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GW1-2023-02726_Well Construction - GW1_20230411
WCLL CONSTRUCTION RL� .�D GW! For Internal UseOn! I,JX.dlC ntractorinform Qon: U C!�'!�//41(�d� 14.WATERZONES s FROM TO DESCRI1710N Wc11 CommetorNmna n R, ,0 ft. n—Q�.�f .P-t / R. 1f fL / NCWeHCarumetorCllertiilioationNuniber 15.OUTERCASINC formuldcas Yells ORLiNER Ifs ((cable and ��'� 1 t F�toMr To D1A-rE ER TruclaEss. DurERr,\t Z.t m R Ia. .D Company Name + �n/ �^/_ 16.1NNER CASING ORTUBING 1 ealhervial ctmd•ioa 2.Neil Construction Permlt#: joa)_, �+•6ws r /�0�`�+ FRO?I I TO I DIAMETER I THIC1:.NESS "IATERML' List all applicable coattruction petmitsV.e.U1C Ca:rr.0:Satre-Vatiaare.eta) • iL fL la- 3.Well Use(check well use): IT.SCREEN .�c�'•'- - Water Supply Well: FROM TO D14\IEr•ER I SLOTSIZE I THICKNESS SLATEAiAL Agricultural ©Munieipaf/Public 1. 0 R. lo. � h� Z!J U Geothennot(Heafng/Coof(ng Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) R,I In. itidushiaUCommtxcial Rrsidcntial•WalcrSupply(shared) IS6GROUC ,- Irri ti0a FROM TO MATERIAL EDIPLACEMFNT ETROD&A 1041i`r' t1. - -- — Monitoring []Recovery Injection WeW ft. R. Aquifer Recharge ❑GroundwaterRemediation 19.SANDIGRAVELPACKtifa Ilnahle • •'_ '" 1-.7 •••;7- ••• " AquiferSttlmge.andRecovery []Salinity Barrier FROM I To MATERIAL EDtp[Ac£at17+Tn+Enton AquiferTtst QStot, \vaterDsairuga 0 ft• e ft. tt ErperimentalTeahnology []SubsidenceConuol ft. fL Geothermal(Closed Loop) [:3Tr•cer 20.DRILLING LOG(attach addltloasl sheets ff necessary) FF MII TO DF:<CRti'r10M 1ealo.EaMaess toiVroekh e. minslaaete. Geothermal(HeatingiCooling Return) Other(explain IMCIV#2l ROWes) ft tL A.Date Will(s)Completed:*a-1Or��-•Well 1D# • Sa:(Yell Location: - - r^ ..,,. � •_--• 1 (- APR ,-, 1 7 coil IDII ifn lleabla n• It. Faclii 0waarNan+e Y ( p ) �lUll n• -ft. P lea 11 city,and Zip J -21.111LEMAR1CS , Coyniy + Parcel Identification Naa,•(FIN) 5b.Latltudeand longitude in degreesfnliruteskeeaads or decimal degrees: Cipfall field,one latllong a sufficient) .Cerlific I J L t �it i'l �D t �•�tt W .i WO'Cenitied\ it retractor; to 6.Is(Are)the wellookermament or Temporary• . 11��..��,, s(galag this form,I hereby cen16'that the mil(j)Sim(urtr)coattruaed Lt aecatdanre 7.Is this a repair to an existing well. �Ycs or Na ufrh 13ui A'C C 02CJ7100 or!Sd A'C.IC 02C.0:ti01Pef:Coratnr<tioa Stardards'and ch4fa If this it a repair,jlll otrt lstan,t hell constructive+lajormadon n wrplata the nature of the roW'oJdrlr rttortl has beets ptot'ided to die ueU'qunrr. repair under i111 remar tr seuimi or on the back-Of thil ornt• 23.Site diagram or additional well detals: You mayuse the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well &.For CcoprobclDP1'or Closed-Loop Geothermal Welishalring the same eoastrac ldn,only I G%V-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwells construction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled SUBMiTTAi.iNSTRUCTION3 9.Total well depth below land surface: 1 (2 130 (ft.) 24a.For All Wcllse Submit this form within 30 days of completion of wen For•multiple us1h list all depdrr illditlereaI(eeample-3(g 00•turd 1Q/00') COmtnrotior 4o the following: 10.Statiewater level below top of casing: (It.)• illvislon of Water Resources,Information Processing Ualt, ljsmter 1t+:1lsabore crislOZ.use'U=' -1617 hull Servicetenter,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 , 11.Borehole dblmeter: l /Z (in) 24b.ForInjection Veils:-In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this fom+t within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well'constructlon methods t " ' construction to turn foilowirrg: i (Laau�eyrotary.eabiGdt,eccpusl�ae) _. ;_ ... Division of Water-Resource-4 Underground lnjcetion Central Program, FOR WATERSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 , 13n.Yield(gpm) / Method of test: 24c.For Water StmDiv&fniceRO11 WcBss in addition to sending the form•to the address mses)above, also submit one copy of this to •within 30 days of dab.Disinfection type: Amount•. U n Z completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. ltavisad2-t2-2016 Fom1GW1 Nord+CamlinaDep+amentOfEnvironmantalQuaiity-DivislonofWoterResow�es -