HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2023-02626_Well Construction - GW1_20230410 NVE LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(OW-1) For Internal Use 0 1.Well Contractor Information: (fe 14.WATER.ZONES Well ContsusclorNanse 031 TO DESCRIPTIO.N 14, 'M8 Z0' -R IL -1-In W 4r,AlIq Re t.2e NC Well Contractor Certification Number APR 1 0 2023 15.OUTER MSM bl -CASING for multi-cased sells) RLJ1%ER(ijCap 1i'I so I I M_�KXESS ffATE ft. Company Maur: 16.MNER CASING OR-TUBING closed-logp) MAT To -5 ==7 2.Well Construction Permit 51E R If KNESS MATMIAL List all applicable well consiruclion pennits ff.e-UIC.Colw(r.5rate,Mariance,etc.) ft. In. 3.Well Use(check ivell use): Water Supply Weil: 17.SCREEN -OAaricultural 02%,lunicipal/Public FRONT MANW.TER TMCKNF-c;S- 31ATEMA1. DGeolliernial(HeqtingiCoojin-Supply) o 1(0 "r- Ct Jr2- in 6, Sck 'jo P L)r- Midential Water Supply(single) ---- ft. fL is 01ndustrial/Commercial OResidential Watcr Supply(shared) M.GROUT Dirrigation -0XVcils OO.GOO GPD FRO-11 i To 1MTEMA Non-Water Supply Well: Ct Z. 'L (3 r 4tU L4 QWonitoring ORecoven; Injection Well: -- V f'- 0Aquifer-Re-chirge ❑OsGroundwater Remediation 19.SANDIGRAVEL P.ACf-(if livable)DAquifer Storage and Recovery DSalinily Barrier 1 2. 1`11051 TO MATERIAL Aquifcr Test OStormv.-ater Drainage t( fL FTHGD C, I I 'q 2- ff- 6-P 4 / A ElExperimental Technology OSubsidence Control ft. (Closed Loop) OTracer 1 20.D lLljpLqLOG(ato-x:liadditinaislieetsifnecL- ssaarv) 'dGeothermal(HeatingliCesoling Return) To I FRO:%, 00ther(explain under=1 T RcTra:i�s i ; ft ft. In sh'-etc.) 101'a ' ;?()f a I&-� . 4.Date lVell(s)Completed.• 3--'1 -f;elI m#j,4 P& jol o a 3-e-4 ft. S2,,V ft. -t�el C�r 0 -,a-Well Location: SO,ID f" 6., 'L Jr 1,9 2. Facifily,"MvnerNatne ft.Facility JD#(ifapplicable) 1021,_5' 1631* 11 rE er Leep /0 3,7yft n. sr- ca Physi I Address.Chy-and Zip (H. -S-I+ ft. rt. MOO QL "1-7'70 6 -3 It 6 Cl�. 2'-RE""'ARX5 FSMITIONI-1-1-�-- b Cr� Am c-t4q, County Pz:-zal Wentifiration 10-(PDO 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreeslmmutesfsecon dl§or decimfdeggrees: (irwell field,on.-lat/insig is sufficient) I 22.Certification: tv 7- 3 2 6.Is(are)the well(s): Opermanent or OTemporary Signiatsurc ofCcni , Xwell tractor Ease By signing Uric foes,I herchrr rerti&that the 11elt(s)Irds(slerL)cmrstructerl in oc""j"'ce mirlr 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: L-]Yes or eftNO JJA AVAC 02C.0l[jq.,,,15A,,rC..jC fj2C.0200 Hell Goartruclion Srandodsand that.a copy #'flds is a repainfill not knot well corwrarr.".n injitmiation air,(trplaj-'rs,,'-,'-enantre oftile qr1h1v record has het?zrrrA-,-ded to the is-ell ou-ner. repair wider II rctuanfx section or or:re hizn�o"tilis ron". 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprobeffiPT or Clos-ed-Loop Geothermal Wells the same You ma`'use the back of this nal-le to provide additional well construction info construction,only I GIV-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNTLTMBcp orivells (add ISLe Over'in Remarls Box).You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: 0 a-N n ar% 9.Total well depth below land sur-f2ce. 24.SUBN=A1. STRUCTIONS Far undaple irelf.T list oil ee -0 z.. Ir.) xaniple-3@ O'crtj c.qj Submit this GIV-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following. 10.Static water level below top of casing S6 tit m 24a. For AH112115: Original form to Division of Water Resources (MIR.). i(ii-ateric.i-.Ih;aboi-e-casing,use- information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 7 (in.) 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWRt Underground injection Control(IUC) Program.1636 MSC.Raleigh.\C 27699-1636 12.Well construction method: 561) (C' I i.e.auger,rotary.cable,direct push,etc.) 24c.For Water S and Open-Loon, Geothermal Return i" county cuviromnmi�-L-1 1111 d payment Or The county where installed C"15*Copy to the - FOR WATER SUPPLY HELLS ONLY: 24d,For IVater IVellS producing,over 100'000 GPD:Cop),to D\%,,R.CCPCUA 13n.Yield(gpm) 1611.2%�ISC7T-icl-7i,-,�--qc27699-1611- Method oftest- 13b.Disinfection type: Amount-