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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20041178 Ver 2_Monitoring Report Year 5_201505222oa4 IM � 3
C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc.
May 26, 2015
Mr. Tim Fox 1 (t
NC Division of Water Resources — —_a v U (�
2090 US Highway 70 MAY D
Swannanoa, NC 28778 2 2015
RE: The Ramble 401 8 BUFF
Year 5 Culvert Monitoring — Final Report ER PERMITTING
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Version 3 #2
Buncombe County, North Carolina
Dear Mr. Fox,
Please reference the 401 Water Quality Certification (Certification) issued by the NC
Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on July 30, 2009 (Attachment A). The Certification
authorizes 274 linear feet of stream impact at the Ramble in Biltmore Forest, Buncombe
County, North Carolina. This correspondence complies with Additional Condition 3
(Culvert Installation) in the Certification. Culverted crossings at the Ramble have been
monitored and the results are discussed below.
Crossing #I
The DWQ noted that the culverts in this location were perched above the streambed at
the discharge point. Remedial activities were completed at Crossing #1 to raise the water
elevation so that the perch condition was eliminated. A cross section and longitudinal
profile; along with representative photographs, are shown below.
Cross- Sectlon
Crossing #1
0 92
91 .,
w 89 --
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Station (ft)
Ground Surface (2014) -- Ground Surface (2015)
Crossing #l. Cross - Section.
224 South Grove Street, Suite F
Hendersonville, NC 28792
828- 698 -9800 Tel
828 - 698 -9003 Fax
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 2 of l l
Photo 1. Crossing #1. View of double barrel culverts looking upstream.
Photo 2. Crossing #1. Water depth in the left culvert looking upstream is approximately
0.47 feet.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 3 of I I
Photo 3. Crossing #l. Water depth in the right culvert looking upstream is
approximately 0.6 feet.
Longitudinal Profile
Crossing #1
91 ...
> 89
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Station (ft)
--- Thalweg (2014) —°s— Thalweg (2015) Water Surface
Crossing #1. Longitudinal Profile.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 4 of I I
The DWQ noted that the culverts in this location were perched above the streambed at
the discharge point. Remedial activities were completed at Crossing #2 to raise the water
elevation so that the perch condition was eliminated. A cross section and longitudinal
profile; along with representative photographs, are shown below.
Cross - Section
Crossing #2
o 88
> 87
w 86
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Station (ft)
Ground Surface (2014) — Ground Surface (2015)
Crossing #2. Cross - Section.
Photo 4. Crossing #2. View of double barrel culverts looking upstream.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 5 or I I
�4 i
� 4
_v 7
Photo 5. Crossing #2. Water depth immediately below the culvert is
approximately 0.2 feet.
Longitudinal Profile
Crossing #2
W 86
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Station (ft)
Thalweg (2014) —+— Thalweg (2015) • • • • • . • • • Water Surface
Crossing #2. Longitudinal Profile.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26. 2015
Page 6 of 1 I
Crossing #3
The DWQ noted that the culvert in this location was perched above the streambed at the
discharge point. Remedial activities were completed at Crossing #3 to raise the water
elevation so that the perch condition was eliminated. A cross section and longitudinal
profile; along with representative photographs, are shown below.
Cross - Section
Crossing #3
=0 93
m 92
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Station (ft)
—Ground Surface (2014) —Ground Surface (2015)
Crossing #3. Cross- Section.
�t!'1 .r.
Photo 6. Crossing #3. View of culvert looking upstream.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 7 of 11
Photo 7. Crossing #3. Water depth in the culvert is approximately 0.1 feet.
Longitudinal Profile
Crossing #3
92 Az
= 91
m 90
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Station (ft)
- Thalweg (2014) , Thalweg (2015) • • • • • • . • • Water Surface
Crossing #3. Longitudinal Profile.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 8onl
Crossing #8
The DWQ noted that the culvert in this location was perched above the streambed at the
discharge point. The applicant evaluated crossing #8 and as stated in the September 15,
2009 correspondence to DWQ: "The culvert in its current condition is not perched.
Photos of the crossing clearly show water backing up in the culvert and streambed
material accumulating in the culvert. There is approximately 0.2 feet of water backing up
into the culvert. No corrective action is proposed for this crossing." Photos have been
included in this report for review.
Photo 8. Crossing #8. View of culvert looking upstream.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvcrt Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 9 of I I
Photo 9. Crossing #8. There has been no change in stream condition at this location since
2009. Water depth in the culvert is approximately 0.2 feet.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page 10 of I 1
Crossing #9
The DWQ did not specifically identify Crossing #9 in the 401 Certification. The
applicant evaluated crossing #9 and as stated in the September 15, 2009 correspondence
to DWQ: "The culvert in its current condition is not perched. Photos of the crossing
clearly show water backing up in the culvert and streambed material accumulating in the
culvert. There is approximately 0.5 feet of water backing up into the culvert. No
corrective action is proposed for this crossing." Photos have been included in this report
for review.
Photo 10. Crossing #9. View of culvert looking upstream. There has been no change in
stream condition at this location since 2009. Water depth in the culvert is approximately
0.5 feet.
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Mr. Tim Fox
May 26, 2015
Page I I of I I
Crossing #10
The DWQ did not specifically identify Crossing #10 in the 401 Certification. The
applicant evaluated crossing #10 and as stated in the September 15, 2009 correspondence
to DWQ: "The culvert in its current condition is not perched. Photos of the crossing
clearly show water backing up in the culvert and streambed material accumulating in the
culvert. There is approximately 0.1 feet of water backing up into the culvert. No
corrective action is proposed for this crossing." Photos have been included in this report
for review.
Photo 11. Crossing #10. View of culvert looking upstream. There has been no change
in stream condition at this location since 2009. Water depth in the culvert is
approximately 0.1 feet.
The applicant believes the information in this Year 5 Final Report satisfactorily
concludes the monitoring requirement from Condition 3 in the 401 Water Quality
Certification. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (828) 698 -9800 if you have any
questions or comments regarding the information submitted with this letter.
S' cerel
R. a id e
cc: US Army Corps of Engineers — Tasha Alexander
NC Division of Water Quality, Raleigh — Karen Higgens
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
Attachment A
DWQ 401 Water Quality Certification
DWQ Project No. 20041178 Culvert Monitoring 2015
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Division of Water Quality
Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins
Governor Director Dee Freeman
July 30, 2009
Tom Williamson
Ramble Biltmore Forest, LLC
One Town Square, Sate 330
Asheville, North Combos 28803
Subject: 401 Water Quality Cerffication - Approval
The Ramble
DWQProject# 20041178 version 3 d2.
Buncombe County
Frrmch Broad / Dingle Creek / C / 6-71
Dear Mr. WDliamson:
The DWQ has completed the review of your 401 Wnirr Quality Certification modification application tusociated with the
subject project listed above and aball replace the Certification issued MY 29.2009.
This modified Approval is being granted to place fill within or otherwise impact 274 Enear feet of streams for tbe
of residential subdivision development at the subject property. This approval requires y� foDow the oondldo,
listed in the attached Certifitmtion and any additional conditions listed below.
Project impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3705. This Certification snows you to use
Regional (3enetnl Permit 29 when issued b the U5
Y Army Carps ofl3nginears (llSAC�, Aulbori2ation topraceed with
Your proposed impacts or m conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as autbotizzed by this
Certification ahaIl expire upon expiration of the corresponding USACE General Perrot Verification. In addition, you
should obtain or otherwise comply with arty ad= required federal. state or local permits before you proceed with you
Project including (but not linited tn) Erosion and Sediment Contml and stxnmwater regulations.
This approval is fro the purpose and design that you described in your application. If you change your project, you must
notify us and may be required to submit a new application,
Impacts Approved
The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general condititms of this
Certification are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts:
L0008a 2000 U.5, I%hWq 70, S=nnsnw, North CaMW 28770
Phase 828.29845001FA)L•M2997043 %eustvmersa,m 14M.827.018 ,�r1
laxemetwrmrnayrspygaaxerlug , vlDii u1Carohn8
Rembtc AOmmm Fc=i. LLC
Jnir 30.2007
Page 2 d3
Amount Approved (Ijmts)
]DD feet)
Plan Locuti on Or Reference
24 feet)
14 (feet)
40 (feet)
20 (feet)
20 feet
4 feet
20 (feet)
20 (feet)
Utility Qnssin A (Temp)
utility Crossing B ern
20 (feet)
ry Crossing G (Temp)
Additional Conditions
I. Compensatory Mitigation Using the Ecosystem Enhancement program (EEP)
We understand that YOU wish to make apaymeat to the NCDEhQt Wetlands Trost Fund administered by the NC
Ecosystem Enhancement Pxogram (EEP) to meet this midgadon mquuemeat This has been determined by lbe
DWQ to be a suitable method to meet the mitigation requirement. Until the EEP receives and clears your cherJc
(made payable to: DENR — Ecosystem Enhancement program Office), no impacts specified in this Authorization
Certificate shall occ L The EEP should be contacted at (919) 716 -1921 if yon have any questions conceming
paymentinto the fund. You have 60 days from the date of this approval to make thlspayment For accounting
purposes, this Aniborization Certificate nuthorhes payment iato the NCDENR Wetlands Trusthimd to
meet the following compensatory mitigation requirement:
2. No Direct Discharge of Stnrmwnter
The WaW Quality Certification Additional Conditions (issued August 5, 2004) for this projectrequuEd
that "no direct discharge of concentrated starmwater shall be allowed from this project. All collected
stormwatcr must be treated and discharged via diffuse flow through vegetated boffers. " An on -site
inspection from the Regional Office revealed that the roadside sweles at crossing #18 )rad stormwater
drains to the surface waters below. Within 30 calendar days of the issuance of this Certification, you
must provide a plan and time line for implementation, which will bring this crossing into compliance
with the above condition.
3. CulvertInsteEntion
The Water Quality Certi5cation Additional Conditions (issued August 5,20M) fur this projectngnired that
"culverts required far this project shall be installed in such a manner that the original stream profiles are not
altetrd. Existing stream dimensions including the cross section dimensions, pauern, and longitudinal profile must
be maintained above and below locations of each culvert. Culverts shall be designed and installed to allow for
aquatic life movement as well as to prevent head cutting of the streams. jr any of the existing pipes are, m
become perched the appropriate stream grade shall be re- established, or if the pipes inshMed in a Perched manncr
the pipes shall be removed and re- installed correctly. Culverts shall riot be installed in such a manner that will
cause aggradntion or erosion of the stream up or down stream of the culverts. Existing *cam dimensions
Compensatory bat Igation
River and Sub -basin Number
15 Pinearm
I Frmch ]Wad 132
2. No Direct Discharge of Stnrmwnter
The WaW Quality Certification Additional Conditions (issued August 5, 2004) for this projectrequuEd
that "no direct discharge of concentrated starmwater shall be allowed from this project. All collected
stormwatcr must be treated and discharged via diffuse flow through vegetated boffers. " An on -site
inspection from the Regional Office revealed that the roadside sweles at crossing #18 )rad stormwater
drains to the surface waters below. Within 30 calendar days of the issuance of this Certification, you
must provide a plan and time line for implementation, which will bring this crossing into compliance
with the above condition.
3. CulvertInsteEntion
The Water Quality Certi5cation Additional Conditions (issued August 5,20M) fur this projectngnired that
"culverts required far this project shall be installed in such a manner that the original stream profiles are not
altetrd. Existing stream dimensions including the cross section dimensions, pauern, and longitudinal profile must
be maintained above and below locations of each culvert. Culverts shall be designed and installed to allow for
aquatic life movement as well as to prevent head cutting of the streams. jr any of the existing pipes are, m
become perched the appropriate stream grade shall be re- established, or if the pipes inshMed in a Perched manncr
the pipes shall be removed and re- installed correctly. Culverts shall riot be installed in such a manner that will
cause aggradntion or erosion of the stream up or down stream of the culverts. Existing *cam dimensions
Ramble L malc Fww. LLC
July 3D. 2[109
g6c 3 01`3
including the cross section dimensions pattern and longitudinal profile shall be maintained above and below
locations of each culvert" An on -site inspection from the Regional Office revealed the following
• Crossing 41 (dual barrel culvens) i5 perched above the areambed at its discharge point.
• Crossing 4r'Z (dual barrel culverts) is perched above the streambed at its discharge point.
• Crossing ##3 is perched.
• Crossing #8 is perched at its discharge point
All crossings within the development most be re-evaluated. documented (photographs with scale both above and
below) and a plan developed to bring all crossings into compliance with the above cited Certification condition
This plan along with a time line for implementation sba l be submitted within 30 calendar days of issuance with
this approval
All mitigation and installation modifications shall be completed pri or to September 30, 2009. �nlations of any condition
herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties,
If you do not accept any of the conditions of this Certificadon (associated with the aped wetland or shraur impacts),
You may ask for ri to jp iiti o , bearing You mast act within 60 days of the date that you mceive this letter. To ask for a
hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter im of the North Carolina l3eueral Slatules to the Office of
Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N C 27699 -6714. This certification and its conditions are
final and binding unless you ask for a hearing
This letter completes then qua ti your application
Water Act by the Division Of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean
If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Barnett in the Asheville Regional Office at 828 - 2964
CO1een R Sullins, Director
cc: USACE Asheville Regulatory Fald Office — Electronic Copy
401 Petmitting Unit — Central Office— Electmaic Copy
David McHetuy —NC Wildlife Resources Commission— ElecaoWc Copy
File Copy
(i.WIFEIATA'DE""Bwearah"ll W" l78M3.Rambld2j"ra;,uLLIac