agree t=J notify rj;rJ,t of ar'iy preta~~arcs watt; the syr:terri car prig try terry Crl~ar"1tj~S to t~"{-' S~IStE.'tT'r "ilr rGSf~c~rlStCJie ~lcart`r ~,,,."" ~ F~rirri rtarrra: ...~ 1/t~.~f ~ ~`~r,-, s. .J x t~~ldr~'SS; U t..~ '~ ~ C~ t"~~We..~ *,. d Z.~ ~3 ~ C ~ ~ ~'`. E.~ ~ r `~_ t ti: ~"~ c,~ r"~ ~.~ . ------- 4='t~~3r1£'. 1 ~ `f 1.~- ~ j ..~ ~~ ~ 1 ~igr~ature.' I*toi~s; The ier~ally respc~nsibie party st~~r,;Id not ~e ~ ry;~m~~ev~•ner~ asscciaicr^ ~rntess rT~c.re ttr~zrr ~~~u cat th~r Ivts hav8 kreen sold cnti a ~t~srij+~rt? 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