HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02630_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDIGW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1.Well Contractor Information: 14.R ATF32 ZONES Well Contractor Name FROM 1 TO DES 466)7 APR 1 0 2023 Yci I 't 6-9,0 ". ft. NC Well Coninictor Certification Numler r)iC- !J:-a - 15.OUTER CASING(for multi-cased Avells LINER(if lica ulli-ca"Avells) R lei WgyZe r-IIIZI— !91 tllram fil 7 TO DIA51=11 I - JUKAESS "%VLTERM.L Company Nam* ft. ft. in. I 16.EVNER CASING OR ING(4geothe a]closed-loon) Construction Perntit#: wmoco 1?-3? FRO.111 I To YFJJ_CK_NESS ATERIAL I IMAJETER I MATERIAL List all applicable ivelicansinictioupenilits(i.e.UIC.C01111tv.Srare,1�arjajzc-e.ate.) It. ft. in. 3.Well Use(Che&Well use): ft. in. NVater Supply Well- 17.SCREEN FiTU-11 TO MANIFTER SLOTS17 TuiC;5,r-s s 55,TERim. -OAaicultttml MunicipalTublic ft. ft. itL Meotherflial(Heatinpi'Coolir 2- ig Supply) DResidential Water Supply(singgle) D I 5nti, LIZ) ft. ft is - 01ndustrial/Commercial ORessidential Watc�-Supply(shared) (;ROL_.r Oh-rigation 100.00 GPD FROM I TO Non-Water Supply Well: SI fL ft (geothermal %,Monitoring L) MIA CY✓f" 'y"c"" ee.i e. -4riYAMlif lereo ore ft Injection Well- '11-6' 0 IL ft. OAquifer Recharge IlGroundivater Remedialion ElAquifer Storagc and Recovery OSalinity Barrier 19.SAND/GRAVEL PAC fif applicable) FROM TTO MATERLAL CAquiferTest UStornim.-ater Drainage 4,�'J/ ftt �S—/ rL OF, 4 xne"rimental Technolo- CPA 4 —Jr tM(n)d.4,.:,V 1?� gy OSubsidence Control fLn. t[qGeothermal(Closed Loop) 07fracer 0 DRIL G LOG(attach additional sheets if necessary) lz6d-b6thclm-I(Heatin.--iCO-Ht�-%Ret. 00ther(explain undti-=2 T R iFROM TO zim h=dn�s-Wrack qpc. l:i s_iz�7ks 10 ft' 35- ft. T,-t 3-_�b Well IM N p�M K 47 4.Date NVell(s)Completed: I R 0/3 3o� ft- 6 t 45 rL Fyn na.Well Location: ft. ft. i -e. A E, i Ve 1,er-lie, ft. ft. FacfliLy,"0wncrName V Facility 1130(ifopplicable) ft. ft. L) ft. ft. Physical Address.Cm.and Zip YLPT002-q 3 0 3 ZI County 5h.Latitude and longitude in degrecs!rninutestsee6lids'ordeci-r.nal-degrees- (if well field,one latflong is sufficient) 22.Certificntion: 3S 113-, N 21 6 37 W Cf_ 6.Is(are)the weii(s). Wermanent or OTemporary Sipatu of Ccrd: d well Contractor Date Br signing aasfam;.I jlerc.n.cerrifY that the well ft)it-as orer'-)constricted in accordance itfth 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ElYes or JkNo 10his is a repair,fill ma Anoitv irell corn.-acii—injbrazation oral arplair-x none qirthe qf this record has bevy r,ul.,;ded it,the well all-ner. repair under g-'I remarks secdorioron:1'1-eh:x.:q1*a1Lvjarn1. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprobeffiPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells ha: the-same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info construction,only I GWA is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUME.P.-R ofivells !:Idd',SLe Ove'in Remarks Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: 2-1.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: For intillip!e wells list all depvLv ii-djIlle.ein(erainlyk,3L6,200 cnl 2 Submit this GVV-1 within 30 days of well completion per the fulloiAna: 10.Static water level below top or casing: .5-460 tit t 24s. For All Wells. Original form to Division of Water Resources (DNA"R.). fl'it-ater lerel Is above casing.ase—- !"formation Processing Unit.1617 MSC,Raleigh.INC-27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 21 (in-) 24b.For Injection W-ells:Copy to DNVF_Underground Injection Control(IUC) Program,16-36 RISC.Ralcigh.NNC 27699-1 636 II.Well construction method: I C� IL Le.surer,rolary.cnb1,:.direct push,etc.) For NVater S and 40ion-Loots RaICLeothermal Return I'yells ve1.1; Copy to the F_ county euvironme, r; nine",ul.the county where installed _pa L: FOR NVATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For'V1,'2zer "ells producing over 100 000 GPD:Copy to DWR.CCPCUA 13n.Yield(gpm) M -.L ethod of test: E1—Permit Prc1 '. 1611 MD_ralelgl 13b.Disinfection 1_1,pc:' Amount-