HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03106_Well Construction - GW1_20230428 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW 1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Con tractor Information:,: Landon Phillips 14.WATER ZONES Well Contractor Nemc FR06, TO MCRIFFlOrt 3441 A NC Well ConunctorCertification Number 37v - 15,OUTER CASING for multi-cos vells OR LINER if n licnblc NW Poole Well and Pump Company rA( To Drnn,srER T,,,CravEss n,ATEaI``nt P y l-t ". '� ft. (�j in. 6a� �al v Com an Namc 16.INNER CASING OR TUDING(geothermal closed-loon) 2.Well Construction Permit N:_-2 FU 7LL6 FROM TO DIAMETER __F_T_H_ic_K_N_E­ss­__l MATERIAL List all applicable well construction pennus(i.e.U1C,Cmauy,State,Parlance,etc.) ft. ft. in 3.Well Use(check well Ilse): Wa7invec l: 17:SCREEN. ❑A FROM TO DIAbIETER SLOTSIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL ❑Municipal/1 ublic it ft. in. ❑Ging/Cooling Supply) residential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. in. ❑lttrcial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 18.GROUT ❑I ❑Wells>100,000 GPD I7tOM1f TO MATEIAL EM1iPLACE5IENI M1lErfiOD 6 AOrOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: C) ft. of ft. ❑Monitoring ❑Recove ry. ft. ft. Ltjectinn Well: ❑A uifer a ❑Gro Recharge ft. ft. q g undwater Rctncdiation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK ifa licnblc ❑SalinityBarir FROM TO 5ATERIAL EM1SPLACEIlENT11IE1710D ❑AquiferTcst I:. I;I i bStorintvatcrDraina c ft. ft. []Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control tr. ft. ❑Geothermal(Closed LOOP) ❑Tracer i 20.DRILLING LOG Attach ndditionnl sheets if necessary) ❑Geothermal(1-leating/Cooling Retum) ❑other(explain under N2l Remarks) FRoaI To DESCRIFrION color,bnrdness,sail/rock type, rain size,etc. D ft. ft. / (G' 4.Date Well(s)Completed: ,2—Z Z?'Well IDN / . 5rr.Well Location: Ili, l )I�T ft.* �y rrl� r° HR 2 S Pacilily/OrvncrNnmc ,i ft. ft.Facility JDl!(ifapplicable) I _ s �1 } s�lI e (lc� Gn,1 dJ r;: �'�f��c• � Ic. ft. Physical Address,City,and Zip " '' P'• ft. ft. lGf/1�C�I to 21.REMARKS CO11(y Parcel identification No.(PiN) Used hardened steel drive shoe. Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (irwcll Field,one lat/long is.su(TcicnQ 22.Ccrti(icati 6.Is(nri:)ilia well(s): ❑lsermnnent or ❑Temporary Signaturc ofCcn(ficd Well Contractor Date '.'`1' I`�' Uysigning this farm,/hereby cert jy that r c,ii-ell(s)Iras(irere)consiructed in accordance Irith 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: .. bYcs: lii'. bNo 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Consiruction Standards and that a capr If this is a repair,fill out knou n trell constrclion irrforivatlon mad explaln due nature of the of this record has been provided to the bell olrner. repair under iD21 rernanlr section at-oil the back of tilform ls . I 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geotherm„al,}Vells having die same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction' only I GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Ovice in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled:+ 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.'I:ol:tf well depth below land surface: (Ct) ran•uniirlplen-ells list fill deplhsifddereni(6 niplaJ3@200.1.gnd2@100') Submit this GW-1 within 30 days ofwell completion per the following: 10.Static water level below to of cnsin 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), ljuatcr level is above casing,Ilse"P" Sr I (fL) Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole dinrnctcr: 6 (in.) 24b.For Infection Wells: Copy to DWR, Underground Injection Control(IUC) p ;' Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Well coils true tion'mcthod: Rotary (i.c.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) 24c.For Water Sun ply and Onen-Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to 11'te i, county environmental health department of the county where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: t.''"' J+!T,L''' 24d.For Water Wells producing over 100.000 GPD•Copy to DWR,CCPCUA 13a.Yield(gP 111) 111ctltod o f test BLOW Pcrmlt Program,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 '� : , u sal 13b.Disinfection type: HTH 1 Ib.Amount: Fonn GW-1 North Carolina Department oCEnvironmental Quality-Division of Walcr Resources RPvicad r,.r,--rn l r