HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02663_Well Construction - GW1_20230411 • LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW.1 For Tatemal Use Only 1-Well Contractor information: Russell Taylor wall ContreowNeme I4.W ERZONFS 2167-A opt To ' i i usscluPnon It KC WCH Contractor Cron Numb, 7 ft. 7�Q Haddon Brothers Well Drilling inc ormolu=edwelts oRDnvERflt le r Fttolt TO i MA1tti:TEit ry; CotapaayNmee _ iL ft in. K TZMAL 2.Well Coastmadon Permim- 16 LNAZRCAEN DRTtTBlKG erraalaloseddoo Un a1l dMilw6k ttd l ca F C TROSI To , auat>:1 ER 7}IItS{:1lEss 1KA tsrurrerton ramfta a NG C"trnry,S tat e Yariarue,err.J la. 3-Well use(check won use): I tL 1 SL, V� Water Supply Weil: _ �a I p rL m• 8 E�, 17.SCREEN Agricultural E2MnaicipaMblic °(`t To m.►utezEtt st orstztt rlffctc� atATl:ltllaL Cteotlsesosei Mcatting)Coolftt S tL fr. Ia. al 6 uPP1Y) �Resideatial Water Supply(single) � :tL is IndustriaVCommaeial Residential Water Supply(shared) hti Lion I8 GRDtIT IQ4t,_W, ter$ FROM TO }tp� L Eatpt dGlwli�lTaTEfHOD 3 L�1CIG1 Dpn�r well: tL Zo �. Monitoring �a�� Pumped ection Ye)l; Recovery fL ft- Aqui&rRcchatgc �Gtouadurtcr Rcmediadon fL I :L Aquifer Storage and Recovery 0,SalWty Battier i9.SANDlGRAStEL PACK If a liesble) FR0.4f TO ]L1T6nLlL FatpLAGE1tfE�ThtEniQD qW*r Test Stormrrsta Drainage ft. I fc Experimental Technolory Subsidence Control ft. I n Geothetmal(ClosedLoop) �'fracer zo.nRILLI:VI 6L0G atWchadditiooaIsheetsiin CleotIteratat(Hearin Coolie Realm) Other(ex lain under g21 Xemarls) moat •to DESCRIPTION(color.h2rdaemnithaek a >da eeas � ft, fL clay d sand 4.Date Well(s)Completed:s? Well M# tt. 8 ft. I yran� Sa.Well Location: - NNJ�h, 0✓TiSCtk ft. ft. ,,.Faculty woe VPtm .� ') Facility M6(if applicable) fr. R. l j zon �a- ► im r 'wrlo r° sL Physfeal Address.City.and Zip � I sc-1 ft � f �CiiGi n tilt: -6o 5.00953308 County '.1.R£SL4IiICS - Pared Ideatiheatioa No.(PLC) � 5b.Latitude and Ioagit udc in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: I (ifweU field,one iatilong is sufficient) 22.Certification: 35• rid.01,8�,(8 .� ®�3°aAl-.a;33 W 3�acne 3 6.WIN the aell(s) Permanent or rtiTemporary SignatureofCett(fiadNollContmetor Date! I 't� Bp tigeriag this Jana!hereLv certify that r urll fs)ices h�rir)coastraued in azardar 7.Is this a repair to an existing[veil: E2Yas or No aide 15A NCAC 03C.t))00 or ISjt VCBC 0?C.OZ00 IG'ell Canmsrctlon Sand n*and ilia #*this&a repair•Jill out kaown 1-11 eonstr•uetion tnfarmarton -esplair rhr ratur..of the cope gfthb retard has been ptasided io the well oimer. repair tmdir gull remorltr jawlan or an the back ofi tisform. ?a-.Site diagram of additional Ivell details: 8.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or w corimcdon,only,I OW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL Ni MBER of Nvells construction details[You may also attach additional pages if necessary. ceded:.— Q SUBMITTAL INSTRUCITONS 9.Total well depth below land surface. V CfL) 242. For All wens: Submit this f031 within 30 days of completion of v For malnpte urltc 1W all depth lydolermt(vramp1r-3@200 and 2@1001) construction to the following 10.Static water level balon•top of casing: 3Jro (fr.) Division of F4ater Resources,Information Processing unit,{J,vafrrlauvllrahovr cmirt�rsv �^ I617.Nlail Service Center,Raleigh,'14C 27699-1617 11.Borehole dfamater. (ta) 24b.Fe r In ieetion`Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in: L• above,also submit;one copy of this form within 30 daya of completion of c 12.Well,construction method: 41 consttuetioa to the feiloniae: G e auger;mtaty,cable,direct ptsh,etc) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, aleigb,titC 27699 1636 13a.Yield(gpm) 0(gq0 rNlethnd of test: 1.4c.For Water SunnTv&Infection Wells: In addition w sending the fora the addresses) above,I also submit one copy of this iban within 30 day: 13b.Disinfection type: rl Amounr: ` completion of well construction to the county health department of the coi where constructed. Form 01'-1 :_ North Carolina Depar.;renr afE-.simntacn;al Qyalit±-Di�:�-io.:o:t�It-rvRcsou:ces Rori,ed 2.13=